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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1635)

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Information about “TASK MASTER”

Looking for a slick alternative to XTree or your current DOS shell?
TASK MASTER is an integrated set of utilities for disk, directory, and
file management that gives you powers far beyond those of DOS alone.

More than a simple DOS shell, TASK MASTER allows you to log up to 26
disk drives, then graphically display your tree of subdirectories for
any disk drive. It also provides for multiple file functions
including attributes and date/time changes, file security, and backup
onto multiple diskettes. You can recall 20 stored DOS or TASK
MASTER commands. The fully indexed user's manual will guide you
through the power of this program.

Perhaps the greatest strength of TASK MASTER is its ability to work
with whole directories in ways DOS never dreamed of. Copy, move, or
delete a directory or multiple directories with a single step -- as
easy as working with individual files.


Disk No: 1635                                                           
Disk Title: Task Master                                                 
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: Task Master                                              
Author Version: 1.0B                                                    
Author Registration: $20.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
Looking for a slick alternative to XTree or your current DOS shell?     
TASK MASTER is an integrated set of utilities for disk, directory, and  
file management that gives you powers far beyond those of DOS alone.    
More than a simple DOS shell, TASK MASTER allows you to log up to 26    
disk drives, then graphically display your tree of subdirectories for   
any disk drive.  It also provides for multiple file functions           
including attributes and date/time changes, file security, and backup   
onto multiple diskettes You can even recall 20 stored DOS or TASK       
MASTER commands.  The fully   indexed user's manual will guide you      
through the power of this program.                                      
Perhaps the greatest strength of TASK MASTER is its ability to work     
with whole directories in ways DOS never dreamed of.  You are able to   
copy,  move, or delete a directory or multiple directories with a       
single step--as easy as working with individual files.                  
File Descriptions:                                                      
READ     ME   Introduction file for TASK MASTER.                        
TM       DOC  User documentation file.                                  
INSTALL  BAT  Batch file to install TASK MASTER.                        
EDIT     BAT  Batch file used to make edits.                            
TM       EXE  Executable file for TASK MASTER.                          
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1988 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                 <<<<  Disk #1635 TASK MASTER  >>>>                      ║
║ To start program, type:  TM (press enter)                               ║
║ To install program on hard drive, type:  INSTALL (press enter)          ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type:  COPY TM.DOC PRN                          ║


                                   Task Master
                                   ____ ______

                      Directory & File Management Utilities
                      _________ _ ____ __________ _________

                                  Version 1.0B

                                  User's Guide

                          Last Revision: June 27, 1988

                            Software Development Group

                         Product Manager: David W. Hoover

        First Printing (December, 1988)

        No part of this material may be reproduced in any form or by  any
        means  without written permission of David W. Hoover,  except  as
        provided by explicit license.

        Copyright (C) David W. Hoover, 1988
        Copyright (C) Softronics, 1988

        Restricted Rights:

             For non-commercial use: These programs are supplied under  a
        license.   They  may be used, disclosed, and/or  copied  only  as
        provided  under  such license.  Any copy must contain  the  above
        copyright  notices  and  this  restricted  rights  notice.   Use,
        copying,   and/or   disclosure  of  the   programs   or   program
        documentation  is strictly prohibited except as provided  in  the
        LIMITED LICENSE agreement.

             For  United  States  Government use:  Use,  duplication,  or
        disclosure  by the Government is subject to restrictions  as  set
        forth  in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights In Technical  Data
        and Computer Software Clause at 52.227-7013.

             The author reserves the right to revoke the shareware  offer
        at any time, and without prior notice.

        All Rights Reserved
        Printed In The USA

        Task Master is a trademark of David W. Hoover.

                           Shareware License Agreement

             You are hereby granted a LIMITED LICENSE for the use of  the
        Task Master Directory & File Management Utilities (the  software)
        by  the  author,  David  W.  Hoover,  subject  to  the  following

             1.   You  are requested to complete and  sign  the  enclosed
        registration  form  and return it to the author  within  30  days
        after  deciding  to keep and use the software.   The  information
        provided on this form will not be released to third parties,  nor
        will  you  be contacted regarding  registration  or  registration
        payment  if  you  do not wish to become a  registered  user.   By
        returning this form you will merely be activating your license as
        a licensed user under this agreement.

             2.    You  may use this software only  in  a  non-commercial
        environment.  A site license for use in a commercial  environment
        may  be obtained from the author for a nominal fee of $10.00  per
        copy.   A minimum site license fee of $100.00 applies.

             3.    You are granted permission under this license to  make
        as many archive copies as you need for your own use.

             4.    You  may  copy and distribute  this  program  and  its
        documentation to any third party for non-commercial use, provided
        the original program and documentation are provided to the  third
        party in unmodified form.

             5.    You  may  distribute  this  software  for   commercial
        purposes to any third party for non-commercial use, provided  the
        original  program  and documentation are provided  to  the  third
        party  in unmodified form and provided the cost of this  software
        and  its  documentation  does not amount  to  more  than  $10.00,
        including shipping & handling.

             6.    The  author will provide to  registered  and  licensed
        users,  free of charge, mail-in support for this software  for  a
        period  of one year from the date of receipt of the  registration
        form by the author.

             7.    The  author  will  provide  software  updates  to  the
        licensed  or  registered  user as provided  in  the  accompanying
        registration  form, for $5.00 shipping & handling,  provided  the
        update request is made prior to December 5, 1988.

             This agreement, including the accompanying registration form
        (which  is  incorporated  herein by  reference)  constitutes  the
        entire  agreement  between the parties, and may  not  be  amended
        without prior additional written agreement between the parties.

             The   author  warrants  that  the  software   will   perform
        substantially  as  advertised,  but does  not  warrant  that  the
        operation of the program will be without interruption or will  be
        error free.

                                   Task Master
                                REGISTRATION FORM

        To register your copy of Task Master, Version 1.0A, complete this
        form  and  return it to the author at the address  listed  below.
        Please  allow  three to four weeks for your  registration  serial
        number  to  be  mailed to you.  Thank  you  for  supporting  Task



        City______________________ State_________________ Zip____________

        Phone (     )_____________________ (optional)

        ( )  LICENSED USER                                        Cost $0

             One free software update ($5.00 shipping/handling charge).
             Periodic update notices
             Technical Support by mail

        ( )  REGISTERED  USER                                    Cost $20

             Three free software updates ($5.00 shipping/handling charge).
             Periodic update notices
             Technical support by mail
             Task Master 2.0 (Commercial release, January, 1989).
                  o    OS/2 support
                  o    printed manual
                  o    telephone support

        Return this registration form and registration payment (optional)

             David W. Hoover
             2168 63rd Avenue
             Sacramento, California 95822



         Introduction .....................................7
         System Requirements ..............................8
              Hardware requirements .......................8
              Shareware version limitations ...............8
         Installing Task Master ...........................9
              Task Master Distribution Files ..............9
              Installation ................................9
         Using This Manual ................................10
         Running Task Master ..............................11
              Running The Program .........................11
              Command Line Options ........................11
         Task Master Integrated Environment................13
              Task Master Screen ..........................13
              Displaying Directories & File Information ...13
              Directory Display Window ....................13
                   Directory Statistics  ..................14
                   Directory Window Options ...............14
              File Window .................................14
                   File Statistics ........................15
                   File Window Options.....................15
                   Marking Files ..........................15
              Volume Statistics ...........................15
              File Specifications .........................15
              File Lists ..................................16
              Command Window ..............................16
                   Task Master Menus ......................17
                   Task Master Functions Keys .............18
                   Task Master Command Line ...............19
                   Editing Task Master Commands ...........19
         Quick Reference ..................................20
              Volume Commands .............................20
                   LOG ....................................20
                   SORT ...................................20
                   FILELIST ...............................21
                   CLOSE ..................................22
                   DISPLAYALL .............................22
                   PRINT TREE .............................23
              Directory Commands ..........................24
                   NEW ....................................24
                   COPY ...................................24
                   ERASE ..................................26
                   MOVE ...................................26
                   RENAME .................................28
                   PRINT DIRECTORY ........................28
              File Commands ...............................29
                   COPY ...................................29
                   DELETE .................................31
                   MOVE ...................................32
                   RENAME .................................34
                   ATTR ...................................36
                   DATE ...................................38
                   TIME ...................................39
                   VIEW ...................................40

                   PICK ...................................41
                   XECUTE .................................43
              Window Commands .............................44
                   PREVIOUS ...............................44
                   NEXT ...................................44
                   SWAP ...................................44
                   FILESTATS ..............................45
                   LARGE ..................................45
                   ACTIVE .................................46
              Index .......................................47

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     7

        I.   Introduction

             Task  Master  is an integrated set of disk,  directory,  and
        file management utilities for MS-DOS/PC-DOS based floppy and hard
        disk  microcomputer  systems.   Task Master  provides  many  more
        directory  and  file management features than  MS-DOS/PC-DOS  and
        commercial file managers such as Tree86*, XTREE*, XTREE Pro*, and
        Still River Shell*.
             Specifically Task Master provides these useful features:

             o    Log up to 26 drives
             o    Super fast disk logging
             o    RAM drive support
             o    Graphic tree displays
             o    Full directory and filename wildcard support
             o    Multi-directory, multi-file copys, deletes, moves,
                  renames, attributes changes, date/time changes, by
                  o    filename mask
                  o    file attributes
                  o    by a combination of the above
             o    File attribute security
             o    Easy backup of directories and files onto multiple
             o    Single-step multi-directory removals, including files
             o    Single-step multi-directory copys; directories in
                  destination path are created as necessary.
             o    Single-step multi-directory moves; directories in
                  destination path are created as necessary.
             o    "Point & Shoot" directory/file selection  and  command
                  processing; easy command line editing
             o    Recall up to 20 previous DOS/Task Master commands
             o    Fully indexed user's guide

