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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1872)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “FLASHPAC C LIBRARY 1 OF 2 (2306 ALSO)”

Add blinding speed and style to your C programs with the FLASHPAC C
LIBRARY.  Your programs will run faster and look better than anything
you can buy.

The FLASHPAC C LIBRARY provides C programmers with low level routines
that access the video display, keyboard, printer, disk, and mouse
devices.  These routines are not intended to replace the standard
features of C.  They were created to add to and extend the C
programming environment for MS-DOS and PC-DOS operating systems.  In
keeping with good programming practice, global variables within the
Library have been kept to a minimum.  All the functions in the Library
are written in assembly language, for speed, using the Pascal
parameter passing conventions.

The FLASHPAC C LIBRARY contains routines for DISK -- many DOS
functions that use byte STRAMS when accessing the disk files; VIDEO --
direct access for saving and restoring the screen, framing windows,
cursor control, etc.; MOUSE -- basic support plus an event handler;
BIOS print functions; and both DOS and BIOS keyboard functions.


       =                                                      =
       =                  FLASHPAC C Library                  =
       =                                                      =
       =                     User's Guide                     =
       =                                                      =
       =                     Version 3.21                     =
       =                                                      =
       =    (C) Copyright 1986-1990 - All Rights Reserved     =
       =                                                      =

                            SimpleSoft Inc
                            1209 Poplar St
                        La Crescent, MN 55947
                            (507) 895-8237
                          Licence Agreement

The material described herein is copyrighted LICENSED MATERIAL and the
property of SimpleSoft Inc.

This material is being distributed as a Shareware product.  You are
encouraged to copy and distribute this product with your friends and
associates, provided you do not charge any fee.  If you decide to use
this product, you are urged to become a registered user.

Under no circumstances may this product be sold without the express
written permission of SimpleSoft Inc.

The material is being provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind,
either expressed or implied.  The entire risk as to quality and
performance of this material lies with you.  In no event shall
SimpleSoft Inc be liable to you for any damages including any lost
profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages
arising out of the use of this material even if we have been advised
of the possibility of such damages or any claim by any other party.

Use of this product indicates your acceptance of these terms and

                        Registration Benefits

1. Receive a new distribution diskette with your registration number

2. One free major update  ( diskette with manual on disk ).

3. Documented source code.

Turbo C is a trademark of Borland International
Microsoft C is a tradmark of Microsoft Corporation
                         FlashPac C Library
                          Registration Form

Name:    ________________________________________________________

Company: ________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________

City:    ________________________________________________________

State:   ____________________  Zip Code: ______________

Telephone: (_________) _________ - ________________

FlashPac Version 3.21 - D3001004

Payment for Registered FlashPac software and distribution diskette:

Registration for FlashPac C Library $50.00 ___________._______

                                     TOTAL ___________._______

[ ] Check enclosed   [ ] Money order enclosed

                            SimpleSoft Inc
                            1209 Poplar St
                        La Crescent, MN 55947
                            (507) 895-8237
                            SimpleSoft Inc
                            1209 Poplar St
                        La Crescent, MN 55947
                            (507) 895-8237

                           PRODUCT FEEDBACK

Help us make our product better by completing and returning this form.
Your feedback will help us to improve future releases of this product.

Name:    ________________________________________________________

Company: ________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________

City:    ________________________________________________________

State:   ____________________  Zip Code: ______________

Telephone: (_________) _________ - ________________

FlashPac Version 3.21
Operating system: ____________________________________
Computer: ________________________ Memory(k): ________
Programming experience: ____ years;

Please rate the usefullness (U) and ease of use (E) for each routine
on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is poor, 3 is average and 5 is excellent.


