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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1820)

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Information about “DOCUHELP”

DOCUMENTOR allows you to use your own documentation text file to create
an on-line user's manual and an associated index file for that manual.
Use it primarily as a display tool once the documentation files are
created, or as a conversion tool for the documentation.  Finally, create
the index file to be used by the program.

When used as a display tool the program will window up on the lower
portion of the screen and display the document which you have specified.
You will also be able to use the index which you specified to go to
various places in the document to provide an easy method for finding
various places within the document.  If you use the program with the
index display option you will be able to add index descriptions and line
numbers to the index file with only a few simple keystrokes.

When used as a conversion tool the program will convert a text file
(which you create with your own wordprocessor or text editor) to a
DOCUMENTOR file, which then can be used by the program to provide an
on-line display tool for your document.







                                  Version 1.05                                


              Copyright (C) 1989, Cygnus Systems Development, Inc.            



                                TABLE OF CONTENTS                             



        System Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2       


        Program Use and Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3       


             Using the Find feature from the display screen  . . . .  3       


             Using the Index feature from the display screen . . . .  3       


             Using the Print feature from the display screen . . . .  3       


        Invocation of the Program from the DOS Prompt  . . . . . . .  4       


             Invoking the Documentation Display/Index Option . . . .  4       


             Invoking the File Conversion Option . . . . . . . . . .  5       


        Files Required by the Program  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6       


             Main Documentation Text File  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6       


             DocuMentor Display File for the Program's Use . . . . .  6       


             Index Text File for the Program's Use . . . . . . . . .  7       


        Using the INDEX Option to Create or add to an Index File . .  8       


        Use of the Program from Within the QB Environment  . . . . .  9       


             Loading the QuickLib File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9       


             Using the QuickLib for the Display Option . . . . . . .  9       


             Using the QuickLib for the File Conversion Option . . .  9       


        File Listing with Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10       


        Listing of Selected Color Codes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10       


        Trouble Shooting Guidelines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11       


        Copyright Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12       


        Licensing and Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13       













                           DocuMentor System Overview                         


        The DocuMentor program is a program which allows you to use  your     

        own  documentation  text  file as an on-line user's manual.   The     

        program may be used directly as a display tool and as  a  conver-     

        sion tool.                                                            


        When  used  as  a  display tool the program will window up on the     

        lower portion of the screen and display the  document  which  you     

        have specified.  You will also be able to use the index which you     

        specified  to  go to various places in the document to provide an     

        easy method for finding various places within the document.    If     

        you  use  the program with the index display option,  you will be     

        able to add index descriptions and line numbers to the index file     

        with only a few simple keystrokes.                                    


        When used as a conversion tool the program will  convert  a  text     

        file  (which  you  create  with  your  own word processor or text     

        editor) to a DocuMentor file  which  can  then  be  used  by  the     

        program to provide an on-line display tool for your document.         


        As  far  as  the  actual  use of the program goes,  it provides a     

        'command box' at the bottom of the window with most of the avail-     

        able options.   The options can be executed by  pressing  various     

        keys, and are as follows:                                             





                      Program Features and "Function Keys"                    


        PageUp   -  Scrolls up 16 lines except when at top of document.       

        PageDown -  Scrolls down 16 lines except when at end of document.     

        ArrowUp  -  Scrolls up 1 line except when at top of document.         

        ArrowDown-  Scrolls down 1 line except when at end of document.       

        Home     -  Goes to the beginning of the document.                    

        End      -  Goes to the end of the last page of the document.         

        F        -  Allows you to find a string of text.                      

        I        -  Brings up an Index for selecting different topics.        

        Esc      -  Aborts viewing of either Index or Document on screen.     

        Alt A    -  Adds the emphasized line to the Index file.               

        Alt P    -  Prints the entire DocuMentor file on default printer.     

























