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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1715)

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Information about “SPC-AR, TAKOFF, AND SPC-ESTIMATE”

TAKOFF MINI ESTIMATOR was designed primarily for estimates and material
take offs for general contractors. A master file of the cost of up to
6000 items (materials and/or labor) is maintained and individual
estimates can be printed out by combining these items. The menu system
makes it easy to change stock prices and print new estimates. This
program may be suitable for other professions which use items with
established costs. The registered version allows the user to edit the
reports as ASCII files.

SC-ESTIMATE is a billing program for general contractors.  Separate
entries are made for different types of work completed and the
information is used to update an estimate.  The program allows you to
enter costs and payments to date as jobs progress, and progress
estimates can be printed as necessary.

SPC-ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE handles the accounts receivable for a small
business. Separate account numbers for each payee track the person's
address, phone number and tax code. Enter a short comment and six line
address labels will be printed for the records that you select.


~ Virtually unlimited accounts and records

~ Menu driven and very easy to use

~ Uses standard size paper to print statements

~ Generous sized descriptions for statements.

The user may make charge or payment entries, record the date, a
reference (such as an invoice number), a description and the type of
payment. Reports include charges, payments, detailed account and summary
reports, period reports, general statements and a Past Due Accounts
report listing all outstanding balances of 30, 60 or 90 days. Records
may be selected for interest charges on overdue payments.


Disk No: 1715                                                           
Disk Title: SPC-AR, Takoff, SC-Estimate                                 
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title:                                                          
Author Version: 5.2                                                     
Author Registration: $6.95 per disk, or $14.95 for the set of three disk
Special Requirements: None.                                             
If you are a home or small business computer user looking for a way to  
bring long-distance telephone bills under control, you might be         
interested in FONE. FONE is a database program for keeping track of     
telephone numbers and addresses.  It compares the rates charged by      
different long-distance services between the area code of the user and  
that of the party being called, and, on a computer equipped with a      
modem, FONE will automatically dial a number in its directory.  It can  
be used to time calls and indicate the cost of the call based on the    
long-distance service used and rate structure for that time of day.  It 
also may be used to look up the correct area code for a particular city,
or to provide a list of cities within a particular area code.           
FONE comes in three versions, each on its own disk; one for business    
users, one for residential users, and a third for international callers.
The author provides quarterly updates of rate information to registered 
FONE combines features that will be familiar to users of communications 
and address or mailing list database programs, although the combination 
of features in a single program may be new.                             
Telephone services acknowledged in this program may not always be       
complete or applicable for other parts of the country.  For example, ACC
service, which is popular among residential and business users in many  
areas of upstate New York is not included.                              
FONE can be used easily by someone with little computer experience by   
following the menu prompts, so the lack of a manual is not a problem.   
Some users may, in fact, appreciate this as a convenience.              
Program Title: Takoff                                                   
Author Version: 1.3                                                     
Author Registration: $20.00                                             
Special Requirements: Unarchiving software.                             
Three useful programs for the small businessman.  Accounts Receivables  
and Past Due Account tracking are made simple and two estimating tools  
for contractors are provided.  Calculate the single unit cost, or take  
off, of various materials and generate your labor billing for specific  
SPC-AR handles the Accounts Receivables for a small business.  Separate 
account numbers for each payee track the person's address, phone number 
and tax code.  Enter a short comment and six line address labels will be
printed for the records that you select.                                
Make charge or payment entries, record the date, a reference (such as an
invoice number), a description and the type of payment.  Separate       
reports may be printed for charges and payments.  Print detailed account
and summary reports, period reports and general statements.  Print a    
Past Due Accounts report listing all outstanding balances of 30, 60 or  
90 days.  Select records for interest charges for overdue payments.     
TAKOFF can generate a single unit cost for various materials.  A master 
file records the unit cost for each item, which is used when creating an
estimate.  Since TAKOFF provides a single unit cost item, this program  
can be used for sales purposes as well as for material take offs by     
general contractors.                                                    
SC-EST is a labor billing program for general contractors.  Separate    
entries are made for different types of labor and the information is    
used to provide an estimate.  The program allows you to enter costs as  
jobs progress, and progress estimates can be printed as necessary.      
Program Title: SC-Estimate                                              
Author Version: 2.0                                                     
Author Registration: $25.00                                             
Special Requirements: Unarchiving software.                             
Three useful programs for the small businessman.  Accounts Receivables  
and Past Due Account tracking are made simple and two estimating tools  
for contractors are provided.  Calculate the single unit cost, or take  
off, of various materials and generate your labor billing for specific  
SPC-AR handles the Accounts Receivables for a small business.  Separate 
account numbers for each payee track the person's address, phone number 
and tax code.  Enter a short comment and six line address labels will be
printed for the records that you select.                                
Make charge or payment entries, record the date, a reference (such as an
invoice number), a description and the type of payment.  Separate       
reports may be printed for charges and payments.  Print detailed account
and summary reports, period reports and general statements.  Print a    
Past Due Accounts report listing all outstanding balances of 30, 60 or  
90 days.  Select records for interest charges for overdue payments.     
TAKOFF can generate a single unit cost for various materials.  A master 
file records the unit cost for each item, which is used when creating an
estimate.  Since TAKOFF provides a single unit cost item, this program  
can be used for sales purposes as well as for material take offs by     
general contractors.                                                    
SC-EST is a labor billing program for general contractors.  Separate    
entries are made for different types of labor and the information is    
used to provide an estimate.  The program allows you to enter costs as  
jobs progress, and progress estimates can be printed as necessary.      
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║           <<<<  Disk #1715   SPC-AR, TAKOFF, SC-ESTIMATE  >>>>          ║
║ To use programs, you must first unarchive SPC-AR, TAKOFF, and SC-EST    ║
║ to your hard drive.                                                     ║
║                                                                         ║                               
║ To start SPC-AR program, type: SPC-AR                                   ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print SPC-AR documentation, type: COPY SPCAR.DOC PRN                 ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To Start TAKOFF program, type: TAKOFF                                   ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print TAKOFF documentation, type: COPY TAKOFF.DOC PRN                ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start SC-ESTIMATE program, type: SC-EST                              ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print SC-ESTIMATE documentation, type: COPY SC-EST.DOC PRN           ║


