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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1835)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “MENUEASE”

MENUEASE is a program designed to help the user easily access
application programs present on your hard disk.  You can also create
menu items which move an application program through up to 16 steps
whenever you start it.  Great for plowing through intro screens, or
instantly getting to the portion of an application you usually use.


~ Ability to save up to 16 command sequences per menu

~ A menu can call any other menu

~ Custom title setting for every menu choice

~ Instant DOS access from within MENUEASE

~ Colors customization for the menu display

~ Passwords can determine access to menu items, menu maintenance, DOS
access, and configuration

~ Automatic screen blank after six minutes

~ Context-sensitive help

~ Logging of user, project, menu selection, date, time spent.


                        MenuEase Critique/Questionnaire

     Please fill out the following questionnaire so I can better serve you.
     If you have further comments or questions please write or call me.
     Thanks for your support.

     Name    _____________________________________________________________


     Address _____________________________________________________________


     City    _____________________________________________________________

     State   _______________________________________  Zip ________________

     Phone   _______________________________________

     List type of business _______________________________________________



     Check the line which most closely fits your job function

     COMPANY OWNER _________   END USER __________   MIS STAFF ___________

     MANAGEMENT ___________   ENGINEER ___________   TECHNICIAN __________

     OTHER _______________________________________________________________

     Technical experience with PCs  YES________  NO________

     How many years experience with PCs ? __________

     Can/do you write batch files for your PC?   YES______  NO______

     Reviewers age ________

     Years of advanced education (past High School) ______________

     What type of degree do you have (if any)  ___________________________


     DO YOU PRESENTLY USE A MENU SYSTEM?       YES_______  NO_______

         If so which one? (include version) ______________________________

         What was the price you paid for it? $____________________________

         Would you buy it again today?  YES______ NO_______

         Why was it worth the price when you bought it? __________________




         What do you like about your current menu system ________________




         What do you dislike about your current menu system ______________






     Was the program easy to install  YES_______  NO______

     If NO explain the trouble you encountered ___________________________





     What feature(s) did you dislike and why? ____________________________





     What feature(s) did you like and why? _______________________________





     How would you improve this product? _________________________________





     Was the program easy to use?  _______YES   _______NO

     If NO explain _______________________________________________________





     Did you find any part of the documentation confusing?  ____YES ____NO

     If YES what part of the manual ? ____________________________________





     Did you like the Menu display with the 1,2, or 3 columns of menu
     items?  _______YES  _______NO

     Explain what you would prefer _______________________________________





     Did the program's help facility help?  YES_______  NO_______

     Explain what you would change to improve it _________________________





     Would you buy this program as it stands now?  _______YES  _______NO

     If YES how much would you pay?  $__________

     Explain what you would add/change to improve MenuEase _______________










     What, in your opinion, should a Menu program do to help you be more
     productive ?










                   Thanks for your input. Please mail all reviews to:

                   Douglas C. Gruver
                   8868 Continental Dr.
                   Riverside, Ca. 92504

                   ATTN: MenuEase Product Review


Disk No: 1835                                                           
Disk Title: MenuEase                                                    
PC-SIG Version: S1.1                                                    
Program Title: MenuEase                                                 
Author Version: 1.3.3                                                   
Author Registration: $35.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
This menu program offers context-sensitive help at the touch of a key.  
MENUEASE also allows you to automate your application with a keyboard   
macro:  it still sends keystrokes after your application has started.   
Great for plowing through intro screens, or instantly getting to the    
portion of an application you usually use.                              
 ~ Ability to save up to 16 command sequences per menu                  
 ~ Custom title setting for every menu choice                           
 ~ Instant DOS access from within MENUEASE                              
 ~ Colors customization for the menu display                            
 ~ Passwords for the command sequence.                                  
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                 <<<<  Disk #1835  MENUEASE  >>>>                        ║
║ To start program, type: NM2                                             ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type: COPY MANUAL.DOC PRN                       ║



                                  Creative Computer

                                    Version 1.3.3

                                    USER'S MANUAL

                                  Creative Computer
                                 8868 Continental Dr.
                                 Riverside, Ca. 92504

                                    (714) 688-1924

                                   DEC 1989 Release

                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS

          SINGLE USER LICENSE AGREEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1

          INTRODUCTION TO MENUEASE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2

          DOS and MenuEase  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
               DRIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
               FILE EXTENSIONS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
               BATCH FILES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6

          MENUEASE CONVENTIONS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
               <F1 - F10> FUNCTION KEYS.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8

          ENTERING/EDITING MENU ITEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9

          SIMPLE EDIT EXERCISE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10

          MENUEASE EDITOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
               Menu Item Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
               Loading New Menus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
               Direct Commands  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
               Editor Function Key Definitions  . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
                    Edit Menu Title <F2>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
                    Test Menu - Show/Set Number of Columns <F3> . . . .  14
                    System Command Help <F4>  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
                    Save/Load/Create Menu File <F5> . . . . . . . . . .  15
                    Jam Keyboard <F6> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
                    Menu Item Command <F7 - F10>  . . . . . . . . . . .  16
                    Undo Last Command <F7>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
                    Insert Command <F8> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
                    Move Command <F9> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
                    Delete Command <F10>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17

          CONFIGURATION SCREEN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
               Field Definitions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19

          LOG ON TO MENUEASE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
               Setting Up the User's Account  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
               Privilage Level Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
               Usage Log: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21

          CUSTOMIZING ON-LINE HELP FILES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22

          TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
               Direct/Batch Commands: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
               Problem Solving: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24

          ERRORS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25

          FUTURE UPGRADES and POLICIES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26

                            SINGLE USER LICENSE AGREEMENT

          (C) Copyright 1988,1989  Douglas C. Gruver and  Creative Computer
          for this software, documentation, and user  interface. Riverside,
          California, United States of America. All rights reserved.

