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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1840)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “THE CHRISTMAS HELPER”

Santa has helpers, so should you.  Turn your computer into a little elf
with CHRISTMAS HELPER, a Christmas-specific database that helps you
organize the holidays.  CHRISTMAS HELPER keeps your Christmas card list
organized and alphabetized -- there is even a special category to help
you remember children's names while you write greetings.  Of course it
also provides for printing addresses on card envelopes or mailing

CHRISTMAS HELPER also organizes and edits your christmas gift list with
gift ideas for your friends and family.  There is a place for last
year's gift and ideas for the present year.  A similar list of your
Christmas supplies, candles, stamps, wrapping paper, etc., is also
maintained for your shopping convenience.


Disk No: 1840                                                           
Disk Title: The Christmas Helper                                        
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: The Christmas Helper                                     
Author Version: 2.0                                                     
Author Registration: $15.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
Santa has helpers, so should you.  Turn your computer into a little elf 
with CHRISTMAS HELPER, a Christmas specific database that helps you     
organize the holidays.  CHRISTMAS HELPER keeps your Christmas card list 
organized and alphabetized--there is even a special category to help you
remember children's names while you write greetings.  Of course it also 
provides for printing addresses on card envelopes or mailing labels.    
CHRISTMAS HELPER also organizes and edits your Christmas Gift List with 
gift ideas for your friends and family.  There is a place for last      
year's gift and ideas for the present year.  A similar list of your     
Christmas supplies, candles, stamps, wrapping paper, etc., is also      
maintained for your shopping convenience.                               
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║              <<<<  Disk #1840  THE CHRISTMAS HELPER  >>>>               ║
║ To start program, type: XMAS         (press enter)                      ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type: COPY XMAS.DOC PRN                         ║


 :                           THE CHRISTMAS HELPER                          :
 :          Copyright 1987, 1988 (Mark Harvey and Dara Hensley)            :

                            SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS
     To  operate  the  Christmas Helper program,  you will  need  an  IBM  
PC compatible  computer running MS DOS 2.0 (or any later version) and one  
disk drive.   The  program works with any video card.   The print driver is 
very generic,  interfacing  with any printer.   All printing capacities 
assume 10 pitch, single spacing.  Set your printer to these settings before 
running the Christmas Helper.

     Also,   four  files  must  exist  on  the  default  drive or path:  

     The  program  initially is entered by inputting "XMAS"  at  the  prompt 
where the XMAS files reside (i.e., "A>," "C:\XMAS," etc.).

     The Christmas Helper  program is designed to  streamline  your  various 
Christmas chores and allow year-round updating.  Never again will you forget 
little  Bucky's  name nor will you send stationery to Aunt Matilda  for  the 
fourth  time (except on purpose for some perverse reason).   The program  is 
three-fold:   1)  card  organization,  2)  gift  planning,  and  3)   supply 

1)  The Christmas Address Helper consists of three basic functions: creating 
your card list, editing/updating your list, and printing your envelopes. All
commands are menu-selected.

     a.   To create your list,  follow the menu directions:  press "U"  (for 
"Update  the Address List").  This will bring up the  blank card  list  with 
numbers  (up  to  80) in columns.   Next press "1" and  then   "Enter,"   as 
directed at the bottom of the screen,  to open an item listing.   Follow the 
menu  directions  to input:  last name, first name, address,  city,   state,  
zip   code,  and children's names.  Input length is shown by  reverse  video 
blocking.   Also,  the  program has a  mini-word  processing  function  with 
directions  at screen bottom.  If  you  make  an error during input   of   a  
menu   input   (for instance,  name),  use the Back  Space   key  to  delete 
characters  to  the left and the "Delete" key to delete  characters  to  the 
right.   If you realize an error in  an  input  (for instance,   the   city)  
was   made   after  proceeding to the  next  input   (for  instance,   state 
abbreviation),   you may use the arrow key to return to the previous  input.  
The "Enter" key or arrow key will forward you through inputs.

     Upon  completion of one item, press "Escape."  The   amazing  Christmas  
Gnome  automatically  will sort/alphabetize your list by  last  name;  first  
initials  also will appear.   After alphabetizing,  your current  list  will 
appear on screen.  Follow the menu direction at screen bottom signaling  you 
to  enter the next number for item entry.  Continue until you  have  created 
your desired list.  The address helper main menu is regained by pressing 
"Escape" as indicated at screen bottom.  

     b.    The   editing/updating  function  has  three  basic   components: 
editing/updating  of selected input,  viewing of an individual address file, 
and deletion of a file.
     To edit/update your existing list,  follow the menu directions.   Press 
"U"  (for  "Update  the Address List").  Your personal  address  list   will 
appear.    Enter the number corresponding to the item  (name)  you  wish  to 
edit,   as directed at screen bottom.   Then press "Enter" which will  bring  
up  your  list  to edit/update.   Follow  the  menu   directions,   pressing 
"Enter"  or the forward arrow key when  corrections  are  not   needed   for  
an   input   and  entering corrections  for an input  as  appropriate.    To 
return  to  the  address  helper main menu  after  completion  of  necessary 
editing/updating, press "Escape."  If you wish to add a new item, input  any 
available number and proceed as usual.  