                                (version 2.0)

     This is a billing program for General Contractors.  It allows for
entering quantities as jobs progress.  Progress estimates can be printed as
necessary.  Engineers may also find the program useful for the same purposes.
Payments to date and retainages are maintained and printed on the estimates.

     You will be prompted for the company name and address when you first
run the program.  A file named "CONTRCTR.NAM" is built from this information.
If you wish to change this information at a later date, simply delete this
file.  The program will then prompt for this information again.

     As with all software, backups should be made on a periodic basis to
avoid losing your data files.

     Following is a description of the Menu options.

     Option 1. Build Estimate File

     The option for building a new estimate file.  You will be prompted
for general estimate information before entering the line items.  Job numbers
are entered as three digit numbers.  Information can be entered to bring
present estimates up to date.  If a current file exists with the same
number, the program will allow you to delete it if you wish.

     After the general estimate information is entered, you will then be
allowed to enter estimate items as needed.

     Option 2. Change General Data

     This option allows for changing the general estimate information as
described above.

     Option 3.  Add & Change Items

     This option allows for the maintenance of the items in the estimate
files.  These are records maintaining contract and estimate quantities.

     Option 4. Quantity Entry

     Use this option to enter quantities to the vaious contracts.  You may
enter minus quantities for corrections (example -25 would subtract 25 units
from the quantities).  Decimal numbers are allowed.  For those lump sum items
requiring a percent of completion, simply enter a decimal factor.

     The program will ignore all entries that it cannont find a job or
items to post to.  Use option 5 below to check entry errors.  Errors are
corrected by reentering the items.  The program does allow you to correct
quantities however.  Simply rechoose this option and the program will
prompt you as to whether you wish to make corrections.  Changes are made
by entering the entry numbers from the report printed from option 5 below.

     Option 5. Print Entries

     Use this option to print the entries entered from Option 4 above.  It
will identify errors it cannot post to.  Re-enter corrections with Option 4
above.  You may choose to run this report without error records printed.
You will probably want to choose this option after all errors are corrected.
The report will then reflect only those items actually posted.

