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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1755)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “UTILITIES #2”

For those who program lots of batch commands, FUGUE UTILITIES #2 brings
a disk full of helpful tools including a file editor and a memory
resident DOS handler. This assemblage of eleven programs will make your
programming day easier.

~ ACCEPT takes a string as a parameter and appends the accepted
information to the end of a string for display or redirection.

~ ASK is similar to ACCEPT but is more suited to building a menu system
from batching.

~ YESNO is similar to ASK except it accepts only the letters Y, y, N, or

~ BEEP emits a half second beep to alert you when a long job is

~ EDITENV helps set an environment variable from a batch file.

~ XQT lets you run nests of batch files within other batch files.

~ EXCLUDE will exclude a list of files from any command by setting
hidden bits.

~ RENAMED changes the name of a directory without the need to move files
out of it, delete it and set it up again under a new name.

~ SYSDATE remembers the last date you booted and is for those without
battery-backed clocks.

~ DOSH is a memory resident DOS handler that keeps a circular queue of
commands and makes them available via arrow commands.

~ ED is a simple editor with WordStar-like commands which handles ASCII
files up to 64K with one window.


Disk No: 1755                                                           
Disk Title: Utilities #2                                                
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: Utilities #2                                             
Author Registration: $25.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
For those who program lots of batch commands, FUGUE UTILITIES #2 brings 
a disk full of helpful tools including a file editor and a memory       
resident DOS handler.  This assemblage of eleven programs will make your
programming day easier.                                                 
ACCEPT takes a string as a parameter and appends the accepted           
information to the end of a string for display or redirection.          
ASK is similar to ACCEPT but is more suited to building a menu system   
from batching.                                                          
YESNO is similar to ASK except it accepts only the letters Y,y,N or n.  
BEEP emits a half second beep to alert you when a long job is finished. 
EDITENV helps set an environment variable from a batch file.            
XQT lets you run nests of batch files within other batch files.         
EXCLUDE will exclude a list of files from any command by setting hidden 
RENAMED changes the name of a directory without the need to move files  
out of it, delete it and set it up again under a new name.              
SYSDATE remembers the last date you booted and is for those without     
battery-backed clocks.                                                  
DOSH is a memory resident DOS handler that keeps a circular queue of    
commands and makes them available via arrow commands.                   
ED is a simple editor with WORDSTAR-like commands which handles ASCII   
files up to 64k with one window.                                        
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                 <<<<  Disk #1755  UTILITIES #2  >>>>                    ║
║ To print documentation, type: COPY READ.ME PRN                          ║



David J Noakes,
P.O. Box 942
WODEN   ACT   2606


[ ] I enclose $25 for registration as a user of Fugue Utilities #2

[ ] Please bill my MASTERCARD

           ACCT NO _______________________________________
           EXPIRY DATE _____________

           SIGNED ________________________________________

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1755

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ACCEPT   COM        80   6-05-86  11:00p
ASK      EXE       646   7-16-88  12:52a
BEEP     COM        16   1-21-85   3:00p
DOSH     COM      2310   5-30-88  10:19p
ED       EXE     25872   8-30-88  11:01p
ED       HLP      4525   8-30-88  11:27p
EDITENV  EXE     13296   8-18-88   3:16p
EXCLUDE  COM       746   6-30-87  10:44p
FILE1755 TXT      3479  12-19-89  11:14a
GO       BAT        11  10-12-88   3:19p
GO       TXT       386   1-01-80   2:32a
GO1      BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
READ     ME      15028  10-12-88   3:24p
REGIST   TXT       562  10-12-88   3:06p
RENAMED  COM       208   6-26-85   9:22p
SYSDATE  COM       512   8-30-88   3:05p
XQT      EXE      7520   7-30-88   9:10p
YESNO    EXE       725   1-01-80  12:27a
       18 file(s)      75960 bytes
                       79360 bytes free