 U   E                                     Comments
___ ___  BorderColor        _____________________________________
___ ___  ClrWin             _____________________________________
___ ___  ColorMsg           _____________________________________
___ ___  DspMsg             _____________________________________
___ ___  EditSt             _____________________________________
___ ___  FillColAttr        _____________________________________
___ ___  FillColCell        _____________________________________
___ ___  FillColChar        _____________________________________
___ ___  FillFrameAttr      _____________________________________
___ ___  FillFrameCell      _____________________________________
___ ___  FillFrameChar      _____________________________________
___ ___  FillRowAttr        _____________________________________
___ ___  FillRowCell        _____________________________________
___ ___  FillRowChar        _____________________________________
___ ___  FrameWin           _____________________________________
___ ___  GetCursorSize      _____________________________________
___ ___  GetFrameAttr       _____________________________________
___ ___  GetFrameCell       _____________________________________
___ ___  GetFrameChar       _____________________________________
___ ___  GetScrn            _____________________________________
___ ___  GetVideoCols       _____________________________________
___ ___  GetVideoInfo       _____________________________________
___ ___  GetVideoMode       _____________________________________
___ ___  GetVideoPage       _____________________________________
___ ___  GotoxyAbs          _____________________________________
___ ___  HideCursor         _____________________________________
___ ___  InitVideo          _____________________________________
___ ___  PutFrameAttr       _____________________________________
___ ___  PutFrameCell       _____________________________________
___ ___  PutFrameChar       _____________________________________
___ ___  PutScrn            _____________________________________
___ ___  RvsAttr            _____________________________________
___ ___  ScrollDown         _____________________________________
___ ___  ScrollLeft         _____________________________________
___ ___  ScrollRight        _____________________________________
___ ___  ScrollUp           _____________________________________
___ ___  SetCursorSize      _____________________________________
___ ___  SetVideoPage       _____________________________________
___ ___  ShowCursor         _____________________________________
___ ___  VioInit            _____________________________________
___ ___  WhereXAbs          _____________________________________
___ ___  WhereYAbs          _____________________________________
___ ___  WriteSt            _____________________________________
___ ___  WriteStLn          _____________________________________


___ ___  BiosKbdClr         _____________________________________
___ ___  BiosKbdGetElmt     _____________________________________
___ ___  BiosKbdHit         _____________________________________
___ ___  BiosKbdRead        _____________________________________
___ ___  BiosKbdStat        _____________________________________
___ ___  DosKbdClr          _____________________________________
___ ___  DosKbdGetElmt      _____________________________________
___ ___  DosKbdHit          _____________________________________
___ ___  DosKbdRead         _____________________________________


___ ___  BiosPrtChar        _____________________________________
___ ___  BiosPrtInit        _____________________________________
___ ___  BiosPrtStat        _____________________________________
___ ___  DosPrtChar         _____________________________________


___ ___  CloseFile          _____________________________________
___ ___  CreateFile         _____________________________________
___ ___  DosFindFirst       _____________________________________
___ ___  DosFindNext        _____________________________________
___ ___  FSeek              _____________________________________
___ ___  GetDrive           _____________________________________
___ ___  GetDTA             _____________________________________
___ ___  GetFileSize        _____________________________________
___ ___  GetNDrvs           _____________________________________
___ ___  OpenFile           _____________________________________
___ ___  ReadFile           _____________________________________
___ ___  ResetDisk          _____________________________________
___ ___  ResetErrCodes      _____________________________________
___ ___  RestInt24          _____________________________________
___ ___  SetDTA             _____________________________________
___ ___  SetInt24           _____________________________________
___ ___  WriteFile          _____________________________________


___ ___  MButtonPress       _____________________________________
___ ___  MButtonRel         _____________________________________
___ ___  MGetPos            _____________________________________
___ ___  MGetSpeed          _____________________________________
___ ___  MGraphCursor       _____________________________________
___ ___  MHideCursor        _____________________________________
___ ___  MInitEventHandler  _____________________________________
___ ___  MResetMouse        _____________________________________
___ ___  MRetQue            _____________________________________
___ ___  MSetPos            _____________________________________
___ ___  MSetSpeed          _____________________________________
___ ___  MSetXRange         _____________________________________
___ ___  MSetYRange         _____________________________________
___ ___  MShowCursor        _____________________________________
___ ___  MTextCursor        _____________________________________

List additional procedures and functions you would like to see.  (Use
the back or another sheet of paper if necessary.)

Comments and suggestions:
                           DOCUMENTATIN FEEDBACK

Help us make our documentation better by completing and returning this
form.  Your feedback will help us improve future products.

Name:    ________________________________________________________

Company: ________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________

City:    ________________________________________________________

State:   ____________________  Zip Code: ______________

Telephone: (_________) _________ - ________________

FlashPac Version 3.21
Operating system: ____________________________________
Computer: ________________________ Memory(k): ________
Programming experience: ____ years;

Please rate the documentation on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is poor, 3
is average and 5 is excellent.