             The  scheduled enhancements (and their projected  completion
        dates) to Task Master are:

             o    High speed disk copying            (9/88)
             o    High speed disk formatting         (9/88)
             o    Disk and file security wiping      (9/88)
             o    Text search                        (9/88)
             o    File encryption                    (9/88)
             o    Disk and directory optimization   (12/88)
             o    Disk/directory/file
                  backup and restore                (12/88)
             o    Network support                   (12/88)
             o    Screen, function key
                  configuration utility             (12/88)
             o    OS/2 support                       (1/89)
             o    Task Master 2.0
                  Commercial Release                 (1/89)

        *Tree86,  XTREE, XTREE Pro, and Still River Shell are  trademarks
        or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     8
        System Requirements

        II.   System Requirements

        A.   Hardware Requirements

             Task  Master requires an IBM PC, XT, AT, or 100%  compatible
        system equipped with at least one disk drive and at least 192K of
        available  memory.   The  supported  video  modes  include   MDA,
        Hercules, CGA, and EGA.  (Task Master does not currently  support
        the  43 line mode of the EGA.)
             Task  Master  also requires MS-DOS, PC-DOS  2.x,  3.x.   The
        shareware  version  of  Task  Master  does  not  support  network

        B.   Shareware Version Limitations

             The  shareware  version  of Task Master  has  the  following

             Maximum hard drive partition size:   330Mb
             Number of logged drives:              26
             Number of directories:            32,767
             Number of files per logged drive: 32,767

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     9
        Installing Task Master

        III.  Installing Task Master

        A.   Task Master Distribution Files

             Task  Master  is distributed on one  distribution  diskette.
        The files on this diskette are:

             TM.EXE              Executable program
             INSTALL.BAT         Installation utility
             TM.DOC              Program documentation
             READ.ME             Latest news and notes
             EDIT.BAT            VIEW utility batch file

        B.   Installation Procedures

             Task  Master  requires  no installation for  use  on  floppy
        diskettes.   Simply  make  of  a  backup  of  your  Task   Master
        distribution  diskette  and you're ready to begin  enjoying  Task
        Master's comprehensive directory and file management utilities.
             To  install  Task Master on a system equipped  with  a  hard
        drive,  type  the following command at the DOS prompt,  with  the
        Task Master distribution diskette in drive A:

             INSTALL x:<<ENTER>>

        where x: is the hard drive where Task Master should be installed.
        The  installation  program  will create directory  \TM  on  the
        selected  hard drive and will copy the necessary files  from  the
        Task Master distribution diskette to this directory.
             Task  Master requires no configuration for  different  video
        monitor types or other hardware configurations.
             Task  Master may be invoked from any drive or  directory  if
        your AUTOEXEC.BAT file contains the \TM directory variable in the
        PATH statement, i.e.


        You  may also add the drive containing the \TM directory to  this
        variable.   This will allow Task Master tobe invoked at any  time
        from any drive or directory.
             If  you  wish  to use the Task Master  VIEW  utility,  which
        allows  you to view and edit text or other types of  files  while
        you're working within Task Master, modify the batch file EDIT.BAT
        provided  with Task Master to include the path and filename  used
        to run your favorite word processor.  By default, the batch  file
        EDIT.BAT contains the command line:

             WS %1 %2 %3 %4 %5

        If  the filename of your word processor is different than  WS.EXE
        (or  WS.COM),  change  the filename (WS) to match  the  path  and
        filename  of your word processor.
             Let's  say  your  word processor is named  WORD  and  it  is
        located in directory C:\WORD.  Modify the batch file so that  the
        command line reads:

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     10
        Installing Task Master

             C:\WORD\WORD %1 %2 %3 %4 %5

        Note  that  this command line requires DOS 3.2, since  the  batch
        file  may be invoked from other than the C:\WORD drive and  path.
        If  you're  using a different version of DOS, you'll need  to  be
        sure  that  the PATH environment variable contains  the  path  to
        search for the word processor.

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     11
        Using This Manual

        IV.  Using This Manual

             This manual has been designed and written to make it as easy
        as possible to get the most power out of Task Master.  The  first
        few  chapters present some important information about  the  Task
        Master  environment.  Later  chapters explain  each  Task  Master
        function  in-depth.   We've  also added a few  examples  of  each
        function's  usage to help you get the most out of  Task  Master's
        power and flexibility.
             There  are  a few typographical conventions to be  aware  of
        while reading the user's guide:

             1.    Italicized words indicate  user-supplied  information,
        i.e. x: may be substituted with any valid drive letter- A, B,  C,
        and so on.

             2.    Capitalized  words and letters  designate  information
        that  must  be typed in exactly as shown.  The one  exception  is
        ENTER,  which  simply  designates  that the  ENTER  key  must  be

        NOTE:   All references to "currently selected" drive,  directory,
        or  file  refer  to  the  drive,  directory,  or  file  currently
        highlighted in the volume statistics, directory display, or  file
        display windows.

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     12
        Starting & Running Task Master

        V.  Starting Task Master

        A.   Running the Program

             Task Master requires only 192K of available RAM to  operate.
        However, if you have a large hard disk more RAM will be required.
        If  you have problems running the program, and Task Master  tells
        you  that  insufficient RAM is available, we suggest  you  unload
        some RAM resident programs or otherwise free up some RAM for  use
        by Task Master.
             To  execute  Task  Master,  log  the  drive  and   directory
        containing  the Task Master program files and type the  following
        command at the DOS prompt:


        Unless  otherwise  directed,  Task Master will  log  the  current
        drive.  If you wish to log a drive other than the current  drive,
        you  may  specify the desired drive on the DOS command  line,  as
        explained in the next section.

        B.   Command Line Options
             By  default,  Task Master  logs the current drive  and  will
        display  all  file  entries contained on  this  drive  sorted  in
        ascending alphabetical order. If you want to specify the drive to
        log or the sort order of the file display, Task Master allows the
        following DOS command line options:

             TM [x:] [/[+|-]O|N|E|D|S]


             x:   =    Desired drive
             +    =    Ascending sort modifier
             -    =    Descending sort modifier
             O    =    Don't sort file entries, physical order
             N    =    Sort by filename
             E    =    Sort by file extension
             D    =    Sort by file creation/modification date
             S    =    Sort by file size

        As an example, the command line

             TM A: /-S

        will  force  Task Master to log  the A: drive and to  sort  file
        entries in descending size order. If no sort order modifier (+/-)
        is  supplied,  "+" is assumed.  If no sort option  is  specified,
        "+N" is assumed.
             If  you  should  specify a drive which  Task  Master  cannot
        access or if there is insufficient memory to run Task Master, the
        program will describe the error and display the message:

             Can't access specified drive!

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     13
        Starting & Running Task Master

        and will abort.  Check the DOS command line for errors or  unload
        some memory-resident programs and try again.

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     14
        The Task Master Integrated Environment

        VI.  The Task Master Integrated Environment

             Task Master divides the display into several "windows", each
        of   which  displaying  some  important  information  about   the
        directories  and  files on the currently  selected  drive.   Task
        Master  allows  you to configure this display to change  the  way
        this information is displayed, with a minimum amount of effort on
        your part.  Power and flexibility are as important to us and they
        are to you!

        A.   Task Master Main Screen

             The Task Master screen resembles the following example:

                            [Task Master Screen Shot]

                                    Screen 1
                                    ______ _

             As shown above, Task Master divides the screen into  several
        areas-  the  directory  display window, the  file  entry  display
        window,  the volume statistics window, the  directory  statistics
        window, and the file specification window.

        B.   Displaying Directories & Files

             The   directory  and  file  display  windows   contain   the
        directory  and file lists of the currently selected drive.   Only
        one  of  these  windows can be active at a time.   Press  the  F2
        function  key  or select the "/WA" command to  make  the  desired
        window active.
             The   left arrow, right arrow, PageUp, PageDown,  Home,  and
        End  cursor control keys are used to move the  highlighted  video
        item  selector through the directory and file lists; i.e. the  up
        arrow key moves the item selector up one entry, or the down arrow
        key  moves the item selector down one entry. The  cursor  control
        keys and their actions are shown below:

            LeftArrow  =    Move left one entry (Files Display Only)
            RightArrow =    Move right one entry (Files Display Only)
            UpArrow    =    Move up one entry
            DownArrow  =    Move down one entry
            PageUp     =    Move up one window
            PageDown   =    Move down one window
            Home       =    Move to start of list
            End        =    Move to end of list

        C.   The Directory Window

             The  directory display window is active when Task Master  is
        first invoked.  To make the file display active, choose the "/WA"
        command  option  or  press  the F2 function  key.   To  make  the
        directory  window  active again, choose the  "/WA"  command  menu

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     15
        The Task Master Integrated Environment

        option  or press the F2 function key again.  Up to 13 directories
        are displayed in the window, and the statement "More" is shown at
        the bottom of the directory window when more directories exist in
        the  directory  list  for the currently  selected  drive.   Those
        directories  not shown can be viewed by moving the item  selector
        through the directory list.

        1.   Directory Statistics

             When  the  directory  window  is  active,  moving  the  item
        selector up or down the list using the cursor control keys causes
        both  the  directory list and directory  statistics  displays  to
        display  important  information  about  the  currently   selected
        directory.  The item selector and the Path: display at the top of
        the  directory  display  window display  the  currently  selected
        directory   and  the  directory  statistics  window   shows   the
        statistics for this directory, including the total, matching, and
        marked  number  of files and the cumulative file  sizes  for  the
        total, matching, and marked number of files.  As shown in  Screen
        1,  Task Master also displays the name of the currently  selected
        directory in the directory statistics window.
             Movement  of the item selector within the  directory  window
        also causes the file window to show the file entries contained in
        the  currently selected directory.  This display takes  place  in
        the  file  list  display  window in  real-time  with  changes  in
        directory selections.

