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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1729)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “FONE: BUSINESS”

If you are a small business or home computer user looking for a way to
bring long distance telephone bills under control, FONE(tm) BUSINESS can
help you reduce and track telecommunications costs.  FONE(tm) is a
mature telephone call pricing database program for point-to-point,
voice, FAX, E-mail, and BBS calls.

FONE(tm) will display the approximate prices for national interstate
long distance calls.  Several major business telecommunication vendors
are represented (AT&T, ITT, MCI, US SPRINT, etc.), including many
services for each vendor.  For each query, FONE(tm) will display the
point of origination, time, point of destination (over 1200 cities are
in the national database), approximate call BEFORE IT IS PLACED, the
vendor ID, effective date of the rates, call billing periods, and
applicable times for the lowest rates.  At the press of a button,
FONE(tm) will track the price of an ongoing call in real time.

Several user options, using F-keys, are available, including adjustment
of sample call times, volume discount calculation, the ability to
temporarily exit to DOS while the timer is running, plus many other
features.  A personal directory with notepad, for tracking contacts, is
provided, and the user can get a printed report for each call displayed
on the rate screen.

FONE(tm) is very easy to use, features hot menus, and an extensive help


Disk No: 1729                                                           
Disk Title: Fone: Business                                              
PC-SIG Version: S1.1                                                    
Program Title: Fone: Business                                           
Author Version: 5.3                                                     
Author Registration: $6.95 per disks, or $14.95 for the set of three dis
Special Requirements: 640K recommended.                                 
If you are a home or small business computer user looking for a way to  
bring long-distance telephone bills under control, you might be         
interested in FONE. FONE is a database program for keeping track of     
telephone numbers and addresses.  It compares the rates charged by      
different long-distance services between the area code of the user and  
that of the party being called, and, on a computer equipped with a      
modem, FONE will automatically dial a number in its directory.  It can  
be used to time calls and indicate the cost of the call based on the    
long-distance service used and rate structure for that time of day.  It 
also may be used to look up the correct area code for a particular city,
or to provide a list of cities within a particular area code.           
FONE comes in three versions, each on its own disk; one for business    
users, one for residential users, and a third for international callers.
The author provides quarterly updates of rate information to registered 
FONE combines features that will be familiar to users of communications 
and address or mailing list database programs, although the combination 
of features in a single program may be new.                             
Telephone services acknowledged in this program may not always be       
complete or applicable for other parts of the country.  For example, ACC
service, which is popular among residential and business users in many  
areas of upstate New York is not included.                              
FONE can be used easily by someone with little computer experience by   
following the menu prompts, so the lack of a manual is not a problem.   
Some users may, in fact, appreciate this as a convenience.              
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


                    F O N E (tm)   V E R S I O N   5 . 3



                             A T T E N T I O N


 FONE(tm) is now available in three individually convenient data-base formats.

              * RESIDENTIAL services (Including Canada & Mexico)
              * BUSINESS services (Including Canada & Mexico)
              * INTERNATIONAL services (Canada & Mexico not included)

                                                            Serial No:  03711

Copyright (c) 1988/89/90, by EUGENE L. WOODS, PE/EE.  All rights reserved.


║                 <<<<  Disk #1729  FONE: BUSINESS >>>>                   ║
║ To start program, type: FONE                                            ║
║                                                                         ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1729

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ABBREV   DAT      1305   5-14-89   8:02p
AREACODE BIN     97356   1-15-90   8:10p
CAWTS    BIN     10050   2-26-90   7:25p
FILE1729 TXT      3257   3-21-90   4:10p
FN53     EXE    170289   2-28-90   6:28p
FNSETUP  BIN       480   2-28-90   6:39a
FONE     BAT        49   1-29-90   7:01p
FONECOPY BAT      1769   2-28-90   6:12p
FONINTRO TXT       708   2-27-90   6:52a
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       463   1-01-80   1:03a
HELP     DAT     14479   2-28-90   8:36p
HOUR     DAT      3559   7-23-89   8:12p
INTERWTS BIN     25350   2-28-90   8:05p
MTRX619  DAT      4219   9-12-88   1:21p
PFIX619  DAT      5463   1-13-89   8:47p
RATES619 DAT      2256   9-28-88   7:31p
YELLOWPG DAT      1127  10-23-89   8:17p
       18 file(s)     342217 bytes
                        8192 bytes free