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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1724)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “THE ELECTRIC ALMANAC”

THE ELECTRIC ALMANAC is an elegant computerized book that offers in-
formation and advice on the best dates and times for accomplishing many
different tasks.  Like the traditional almanac, it looks to the moon and
stars for the proper times for planting, asking for a raise, starting a
new relationship, or any of the other really important questions of life
-- including when to go to the dentist.  Like the traditional almanac,
but with far more depth, it offers information on astrological charts,
tables of planetary hours and astronomy tables. You can not only insert
your choice of time and date, but also your longitude, latitude and the
meteorological zone so that the ELECTRIC ALMANAC can give readings
specific for your area.

And like a traditional almanac, THE ELECTRIC ALMANAC offers tidbits of
important information such as metric conversion tables and a variety of
oracles from I-Ching and Tarot to the not-so-traditional "Almanac
Oracle."  Best of all, THE ELECTRIC ALMANAC accomplishes this in a
clear, self explanatory format -- all entries are available by high-
lighting and entering.  You may miss the 19th century illustrations and
the bad riddles and puns, but THE ELECTRIC ALMANAC makes up for the loss
with a friendly interactive approach that makes opening up this book
similar to a chat with a very knowledgeable old friend.


Starting Things        |12  01     1 1             ■ Start a Diet        |  341   11  1 1            ■ Diet Weight Gain    |12  0  1   1   1           ■ Savings Account     |12  01     1 1             ■ New Venture         |12  0          0           ■ Begin Schooling     |12  0 1  1  1              ■ Go for Promotion    |11110          0  2 4 4    ■ New Job             |12  01   1   1             ■ Join Organization   |12340 1   1   1            ■ Traveling           |12  1 11 11 11 12 2    22  ■ Turn New Leaf       |  341 1 11   1 0    441 1  ■ Weaning Children    |11110       1111          Writing                |11110 1        0  2    22  ■ Signing Deeds, etc. |12  0          0  1 3 3 3  ■ Write Will          |12  01  1  1  10  22  2    ■ Make Contracts      |111101  1  1  10  2       Personal Relationships |11110   1 1    0   2424    ■ Meet Friends        |11110 1       10   2   1   ■ Marriage            |12  01 11 1    1   232 3 3 ■ Romance (permanent) |12  01 11 1    1   232 3 3 ■ Romance (changing)  |  3401 11 1    1   232 3 3 ■ Romance(much effort)|  340       1      232 3 3 ■ Romance (short)     |11  1              232 3 3 ■ End Relationships   |  341 11 11 11 1           ■ Throw a Party       |12340 1 1 1   1    2424    ■ Make Partnerships   |11110          0   141414  ■ Public Relations    |11110          0  2    22  ■ Spreading News      |11110          0       1   ■ Collecting News     |11110          0      11  Beauty & Hair          |11110 1     1  1           ■ Haircuts            |11110 1     1  1           ■ Cut Hair for Growth |12  0  1   1   1           ■ Cut for Thickness   |  3 11111 111111           ■ Cut to Grow Slow    |  110 1 1      0      3    ■ Cut Fingernails     |111112 11      0  4 343    ■ Cut Toenails        |111111 11111111            ■ Cut Corns           |  110          0           ■ Permanents, Dye Hair|11110        1 0   232     ■ Hair and Style Hair |1   0         1            ■ Beauty Treatments   |111101 11 11  1    2 2     ■ Plastic Surgery     |11  0           3   3 3    ■ Beauty Treatments   |12  01 11 11  1           Buying Things          |  3 0          0  224      ■ Buy Cows            |1   0          0      4    ■ Buy/Sell Work Horse |1   0          0      1    ■ Buy/Sell Race Horse |1   0          0     1     ■ Buy/Sell Dogs       |1   0          04          ■ Buy/Sell Cats       |1   0          0   4       ■ Buy Cars            |11110               4 42   ■ Buying Clothes      |11  -      -   02 223 3    ■ Buy for Pleasure    |11  -1     -   02 223 3    ■ Buy Hats            |11  1      -   02 223 3    ■ Buy Coats, Shirts   |11     1   -   02 223 3    ■ Buy Gloves          |11         1   02 223 3    ■ Buy Belts           |11        1-   02 223 3    ■ Buy Sports Clothes  |11         -1  02 223 3    ■ Buy Boots, Socks    |11         -   12 223 3    ■ Buy Clothing        |1234 1    1                ■ Buy Antiques        |12340  1   1 1             ■ Buy Health Foods    |12340    1                 ■ Buy Medicines       |12340      1               ■ Buy Home            |123401  1  1  1            ■ Buy Machinery       |12340          0    2  2   ■ Speculate           |12341  1  1  1            Transactions           |11110          0  2 223    ■ Selling Things      |11110          0  2 223    ■ Borrow Money        |  340  1   1 1             ■ Lender Favored      |12  0   1   1 11   2 2     ■ Borrower Favored    |  340   1   1 11   2 2     ■ Collect Debts       |11111- 1  1- 1  2   4 4   Medical & Dental       |11110          0    23 3   ■ Fill Cavities       |  3401  1  1  1            ■ Dental Work         |11110          0    23 3   ■ Remove Teeth        |11    1  1  11 1      2    ■ Eye Glasses, etc.   |12  0          0    4      ■ Surgery             |1  10          0   242    Miscellaneous          |12  0          0 11 414    ■ Make Dresses        |12  0          0 11 414    ■ Making/Mend Clothes |23  111111111111           ■ Advertise           |11110          0  2 3 3    ■ Send Mail           |12340 1  1  1  1           ■ Travel for Fun      |12  0 1 1   1 1            ■ Repair Cars         |11  01   1      2  23233   ■ Artistic Work       |  340          0   2 2 2   ■ Photography         |11110          0  22    2  ■ Cooking for Groups  |11110          0    4 4    ■ Fishing             |cccc0  1   1   1           ■ Find Lost Articles  |1   0          0          Repair & Maintance     |  3401  1  1  10           ■ Paint Buildings     |  3401  1  1  10           ■ Hot Weather Painting|  3401         0           ■ Cold weather paint  |  340   1      0           ■ Pour Foundations    |  3401  1     1            ■ Cement & Concrete   |  3 01  1     10           ■ Start Buildings     |  1 01  1     10    4 1    ■ Roofing             |  340  1   1   1          Flowers                |  3 123456789111           ■ Flowers for Beauty  |1         1                ■ For Abundance       |1      1 1     1           ■ For Sturdiness      |11110      1               ■ For Hardiness       |1    2                     ■ Annuals             |11  123456789111           ■ Perennials          |  3 123456789111           ■ Biennials           |  