     The program will print the entries in the order of the job numbers and
entry numbers.  This should help to check errors.

     Option 6. Post Quantities

     This option will post the quantities entered above to the various
estimate files.  Make sure to post your quantities before leaving the
program or they will be lost.  The program will remind you if they have
not been posted when exiting the program.  You will be allowed to return
to the menu and post them.  The program will also warn you if a final
quantity report has not been printed.

     Option 7. Print Estimate

     This option will print a current estimate based on present quantities
in place.  Run this option as often as necessary.

     You will be prompted as to whether you want a full estimate.  This full
estimate prints the current period data also.  It does require a wide printer
or a printer switched to compressed mode.

     Option 8. Reset Period

     This option will clear quantities in the period to date fields and
increment the estimate number file by 1.  Use this option after estimates
have been processed and you wish to start a new estimate period.

     Option 9. Enter Payments

     Enter estimate payments as received to update your estimate files.

                            -    -    -    -    -

     To remove estimate files from your disk, simply delete the files
identified as EST000.NAM and EST000.DAT, replacing 000 in the example with
the job numbers you wish to remove.  This can also be done with the build
estimate file option as described above.

     If you use this program, it's price is 25.00.  Upon registration you
will be sent the latest registered version of the program.  Remember, only
through your support can programs such as this one continue to be supported.
Please feel free to pass on copies of this version to anyone you think may
have use of the program.

     Other shareware construction programs you may wish to check into:


     Thank you for your support.  Feed back is welcome.

                                I. J. Smith
                                9795 Rustling Oaks
                                Baton Rouge, La. 70818



                              SPC - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE
                                    Version 1.2


                                     I. J. Smith
                                  9795 Rustling Oaks
                                Baton Rouge, La. 70818


                                   Reference Manual

                             SPC-ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE
                                  (Version 1.2)

              This accounts receivable program offers the following

                      Data integrity of (c)BTRIEVE
                      Virtually unlimited accounts and records
                      Menu driven and very easy to use
                      Uses standard size paper to print statements
                      Generous sized descriptions for statements

              Businesses whose statements also act as their invoices will
         appreciate the generous description allowed (see example below).
         Many service type businesses will really appreciate this feature.

              The program must be started with the enclosed SPCAR.BAT file
         by entering SPCAR at the prompt to load BTRIEVE and the program.
         NOTE: use of accellerated file handlers such as ram disks, etc. will
         defeat the security features of BTRIEVE.  You should always make
         backups of all your important data files on a periodic basis.  While
         the BTRIEVE file handler offers exceptional data integrity, no
         software can be completely safe from problems such as system or
         hardware failures.

              You must have a proper CONFIG.SYS file in your root directory
         to use this program.  If you have problems running the program,
         please see instructions near the end of this document file.

              For those wishing to use the program for cash sales as well,
         this is also provided for.  By assigning a low account number for
         a cash sales account, it can be easily maintained.  When printing
         statements and certain reports, the lowest account number will be
         displayed as the starting number to print.  You can change this
         number and thus eliminate lower numbered accounts.  You may find
         this feature useful not only to keep up with sales but with sales
         taxes also.

              If you like the program, send 35.00 to become a registered
         owner.  You will then be sent the owner of record version.  It
         has the added option of choosing a drive for your data files.  It
         also provides for printing a single statement of an account as
         needed.  Remember, only owners of record can be notified and sent

              Please feel free to make copies of this version for anyone
         who may have use of the program.

              Your support is appreciated.

                                  I. J. Smith
                                  9795 Rustling Oaks
                                  Baton Rouge, La. 70818


              Following are instructions by menu options.  Function key
         options are displayed on the bottom of data entry screens.  Use of
         the various standard keyboard keys (cursor keys, PgUp, PgDn, etc.)
         are allowed in the data entry screens.  The F10 function key will
         usually save the data at any time you wish and the ESC key will
         cancel the data entry.  You can press the number of the menu option
         or use the arrow keys for your selections.

