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Information about “QUICK CHECK BOOK 2 OF 2 (1721 ALSO)”

Balancing your checkbook and savings accounts can now be a breeze, with
QUICK CHECK BOOK. QUICK CHECK BOOK is a menu driven program that
smooths the effort of maintaining a checkbook, paying bills, sticking to
a budget, and writing checks.

The absence of accounting terminology, account numbers, and confusing
methods make QUICK CHECK BOOK the perfect solution for those who like to
keep things simple and smart. Each menu selection has a pop-up help

QUICK CHECK BOOK has no limit to the number of checkbooks it can
maintain, or the number of transactions in a checkbook. The amount of
storage space available determines your limitations on the number of
checkbooks and transactions.

QUICK CHECK BOOK is usable in various ways. If you want to write
checks, it does so on your checks and your printer. If you only want to
maintain a check database or budget, QUICK CHECK BOOK does that too.
Balancing with the bank will no longer be the source of anguish. To
balance with the bank, you simply confirm a transaction amount against
your bank statement by pressing the return/enter key. QUICK CHECK BOOK
does the rest.

A calculator, calendar, and other utilities are always a key stroke or
two away. Mouse support is also available.


Disk No: 1721                                                           
Disk Title: Quick Check Book                                            
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: Quick Check Book                                         
Author Version: 4.0                                                     
Author Registration: $40.00                                             
Special Requirements: 384K RAM.                                         
Balancing your checkbook and savings accounts can now be a breeze, with 
QUICK CHECK BOOK.  QUICK CHECK BOOK is a menu driven program that       
smooths the effort of maintaining a checkbook, paying bills, sticking to
a budget, and writing checks.                                           
The absence of accounting terminology, account numbers, and confusing   
methods make QUICK CHECK BOOK the perfect solution for those who like to
keep things simple and smart.  Each menu selection has a pop-up help    
QUICK CHECK BOOK has no limit to the number of checkbooks it can        
maintain, or the number of transactions in a checkbook.  The amount of  
storage space available determines your limitations on the number of    
checkbooks and transactions.                                            
QUICK CHECK BOOK is usable in various ways.  If you want to write       
checks, it does so on your checks and your printer.  If you only want to
maintain a check data base or budget, QUICK CHECK BOOK does that too.   
Balancing with the bank will no longer be the source of anguish.  To    
balance with the bank, you simply confirm a transaction amount against  
your bank statement by pressing the return/enter key.  QUICK CHECK BOOK 
does the rest.                                                          
A calculator, calendar, and other utilities are always a key stroke or  
two away.  Mouse support is also available.                             
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


Disk No: 1731                                                           
Disk Title: Quick Check Book disk 2 of 2 (1721 also)                    
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: Quick Check Book                                         
Author Version: 4.0                                                     
Author Registration: $40.00                                             
Special Requirements: 384K RAM.                                         
Balancing your checkbook and savings accounts can now be a breeze, with 
QUICK CHECK BOOK.  QUICK CHECK BOOK is a menu driven program that       
smooths the effort of maintaining a checkbook, paying bills, sticking to
a budget, and writing checks.                                           
The absence of accounting terminology, account numbers, and confusing   
methods make QUICK CHECK BOOK the perfect solution for those who like to
keep things simple and smart.  Each menu selection has a pop-up help    
QUICK CHECK BOOK has no limit to the number of checkbooks it can        
maintain, or the number of transactions in a checkbook.  The amount of  
storage space available determines your limitations on the number of    
checkbooks and transactions.                                            
QUICK CHECK BOOK is usable in various ways.  If you want to write       
checks, it does so on your checks and your printer.  If you only want to
maintain a check data base or budget, QUICK CHECK BOOK does that too.   
Balancing with the bank will no longer be the source of anguish.  To    
balance with the bank, you simply confirm a transaction amount against  
your bank statement by pressing the return/enter key.  QUICK CHECK BOOK 
does the rest.                                                          
A calculator, calendar, and other utilities are always a key stroke or  
two away.  Mouse support is also available.                             
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                 <<<<  Disk #1731  QUICK CHECK BOOK >>>>                 ║
║                       (disk 2 of 2, #1721 also)                         ║
║ To start program, insert disk 1 and type:  QCB (press enter)            ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, insert disk 1 and type: COPY README PRN         ║


                       Q U I C K   C H E C K   B O O K

                                 User Guide

                    CanCom Computing Company, Incorporated
                                 P.O.  Box 30
                            Green Valley, AZ 85622

                           (C) Copyright 1986, 1989

                                    Page 1

       Changes  are  periodically  made  to  the  information  contained
       herein.  Future editions of  this  publication  will  incorporate
       those changes.

