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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1927)

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Information about “BRAINSTORM! 1 OF 2 (2305 ALSO)”

BRAINSTORM is a new approach to group problem solving.  It facilitates
network group discussions by allowing users to respond to any number of
organized "topics" instead of to individual people.

Most E-Mail packages allow user A to send a message to user B, and
perhaps send a carbon copy to users C, D, and E.  While this type of
message management is ideal for individual communication, it falls
short when the goal is to gather feedback from a group while keeping
everyone abreast of the project status.

BRAINSTORM is "topic" structured, not "user" structured. Messages
and replies don't even include a reference to the addressee. The focal
point of a BRAINSTORM message is the "topic." Any user can go to any
topic and read what others have written there. BRAINSTORM keeps track
of what a user has already read and what's still unread.

BRAINSTORM is not a replacement to your existing E-Mail package.  It is
a supplemental program to structure communication between your network
users.  Network-compatible with Novell 2.0a and above, Banyan Vines 2.x
or above, or any network which supports DOS 3.x file
and record-locking, or the Share command.


Disk No: 1927                                                           
Disk Title: Brainstorm!                                                 
PC-SIG Version: S2                                                      
Program Title: Brainstorm!                                              
Author Version: 2.0                                                     
Author Registration: $349.00 for 25 user version.                       
Special Requirements: 448K RAM and netBIOS compatible LAN.              
BRAINSTORM is a new approach to group problem solving.  It facilitates  
group discussions on a network by allowing users to respond to any      
number of organized "topics," instead of individual people.             
Most E-Mail packages which come with a network allow user "A" to send a 
message to user "B," and perhaps send a carbon copy to users "C," "D"   
and "E."  While this type of message management is ideal for individual 
communication, it falls short when the goal is to gather feedback from a
group while keeping everyone abreast of the project status.             
BRAINSTORM is not "user" structured, but rather "topic" structured.     
Messages and replies do not even include a reference to whom the message
is addressed.  The focal point of a BRAINSTORM message is the "topic."  
Any user can then go to a topic and read what others have written       
there.  BRAINSTORM keeps track of what a user has already read,         
and what's new to read.                                                 
Brainstorm is not meant to be a replacement to your existing E-Mail     
package, but rather as a supplemental program to structure communication
between your network users.  It is network-compatible with Novell 2.0a  
and above, Banyan Vines 2.x or above, or any network which supports     
DOS 3.x file and record locking or the Share command.                   
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║          <<<<  Disk #1927  BRAINSTORM  1 of 2 (also 2305)  >>>>         ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start using the program, insert disk 1927 and type:                  ║
║                    COPY READ.ME PRN   (press enter)                     ║
║                                                                         ║
(c) Copyright 1990, PC-SIG Inc.


          This file, VENDOR.DOC, is provided to provide disk vendors with a
          single source of author contact information, COMMERCIAL VERSION
          pricing, and distribution requests.


          This is a TEST-DRIVE release of the BRAINSTORM (tm) from
          Mustang Software,  Inc. It is  a fully-functional LAN  Topic
          Management program  designed to allow  a user to  set-up and
          operate a LAN Email and  Group Management Message system for
          evaluation prior to making a purchase decision.

          The limitation in this TEST-DRIVE release is a maximum of 25
          messages by  a maximum of  5 users. All  functions are fully

          The  COMMERCIAL  release  does   NOT  limit  the  number  of
          messages, however is sold in two versions. A 25 User version
          and UNLIMITED User Version as outlined below:


          BRAINSTORM v2.0 25 User Version       $349.00

          BRAINSTORM v2.0 Unlimited Version     $699.00

          MHS Module (for either version)        $99.00

          CA Residents, please add sales tax.

          All Orders, add $6.00 for Shipping & Handling.

          Call 805-395-0223 for additional information.
          VISA, MASTER CARD, and American Express accepted.

                         Mustang Software, Inc.
                         Post Office Box 2264
                         Bakersfield, CA  93303

          ORDER TOLL-FREE -----> 1-800-999-9619   (orders only, please)

                Distribution of this TEST-DRIVE release for Profit

          We sincerely desire to make our TEST-DRIVE product available to
          as many people as possible through the electronic and catalog
          distribution network.

          We ask that individuals, groups, vendors, or other distribution
          companies which market diskettes containing programs for profit
          obtain written permission from Mustang Software, Inc. prior to
          distribution.  This is a simple process.

          Please forward a copy of the application below if you desire to
          distribute BRAINSTORM TEST-DRIVE for profit.  The following
          conditions apply to distribution for profit:

          1.   Due to its size, we ask that the BRAINSTORM program not be
               included on a diskette with any other software, and that all
               required disks be included as a set.

          2.   Please limit the copying fee to $10.00 per diskette and do
               not accept any other payments for the program.

          3.   Distributors are asked to show evidence that they fully
               support user registration of shareware and TEST-DRIVE
               products as evidenced by advertising or promotional

          Along with your application for distribution, please include a
          copy of your promotional material and advertising copy.  Forward
          your request to:

          Mustang Software, Inc.
          P.O. Box 2264
          Bakersfield, CA  93303

          Attn:  Rick Heming

          COMPANY NAME:_________________________________________________

          CONTACT PERSON:_______________________________________________


          CITY:_________________________  ST:__________ ZIP:____________

          VOICE PHONE:__________________________________

          Please include sample brochures, literature and advertising, if

          Thank You!  We sincerely appreciate your interest.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1927

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BSPROG   LZH    171474   3-28-90   2:00a
INSTALL  EXE     56576   3-28-90   2:00a
LHARC    EXE     30912   3-28-90   2:00a
READ     ME       3241   3-28-90   2:00a
REGISTER FRM      1689   3-28-90   2:00a
VENDOR   DOC      4039   3-28-90   2:00a
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       652   1-01-80  12:27a
FILE1927 TXT      2739   7-13-90  11:37a
        9 file(s)     271360 bytes
                       46080 bytes free