          Creative Computer  licenses you  the right  to use  this copy  of
          MenuEase. You may use  this copy of MenuEase software  product on
          the express condition this software is used on one COMPUTER (i.e.
          with a  single CPU) at a single location. If you require multiple
          users and/or multiple computers you must register for a MULTIUSER
          LICENSE. You are  in violation of this copyright if  your using a
          SINGLE USER LICENSE with multiple users/computers.

          Support from users enables us  to develop additional features and
          future versions of the MenuEase product. To  critique our product
          fill out the critique document supplied  on your disk and mail to
          us at:

               Creative Computer
               8868 Continental Dr.
               Riverside,Ca 92504


          This software may not be reversed-engineered or disassembled, and
          includes certain trade  secrets and  confidential information  of
          Creative Computer.


                               INTRODUCTION TO MENUEASE

          MenuEase (C) 1988,1989  is a  program designed to  help the  user
          easily use programs and utilities present on your hard disk.

          Typically  the programs will  reside on different  directories or
          drives  on your  computer's hard  disk.  Remembering where  these
          programs are and how to invoke them can be frustrating especially
          when there are  more than a  couple present. MenuEase will  allow
          you to type in the commands and assign a character text string to
          it.  These text strings  are displayed  on the  screen in  one to
          three  columns. You select the desired program by highlighting it
          using cursor keys and pressing the <ENTER> key. 

          The MenuEase help  manual is  available at any  point within  the
          program by pressing the  <F1> key. As you change  activities (ie.
          the  editor from the  maintenance sections) the  appropriate help
          file will load each time you press <F1>.


               * Save yourself valuable time by remembering complex
                 command sequences for programs and utilities. Set up
                 the sequence once and forget it!
               * Present each command sequence as a menu item text
                 string that you define.
               * Unlimited sub-menus.
               * Integrated Editor with menu file management.
               * You can save up to 16 command sequences per menu.
               * Each menu has a title that you set.
               * Instant DOS access from within MenuEase
               * Auto screen blank after six (6) minutes.
               * Adjust the colors for the menu display.
               * Set passwords for menus, menu items, DOS access, and
               * Usage Log; tracks users, projects,  menu item used, date, 
                 and hours spent on menu item.
               * Semi-automate your application with a keyboard text
                 string, eliminating the constant use of commands and/or
                 menus within the program.

                  As always, Creative Computer welcomes suggestions.
                                We can be reached at:
                                    (714) 688-1924


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

          DOS and MenuEase

          You probably have seen the letters "DOS" in other reference books
          for  your computer,  and the  applications for  it. The  letters,
          stand for Disk  Operating System. This  is simply a program  that
          runs your computer.  It handles  tasks such as  input and  output
          functions like displaying text on your screen, inputting keyboard
          characters, or printing  data on  your printer. You  may see  one
          aspect of DOS  each time you turn  on your computer. This  is the
          DOS  prompt  that  always greets  you:  "C>"  for  a fixed  disk.
          Several versions  of DOS exist, MenuEase will  work with versions
          greater than 2.0 . To  see what version of DOS you have  type the
          following at the DOS prompt:

               C> ver <ENTER>

          The prompt "C>"  is displayed by  the computer and may  differ on
          your computer, don't type  "C>" just "ver" and press  the <ENTER>

          MenuEase  has the  capability to  enter DOS commands  directly by
          pressing the <F4>  function key.  Press <F4>, type  "ver" ,  then
          press <ENTER> to see the your DOS version. 

          Types of Commands

          DOS uses two types of commands: internal and external.

               Internal commands are loaded into the computer's memory from
               a file called  COMMAND.COM. These commands remain  in memory
               until the machine  is turned  off. They are  referred to  as
               "resident"  or internal  commands.  When  your  computer  is
               turned  on  (boots up)  these  internal commands  are loaded

               External  commands are  located on your  DOS disk.  They are
               loaded  into memory  only when  you enter commands  from the
               keyboard or batch files. They are referred to as external or
               non-resident commands.


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release


          A DRIVE is a physical device that holds programs, information, or
          any other data  required by the  computer and it's programs.  DOS
          maintains a  list  of drive  letters i.e.,  A: B:  C: etc.,  that
          reference the physical floppy disk and hard disk.  Normally after
          power  up,  the  following letters  signify  the  listed physical

                    A: - Floppy disk drive 1
                    B: - Floppy disk drive 2 (optionally purchased)
                    C: - Hard disk drive 1 (optionally purchased)
                    D:  -  Z:  optionally  set  by hard  disk  partitioning
                         software, additional hard disks on your system, or
                         by the ASSIGN command. This  command allows you to
                         assign a drive letter to a different drive. Please
                         see your DOS manual for further information on the
                         ASSIGN command.

               When performing a DOS operation, i.e., copy, delete, rename,
               etc., the operation will occur with the current drive unless
               specified in the prefix of the file specification.

               To  view the current drive: and directory type the following
               at the DOS prompt: (or use the MenuEase <F4> function)

                    cd <ENTER>


          DOS version  2.0 and subsequent  versions have the  capability of
          organizing your fixed disk into  "subdirectories." This means you
          can  divide  your  fixed  disk  into  many  smaller  "disks,"  or
          subdirectories,  which   gives  you  much  more   flexibility  in
          organizing  your files. It  also prevents any  one directory from
          becoming  so  large  that  the  process  of  locating  files  and
          executing commands is slowed.

          A  subdirectory  under the  current directory  can be  created by
          using  the "md"  or  "mkdir" command.  If you  want  to create  a
          directory '123data' under the current directory you would use the
          following  at  the DOS  prompt:  (or  the  <F4>  function  inside

               md 123data <ENTER>



                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

          A  subdirectory  actually  is  a specific  section  of  your disk
          (floppy or hard disk) that contains a group of related files. The
          concept of subdirectories is  important in your use of  MenuEase.
          You will have many occasions to work with subdirectories when you
          create your menus.