       There is a user Response Form in the back  of  this  manual.   If
       it's missing, please direct your comments to:

                               Richard Goodell
                           CanCom Computing Company
                                P.  O.  Box 30
                            Green Valley, AZ 85622
                                (602) 622-3719

                              Proprietary Notice

                               QUICK CHECK BOOK
                         is a proprietary product of
                    CanCom Computing Company, Incorporated
                            Green Valley, Arizona.

       All rights reserved except those expressly granted to the user by
       this document.

                                    Page 2

                                    Cover             01

                                   Changes            02

                              Table of Contents       03

                        Introduction................. 04
                        Features of QUICK CHECK BOOK. 05
                        Getting Started.............. 07

                        Starting your checkbook...... 08
                        Automatic Check Entry........ 08
                        Balance with Bank Statement.. 09
                        Enter A Deposit.............. 09
                        Manually Entering Check Data. 09
                        Non-Check Debit Entry........ 09
                        Quit and Return to DOS....... 09

                        Utilities Menu............... 10
                        Budget Item Status Report.... 10
                        Adjust the Next Check Number. 10
                        Transaction Summary Report... 10
                        Envelope Printer............. 10
                        Data Backup.................. 11
                        Change system setup.......... 11
                        Escrow Account Maintenance... 11
                        Check Register Maintenance... 11
                        Payments Files Maintenance... 11
                        Changing Check Numbers....... 11

                        Files of QUICK CHECK BOOK.... 12
                        Using QCB-DB along........... 13
                        Custom checks and reports.... 14
                        Define your own check form... 15
                        Define your own report form.. 16
                        Distribution notice.......... 17
                        Response form................ 18
                        Registration and ORDER form.. 19

                                    Page 3



                               QUICK CHECK BOOK

       QUICK CHECK BOOK'S purpose is to improve the speed and accuracy of
       maintaining  a  personal checkbook or savings account over manual
       methods.  It is a menu driven program that smooths the effort  of
       maintaining  a checkbook, paying bills, sticking to a budget, and
       writing checks.

       The  absence  of  accounting  terminology,  account  numbers, and
       confusing methods make QUICK CHECK BOOK the perfect solution  for
       those of us who would like to keep things simple and smart.  Each
       menu selection has a pop up help window.   The  F1  key  accesses

       QUICK CHECK BOOK is mousitised, colorised, and sanitized.

       It  has  no limit to the number of checkbooks it can maintain, or
       the number of transactions in a checkbook.  The amount of storage
       space  available  determines  your  limitations  on the number of
       checkbooks and transactions.

       QUICK CHECK BOOK is usable in various ways.  If you want to write
       checks with QUICK CHECK BOOK, it does it on YOUR checks and  YOUR
       printer,  not just on a printer and form that somebody else uses.
       If you only wish to maintain a check data base or  budget,  QUICK
       CHECK BOOK does that too.

       Balancing with the bank will no longer be the source of  anguish.
       To balance with the bank, you simply confirm a transaction amount
       against your bank statement by  pressing  the  return/enter  key.
       QUICK CHECK BOOK does the rest.

       A  calculator,  calendar,  and  other  utilities are always a key
       stroke or two away.

       QUICK CHECK BOOK features follow on the next page.

                                    Page 4

                         Features of QUICK CHECK BOOK

                      Rodent support if you use a mouse.

                 Check and report formats are user definable.

                    Spells out written amount on checks.

                 Automatic check writing from payments file.

                  Deposits and Debits have two code fields.

             Automatic reconciliation entry upon bank balancing.

                   Automatic recalculation of register if:
                     1.  a single record deleted.
                     2.  last record balance has changed.

          Escrow accounting feature.  (Slush fund for future needs)

       Always displays the current balance & check number in the menus.

                              Envelope printing.

        You can selectivity route your reports, checks, and other data
           output to the screen, printer, or a file for later use.

                 Budget tracking and reporting capabilities.

                Report on transactions, total or just last 55

        Sort on any part of record.  Name, date, amount, balance etc.

                Back up data without exiting QUICK CHECK BOOK.

           Change initial setup, data location, colors, or printer
                    type without exiting QUICK CHECK BOOK.

       Data base editor for maintaining the register or payments file.
                      Runs from QUICK CHECK BOOK or DOS.

       Ability to save old transactions and remove them from the current
        file.  Option is available after a successful bank balancing.

       Back out capabilities in every menu and just before data write.

                Load another account without exiting program.

            Cash machine withdrawals and service charges routine.

         Number of transactions limited only by the amount of storage
             space available.  (128 transactions = 10K storage)

                      Pop up Calculator and Calendar.

