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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1817)

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Information about “SCRIPTURE DISK 2 OF 2 (1816 ALSO)”

A Bible Study program designed for easy use while providing some
high-powered database functions for meaningful surveys and searches.

Advanced features include:

~  Three windows display any portion of scripture desired

~  A fourth window for simple text editing of files

~  Move and resize these windows

~  Verses/references automatically inserted into the editor window

~  A quick search facility with three modes of search

~  Mark books to include/exclude during a word search

~  Easily compile lists of verses matching your search criteria

~  All biblical words (over 12,000) displayed in alphabetical order

~  Bookmarks to hold your place for another study period

~  Context-sensitive help system with more than 60 topics.

EGA/VGA support for 43/50 line modes is supported. This version does
not contain the entire set of scriptures.


Disk No: 1817                                                           
Disk Title: Scripture                                                   
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: SCRIPTURE                                                
Author Version: 2.0                                                     
Author Registration: $50.00                                             
Special Requirements: 2M disk storage.  High-density drive not recommend
A Bible Study program designed for easy use while providing some high-  
powered database functions for meaningful surveys and searches.         
Advanced features include:                                              
~  Three windows display any portion of scripture desired               
~  A fourth window for simple text editing of files                     
~  Move and resize these windows                                        
~  Verses/references automatically inserted into the editor window      
~  A quick search facility with three modes of search                   
~  Mark books to include/exclude during a word search                   
~  Easily compile lists of verses matching your search criteria         
~  All biblical words, (over 12,000), displayed in alphabetical order   
~  Bookmarks to hold your place for another study period                
~  Context-sensitive Help system with more than 60 topics               
EGA/VGA support for 43/50 line modes is supported as are Monochrome and 
CGA. This version does not contain the entire set of scriptures.        
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║       <<<<  Disk #1817  SCRIPTURE disk 2 of 2 (1816 also)  >>>>         ║
║ To start program, type:  SCRIPT2 (press enter)                          ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type:  SCRIPTDC (press enter)                   ║
║                                COPY SCRIPT.DOC PRN                      ║


                   Copyright 1989 by Gil Yoder
                          P.O. Box 307
                       Coalgate, OK 74538

     Scripture is a Bible  Study program designed  to be  easy to
use, yet it contains many powerful and advanced features. At this
time  the evaluation  version of  Scripture is  identical to  the
registered  version of Scripture  in every respect.  (An enhanced
version of Scripture is in  the works, which, because of it size,
will be  availble only to registered  users.)  The copy  you have
received  for  evaluation  may  only  contain  a  portion  of the
biblical text. This should be sufficient for evaluation purposes,
but if not,  you can receive  the complete text  to complete your
evaluation  for  a   small  fee  from  the  author.   Please  see
SCRIPT.DOC for details.

     Advanced features in Scripture include the following items:

 (1) Three  windows to display  any portion of  scripture desired
     (assuming the proper data files are available).
 (2) A fourth window for simple  text editing of files from 0k to
     63.9k long.
 (3) These windows may be moved and resized to please the user.
 (4) Verses and verse references can be automatically inserted in
     the editor window.
 (5) A quick  search facility to search for  any verse containing
     any words  in the Bible  (three search modes  are available:
     single word, multiple word And, and multiple word Or).
 (6) Books may  be marked to include or to  exclude them during a
     word search.  If you were  only interested in  word usage in
     the Pauline  epistles, mark his letters  and all other books
     will be ignored.
 (7) Easily  compile  a list  of all  verses matching your search
 (8) All  biblical  words  (over  12,000)  may  be  displayed  in
     alphabetical order.
 (9) Books in which a word occurs may be quickly determined.
(10) Bookmarks may  be used to hold your  place for another study
(11) Context sensitive help system (over 60 topics).
(12) EGA/VGA support for 43/50 line modes.
(13) Monochrome and CGA also supported.
(14) Installation   program   to   change   colors,  Bible   book
     abreviations, permanent window sizes, etc.
(15) More!

     To run Scripture we recommend these minimum requirements:

 (1) An IBM PC/XT/AT/PS2 or compatible computer (required).
 (2) At  least one floppy disk  drive (optional, but how  are you
     going to load your hard drive?).
 (3) A  5  meg  hard  drive  or  larger.  It  is possible  to run
     Scripture from high density drives, but the process is slow.
     Approximately  2  megabytes  are  required  for the complete
 (4) A disk cache program. This speeds things up a bit, but isn't
     even close to being essential.  Unless you have a very large
     RAM drive (1 or 2 megs), a RAM drive won't help Scripture
     very much.

     The price for registration (currently $50 for USA residents)
is very  reasonable when you  consider the work  and expense that
went in  to writing the  program, but I'll  leave questions about
registration alone until you get a chance to see the program.

     The best way  to learn how to use the  program is to use it.
This  documentation  will  help  you get  started.  For  complete
documentation see SCRIPT.DOC.


     In  order  for  Scripture  to  run  all  its files (with the
possible exception of SCRIPT.EXE) must  be in the same directory,
called  the "Overlay  Directory."  Scripture  can search  for the
Overlay Directory and automatically find  its files, if the files
are in one of the following directories:

     1.  The current directory.
     2.  The directory in which SCRIPT.EXE exists.
     3.  Any directory in the DOS path.

     All important files have been placed in self-extracting
archives.  (These files have an .EXE extention.)  To extract the
files from floppy to your hard drive place your floppy disk in
drive A, log on to your hard drive and enter the directory in
which you wish for Scripture to reside, and type the command that
will execute the archive.

