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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1821)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “CONGRESS-PCW”

Here, at last, all in one place and ready to use with your PC-Write
mail merge features are titles, names, addresses, and phone numbers of
hundreds of elected and appointed members of our government, both
Federal and the State of California.

Simply type your letter and by using the mail merge features of PC-Write
and the names and addresses supplied by this program you can make sure
everyone will know how you feel.

The files in this directory were designed for use in PC-Write or ASCII
compatible mail merge systems.  Included in these lists are the Members
of the U.S. Senate, Members of the House of Representatives, The
President, his Cabinet and senior officials of Executive Branch, The
Supreme Court and the Governors of the States.  The equivalent offices
in the State of California are also supplied, as well as the names and
addresses of most of the Mayors and City Managers of the major cities in


Disk No: 1821                                                           
Disk Title: Congress-PCW                                                
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: CONGRESS-PCW                                             
Author Version: 07/17                                                   
Author Registration: $10.00                                             
Special Requirements: PC-Write or ASCII.                                
Here, at last, all in one place and ready to use with your Mail Merge   
system are titles, names, addresses and phone numbers of hundreds of    
elected and appointed members of our government, both Federal and the   
State of California.                                                    
You've finally had it with those people in Washington or Sacramento or  
wherever and you sit down and write your letter.  Once you've done that,
you're ready to go.  Send as many as you need to with the appropriate   
address file, your master letter and a Mail Merge system.  Your opinions
are on the way to the people who need to hear them.                     
The files in this directory were designed for use in PCWrite or ASCII-  
type Mail Merge systems.  Included in these lists are the Members of the
U.S. Senate, Members of the House of Representatives, The President, his
Cabinet and senior officials of Executive Branch, The Supreme Court and 
the Governors of the States.  The equivalent offices in the State of    
California are also supplied as well as the names and addresses of most 
of the Mayors and City Managers of the major cities in California.      
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                 <<<<  Disk #1821  CONGRESS-PCW  >>>>                    ║
║ To print documentation, type:  COPY READ.ME PRN                         ║
║                                                                         ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1821

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CABINET           5855   6-30-89   6:05p
CALDEPT           8172   7-05-89   6:27p
CALIFCOU           703   6-18-89   6:17p
COMMAND  COM     25276   7-24-87
COMMISS           3348   7-16-89   5:39p
EXECTIV           2800   7-16-89   5:37p
FILE1821 TXT      2443  12-22-89  11:32a
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       463  12-21-89   1:13p
GOVERNOR          3194   7-03-89   3:18p
GOVOFFIC          2367   7-04-89   6:54p
MAYORS            4023   7-04-89   6:06p
READ     ME       4237   7-16-89   6:59p
REPPHONE         27821   7-16-89   5:35p
REPRS            18858   7-13-89   6:06p
REPS               293   7-14-89   2:40p
REPSST             342   7-14-89   3:06p
SENATORS          4700   7-07-89   5:47p
SENPHONE          6480   7-16-89   7:11p
SENS               306   7-14-89   3:07p
STATEBOA          6707   7-02-89   6:24p
STATEREP          4906   6-18-89   6:01p
STATESEN          2486   6-27-89   5:48p
STREPS            3248   7-14-89   2:37p
STSEN             1647   7-14-89   2:19p
SUPREME           1273   6-18-89   6:28p
USSEN              280   7-14-89   3:04p
       27 file(s)     142266 bytes
                       11264 bytes free