                                     Page 5

       QUICK CHECK BOOK has been written to allow redirection of data to
       different  devices  through  menu selections.  These menus appear
       just before data is sent out, such as check writing or reporting.
       The  output  can  be sent to a printer, the screen, or a file for
       future use.  Report file outputs  are  usable  by  your  favorite
       spreed sheet or data base.

       When  you  elect to send data to a file you must follow DOS rules
       in naming the file.  No more than 8 characters per  name  plus  3
       for the extension. Refer to your DOS manual under naming files.

       If, during install, you chose that a printer was not part of your
       system, or QUICK CHECK BOOK does not find your  printer  on  line
       when  its time to print.  Then the printer select option will not
       be present.

       You may change your setup data at any time.  If  you  change  the
       drive  or  directory  of your data, while in the program, it will
       close your current file and start a new checkbook at the new data

       QUICK CHECK BOOK will operate with 184K bytes of  free  RAM,  but
       accessing   the  check  register  and  payment  file  maintenance
       routines from within the program will not be possible.  They will
       have to be run from the DOS command line.  In order to avoid this
       hassle, make sure there is a minimum of 384K RAM  before  loading
       QUICK  CHECK  BOOK.  QUICK CHECK BOOK, once loaded, will show the
       remaining memory.

                                   Page 6

                               GETTING STARTED

       This  manual makes the assumption that you have working knowledge
       of DOS. Otherwise you wouldn't have gotten this far.

       Back up the originals on working disks, or into  a  sub-directory
       on  your  hard disk.  Make some copies for your friends while you
       are at it.

       If you are using a hard drive, copy both disks to a subdirectory.
       The name is up to you, but here is  an  example  of  a  directory
       named  "QCB".  At the DOS prompt type in "MD \QCB<enter>".  Place
       disk #1 in drive A:.  Type in "COPY A:*.* \QCB<enter>" Place disk
       #2  in  drive A:.  Type in "COPY A:*.* \QCB<enter>", then type in
       "CD \QCB<enter>"

       If  you  are using a 5.25 inch, two floppy drive system, you need
       to set a search path to both drives.  You can do this  by  typing
       in  "SET  PATH=A:;B:<enter>",  or  include  this  command in your
       autoexec file that you start your machine with.  Place a copy  of
       your command.com on disk #1.  Place disk #1 in drive A:  and disk
       #2 in drive B:.  Log to drive B:  by typing "B:<enter>".

       If you are using a single 5.25 inch floppy drive  system  and  no
       hard  drive,  you  need  to  place  a copy of command.com on both
       disks.  The checking routines are on disk #1 and data base editor
       is  on  disk  #2.  They will have to be run separately.  Start by
       placing disk #1 in the drive.

       At the DOS prompt, type in "QCB<enter>".  When QCB starts it will
       recognize  the  absence  of  "SETUP.DAT",  and  run  the  install
       routine, which modifies and creates SETUP.DAT.  You will be given
       the opportunity to change  the  colors,  printer,  display  card,
       monitor,  data  drive  and  directory.  Use the up and down arrow
       keys to select the item you wish to change, then press  enter  to
       select from a list of possible alternatives.

       Once you have set up QUICK CHECK BOOK,  then  you  are  ready  to
       start by selecting "Accept these settings."

       QUICK CHECK BOOK will prompt you to choose a file name, or create
       one.   The  sample  files are for learning and example.  Use them
       for awhile to get a feel for how the program works.

       When  you  are ready to create your own check book file, Quit and
       choose create a new file.  First select a name for your  checking
       account. Any eight character name that describes a given checking
       or saving account.  Next, enter the name and address that applies
       to the check register.  The last two things, starting balance and
       check number, will inaugurate a new check register.

                                    Page 7

                           Starting your checkbook

       Pick  a spot in your existing manual checkbook where you and your
       bank last agreed on  a  balance  (you  reconciled  your  checking
       account  with the bank statement).  Use the bank statement figure
       for your starting balance.  Choose the first check  number  after
       your starting point as the starting check number.

       IMPORTANT:   YOU  CAN AUTOMATE YOUR DATA ENTRY, but the necessary
       information must be in the "Payments  File"  first.   We  suggest
       that  you  go  to  the  utility  menu and select the payment file
       maintenance routine.  It allows you to enter your  payments  data
       for automatic check writing.  If the amount you will be paying on
       a regular basis is variable (not a fixed amount) then  use  0  as
       the  amount.   The  automatic  check  writing  function will then
       prompt you for a check amount at check writing time.

       If you are unable to select the payments file maintenance routine
       from within QUICK CHECK BOOK,  then  refer  to  page  13  for  an
       explanation  on  how to edit the check register and payments file
       from outside QUICK CHECK BOOK.

