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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1704)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “PC-CHART EGA VERSION (HGC & CGA ON 1436)”

Bullish on the market?  Or bearish?  This program will help you decide!

PC-CHART brings you a comprehensive set of technical analysis tools to
help you decide when to buy and sell stocks and commodities.
Mathematical algorithms help you determine what action to take.  The
spreadsheet-like interface permits easy editing and manual updating of
up to 400 price files.  For anyone who prefers automatic updating,
PC-CHART lets you use HAV-INFO, a low-cost data vendor to get price
updates via modem.

The analysis section permits use of price/volume, relative strength,
moving averages, parabolic system, logarithmic plot, point and figure,
stochastics, weekly charts, monthly charts, on-balance volume, money
flow and other parameters.  Menus and a 52-page user guide on disk help
you get started.



                 To install on hard disk system,

1.  Place System Disk in Drive A.

c:\>md chart
c:\>cd chart
c:\chart>copy a:*.*

2.  Place Data Disk in Drive A.

c:\chart>copy a:*.*

                To install on two floppy disks

1.  Format two 360K diskettes.

2.  Put system disk in drive A, type:


                   To print out stock charts

1.  Type <p> or <P> to get a hardcopy of the charts on the

                      Communication Tips


Since DOS does not accept a period as a valid character in
a filename, substitute a underscore in stock symbols.

For example:  Wall Street Journal lists Fst Interst A as:

              stock symbol = I.A
              substitute I_A


When typing in commodity symbols add a two to the end.

For example: The proper symbol for the September Standard & Poors
500 stock index future is SA0989. Add a two to the end to get SA09892.
The program will delete the two when it communicates with Dial/Data.

Other commodity futures and options have different conversion factors
refer to Dial/Data documentation to get the the proper conversion


Disk No: 1704
Disk Title: PC-Chart EGA Version (HGC & CGA on 1436)
PC-SIG Version: S1.1

Program Title: PC-Chart (EGA Version)
Author Version: 1.15
Author Registration: $106.00
Special Requirements: 640K RAM, EGA, and a modem.

Bullish on the market?  Or bearish?  This program will help you decide!

PC-CHART brings you a comprehensive set of technical analysis tools to
help you decide when to buy and sell stocks and commodities.
Mathematical algorithms help you determine what action to take.  The
spreadsheet-like interface permits easy editing and manual updating of
up to 400 price files.  For anyone who prefers automatic updating,
PC-CHART lets you use HAV-INFO, a low-cost data vendor to get price
updates via modem.

The analysis section permits use of price/volume, relative strength,
moving averages, parabolic system, logarithmic plot, point and figure,
stochastics, weekly charts, monthly charts, on-balance volume, money
flow and other parameters.  Menus and a 52-page user guide on disk help
you get started.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.


║                    <<<<  Disk No 1436 PC-CHART  >>>>                    ║
║ To install the program to floppy disks, type FLOPPY (press enter)       ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To install the program to your hard drive, type HARD (press enter)      ║


EPSON MX-80 GRAFTRAX tm Screen Printer.
Right Sh. PrtSc. = small graphics
Text screen uses regular ROM routine.
ESCape will exit graphics print.


                        by Gene Quong

To print stock or commodity charts to any printer that supports
graphics, such as a dot matrix printer, you should first try pressing
<p> or <P> when a particular stock in shown on the screen.  We
currently support Epson FX-80 compatible dot matrix printers.  The
specific model that we use to print stock charts is an Epson FX-80.
In the near future we intend to add support for additional printer.

The second avenue which you may pursue is the DOS external  command
file, GRAPHICS.COM which is on the DOS system diskette that came with
your computer.  If you type GRAPHICS at the DOS prompt before running
the chart program this will make a graphics routine resident in memory that
enables the Shift-PrintScreen key command to send graphics to the printer.
Ordinarily, the Shift-PrtSc combination will only print out ASCII
characters.  The GRAPHICS.COM program currently only supports CGA,

In case GRAPHICS.COM does not work for your particular monitor and
printer combination, we are including on this distribution diskette
some shareware and public domain programs.