        2.   Directory Window Options

             The  directory  window can be enlarged  using  command  menu
        option "/WL".  This command forces the directory display .IX  WL,
        window to expand to cover the area normally occupied by both  the
        directory  and file windows. The directory window must be  active
        when this option is selected.  To restore the directory window to
        its normal size, choose the command menu option "/WL" again.
             The  position  of the directory window can be  swapped  with
        the position of the file window (command menu option "/WS").  The
        directory  window must be active when this command  is  selected.
        To  restore  the  directory  and file  windows  to  their  normal
        positions, choose command menu option "/WS" again.
             Display commands are discussed fully in the Quick  Reference
        section under Window Commands.

        D.   The File Window

             The  files  window can be accessed by toggling  between  the
        directory and file windows, using the menu option "/WA" or the F2
        function  key.  Up to 20 files can be displayed at a time in  the
        file  window.  The statement "More" appears at the bottom of  the
        window  when  there  are more files  in  the  currently  selected
        directory  than will fit in the file window.  Those file  entries
        not shown can be viewed by using the cursor control keys to  move
        the item selector through the file entry list.

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     16
        The Task Master Integrated Environment

        1.   File Statistics

             By default, the files display list shows only filenames.  To
        display  the  statistics for each file (which  include  the  file
        size,  file creation/modification date, and  attributes),  choose
        the  command  menu  option "/WF".  This allows  display  of  file
        statistics  but  limits  the file display window  to  5  entries.
        Again,  the  statement  "More" appears on the last  line  of  the
        window  when  more file entries can be viewed. To omit  the  file
        statistics  from  the display, choose the  "/WF"  command  option

        2.   File Window Options

          The  file  window can be enlarged to cover  the  area  normally
        occupied  by  both the directory and file windows  (command  menu
        option  "/WL")  or  can  be swapped  with  the  contents  of  the
        directory   window  (command  menu  option  "/WS").    Successive
        execution of the "/WL" or "/WS" command menu options will reverse
        the effects of a previous command.

        3.   Marking Files (Tagging)

             To mark a file for a file operation, select the desired file
        using  the  item selector and press the F3 key. Pressing  the  F#
        when the file window is active marks only the currently  selected
        file.  Pressing F3 when the directory window is active marks  all
        files  in  that directory.  Task Master will display  the  symbol
        ">M"  next to the filename and its parent directory  to  indicate
        that  the file is marked and that the directory  contains  marked
        files.   The marked file(s) can now be operated upon by any  Task
        Master  function which accepts the "/M" (operate on marked  files
        only) option, such as file COPY or file REMOVE.
             You can also mark files by choosing the "/FP" command.  This
        command  lets you mark groups of files based on an optional  file
        specification  and specified file attributes.  The  PICK  command
        also allows you to locate specific files you may have "misplaced"
        somewhere  on  your hard disk.  See the description of  the  PICK
        command in the FILE commands section of the Quick Reference guide
        to Task Master commands for more information.

        E.   Volume Statistics Window

             The  volume statistics window shows the number of  files  on
        the  currently selected drive and  the number of  files  matching
        the  current file display specification.  The  volume  statistics
        display  also shows the total space, the unallocated free  space,
        and  the  total  bytes contained in all  matching  files  on  the
        volume. In the case of the cumulative size of all matching files,
        this  value represents the the actual sum of bytes in the  files,
        not the space the files would occupy on a hard or floppy disk.

        F.   File Specification Display Window

             The file specification display shows the file  specification

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     17
        The Task Master Integrated Environment

        for  the  current file list.  The default file  specification  is
        "*.*" (all files), and is called the master list.
                                             ______ ____

        G.   File Lists

             Each  time  a  new drive is logged, a master  file  list  is
        created.  Each time a new file specification is set, Task  Master
        creates  a separate file list.  This file list is  separate  from
        all  previous  file lists, including the master file  list.  Only
        those  files  matching the file specification for  the  currently
        selected file list will be shown in the file window.
             Task Master allows you to define many  lists for each logged
        drive.  Task Master does not limit the number of file  lists  you
        may define, but the actual number that can be created is relative
        to  number  of  files and directories in the file  list  and  the
        amount of available memory.
             As an example of the Task Master file list concept, consider
        the following examples.
             If drive A: has the files:


        the  master file list "*.*" would be created when this  drive  is
        logged  and would contain all files on this drive.  If  you  then
        execute  the Task Master command volume FILELIST "/VF" (which  is
        described in the next section), and set the file specification to
        "*.EXE",  Task Master would create a new file list based  on  the
        files on drive A: and would only include those files matching the
        new file "*.EXE" specification. Thus, only the files

             TM.EXE    CHKDSK.EXE    BACKUP.EXE

        would be displayed in the file window.  After creating a new file
        list,  Task  Master does not erase the previous  or  master  file
        lists.  You can switch back to the previously displayed file list
        using other Task Master display commands, which are discussed  in
        the following sections.

        1.   Creating File lists

             If  you  wish  to  create separate file  lists  based  on  a
        specific drive, choose the "/VF" (volume FILELIST) command option
        and provide the desired drive and file specification.

        2.   Switching File lists

             To  return  to  previous file lists, choose  the  command  option
        "/WP".  To go to succeeding file lists, choose the "/WN"  option.   To
        close  a "file list", i.e. to get rid of it, choose the "/VC"  command

        CAUTION:   All  file  operations  involving  file  specifications
        containing  wildcard characters are relative to the  master  file
                                                             ______  ____
        list and not the current file list.

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     18
        The Task Master Integrated Environment

        H.   Command Window

             The last three lines of the screen are collectively used  as
        the  command  window.  The command window is used  to  enter  and
        display  commands,  to display error messages, and  to  otherwise
        interact with you.

        1.   Task Master Menus

             Task Master provides two means of accessing commands-  menus
        and "function keys".  The primary reason that we've provided  two
        ways  of  accessing commands is that some  people  like  choosing
        commands  from  menus,  and some  like  choosing  commands  using
        "function keys".
             Task  Master  menus and the commands contained in  them  are
        shown in the diagram below.

                                  MAIN MENU
           /--------\      /------\     /-----------\      /--------\
           | VOLUME |------| FILE |-----| DIRECTORY |------| WINDOW |
           \--------/      \------/     \-----------/      \--------/
               |              |   SUB-MENUS   |                |
         /------------\ /------------\  /------------\   /------------\
         |  FILELIST  | |    COPY    |  |    NEW     |   |  PREVIOUS  |
         \------------/ \------------/  \------------/   \------------/
         /------------\ /------------\  /------------\   /------------\
         |    LOG     | |    ERASE   |  |    COPY    |   |    NEXT    |
         \------------/ \------------/  \------------/   \------------/
         /------------\ /------------\  /------------\   /------------\
         |    SORT    | |    MOVE    |  |   REMOVE   |   |  FILESTATS |
         \------------/ \------------/  \------------/   \------------/
         /------------\ /------------\  /------------\   /------------\
         |   CLOSE    | |   RENAME   |  |    MOVE    |   |    SWAP    |
         \------------/ \------------/  \------------/   \------------/
         /------------\ /------------\  /------------\   /------------\
         |   PRINT    | |    ATTR    |  |   RENAME   |   |   LARGE    |
         \------------/ \------------/  \------------/   \------------/
                        /------------\  /------------\   /------------\
                        |    DATE    |  |   PRINT    |   |   ACTIVE   |
                        \------------/  \------------/   \------------/
                        |    TIME    |
                        |    VIEW    |
                        |    PICK    |
                        |   XECUTE   |

             To  get  to  the main menu, press the  "/"  key.   Once  the

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     19
        The Task Master Integrated Environment

        main  menu  is  displayed, you can choose  the  desired  menu  by
        pressing the keyboard character corresponding to the first letter
        of  the  desired menu.  You can also choose the desired  menu  by
        using  the  standard left arrow and  right arrow  cursor  control
        keys  to  position the highlighted item selector on  the  desired
        menu name.  Once you've chosen the desired menu, press the  ENTER
        key to confirm the choice and display the menu.
             Once  the  desired  menu is displayed,  choose  the  desired
        command.   This  is  done  using the  same  technique  used  when
        choosing  a menu.  After you choose a command, Task  Master  will
        open  up a command window on the last three lines of the  monitor
        screen.   The  command name will be displayed on line  1  of  the
        window  and the syntax for the selected command, if any, will  be
        displayed on line 3 of the command window.
             To execute a command, just type the required parameters  for
        the  command (as required by the displayed syntax) and press  the
        ENTER  key.   Task Master will then execute the command.   If  an
        error  is encountered, Task Master will display a DOS-like  error

        2.   Task Master Function Keys

             Task  Master also provides a short-cut to choosing  commands
        from  menus.   This  short-cut  is  based  on   function-key-like
        keystrokes.   Press the ALT or CTRL keys, or both,  depending  on
        the menu containing the desired command, in combination with  the
        first letter of the desired command.
             The menus correspond to the keystrokes

             FILE       =  ALT
             WINDOW     =  ALT + SHIFT
             DIRECTORY  =  ALT + CTRL
             VOLUME     =  SHIFT + CTRL

             To  activate the file COPY command, for instance, press  the
        ALT and C keys simultaneously; this simulates the menu  keystroke
        sequence "/FC".  To activate the volume LOG drive command,  press
        the SHIFT + CTRL + L keys simultaneously; this simulates the menu
        keystroke sequence "/VL".
             One  important  note:  You  can jump  from  one  command  to
        another  at  any  time  by making  a  new  function  key  command
        selection.   You can issue this command at any point, even  while
        editing   a  command  line.   This  is  quite  useful  when   you
        inadvertently  call up, say, the file COPY command  and  discover
        that you really want to copy the entire directory- possibly  even
        an entire directory structure- with the directory COPY command.
             Other  function  keys  used in conjunction  with  some  Task
        Master commands are:

             F4:  Recall Command  (Recall up to 20 previous Task Master
                                 or DOS commands)
             F9:  Search Forward  (Used to locate and display files found
                                  by the PICK command)
             F10: Search Backward (Same as above)

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     20
        The Task Master Integrated Environment

        3.   The Task Master Command Line

             For  some  commands,  the  Task  Master  command   interface
        automatically  appends  the  path or filename  of  the  currently
        selected path or filename to the command name displayed on line 1
        of the command window, depending on the currently active  window.
        If the file window is active, Task Master appends the filename of
        the  currently selected file, otherwise Task Master  appends  the
        current  path.   As you change the selection of  a  directory  or
        file,  Task  Master  automatically updates the  command  line  to
        reflect the new directory or filename selection.
             To quit a command at any time and close the command  window,
        press  the ESC key. To choose another command while  the  command
        window is open, press the up or down arrow key.  Task Master then
        reverts to the parent menu of the command or menu, or closes  the
        command window if exiting from the main menu.