       With your balance in place and next check number identified it is
       time to start entering checks and deposits  that  you  have  made
       since your last bank reconcile.

       Enter outstanding checks, cash withdrawals and deposits  in  your
       register.   Use  the automatic check writing function if you have
       already entered payments data.  When the output router asks where
       to  send  the  output,  select  the  screen  if you don't want to
       actually print the check.  Data is recorded, regardless of  where
       you route the output, unless you select exit.

       When finished entering outstanding transactions,  use  the  Check
       Register  Maintenance  function,  found  in  the Utility Menu, to
       correct any mistakes.  If your check numbering is out of sequence
       use  the  Adjust  Next Number function, also found in the Utility
       Menu, to reset automatic check numbering.

       ----Automatic Check Entry----

       This  selection  presents you with a list of commonly paid items;
       from it, you pick which one to pay.

       To  write  checks  automatically the data must be in the payments
       file.  There are two ways to create an entry.  First by using the
       Editor  maintenance  feature located in the utility menu.  Second
       by choosing Manual Check Entry.   When  finished  entering  basic
       information  the program will ask for data conformation.  At this
       point, you may elect to add this  information  to  your  payments

       If  the  list  gets  large and not all the entries are shown just
       press the first character of your selection and the program  will
       highlight the first match found;  press it again and the next one
       will highlight.  Or scroll through the list with the PgDn,  PgUp,
       up/down arrow keys or use a mouse on the scroll bar.

                                    Page 8

       ---- Balance with Bank Statement. ----

       First  enter  service  charges,  dividends, interest or any other
       transactions not recorded.  Then select balance with the bank.  A
       full screen of uncleared transactions will be shown.  Highlight a
       transaction and press enter to toggle its  cleared  or  uncleared
       state.   Press  PgDn  to see if more uncleard transactions exist.
       Continue until all statement items  marked.   Press  escape  when

       Answering Yes at completion will compare the banks stated balance
       against  QUICK  CHECK BOOK's adjusted balance.  If the balance is
       correct, a bank balance record is added to the check register  on
       the current system date.

       If  QUICK  CHECK  BOOK  balances  with the bank you then have the
       opportunity to clear all last year's transactions and store  them
       in a separate file.

       ---- Enter A Deposit. ----

       Deposits are made with this selection.  There are various deposit
       types;  income, non-income, escrow and beginning.  When  entering
       a  deposit,  you  select  whether  it  is an income or non-income
       deposit.  QUICK CHECK BOOK codes  all  deposit  types  for  sort,
       budget, and tax purposes.

       ---- Manaul Check Entry ----

       This function allows the user to write a single check without the
       use of the payments file.  Answer questions as presented  on  the
       screen.   You  will  be able to do one of three things after data
       entry:  1- Cancel, 2- Write check into register and write it,  or
       3-  Add  the  current  entry to the payment file and then use the
       automatic check entry to write the check.

       ---- Non-Check Debit Entry ----

       Enter deductions that do not require a check with this selection.
       Examples  of  a  Non-check  debit  entries  are;    Bank   teller
       withdrawals,  Bank card deductions and Service charges.  If there
       is no regular payment entry to select from, then  select  "Add  a
       payable Record" at the end of the list of current payment items.

       ---- Quit And Return To DOS ----

       Allows you to exit the program or load another checkbook.

                                    Page 9

       ---- Utilities Menu ----

       You have a choice of functions that make using this program easy.

       ---- Budget Item Status Report ----

       Presents an accumulation of monies spent in budget categories

       ---- Adjust The Next Check Number ----

       This will adjust check numbers used by QUICK CHECK BOOK on future
       transactions.  When prompted for the next check number, enter it,
       then press the enter or return key.

       After changing the next check number to use, the  status  message
       will display a last check number of one fewer than the next check

       ---- Transaction Summary Report ----

       Allows you to report on or view the check register  transactions.
       You  may  choose  to  view  all  transactions or the last page of
       transactions.  If you choose an output  route  to  a  printer  or
       file,  the  last page is the last 55 transactions.  If you choose
       output to the screen, only a screen full of transactions will  be

       If  you  did  not  previously  sort the transaction register, the
       report will be in the same sequence as the transaction entry.

       Sort  the  transaction  register  with the sort utility.  You can
       sort on any of the data fields.

       NOTE:   Sorting  does  not  change the transaction sequence.  The
       sort is lost when you change the data or end  the  program.   You
       can resort the transaction file at any time.

