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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1889)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “BESTGUES”

BESTGUES is a task planning tool intended to complement the increasingly
popular scheduling programs which have proliferated in recent years.
BESTGUES is based on the PERT time estimating technique (as opposed to
the PERT task charting technique found in many planning packages),
helping you to conveniently estimate how much time to assign to each
scheduled event.

PERT time estimating using BESTGUES is a statistically based approach.
You break each major schedule item into subtasks (up to 15) and assign a
minimum, typical and maximum time estimate for each.  On your command,
BESTGUES then calculates probability data for your entries.  This data
helps you to estimate the task duration with a statistically determined
confidence of success.

BESTGUES has been designed specifically to make the PERT estimating
process easy to use. The menu prompts virtually eliminate the need for a
manual or chart of commands.  BESTGUES uses a simple function key based
menu system and provides several data samples to show just how simple
the program is to use.  Whether you are estimating labor costs, lead
times or have to estimate the duration of an event, with BESTGUES you
can make an intelligent, prudent guess.


Disk No: 1889                                                           
Disk Title: BestGues                                                    
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: BestGues                                                 
Author Version: 1.05                                                    
Author Registration: $29.95                                             
Special Requirements: Graphics Card.                                    
BESTGUES is a task planning tool intended  to complement the increas-   
ingly popular scheduling programs which have proliferated in  recent    
years. BESTGUES is based on the PERT time estimating technique  (as     
opposed to the PERT task charting technique found in many planning      
packages), helping you to conveniently estimate how much time to as-    
sign to each scheduled event.                                           
PERT time estimating using BESTGUES is  a statistically based ap-       
proach. You  break each major schedule item into subtasks (up to 15)    
and assign a minimum, typical and  maximum  time  estimate  for  each.  
On  your  command, BESTGUES  then calculates probability data for your  
entries.  This data helps you to estimate the task duration with a      
statistically determined confidence of success.                         
BESTGUES has been designed specifically to make the PERT estimating     
process easy to use. The menu prompts virtually eliminate the need      
for a manual or chart of commands.  BESTGUES uses a simple function     
key based menu system and provides several data samples to show just    
how simple the program is to use.  Whether you are estimating labor     
costs, lead times or have to estimate the duration of an event, with    
BESTGUES you can make the intelligent, prudent guess.                   
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


                BestGues 1.05 Files Description
                    6/14/89   Rev(A)

BestGues 1.05 is a time estimating program for task planning. BestGues is
useful in both business and personal time planning situations including job
costing, planning for meetings and social events, virtually any planning that
requires a careful estimate of time.

In addition to this file, files.txt, the disk contains the following files:

BestGues.exe    -       The executable program file.

BestGues.prn    -       The manual for BestGues.

BSER.bat        -       A sample batch file showing how to set DOS to use
                        a serial printer with BestGues.

.dat files      -       Several example files for BestGues.

OrderFrm.txt    -       The registration form for BestGues.


║                 <<<<  Disk #1889  BESTGUES  >>>>                        ║
║ To start program, type: BESTGUES     (press enter)                      ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type: COPY BESTGUES.PRN PRN                     ║


                BestGues 1.05 Registration Form

Register your copy of BestGues 1.05 using this form. Registration makes you
eligible for future low cost updates of the program. Presently in the works
is a terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) version of BestGues to use with your
favorite project planning software. When you register, you will receive
a serialized disk and printed copy of the BestGues 1.05 manual for each copy
you order.





Please send me _______copies of BestGues 1.05 at $29.95 each, Total $________

                                 California Residents add sales tax $________

                                              Shipping and handling $    5.00

                                                              Total $________

Make your check or money order payable to Notor Engineering Services. Mail
this form with your payment to

                Notor Engineering Services
                1548 Arata Court
                San Jose, CA 95125

For information about site licensing contact us at (408) 947-8848 or via
CompuServe EasyPlex email to John Notor, 75075,467.

This registration fee is valid through December, 1989. Call for current fee
after that date.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1889

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BESTGUES EXE     40832   6-09-89   5:41p
BESTGUES PRN     38754   6-09-89   6:05p
BGSER    BAT       163   5-03-89   5:25p
FILE1889 TXT      2961   1-03-90   1:15p
FILES    TXT       807   6-14-89   8:02a
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       540  12-27-89   2:59p
ORDERFRM TXT      1502   6-11-89   2:33p
PICNIC   DAT       548   6-09-89   3:59p
ROPE     DAT       522   6-09-89   4:01p
SAMPLE   DAT       603   5-03-89   3:04p
SAMSON   DAT       533   6-08-89   8:45a
       12 file(s)      87803 bytes
                       68608 bytes free