PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1915)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “PULLED FROM LIBRARY”

Personalize your Microsoft Windows environment with your own menus and
submenus, arrange or stack open windows, close windows, iconize them,
and hide windows by making them invisible.  If that's not enough, you
can browse files in your Windows environment and print out whatever you

This well-documented trio of microapplications makes Windows do it your
way.  With COMMAND POST, you easily add any number of menu and submenu
items to the main MS-DOS Windows executive menu bar.  Execution is only
a mouse click away.  COMMAND POST does a lot more than make it easy for
you to start programs.  It helps you get your work done faster and safer
by reducing tedious manual steps.  A single menu item can gather
filenames and other information into listboxes for the user to choose
from, perform arithmetic, parse strings, move and resize windows, read
and write WIN.INI variables, read DOS environment variables, copy, move
and delete files and much more.

While BROWSER cannot alter or edit files, you can display them in ASCII
format.  Or you can make a hex dump.  A hide and seek feature lets users
control the shown (displayable) and hidden lines of text.

APPLETS lets you put your windows where you want them.  You can easily
copy, rename, move and delete files with APPLETS.


Disk No: 1915                                                           
Disk Title: Applications for Microsoft Windows                          
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: Applications for Microsoft Windows                       
Author Version: 6.2                                                     
Author Registration: $20.00                                             
Special Requirements: Microsoft windows, mouse.                         
Personalize your Microsoft Windows environment with your own menus and  
submenus, arrange or stack open windows, close windows, iconize them,   
and hide windows by making them invisible.  If that's not enough, you   
can browse files in your Windows environment and print out whatever you 
This well documented trio of microapplications make Windows do it your  
way.  With COMMAND POST, you easily add any number of menu and submenu  
items to the main MS-DOS Windows executive menu bar.  Execution is only 
a mouse click away.                                                     
While BROWSER cannot alter or edit files, you can display them in       
either standard ANSI format or ASCII format.  Or you can make a hex     
dump.  A hide and seek feature lets users control the shown             
(displayable) and hidden lines of text.  APPLETS lets you put your      
windows where you want them.  You can easily copy, rename, move and     
delete files with APPLETS.  The archived files are self-unarchiving.    
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║     <<<<  Disk #1915  APPLICATIONS FOR MICROSOFT WINDOWS  >>>>          ║
║ To install program, type:  INSTALL (press enter)                        ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type:  COPY $README.1ST PRN                     ║


          Wilson WindowWare
          3377 59th SW
          Seattle WA  98116
          (206) 937-9335

                                                         May 18, 1989

          A new product distribution disk is now available from Wilson
          WindowWare.  The disk contains three shareware Windows
          applications from Wilson WindowWare.  These applications are
          designed to run under Microsoft Windows, version 2.03 or newer.

          The applications are:

            COMMAND POST  6.2
                              A menuing / file management shell that
                              allows personalization of the MS-DOS
                              Executive window.

            BROWSER       3.2
                              A file browsing utility.  Browser quickly
                              displays files, prints sections, or copies 
                              selected text to the Windows clipboard.

            APPLETS       1.1
                              A dozen or so tiny applications for
                              Windows.  They are designed to be used
                              with Command Post or other Window shells.

         Command Post allows users to easily add menu and submenu items
         to the MS-DOS Executive window, provides file management
         capability, a directory tree, screen blanker, window locator,
         window arranger, and more.  Command Post menu extensions are
         defined in an easy to edit text file, and automatically loaded
         into Command Post at startup.  The menus allow the user to
         specify a directory to switch to, and an application to start
         whenever the corresponding menu item is selected.  Command Post
         also provides a two-window file management feature, allowing
         the user to copy or move files from one window to the other.

         Browser is a Windows application designed to allow users to
         view files in a variety of formats, including ANSI, ASCII,
         7 and 8 bit bytes, and as a hex dump.  Features include printing
         and clipboard update.  Browser sports a powerful Hide&Seek
         information lookup capability, which allows various views of
         the information in a text file to be rapidly generated.

         Applets are a collection of tiny applications for the Windows.
         They are primarily designed to operate with Windows menuing
         programs, such as Command Post, which allow you to initiate
         a series of applications from a single menu selection.
         These applications include:

            FILE   Applets
                copy, move, rename, delete
            WINDOW Applets
                arrange, place, hide, show, zoom, iconize
            OTHER  Applets
                say, beep, saybeep

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1915

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

$README  1ST      5096   4-01-89   2:34p
APLT11   EXE     98230   1-24-89   6:29p
BROW32   EXE     73450   3-27-89   5:57p
CMDP62   EXE     94354   6-26-89   9:17p
INSTALL  BAT     10922   5-18-89   1:57p
PRESRLSE TXT      2912   5-18-89  12:51p
FILE1915 TXT      2369  12-28-89   3:43p
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       540  12-28-89   3:57p
        9 file(s)     287911 bytes
                       30720 bytes free