          A directory is similar to a  table of contents of the files on  a
          specific  part  of the  disk. You  might  think of  it as  a file
          drawer. The main  directory, is called the  "root" directory. DOS
          identifies  the root directory  with a backslash  (\). Each lower
          subdirectory is shown with the backslash separating it from other

          In the root  directory may  be many file  folders. These are  the
          subdirectories  that  are connected  to  the root  directory like
          roots on  a  tree. A  typical  group  of file  folders  might  be
          connected to the root directory like this:

                                        \ (ROOT DIRECTORY)
                                  |                      |
            (subdirectories)      |                      |
                                  |                      |
                                  |               \PROJECTS \SALES
              (more       |                  |
          subdirectories) |                  |
                          |                  |
                       \QFILE             \QMENU
          (file name)    QFILE.DAT

          Notice that there  is a specific path from the root to, say, your
          QFILE.DAT data file. If you wanted to access that data, you would
          have  to tell your system what path  to take to get to that data.
          To do  this your  path would  be: \PROJECTS\QFILE\QFILE.DAT.  The
          \PROJECTS tells  the system  to go  to that  directory. Then  the
          \QFILE directs  the system  to the  next lower directory.  Notice
          each lower subdirectory is separated by a backslash.


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release


          The last term, QFILE.DAT, represents the specific document in the
          \PROJECTS\QFILE\ file folder that  you want to see. All  files on
          your  system have a  name similar to this.  The term, "QFILE," is
          the primary name  given the data. The  .DAT term is known  as the
          "extension." This describes the type of data in the file. 
          Extensions are always  separated from the  name by a period  (.).
          MenuEase uses the extension (.QMN) for a MenuEase Nested file and
          (.HLP)  for  its help  files.  The  file on  your  DOS  disk have
          extensions such as (.COM) for command, (.EXE) for executable, and
          (.BAT) for batch file. DOS allows  you complete freedom in naming
          the  file name  and extension.  You should  plan what  convention
          you'll  use  in  naming your  files/extensions  and  stick to  it
          without exception. This forward planning will  save a lot of time
          in the future when trying to search for specific data that may be
          many months or years old.

          BATCH FILES

          A batch file  is a series of DOS commands collected into a single
          file that can be executed any time. You will find uses  for batch
          files to enhance and ease using DOS. Batch files can also be used
          with MenuEase to substitute one command line for many commmands.

          One batch file  in the DOS  root directory is AUTOEXEC.BAT.  This
          file is used by DOS to  get your computer running, or  operating,
          when you first turn it on. MenuEase  will be most useful if it is
          called up when your  system is first turned on. We  can make this
          happen  by  putting  commands  in   the  AUTOEXEC.BAT  file  that
          automatically  take you to MenuEase. Just add the following lines
          at the end of your C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT file:

               CD [directory where you installed MenuEase] 


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

          EXAMPLE: You installed  MenuEase program  files in the  directory
          \menu. Append the following two lines to the AUTOEXEC.BAT

               CD \menu
          This will invoke MenuEase and display a menu from power up.

          NOTE: New computer  installations will  require the installer  to
          create  the AUTOEXEC.BAT  file. MenuEase  can do this  within the
          installation  program.  Please  see the  readme.1st  file  on the
          distribution disk for further details. 



          When you  are required to  type at  the keyboard  this text  will
          prompt you by  enclosing the  text with  double quotes;  Example:
          "text to  be typed"  All main  control keys of  the keyboard  are
          within less/greater than signs (i.e. <KEY_NAME>).

               Example: "dir" <ENTER>
               Instructs you to type the text in at the keyboard within
               the double quotes  and press the  key marked <ENTER>.  Don't
               type the double quotes!!


          <ENTER>, <RETURN>, <CR>, or COMMAND EXECUTE.

          Some  people refer  to this  key as  the command  execute key  or
          return key. Used  to terminate  input or signify  that a  command
          should be processed  by the computer.  We'll use the <ENTER>  key
          for the remainder of this manual.


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

          <BS>,<DEL>,<INS> EDITING KEYS

          These three keys augment cursor movement and text entry.

               <BS> =  Backspace, delete  text to  the left  of the  cursor
               pulling text to the right of the cursor with the cursor.

               <DEL> = Delete, delete text under  cursor and pull text from
               the right into cursor.

               <INS> = Insert, Typing this key toggles the overwrite/insert
               mode of text entry. Insert mode allows you to insert text at
               the current cursor  position. Overwrite types over  the text
               already  present. Insert mode is  denoted with a block style
               cursor while the overwrite mode with a underline cursor.

               <ESC>  =  ESCAPE, Typing  this key  normally exits  you from
               whatever you were doing and places you in a previous part of
               the   program  (i.e.  exits  editor  and  puts  you  in  the
               maintenance section of the program.) 

          <F1 - F10> FUNCTION KEYS.

          These  are  the function  keys  to  the  left (or  top)  of  your
          keyboard.  The  function  sometimes  changes  when  in  different
          sections  of the program; look at the  bottom two status lines to
          confirm their use.

          <F1> HELP KEY.
          Can be typed  at any place  within the program  to get help.  The
          help files may  be modified for  your own needs, instructions  on
          modifying them are located toward the end of the manual. 

          <F4> SYSTEM COMMAND.
          The  <F4>  system  command  function  allows  you  to  access DOS
          commands directly from MenuEase. If you would want to copy a file
          named "myfile.dat" to  the a:  drive, press <F4>  and type  "copy
          myfile.dat a:" <ENTER>.  The command will  execute as if it  were


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

          typed from  the DOS prompt. The <ESC> key  will exit you from the
          prompt without executing the command  entered. MenuEase VER 1.3.3
          and  above will allow you to enter  DOS on a semi-permanent basis
          so  you  may enter  many commands.  Press  <F4> function  key the
          second time to enter DOS on a semi-permanent  basis. To return to
          MenuEase type "exit" <ENTER>  (the DOS prompt will remind  you of

          See your DOS manual for further details of DOS commands.