         MAIN MENU

              Option 1  Charges Menu

                          Brings up Charges Menu

                     2  Payments Menu

                          Brings up Payments Menu

                     3  Accounts Menu

                          Brings up Accounts Menu

                     4  Period to Date Menu

                          Brings up Period to Date Menu

                     5  Company Name

                          Use this option to enter company name, address and
                        phone number.  You are also allowed one line of
                        information to be placed in your statement headings
                        and one line to be placed at the bottom of the
                        statements.  The top line could be used for a logo
                        and the bottom line for terms of payment.

                          The program will center the above lines on your
                        statements.  If you wish to use pre-printed letter
                        head statements, leave the second line of the
                        address blank.  The program will then leave blank
                        all lines above the customer names.  You may also
                        want to experiment with the compressed mode of your
                        printer for this option.

                     6  EXIT

                          Closes files, removes the BTRIEVE file handler
                        and exits the program.  You should always exit
                        programs properly when finished with them.  The
                        ESC key will also exit all menus.


              Option 1  Entries

                          Use this option to enter charges on your accounts.
                        Accounts must exist or the program will not accept
                        charges.  Use the Accounts Menu to establish your
                        customer accounts.

                          The program will first prompt you for the account
                        number.  If it exists, you will then be prompted
                        for the charges to appear on the statement.  The
                        data screen will display the customer name, current
                        balances and the comment line of the account.

                          You can enter sales, taxes and other charges as
                        needed.  Although the program will only print the
                        total on the statement, it will retain these
                        different charges for your uses later.  They will
                        appear on various selected reports.

                          The data information line is identical to the line
                        that will be printed on your statement.  You can
                        enter the date, reference (invoice number, etc.)
                        and description of charges.  The program will let
                        you enter blanks if you so choose.  This can be very
                        useful for itemized charges (see example under
                        print statements).  Program will save the data when
                        description is entered.  You can also use F10 to
                        save the data at any time you wish.  The program
                        will retain the date and description as defaults
                        for the next charges, the use of the F10 function
                        key can be very useful then.

                          Adjustments or credits can be entered using the
                        minus sign in front of the amount to be credited.
                        These credits will be retained for the current
                        period only.  If you want to enter credits that
                        should be applied to prior balances then use the
                        payment entry option instead.  This could be very
                        important if you plan to use late interest charges.

                          Use option 4 below to print a report of the entries
                        when completed, option 5 to process them.

                     2  Changes

                          This option is used to make changes to the above
                        entries.  You will probably need the report from
                        option 4 below.  You will notice that the report
                        lists entries by account numbers.  This concept is
                        used to make it easier to spot errors and see what
                        multiple entries will look like on your statements.
                        It also serves as your journal for your daily charges.

                          Corrections are made by entering the account number
                        at the prompt.  The program will then display the
                        first entry under the account for your changes.  The
                        F6 function key is used to step through each record
                        of charges.  Make changes as needed.  The F4 function
                        key is used to delete the record if so desired.  Use
                        of the function keys is displayed at the bottom of
                        the screens.

                     3  Create Interest Charges

                          You should first make sure you have processed all
                        charges entered above before choosing this option.
                        This will allow you to use option 4 below and have
                        a separate report of these charges for your records.

                          This option allows for charging interest on accounts
                        with balances of 30 days and over.  The program uses
                        the default of 0.01 (equal to 12% APR) to create these
                        charges.  You can change this default by entering a
                        new decimal amount at the prompt.  Charges created
                        will be placed in the 'other' field of charges.  No
                        interest is computed on balances of 1.00 or less.

                          Interest charges should be entered and processed
                        just prior to printing invoices.  They will then be
                        the last entries on the statements and the charges
                        will be based on prior outstanding balances only.

                          These charges must be processed with option 5 below
                        just as other charges are entered and processed.  You
                        can make changes with option 2 above before process.

                     4  Print Report

                          Prints report of charges entered in above options.
                        If the charges are correct, keep the report for your
                        records and process the charges with option 5 below.

                     5  Process Charges

                          Use this option to process the above charges.  Make
                        sure you have printed a final report of your charges
                        for your records before processing them.

