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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1940)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “BIG THREE DISK 2 OF 2 (1925 ALSO)”

In this WWII strategy game you control all the action from the desolate
fjords of Norway to the scorching sands of Egypt, from the strategic
Rock of Gibraltar to the frozen streets of Moscow.  Recreate the epic
and fiercely fought battles of Tobruk and Stalingrad.  Decide to open
your second front in Normandy or the "soft underbelly" of Europe
(Italy).  Build bombers to hit your opponent's cities or build tanks and
fighters to encircle and destroy his armies at the front.

Detailed maps done in excellent graphics help you track your progress
and plan strategy.  Each player assumes supreme command of the Axis,
Allied or Soviet forces in Europe during 1939-1945.  Players who
perform better than their historical counterparts will normally win, and
those who under-perform will normally lose.  Mouse and/or joystick(s)
are recommended but not required.


Disk No: 1940                                                           
Disk Title: Big Three  disk 2 of 2 (1925 also)                          
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: Big Three                                                
Author Version: 1.02                                                    
Author Registration: $17.00                                             
Special Requirements: 512K RAM, CGA, EGA, or VGA.                       
In this WWII strategy game you control all the action from the desolate 
fiords of Norway to the scorching sands of Egypt, from the strategic    
Rock of Gibralter to the frozen streets of Moscow.  Recreate the epic   
and fiercely fought battles of Tobruk and Stalingrad.  Decide to open   
your second front in Normandy or the "soft underbelly" of Europe        
(Italy).  Build bombers to hit your opponent's cities or build tanks and
fighters to encircle and destroy his armies at the front.               
Detailed maps done in excellent graphics help you track your progress   
and plan strategy.  Each player assumes supreme command of the Axis,    
Allied or Soviet forces in Europe during 1939-1945.  Players that       
perform better than their historical counterparts will normally win and 
those that under perform will normally lose.  Mouse and/or Joystick(s)  
are recommended but not required.                                       
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                 <<<<  Disk #1940  BIG THREE  >>>>                       ║
║                      (disk 2 of 2, 1925 also)                           ║
║ To start program, type: BIGTHREE     (press enter)                      ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type: COPY RULES102.DOC PRN                     ║


	     BIG THREE copyright (c) 1989 by SDJ Enterprises, Inc.

				Version 1.02

           Printing the Rules:

              The complete BIG THREE rules (v.102) are included in the
              file RULES102.DOC. They are in standard ASCII format and
              may be printed out using any word processing program  or
              with the following directions:

              1) Boot up DOS version 2.0 or higher.
              2) Put Start-Up Disk into default drive.
	      3) Turn on printer and align paper to top of page.
              4) Press the Ctrl and Print Screen keys simultaneously
                 to activate printer.
              5) Key in TYPE RULES102.DOC at the DOS prompt.
              6) Press Enter.

	      The rules fit nicely onto standard 8.5 by 11 inch paper.

           Reading the Rules:

	      The rules are 28 pages  long  but  experienced  wargamers
              shouldn't  have any trouble reading through them quickly.
              For less experienced players,   I  suggest  skimming  the
              rules first then playing the game, then reading the rules
              more carefully.   Keep  in  mind  that  you don't have to
              remember all the rules, the computer will.  The rules are
              more or less for documentation and reference purposes.

           Single and Double Disk Drive Users:

              1) Boot up DOS version 2.0 or higher.
              2) Put Start-Up Disk into default drive.
              3) Type BIGTHREE. Press Enter.
              4) See RULES102.DOC, section 1.2 to continue.

           Hard Disk Users:

              1) Boot up DOS version 2.0 or higher.
              2) Copy Start-Up and Game Disk onto hard disk.
              3) Make sure hard disk is the default drive.
              4) Type BIGTHREE. Press Enter.
              5) See RULES102.DOC, section 1.2 to continue.


           IBM(tm) PC and 100% Compatibles
           CGA, EGA or VGA graphics card
           512K memory
           Mouse and/or Joystick(s) are recommended but not required.