          Cursor Movement

          These  keys are used  to enhance cursor  movement during keyboard

               <HOME> place the cursor at the beginning of the field.
               <END>  place the cursor at the end of the field.
               <CURSOR_RIGHT> advances the cursor to the right.
               <CURSOR_LEFT> advances the cursor to the left.
               <CONTROL><D> delete the field.
               <INS> Insert key, toggle between insert and overwrite.


          Since each user has different programs on their hard disk it will
          be necessary to  customize each installation. You enter  the EDIT
          mode from the main menu  by pressing the <ESC> key  (usually just
          to the left or right of  the main section of your keyboard).  The
          screen will clear and  you will enter the maintenance  section of
          the program. Press the <F2> key and you'll enter the editor.

          To recap: Press <ESC> - Enters maintenance section
                    Press <F2>  - Enters editor


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

                                SIMPLE EDIT EXERCISE 

          EXAMPLE: You want  to add the  menu name `Lotus  123' for a  menu
          entry at slot A). (Insure your in the editor!)

          Press <PgUp>/<PgDn> keys until slot A)  is highlighted at the top
          left side of your screen. Type <F8>  to insert a blank slot if  a
          menu item is  already present in slot  A). In the upper  right of
          your screen  find a box labeled `Menu Item Editor'. The top field
          within the  box is  labeled `Menu  text :'.  Type in "Lotus  123"
          <ENTER>. `Lotus  123' is now  the text  that will appear  on your

          The cursor inside  the box  should be on  the `Directory  :'line.
          Enter  the  drive:\directory  name where  the  Lotus  123 program
          resides, usually at  `C:\123' (the back slash  signifies the root
          or top most directory on the drive) So type "C:\123" <ENTER>.

          With  the cursor on  the `Password :'  field, type  in a password
          that you'll  remember. If  you don't  need a  password just  type

          COMMAND#(1-7) FIELD
          Advance to field  `Command #1: ' using  the UP/DN cursor keys  if
          necessary. You'll see a underline cursor blinking there.  Type in
          the  name  of  your  program  the  way  your  application  manual
          indicates. (i.e. the same  way you'd invoke the program  in DOS)>
          For this example  it would be `123' <ENTER>. If you want to enter
          more  commands, just enter  them in  the following  command lines
          typing <ENTER> after each command. All valid DOS commands and any
          executable program can be entered.

          Press <ESC> key to exit editor and enter the maintenance section.
          A YES/NO requester  will pop up  asking you if  you want to  save
          your changes. Type either 'Y' or 'y' to save edits; any other key
          to  use  your  changes  temporarily  in MenuEase.  When  MenuEase
          returns from the program that was called, the last used menu file
          is read. If  you don't save your  edits they will be  lost. Press
          <F3> to enter the main menu where you can test the changes.


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

                                   MENUEASE EDITOR

                      The active function keys are listed below

          F2 Edit menu title                 F7 Undo for F8-F10 commands
          F3 Check menu looks, set columns   F8 Insert blank space new item
          F4 Send DOS command to system      F9 Move, change order of items
          F5 Save/Load/Create menu file      F10 Delete item 
          F6 Jam keystrokes for application

          Editor Navigation Keys
          Use the same keys as shown in the previous section.

          General Information
          To enter the editor from the main menu press <ESC> then <F2>.

          The  editor allows you to set  up control of the menu environment
          presented to the user and save them in a file for later use. This
          file will be  used by MenuEase to later display the menu text and
          invoke the commands you set within the editor. 

          The editor works  with one menu file at  a time. A menu  file has
          the extension  '.qmn'.  Menu files  are created  after a  editing
          session  followed by  a 'save'  command. As a  menu may  call any
          number of other  menus, a menu hierarchy may be set up easily. No
          structure is enforced  with the menu calling  sequence, your free
          to use any structure you like. 

          A menu may  have up to  sixteen items, and each  item can have  a
          password associated with  it. You can  move, delete, insert  menu
          items within this 16 item limit.  These 16 item slots are on  the
          left side of the editor screen labeled A) - P). 

          Each menu  item has several pieces of information associated with
          it.  On the right  side of the  screen is the  editor box labeled
          `Menu Item Editor',  here is where you  can edit menu  item data.
          The left list  gives you an overview  of menu items, to  select a
          item to edit  type <PgUp> or  <PgDn> and observe the  highlighted
          text  on the left. In the  `Menu Item Editor' box, displayed data
          will represent  the menu item  selected, changing in  response to

          The bottom two rows of the screen are for function key definition
          and special help for the current operation.


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

          Menu Item Fields

          These  fields are within the upper right  hand box. Each of these
          fields pertains  to the  menu item.  The field  names are  listed
          below with their definitions:

          Menu text :    Enter  the text  here you  wish  to appear  in the
                         menu. 23 characters maximum  are allowed. MenuEase
                         will not recognize  an item that has  no name; the
                         command fields will be ignored if the menu text is
                         missing. This  allows you  to put  an empty  place
                         holder in your menu. The  empty place holder helps
                         by spacing your items  apart. Effective when  used
                         between every 4th or 5th menu item.

          Drive:\Dir :   Enter  the  drive:\directory  where   the  program
                         resides. Leaving this  blank will keep you  in the
                         current  drive:\directory. If  you  have only  one
                         drive you don't  have to  enter the drive:  prefix
                         letter. When  a  menu item  is  invoked,  MenuEase
                         looks here to  switch directories. Upon completion
                         of the  menu item  MenuEase switches  back to  the
                         original directory. Type a  " ~ " in front  of the
                         drive:\file specification to  keep MenuEase in the
                         directory you  specified here  after commands  1-7
                         are processed.  Otherwise MenuEase will  return to
                         the   current  directory.   Changing   to  a   new
                         drive:\directory is useful when changing menus.

