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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1908)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


                                  PASS-AROUND (tm)

                                  MATH CASTLE (tm)

                                  Version 1.01

    PAS Software                                          Envision Software
    P.O. Box 3679                                   720 S. 333rd Suite #203
    Federal Way, WA  98063                            Federal Way, WA 98003

    800-553-3968                                               206-874-4044

    Hi!  My  name is Ron Jennings and I am the Author of Math Castle. It is
    my hope that you will enjoy playing Math  Castle  as  much  as  I  have
    enjoyed  creating  it.  Please feel free to write to me if you have any
    comments or suggestions at:

                          Attn: R. Jennings
                          Northwest Software Engineers
                          N. 16221 Sunrise Drive
                          Nine Mile Falls, WA  99026

         MATH CASTLE is Licensed from Envision Software By PAS Software

                MATH CASTLE Copyright (c) 1989 Envision Software

        PASS-AROUND INSTALLATION PROGRAM Copyright (c) 1989 PAS Software

                               All Rights Reserved


                        Pass-Around Distribution License

    U.S.  Copyright Law and international treaties prohibit duplication and
    transfer  of  copies  of  the  software  without  permission  from  PAS
    Software.   However, PAS grants to everyone permission to duplicate and
    give away, sell, or otherwise distribute copies, provided no portion of
    the software is omitted.

    Registered users are paid monthly, by the 10th of the following month.

    PAS  Software  does  not  claim  that  any  money  will   result   from
    registration.  There are no guarantees of any kind.

    PAS  Software  reserves  the  right  to  refuse registration to anyone,
    provided the registration fee is not accepted.

    PAS  Software  reserves  the  right  to  stop paying commissions to any
    registered user that violates any  law  or  regulation  or  causes  any
    damages to PAS Software.

                                  NO WARRANTY

    PAS  Software  makes  NO  WARRANTY  of  any  kind,  express or implied,
    including without limitation, any warranties of merchantability  and/or
    fitness  for a particular purpose. PAS Software shall not be liable for
    any damages, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential arising
    from a failure of this program to operate in the manner desired by  the

    Some  states do  not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
    consequential damages. So the above limitation  or  exclusion  may  not
    apply to you.

                                    PAGE 2

    YOU ARE THE RULER.......

    Your  courage,  strength,  and wisdom are legendary. You have outwitted
    and outmaneuvered every enemy. Your Castle is secure. Your subjects are
    loyal.  Your  land  is  at  peace.  Beautiful  music  echoes  over  the

    Just  as  you  are  seated  before a roaring fire in the Great Hall and
    about to bite into a hot cheesy pizza, your most trusted knight  rushes
    in.   Breathlessly  he informs you of alien spacecraft heading directly
    toward your Castle.

    You rush to the armory.  You find nothing  powerful  enough  to  defeat
    this  awesome  enemy.  Even the latest in weapon technology, your newly
    developed and highly sophisticated Energy Shield cannot  fully  protect
    the  Castle.  There is only one weapon left.  YOU must save the Castle.
    You suit up in your armour of SPEED & ACCURACY and

                                                .........PREPARE FOR BATTLE

                                     PAGE 3
                          GETTING STARTED WITH A FLOPPY

    1) Insert Math Castle in Drive A or B.

    2) At the A> or B> type CASTLE.  Your screen should look like this:

              A>CASTLE         or         B>CASTLE

    3) Press [ENTER]

                             HARD DRIVE INSTALLATION

    1) Insert Math Castle in Drive A or B.

    2) At the A> or B> type CASTLE.  Your screen should look like this:

              A>CASTLE         or         B>CASTLE

    3) Press [ENTER]

    4) At the Pass-Around menu, select function number 5.

    5) Choose which drive you wish to use.

                          STARTING FROM THE HARD DRIVE

    1) Type CD \CASTLE [ENTER]

    2) Type CASTLE [ENTER]

                                STARTING THE GAME

    At the Pass-Around menu, select function number 6.

                                     PAGE 4
                                    THE STORY

    Story screen will appear automatically. You will want to read this  the
    first  time you play. Next time you may PRESS ANY KEY to go directly to
    the SELECT screen.  You can turn off the sound by pressing [S].