Each of the enclosed P.D. programs makes itself resident in memory
so you should reboot your system with Ctrl-Alt-Del before loading
and trying a new program.  The programs enclosed are:


"This is Marty Smith's program modified for use with the
C.Itoh Prowriter printer.  It replaces IBM's GRAPHICS.COM."
This program works with a Radio Shack DMP-200 printer off an IBM-PC
equipped with an Enhanced Graphics Adaptor (EGA).

Author:  Dr. R. Brooks Van Horn, Jr.
701 Fall Place
Herndon, VA. 22070
This program permits a graphics screen to be dumped to an HP LaserJet
printer.  The program expects the output to come from COM1:.

Scott Pakin
6007 N. Sheridan Rd.
Chicago, IL    60660
This program works with Epson FX series printers off an IBM-PC equipped
with an Enhanced Graphics Adaptor (EGA).

Dr. R. Brooks Van Horn, Jr.
"Modifies the vertical spacing on a Gemini printer to eliminate blank
lines when used with a graphics program designed to output to an Epson."
Makes highly elliptical chartwheels appear circular.  May also eliminate
double-spacing encountered on other program printouts sent to a Gemini
10 printer.
"Replacement for GRAPHICS.COM for the Epson FX-80 and FX-100 printers.
The program remains resident in memory to be activated with the
Shift-PrtSc keys."
"The GRAPHICS.COM program has been edited to support the GEMINI-10
printers using the CGA interface.  The default GRAPHICS.COM supplied
with MS-DOS causes a venetian blind effect on copied images.  This
edit replaces the graphics header for proper printer setup on the

Steve Hathaway
10260 SW Bryton Ct.
Wilsonville, OR 97070

"Gemgraph.com allows the use of a Gemini 10X for graphic
screen dumps. It is DOS 2.0 graphics.com modified to insert the
correct number of line feeds. Results are excellent."

Author: Unknown

This program works with Epson MX printers with the GRAFTRAX 80 option.
It is also supposed to work with older non-Epson-compatible Star printers.

"If you print the screen in GRAPHICS-mode, a LEFT SHIFT PrtSc will
print the screen LARGE--filling nearly an 8 1/2 x 11 page--and then
insert carriage returns to restore Top Of Form relative to where it
started.  If you do a RIGHT SHIFT PrtSc, the screen is printed about 5
1/4  x  2  3/4 inches. No TOF reset is made, and multiple screen prints
will be contiguous.

"In either graphics print mode, you can abort printing by hitting
the ESC key.  This can be used to suppress the carriage returns at the
end of the large screen print, for instance.  You cannot abort a screen
print in text mode, however, since it is your IBM ROM routine."

Marty Smith
SOURCE ST2259           (713) 661-1241  (Office)
COMPUSERVE 72155,1214   (713) 464-6737   (Home)
This program prints hi-res graphics in reduced scale.  Unlike the other
programs, this program does not rotate the chartwheel but prints it right
side up.  However, the chartwheel has the shape of an ellipse.

P.E. Schmid
HERCTOSH.COM, Version 1.1
Copyright 1986 by Stephen G. Simpson
This is a memory-resident, Hercules-to-Toshiba, graphics screendump.
Once installed in memory, it occupies 640 bytes.
To print Hercules monochrome graphics page 0 on a Toshiba P1340
or similar printer, type Alt-0.  To print page 1, type Alt-1.
To generate a formfeed, type Alt-9.
Individual users, and distributors of user-supported software,
may freely copy and disseminate this program in unmodified form.
Other vendors should contact the author for terms.
If you find this program useful, please send $5.00 to the author:
Stephen G. Simpson, 1162 S. Garner Street, State College, PA 16801.

This utility will enable you to print the contents of your IBM PC or
PC/XT display screen to the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet printer.

The utility is designed to work with a CGA card.  An EGA card will
produce an elliptical chartwheel.

The following commands must be in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to help
insure proper execution of the print screen utility:

MODE COM1:9600,N,8,1,P

Reboot your computer to automatically execute the commands in the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file and load the print screen utility into memory.

Replace the 'LASERJET A' command with 'THINKJET' to use the THINKJET.EXE
driver instead.  Both drivers work on the HP LaserJet with the difference
that THINKJET.EXE produces a larger chartwheel.