                         Example: ~c:\menu

          Password :     Enter  a  password  for the  application  or menu.
                         Leaving this blank will avoid the password prompt.
                         All  users  will  have   the  same  passwords  for
                         applications (if the menu file  is the same). Menu
                         passwords are set here also.

          Command#(1-7): Enter the program name,  the same as in  DOS. This
                         could  be a *.bat,*.exe, or a  *.com file plus any
                         normal DOS command. Commands  may also include the
                         batch file flow  commands, (eg.  if , goto  etc.).
                         Flow commands are only valid  in the BATCH mode of
                         operation (the default).


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

               NOTE:  Command#1 can  be prefixed  with an ampersand  `&' to
               signify a new menu file is  to be loaded, the password field
               will then be  used as the  menu's password. Command#1  field
               can also be prefixed with a '!' to signify a direct command.
               Please see  the  TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS  section for  more
               system information on the Command #1-#7 fields.

          Loading New Menus

          To load  a new menu  file an ampersand  '&' must prefix  the file
          name on  Command #1  : field. The  menu files  all have  the same
          extension '.qmn'. This extension  is not needed when you  type in
          the menu  file name,  MenuEase will  append it  automatically for

          Commands  #2-#7 will  be  executed  as  normal  DOS  commands  or
          programs.  This  allows you  to  switch directories,  copy files,
          execute any other DOS command or batch  file before a new menu is


                    Menu text : Utilities Menu
                    Directory : c:\util
                    Password  : sample  ;will prompt user for the "sample"
                                        ;password (if passwords enabled)
                    Command #1 :&util   ;load menu file util.qmn
                    Command #2 :dir /p  ;get a directory listing
                    Command #3 :        ;blank here, could be used for more
                               :        ;commands...
                    Command #7 :        ;blank


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

          Direct Commands
          It is recommended that you use the Direct Command mode for
          implementing DOS commands. To use MenuEase in the DIRECT MODE and
          keep it resident while executing commands,  place a '!' prefix in
          front of `Command #1  :' field. Commands #2-#7 are  executed with
          MenuEase  remaining resident  as Command  #1. This  is  useful in
          doing batch  files, implementing  a menu  entry for  dos commands
          such   as  'dir',  or   when  you  know   an  application  memory
          requirements takes less than:

          Memory available - 200K > application memory requirements

          Example: You have 640k ram installed in your machine. 640K - 200K
          = 440K. So you  could keep MenuEase resident if  your application
          took less than 440K of ram.

          Editor Function Key Definitions

          Edit Menu Title <F2>

          Typing the <F2> function key pops up an input requester where you
          can enter a  title. The menu title  will be displayed  in reverse
          video  on top  and centered  to the  menu body.  Placing a  space
          before and after the  title text makes the title easier  to read.
          You can test your menu title by typing the <F3> key (after you've
          exited from the title input requester).

          Typing <ESC>,<ENTER>, or any function key  will exit you from the
          input requester.

          Test Menu - Show/Set Number of Columns <F3>

          The <F3>  function key  asks for  the desired  number of  columns
          (defaults  to  the previously  set  number) for  your  menu. Your
          allowed 1,2, or  3 columns. If you  ask for too few  columns, the
          program will increment the number of columns by 1. If this occurs
          MenuEase  will  inform you  with a  message.  Once the  number of
          columns is  set MenuEase will  display the columnized  menu items
          for you. After  looking at  the displayed menu,  press return  to
          continue. After you 


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

          press  return MenuEase  will  ask  you if  you  want to  see  the
          columnized  menu  again. This  will be  your  chance to  select a
          different number of columns. (select 'Y' or 'y')

          System Command Help <F4>

          The  <F4>  system  command  function allows  you  to  access  DOS
          commands directly from MenuEase. If you would want to copy a file
          named "myfile.dat"  to the  a: drive,  type <F4>  and type  "copy
          myfile.dat a:" <ENTER>.  The command will  execute as if it  were
          typed from the DOS prompt.

          Save/Load/Create Menu File <F5>

          All file functions  use a common drive:\directory  prefix defined
          in the configuration section. To get to  the configuration screen
          exit the editor  by typing <ESC> "Y"  to save any edits  and then

               The  SAVE  feature is  entered by  typing  "S" or  "s" after
               typing <F5>. The feature allows you to save the current menu
               file to disk. It first prompts you  for a file name with the
               current  file  name already  typed  in  for you.  Just  type
               <ENTER> to save to the file name shown. If the  file already
               exists MenuEase will  display a YES/NO requester  asking you
               if  it's all  right to  overwrite  it. Type  "Y"  or "y"  to
               overwrite, any other key to abort  the SAVE function. If the
               file will not  be overwritten  then MenuEase  saves the  new
               file with no prompt.

               The LOAD  function is  entered by  typing "L"  or "l"  after
               typing <F5>. MenuEase will then prompt you  with the message
               `Save  current menu file?',  enter a "y" or  "Y" to save the
               menu file your working on or  any other key not to save  the
               current file. The function then displays a list of all *.qmn
               files   in   the   common  drive:\directory   (set   in  the
               configurationn screen)  of  MenuEase. The  display  area  is
               limited to  17  menu files,  using  the <HOME>,  <END>,  and
               cursor keys will allow to scroll  through the file list, the
               file highlighted will  be loaded if you  press <ENTER>. Type
               <ESC> to exit the file load function without loading a file.


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

               The CREATE function  is entered by  typing "C" or "c"  after
               typing <F5>. The function then  displays a prompt asking for
               the file name to CREATE.  If you leave this field blank  and
               type <ENTER> you'll be put back into the editor with nothing
               changed. You can enter  up to eight characters for  the file
               name. Type <ENTER>  to CREATE  the typed file  name, if  the
               file  exists  in  the  common  drive:\directory  you'll   be
               prompted to overwrite it with  a YES/NO requester. Type  "Y"
               or "y"  to overwrite the  file, any other  key to  abort the
               CREATE function.