                                 SELECT THE GAME

    1) Select Level

            - Choose a level 1-12.
            - Enter level number on your numberpad.
            - Press [ENTER]

    2) Select Function

            - Use [UP] and [DOWN] arrow keys to highlight function
            - Press [ENTER]


            - Press the math symbol for the function you choose.
                   [+]  for addition
                   [-]  for subtraction
                   [x]  for multiplication
                   [/]  for division
                   [*]  for all of above

    3) Select Mode

            - Use  the  [UP]  or  [DOWN]  arrow  key  to choose  Regular or
              Learning Mode.
            - Press [ENTER]


            - Press [R] for Regular Mode.
            - Press [L] for Learning Mode.

    HINT-----When  you  begin  the game, the [NUMLOCK] key is automatically
    activated.  It is easy to press by accident. If numbers you  press  are
    not  entered  on the screen, try pressing [NUMLOCK]. Otherwise you will
    not need to touch it.

                                     PAGE 5
                                   THE BATTLE

    The micro-dots around the Castle make up your Energy Shield and will be
    your  first  line  of defense against alien invaders.  But do not think
    the battle will be won so easily.  You must work hard to maintain  your
    Energy Shield for without it your Castle cannot stand.

    Every time an enemy weapon hits the Energy Shield, it loses  power  and
    becomes  a  little  weaker.  So  you  must try your best to destroy the
    invader ships quickly.

    Math problems will soon appear  in  the  Castle.  As  you  answer  them
    correctly, a Super Energy Beam is fired, blasting the enemy ship out of
    the  sky,  adding  points to your score, and absorbing energy back into
    your Energy Shield.

    The battle is about to begin.  GOOD LUCK!

                                     PAGE 6
                                  USER OPTIONS
                                  THE [F1] KEY

    - You will see F1-OPTIONS at the bottom of the SELECT screen.

    - BEFORE selecting level of play, PRESS [F1].

    - The USER OPTIONS menu will appear.

    - Move  the highlight from ON to OFF with the [LEFT]  and [RIGHT] arrow

    - Move up and down on the menu with the [UP] and [DOWN] arrow keys.

    - When each highlight is where you want it, press [ESC].

    - You will be returned to the SELECT screen where you can select Level,
      Function, Mode and begin the game.

    USER OPTIONS allows you to change the game in several ways.

    1) Extended Level - allows you to choose any level up to 40.

    2) Forced Review - allows  you  to  automatically  go  to  the  Weapons
       Training  Center  to  review  problems missed or to skip the Weapons
       Training Center and go back into battle.

    3) Vertical Format - allows you to choose vertical or horizontal format
       of the math problems.

    4) Multilevel - Off: Selects problems from a given level only.
                    On : Includes all problems from lower levels.

    5) Delay in Seconds - allows you more time to  answer  problems  before
       alien weapons are fired at your Castle.

                         F4 - MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PROBLEMS

    You may change the maximum number of problems that occur.  The  default
    settings  are quite high, so if you want to shorten the game you can do
    so by changing the settings.

                                     PAGE 7
                              USER DEFINED PROBLEMS
                                  THE [F2] KEY

    You  can create and then use your own set of problems to play the game.
    Math Castle will store up to 12 sets of math problems.   Each  set  can
    contain up to 76 problems.

    - You will see F2-USER FILES at the bottom of the SELECT screen.

    - BEFORE selecting level of play, PRESS [F2].

    - The USER DEFINED PROBLEM menu will appear.

    - You can make a selection from this menu two ways.

      1) Use the [UP] and [DOWN] arrow keys to highlight your choice.
         Press [ENTER].


      2) Press the first letter of your choice.
            Example: Press [C] to choose Create a New User File.

    - [ESC] will take you to the SELECT menu

                            TO CREATE A NEW USER FILE

    - Select "Create A New User File".

    - Select a problem set NOT highlighted.

    - Use the arrow keys to position the box around the number you choose.

    - Press [ENTER].


                                     PAGE 8
                          THE USER DEFINED PROBLEM FILE

    To EDIT or CREATE your own problems.

    Now  you  are  ready  to input your own math problems.  You have enough
    room to enter 76 problems in each set.

    1) Enter math problems of your choice.  You  only  need  to  enter  the

       Press [ENTER]. Math Castle will calculate the answer for you.

       - Problems can contain as many as 5 digits in the problem. The
         answers can go as high as 9999.

          OK to use         Don't use          Why
          ---------         ---------          -----------------
          44 + 100          100 + 100          (six digits)
          998 + 1           9998 + 3           (answer too long)
          1000 - 7          1000 - 40          (six digits)
          25 X 25           25 X 400           (answer too long)
          100 / 10          100 / 9            (remainder)

       - Remember  not  to  enter  division  problems  which  will leave  a
         remainder in the answer.