        4.   Entering & Editing Commands

             If  a command has been chosen and the command  name  appears
        on line 1 of the command window, you may enter required parameters
        and  options  on  the command line.  You may  use  the  following
        keystrokes  to  invoke special Task Master command  line  editing

             INS       Toggle insert mode on/off
             DEL       Delete character to the right of the cursor
             ^HOME     Go to the start of the command line
             ^END      Go to the end of the command line
             ^LEFT     Move left, non-destructive
             ^RIGHT    Move right, non-destructive
             BS        Destructive backspace

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     21
        Volume Commands

        VII.   Volume Commands

             Task Master provides several commands for manipulating  hard
        and floppy diskette volumes. These commands are described in this

        A.   LOG

             The  LOG  command  logs and creates a  master  file list  of  the
                                                    ______  ____ ____
        diskette  in  the designated drive. LOG   accepts  the  following
        command line parameters:

        LOG x[:]

        The  only command line parameter, x[:], specifies the  drive
        to log.

        If  you inadvertently try to log a drive which has  already  been
        logged, Task Master will automatically switch to the master  file
        list for the desired drive.

        If you wish to relog a drive which has already been logged, close
        the existing file list using the volume CLOSE command first,  and
        then LOG the desired drive.


        Can't log specified drive:  You specified an invalid drive.
        Insufficient memory:        Not enough memory to log the drive.


        LOG A:
             Log the A: drive.

        See Also: FILELIST

        B.   SORT

             The SORT command arranges the display order of files for  a
        specified  drive.   SORT  accepts  the  following  command  line

        SORT [x:] [[+|-][O|N|E|D|S]]


             x:   =    Desired drive
             +    =    Ascending sort modifier
             -    =    Descending sort modifier
             O    =    Physical order (order of appearance in directory)
             N    =    Sort by filename
             E    =    Sort by file extension
             D    =    Sort by file creation/modification date

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     22
        Volume Commands

             S    =    Sort by file size

        If the operator "-" is encountered before the sort character, the
        order of the sort is reversed for the sort operation.  If "+" and
        "-" are absent on the command line, "+" is assumed.

        The SORT command sorts all file lists matching the current drive,
        not just the current file list.


        Invalid sort option:     You specified an invalid option on the
                                 command line.


        SORT C: -D
             Sort the files for all file lists of drive C: in descending  date

        See Also: FILELIST

        C.   FILELIST

             The FILELIST command creates a new file list from the master
        file  list for the specified drive.  The command line  syntax  is
        described below.

        FILELIST [x:]fspec
                  __ _____

        where x: specifies the drive containing the files matching fspec.
              __                                                   _____
        fspec  may  be  any  valid filename,  and  may  include  wildcard
        characters "*" and "?".

        The  new  file list will become the current file  list  and  will
        contain  only  those  files matching fspec.   If  you  mistakenly
        specify  an  fspec which has already been created  for  the  same
        drive,  Task  Master will not create the new file list  but  will
        display the file list for the desired file specification.


        Insufficient memory:     Not enough memory was available to create
                                 the new file list.


        FILELIST *.COM
             Create a new file list containing only COM files on the
             currently selected drive.

        See Also: CLOSE, SORT

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     23
        Volume Commands

        D.   CLOSE

             The  CLOSE command closes all file lists associated  with  a
        designated  drive.   CLOSE  accepts the  following  command  line

        CLOSE [x[:]]

        where  x:  defines the drive associated with the  file  lists  to
        close.   If  x:  is  omitted, the  currently  selected  drive  is

        If  there  is  only one logged drive when the  CLOSE  command  is
        executed,  only  the  master file list  will  remain-  any  other
        existing file lists for the drive will be closed.


        Not valid window:   You specified a file list which does not exist.


        CLOSE A:
             Close all  file  lists  (except  the  master  file   list)
             associated with drive A:

             Close all file lists  associated with  the  currently  selected

        See Also: None

        E.   DISPLAYALL

             The  DISPLAYALL  command creates a new file  list  from  the
        master  file list for the specified drive.  All of the  files  on
        the  specified  drive  will be shown  in  ascending  alphabetical
        order.  DISPLAYALL accepts the following command line parameters:

        DISPLAYALL [x:]

        where  x: specifies the drive containing the files to display  in
        DISPLAYALL mode.

        The  new DISPLAYALL file list will become the current  file  list
        and  will  contain  all files on the drive.   If  you  mistakenly
        specify a drive for a DISPLAYALL  which has already been  created
        for  the  same  drive,  Task  Master  will  not  create  the  new
        DISPLAYALL file list but will display the previously  established
        DISPLAYALL file list.

        To  close  the DISPLAYALL file list, execute  the  "/VC",  Volume
        CLOSE, command.

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     24
        Volume Commands


        Not valid window:   You specified a window which does not exist.


          Create DISPLAYALL file list, display all files on the currently
          selected drive.

        See Also: CLOSE

        F.   PRINT TREE

             The  PRINT TREE command prints a graphic  representation  of
        the currently selected drive's tree on the printer, or to a  disk
        file.  PRINT TREE accepts the following command line parameters:

        PRINT TREE [[x:]pathname]
                     __ ________

        The  first  parameter,  x:, specifies the drive  portion  of  the
        pathname to use when creating a disk file for the tree. If x: and
        pathname are omitted, the printer attached to PRN device is used.


        Can't Open File:    You specified an invalid filename, or the
                            disk is full.

        See Also:


        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     25
        Directory Commands

        VIII.   Directory Commands

             Task    Master    provides    some    very     sophisticated
        directory management tools.  Most of these tools are not provided
        in  file  managers costing three times as much  as  Task  Master.
        We're sure you'll find them quite useful in copying, removing, or
        moving  multiple directories at one time.

        A.   NEW

             The  NEW   command  creates a  directory.  NEW  accepts  the
        following command line parameters:

        NEW [x:]pathname
             _  ________

        The  first parameter [x:] specifies the drive on which to  create
        the  directory.  The second parameter specifies the name  of  the
        directory to create.  If [x:] is omitted, the currently  selected
        drive is assumed.


        Not enough memory:       Not enough memory was available to
                                 make the directory.
        Invalid path/filename:   The path was not valid, the drive
                                 could  not  be  found, or  the  directory
                                 already exists.
        Source drive not logged: The source drive you specified has not
                                 been logged.
        Insufficient disk space: Not enough disk space was available to
                                 make the directory.


        NEW C:\MYDIR
            Create a directory \MYDIR on drive C.

        NEW MYDIR
            Create directory MYDIR as a subdirectory of the
            currently selected directory.

        See Also: None

        B.   COPY

             The  COPY  command  copies a directory and its  files  to  a
        specified  drive and/or directory, creating the directory on  the
        target  drive  if necessary. COPY accepts the  following  command
        line parameters:

        COPY [x:]pathname [y:]pathname [/D][/S][/V]
              _  ________  _  ________

        Command line options are:

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     26
        Directory Commands

             [/D]      Copy all directories in the source path, including
                       nested subdirectories.  Directory
                       wildcards may not be used if this option
                                 ___ ___ __ ____
                       is specified.
             [/S]      Suppress "existing file" prompts.  Normally,
                       Task Master requests your permission to
                       copy over an existing file with the same name
                       as the source filename.
             [/V]      Verify that data has been copied accurately.

        The  first two parameters, [x:] and pathname, specify the  source
                                    _       ________
        drive   and  pathname  of the directory to copy.  The  third  and
        fourth  parameters, [y:] and [pathname], specify the  destination
                             __       ________
        drive  and path for the copy.  If [x:] is omitted, the  currently
        selected drive is assumed; if [y:] is omitted, [x:] is assumed.
                                       _                _

        Task Master does not allow a file to be copied onto itself.


        Not enough memory:       Not enough memory was available to
                                 copy the directory.
        Invalid path/filename:   The path was not valid, or the file(s)
                                 was not found, or the directory does not
        Source drive not logged: The source drive you specified has not
                                 been logged.
        Can't copy file:         You may not copy a file onto itself.
        Insufficient disk space: Not enough disk space to perform  the
        Can't open source:       Task Master could not open the source
        Can't open destination:  Task Master could create destination
        Can't  create directory: Task Master could not create the  directory
                                 because  the path was not valid, or  the
                                 file(s) was not found, or the directory
                                 does not exist.


        COPY A:\DBASE C:\
             Copy directory \DBASE on drive A: to drive C: and create it
             off  the root directory (thus creating directory  C:\DBASE),
             if necessary.