                             Using the Find Feature                           


        Press  the  F key from the main display screen and then type in a     

        text string to be searched for and press the enter key.  Once you     

        have done so,  the search will begin from the current  screen  to     

        the  end of the document.   If no matches are found,  you will be     

        prompted as such and then need only to press any key to  continue     

        as before.   If a match is found the line of text containing that     

        match will be displayed as the top line on  the  viewing  screen.     

        Note:  the search is not "case sensitive",  so you need not worry     

        about any capitalization.                                             





                             Using the Index Feature                          


        Press the I key from the main display screen,  and you will  then     

        be  prompted  with  the index selection screen from which you may     

        use the Up and Down arrows to highlight the  desired  topic,  and     

        then press the enter key to go to that section of the document.       





                       Exiting from the DocuMentor Program                    


        To  end  a "DocuMentor session",  simply press the ESC key at the     

        beginning screen of the session.   If you began viewing the docu-     

        ment from the main display screen,  pressing the ESC key from the     

        display screen will terminate the program.    If  you  began  the     

        program  on  the index display screen,  pressing the ESC key from     

        the index selection screen will terminate the program.   At most,     

        all  you  need  do when in doubt is press the ESC key a couple of     






                             Using the Print Feature                          


        Hold down the Alt key and then press the P key, and you will then     

        be prompted with the question: OK to print Documentation ? (Y/N).     

        Press the N key if you do not want  to  print  the  Documentation     

        file,  or  make  sure  that your printer is on and is on-line and     

        press the Y key if you do want to print the file.   If you  press     

        the  Y  key,  the entire documentation file as you see it on dis-     

        played from within the DocuMentor program will be  sent  to  your     

        system's default printer.   You may abort the printing process at     

        any time by simply pressing  the  ESC  key  as  prompted  on  the     

















                Using the DocuMentor Program from the DOS Prompt              


        The  DocuMentor program can be used from either the DOS prompt or     

        from within the Microsoft QuickBasic environment  (by  using  the     

        DOCUMENT.QLB  file).    There are two parameter formats for using     

        the DocuMentor program,  the viewing format  and  the  conversion     



        Format  1 allows the use of the program as a document display and     

        indexing tool from the DOS  command  line  (or  by  calling  from     

        QuickBasic), and should be issued as follows:                         



        DOCUMENT ManualFileName IndexFileName Option LinesPerPage Colors      



             ManualFileName should be the filename of the DocuMentor file     

             to  be  viewed  by the program.  (this is the file which you     

             create with the "CONVERT" option)                                



             IndexFileName should be the filename of the Index Text  File     

             for the Documentor file specified in the ManualFileName.         



             Option should be VIEW/# or VIEW/I or INDEX, as follows:          


                  VIEW/  followed with number causes the program to begin     

                  displaying text on that page number which you specify.      


                  VIEW/I causes the program to begin the display  at  the     

                  index  rather than at some line of text in the documen-     



                  INDEX allows the display of page numbers and  additions     

                  to the index file from within viewing environment.          


                  The Option will default to VIEW/I if not specified.         



             LinesPerPage  is  the  number  of lines on each page of text     

             (will default to 66 if not specified)                            



             Colors should be a 6 digit string that contains the  follow-     

             ing  two  digit  colors  (with leading zeroes) in order: the     

             highlighted text color,  the standard text  color,  and  the     

             background color.  (will default to 150700 if left blank)        



















        Format  2  allows  the use of the program as a document text file     

        conversion tool to convert a text file document to  a  DocuMentor     

        file which is in a format that will be used by the program:           



        DOCUMENT InputFileName OutputFileName Option LinesPerPage Colors      



             InputFileName  should  be  the filename of the Document text     

             file to be converted by the program.                             