       ---- Envelope Printer ----

       This function allows you to print the envelope that you will mail
       your check in.  You can print a return address by itself.   Print
       your  return  address  and  choose an addressee from the payments
       file,  or manually enter the Name and Address of addressee.

                                    Page 10

       ---- Data Backup ----

       One never knows when something might happen to your  data  files.
       It's  a good idea to always keep at least one backup copy of your
       data.  Use this utility to backup your data every time you change
       it.  The routine will prompt you for a drive to backup on.  Press
       A or B.  Insert your backup disk in the appropriate  drive,  then
       press a key to start the action, or press Q to quit.

       Remember, if you have backups.
                               "Nothing can go wrong."
                               "Nothing can go wrong."
                               "Nothing can go wrong."

       ---- Change Setup ----

       This  function loads and runs the install program allowing you to
       change your configuration from within the program.

       ---- Escrow Account Maintenance ----

       A unique feature that operates as a slush fund.  Money is in  the
       account, but not shown in running balance.  Especially useful for
       putting  small  amounts  away  for  real  estate  taxes  or  auto

       ---- Check Register Maintenance ----

       This selection will shell to the check register data base manager
       routine, if you have enough memory and the data base  program  is
       in  the  current  directory.  When in the data base editor, press
       the F1 key for info on it's use.

       If you delete a transaction or change  the  last  balance,  QUICK
       CHECK BOOK will recalculate all transaction balances.

       ---- Payments file Maintenance ----

       This selection will shell  to  the  payments  data  base  manager
       routine,  if  you have enough memory and the data base program is
       in the current directory.  When in the data  base  editor,  press
       the F1 key for info on it's use.

       ---- Changing Check Number ----

       This  functions will allow changing the sequence of the automatic
       check numbering system.

                                     Page 11

                            QUICK CHECK BOOK files

       QUICK CHECK BOOK is made up of four executable files:

       QCB.EXE     The main QUICK CHECK BOOK executable file. It also
                   accesses the remaining executable files.

       INSTALL.EXE A program that creates and adjusts your desired color,
                   monitor, printer, and data location.

       ESCROW.EXE  Sets up and  maintains  a  special  holding  account,
                   where funds are invisible once transferred from check
                   register to escrow.

       QCB-DB.EXE  A program that edits and maintains the check register
                   and payments file.  QCB.EXE will access QCB-DB.EXE,
                   or run it from the DOS command line.

       The support files required by QCB-DB.EXE are:

       QCB-DB.PSL   Data base program screen library.
       QCB-DB.QSL   Data base quick screen library.
       QCB-LOG.FRM  Check register form definition.
       QCB-PAY.FRM  Payments file form definition.
       QCB-LOG.DAT  A copy of YourFile.CHK for use by QCB-DB.EXE.
       QCB-PAY.DAT  A copy of YourFile.PAY for use by QCB-DB.EXE.

       User data files (extentions used by QUICK CHECK BOOK)

       YourFile.CFD Check form definition file.
       YourFile.CHK Check Register data file.
       YourFile.USR Name and address of user.
       YourFile.PAY Payment data file.
       YourFile.ESC Escrow data file.
       YourFile.RFD Report form definition file.
       YourFile.BAL Last usage date, check number and balance data.

       SETUP.DAT    A file that contains your colors, monitor,
                    printer, data drive, and data path.

       Other files:

       README       What is QUICK CHECK BOOK.
       NOTICE       Legal stuff.
       RESPONSE     What do think of QUICK CHECK BOOK?
       ORDERFRM     An easy way to order.
       AGING.DOC    A note on how to stay current.
       GO.TXT       Display on how to start.
       GO.BAT       Displays GO.TXT.
       ORDER.BAT    Prints the ORDERFRM.
       PRINTDOC.BAT Prints the user manual.
       MANUAL.DOC   User manual.

                                    Page 12

                            Using QCB-DB from DOS

       If  you  don't have adequate RAM or storage space to run the data
       editor from within QCB.  You  can  edit  the  check  register  or
       payment files by following these instructions.

       QCB-DB.EXE  uses  data  files  named  QCB-LOG.DAT,  for the check
       register, and QCB-PAY.DAT, for the payments file.  The user  must
       supply  these  files  by  copying  your  current  check  register
       (YourFile.CHK)  or  current  payments  file   (YourFile.PAY)   to
       QCB-LOG.DAT or QCB-PAY.DAT respectively.

       This  can be done by creating batch files that will copy and name
       your files appropriately for use by QCB-DB.EXE.  We suggest names
       like  ED-CHECK.BAT  and ED-PAY.BAT.  Refer to your DOS manual for
       information on batch (.BAT) files.