             Copy directory \COMPILERS on drive A: to drive C: and create
             it   off  the C:\LANG\C directory (thus  creating  directory
             C:\LANG\C\COMPILERS), if necessary.

        See Also: file COPY, directory MOVE

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     27
        Directory Commands

        C.   ERASE

             The  ERASE command removes the specified directory from  the
        specified  drive.  ERASE  accepts  the  following  command   line

        ERASE [x:]pathname [/D][/R]
               _  ________

        Command line options are:

             [/D]      Remove all directories in the source path, including
                       nested subdirectories.  Directory
                       wildcards may not be used if this option
                                 ___ ___ __ ____
                       is specified.
             [/R]      Remove all files from directory. The
                       message "Are you sure? (Y/N)" is always
                       displayed before erasing the files.

        The  first and second parameters, [x:] and pathname, specify  the
                                           _       ________
        drive  and  path containing the directory to erase.  If  [x:]  is
        omitted, the currently selected drive is assumed.

        Pathname   may  not  contain  directory  or   filename   wildcard
        characters.   Unless  the  "/R"  option  is  used,  a   directory
        containing  files  will  not be erased.  A  directory  containing
        subdirectories will never be erased unless the "/D" is used.


        Invalid path/filename:   The path was not valid, or the file(s)
                                 was not found.
        Source drive not logged: The source drive you specified has not
                                 been logged.
        Can't erase directory:   Unknown error which prevented the
                                 deletion of the directory.
        Files in directory:      Task Master found files in the directory
                                 and the "/R" option was not used.
        Subdirs in directory:    The specified directory contained
                                 subdirectories and you did not specify
                                 the "/D" option.


        ERASE A:\DBASE /R
            Erase the \DBASE directory on the A: drive and remove
            files if necessary.

        See Also: MOVE Directory

        D.   MOVE

             The   MOVE  command  copies  a  directory  to  a   specified
        drive/directory and then deletes the original copy. MOVE  accepts

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     28
        Directory Commands

        the following command line parameters:

        MOVE [x:]pathname [y:]pathname [/D][/S][/V]
              _  ________  _  ________

        Command line parameters are:

             [/D]      Move all directories in the source path, including
                       nested subdirectories.  Directory
                       wildcards may not be used if this option
                                 ___ ___ __ ____
                       is specified.
             [/S]      Suppress "existing file" prompts.  Normally,
                       Task Master requests your permission to
                       copy over an existing file with the same name
                       as the destination pathname.
             [/V]      Verify that data has been copied accurately.

        The  first  parameter  [x:] specifies the  source  drive  of  the
        directory  matching  the directory specification defined  in  the
        second  parameter,  pathname.   The  third,  [y:],  and   fourth,
                            ________                  _
        [pathname], parameters specify the destination drive and path for
        the  move.  If [x:] is omitted, the currently selected  drive  is
        assumed.  If [y:] is omitted, [x:] is assumed.
                      _                _


        Not enough memory:       Not enough memory was available to
                                 perform the move.
        Invalid path/filename:   The path was not valid, or the file(s)
                                 was not found.
        Source drive not logged: The source drive you specified has not
                                 been logged.
        No matching files:       No files matching the pathname were
        Can't copy file:         You may not move a file onto itself.
        Insufficient disk space: Not enough disk space to perform  the
        Can't open source:       Task Master could not open the source
        Can't open destination:  Task Master could not create destination
        Can't delete directory:  Source directory  may  have  contained


        MOVE A:\DBASE B:\
             Move  the directory \DBASE in the root directory of drive  A
             to the root directory of drive B.  Erase directory and files
             in source path  after   moving.

             Move directory A:\DBASE to B:\DATABASE.  Create directory
             B:\DATABASE\DBASE   if  necessary,  and   remove   directory

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     29
        Directory Commands

        See Also: COPY Directory, MOVE file, COPY file

        E.   RENAME

             The RENAME command renames a directory to a specified  name.
        RENAME  may  only  be invoked from  the  Task  Master  integrated
        environment.    RENAME   accepts  the  following   command   line

        RENAME [x:]pathname pathname
                _  ________ ________

        The  first  two  parameters,  [x:]  and  pathname,  specify   the
                                       _         ________
        directory  to rename. The third parameter specifies the new  name
        for  the  directory. If [x:] is omitted, the  currently  selected
        drive is assumed.


        Invalid path/filename:   The path was not valid, or the file(s)
                                 was not found.
        Source drive not logged: The source drive you specified has not
                                 been logged.
        No matching files:       No files matching the pathname were
        Can't  rename  file:     Task  Master  could  not  rename  the


             Rename the directory A:\DBASE to \MYBASE.

        See Also: RENAME file


             The PRINT DIRECTORY command prints a graphic  representation
        of  the currently selected drive's tree on the printer, or  to  a
        disk  file.  PRINT DIRECTORY accepts the following  command  line

        PRINT DIRECTORY [[x:]pathname]
                          __ ________

        The  first  parameter,  x:, specifies the drive  portion  of  the
        pathname to use when creating a disk file for the tree. If x: and
        pathname are omitted, the printer attached to PRN device is used.


        Can't Open File:    You specified an invalid filename, or the
                            disk is full.

        See Also:  None

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     30
        File Commands

        IX.  File Commands

             In addition to some useful file management commands such  as
        ATTR,  DATE, TIME, and PICK, Task Master provides the usual  file
        management fare, including COPY, ERASE, MOVE, and RENAME.  Unlike
        most  file  managers  though,  Task  Master  extends  the   usual
        functionality  to include the ability to execute  these  commands
        based  on specified filename and attribute masks.  Just try  that
        with other file managers!

        A.  COPY

             The  COPY  command copies one or more files to  a  specified
        drive/directory.   COPY  accepts  the  following   command   line

        COPY [x:]pathname [y:]pathname ["RHSA"] [/D][/S][/V][/M]
              _  ________  _  ________

        Command line options are:

             [/D]      Copy all files in the source path, including
                       those in nested subdirectories.  Directory
                       wildcards may not be used if this option
                                 ___ ___ __ ____
                       is specified.
             [/V]      Verify that data has been copied accurately.
             [/S]      Suppress "existing file" prompts.  Normally,
                       Task Master requests your permission to
                       copy over an existing file with the same name
                       as the source filename.
             [/M]      Copy only marked files to specified destination.

        The first parameter [x:] specifies the source drive of the  files
        matching the file specification defined in the second  parameter,
        pathname.  The second parameter may include a path  specification
        and wildcard characters which define the directories and files to
        be  copied.  The third, [y:], and fourth, [pathname],  parameters
                                 _                 ________
        specify  the  destination  drive and path for the  copy.

        If no drive is specified, the drive for the current file list  is
        assumed.   If no directory is specified, the  currently  selected
        directory  is  assumed.  If no filename is  specified  in  either
        pathname, Task Master assumes "*.*".  If the "/D" option is used,
        no directory wildcards may be used.

        You  may direct the COPY command to copy files  whose  attributes
        match those specified in the optional attributes parameter, which
        must  be  enclosed  in double-quotes.   These  attribute  letters
        correspond to file attribute bits as follows:

             R    Read-Only
             H    Hidden
             S    System
             A    Archive

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     31
        File Commands

        Each  attribute  specified  in  the  attributes  option  will  be
        compared  against  the attributes of the files specified  in  the
        source  pathname.   Only  those files matching  both  the  source
        pathname  and containing any of the attributes specified  in  the
        attributes   option  will  be  copied.   If  no  attributes   are
        specified, "RHSA" is assumed.

        By  adding  the "/M" option, you may direct the COPY  command  to
        copy  only those files you have marked using the PICK command  or
        the  F3 function and that match the source filename specified  on
        the  command line.  You may also use the attribute and "/S"  and
        "/V"  options in conjunction with the "/M" option, but  the  "/D"
        option  will  have  no  affect.

        When a file is copied, the archive bit of the destination file is
        set to indicate that the file should be archived.

        Task Master does not allow a file to be copied onto itself.  Task
        Master does not allow files to be appended to one another,  using
        the DOS "+" operator.


        Not enough memory:       Not enough memory was available to
                                 perform the copy.
        Invalid path/filename:   The path was not valid, or the file(s)
                                 was not found.
        Source drive not logged: The source drive you specified has not
                                 been logged.
        No matching files:       No files matching the pathname were
        Can't copy file:         You may not copy a file onto itself.
        Insufficient disk space: Not enough disk space to perform  the
        Can't open source:       Task Master could not open the source
        Can't open destination:  Task Master could not create destination


        COPY A:\*.* B:\
             Copy all files in the root directory of drive A to the root
             directory of drive B.

        COPY A:\DBASE\*.*\*.* C:\ /S
             Copy all files in all level 2 subdirectories in subdirectory
             DBASE on drive A to the root directory of drive C.  Suppress
             "existing file" messages and prompts.

        COPY A:\DBASE\DAT\*.DAT C:\*.DOC
             Copy  all  DAT files in directory A:\DBASE\DAT to  the  root
             directory  of drive C and rename the filename extensions  to

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     32
        File Commands

        COPY A:\DBASE C:\ /D
             Copy  all files in all subdirectories at or below  directory
             DBASE on drive A to the root directory of drive C.

        COPY A:\DBASE B:\ "A"
             Copy  all  files in the A:\DBASE directory  which  have  the
             ARCHIVE bit set to the root directory on drive B:.

        See Also: MOVE file, COPY directory

        B.  DELETE

             The  DELETE command removes the specified file(s)  from  the
        specified  drive/directory. DELETE accepts the following  command
        line parameters:

        DELETE [x:]pathname ["RHSA"] [/D][/M]
                _  ________

        Command line options are:

             [/D]      Delete all files in the source path, including
                       those in nested subdirectories.  Directory
                       wildcards may not be used if this option
                                 ___ ___ __ ____
                       is specified.
             [/M]      Delete only marked files.