    2) If you make a mistake and press the wrong number, use [SPACEBAR] and
       [BACKSPACE]  as  your  erasers.  You  can also type over a number to
       change it.

    3) When you have entered a problem, the highlighted bar  moves  to  the
       next position, ready for you to enter another problem.

    4) To  change  or  edit  a  problem,  move highlighted bar to the  math
       problem you want to change or edit.

        - Use [UP] and [DOWN] arrow keys to move within columns.

        - Press [CTRL] + [LEFT] arrow to move highlighted bar one column to
          the left.

        - Press [CTRL] + [RIGHT] arrow to move highlighted bar  one  column
          to the right.

    5) When  you are finished editing or creating,  press [ESC] to save the
       problem file and exit back to USER DEFINED MENU.

                                     PAGE 9
                           TO EDIT EXISTING USER FILE

    - You can edit any highlighted problem set.

    - Problem sets not highlighted have not been created.  They  are  empty
      sets waiting to be used.

                             LOAD EXISTING USER FILE

    - Highlight "Load Existing User File"  at the User Defined Problem File
      Menu screen.

    - Select the set of math problems you want to take into battle.

    - Use the arrow keys to position the box around a highlighted number.

    - Press [ENTER].

                              COMMAND LINE OPTIONS

    Experienced users may wish to create a batch file to  include  some  of
    the F1 OPTIONS. The command line options are as follows:

    /R = Forced Review Off
    /V = Vertical Format Off
    /E = Extended Level On
    /M = Set Screen Mode to Monochrome
    /1 = Set Delay to 1 second
    /2 = Set Delay to 2 seconds
    /3 = Set Delay to 3 seconds
    /4 = Set Delay to 4 seconds
    /T = Set Screen Mode to 80 Column Monochrome
    /SI= Skip Pass-Around Menu

    You can use one command line option or combine any number of them.

    Examples:    A>CASTLE /R

                 A>CASTLE /V/2/SI

                    Use of Pass-Around Distribution Method

    PAS Software will apply for patents  on  the  use  of  the  Pass-Around
    distribution  method  in  software  products  as  soon  as practicable.
    "Pass-Around" is a trademark  of  PAS  Software.   If  you  would  like
    permission  to  use  the Pass-Around distribution method and trademark,
    call (206) 838-3989.

                                     PAGE 10


Disk No: 1908                                                           
Disk Title: Math Castle                                                 
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: Math Castle                                              
Author Version: 1.01                                                    
Author Registration: $15.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
Your courage, strength, and wisdom are legendary.  You have outwitted   
and outmaneuvered every enemy.  Your Castle is secure.  Just as you are 
seated before a roaring fire in the Great Hall and about to bite into a 
hot cheesy pizza, your most trusted knight informs you of alien         
spacecraft heading directly toward your Castle.  Your math skills may be
the only thing that can save your kingdom.                              
Math problems covering addition, subtraction, multiplication, and       
division are solved in order to fuel your defenses.  Each time a problem
is solved an alien spacecraft is destroyed.  Missed problems are        
reviewed after the game in the ``weapons training'' portion of the game.
Good graphics and lots of sound make this program fun and educational.  
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║               <<<<  Disk #1908  MATH CASTLE  >>>>                       ║
║ To start program, type:  CASTLE (press enter)                           ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type:  COPY CASTLE.DOC PRN                      ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1908

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CASTLE   BIN     43040  10-24-89  10:16a
CASTLE   DAT     10567  10-24-89  10:16a
CASTLE   DOC     14175  10-24-89  10:16a
CASTLE   EXE     33996  10-24-89  10:16a
CASTLE   LST       769  10-24-89  10:17a
CASTLE   MON     63040  10-24-89  10:17a
CASTLE   PRO      1931  10-24-89  10:16a
CASTLE   TIP      3481  10-24-89  10:17a
CASTLE1  EXE    132599  10-24-89  10:16a
FILE1908 TXT      1999  12-28-89   7:16p
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       540   1-01-80   4:29a
MONO     DAT     10567  10-24-89  10:17a
SCORE    DAT      2600  11-14-89  12:09p
USR      DAT      2600  11-14-89  12:09p
       15 file(s)     321942 bytes
                       32768 bytes free