          Jam Keyboard <F6>

          The  jam  keyboard  function enables  you  to  semi-automate your
          application.  This helps  you overcome  layers of  a menu  system
          built into the program. MenuEase  "types" in your saved  keyboard
          sequence just before invoking the program.

          Example: You  want to get  to a listing of  possible documents to
          edit within Q&A Integrated (c). After editing the menu item, type
          the <F6> key.   Select the 'Write' module by typing "w|" (the '|'
          equals a <ENTER>).   Select the 'Get File' function for all *.doc
          files by typing  "g*.doc|". So  the total string  entered at  the
          input requester would be: "w|g*.doc|".

          Menu Item Command <F7 - F10>

          These function keys  operate on the  whole menu item. This  means
          the  Menu  text,Directory,Password, and  Command# 1-7  fields are
          affected by the following:

                  Undo Last Command <F7> (Move, Delete, or Insert Command)

          The undo command  allows you  to recover from  the last  command.
          Type <F7>  to restore the  menu file previous  to the last  <F8>,
          <F9>, or <F10> command. The <F7> command may be also used to copy
          the last menu file into a  newly created menu file. Once the  new
          file is created the editor will have no data in it. Press <F7> to
          place the last file's data into the newly created one. Be sure to
          save the new file after all of your edits!


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

          Insert Command <F8>

          The insert command will insert  a blank menu item (space) at  the
          current menu  item (highlighted). Use  a blank space  to separate
          menu items for better legibility.

          Move Command <F9>

          The move command allows you to move the current menu item (A - V)
          to another slot (A -  V). Input requesters guide you  through the
          process. Use the <ESC> key to exit from the move function without
          moving a menu item.

          Delete Command <F10>

          The delete  command deletes  the  current menu  item. The  delete
          command is confirmed with a simple yes/no requester.


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

                                 CONFIGURATION SCREEN

          The configuration screen is used to set up several parameters for
          the  program. (i) Drive:\directory and file names for the system.
          (ii) password for DOS access and Maintenance access. (iii) Colors
          for  the screen,  text,  menu background,  menu  border, and  one

               Note:  MenuEase has  a  hard  coded  configuration  password
               "config".  Enter  this  text  string  when  prompted  for  a

          Quick Reference:
          Use the following keys to change fields:

               <CURSOR_UP> - Move cursor to previous field
               <CURSOR_DOWN> - Move cursor to next field
               <ENTER> - Move to next field

          Use the following keys to edit a file/password field:

               <CURSOR_RIGHT> - Move cursor next character to the right
               <CURSOR_LEFT> - Move cursor to previous (left) character
               <HOME> - Move cursor to beginning of field
               <END> - Move cursor to end of field
               <CONTROL><D> - Delete field's contents
               <INS> - Toggle between insert and overwrite
               <DEL> - Delete text to right of cursor
               <BS> - Backspace, delete text to the left

          Use the  <ESC> key  to exit  the configuration  screen. A  pop-up
          requester  will  ask  if  you  want  to  save  your configuration
          changes. Type a 'Y' or 'y' to save changes.


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

          Field Definitions

          Company Name: The Copyright  notice at the top of the menu screen
          may  be changed  by typing  in  a text  string here.  It  will be
          centered where the  original copyright  notice was.  You may  put
          pertinent company  information here or  any other  text you  deem
          Drive:  Enter  the  drive letter  of  your  hard  disk where  the
          MenuEase files reside. Defaults to  the drive you specified  with
          the `install' command. Valid drives are  C: through Z:. Once this
          is set it should never be  changed. If you decide to change  this
          drive  or directory  specification  reinstall  MenuEase  to  that

          Directory:  Enter  the  directory  where  MenuEase  files reside.
          MenuEase  will  look  at the  DRIVE:\DIRECTORY  for  all required
          MenuEase control files.

          Execute on Exit to DOS: Type in a  program name or DOS command to
          execute when you leave MenuEase and enter DOS. 

          Password on  Exit to DOS: Type in a password here so DOS can only
          be accessed by authorized users.

          Password for Menu  Maintenance: Type in  a password here so  only
          authorized users can change the menu.

          Usage Tracking File  Name: Type  in here the  usage tracking  log
          file name  you want  to use for  your system.  Usage tracking  is
          supported in versions 1.3.3 and up.  Usage tracking allows you to
          track usage of  your computer system. When  enabled MenuEase will
          save the user, project, menu item  used, date, and time used with
          a program or  application. This file  is generated with the  file
          name you set here.

          Usage Tracking  Enable/Disable  Toggle:  Use  <CURSOR_RIGHT>  and
          <CURSOR_LEFT> to select whether usage tracking is 'on' or 'off'.

          Color  Options:    You can set  up different colors  to suit your
          taste. Use the <CURSOR_UP> and <CURSOR_DOWN>  keys to move to the
          color to change, <CURSOR_RIGHT> or  <CURSOR_LEFT> to change color
          values.  The  monochrome displays  are  limited in  the different
          values. CGA/EGA/VGA have  a choice  of sixteen  colors to  choose


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

          from.  The colors are  updated automatically when  changed so you
          can see  their affects  immediately. Please  experiment for  best

                                  LOG ON TO MENUEASE

          Setting Up the User's Account:

          The user's account file is users.act . This file controls the log
          on user name, password,  and access level. The access  levels are
          DOS, maintenance,  configuration, and applications.  These access
          levels mean that a  password requester will be disabled  for that
          user. When the log on mechanism is active MenuEase will display a
          log on box as shown:

               * MenuEase Log On Process...            *
               *                                       *
               * User's Name _____________________     *
               *                                       *
               * Project     _____________________     *
               *                                       *
               * Password    _____________________     *
               *                                       *

          The user enters their name and password to enter the Menu system.