Although not required, several printing options are available with the
utility.  If you wish to use any of the following options, they must be
entered within five seconds after pressing the 'Shift' and 'PrtSc'keys.
Only one option from each group (orientation, print position and paper
ejection) may be selected.  The printing process will begin five seconds
after the last key is pressed.

Group           Key            Option
-----           ---            ------
Orientation     * P       Portrait (LaserJet only)
                  L       Landscape (LaserJet only)

Print Position  * T       Top half of page
                  M       Middle of page
                  B       Bottom half of page

Paper Ejection  * Y       Form feed at end of print
                  N       No form feed at end of print

         * indicates default value

Developed but not officially supported by Hewlett-Packard.
"Run OKIDUMP once at boot time to install it and then whenever you hit
<R>ight Shift PrtSc you'll get a small graphics dump to your OKIDATA
printer. Hit <L>eft Shift PrtSc and you'll get a larger printout rotated
90 degrees. This routine is invisible to normal text screen dumps."
Known to work on an OKI 84 printer.

Simply run OKIDUMP as you would GRAPHICS.COM (see the DOS manual).
It acts just like GRAPHICS.COM for OKIDATA printers (without plug'n'play).

Author: unknown

This program "replaces the GRAPHICS.COM program supplied as part of the
IBM PC-DOS operating system (an External DOS command).  It provides
both text and graphics capabilities for IBM PC owners who have a color
graphics adapter and an Okidata 84/92/93 printer (without the Plug-N-Play

"In graphics mode, 320 x 200 medium resolution pictures are shown with
varying shades of gray to represent the colors on the screen. A 640 x
200 graphics image is shown simply in black & white, the same as it
appears on the screen.

"Additionally, in graphics mode, [OKIPRTSC] automatically places the
picture in the middle of the page (no need to move the tractors or roll
the platen to get the picture centered on the page)."

Barry R. Nance
Business Software Services


To enhance graphics printing for any combination of the following:
EGA/EPSON Extended PrtSc Driver
EGA/OKIDATA 192 Extended PrtSc Driver
EGA/OKIDATA 92 Extended PrtSc Driver
EGA/CITOH Extended PrtSc Driver
CGA/EPSON Extended PrtSc Driver
CGA/OKIDATA 192 Extended PrtSc Driver
CGA/OKIDATA 92 Extended PrtSc Driver
CGA/CITOH Extended PrtSc Driver
HERCULES/EPSON Extended PrtSc Driver
HERCULES/OKIDATA 192 Extended PrtSc Driver
HERCULES/OKIDATA 92 Extended PrtSc Driver
HERCULES/CITOH Extended PrtSc Driver

SCRNDUMP Copyright 1986 by Hardwood Software Associates

Usage:  SCRNDUMP /g /p
Where:  g = E[GA] for Enhanced Graphics Adapter(640x350 Color)
            C[GA] for Color Graphics Adapter(640x200 Mono only)
            H[ercules] for Hercules Monochrome Graphics Adapter(720x348 Mono)

        p = E[PSON] for EPSON/IBM printer
            C[ITOH] for CITOH PROWRITER/PROWRITER II printer
            1[92] for OKIDATA 192 printer
            9[2] for OKIDATA 92 printer

To enhance the PrtSc key to include printing the graphics screen.


Press 'Shift/PrtSc' to activate.  If no other key is pressed within 10
seconds the regular text print screen routine is used.  To print the
graphics screen, press the appropriate number key from the upper row.
To print the first graphics page press '1', the second (if your graphics
board has one) is printed by pressing '2' and so on.  When printing the
regular text screen, the time delay can be canceled by pressing the
SPACEBAR.  Graphics printing in progress can be canceled by pressing

Toshiba 1351 Printer Graphics Screen Dump
For the IBM-PC and compatible micro-computers.
Written by: Gary E. Walker
Vertical Market Software, Incorporated
Westfield Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN

Use just as you would use GRAPHICS.COM for the Epson
This program bills itself as version 4.0 of GRAFTRAX, but for the
Toshiba P1340, P1351, or P351 printers.  It uses the same commands as
Another set of printer options is provided by the GRAPHICS.COM that
is distributed with Tandy (Radio Shack) computers.  Options A thru E
support [A] the Tandy CGP-220 printer, [B] the Tandy DMP Standard printer,
[C] PC compatible printers, [D] PC compatible printers in Tandy mode,
and [E] the Tandy DMP-110 printer.
This screen dump utility must be obtained directly from Tandy.
If Shift-PrtScr is not moving your paper to the next top of form then
load this memory-resident program beforehand.