34111111111111           ■ Asters              |12       1                 ■ Dahlias             |12       11                ■ Daffodils           |12       11                ■ Crocuses            | 12      1                 ■ Cosmos              | 23       1                ■ Coryopis            | 23       1                ■ Chrysanthemums      |12       1                 ■ Gladiolas           |12       11                ■ Golden glow         | 23       1                ■ Privet              |12   1    1                ■ Poppies             |12       1                 ■ Portulaca           |12       1                 ■ Lilies              |12     1   1   1           ■ Moon vine           |12       1                 ■ Morning Glories     |12     1 1 1   1           ■ Peonies             |12       6                 ■ Petunias            |12       11                ■ Pansies             |12     1   1   1           ■ Trumpet Vines       |12     1   1   1           ■ Tulips              |12       11                ■ Honeysuckle         |12       1 1               ■ Iris                |12     1 1                 ■ Roses               |12     1                  Fruits & Trees         | 23    1   1   1           ■ Apple Trees         | 23         1              ■ Beech Trees         |  3          1             ■ Deciduous Trees     | 23    1   1   1           ■ Plum Trees          | 23  1    1                ■ Pear Trees          | 23  2    2                ■ Peach Trees         | 23  1    1                ■ Maple Trees         | 23         1              ■ Oak Trees           | 23         1              ■ Melons              | 2     1   1   1           ■ Grapes              | 23    1   1   1           ■ Cantaloupes         |12     1  11               ■ Quinces             |12           1             ■ Watermelons         |12     1  11   1           ■ Strawberries        |  3    1   1   1          Vegetable Planting     |1      1   1   1           ■ Artichokes          |1      1 1     1           ■ Barley              |12     1  11 1 1           ■ Beans               | 2   1 1  11   1           ■ Broccoli            |1      1  11   1           ■ Brussels Sprouts    |1      1  11   1           ■ Buckwheat           |12           1             ■ Bulbs for Seed      | 23 111111111111           ■ Cabbage Family      |1    1 1  11   1           ■ Carrots             |  3    1  11   1           ■ Cauliflower         |1      1  11   1           ■ Celery              |1      1   1   1           ■ Cereals             |12     1  11   1           ■ Chard               |12     1  11   1           ■ Chicory             | 23    1   11  1           ■ Corn                |1      1   1   1           ■ Corn for Fodder     |12        1                ■ Clover              |12     1   1   1           ■ Cucumbers           |1      1   1   1           ■ Egg plant           | 2     1  11   1           ■ Endive              |1     11 1111  1           ■ Garlic              |12         11              ■ Gourds              |12     1  11   1           ■ Hay                 |12   1 1  11 1 1           ■ Hops                |12        11               ■ Horseradish         |12     1   1   1           ■ Kohlrabi            |1      1  11   1           ■ Leeks               | 23         1              ■ Lettuce             |1   1  1  11   1           ■ Oats                |12     1  11   1           ■ Okra                |1      1  11   1           ■ Onions from Seeds   | 2         11              ■ Onion Sets          |  34 1    1    1           ■ Parsley             |1      1  11   1           ■ Parsnips            |  3    1  11   1           ■ Peanuts             |  3    1   1   1           ■ Peas                | 2     1  11   1           ■ Peppers             | 2         11              ■ Pole beans          |12       1                 ■ Potatoes            |  3  1 1  1111             ■ Pumpkins            | 2     1  11   1           ■ Radishes            |  3  1    1 11 1           ■ Rhubarb             |  3 1                      ■ Rice                |12         1               ■ Rutabagas           |  3  1 1   1   1           ■ Saffron             |12     1   1   1           ■ Sage                |  1    1   1   1           ■ Salsify             |12     1   1   1           ■ Spinach             |1      1   1   1           ■ Squash              | 2     1  11   1           ■ String Beans        |12   1                     ■ Sweet Peas          |12     1   1   1           ■ Tomatoes            | 2     1   1   1           ■ Tubers for Seed     |  3    1  11   1           ■ Turnips             |  3  1 1  11 1 1           ■ Valerian            |12    1  1                 ■ Watercress          |1      1   1   1           ■ Wheat               |12     1  11   1          Cultivation            |12     1   1   1           ■ Fall Planting       |  3  1  1     1            ■ Plant Cereals       |12     1   1   1           ■ Cultivate (Special) |   41 3 56  9 1            ■ Fertilizing         |12     1   1   1           ■ Chemical Fertilizer |12     1   1   1           ■ Organic Fertilizer  |  34   1   1   1           ■ Grafting            |11     1   1   1           ■ Cut, Increase, Grow |12     1   1   1           ■ Cut, Decrease, Grow |  34  1 11                 ■ Insecticides        |   4  1 11                Harvesting             |  34  1       1            ■ Drying Fruit        |  3 1   5   9              ■ Harvesting (Special)|  341   1   1              ■ Harvest Crops       |  34  1       1            ■ Harvest Seeds       | 23 1 1 1   1 1            ■ Canning             |  34   1   1   1           ■ Can Fruits/Vegies   |  340  1   1   1           ■ Brewing             |  34   1   1   1           ■ Brewing (Special)   |111101         1   23 3    ■ Slaughter           |  3 1111 1111111           ■ Cut Wood            |11  1111111 111            ■ Dehorning Cattle    |1  1--         -          Misc. Farm & Garden    |   4   1   1   1           ■ Put in Posts        |  34 1  1     1            ■ Purchase animals    |1   111111111111           ■ Castration          |1  111111    111           ■ Bake Goods          |12  1  1  1  1             ■ Start Compost       |   4   1   1   1          Mining, Drilling       |11110          0      2    ■ For Gold            |11110          02     2    ■ For Quicksilver     |11110          0  2   2    ■ For Copper          |11110          0   2  2    ■ For Tin             |11110          0     22    ■ For Coal, Lead      |11110          0      2    ■ Radioactives        |11110          0      22   ■ For Oil             |11110          0      2 2  ■ For Water           |11110          0 2    2   