             OutputFileName should be  the  filename  of  the  DocuMentor     

             file.  (this  will be the file you use as the ManualFileName     

             in format 1 option specifications)                               



             Option should be CONVERT (If not specified, this option will     

             default to VIEW/I and the documents will be  viewed  instead     

             of converted.)                                                   



             LinesPerPage  should  be the number of lines on each page of     

             text (will default to 66 if not specified)                       



             Colors should be a 6 digit string that contains the  follow-     

             ing  two  digit  colors  (with leading zeroes) in order: the     

             highlighted text color,  the standard text  color,  and  the     

             background color.  (will default to 150700 if left blank)        





































                          Main Documentation Text File                        


        The  text file which you create for use by this program should be     

        an ASCII sequential text file which should have lines 78  charac-     

        ters  long  or  less.   The file should not contain any form feed     

        characters,  as this may produce unpredictable results when  dis-     

        playing the final documentation to the end user.   This file will     

        be read by the DocuMentor program (using the CONVERT option), and     

        will be the basis for the creation of the DocuMentor  file.  (the     

        file which the program uses for actual display purposes)              


        This text file can most likely be created from your word process-     

        ing  program  with  a  print  to disk option.   When you actually     

        create your 'master document' for your user's manual or  documen-     

        tation  you should use your word processor to it's full extent in     

        order to make your word processing not only easier to create, but     

        also easier to modify later on.   When you have a  'final  draft'     

        created with your word processing program, you should then create     

        a text file for use by the DocuMentor.                                


        After  you  have created your text file,  you will want to create     

        the DocuMentor Display file as described below.                       




                             DocuMentor Display File                          


        This file will be created with the CONVERT option from  the  text     

        file (described above) which you have specified.   This is neces-     

        sary for the overall functional capabilities  of  the  DocuMentor     

        program.    There  are no limits placed on the size of either the     

        documentation text file,  or the DocuMentor display file  by  the     

        program.  Only physical disk space limitations apply as limits to     

        the size of either of the files described on this page.               


        Once  you  have  created the DocuMentor display file,  you should     

        then use the DocuMentor INDEX option to easily create or  add  to     

        an index file for the new file which you have created.                





























                            Index File Specifications                         


        The  Index  file  that  you create for your document may be named     

        with any valid DOS name, however you may want to decide on a con-     

        sistent naming convention (ie. *.IDX).                                


        The file must be a sequential text file with a record  length  of     

        seventy eight characters (78).                                        


        The first seventy characters are displayed on the screen when the     

        index records are shown to the user.                                  


        The  last  eight characters are evaluated for a page number,  and     

        are not displayed when the Index records are shown on the screen.     

        The 'page number' should refer to the physical page  number  that     

        the  index description appears on.   You may use whole numbers to     

        indicate the beginning of a physical page,  or fractions to begin     

        at  some  point  other  than  the  beginning  of a physical page.     

        (Example: if the page number was 1.5 and  you  had  specified  66     

        lines  per page,  viewing of the document would start on the 33rd     

        line of the first page if that index selection were made.)            


             As an overall example of the records in an index file,  con-     

             sider  the  following:  The text of your document has an in-     

             troduction page,  a table of contents page,  and then starts     

             with  numbered  pages...so  in  the  index records you would     

             specify the numbering as follows:                                

                  Introduction page ..........//.....   1                     

                  Table of Contents page .....\\.....   2                     

                  Your documents page 1 ......//.....   3                     


        This Index file may contain  up  to  320  different  records  (20     

        screens  worth) with their associated physical page numbers.   It     

        is important to correctly define the number  of  lines  per  page     

        when  using the program,  as the DocuMentor software uses the in-     

        formation you give it to calculate which line to  go  to  in  the     

        document by using the physical page number multiplied by the num-     

        ber of lines per page.                                                


        The most simple method for creating or making additions to an in-     

        dex file is to simply use the INDEX option of the program.   This     

        option is described more fully on the next page.                      

























               Using the DocuMentor program with the INDEX Option             


        Begin the program with the following specifications:                  



        DOCUMENT ManualFileName IndexFileName Option LinesPerPage Colors      



             ManualFileName should be the filename of the DocuMentor file     

             to be viewed by the program.  (this is the  file  which  you     

             create with the "CONVERT" option)                                


             IndexFileName  should be the filename of the Index Text File     

             for the Documentor file specified in the ManualFileName.         