           For your convenience, a blank registration form is included
           in the file REGISTER.DOC.    It is in standard ASCII format
           and may be printed out using any word processing program or
           with the following directions:

              1) Boot up DOS version 2.0 or higher.
              2) Put Start-Up Disk into default drive.
              3) Turn On Printer.  Align paper.
              4) Press the Ctrl and Print Screen keys simultaneously
                 to activate printer.
              5) Key in TYPE REGISTER.DOC at the DOS prompt.
              6) Press Enter.

	    Your generous contributions help ensure a steady flow  of
            new shareware products into the marketplace.


           We appreciate your help in tracking down unsightly bugs in
           this program.   Please send a complete description  of the
           error and how it occurred to:

                             SDJ Enterprises, Inc.
                             1551 Fawn Valley Dr.
                             St. Louis, MO  63131

                          or call (314) 966-5602.

        V. FILES

           On the Start-Up Disk:

              README  .DOC   ASCII       Documentation program
              RULES102.DOC   ASCII       BIG THREE rules
              REGISTER.DOC   ASCII       Blank registration form

	      USERLIB .EXE   executable  Library of common programs
              BRUN20  .EXE   executable  Microsoft (tm) library program
              BIGTHREE.EXE   executable  Notice of Copyright
              ONETIME1.EXE   executable  Data program

              MISC1   .BIN   binary      Data file
              ALPHA1  .BIN   binary      Data file
              UNIT1   .BIN   binary      Data file

              COVER1  .PIC   binary      Picture file
              DONATE1 .PIC   binary      Picture file

           On the Game Disk:

              STARTWW2.EXE   executable  Main Menu program
              BORDSET1.EXE   executable  Game set up program
              WWIIRUN2.EXE   executable  Control and supply program
              COMBAT1 .EXE   executable  Military operations program
              BMSE1   .EXE   executable  Build and deploy program

              SCEN1   .WW2   ASCII       Scenario 1 data
              SCEN2   .WW2   ASCII       Scenario 2 data
              SCEN3   .WW2   ASCII       Scenario 3 data
              SAVEGAME.WW2   ASCII       Current scenario data

              EUROPE2 .MAP   binary      Picture file
              EUROPE3 .MAP   binary      Picture file
              EUROPE4 .MAP   binary      Picture file
              EUROPE5 .MAP   binary      Picture file

              COVER1  .PIC   binary      Picture file
              CURSCREN.PIC   binary      Picture file


		       R E G I S T R A T I O N   F O R M
	Mail to:

	SDJ Enterprises, Inc.                                      v1.02
	1551 Fawn Valley Dr.
	St. Louis, MO  63131                              (314) 966-5602

	I wish to become a registered user  of  BIG THREE.   Enclosed is
	a check,   cash or money order for $17.  As a registered user, I
	will receive:

	- Four challenging new scenarios.
	- A scenario editor.
	- A complementary game map.
	- An official BIG THREE sticker.

	( ) I've enclosed an additional $5 for a bound hardcopy of the
	    latest edition of the BIG THREE rule book.



	City, State, Zip _________________________________________________

	Phone (optional) __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ __

	Comments: (Product improvements, questions, bugs and errors, etc.)

	Signature__________________________________  Date ________________

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1940

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ALPHA1   BIN      1170   2-05-89   3:28p
BIGTHREE EXE      5072  10-28-89   2:26p
BRUN20   EXE     69454   1-16-87  11:44a
COVER1   PIC     16392   4-29-89   2:34p
DONATE1  PIC     16392  10-28-89  10:39a
FILE1940 TXT      2147  12-28-89   4:46p
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       617   1-01-80   3:04a
MISC1    BIN       842   3-04-89  10:06a
ONETIME1 EXE     15648  10-28-89   2:29p
README   DOC      5080  10-29-89   4:31p
REGISTER DOC      1102  10-28-89   4:18p
RULES102 DOC     89457  10-29-89   3:17p
UNITS1   BIN      2106   2-05-89   2:15p
USERLIB  EXE    117972  10-28-89   2:26p
       15 file(s)     343489 bytes
                        9216 bytes free