               MenuEase ships  with this  feature disabled. To  enable
               the  log on feature you  must edit your users.act file.
               The  file  is  located   in  the  drive:\directory  you
               specified in  the configuration screen.  Use your ASCII
               text editor (word processors that  export to ASCII work
               fine) to create a  file with the following format  (all
               data is case sensitive!):

                         -ASCII-     -ASCII-       ASCII decimal

               Where -ASCII- is keyboard text,  number, and any punctuation
               you  can  type  in at  the  keyboard.  It  does not  include
               function, control or alternate keys.


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

               ASCII decimal  is the  numbers 0 -  31. To  set a  privilege
               level the following numbers are valid.

               Privilage Level Definition

               0 No privilege
               1 No privilage
               2 DOS privilege
               4 Maintenance privilege
               8 Configuration privilege
               16 Application privilege
               31 SUPER USER - no passwords asked

          The Privilege_level allows the user to circumvent password
          requesters that pop-up automatically for  the above accesses. You
          can  add privilege  levels together  to obtain  special  types of

                    Roger pencil 31

               This  example  sets the  user name  to  `Roger', the  log on
               password to `pencil' and the privilege level to 31.

               Example 2: 
                    Roger pencil 31
                    Ruth bobcat 8
                    Tom Barber 12  2  levels  of  access  -  Maintenance  &

               This example shows you that you can create a simple list  of
               log on entries with multiple access levels for each user.

          You can disable  the log  on feature by  inserting the  following
          text on  the first  line of  users.act: "NOLOG"  (don't type  the
          There is a  users.act file that is shipped with  MenuEase and has
          the first line set to "NOLOG". Below  that line are more examples
          of setting the privilege  level. You can delete the  "NOLOG" line
          and experiment with the provided users/passwords.

          Usage Log:
          The   configuration   screen   contains   a   YES/NO  toggle   to
          enable/disable the usage  tracking option. The  above log on  box


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

          will appear if  usage tracking is  enabled or when the  users.act
          file has no "NOLOG" text on the first line of the file. 

          When  you logon  to MenuEase  your asked  to type  in your  name,
          project, and password. The  password field may be skipped  if the
          users.act  file  has the  "NOLOG" text  as  the first  line. This
          information is used to log the usage of the menu items or
          programs. As each  menu item is  invoked MenuEase will write  the
          information to the usage log  file specified in the configuration
          screen. The configuration screen also has on/off toggle to enable
          the usage track  option. MenuEase is  shipped with the usage  log
          disabled. You may view the saved data by typing at the keyboard:

               type usage.log | more <ENTER>

               This command line will  display the usage log to  the screen
               one page at a time.


          MenuEase allows you  to customize the  help files to your  needs.
          The files that are referenced are listed below. On the right side
          of the '=' (equals sign) are the file names that are referenced.

               main user menu   = qm_show.hlp
               maintenance      = qm_main.hlp
               editor           = qm_editi.hlp
               editor exit      = qm_edtex.hlp
               DOS/sys commands = qm_sysc.hlp
               jam keyboard     = qm_jam.hlp
               menu title       = qm_title.hlp
               configuration    = qm_cnfg.hlp
               registration     = qm_load.hlp

          Each file can be  up to 300 lines(approximately 15  screens). All
          other pages will  discarded. You can  use a simple Word  Star(tm)
          type editor  that produces ASCII text. All characters outside the
          normal ASCII bounds will be  displayed as IBM graphic characters.
          Set the following for your word processor:

               margins delta = 76 characters max.
               left margin = 0

          The  help  display routine  will 'center'  the  text within  a 76
          character window; all extra text will not be shown for the line.


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release


          MenuEase file types:

               *.hlp          ASCII text help files
               *.cfg          Binary configuration file
               *.qmn          Binary menu files

               users.act      ASCII text MenuEase log on file

          The two ASCII text files can be modified by word processors  that
          can export  to ASCII (don't  use the wordprocessor's  normal save
          function!) or by simple  text editors such as the one supplied by
          the Norton Commander. The Binary files are modified by MenuEase's
          (NM2.EXE)  internal editor.  If you  attempt  to edit  the binary
          files with a text  editor you may corrupt them,  causing MenuEase
          to act erratic.

          MenuEase  normally operates  as part  of a batch  file mechanism,
          ME.BAT starts the  process invoking the batch  file QUICKMEN.BAT.
          QUICKMEN.BAT next  loads the MenuEase  program NM2.EXE.  MenuEase
          displays the menu and waits for  the User to select a menu  item.
          Once  a  menu  item  is  selected,   NM2.EXE  writes  out  a  new
          QUICKRUN.BAT file with the  commands you typed in at  the editor.
          NM2.EXE  then  terminates,  returning  control  to  QUICKMEN.BAT.
          QUICKMEN.BAT  then   invokes  QUICKRUN.BAT  which   performs  the
          commands.  QUICKRUN.BAT   will  then   call  QUICKMEN.BAT   again
          completing the cycle.

          MenuEase Loop for Batch Commands:

                                -->execute NM2.EXE
                                 ;wait for user selection...
                                 ;write out new QUICKRUN.BAT file
                               goto QUICKRUN.BAT
                               -->run menu commands/programs
                              loop back to QUICKMEN.BAT


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

          Batch files  are treated differently  by MenuEase then  *.com and
          *.exe files  when running  in the  Batch Mode.  Batch files  will
          normally execute and return to DOS.  This would make it difficult
          to  implement them;  MenuEase circumvents  this  by automatically
          prefixing  them with  the string:  `command  /c'. This  makes the
          batch file behave as a *.com or *.exe program (i.e. it returns to
          the caller). MenuEase automatically senses  whether the file is a
          batch file and  prefixes the batch  file name with `command  /c'.
          This makes it easier for people to mix any type of batch file and
          program file with out worry.