             Option should be INDEX.   This option allows you to make ad-     

             ditions  to  the index file from within the viewing environ-     



             LinesPerPage is the number of lines on  each  page  of  text     

             (will default to 66 if not specified)                            


             Colors  should be a 6 digit string that contains the follow-     

             ing two digit colors (with leading  zeroes)  in  order:  the     

             highlighted  text  color,  the standard text color,  and the     

             background color.  (will default to 150700 if left blank)        




        Once the program has been started with the INDEX option,  the top     

        line  of the DocuMentor display will prompt you with instructions     

        and the current index page number.   The emphasized line  at  the     

        top of the text display can be added to the index file (which you     

        specified  when  you  started  the  program)  along with its cor-     

        responding index page number.   This option enables you to simply     

        go  through  your  document and press the Alt  A key when the em-     

        phasized line should be added to the index file.   Once you  have     

        done  this you may then want to edit the index file with your own     

        word processor to "tidy it up a  bit".    The  additions  to  the     

        specified  index  file  will be made at the end of the file,  not     

        disrupting any of the current entries in that file.    The  addi-     

        tions  will  also  be left justified,  so if you want the options     

        centered or set away from the left margin,  you will also have to     

        make the required changes to the file after you have made the ad-     























          Use of the DocuMentor program from within the QB Environment        


        The  program may be called from within the QuickBasic environment     

        in the same manner which it is called from the DOS prompt.    You     

        have  a  couple  of  options  for  using the DocuMentor from your     

        program.   The first would be to simply call it as  a  DOS  SHELL     

        command  or the second would be to use the .QLB and .LIB files to     

        call the program directly from the environment, and to ultimately     

        link it to your application.                                          


        Method 1 - Calling the DocuMentor program as DOS SHELL.               


        Simply issue a shell command as you would invoke the program from     

        the command line:                                                     


             SHELL "Document DOCUMENT.DOC DOCUMENT.IDX VIEW/1 66 150700"      


        Where  DOCUMENT.DOC  is  the  name  of   the   DocuMentor   file,     

        DOCUMENT.IDX is the name of the Index File for the document, VIEW     

        is  the option with the /1 indicating that display is to begin on     

        page 1 of the document,  66 is the number of lines per page,  and     

        15,  07,  & 00 are the highlighted,  standard,  & background text     



        Method 2 - Calling the DocuMentor program from within QuickBasic.     


        The file entitled DOCUMENT.QLB is a  QuickLibrary  for  use  with     

        Microsoft's QuickBasic Versions 4.XX.   In order to debug, or use     

        the program from within the environment,  you must first load the     

        QuickLib when you initialize QuickBasic.   Second,  you must also     

        declare the subroutine to the program which you  are  calling  it     

        from. Then finally you must call the program with all of the cor-     

        rect parameters.  See steps 1, 2, & 3 below:                          


        Step 1                                                                

        Load QuickBasic with the following parameters: QB /L DOCUMENT.QLB     


        Step 2                                                                

        At the Main Module level declare the subroutine to your program:      

        DECLARE SUB DOCUMENT(File1$,File2$,Option$,LinesPerPage%,Colors$)     


        Step 3                                                                

        Call  the program from your program using either of the following     

        syntax options:                                                       

        CALL DOCUMENT(File1$,File2$,Option$,LinesPerPage%,Colors$)            


        DOCUMENT File1$,File2$,Option$,LinesPerPage%,Colors$                  


        When calling the DocuMentor routine, the calling option names can     

        actually  be  anything  you  want,   however  calling  parameters     

        1,2,3,&5  must be string expressions,  and parameter 4 must be an     

        integer.   The defaults will be "honored" if the  parameters  are     

        left  blank  or null,  however you must issue all five parameters     

        when making the call.                                                 