     Another  editing/updating component from the address helper  main  menu 
involves viewing an individual address item.   To view an individual address 
item,   press   "L."   Your entire address list will   appear.   Enter   the  
number  corresponding to the desired individual address  item  to  view  and 
then  "Enter."   The  individual item will appear as a  window  within  your 
complete  address  list (although it  cannot be   edited).    As  directions 
indicate,  press any other key to bring up the entire address list in  order 
to view another individual address item.  

     Deletion  of  an  individual  item is  yet  another  component  of  the 
editing/updating  function.   To delete an individual item,  begin from  the 
address  helper  main  menu by pressing "D."  Your  entire address list will 
appear.    Follow  the  directions at screen  bottom.    Enter  the   number  
corresponding to the desired item to delete and  then  "Enter."  As  a  last  
chance,   you  will be asked if this item is the correct   one   to  delete.  
Answer appropriately ("Y" for yes or "N" for no).  If "Y" that item will  be  
deleted;   if "N" you will be returned to your complete list.  You then  may 
choose another deletion action or return to the address helper main menu  by 
pressing "Escape."

     c.   To print your envelopes,  from the address helper main menu, press 
"P"  (for "Print").  A window appears querying your intention to print  your 
entire address checklist (by pressing "C") or an envelope (by pressing "P").  
If  you press "P," another window asks you for your envelope size  by  width 
and  height.   Input envelope sizes as directed (width and  height   to  the 
nearest inch) by pressing each number and then "Enter."  Print values assume  
10   pitch,   single  spacing.  Note that these print  values  remain  until 
altered.   To alter print values/envelope  size  dimensions,  return to  the 
address  helper  main   menu, enter the "P"  (for  "Print  Envelope"),   and 
reassign  envelope  sizes.   Align the upper left corner of the envelope  at 
the  furthermost  left margin of  the printer,  and  place  the top  of  the 
envelope  at  the  top-of-form  position.  Your  entire  address  list  will 
appear for you to choose the number  of  the desired item to print.    Enter 
the number and then "Enter."  While printing, a window will inform you whose 
envelope you are completing.  After printing, press  "Escape" to  return  to 
the  address helper main menu or enter the next corresponding number to  the 
desired  name  to  continue  printing  another  envelope.   (Remember   that  
envelope size remains the same unless you return to the address helper  main 

     If  you  press "C" from the print option to print your  entire  address 
checklist,  align  paper  in  printer and press  any  key.   This  checklist 
functions  as a convenient source to doublecheck completion, note  style  of 
card  sent (to avoid duplication next year), and the like.   After  printing 
this checklist, the window disappears and you are at the main menu.

2)    The Christmas Gift/Supply Helper functions similarly to the  Christmas  
Address   Helper    in  that  it  provides  creation  of  your  gift   list,  
editing/updating  of  same,   and printing of  your  completed  list.    The 
Christmas  Gift/Supply Helper also creates,   edits/updates,   and prints  a 
Christmas   Supply  List   so  no  longer  will you be  scurrying   to   the  
convenience  store  on Christmas  Eve for camera batteries paying $8.50  for 

     a.    Access    the    gift/supply helper menu  by  entering  "G"  (for 
"Gift/Supply  Helper Menu")  from the main menu of the Christmas Gift/Supply 
Helper.   To    create  your gift list,  press "U"  (for  "Update  the  Gift 
List").  A blank  list  will  appear  with  numbers  (up to 80) in  columns.
Follow  the   menu  directions   at screen bottom.    Enter a  number  ("1")  
and  then "Enter."  Input  as per menu directions:   last name,  first name, 
previous   gift,  and  idea  for   next   gift.     The    item    will   be 
alphabetized,    and afterward  you   will   be returned  to   your  current 
list.   Continue until your desired gift list  is created.   Again,  use all 
previous  word processing capabilities for any editing during input of  your 

     b.    To   update/edit  your list,  press "U"  (for  "Update  the  Gift 
List").   Enter the number corresponding to the desired  item  to edit   and  
then  "Enter."  Follow the menu directions in the window to input  "previous 
gift"  and  "next gift."  Also, you may replace "Previous Gift"  with  "Next 
Gift"  by pressing the "Tab" key.  (It does not matter what is blocked  when 
you press the "Tab" key.)  
     To   delete   an  item,  from the gift/supply helper main  menu   press  
"D"  (for "Delete  an Individual from the Gift List").  Enter the number  of 
the   item   to  delete  and then "Enter."  You  will   be   queried  as  to 
correctness.    Answer "Y" or  "N"  as appropriate.   ("Y"  will delete  the 
item;  "N" will return you to the  gift/supply helper main menu.)

     c.   To print your gift list, from the gift helper main menu, press "P" 
(for  "Print  the Gift List").   Follow the menu directions advising you  to 
align paper in the printer and make sure the printer is on-line.   Note that 
the  print values assume 10 pitch,  single spacing.   Once paper is aligned, 
press  any  key  to print your gift list.   When  printing  completes,   the  
gift/supply helper main menu appears.