                     6  Main Menu

                          Returns to the main menu.


              Option 1  Entries

                          Use this option to enter payments on your accounts.
                        Accounts must exist or the program will not accept

                          The program will first prompt you for the account
                        number.  If it exists, you will then be prompted for
                        the payment information to appear on the statement.
                        The data screen will display the customer name,
                        current balances and the comment line of the account.

                          The data information line is identical to the line
                        that will be printed on your statement.  You can
                        enter the date, reference (check number, etc.)
                        and description of credits.

                          Payments are processed differently then charges.
                        When processed, they will update the previous balances
                        of the accounts immediately.  They will be applied to
                        the oldest balances on down.  This is done so as to
                        properly reflect balances due on certain reports and
                        for late interest charges.  Statements and reports
                        which list payments will reflect the old balances
                        prior to payments.

                          Adjustments or credits can be entered using the
                        payments option.  Since they are posted to older
                        balances, you may wish to enter discounts this way.
                        You can change the description to suit your purposes.

                          Use option 3 below to print a report of the entries
                        when completed.

                     2  Changes

                          This option is used to make changes to the above
                        entries.  You will probably need the report from
                        option 3 below.  You will notice that the report
                        lists entries by account numbers.  This concept is
                        used to make it easier to spot errors when two
                        payments appear on the same account.

                          Corrections are made by entering the account number
                        at the prompt.  The program will then display the
                        first entry under the account for your changes.  The
                        F6 function key is used to step through each record
                        of payments.  Make changes as needed.  The F4 function
                        key is used to delete the record if so desired.  Use
                        of the function keys is displayed at the bottom of
                        the screens.

                     3  Print Report

                          Prints report of payments entered in above options.
                        If the payments are correct, keep the report for your
                        records and process the payments with option 4 below.

                     4  Process Payments

                          Use this option to process the above payments.  Make
                        sure you have printed a final report of your payments
                        for your records before processing them.

                     5  Main Menu

                          Returns to the main menu.


              Option 1  Entries/Changes

                          Enter and change your accounts with this option.
                        A 12 digit field is used for your account numbers.
                        Use of letters and numbers are allowed.  Establish
                        a good numbering system for future growth.  Remember,
                        this program has virtually unlimited capacity.  The
                        program prints all records sorted on this number.
                        The program converts all letters to uppercase for
                        easier data entry.

                          You will first be prompted for the account number.
                        If it is a new account, the new account entry screen
                        will be displayed for establishing the new account.
                        The comment field will be displayed in your charges
                        and payments screens.  You may wish to use it for
                        negotiated hourly rates, etc.  The tax code is for
                        use as the default for your charges.  You will be
                        allowed to change it then also.  The program allows
                        for 100 tax codes (0 thru 99).  Establish a tax
                        numbering system for your particular purposes.  The
                        Period Report will list tax amounts using these codes.

                          You can enter N in the labels and interest fields
                        if you want to exclude these accounts from your labels
                        or late interest charges.

                          If the account exists, the program will sound a
                        tone and display the existing data for changes.  If
                        you wish to delete the account, simply press F4.  The
                        program will ask for verification before deleting it.

                     2  Print Listing

                          Lists account numbers, names and addresses, etc.,
                        for your use.

                     3  Print Labels

                          This option will print name and address labels of
                        your accounts.  Align your labels with the print
                        head ready to print the customer name.  The program
                        will print the four address lines and then skip four
                        lines to the next label.  This allows for 6 line
                        labels, one across.

                     4  Main Menu

                          Returns to main menu.

         PERIOD MENU

              Option 1  Detailed Accounts Report

                          This report is intended as a copy of your printed
                        statements.  It will reflect the previous balance,
                        charges and payments, and then show the new balance
                        of each account.

                          Some users may prefer to use two part paper for
                        their statements and choose to keep the second copy
                        for their records in lieu of this report.

                     2  Summary Report

                          Similar to above report but in summarized form.
                        You may find this report very useful as the period

                     3  Period Report

                          This report is intended for accounting purposes.
                        It will summarize the sales, taxes, other charges
                        and payments for each account.  A sales tax report
                        will also be printed.  It will summarize the amounts
                        for each tax code.  You may then enter these amounts
                        in your general ledger or furnish your accountant
                        with it.