     For example the following sequence will extract the files in
SCRIPT1.EXE (notes have been placed to the right):

C:                                 Log in drive C.  Disk with
                                   SCRIPT1.EXE is in drive A.
CD \                               Make sure you are in the root.
MD HOLYWRIT                        Make a new directory.
CD HOLYWRIT                        Move into HOLYWRIT directory.
A:SCRIPT1                          Extract from SCRIPT1.EXE into
                                   HOLYWRIT directory.

     The SCRIPT.EXE  file can  go anywhere,  but for simplicity's
sake we  suggest that you place it and  all the other  files in a
dedicated directory somewhere in your DOS path.

     At a bare minimum SCRIPTURE (consisting of the SCRIPTURE
system and data files for the New Testament) requires room in one
directory for 760,000 bytes of program and data files. This means
that the program cannot be run from any drive smaller than high
density drives.

     DOS will need to be able to access 20 files and 20 buffers
to run Scripture. Make sure the following two lines are in your


     If you are using a color video card and a color monitor, you
should be able to use Scripture as supplied, but if you are using
a  monochrome  card  you  need  to  use  SINSTALL.EXE  to  modify
SCRIPT.EXE.  Use SINSTALL.EXE as described below.

     SINSTALL.EXE   is   provided   to   make   modifications  to
be in the same directory, which must be the default directory. To
run the program simply type  SINSTALL by the DOS prompt. SINSTALL
is menu driven  and should be easy enough  to use without further

Running Scripture:

     The  first time  you run   the program  we suggest  that you
familiarize yourself  with the "Help  System." Assuming that  you
have correctly installed the  program files including SCRIPT.HLP,
and assuming that  SCRIPT.EXE is somewhere in your  DOS path, run
the program  by typing its  name on the  DOS command prompt.  For

C>SCRIPT <Enter>

     The  title  screen  will  appear  and  the  program  will be
initialized.  Some Evaluation copies of  Scripture do not contain
SCRIPT.AIX and  thus take  a little  longer  to initialize.  In a
moment  a  message  at  the  bottom  of  the  title  will  appear
indicating that  initialization  has been  completed and  you can
enter the program.

     To become familiar with the "Help System" press <F1> at this
point.  This  will  cause  help   to  appear,  in  this  case  an
introduction to the program. Use page  up and page down to review
the introduction, but don't use the enter key just yet.

     When you have reviewed the  introduction press <F1> a second
time to see  all of Scripture's major help  topics. Use the arrow
keys to  move the bar  cursor over "Help  on Help" and  press the
enter  key. A  screen describing  the "Help  System" will appear.
Please  read the  screen and  become familiar  with the keys that
will be used in the system.

     Press <F1> again to get  the topics back. Select "Overview."
That's  right,  use  the  arrow  keys  to  put  the bar cursor on
"Overview"  and  press  enter.   Pay  special  attention  to  the
information  concerning   "Script  Windows,"  windows   in  which
biblical text may be viewed, and the "Editor Window," a window in
which text may be edited.

     If  you wish,  you may  press <F1>  again to  get the topics
back, and choose other topics to  view. When you are ready, press
<Esc> to  return to the  title screen. Then  press 1, 2,  or 3 to
open one  of the Script  Windows, or press  4 to open  the Editor
Window, or any other key to  let Scripture decide which window to
open.  (If  you  run  SCRIPT.EXE  and  specify  a  filename  as a
parameter, i.e. "SCRIPT FOO.TXT"  or "SCRIPT *.*", Scripture will
present the editor window by  default. Otherwise Script Window #1
will open by default.)

     Just remember,  use <F1> often  at first. The  "Help System"
will give  you help concerning  key strokes that  you may use  to
take  full advantage  of the  program. After  a little  while you
should be  able to forget  about help altogether  and concentrate
entirely on the subject at hand, studying God's Word.


     Scripture modifies DOS to cause all keyboards to behave as
enhanced keyboards, but a few keyboards seem to give the program
some trouble.  The problem doesn't actually reside in Scripture
but in a single bit in low memory (bit 4 of the byte at
0040:0096), which is supposed to be set if an enhanced keyboard
is installed, and reset otherwise.  If it seems that some of the
keys are not functioning, follow the following steps:

1.  First check that Scroll Lock and Num Lock are properly set.
    Unless you are moving or resizing windows, both keys should
    normally be turned off.
2.  If you still cannot get some keys to work (in particular the
    "5" key on the number pad with Num Lock off), run EKFIX.COM,
    the Extended Keyboard FIX program.  This program simply
    toggles bit 4 at 0040:0096 and reports whether the extended
    keyboard is enabled or disabled.

     If you detect more bugs, and supply the author with enough
information that he can also detect the bug, the author will
endeavor to fix the error, and send you the fixed program free of
charge.  Please note: this offer is valid regardless of your
registration status.

Honor to Whom Honor...

     If you haven't done so yet,  please review the Help Topic on
Registration.  Your support will be appreciated.

Final Note

     It is  the author's firm conviction  that the scriptures can
be and  should be understood.  It is his  hope that this  program
will help many people in that regard.

Deut. 29:29 - The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but
those  things  which  are  revealed  belong  unto  us  and to our
children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1817

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FILE1817 TXT      3109  12-20-89   5:06p
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       617  12-21-89  10:45a
QUICK    DOC     10374   7-31-89  11:00a
SCRIPT2  EXE    288998   7-31-89   1:34p
        5 file(s)     303136 bytes
                       15360 bytes free