       These examples assume a two disk drive system.  Your data is on a
       floppy disk in drive B:, and QCB-DB.EXE is in Drive A:.  You will
       have to substitute the appropriate drive, path, and file names in
       your files.

       To generate ED-CHECK.BAT type  in  the  following  from  the  DOS
       command line:                             ' comments, do not enter
        A: <enter>                               ' log to drive a:
        COPY CON ED-CHECK.BAT <enter>            ' name file and type in
        COPY B:YourFile.CHK QCB-LOG.DAT <enter>  ' copy your check file
        QCB-DB QCB-DB QCB-LOG <enter>            ' run the editor
        COPY QCB-LOG.DAT B:YourFile.CHK <enter>  ' copy revised file
        <F6> <enter>                             ' save the batch file

       To generate ED-PAY.BAT type  in  the  following  from  the  DOS
       command line:                             ' comments, do not enter
        A: <enter>                               ' log to drive a:
        COPY CON ED-PAY.BAT <enter>              ' name file and type in
        COPY B:YourFile.PAY QCB-PAY.DAT <enter>  ' copy your payment file
        QCB-DB QCB-DB QCB-PAY <enter>            ' run the editor
        COPY QCB-PAY.DAT B:YourFile.PAY <enter>  ' copy revised file
        <F6> <enter>                             ' save the batch file

       To run the batch files type in ED-CHECK  or  ED-PAY  followed  by

       If  you  don't use the batch file approach.  Please be aware that
       you must  copy  your  ?.CHK  or  ?.PAY  file  to  QCB-LOG.DAT  or
       QCB-PAY.DAT  in  the  QCB-DB directory in order for the data base
       manager to load them.  Press the F1 key for instructions  on  how
       to use the editor.  When your finished editing your data you must
       remember to copy the revised QCB-LOG.DAT or QCB-PAY.DAT  back  to
       YourFile.CHK or YourFile.PAY.

                                    Page 13


       Without   a   YourFile.CFD   (check   form  definition)  file  or
       YourFile.RFD (report form definition), Quick Check  Book  uses  a
       built in check and report format.  To create your own you must be
       able  to  create  an  American  System  Information  Code  second
       revision text file.  ( ASICII )

       One easy and fast way to indentify whether a word  processor  can
       produce  an  ASICII  text  file  is to view a file it has already
       created using the DOS TYPE command.  Refer  to  your  DOS  manual
       under the " TYPE " command for more information.

       Let us say you have a file named YourFile.PRN,  created  by  your
       word processor or editor, do the following:

                         A:> TYPE YourFile.PRN
                         A:> TYPE YourFile.PRN >PRN

       The first DOS TYPE command sends YourFile.PRN to the  screen  and
       secound  to the printer.  If there are no recognizable characters
       or other characters that you don't recognize  as  being  part  of
       YourFile.PRN,  then  the  file is not an ASICII text file.  Check
       your word processor manual for details on how to create an  ASCII
       file.   Most word processors either create, or can convert to and
       from ASICII text files.

       If your word processor will not  generate  ASCII  text,  you  can
       still  generate  a  check or report form definition file by using
       the DOS "COPY CON" approach. Refer to your DOS manual.

                                    Page 14

                            CHECK FORM DEFINITION

       You can override the default check printing  format  by  creating
       your  own.   Your  check  form definition file must have the same
       name as your check registers and have an extension of ".CFD".  It
       must  also  be  in the same directory as your check register data

       Your bank offers tractor feed check forms that are easily handled
       by most printers.

       The  number  of lines in your check form definition combined with
       the printers vertical line feed spacing determines  the  vertical
       height of check form definition.

       In this example we assume that your printer is set at 6 lines per
       inch.  So if your check form is 2 1/2 inches from top  to  bottom
       your form should contain 15 lines (6+6+3).

       If  you understand your printer control codes, you may embed them
       in quoted strings.  This allows you to change the number of lines
       per inch, print style, etc.

       Each  line  counts whether it has data or not.  Data for printing
       must be in quotes ("").  The number of  spaces  in  front  of  an
       identifier  determines  the horizontal position of a variable.  A
       line with two identifiers in it will have to consider the  length
       of it's preciding variables.

