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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1725)

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Information about “BSIM”

College and high school Biology instructors -- You will find BSIM
especially interesting. In classrooms equipped with PCs, BSIM can
create simulated ecological systems to be used as models of actual
biological systems. The program provides fun reinforcement of the
basic subject matter covered in class and encourages the mental
manipulation of conceptual elements well beyond standard
calculation-phase gymnastics. The model for the program is an aquatic
but the general features can be applied across a broad range of other

Sample stagnant and circulated flask environments, leave open or
closed to oxygen and carbon-dioxide atmospheres, choose light or dark,
depth, and choice of sample location according to a grid. Temperature
and pH are assumed constant and optimum. Also available is a readout
of solution elements for the sample taken.

"Pseudogenomes" are projections of real organisms, complete with
physical structures and processes determined by 13 changeable elements
set by the user. Organisms feed and grow, using a simplified carbon
chemistry. They are capable of reproduction or reduction with
sampling possible at each generation. BSIM allows for new organisms or
the "reseeding" of old ones at first generation. BSIM has a simple
printer facility and easy menus.

The registration fee provides the user with technical data and program
utilities to assist program analysis, and an experimenter's manual for
ten experiments. These experiments cover sampling techniques,


    BSIM v1.00
    (c) Paul H. Deal 1988

    BSIM  is a computer simulation which generates a 'pseudo- ecology' that
    can serve as an analog  for  actual  biological  systems.  The  program
    generates organisms as a function of a simulated genome which specifies
    the rules whereby the organisms will interact with a specified physical
    environment.   The  model  for  the  program  is  a  microbial  aquatic
    ecosystem, but many of the features of the system are more general  and
    it  can be used to conceptualize a broader range of natural ecosystems.
    A  simplified  biochemical  and  physiological   model   is   used   to
    characterize  the organisms based on a 13 element, mutable genome.  The
    user has broad control  over  the  starting  conditions,  both  of  the
    environment  and  of  the  'seed'  organisms.   Sampling options permit
    following the development of the  population  in  great  detail  as  it
    responds  to  a  dynamically  changing  environment  with various forms
    evolving and disappearing with time.  Concepts of  population  dynamics
    (including   mutualism,   commensalism,   competitive   exclusion,  and
    parasitism),  mass  flow  in  ecosystems,  and  evolution  are  readily
    demonstrated.   Realistic  experiments  can  be performed which closely
    parallel those often done in actual laboratory and field settings. Many
    of the analytical reasoning techniques applied in general data analysis
    can be used to elucidate the features of the  various  model  organisms
    which  arise  in  the  simulation  and the lessons learned are directly
    applicable to laboratory and field investigations.

    Useage:  Biology education high school and college.

    System Requirements:  Graphics CGA, EGA, or HGA.

    How to Start:  Type GO (press enter).

    Suggested  Registration:  $29.95  (Registered  owners  will  receive  a
    technical   description   of   the   underlying   program   logic,   an
    experimenter's manual, and five utilities to assist in  program  output

    File Descriptions:

    BSIM      EXE  Main program.
    BSIM      OVR  Overlay program.
    BSIM      IST  Instruction manual.
    BSIMHELP  MSG  Help message file accessed by main program.
    PRNDOC    EXE  Ascii document printing program.
    VIEWDOC   EXE  Ascii document on-screen browse program.
    VPEBX     EXE  Menu program.
    GO        BAT  Program to call VPEBX menu program.


Disk No: 1725                                                           
Disk Title: BSIM                                                        
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: BSIM                                                     
Author Version: 1.00                                                    
Author Registration: $29.95                                             
Special Requirements: CGA, EGA, HGA adapter.                            
BSIM is a program  that college and high school biology instructors will
find especially interesting.  For classrooms with PCs, BSIM can simulate
pseudoecological systems to be used as analogs to actual biological     
systems. The model for the program is an aquatic ecosystem, but it is   
intended that generalized features of this  ecosystem  be used to       
conceptualize a broader range of ecosystems.                            
Providing basic subject matter is covered in class, the program provides
fun, illustrative learning reinforcement, and encourages mental         
manipulation of conceptual elements well beyond calculation-phase       
minutes.  The $29.95 registration fee will net the user technical data  
and program utilities to assist program analysis, and an experimenter's 
manual for ten experiments.                                             
BSIM allows sampling of stagnant and circulated flask environments open 
or closed to oxygen and carbon-dioxide atmospheres, choice of light and 
dark, depth, and choice of sample location according to grid.           
Apparently, temperature and Ph are assumed constant and optimum.        
Essentially, "pseudogenomes" are intended to be abstractions of real    
organisms with morphology and physiology determined by 13 "mutable"     
pseudogenome elements which can be set by the user.  Organism metabolism
is intended to utilize a simplified carbon chemistry, and the organisms 
are apparently capable of reproduction or reduction with sampling       
possible at each generation.  The program allows for new organisms or   
"reseeding" of old ones at first generation, and a readout of solution  
elements for the sample taken.                                          
BSIM has a simple printer facility and easy menus.                      
System Requirements:  CGA, EGA, HGA adaptor.                            
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                    <<<<  Disk #1725  BSIM  >>>>                         ║
║ To start program, type: BSIM (press enter)                              ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type: COPY BSIMFILE.TXT PRN                     ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1725

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BSIM     EXE     68544   5-12-89  10:33a
BSIM     IST     26023   4-28-89  10:28a
BSIM     OVR     23967   5-12-89  10:33a
BSIMFILE TXT      2537   5-12-89  10:01p
BSIMHELP MSG      5350   4-11-89   3:07p
FILE1725 TXT      3405  12-15-89   5:43p
GO       BAT         5   5-11-89  12:55p
GO       TXT       540   1-01-80  12:19a
GO1      BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
PRNDOC   EXE      7840   5-10-89   8:10a
VIEWDOC  EXE     10464   5-10-89   8:26a
VPEBX    EXE     11888   5-11-89  12:44p
       12 file(s)     160601 bytes
                      154624 bytes free