        The  first and second parameters, [x:] and pathname, specify  the
                                           _       ________
        drive  and  path  containing the files to  delete.   Pathname
        may  contain  directory or file name wildcard  specifications.  A
        wildcard  specification of "*.*" will result in a display of  the
        message  "Are  you  sure? (Y/N)".

        If  no  drive  is specified, the drive for the  current  file list  is
        assumed.   If no directory is specified, the  currently  selected
        directory  is  assumed.  If no filename is  specified  in  either
        pathname, Task Master assumes "*.*".

        If  the "/D" option is used, no directory wildcards may be  used.

        You  may  direct  the  DELETE  command  to  delete  files   whose
        attributes  match  those  specified in  the  optional  attributes
        parameter,  which  must  be  enclosed  in  double-quotes.   These
        attribute letters correspond to file attribute bits as follows:

             R    Read-Only
             H    Hidden
             S    System
             A    Archive

        Each  attribute  specified  in  the  attributes  option  will  be
        compared  against  the attributes of the files specified  in  the
        source  pathname.   Only  those files matching  both  the  source

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     33
        File Commands

        pathname  and containing any of the attributes specified  in  the
        attributes   option  will  be  copied.   If  no  attributes   are
        specified, "RHSA" is assumed.

        By  adding the "/M" option, you may direct the DELETE command  to
        delete only those files you have marked using the PICK command or
        the  F3 function and that match the source filename specified  on
        the  command line.  You may also use the attribute and  "/S"  and
        "/V"  options in conjunction with the "/M" option, but  the  "/D"
        option  will  have  no  affect.

        Unlike  DOS, Task Master allows you to delete subdirectories  and
        the  files  in  them,  all with  one  command  (see  REMOVE  under
        directory commands).


        Invalid path/filename:   The path was not valid, or the file(s)
                                 was not found.
        Source drive not logged: The source drive you specified has not
                                 been logged.
        No matching files:       No files matching the pathname were
        Can't delete file:       Unknown error which prevented the
        Can't open source:       Task Master could not open the source


        DELETE A:\*.*
             DELETE all files in the root directory of drive A.

        DELETE A:\DBASE\*.*\*.* /S
             Delete all files in all level 2 subdirectories in subdirectory
             DBASE on drive A. Suppress "Are you sure" messages and

             Delete  all  DAT files in directory A:\DBASE\DAT.

        DELETE A:\DBASE /D
             Delete  all files in all subdirectories at or below  directory
             DBASE on drive A.

        See Also: REMOVE directory

        C.  MOVE

             The  MOVE  command copies one or more files to  a  specified
        drive  or  directory  and then deletes the  original  copy.  MOVE
        accepts the following command line parameters:

        MOVE [x:]pathname [y:]pathname ["RHSA"] [/D][/S][/V][/M]
              _  ________  _  ________

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     34
        File Commands

        Command line options are:

             [/D]      Move all files in the source path, including
                       those in nested subdirectories.  Directory
                       wildcards may not be used if this option
                                 ___ ___ __ ____
                       is specified.
             [/V]      Verify that data has been copied accurately.
             [/S]      Suppress "existing file" prompts.  Normally,
                       Task Master requests your permission to
                       copy over an existing file with the same name
                       as the destination pathname.
             [/M]      Move only marked files to specified destination.

        The first parameter [x:] specifies the source drive of the  files
        matching the file specification defined in the second  parameter,
        pathname.  The second parameter may include a path  specification
        and wildcard characters which define the directories or filenames
        of  the  files  to  be  moved.   The  third,  [y:],  and  fourth,
        [pathname], parameters specify the destination drive and path for
        the  move.   Task Master does not allow a file to be  moved  onto

        If  no  drive  is specified, the drive for the  current  file list  is
        assumed.   If no directory is specified, the  currently  selected
        directory  is  assumed.  If no filename is  specified  in  either
        pathname, Task Master assumes "*.*".  If the "/D" option is used,
        no directory wildcards may be used.

        You  may direct the MOVE command to move files  whose  attributes
        match those specified in the optional attributes parameter, which
        must  be enclosed in double-quotes.  These  attribute  letters
        correspond to file attribute bits as follows:

             R    Read-Only
             H    Hidden
             S    System
             A    Archive

        Each  attribute  specified  in  the  attributes  option  will  be
        compared  against  the attributes of the files specified  in  the
        source  pathname.   Only  those files matching  both  the  source
        pathname  and containing any of the attributes specified  in  the
        attributes   option  will  be  copied.   If  no  attributes   are
        specified, "RHSA" is assumed.

        By  adding  the "/M" option, you may direct the MOVE  command  to
        move  only those files you have marked using the PICK command  or
        the  F3 function and that match the source filename specified  on
        the  command line.  You may also use the attribute and  "/S"  and
        "/V"  options in conjunction with the "/M" option, but  the  "/D"
        option  will  have  no  affect.

        When a file is moved, the archive bit of the destination file  is
        set to indicate that the file should be archived.

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     35
        File Commands


        Not enough memory:       Not enough memory was available to
                                 perform the move.
        Invalid path/filename:   The path was not valid, or the file(s)
                                 was not found.
        Source drive not logged: The source drive you specified has not
                                 been logged.
        No matching files:       No files matching the pathname were
        Can't copy file:         You may not move a file onto itself.
        Insufficient disk space: Not enough disk space to perform  the
        Can't open source:       Task Master could not open the source
        Can't open destination:  Task Master could not create destination


        MOVE A:\*.* B:\
             Move all files in the root directory of drive A to the root
             directory  of  drive B.  Erase files in  source  path  after

        MOVE A:\DBASE\*.*\*.* C:\ /S
             Move all files in all level 2 subdirectories in subdirectory
             DBASE on drive A to the root directory of drive C.  Suppress
             "existing file" messages and prompts.  Files in source  path
             erased after moving.

        MOVE A:\DBASE\DAT\*.DAT C:\*.DOC
             Move  all  DAT files in directory A:\DBASE\DAT to  the  root
             directory  of drive C and rename the filename extensions  to
             DOC.  Files in source path are erased after moving.

        MOVE A:\DBASE C:\ /D
             Move  all files in all subdirectories at or below  directory
             DBASE on drive A to the root directory of drive C.  Erase
             file sin source path after moving.

        See Also: MOVE directory

        D.  RENAME

             The  RENAME command changes the name of one or  more  files.
        RENAME accepts the following command line parameters:

        RENAME [x:]pathname pathname ["RHSA"] [/D][/M]
                _  ________ ________

        Command line options are:

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     36
        File Commands

             [/D]      Rename all files in the source path, including
                       those in nested subdirectories.  Directory
                       wildcards may not be used if this option
                                 ___ ___ __ ____
                       is specified.
             [/M]      Rename only marked files.

        The  first  parameter, [x:], specifies the drive  containing  the
        files  to be renamed.  The second parameter, pathname,  specifies
        the path and file specification of the files to be renamed.   The
        third  parameter,  pathname, specifies the new  directory  and/or
        file  names.   Wildcard characters (* and ?) are allowed  in  the
        source parameter, and may denote subdirectories and/or filenames.

        If no drive is specified, the drive for the current file list  is
        assumed.   If no directory is specified, the  currently  selected
        directory  is  assumed.  If no filename is  specified  in  either
        pathname, Task Master assumes "*.*".

        If the "/D" option is used, no directory wildcards may be used.

        If the "/M" is used, only marked files will be renamed.

        You  may  direct  the  RENAME  command  to  rename  files   whose
        attributes  match  those  specified in  the  optional  attributes
        parameter,  which  must  be  enclosed  in  double-quotes.   These
        attribute letters correspond to file attribute bits as follows:

             R    Read-Only
             H    Hidden
             S    System
             A    Archive

        Each  attribute  specified  in  the  attributes  option  will  be
        compared  against  the attributes of the files specified  in  the
        source  pathname.   Only  those files matching  both  the  source
        pathname  and containing any of the attributes specified  in  the
        attributes   option  will  be  copied.   If  no  attributes   are
        specified, "RHSA" is assumed.

        By  adding the "/M" option, you may direct the RENAME command  to
        rename only those files you have marked using the PICK command or
        the  F3 function and that match the source filename specified  on
        the  command line.  You may also use the attribute and  "/S"  and
        "/V"  options in conjunction with the "/M" option, but  the  "/D"
        option  will  have  no  affect.


        Not enough memory:       Not enough memory was available to
                                 rename the files.
        Invalid path/filename:   The path was not valid, or the file(s)
                                 was not found.
        Source drive not logged: The source drive you specified has not
                                 been logged.

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     37
        File Commands

        No matching files:       No files matching the pathname were
        Can't copy file:         You may not move a file onto itself.
        Insufficient disk space: Not enough disk space to perform  the
        Can't open source:       Task Master could not open the source
        Can't open destination:  Task Master could not create destination


        RENAME *.BAT *.DOC
             Rename all files containing the filename extension ".BAT" in
             the currently selected directory to ".DOC".

             Rename  the  INVENT.DBF file from the  \DBASE  directory  to
             directory  \DBASE\BACKUP.DBF\  directory  on  the  currently
             selected drive.

        RENAME \*.*\*.*\*.TXT \*.*\*.*\*.DOC
             Rename all files in all level 2 subdirectories from *.TXT to

        See Also: RENAME directory

        D.  ATTR

             The  ATTR  (Change Attribute) command sets or  resets  any
        attribute  of a file, including those not defined  by  MS-DOS/PC-
        DOS.  ATTR accepts the following command line parameters:

        ATTR [x:]pathname attribs ["RHSA"] [/D][/M]
              _  ________ _______

        Command line options are:

             [/D]      Alter the attributes of all files in the source
                       path, including those in nested subdirectories.
                       Directory wildcards may not be used if this
                                           ___ ___ __ ____
                       option is specified.
             [/M]      Alter the attributes of only marked files.