___  Completeness        ___  Usability
___  Accuracy            ___  Readability
___  Organization        ___  Understandability

Was the demo program useful? ___ Yes  ___ No
Is information easy to find? ___ Yes  ___ No
Were errors found in the documentation? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes, please give page number and description of the error.

Is the manual ____ too long?
              ____ too short?
              ____ about right?

Please write other suggestions or comments on the back of this form.
                             Table of Contents

       Introduction .............................  1-1

       Global Type Declarations..................  2-1
       Global Variables..........................  2-1
       BorderColor...............................  2-2
       ClrWin....................................  2-3
       ColorMsg..................................  2-4
       DspMsg....................................  2-6
       EditSt....................................  2-7
       FillColAttr...............................  2-11
       FillColCell...............................  2-12
       FillColChar...............................  2-13
       FillFrameAttr.............................  2-14
       FillFrameCell.............................  2-15
       FillFrameChar.............................  2-16
       FillRowAttr...............................  2-17
       FillRowCell...............................  2-18
       FillRowChar...............................  2-19
       FrameWin..................................  2-20
       GetCursorSize.............................  2-22
       GetFrameAttr..............................  2-23
       GetFrameCell..............................  2-24
       GetFrameChar..............................  2-25
       GetScrn...................................  2-26
       GetVideoCols..............................  2-27
       GetVideoInfo..............................  2-28
       GetVideoMode..............................  2-29
       GetVideoPage..............................  2-30
       GotoxyAbs.................................  2-31
       HideCursor................................  2-32
       InitVideo.................................  2-33
       PutFrameAttr..............................  2-34
       PutFrameCell..............................  2-35
       PutFrameChar..............................  2-36
       PutScrn...................................  2-37
       RvsAttr...................................  2-39
       ScrollDown................................  2-40
       ScrollLeft................................  2-42
       ScrollRight...............................  2-44
       ScrollUp..................................  2-46
       SetCursorSize.............................  2-48
       SetVideoPage..............................  2-50
       ShowCursor................................  2-51
       VioInit...................................  2-52
       WhereXAbs.................................  2-53
       WhereYAbs.................................  2-54
       WindowFP..................................  2-55
       WriteSt...................................  2-56
       WriteStLn.................................  2-57

       Global Type Declarations..................  3-1
       BiosKbdClr................................  3-2
       BiosKbdGetElmt............................  3-3
       BiosKbdHit................................  3-4
       BiosKbdRead...............................  3-5
       BiosKbdStat...............................  3-7
       DosKbdClr.................................  3-9
       DosKbdGetElmt.............................  3-10
       DosKbdHit.................................  3-11
       DosKbdRead................................  3-12
       GetKeyU...................................  3-14
       GetKey....................................  3-15

       BiosPrtChar...............................  4-1
       BiosPrtInit...............................  4-2
       BiosPrtStat...............................  4-3
       DosPrtChar................................  4-4

       Global Type Declarations..................  5-1
       Global Varibles...........................  5-1
       CloseFile.................................  5-2
       CreateFile................................  5-3
       DosFindFirst..............................  5-5
       DosFindNext...............................  5-8
       FSeek.....................................  5-9
       GetDrive..................................  5-11
       GetDTA....................................  5-12
       GetFileSize...............................  5-13
       GetNDrvs..................................  5-14
       OpenFile..................................  5-15
       ReadFile..................................  5-17
       ResetDisk.................................  5-19
       ResetErrCodes.............................  5-20
       RestInt24.................................  5-21
       SetDTA....................................  5-22
       SetInt24..................................  5-23
       WriteFile.................................  5-25

       Global Varibles...........................  6-1
       MButtonPress..............................  6-2
       MButtonRel................................  6-3
       MGetPos...................................  6-4
       MGetSpeed.................................  6-5
       MGraphCursor..............................  6-6
       MHideCursor...............................  6-8
       MInitEventHandler.........................  6-9
       MResetMouse...............................  6-10
       MRetQue...................................  6-11
       MSetPos...................................  6-12
       MSetSpeed.................................  6-13
       MSetXRange................................  6-14
       MSetYRange................................  6-15
       MShowCursor...............................  6-16
       MTextCursor...............................  6-17
       Summary of Procedures and Functions ......  A-1