          Direct/Batch Commands:
           Two different modes  of command operation occurs  with MenuEase.
          The BATCH mode  is the default mode, this mode takes the commands
          you  entered  from  within  the  editor  and  puts  them  in  the
          QUICKRUN.BAT batch file. This mode is useful for most any program
          invocation,  except  DOS commands.  The  DOS command  `pause' can
          allow the user  to type  <CONTROL><C>, the  DOS 'break'  command.
          This would  be disastrous because  the user could  circumvent the
          batch file process  and put her/him  in DOS directly. The  DIRECT
          mode of operation  avoids this problem  by invoking the  commands
          from  MenuEase,  avoiding  the batch  file  'break'(eg. <CONTROL>
          <C>). Prefix Command #1  within the editor with a  '!' character.
          Please look at the MenuEase editor section for more details.

          Problem Solving:
          In the batch  mode of operation  proper execution depends on  the
          system finding the NM2.EXE file. If this file cannot be found the
          last Batch Mode program executed will  be executed forever. It is
          imperative that the  MenuEase DRIVE:DIRECTORY as stated  when you
          installed  the  program  be  part  of  the search  path  for  DOS
          programs. Please  look at the INSTALLATION section of this manual
          for information on setting the 'path' DOS environment variable.

          If you use a  lot of DOS "set" commands in your  system boot file
          (eg.  c:autoexec.bat file) you may  run out of environment space.
          By default DOS  allocates only 128 bytes,  approximately four (4)
          to eight (8) "set" commands.  Problems may arise if DOS  runs out
          of environment space when it trys to set a new path for MenuEase.
          If this  happens the  problem noted  in the  above paragraph  may
          occur.  Use  the  configuration  command  "shell" to  change  the
          default environment space in the C:\config.sys file.


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release

          The following  example is  for MS-DOS  Ver 3.0  and greater.  DOS
          version 2.0 does not support environment size changes.   

          Example:  Append  the   following  line   at  the   end  of   the
                    C:\config.sys file.

                    shell=c:\command.com c:\ /p/e:nn

                    In this example,  substituting nn with 512  (MS-DOS VER
                    3.20 and 3.30)  sets the  command environment space  to
                    512 bytes (4 times  the default). You may increase  the
                    environment  space up  to  32K bytes  but  this is  not
                    necessary. 512 to 2048 bytes is  usually more than your
                    computer system will ever need. 

                    NOTE:  Only  MS-DOS  VER  3.0  and  above  support  the
                    environment size changes.  For versions  3.00 and  3.10
                    the nn  defines the  number of  paragraphs to  allocate
                    (one paragraph equals 16  bytes) and this value can  be
                    from 10 to 62 (giving environment sizes from 160 to 992
                    bytes). For MS-DOS  3.20 and 3.30,  the nn defines  the
                    absolute   number  of   bytes   to   allocate  to   the
                    environment, from 16 to  32768. If you use a lot of TSR
                    programs note that each  one will use the same  size of
                    environment space as you define here. The Computer must
                    be rebooted or turned off then  on for the changes made
                    to the config.sys file to take effect.


          Any File Not Found:

          Invariably  the  biggest problem  with  set up  is  a mis-spelled
          DRIVE:\DIRECTORY specification  in the  configuration screen.  If
          you've spelled it wrong here all MenuEase files will mysteriously

          If  you've  mis-spelled  the menu  file  name  for  a menu  file,
          MenuEase  will display an error message  and give you a chance to
          examine the full  path name to the menu file. To re-edit you must
          enter the editor and change Command #1 field's text for that menu


                      MenuEase User's Manual - DEC 1989 Release


          Creative Computer  is always  trying to  improve their  products.
          Through active  listening we can  improve our products  and their
          performance. Here are  some of  the improvements already  planned
          for MenuEase:

                    * Input/Output Panels for Interactive User Input
                    * Usage log option (included in VER > 1.3.2)

             If you have an idea, please don't hesitate to let us know in
                 writing or by phone. Again, thanks for your support.

                                  Creative Computer
                                 8868 Continental Dr.
                                  Riverside, Calif.

                              ATTN: MenuEase Suggestions

                                PHONE: (714) 688-1924


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1835

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

SERIAL   NUM        41   3-15-90  11:48a
README   1ST     11468   1-25-90   4:17p
INSTALL  BAT      4088   1-25-90   3:52p
QUICKMEN BAT        19  11-21-88  12:52p
QUICKRUN BAT        15  11-21-88  12:48p
MANUAL   DOC     61402   1-28-90   8:32a
CRITIQUE DOC      8806   1-01-90   1:21p
USERS    ACT        89   1-21-90   1:54p
NM2      EXE    112064   1-28-90   9:15a
GETYN    EXE      3904   6-10-89   7:31a
SETPATH  EXE     13632  12-11-88   6:14a
REM_EOF  EXE      8560   1-14-89   9:04p
QM_EDITI HLP     11677   7-30-89   5:25p
QM_CNFG  HLP      3417   1-28-90   8:40a
QM_EDTEX HLP       585   7-24-89   6:23a
QM_JAM   HLP       694   7-24-89   6:25a
QM_LOAD  HLP      1970   9-01-89  12:52p
QM_MAIN  HLP      2951   7-24-89   7:04a
QM_RGSTR HLP      3152   1-17-90   1:32p
QM_SHOW  HLP      5226   9-01-89  12:54p
QM_SYSC  HLP       652  11-04-89   6:48p
QM_TITLE HLP       533   7-24-89   6:48a
MENU001  QMN       412   5-07-89   3:42p
DISK     QMN       888   2-17-89   4:14p
TEST     QMN      1076   6-04-89   9:19a
TEST2    QMN       882   6-04-89   5:14p
NEWPATH  BAT       101   3-15-90  11:52a
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       540   1-01-80   2:53a
FILE1835 TXT      2369   4-23-90   2:58p
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