PCjs Machines

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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1651)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “TECHNOJOCK’S TURBO TOOLKIT (1652 ALSO)”

TechnoJock's Turbo Toolkit (TTT) is a comprehensive set of procedures
and functions for Turbo Pascal and Quick Pascal programmers.  The
Toolkit is designed for professional programmers, as well as newcomers
to the Pascal programming environment.

The main focus of the Toolkit is to give programs a polished and
professional appearance.  There are routines providing:  formatted
screen output, windows, many menu routines including pop-up and pull-
down, form input procedures, string formatting, a Sidekick Plus style
directory lister, and much more.  These units are compact and very easy
to manipulate and implement.  The manual is clear and instructive.  All
source is included.

The abbreviated manual is included on disk (over 100 pages).


Disk No: 1651                                                           
Disk Title: Technojock's Turbo Toolkit (1652 also)                      
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: TechnoJock's Turbo Toolkit                               
Author Version: 5.0                                                     
Author Registration: $49.95                                             
Special Requirements: Turbo Pascal 4.0 (or greater), or Quick Pascal, an
TechnoJock's Turbo Toolkit (TTT) is a comprehensive set of procedures   
and functions for Turbo Pascal and Quick Pascal programmers.  The       
Toolkit is designed for professional programmers, as well as newcomers  
to the Pascal programming environment.                                  
The main focus of the Toolkit is to give programs a polished and        
professional appearance.  There are rountines providing:  formatted     
screen output, windows, many menu routines including pop-up and pull-   
down, form input procedures, string formatting, a Sidekick Plus style   
directory lister, and much more.  These units are compact and very easy 
to manipulate and implement.  The manual is clear and instructive.  All 
source is included.                                                     
The abbreviated manual is on disk (over 100 pages).                     
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1988 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║  <<<<  Disk #1651  TECHNOJOCK'S TURBO TOOLKIT disk 1 of 2 (1652)  >>>>  ║
║ To start program, unarchive files using ARCX.COM located on disk #1651  ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type:  COPY MANUAL.DOC PRN                      ║


                           TECHNOJOCK'S TURBO TOOLKIT                   (REG133)

                Copyright 1986, 1989 TechnoJock Software, Inc.

Name      ___________________________________________________

Address   ___________________________________________________


City      ____________________   State _____  Zip   _________

Country   ___________________________

Telephone ___________________________

Where did you obtain the Toolkit?

MEDIA:  ( ) 360k 5 1/4 disks    ( ) 1.2 Mb 5 1/4 disk    ( ) 3 1/2 disk


Prices are effective Jan 25 1989 and are subject to change withour notice.
The price includes a 300 page typeset manual, the complete program disk(s),
and a pull out quick reference.

No of copies required:              _____   @ $49.95   =  $ _____

                       Shipping (per copy)
                          USA      + $5.00
                          Canada   + $10.00            =  $ _____
                          Overseas + $15.00 

                    Texas Residents add 8% Sales Tax   =  $ _____

                                        Total Enclosed =  $ _____

( ) MasterCard    ( ) Visa      ( ) *Check/Money Order

* Checks must be in US Dollars from a US account, payable to 
  TechnoJock Software, Inc.

Card Number  ____________________________________________________

Expiration Date ___________ Signature  __________________________

Thank-you for your support of the Toolkit,

                    TechnoJock Software, Inc.
                    PO Box 820927
                    Houston TX 77282
                    (713) 493-6354       
                    Compuserve ID: 74017,227

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1651

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ARCX     COM     14710   8-24-88   5:00a
FASTTTT5 OBJ       433   1-31-89
FILE1651 TXT      2295  11-30-89   7:45p
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       540  12-01-89  10:22a
READ     ME       6682   3-15-89   7:59p
REGISTER DOC      1817   3-12-89   9:01a
SOURCE   ARC    111434   3-15-89   8:00p
TTT      MAK      1568   1-31-89
WINTTT5  OBJ       257   1-31-89
       10 file(s)     139774 bytes
                       17408 bytes free