                       Listing of DocuMentor System Files                     



        File Name       Description                                           

        ------------    --------------------------------------------------    

        DOCUMENT.EXE    DocuMentor program file                               

        DOCUMENT.QLB    DocuMentor QuickLib file for use with QuickBasic      

        DOCUMENT.LIB    DocuMentor Library file for linking with programs     


        DOCUMENT.DOC    the DocuMentor file for display by the program        

        DOCUMENT.IDX    the index file for text display and selection         






                         Listing of Selected Color Codes                      



                       00 - Black      08 - Gray                              

                       01 - Blue       09 - Light Blue                        

                       02 - Green      10 - Light Green                       

                       03 - Cyan       11 - Light Cyan                        

                       04 - Red        12 - Light Red                         

                       05 - Magenta    13 - Light Magenta                     

                       06 - Brown      14 - Yellow                            

                       07 - White      15 - High intensity White              




        For a monochrome monitor you may want to use the following  codes     

        to  produce  an  underlined  letter  or  word for the highlighted     

        characters as the color definitions will have  little  effect  on     

        the  display,  and  you  will  have  difficulty determining which     

        characters or lines are highlighted.   Try using  010700  as  the     

        Color  definition  for a monochrome monitor if the default colors     

        don't work satisfactorily.                                            
































        The DocuMentor program is designed to function with a very  mini-     

        mal potential for encountering an error.  The most likely reasons     

        for unexplained errors or problems will most likely stem from one     

        of the situations outlined below.                                     


        Although the program is designed to work on virtually any type of     

        monitor,  if erroneous color definitions are made, you may not be     

        able to see the displayed text.   For example if all three colors     

        were defined as the same,  you would not be able to see the text.     

        Similarly,  if you choose colors that  are  incompatible  with  a     

        specific  type of monitor,  partial or incomplete displays may be     

        encountered.   When encountering these type of difficulties,  try     

        using the defaults as a starting point,  and then experiment from     

        that point forward.                                                   


        If the program from which the DocuMentor is being called is  very     

        large,  or if there are a lot of memory resident programs loaded,     

        a situation where the DocuMentor  program  did  not  have  enough     

        available memory to run may occur.  (the program requires ~64K of     

        RAM to function properly)  This may be corrected by checking  the     

        available  memory  immediately  prior  to invoking the DocuMentor     



        If a file which was specified for the  program's  use  cannot  be     

        found in the "current default directory",  an error may occur ...     

        which will result in a displayed message,  and then a  subsequent     

        return to DOS.                                                        


        If  an  erroneous  declaration  statement  is made when using the     

        DocuMentor from within a programming environment (where the argu-     

        ment count does not match that in the documentation),  memory al-     

        location errors are likely to occur.                                  




































                                  Version 1.05                                


              Copyright (C) 1989, Cygnus Systems Development, Inc.            


              Compiler Copyright (C) 1982-88, Microsoft Corporation           



        LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY                                              


        Cygnus Systems Development,  Inc. makes no warranty for the error     

        free accuracy of the program,  nor  does  the  corporation  imply     

        suitability  for  any  specific  purpose or use.   Cygnus Systems     

        Development,  Inc.  will not be  liable  for  any  consequential,     

        direct,  incidental,  indirect, or special damages arising out of     

        the use or inability to use the software or documentation.  Under     

        no circumstances shall liability to Cygnus  Systems  Development,     

        Inc. exceed the purchase price of the DocuMentor program.             


        COPYRIGHT NOTICE                                                      


        The  DocuMentor  program  is  a  user-supported  software product     

        protected by federal copyright.   Neither the  documentation  nor     

        the software may be copied,  duplicated,  reproduced, translated,     

        or reduced to any  electronic  medium  or  machine-readable  form     

        either  in  whole or part in any form without the express,  prior     

        written consent of Cygnus Systems  Development,  Inc.  except  as     

        authorized herein.                                                    


        If you use the software,  a contribution of forty nine dollars is     

        required in exchange for written consent to use the program under     

        a private,  non-commercial license and to receive notice  of  up-     

        dates from Cygnus Systems Development, Inc.                           