You can make loading MLPS.COM and any other form of GRAPHICS.COM automatic
by putting MLPS and the name of the GRAPHICS program in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
file.  Of course, the programs must either be in your root directory or
in a bootable path.

If you end up using any of these programs, send a $5.00 contribution
to the programmer responsible for it.


HERCTOSH.COM, Version 1.1
Copyright 1986 by Stephen G. Simpson
This is a memory-resident, Hercules-to-Toshiba, graphics screendump.
Once installed in memory, it occupies 640 bytes.
To print Hercules monochrome graphics page 0 on a Toshiba P1340
or similar printer, type Alt-0.  To print page 1, type Alt-1.
To generate a formfeed, type Alt-9.
Individual users, and distributors of user-supported software,
may freely copy and disseminate this program in unmodified form.
Other vendors should contact the author for terms.
If you find this program useful, please send $5.00 to the author:
Stephen G. Simpson, 1162 S. Garner Street, State College, PA 16801.


Simply run OKIDUMP as you would GRAPHICS.COM (see the DOS manual).
It acts just like GRAPHICS.COM for OKIDATA printers (without plug'n'play).


To enhance graphics printing for any combination of the following:
EGA/EPSON Extended PrtSc Driver
EGA/OKIDATA 192 Extended PrtSc Driver
EGA/OKIDATA 92 Extended PrtSc Driver
EGA/CITOH Extended PrtSc Driver
CGA/EPSON Extended PrtSc Driver
CGA/OKIDATA 192 Extended PrtSc Driver
CGA/OKIDATA 92 Extended PrtSc Driver
CGA/CITOH Extended PrtSc Driver
HERCULES/EPSON Extended PrtSc Driver
HERCULES/OKIDATA 192 Extended PrtSc Driver
HERCULES/OKIDATA 92 Extended PrtSc Driver
HERCULES/CITOH Extended PrtSc Driver

SCRNDUMP Copyright 1986 by Hardwood Software Associates

Usage:  SCRNDUMP /g /p
Where:  g = E[GA] for Enhanced Graphics Adapter(640x350 Color)
            C[GA] for Color Graphics Adapter(640x200 Mono only)
            H[ercules] for Hercules Monochrome Graphics Adapter(720x348 Mono)

        p = E[PSON] for EPSON/IBM printer
            C[ITOH] for CITOH PROWRITER/PROWRITER II printer
            1[92] for OKIDATA 192 printer
            9[2] for OKIDATA 92 printer

To enhance the PrtSc key to include printing the graphics screen.


Press 'Shift/PrtSc' to activate.  If no other key is pressed within 10
seconds the regular text print screen routine is used.  To print the
graphics screen, press the appropriate number key from the upper row.
To print the first graphics page press '1', the second (if your graphics
board has one) is printed by pressing '2' and so on.  When printing the
regular text screen, the time delay can be canceled by pressing the
SPACEBAR.  Graphics printing in progress can be canceled by pressing


Toshiba 1351 Printer Graphics Screen Dump
For the IBM-PC and compatible micro-computers.
Written by: Gary E. Walker
Vertical Market Software, Incorporated
Westfield Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN

Use just as you would use GRAPHICS.COM for the Epson

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1704

 Volume in drive A is #1704 S1.1
 Directory of A:\

CHART2   ZIP    135223   5-12-90
CHART1   ZIP    135546   2-01-90  12:00p
READ     ME        840   4-25-90   4:21p
PKUNZIP  EXE     22022  10-01-89   1:02a
GRAPHICS ZIP     34241   4-25-90   3:37p
FLOPPY   BAT       460   4-25-90   4:02p
HARD     BAT       410   4-25-90   4:02p
GO       BAT        38   4-24-89   4:39p
GO       TXT       540   5-03-90   2:23p
FILE1704 TXT      2221   5-30-90   2:43p
       10 file(s)     331541 bytes
                       24576 bytes free

PC-SIG Library Disk #1704