Disk No: 1724                                                           
Disk Title: The Electric Almanac                                        
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: The Electric Almanac                                     
Author Version: 1.0                                                     
Author Registration: None.                                              
Special Requirements: None.                                             
THE ELECTRIC ALMANAC is an elegant computerized book that offers in-    
formation and advice on the best dates and times for accomplishing      
many different tasks.  Like the traditional almanac, it looks to the    
moon and stars for the proper times for planting, asking for a raise,   
starting a new relationship, or any of the other really important       
questions of life--including when to go to the dentist.  Like the       
traditional almanac, but with far more depth, it offers information on  
astrological charts, tables of planetary hours and astronomy tables.    
You can not only insert your choice of time and date, but also your     
longitude, latitude and the meteorological zone so that the ELECTRIC    
ALMANAC can give readings specific for your area.                       
And like a traditional almanac, THE ELECTRIC ALMANAC offers tidbits of  
important information like metric conversion tables and a variety of    
oracles from I-Ching and Tarot to the not-so-traditional "Almanac       
Oracle."  Best of all, THE ELECTRIC ALMANAC accomplishes this in a      
clear, self explanatory format--all entries are available by high-      
lighting and entering.  You may miss the 19th century illustrations     
and the bad riddles and puns, but THE ELECTRIC ALMANAC makes up for     
the loss with a friendly interactive approach that makes opening up     
this book like a chat with a very knowledgeable old friend.             
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║            <<<<  Disk #1724  THE ELECTRIC ALMANAC  >>>>                 ║
║ To start program, type: ALMANAC                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type: COPY FILE1724.TXT PRN                     ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1724

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ALMANAC  EXE    155596   8-18-89  11:09a
ALMANAC  ING      8834   4-28-89   1:35p
ALMANAC  RND    121088   7-31-89   1:16p
ALMANAC  SLB     42794   8-18-89  11:15a
ALMANAC  TXT     11900   7-14-89   2:59p
FILE1724 TXT      2813  12-15-89   5:55p
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       540   1-01-80   3:12a
        8 file(s)     343603 bytes
                       15360 bytes free