        The first two parameters, [x:] and pathname, specify the path and
                                   __      ________
        file  names of the file whose file attributes are to be  changed.
        The  pathname  parameter  may  contain  directory  and   filename
        wildcard characters. The third parameter specifies the attributes
        to  be  set  or reset.  Attribs may include any  of  the  letters
        RHSA, corresponding to the attributes

             R    Read-Only
             H    Hidden

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     38
        File Commands

             S    System
             A    Archive

        and the optional "+" or "-" include/exclude operators  succeeding
        each included letter, where "+" sets the attribute and "-"  omits
        the  attribute.   If "+" and "-" are omitted after  an  attribute
        letter, "+" is assumed.

        If  the  "/M"  is used, only marked  files'  attributes  will  be

        You  may  direct the ATTR command to change the  attributes  of
        those  files  whose  attributes  match  those  specified  in  the
        optional attributes parameter, which must be enclosed in  double-
        quotes.   These  attribute letters correspond to  file  attribute
        bits as follows:

             R    Read-Only
             H    Hidden
             S    System
             A    Archive

        Each  attribute  specified  in  the  attributes  option  will  be
        compared  against  the attributes of the files specified  in  the
        source  pathname.   Only  those files matching  both  the  source
        pathname  and containing any of the attributes specified  in  the
        attributes   option  will  be  copied.   If  no  attributes   are
        specified, "RHSA" is assumed.

        By  adding  the "/M" option, you may direct the ATTR  command  to
        change  the attributes of those files you have marked  using  the
        PICK  command  or  the  F3 function and  that  match  the  source
        filename  specified  on the command line.  You may also  use  the
        attribute and "/S" and "/V" options in conjunction with the  "/M"
        option,  but  the  "/D" option will have  no  affect.


        Invalid path/filename:   The path was not valid, or the file(s)
                                 was not found.
        Source drive not logged: The source drive you specified has not
                                 been logged.
        No matching files:       No files matching the pathname were
        Invalid attributes:      You specified invalid attribs on the
                                 command line.


        ATTR \DBASE\*.DBF A- "A"
             Turn  off the archive bit on all ".DBF" files  contained  in
             the  \DBASE  directory on the current drive which  have  the
             archive bit set.

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     39
        File Commands

        See Also: None

        E.  DATE

             The DATE command enters or changes the date for one or  more
        files  defined by pathname.  DATE accepts the  following  command
        line parameters:

        DATE [x:]pathname mm-dd-yy ["RHSA"] [/D][/M]
              __ ________ __ __ __

        Command line options are:

             [/D]      Alter the file dates of all files in  the  source
                       path, including those in nested subdirectories.
                       Directory wildcards may not be used if this option
                                           ___ ___ __ ____
                       is specified.
             [/M]      Set only marked file's dates.

        The first two parameters, [x:] and pathname, specify the path and
                                   __      ________
        file  names  of  the files whose dates are to  be  changed.   The
        pathname  parameter may contain directory and  filename  wildcard
        characters.  The second parameter specifies the new date for  the
        files and must be in the format mm/dd/yy, where mm = 01 to 12, dd
                                        __ __ __        __             __
        = 01 to 31, and yy = 01 to 99.

        If  the  "/M" option is used, only marked files'  dates  will  be

        You  may direct the DATE command to date files  whose  attributes
        match those specified in the optional attributes parameter, which
        must  be enclosed in double-quotes.  These  attribute  letters
        correspond to file attribute bits as follows:

             R    Read-Only
             H    Hidden
             S    System
             A    Archive

        Each  attribute  specified  in  the  attributes  option  will  be
        compared  against  the attributes of the files specified  in  the
        source  pathname.   Only  those files matching  both  the  source
        pathname  and containing any of the attributes specified  in  the
        attributes   option  will  be  copied.   If  no  attributes   are
        specified, "RHSA" is assumed.

        By  adding  the "/M" option, you may direct the DATE  command  to
        date  only those files you have marked using the PICK command  or
        the  F3 function and that match the source filename specified  on
        the  command line.  You may also use the attribute and  "/S"  and
        "/V"  options in conjunction with the "/M" option, but  the  "/D"
        option will have no affect.

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     40
        File Commands


        Invalid path/filename:   The path was not valid, or the file(s)
                                 was not found.
        Source drive not logged: The source drive you specified has not
                                 been logged.
        No matching files:       No files matching the pathname were
        Invalid date:            You specified an invalid date on the]
                                 command line.


        DATE \DBASE\MYFIL.DBF 12-20-89
             Modify  the  creation date of file \DBASE\MYFIL.DBF  on  the
             currently selected drive to 12/20/89.

        See Also: None

        F.  TIME

             The TIME command enters or changes the time for one or  more
        files  defined by pathname.  TIME accepts the  following  command
        line parameters:

        TIME [x:]pathname hh:mm:ss ["RHSA"] [/D][/M]
              __ ________ __ __ __

        Command line options are:

             [/D]      Copy all files in the source path, including
                       those in nested subdirectories.  Directory
                       wildcards may not be used if this option
                                 ___ ___ __ ____
                       is specified.
             [/M]      Alter only marked files.

        The  first  parameter specifies the path and file  names  of  the
        files  whose  times  are to be  changed.   The  second  parameter
        specifies  the new time for the files and must be in  the  format
        hh:mm:ss, where hh = 00 to 23, mm = 00 to 59, and ss = 00 to 59.
        __ __ __        __             __                 __

        If  the  "/M" option is used, only marked files'  times  will  be

        You may direct the TIME command to set the  creation/modification
        time  of   files whose attributes match those  specified  in  the
        optional attributes parameter, which must be enclosed in  double-
        quotes.   These  attribute letters correspond to  file  attribute
        bits as follows:

             R    Read-Only
             H    Hidden
             S    System

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     41
        File Commands

             A    Archive

        Each  attribute  specified  in  the  attributes  option  will  be
        compared  against  the attributes of the files specified  in  the
        source  pathname.   Only  those files matching  both  the  source
        pathname  and containing any of the attributes specified  in  the
        attributes   option  will  be  copied.   If  no  attributes   are
        specified, "RHSA" is assumed.

        By adding the "/M" option, you may direct the TIME command to set
        the  time of files you have marked using the PICK command or  the
        F3  function and that match the source filename specified on  the
        command  line.  You may also use the attribute and "/S" and  "/V"
        options in conjunction with the "/M" option, but the "/D"  option
        will have no affect.


        Invalid path/filename:   The path was not valid, or the file(s)
                                 was not found.
        Source drive not logged: The source drive you specified has not
                                 been logged.
        No matching files:       No files matching the pathname were
        Invalid time:            You specified an invalid time on the
                                 command line.


        TIME \DBASE\MYFIL.DBF 12/20/89
             Modify  the  creation date of file \DBASE\MYFIL.DBF  on  the
             currently selected drive to 12/20/89.

        See Also: None

        G.  VIEW

             The  VIEW  command invokes a user-defined editor to  edit  a
        named  file. VIEW accepts the following command line parameters:

        VIEW [x:]pathname]
              _  ________

        where [x:] and pathname specify the drive and path of the file to
               _       ________
        be edited.

        The editor to be used can defined by creating a batch file called
        EDIT.BAT, as in the following example:

        WS %1

        where %1 represents the x: and pathname are the parameters passed

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     42
        File Commands

        to the batch file.


        Invalid path/filename:   The path was not valid, or the file(s)
                                 was not found.
        Source drive not logged: The source drive you specified has not
                                 been logged.
        No matching files:       No directory matching the pathname was


             Edit  the file MYFIL.TXT, using the user-defined batch  file

        See Also: None

        H.  PICK

             The   PICK  command  marks  one  or  more  files  for   file
        operations.  The  "marked" file names may then  be  displayed  by
        using  special  function keys to initiate a forward  or  backward
        search  for  a marked file.  PICK accepts the  following  command
        line parameters:

        PICK [x:]pathname ["RHSA"] [/D]
              __ ________

        Command line options are:

             [/D]      Pick all files in the source path, including
                       those in nested subdirectories.  Directory
                       wildcards may not be used if this option
                                 ___ ___ __ ____
                       is specified.

        The  first two parameters specify the path and file names of  the
        files to be marked.

        If  the  "/D" option is used, no directory wildcards may be used.

        You  may direct the PICK command to mark files  whose  attributes
        match those specified in the optional attributes parameter, which
        must  be  enclosed  in double-quotes.   These  attribute  letters
        correspond to file attribute bits as follows:

             R    Read-Only
             H    Hidden
             S    System
             A    Archive

        Each  attribute  specified  in  the  attributes  option  will  be

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     43
        File Commands

        compared  against  the attributes of the files specified  in  the
        source  pathname.   Only  those files matching  both  the  source
        pathname  and containing any of the attributes specified  in  the
        attributes   option  will  be  copied.   If  no  attributes   are
        specified, "RHSA" is assumed.

        To  see  the files found by this command, press the  F9  function
        key.   Task  Master will search for the first file  matching  the
        filespec.   Task Master will then update the file  and  directory
        displays  to show the first file matching filespec. To  see  more
        files found by the command, keep pressing the F9 function key  to
        see  each found file.  When no more files are found, Task  Master
        will "beep" to let you know.  To search backward for found files,
        use the F10 function instead of the F9 function key.

