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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1756)

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Information about “ANYANGLE”

Pythagoras would be proud!  But if you don't know who Pythagoras is, you
probably don't need this program.  Ancient Greeks notwithstanding, most
people do not appreciate the mathematical beauty underlying the simple
triangle.  If you yearn to become enlightened, though, this is the place
to start!

ANYANGLE takes the drudgery out of capitalizing on the mathematical
elegance of the triangle.  If you provide a minimum amount of data about
a triangle, this program computes the rest, solving for unknown angles
or side lengths given what you have available.

Even if you're not a surveyor or trigonometry buff, you could use this
program to calculate the height of the trees in your yard, plan your
next woodworking project more rationally, or even landscape in the Greek
tradition (Thomas Jefferson did, the hard way!).

Triangle aficionados will appreciate the analysis section of the
which provides such esoterica as area, perimeter, altitude, coordinates
of vertices, and data about the inscribed circle and circumcircle.


                             ANYANGLE            Version 2.5
                             Copyright (C) 1990  Jim Preston


use, feature filled triangle solver with a built-in
scientific calculator.

INTENDED USER:      Engineers, machinists, surveyors,
carpenters, drafters, students or just about anyone at some
time or another.

UNIQUE FEATURES OF THE PROGRAM:    Very easy to use. The
program will solve any triangle when given the minimum
amount of information, and the known data about the triangle
can be entered in any order you wish.  ANYANGLE will prompt
you with the maximum and minimum value allowed at any entry
and the ANYANGLE program always knows when it has enough
data to solve the problem, and the answers are displayed
instantly.  You can then tinker with the solved triangle by
changing angles or sides, or sizing it to have a certain
altitude or fit exactly around a given circle, or exactly
inside one for that matter. The calculator with its 11
visible memory registers, one automatic and 10 user
controlled, makes this very easy, along with automatic flip
and rotate features.  You can get a scale view of the
triangle at the touch of a key. You can get a complete
analysis including area, perimeter, altitude, center of
gravity, coordinates of each vertex, and data about the
inscribed circle and circumcircle at the touch of another
key.  The data can be saved and printed also. Four formats
or styles of numeric display are available.  Context-
sensitive help screens are provided for the major features.
The CALCULATOR uses the algebraic entry system and has all
the major functions such as powers, roots, logarithms and
trigonometry as well as degree-minute-second conversion
operations. It can automatically call in any number
connected with the last triangle by keying in simple two-
letter codes, and, of course, it can work with all the
memories.  These codes work throughout the program for
numerical input.

PROGRAM CAPACITY/LIMITATIONS:      Each bank in the data
base is limited to 32,767 triangles, which is more than
adequate for the intended use.  Users can create as many
banks as desired.  Printout requires that the DOS GRAPHICS
utility be run.  The scale drawing will appear out-of-
proportion on most laptop computers with graphics
capabilities because of their long, narrow screens.
Triangle accuracy is excellent but, of course, limited to
that of Microsoft (R) QuickBASIC using double-precision
variables. (No warranty is expressed or implied for accuracy
of answers. Read the disclaimer on the main help screen).

monochrome graphics capability is the minimum needed if the
scale views are to be seen, but the program will run on any
IBM(R) or compatible computer.

STARTING THE PROGRAM:         Place the disk in an
appropriate drive,  type ANYANGLE, and <Enter>.  On systems
with Hercules graphics type ANYHERC <Enter>.

REGISTRATION FEE:        $19.50

instructions and the latest update of the registered version
which adds CURVE solution done in the same style and degree
of completeness as the triangle solution.  If you write the
words  "MYSTERY DISK" on a piece of paper and send it along
with your registration fee you will receive an interesting
program having to do with triangles either on a separate
disk or included with the updated ANYANGLE program.


     1.  ANYANGLE.EXE...The Anyangle program file

     2.  ANYANGLE.DOC...This (ASCII) text file

     3.  QBHERC.COM...Enables Hercules(R)  graphics

     4.  HERCON.COM...Turns on the Hercules card

     5.  ANYHERC.BAT...Starts ANYANGLE for Hercules graphics

     6.  ANYMONO.BAT..Starts ANYANGLE if ANYHERC doesn't

     7.  (TRIG.ANY)...Storage file created by program

     8.  (MEMORIES.MEM)...Memory file created by program

     Files in parentheses  may or may not be on new disk but
will appear after the program is run once.

IBM (R) is a registered trademark of International Business
Machines Corporation.

Microsoft (R) is a registered trademark of Microsoft

Hercules (R) is a registered trademark of Hercules Computer


Disk No: 1756                                                           
Disk Title: AnyAngle                                                    
PC-SIG Version: S2.5                                                    
Program Title: AnyAngle                                                 
Author Version: 2.5                                                     
Author Registration: $15.00                                             
Special Requirements: CGA, VGA, or Hercules graphics.                   
Pythagoras would be proud!  But if you don't know who Pythagoras is, you
probably don't need this program.  Ancient Greeks notwithstanding, most 
people do not appreciate the mathematical beauty underlying the simple  
triangle.  If you yearn to become enlightened, though, this is the place
to start!                                                               
ANYANGLE takes the drudgery out of capitalizing on the mathematical     
elegance of the triangle.  If you provide a minimum amount of data about
a triangle, this program computes the rest, solving for unknown angles  
or side lengths given what you have available.                          
Even if you're not a surveyor or trigonometry buff, you could use this  
program to calculate the height of the trees in your yard, plan your    
next woodworking project more rationally, or even landscape in the Greek
tradition (Thomas Jefferson did, the hard way!).                        
Triangle aficionados will appreciate the analysis section of the program
which provides such esoterica as area, perimeter, altitude, coordinates 
of vertices, and data about the inscribed circle and circumcircle.      
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


    ║                  << DISK #1756 ANYNGLE >>                     ║
    ║      To start the program, type:                              ║
    ║                                 "ANYANGLE" (press enter)      ║
    ║                                                               ║
    ║      To print the documentation, type:                        ║
    ║                                       "DOC" (press enter)     ║
    ║                                                               ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1756

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ANYANGLE EXE    179222  10-08-90  10:14a
ANYANGLE DOC      4411  10-07-90   5:13p
QBHERC   COM      6704   9-24-87  10:01a
HERCON   COM        10   8-23-89   9:24a
ANYHERC  BAT        27   4-01-90   7:01p
ANYMONO  BAT        18  10-07-90   5:13p
FILE1756 TXT      2517  10-31-90  10:48a
GO       BAT        27  10-31-90   1:42a
GO       TXT       719  10-31-90   1:42a
DOC      BAT        34  10-31-90   1:43a
       10 file(s)     193689 bytes
                      120832 bytes free