PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1708)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5150"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5150" to load....

Information about “PULLED FROM LIBRARY”

This is a student version of SPPC, a fully interactive statistical
package that enables you to enter, manage and analyze simple and
complex sets of data.  In order to use the SPPC, you must enter your
data and store it on a diskette or hard disk file.  You can then
conduct any statistical analysis that is available.


║                         <<<< Disk No 1708 SPPC >>>>                        ║
║ This is one of a four disk set.  You will need disks 232, 623 and 1707 in  ║
║ order to complete this package.                                            ║
║                                                                            ║
║ The first disk has the installation instructions and documentation.        ║
║                                                                            ║
║ To install the package, type INSTALL (press enter)                         ║
║                                                                            ║
║ To print the documentation, type COPY README PRN (press enter)             ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1708

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

APPENDIX MAN      1234   8-01-88   6:35a
ASSOC    MAN      7628   1-02-88  11:16a
BIBLIO   MAN        99   8-01-88   6:36a
CAVEAT   MAN      1335   7-05-87   7:25a
COHENR   DAT       420   7-13-87   4:30a
COHENS   DAT       604   8-10-85  12:07p
CONTENTS MAN     11914   7-29-88   2:24p
CORRMAT  MAN      2921   1-02-88  11:21a
CROSSTAB MAN     10006   1-02-88   9:21a
FACULTY  MAN      1142   6-13-89   6:10p
FOURWAYR DAT      2843   7-13-87   4:30a
FOURWAYS DAT      6570   9-16-85   4:22a
FREQ     MAN      8376   1-02-88   9:00a
GO       BAT        29  12-12-89   3:26p
GO       TXT       961  12-12-89   3:43p
INDEX    MAN        96   8-01-88   6:37a
INTRO    MAN     16321   1-02-88   8:21a
LONGLEYR DAT      1010   7-13-87   4:31a
LONGLEYS DAT       834   5-19-84  11:18a
MANDAT   MAN     25102   8-21-88   9:32a
MULREG1  MAN     12960   1-02-88  11:26a
MULREG2  MAN      7700   1-02-88  11:29a
MULREG3  MAN     10210   1-02-88  11:31a
MULREG4  MAN     11911   1-02-88  11:33a
MULREG5  MAN     11629   1-02-88  11:34a
MULREG6  MAN       169   5-06-86   8:22a
NONPARA  MAN      5439   1-02-88   9:44a
ONEWAYR  DAT       616   7-13-87   4:32a
ONEWAYS  DAT       579   8-11-85   2:10a
PARATEST MAN     16121   1-02-88   9:40a
POLYR    DAT       727   7-13-87   4:31a
POLYS    DAT       486   8-10-85  12:28p
POTPOURI MAN      9954   1-02-88  11:59a
PREFACE  MAN     11681   1-14-88   9:52a
PROB     MAN     11522   1-04-88   4:38p
REGRESS  MAN      7673   1-02-88  11:08a
STUDENT  MAN      1389   6-13-89   6:12p
SUMSTAT  MAN      9623   1-02-88   9:04a
TWOWAYR  DAT      1088   7-13-87   4:33a
TWOWAYS  DAT      2040   8-14-85  11:39p
       40 file(s)     232962 bytes
                       69632 bytes free