        Without written consent,  any users of this software and documen-     

        tation are granted a limited license to make an  evaluation  copy     

        for thirty days of trial use on a private,  non-commercial basis.     

        This license does NOT include distribution of this product:           


             - For any consideration or fee.                                  

             - For use within an organization.                                

             - In a modified form.                                            

             - In connection with any other product or service.               


        All Rights Reserved.                                                  



        To receive a license for the program,  see the following  page(s)     

        to place an order.   Thank you for supporting the free enterprise     

















        To receive a usage license for the product, and a current program     

        diskette,  simply complete the following information and send the     

        designated amount to:                                                 


        Cygnus Systems Development, Inc.                                      

        P.O. Box 1616                                                         

        Lee's Summit, MO  64063                                               




        Company Name ______________________________________                   


        Contact Name ______________________________________                   


             Address ______________________________________                   




         City, State ______________________________________                   


            Zip Code ______________________________________                   


        Phone Number ______________________________________                   



        Today's date ___________________                                      





                          DocuMentor (tm)  Version 1.05                       


        License includes one program diskette with program and documenta-     

        tion files.                                                           



        1 computer         ...at $49 each: # computers   1  x $49 = _____     


        2 to 49 computers  ...at $25 each: # computers ____ x $25 = _____     


        50 to 99 computers ...at $15 each: # computers ____ x $15 = _____     


        100 or more computers at a $ 1500 one time fee            = _____     



                                      Total Amount Due =   $    _________     





        Please indicate diskette format:   3.5" _____    or   5.25" _____     



        All license orders are accepted on a prepaid basis only.              

        To  receive  a distribution license for the product,  simply com-     











        plete the following information and send the completed form to:       


        Cygnus Systems Development, Inc.                                      

        P.O. Box 1616                                                         

        Lee's Summit, MO  64063                                               


        Upon receipt the information will be evaluated, and a representa-     

        tive will contact you with  information  about  the  distribution     

        license terms.                                                        



        Company Name ______________________________________                   


        Contact Name ______________________________________                   


             Address ______________________________________                   




         City, State ______________________________________                   


            Zip Code ______________________________________                   


        Phone Number ______________________________________                   


        Today's date ___________________                                      



        State  the name(s) of and descriptions for any products which you     

        plan to distribute the DocuMentor program with:                       







        How many copies of the program  do  you  estimate  will  be  dis-     

        tributed each year:                                                   





        State or Country of Incorporation (if applicable):                    





        Comments or Questions:                                                






        Signature ________________________________  Title _______________     












Disk No: 1820                                                           
Disk Title: DocuHelper                                                  
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: DocuHelper                                               
Author Version: 1.05                                                    
Author Registration: $49.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
DOCUMENTOR allows you to use your own documentation text file to create 
an On-line user's manual and an associated index file for that manual.  
Use it primarily as a display tool once the documentation files are     
created or as a conversion tool for the documentation.  Finally, create 
the index file to be used by the program.                               
When used as a display tool the program will window up on the lower     
portion of the screen and display the document which you have specified.
You will also be able to use the index which you specified to go to     
various places in the document to provide an easy method for finding    
various places within the document.  If you use the program with the    
index display option you will be able to add index descriptions and line
numbers to the index file with only a few simple keystrokes.            
When used as a conversion tool the program will convert a text file     
(which you create with your own word processor or text editor) to a     
DocuMentor file which can then be used by the program to provide an     
on-line display tool for your document.                                 
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                 <<<<  Disk #1820  DOCUHELPER  >>>>                      ║
║ To start program, type:  DOCUMENT (press enter)                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type:  COPY DOCUMENT.DOC PRN                    ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1820

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

DOCUMENT DOC     73920   7-11-89   4:18p
DOCUMENT EXE     64193   7-11-89   7:04a
DOCUMENT IDX      1522   7-11-89   4:11p
DOCUMENT LIB     28721   7-11-89   7:05a
DOCUMENT QLB     25603   7-11-89   7:05a
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