                     4  Print Statements

                          As stated above, the program is designed to print
                        statements on standard 8 1/2 x 11 computer paper.
                        You can use pre-printed letter heads by leaving the
                        second line of the company address blank.  This is
                        described under company name above.

                          You will be prompted for the beginning account
                        number to print.  The program will display the lowest
                        number for your default.  If you wish to eliminate
                        lower account numbers (such as cash sales accounts),
                        change the account number to start, otherwise simply
                        press ENTER to accept the default.  This feature can
                        also be useful in case of printer problems.  You do
                        not have to restart from the beginning statement.

                          You will also be prompted for the minimum balance
                        amount to use and the statement date to use.  A date
                        such as   Aug. 31, 1988  is provided for.

                          Following is an example of the type entries this
                        program allows for.

    Date      Reference  Description                                    Amount
    08-08-88             240 LF of Fence @ 5.50                        1320.00
    08-15-88             Air Conditioner:  3 hours @ 40.00              120.00
                         New Fan                                        109.95
                         New Grill                                       22.95
                         Tax                                              9.30
    08-25-88  76767      Filters                                         13.60

                          As you can see, the generous description field can
                        be very useful for itemized statements.

              Option 5  Not applicable with this version.

              Option 6  Reset Period

                          After your statements are printed, you should use
                        this option to start a new period.  All current
                        amounts will cleared.  The accounts will be updated
                        accordingly.  Make sure you have all the period
                        reports you wish to keep for your records before
                        using this option.

                     7  Past Due Accounts

                          This report will print outstanding balances of 60
                        and 90 days.  The account number, customer name and
                        phone number will also be listed.  A good time to
                        run this report is after resetting the period.  All
                        outstanding balances over the current amounts will
                        then be reflected.

                     8  Accounts Receivable Report

                          This report will list all accounts with balances
                        in the 30, 60 and 90 day fields.  This is a good
                        report to run after closing the period.  You will
                        then have a complete list of your account balances.

                     9  Main Menu

                          Returns to main menu


                A CONFIG.SYS file is needed in your root directory to
           expand the default files and buffers.  The file should contain
           two lines of code similar to the following:


               If the numbers are greater in your CONFIG.SYS file then
           leave them as is (many applications require more).  If you are
           not sure if you have this file, enter  DIR CONFIG.SYS  at the
           prompt.  TYPE the file on the screen or use your editor to see
           if the above lines of code are present.  If not, then use your
           editor and add them in the file.  If you do not have this file,
           copy the CONFIG.DTA file included with this application and
           rename it CONFIG.SYS.  Make sure it is located in your root
           directory.  It only becomes in affect when the system is first


               Other shareware programs by this author you may want to
           try out:

                    SPC-INVENTORY PLUS   Inventory program with Purchases
                                           and Sales modules.
                    SPC-PAYROLL          For payroll after checks.
                                           Quarterly reports, W2's, etc.
                                           Great for Accountants.
                    PC-BID PLUS          Contractor's estimating and
                                           bid program.

               Feedback is always welcome.

               To list this file on your printer, enter at the prompt:

                             COPY SPCAR.DOC LPT1:


                                TAKOFF MINI ESTIMATOR
                                    (version 1.3)

             This program was designed primarily for material take offs by
        general contractors.  It can however, be used for other estimating
        purposes as well.  If all you need is a one unit cost item for your
        cost purposes then you need to try out this program to see if it
        meets your needs.  Many users may find it ideal for sales purposes.

             The program is very fast and efficient.  It will maintain an
        index file of 6000 master items.

             When used as a take off program, it can be used for various
        purposes such as materials, sub-contractors, etc.  The information
        can then be used with a program such as PC-BID PLUS for other cost
        estimating purposes such as labor, equipment, overhead, etc.

             Please read the following instructions.  The program is menu
        driven and very easy to use.  A sample job number 100 is provided
        for fast tryouts of the reports and also give an example of the
        capabilities of the program.  The program will create new files
        for each estimate and you may want to consider using it on floppies.