        To  unmark  files  previously marked by PICK,  execute  the  PICK
        command  with the same file specification and attribute  options;
        i.e. if you previously marked "*.BAT" and "*.COM" using the  PICK
        command,  and  you  now wish to unmark only  the  "*.BAT"  files,
        execute  the PICK command with the parameter "*.BAT".  PICK  will
        not unmark the "*.COM" marked files in this case.

        Files  marked  as "found" by the PICK command will no  longer  be
        marked  after file operations on the "picked" files.


        Invalid path/filename:   The path was not valid, or the file(s)
                                 was not found.
        Source drive not logged: The source drive you specified has not
                                 been logged.
        No matching files:       No files matching the pathname were


        PICK \*.BAT /D
             Mark  all  the  ".BAT"  files in the  root  and  any  nested
             subdirectories.  This is the same as requesting that all the
             ".BAT" files on the current drive be marked.

        See Also: FILELIST

        I.   XECUTE

             XECUTE  will  execute any DOS command or  executable  program.
        XECUTE permits optional command line parameters for the DOS command
        or  program to be executed.  XECUTE accepts the  following  command
        line parameters:

        XECUTE [x:]pathname [command line parameters]
                             _______ ____ __________

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     44
        File Commands

        The  first and second parameters x: and pathname define  the  DOS
                                         __     ________
        command or the drive and directory containing the program or file
        to be executed.  The optional string command line parameters  may
                                             _______ ____ __________
        specify any necessary command line parameters to be passed to the
        program to executed.

        If  a program is to be executed, Task Master will search for  the
        program to be executed as follows:

             1.    If  the program is not found using  the  filename  you
        gave, it will add the extension ".COM" and search again; and

             2.   If the program is still not found, it will add a ".EXE"
        extension and search one last time.

             3.    If  pathname does not contain an explicit  path,  XECUTE
        will  search  the currently selected directory  first,  then  the
        directories set in the DOS PATH environment variable.

        The  drive  containing the program to execute (or  the  currently
        logged  drive, in the case of a DOS command) must contain a  copy
        of COMMAND.COM.

        CAUTION: If you run a program or use a DOS command which creates,
        deletes, or otherwise modifies the statistics for a logged  drive
        Task Master will not know about these changes.


        File not found:     Task Master could not find the program you
                            you specified.


        XECUTE A:\WS.EXE
             Search the root directory on the A: drive for program WS.EXE
             and execute it, if found.

        See Also: None

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     45
        Window Commands


             By now you've probably used Task Master a few times, and you
        might  be wondering how to get even more power out of a fine  set
        of disk management utilities.  Well, we haven't let you down.  In
        addition  to the most powerful set of disk and file  manipulation
        utilities,  we've  also provided equally powerful  utilities  for
        viewing the directories and files on your floppy and hard  disks.
        After  all,  what good are powerful disk  and  file  manipulation
        utilities  if  you can't view those disks and their  files  in  a
        powerful way?

        A.   PREVIOUS

             The PREVIOUS window command displays the previous file list.
        The current file list is saved and may be restored with the  NEXT
        window command.


        No more file lists:      There are no more previous file lists.


           Show the previous file list

        See Also: NEXT

        B.   NEXT

             The  NEXT  window command displays the next file  list.  The
        current  file  list  becomes the previous file list  and  may  be
        restored with the PREVIOUS window command.


        No more file lists:           There are no more file lists.


          Show the next file list

        See Also: PREVIOUS

        C.   SWAP

             The  SWAP  command swaps the contents of the  directory  and
        file windows.  All display parameters remain in effect, including
        window  size  and file statistics, if enabled.   To  re-swap  the

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     46
        Window Commands

        contents of the windows, choose the SWAP command a second time.




          Exchange  the  contents  of the  directory  and  file
          windows with each other.

        See Also: None

        D.   FILESTATS

             The   FILESTATS   command  enables  the  display   of   file
        statistics,  including file creation/modification date and  time,
        and  file  size.   The number of files displayable  in  the  file
        window  is reduced to one file per window display line.  To  omit
        file  statistics display, choose the FILESTATS command  a  second




          Toggle the file statistics display on/off.

        See Also: None

        E.   LARGE

             The  LARGE window command zooms the currently active  window
        to  "full" window.  "Full" window means that the inactive  window
        (file or directory) is not displayed.  To redisplay the  inactive
        window, choose the LARGE command a second time.




          Toggle the directory/file display window to large/normal window.

        See Also: None

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     47
        Window Commands

        F.   ACTIVE

             The  ACTIVE  command  toggles the  active  window  from  the
        currently  active window to the inactive window.  Thus,  choosing
        this  command will make the directory display window active  when
        the  files  display  window  is active, and  vice  versa  if  the
        directory display window is active.

             You may also use the F2 function key as a shortcut method of
        changing the active window.




          Toggle the directory/file display window to active status.

        See Also: None

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     48

        X. INDEX

          See Window Commands
          See File Commands
          changing, 34

          directories, 22
          files, 22, 27

          See Video Adapters
          See Volume Commands
        Closing file lists, 20
        Command line
          DOS options, 9
          editing, 11
          Task Master, 16
        Command Window, 15
          choosing, 15
          directories, 22
          files, 22, 27
          See Directory Commands
          See File Commands
        Creating directories, 22
        Creating file lists, 19

          See File Commands
          See Directory Commands
          See Directory Commands
          See File Commands
        Directory Commands, 22
        Directory Commands
          COPY, 22
          ERASE, 24
          MOVE, 24
          NEW, 22
          PRINT DIRECTORY, 26
          RENAME, 26
        Directory statistics window, 12
        Directory window, 11
        Directory Window
          Options, 12
        Directory, displaying, 12

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     49

          statistics, 12
        Display all files, 20
          See Volume Commands
          See Directory Commands
          See Directory Commands
          Required version, 6
          Defined, 26
          See Directory Commands
        Drive Commands
          See Volume Commands
        Drive, information about, 13
          Logging, 9

        Editing files, 38
          See Video Adapters
          files, 29
          See Directory Commands
          directories, 24
          files, 24
        Error Messages
          Logging drives, 9

          Discussed, 11
        F3 (Function Key)
          Marking files, 13
          See File Commands
          See File Commands
          See File Commands
        File attributes
          changing, 34
          displaying, 43
        File Commands, 27
        File Commands
          ATTR, 34
          COPY, 27
          DATE, 36
          DELETE, 29
          MOVE, 30
          PICK, 39
          RENAME, 32
          TIME, 37

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     50

          VIEW, 38
          XECUTE, 41
        File date
          changing, 36
          displaying, 43
        File list
          Closing, 14
          Creating, 14
          Defined, 14
          switching, 14
        File Lists, 13
        File size
          displaying, 43
        File Specification, 13
        File time
          changing, 37
          displaying, 43
        File Window, 12
        File Window
          Options, 13
          See Volume Commands
          See Window Commands
          See File Commands
        FP (file PICK)
          Discussed, 13
        FP, See File Commands
          See File Commands
          See File Commands
        Function keys
          command menu, 16
          Definition, 16
          F10, 16
          F9, 16
          using, 16
          See File Commands
        FX (File XECUTE)
          Defined, 41

          See Video Adapters

        Installation, 7
        Item selector, 11

          See Window Commands
          See Volume Commands

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     51

        Marked files
          display of, 13
        Marking files, 13, 39
        Master file list
          restrictions, 14
          choosing, 15
          Description of, 15
          See Video Adapters
          directories, 24
          files, 24, 30
          See Directory Commands
          See File Commands

        Networks, 6
          See Directory Commands
          See Window Commands

        Pick file, 39
          See File Commands
          See Window Commands
        Print directory, 26
          See Directory Commands
        Print tree, 21
        PRINT TREE
          See Volume Commands

          Required amount of, 6
        Recall command, 16
        Removing file lists, 20
        Rename file, 26
          See Directory Commands
          See File Commands
        Running a program, 41
        Running the program, 9

          backward, 16
          for files, 39
          forward, 16
        Show all files, 20
          See Volume Commands
        Sorting, 18
          File entries, 9

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     52

          See Window Commands

        Tagging files, 13, 39
        Task Master
          Limitations, 6
          Main Screen, 11
          Program files, 7
          See File Commands

        VC (volume CLOSE)
          Defined, 20
        VD (volume DISPLAYALL)
          Defined, 20
        VF (volume FILELIST)
          Defined, 19
          Discussed, 14
        Video Adapters
          Required, 6
          See File Commands
        Viewing files, 38
        VL (volume LOG)
          Defined, 18
        Volume Commands, 18
        Volume Commands
          CLOSE, 20
          DISPLAYALL, 20
          FILELIST, 19
          LOG, 18
          PRINT TREE, 21
          SORT, 18
        Volume Statistics Window, 13
        VP (volume PRINT TREE)
          Defined, 21
        VS (volume SORT)
          Defined, 18

          Discussed, 11
          See Window Commands
        WF (window FILESTATS)
          Discussed, 13
        WF, See Window Commands
        Window Commands
          ACTIVE, 44
          FILESTATS, 43
          LARGE, 43
          NEXT, 42
          PREVIOUS, 42
          SWAP, 42
          See Window Commands

        Task Master File Management Utilities                Page     53

          See Window Commands
        WP (window NEXT)
          Discussed, 14
        WP (window PREVIOUS)
          Discussed, 14
        WP, See Window Commands
          See Window Commands

          See Volume Commands

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1635

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

EDIT     BAT        24   6-27-88   7:58a
FILE1635 TXT      2961  11-22-89  10:27a
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
GO       TXT       617  11-22-89  12:10p
INSTALL  BAT      1152   3-21-88   7:36p
READ     ME       2560   7-05-88  12:58p
TM       DOC    115200   7-07-88   1:04p
TM       EXE     67130   7-10-88  11:28a
        8 file(s)     189682 bytes
                      128000 bytes free