       Keyboard codes ...........................  B-1

       Keyboard element codes ...................  C-1

       Keyboard return codes ....................  D-1

       Keyboard scan codes ......................  E-1


Disk No: 1872                                                           
Disk Title: FlashPac C Library                                          
PC-SIG Version: S1.1                                                    
Program Title: FlashPac C Library                                       
Author Version: 3.21                                                    
Author Registration: $50.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
Add blinding speed and style to your C programs with the FLASHPAC C     
Library.  Your programs will run faster and look better than anything   
you can buy.                                                            
The FLASHPAC C Library provides C programmers with low level routines   
that access the video display, keyboard, printer, disk, and mouse       
devices.  These routines are not intended to replace the standard       
features of C.  They were created to add to and extend the C programming
environment for MS-DOS and PC-DOS operating systems.  In keeping with   
good programming practice, global variables within the library have been
kept to a minimum.  All the functions in the library are written in     
assembly language, for speed, using the Pascal parameter passing        
The FLASHPAC C Library contains routines for; DISK - many DOS functions 
that use byte streams when accessing the disk files, VIDEO - direct     
access for saving and restoring the screen, framing windows, cursor     
control, etc.  MOUSE - basic support plus an event handler, BIOS print  
functions, and both DOS and BIOS keyboard functions.                    
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║               <<<<  Disk #1872  FLASHPAC C LIRARY  >>>>                 ║
║ To print documentation, type: PRTDOC (press enter)                      ║


Using prtdoc will print the file specified in the command line
out to the standard output device.  Prtdoc uses the file
prtdoc.pfd for printing out the documentation file.

initstring = \15\23         ;- initialization string
formfeed = 12               ;- form feed character for your printer
pagelen = 66                ;- number of lines per page
mt = 4                      ;- top margin
mb = 6                      ;- bottom margin
mr = 70                     ;- right margin
po = 5                      ;- position offset for left column
xl = 254,254                ;- translate character 254 to 254
xl = 20,0                   ;- translate character 20 to null

These are the only keywords the prtdoc program recognizes.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1872

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CH0_1    DOC     18872   2-11-90   1:40p
CH1_1    DOC      3838   2-11-90   1:40p
CH2_1    DOC     30497   2-11-90   1:40p
CH2_2    DOC     28288   2-11-90   1:40p
CH3_1    DOC     11904   2-11-90   1:40p
CH4_1    DOC      2944   2-11-90   1:40p
CH5_1    DOC     19072   2-11-90   1:40p
CH6_1    DOC     16256   2-11-90   1:40p
CHA_1    DOC      5248   2-11-90   1:40p
CHB_1    DOC      8596   2-11-90   1:40p
CHC_1    DOC     12404   2-11-90   1:40p
CHD_1    DOC      6807   2-11-90   1:40p
CHE_1    DOC      2693   2-11-90   1:40p
CURSOR   EXE      3376   2-11-90   1:40p
DEMO     C       16635   2-11-90   1:40p
DEMO     PRJ        55   2-11-90   1:40p
DISKDEMO C        1745   2-11-90   1:40p
DISKDEMO PRJ        65   2-11-90   1:40p
DOSMEM   EXE      4240   2-11-90   1:40p
FILE1872 TXT      2517   3-21-90  10:09a
FPCLIB   H        7235   2-11-90   1:40p
FPCLIB   LIB     31463   2-11-90   1:40p
FPGETKEY C          86   2-11-90   1:40p
GETVOL   C         380   2-11-90   1:40p
GETVOL   PRJ        34   2-11-90   1:40p
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       386  12-27-89   3:31p
KBDDEMO  C        4285   2-11-90   1:40p
KBDDEMO  PRJ        60   2-11-90   1:40p
PRTDEMO  C        2738   2-11-90   1:40p
PRTDEMO  PRJ        34   2-11-90   1:40p
PRTDOC   EXE     18973   2-11-90   1:40p
PRTDOC   HP       1106   2-11-90   1:40p
PRTDOC   PFD       558   2-11-90   1:40p
README   DOC       746   2-11-90   1:40p
RENSUB   EXE      3024   2-11-90   1:40p
TCSETS   PAS      1261   2-11-90   1:40p
VIODEMO  C       34634   2-11-90   1:40p
VIODEMO  PRJ        60   2-11-90   1:40p
       39 file(s)     303153 bytes
                       35840 bytes free