       Identifier  What it will print              length of data
       ----------  ------------------              --------------
         [CD       Current computer date           10 charators
         [M1       Top border of your address      variable lenght
         [M2       Your Name                       variable lenght
         [M3       Your Address                    variable lenght
         [M4       Your City , State and ZIP       variable lenght
         [M5       Bottom border of your address   variable lenght
         [CN       Check number                    5 charactors
         [TD       Date of Transaction             10 charactors
         [PT       Paid to whom                    32 charactors
         [AM       Amount of Check                 11 charactors
         [BL       Balance after transaction       12 charactors
         [AC       Account number or purpose       22 charactors
         [BI       Budget item number              2 charactors
         [SF       Sort or Tax Item Number         2 charactors
         [WA       Amount written in English       variable lenght
         [PG       Report page number              2 charactors

                                     Page 15

       This is an example of a check form definition and its results.
"<Esc>A12<Esc>2 ------------------------------------------------------------"
"|              | [M1                                       |"
"|  Check [CN  | [M2                         Check # [CN |"
"|  [TD  | [M3                                       |"
"|  [PT  | [M4                      Date  [TD |"
"|              | [M5                                       |"
"|  Amount      | Pay: [WA          |"
"|   [AM  |                                              [AM |"
"|              |  To: [PT                                        |"
"|  Balance     |                                                        |"
"|  remaining   |                                                        |"
"|   [BL  |  For [AC          _____________________ |"
"|              |                                                        |"
" -----------------------------------------------------------------------"

|              |                                                        |
|  Check 4101  |   Your Name                               Check # 4101 |
|  01-01-1990  |    Street                                              |
|  AAA Checks  | City, St & Zip                        Date  01-01-1990 |
|              |                                                        |
|  Amount      | Pay: One Hundred Ninty Two Dollars & 95 cents          |
|     $192.95  |                                                $192.95 |
|              |  To: AAA Checks                                        |
|  Balance     |                                                        |
|  remaining   |                                                        |
|    $1111.11  |  For expensive checks            _____________________ |
|              |                                                        |

                            REPORT FORM DEFINITION

       Report form definitions are similar to the check form definitions
       because they use the same variable identifiers and use  the  same
       naming convention.  But that is all that is similar.  Report form
       definitions must contain seven lines of  information.   The  file
       name extension must be ".RFD" instead of ".CFD".

       The first line contains the printer set up.  The  second  through
       the  fifth  lines  contain  the reports heading information.  The
       sixth line contains the end of page action to  be  taken  by  the
       printer.   The  seventh  and  last  line  contains  a list of the
       variables you want in the report.  Here's an example report  form

"printer setup control coding, in quotes"
"                  Sheet [PG of Checkbook transactions on [CD"
"Check  Date of                                                          tran"
" no. transaction Paid to or By description        Amomnt     Balance     no "
"===== ========== ============================= ========== =========== = ===="
"last line of page, should end with an ASCII charactor 12 for page feed"

       CanCom Computing Company will provide custom report or check form
       definitions to users for $10.00 plus expenses.  We do require the
       following  information  in  order  to  do this for you.  Make and
       model number of your printer.  A  copy  of  one  of  your  checks
       showing what information you want on the check and where you want
       it placed.
                                    Page 16

                           Distribution Notice

       CanCom Computing Company is  distributing  QUICK  CHECK  BOOK  as
       Shareware.   Users  are welcome to copy the software and share it
       with their friends.  After evaluating a CanCom Computing  Company
       product,  if a person decides to use it, CanCom Computing Company
       expects them to buy a registered version.

       Anyone may obtain an evaluation copy of CanCom Computing  Company
       products  for  between  $1  and  $10  from  a  software dealer or
       directly from CanCom Computing Company.  The  disk  set  contains
       diskettes with the software and documentation ready to print on a

       Complete  registered  sets  are  available  from CanCom Computing
       Company.  The registered set includes a commercially printed copy
       of  the  User  Guide,  diskettes  and  a  user registration form.
       Registered owners  receive  phone  support  on  CanCom  Computing
       Company    products,   expanded   reporting   features,   product
       announcements, and update service.

       End users, whether registered or not, are encouraged to copy  the
       software  and  share  it  with their friends for evaluation.  The
       following restrictions apply:

       - No Charge may be made for the copies.
       - No alteration may be made to the files on the diskettes.
       - The printed manual may not be reproduced in any way.
       - The computer-printed manual may not be reproduced in any way.
       - Commercial sales, or use of copies, is prohibited without the
         consent of CanCom Computing Company.


       CanCom Computing Company makes no  representation  or  warranties
       about  the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied
       warranties of  merchantability  or  fitness  for  any  particular
       purpose.   QUICK  CHECK BOOK is provided "as is" without warranty
       of any kind, either expressed or implied.

       CanCom   Computing   Company   shall   have   no   liability   or
       responsibility  to  you  or any other person or entity concerning
       any loss or damage caused by QUICK CHECK BOOK, including but  not
       limited  to any loss of profits, interruption of service, loss of
       business or consequential damages resulting from the use of  such

       When  starting  the  use of new software it is a good practice to
       test the programs with sample data, and to run  the  programs  in
       parallel  with  any previous system for time sufficient to ensure
       satisfactory results.