             If you like the program, send 20.00 and you will be sent the
        registered version of the program.  It will allow you to send the
        estimate report to a standard ASCII file where you can then use it
        with an editor to view it on screen and also make changes as you
        may require.  You will also be sent a version without color for
        monochrome uses.  A sample disk output is included for your test
        purposes called E100.PRN.

             Please feel free to make copies of this version for anyone
        who may have use of it.

             Thank you for your support.

                                I. J. Smith
                                9795 Rustling Oaks
                                Baton Rouge, La. 70818


             You must build a master file of items to be used when creating
        a take off or estimate.  This file allows for an index number of
        five positions.  This number can be characters and numbers.  Some
        may find that 2x4, 2x6, nails, etc. may work fine for them, just
        keep in mind that duplicates are not allowed.  You are allowed a
        maximum of 6000 items.  This should be sufficient for it's intended
        purposes.  Keep in mind that you can reuse the same number when
        creating estimates.  You could create dummy records and change this
        information later in your estimates rather then have a master record
        for every conceivable item needed.

             The program will create two files to maintain your master
        records.  The two files created are named  ESTMAST.NDX and
        ESTMAST.DAT.  It's important to note that both files should be saved
        together when making backups to maintain file integrity.  Backups
        of these two files should be made periodically to avoid loss of your
        master file.

             Use menu option 1 for maintaining your master file.  When the
        master number is entered, the program will allow you to enter a
        description, unit and cost amount for this item.  If the item exists,
        the program will beep and display it's previous information for
        changes or deletions.

             The use of the F10 function key is used to cancel or quit when
        entering data.  The cursor keys are allowed for movements in the
        data screens.  Options are displayed on the screens.

             Use option 2 to print out a list of your master file to use
        when creating take offs or estimates.

             Option 3 is used to create take offs or estimates.  You will
        be prompted for an estimate number to used.  This five digit number
        will be used to create an estimate file.  The program will add
        the letters  EST  to the number and an extension of  DTA  for the
        file name.  You may use characters and numbers for this file name.
        You can delete the files through DOS when no longer needed or the
        program will overwrite them if you continue when the program
        advises you of their existence.

             The estimate name is entered next.

             The following prompt for the master file number has an option
        for individual headings and totals in your listings.  If you wish
        to have a cost for a floor for instance, enter H and you will then
        be prompted for a title description.  The program will maintain costs
        for the following items under this title until it incurs a new Header

             The quantity field has an  A=Addcalc  option.  If you enter an
        A, a small addition calculaor will pop up.  You may use it to add
        or subtract quantities.  To subtract, use the minus key before your
        number entry.  This feature can be very helpful for take offs.

             Use option 4 to make changes to your estimates.  You will need
        a print out from option 6 to get the newly created item numbers.
        Although an item number is not printed for title records, they can
        still be changed by entering their item numbers.  Their number would
        be the missing number above their first item numbers.  The first
        record number will be 2 since the program uses the first records
        for other purposes.

             Use option 5 to add new items to an existing estimate file.

             Option 6 will print out the estimate with the record numbers
        as described above.  Use the record numbers for making changes to
        your estimates.

             Option 7 will print out the estimate without record numbers.
        Many will find this feature useful for distributing estimates used
        for proposals and other purposes.

             While the documentation for this program is brief, I think you
        will find the program needs very little in instructions in it's use.
        Give it a try and see what I mean.

             To list this file on your printer, enter at the prompt:

                             COPY TAKOFF.DOC LPT1:

                             - - - - - - - - - - -

        Other shareware programs by this author you may wish to look into:

          PC-BID PLUS                SC-ESTIMATE         SPC-INVENTORY PLUS

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1715

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

TAKOFF   ARC     31238   4-09-89   1:48p
SPC-AR   ARC    125056   4-04-89   6:33p
SC-EST   ARC     31671  11-12-88   8:42p
FILE1715 TXT      8141  12-15-89   6:04p
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT      1572   1-01-80   1:42a
        6 file(s)     197716 bytes
                      121856 bytes free