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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1681)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “CAT 2 OF 2 (ALSO 1680)”

Tomorrow's airplane mechanics, CAT SYSTEM (Computer Aided Teaching
System) is software to help you study for the FAA aviation mechanic
written examinations which lead toward receiving the FAA Powerplant or
Airframe Mechanic licenses. These tests can be tricky, so it is
important to get the feel for how questions are asked on the exams. The
more practice you get the better. With CAT SYSTEM, your computer
administers and scores mock exams of the same questions that may appear
on the actual test. Your computer gives the test, so you can concentrate
on the questions. The software is easy to use, even for the computer

The questions are drawn right from the the FAA "Aviation Mechanic
Powerplant Question Book" FAA-T-8080-11B and the "Airframe & Powerplant
Mechanics Powerplant Handbook" AC65-12A. Both are available from the
FAA and other book resellers. Keep in mind that the FAA does not
publish the correct answers, only the questions. CAT SYSTEM is your
chance to get a working professional's insight into the best answers
for these questions.


Categories           Range    #     %
1 - Reciprocating    1-100    100  39.7*
2 - Jet engines      101-222  122  48.4*
3 - Regulations      223-252  30   11.9*
3 - 7 wrong max.     1-252    252 100.0

Categories           Range    #     %
4 - Instruments      253-305  53    7.3*
5 - Fire             306-335  30    4.1
6 - Electrical       336-405  70    9.6*
7 - Lubrication      406-501  96   13.2*
8 - Ignition         502-621  120  16.5*
9 - Water injection  622-629  8     1.0
10 - Carburetion     630-726  97   13.7*
11 - Fuel systems    727-768  42    5.8
12 - Carburetor heat 769-777  9     1.2
13 - Supercharging   778-802  25    3.4
14 - Engine general  803-809  7     1.0
15 - Air cooling     810-844  35    4.8
16 - Exhaust systems 845-873  29    4.0
17 - Propeller       874-980  107  14.7*
14 - 22 wrong max.   253-980 728  100.0


Disk No: 1681                                                           
Disk Title: CAT disk 2 of 2 (1680 also)                                 
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: CAT                                                      
Author Version: 1.1                                                     
Author Registration: $15.00                                             
Special Requirements: Graphics (i.e. at least a Hercules card)          
Tomorrow's Airplane mechanics, CAT SYSTEM (Computer Aided Teaching      
System) is software to help you study for the FAA aviation mechanic     
written examinations which lead toward receiving the FAA Powerplant or  
Airframe Mechanic licenses.  These tests can be tricky, so it is        
important to get the feel for how questions are asked on the exams.  The
more practice you get the better.  With CAT System, your computer       
administers and scores mock exams of the same questions that may appear 
on the actual test.  Your computer gives the test, so you can           
concentrate on the questions.  The software is easy to use even for the 
computer novice.                                                        
The questions are drawn right from the the FAA "Aviation Mechanic       
Powerplant Question Book" FAA-T-8080-11B and the "Airframe & Powerplant 
Mechanics Powerplant Handbook" AC65-12A.  Both available from the FAA   
and other book resellers.  Keep in mind that the FAA does not publish   
the correct answers, only the questions.  CAT System is your chance to  
get a working professional's insight into the best answer's for these   
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1681

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CAT      EXE     22176   4-20-89  10:02p
CATBW    BAT        23   4-06-89   5:38p
CATEGORY TXT      1063   4-11-89  12:15p
CATMONO  BAT        23   4-06-89   5:39p
FILE1681 TXT      2591  12-11-89   5:39p
NOTE     PAS       417   4-20-89   7:39p
PP       IDX     37278   4-15-89   2:06p
PP       QST    293816   4-11-89   1:02p
        8 file(s)     357387 bytes
                           0 bytes free