       QUICK CHECK BOOK is a trademark owned by CanCom Computing Company.

                                    Page 17

                              USER RESPONSE FORM

    1. Where did you hear about QUICK CHECK BOOK?_____________________

    2. What system are you using to run QUICK CHECK BOOK?

            a) Computer brand/model?_________________________________

            b) Amount of computer memory?____________________________

            c) Type of disk?_________________________________________

            d) Black/White or Color monitor?_________________________

            e) Printer brand/model?__________________________________

    3.      _____Registered user           _____ Non-registered user

       (If you are a non-registered user, we would like to know why.  Is
       the  price  too high?  Is QUICK CHECK BOOK missing a function you
       want or a feature you need?)



    4.Name and address (optional)

             Date ___________ QUICK CHECK BOOK version _________




       These are some of the enhancements to QUICK CHECK  BOOK  we  have
       planned.   Help  us rank these enhancements.  Put a number in the
       left column to show the items of most  importance  to  you.   The
       highest numbers will show the level of importance.

    ______  More help screens
    ______  Faster one time sort
    ______  Ability to type mailing address on checks
    ______  Ability to set up monthly budget targets
    ______  Produce graphs
    ______  More reports
    ______  _________________________________________________________
    ______  _________________________________________________________
    ______  _________________________________________________________
    ______  _________________________________________________________

       Other products you would like to see CanCom Computing produce:


                              Page 18

                         O R D E R   F O R M

                       CanCom Computing Company
                             P.O. Box 30
                       Green Valley, AZ  85622
                         Phone (602) 622-3719
                                                      PRICE    PRICE
    DESCRIPTION                           QUANTITY     EACH   EXTENDED

    QUICK CHECK BOOK (registered)          _____      $40.00  $_______

    QUICK CHECK BOOK (evaluation copy)     _____       $3.00  $_______

    Custom reports package                 _____      $10.00  $_______

    Subtotal                                                  $_______

    Special handling: COD $3  *  Rush $5  *  Foreign $10      $_______

    Arizona residents add 6% State Sales Tax                  $_______

                                             Total:           $_______

    Circle or mark your desired disk format __ 3.5 inch or __ 5.25 inch?

    Please make checks payable to : CanCom Computing Company

    Name:   __________________________________________________________


    City:   ______________________  State: _____  Zip Code: __________

       If you would like to be put on the CanCom Computing mail list  so
       you   will   receive   information   on   upcoming  releases  and
       notification of new products.   Please  fill  in  your  name  and
       address below.

    Name ___________________________________________________________
    Address ________________________________________________________
    City _________________________ State _________ Zip Code ________
    Date __________ Product & version in evaluation ________________
    Other CanCom products evaluated ________________________________

       We  would also appreciate any input you would care to offer about
       CanCom Computing Companies products.  If you have  any  ideas  or
       comments that would make them better, please let us know.  We are
       working hard to make CanCom software the best, most  useful,  and
       affordable products of their kind on the market today.  With your
       input we will be well on our way to achieving that goal.





                                   Page 19

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1731

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ESCROW   EXE     75788   9-09-89   1:00a
INSTALL  EXE     57288   9-09-89   1:00a
MANUAL   DOC     42931   9-09-89   1:00a
PRINTDOC BAT      1084   9-09-89   1:00a
QCB-DB   EXE    125334   9-09-89   1:00a
QCB-DB   PSL     12802   9-09-89   1:00a
QCB-DB   QSL      6314   9-09-89   1:00a
QCB-LOG  DAT       720   9-09-89   1:00a
QCB-LOG  FRM       408   9-09-89   1:00a
QCB-PAY  DAT       640   9-09-89   1:00a
QCB-PAY  FRM       448   9-09-89   1:00a
SAMPLE   BAL        21   9-09-89   1:00a
SAMPLE   CFD       838   9-09-89   1:00a
SAMPLE   CHK       720   9-09-89   1:00a
SAMPLE   ESC       160   9-09-89   1:00a
SAMPLE   PAY       640   9-09-89   1:00a
SAMPLE   RFD       836   9-09-89   1:00a
SAMPLE   USR       210   9-09-89   1:00a
SAMPLE2  CFD       606   9-09-89   1:00a
SAMPLE2  RFD       353   9-09-89   1:00a
SETUP    DAT        20   9-09-89   1:00a
FILE1721 TXT      3183  12-15-89   5:59p
FILE1731 TXT      3183  12-15-89   6:45p
GO       TXT       617   1-01-80  12:47a
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80  12:44a
       25 file(s)     335182 bytes
                       12288 bytes free