     d.   The  Christmas  Supply  List is viewed by pressing  "S"  from  the 
Christmas  Gift/Supply  Helper main menu.   A suggested  list  will   appear  
which,  of course,  is happily subject to  your  amelioration.  Follow  menu 
directions.   To add or change an item in the list,  enter  "E" (for   "Edit  
the   Supply  List").  The next  menu direction  asks  you   to  choose  the 
number  of  the   item to  add  or  change.   Choose  any  available  number 
corresponding to  an unassigned item to add  an  item or choose an  existing 
item   number  if  you  wish  to edit  the list.     Then   press   "Enter."   
Input  the new or edit the existing item.  Maximum item length is  indicated 
by  reverse video.  Press "Enter" after input and your list will  be  sorted 
and  alphabetized.  You also may delete an existing entry by  choosing  that 
item  to  edit  and  then deleting all characters  with  the  "Delete"  key.  
Pressing  "Enter"  will sort your list, deleting the desired  item."   After 
your input,  "Escape" will return you to the gift/supply list main menu.
     To print your supply list,  press "P" (for "Print the Supply List")  as 
per  bottom of screen menu directions.   Align the paper in the printer  and 
make sure the printer is on-line.   (Printer values assume 10 pitch,  single 
spacing.)  Strike any key to print.   After completion of printing, "Escape" 
will  return you to the gift/supply helper  main  menu will  appear.    Note 
that  the  lines  to the left of  listed items  for  checking  off  supplies 
appear on the screen but cannot be  checked on  screen;  this is because the 
list is designed as an  actual  on-location shopping tool so manual checking 
is assumed.  

     At  this  point if you wish to return to the Christmas Address  Helper, 
press  "Escape."    You  may press "Escape"  again   to   exit   this/entire 
program.  ("Y" quits the program; "N" returns you to the opening menu.)

     The program does not save files while you are editing.  Thus do not 
exit the program by turning off the machine, rebooting, or the like.  Only 
exit the program from the "Quit" option in the main menu.  As with any 
program, you should make a practice of backing up your data files 
periodically.   To do so with "Christmas Helper" data files, issue the 
command "COPY *.DAT" at the A> prompt (or Drive/path where the files 
reside),  directing the file copy operation to the drive/path you desire. 

     Please  make  copies  of  this  program and  distribute  them  to  your 
friends/Christmas elves and encourage them to register for its use.


                          REGISTRATION INFORMATION
If   you   find this program useful,   please send $15  to   the   following 
address  to  further  development.   Authorized users will  receive  program 
updates and are automatically placed on Santa's "Good" list.

Questions, suggestions, expensive gifts are welcome from registered users.

                        Mark Harvey/Dara Hensley
                        542 Via de la Valle, Suite G
                        Solana Beach, CA. 92075


ATTENTION MARKETING DIRECTORS: The Christmas Helper program can work for you 
as  a  unique marketing tool during the high volume  Christmas  season.   To 
achieve this, we will personalize the program disk with your business's name 
so  that  various  screens appear which will associate  your  name  and  the 
holidays  in your affluent computer user's mind.  In other  words,  wherever 
you  see  "The Christmas Helper" at present on the program screens  in  this 
version, this will be replaced by your business's name.

Should  you wish to purchase this marketing tool, please send $49.95 to  the 
above address clearly indicating the business name you wish to appear on the 
program.   You then may make as many copies of the personalized disk as  you 
wish.   There will be no request for registration fees in  the  accompanying 
documentation (included on disk).

(Cut Here)

                            THE CHRISTMAS HELPER 
                                 ORDER FORM

                    Name _______________________________

                  Street _______________________________

                    City _______________________________

             State & Zip _______________________________

                           *         *         *

[ ]  I have enclosed $15 (check or money order) to register as a user of the 
     Christmas Helper.

                           *         *         *

[ ]  I have enclosed $49.95 (check or money order) to obtain a personalized 
     copy of the Christmas Helper which will display my company's name 
     throughout the program.

     The  name I want to appear in the personalized verison of  the  program 

               (Type or write clearly: 20 Characters maximum)                

                           *         *         *

[ ]  Send  me more information regarding the personalized marketing  version 
     of  the Christmas Helper.  (Unregistered users MUST include a  stamped, 
     self-addressed envelope.)

                           *         *         *

Enclose payment (payable to Mark Harvey and Dara Hensley) and mail to:

                         Mark Harvey & Dara Hensley
                        542 Via De La Valle, Suite G
                          Solana Beach, CA  92075


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1840

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FILE1840 TXT      1999  12-22-89   3:22p
GIFT     DAT      2520   3-12-89  12:23p
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       540   1-01-80   3:17a
SUPPLY   DAT      1320   2-18-89   9:13a
XMAS     DAT     14742   3-12-89  12:24p
XMAS     DOC     15872   3-12-89  12:21p
XMAS     EXE     42240   3-12-89  11:15a
        8 file(s)      79271 bytes
                       79360 bytes free