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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1897)

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Information about “PC BINGO AND WORDS*WORDS”

Throw your next Bingo party at your home, church or school with Michael
Bielkiewicz's PC BINGO. Easy to use, it plays like the real thing -- no
strings attached.  Print out up to 8 Bingo cards per 8 1/2 X 11 inch
paper, distribute among your players and let the computer choose the
Bingo numbers.

A great party game, PC BINGO could actually be used to replace the old
ping-pong ball method of the game -- though that day is somewhat in the
future.  The ease of this package makes it accessible to all ages who
share a love for the Bingo game.

A sophisticated word game, WORDS*WORDS is a logical deduction puzzle in
which puzzle words are linked to quotations and proverbs.  You have to
deduce five-letter puzzle words by guessing no more than 18 words. For
each guess WORDS*WORDS tells you how many letters are common to the
puzzle word.  For example, if the puzzle word was "drums" and you
guessed "stump" the program would tell you that "3" letters match.  The
program uses a 6000 word dictionary to check your guess words.

The instructions are simple to follow.  Function keys let you save
letters that are part of the word or discard letters that are not part
of the word, which helps you organize your thoughts.

There are no flashy colors or graphics, but if you love intellectual
exercise, the 50 carefully chosen puzzle words and quotations will
amuse you and challenge you for many hours.

This program could be used for helping children with spelling and word
associations.  An amusing yet challenging game for ages 12 and up,
WORD*WORD breaks through its simple format with its tough puzzle


Disk No: 1897
Disk Title: PC Bingo and Words*Words
PC-SIG Version: S1.1

Program Title: PC Bingo
Author Version: 1.1
Author Registration: $10.00
Special Requirements: Printer to generate bingo cards.

Throw your next Bingo party at your home, church or school with
Michael Bielkiewicz's PC BINGO.  Easy to use, it plays like the
real thing -- no strings attached.  Print out up to 8 Bingo
cards per 8 1/2 X 11 inch paper, distribute among your players
and let the computer choose the Bingo numbers.

A great party game, PC BINGO could actually be used to replace the
old ping-pong ball method of the game -- though that day is somewhat
in the future.  The ease of this package makes it accessible to all
ages who share a love for the Bingo game.

Program Title: Words*Words
Author Version: 1.2
Author Registration: $15.00
Special Requirements: None.

Through the process of elimination and osmosis you are faced with
the dilemma of deciphering a 5 letter word in no more than 18
guesses.  Walter Blanchard's WORDS*WORDS sharpens your skills as
you unravel one of the 40 puzzles provided in this program.  During
each guess, WORDS*WORDS reveals how many letters are common to the
puzzle word.  For example, if the puzzle word was "drums" and you
guessed "stump" the program would tell you that "3" letters are
similar.  Only real words are accepted by the program, so no
cheating is allowed!  After tracing your results, one hopefully
discovers the answer to the puzzle.

WORDS*WORDS plays easily.  Instructions are simple to follow and
play is performed on a plain grid.  Just type in your guess (the
computer will either accept it as a real word or reject it) and
follow the results.  A "discard" grid for letters not found in
the word, and a "keep" grid for letters that are, allow you to
organize your thoughts.  No fancy features, so if color and graphics
are your love, you may be disappointed.  But if your love is for
intellect, you may enjoy some of the difficult challenges this
program has to offer.

This program could be used for helping children with spelling and
word associations.  An amusing yet challenging game for ages 12 and
up, WORD*WORD breaks through its simple format with its tough
puzzle solving.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989, 1990 PC-SIG, Inc.


║           <<<<  Disk #1897  PC BINGO AND WORDS*WORDS  >>>>              ║
║ To start PC BINGO, type:  PCBINGO (press enter)                         ║
║ To start WORDS*WORDS, type:  WW (press enter)                           ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print PC BINGO documentation, type:  COPY PCBINGO.DOC PRN            ║
║ To print WORDS*WORDS documentation, type:  COPY WW.DOC PRN              ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1897

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

PCBINGO  EXE     61684   5-17-89   9:42p
PCBINGO  DOC      3243   5-17-89  10:19p
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       694  12-28-89   3:53p
NOTEFIL1 BAK     16100   9-07-89   8:14p
NOTEFIL1 WSL     16100   9-07-89   8:14p
README   BAK      1358   9-10-89  11:39a
README   WW       1358   9-10-89  11:39a
WORDFIL  BAK     31508   2-08-89  12:49p
WORDFIL  UNF     31508   2-08-89  12:49p
WW       DOC     15232   9-10-89  11:28a
WW       EXE     44572   9-10-89  11:32a
WWDOC    BAK     15232   9-10-89  11:28a
WWEXE    BAK     44572   9-10-89  11:32a
FILE1897 TXT      2386   6-05-90   2:04p
       15 file(s)     285585 bytes
                       29696 bytes free