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Information about “READFAST!”

Don't believe in "speed reading?"  READFAST! is here to prove you

READFAST! first explains some of the causes of slow reading and then
shows you how reading and comprehension can be improved.  In addition to
theory, READFAST! will measure a user's reading speed and then introduce
exercises that will help improve upon that benchmark.

READFAST! can be used with any book; for some of the exercises, you will
need to mark up the book.  Anyone who reads should investigate this
educational bonanza.


Disk No: 1630                                                           
Disk Title: Readfast!                                                   
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: ReadFast!                                                
Author Version: 1.4                                                     
Author Registration: $12.00 for individual version, $25.00 for professio
Special Requirements: None.                                             
Don't believe in "speed reading"?  READFAST! is here to prove you wrong.
READFAST! first explains some of the causes of slow reading and then    
shows you how reading and comprehension can be improved.  In addition to
theory, READFAST! will measure a user's reading speed and then introduce
exercises that will help improve upon that benchmark.                   
READFAST! can be used with any book; for some of the exercises, you will
need to mark up the book.  Anyone who reads should investigate this     
educational bonanza.                                                    
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                 <<<<  Disk #1630  READFAST!  >>>>                       ║
║ To start program, type:  GO (press enter)                               ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type:  COPY READFAST.DOC PRN                    ║



                Computer-Aided Reading Improvement Program
                           Shareware Version 1.4
                    (c) Copyright 1989 by Larry O'Rear

     Welcome to READFAST!  I hope this program will help you to reach
several goals:  read faster when you need to or want to; learn and remember
more from your reading; and read with greater enjoyment.

     The methods presented here are not magic, but they have proved
successful in teaching many people to become more proficient readers.  As
is true for most accomplishments of significance, the mastery of better
reading skills requires some effort.  But the rewards are great!

     After this introduction finishes, you will see the menu again.  You
will probably use choices 2 and 3 just one time each, then choice 4 for
reading at increasing speeds as you progress.


     This program is being distributed under the SHAREWARE concept.  If you
find the program useful and have not already registered, send $12 (+ 8% tax
in Texas) to

                                Larry O'Rear
                              703 Cielo Drive
                           Georgetown, TX  78628

to register for personal use.  To use this program in any situation where
tuition or any kind of fee is charged, the registration is $25 (+ 8% tax in
Texas) and must be sent before the program is used in such manner.  The
instructor may review the program to evaluate it before registering, but
may not use it with the fee-paying group without registering.  Such use is
a violation of the Copyright Laws of the United States of America.

     The next screen tells what you will receive for your $12 registration


When you register, you will receive:

         • The latest version of this program, with any updates
           or corrections (can skip opening screens).

         • VIEW.EXE, a program for reading text files on-screen.
           Files will be displayed the way that instructions are
           shown in the READFAST program.

         • PRC, a program to send printer control commands to your
           printer from the DOS prompt.

         • Four programs for printing text files.

         • A label-printing program.

         • More reading programs, if I have developed any more
           when you register.  Send me your suggestions, please!


     Users employ this software at their own risk.  The author will not be
responsible in any way for any consequences of the use or misuse of the
program or of the documentation.  Your use of the program constitutes your
acceptance of these conditions.

     This software may be copied and distributed freely with these

1. No price may be charged, except that a fee not to exceed $7 may be
applied to cover the costs of copying and distribution.

2. This documentation must be included in its entirety with any copies.

     I will appreciate your comments concerning this Reading Improvement
Program, and suggestions concerning features you would like to see in
future versions.  Please write to me at the address given earlier.


     Thank you, and I wish you great success in improving your reading
speed and comprehension skills!  Now hit the ESC key.

                                                   Larry O'Rear



     The purpose of this program is to increase your reading speed and
comprehension.  Before we begin the improvement, let's get an idea of your
present reading rate.  This will give you a way to measure your improvement
as you use the program.

     Choose a book that you want to read.  The printed lines need to begin
near the top of the first page that you will read, and end near the bottom
of the last page.  This will give a more accurate word count, since the
number of lines per page is used to find the number of words read.
(Chapters sometimes begin and end on partial pages.  When you read longer
selections later, this will not be a problem.)

     For this exercise, choose three or four pages to read.  The computer
will measure your reading time.  When you have finished reading, you will
be asked for the information needed to calculate your reading speed.

     Now you are ready to begin!  Hit the ESC key.



     You will need a notebook to keep track of your progress.  On the first
line, write the date, the name of the book you read, the pages read, and
your reading speed (words per minute).  You will record the results of
later reading sessions in the same way.

     To check your reading comprehension, write a summary of the main ideas
from your reading, and then compare your summary with the book.  See if you
made mistakes in your summary or left out any of the main ideas that you
think you should have included.

     The next exercise (number 3 on the menu) will pace you as you read,
to start increasing your speed.  Usually, comprehension increases with
speed, after some practice.  When you read larger blocks of material at one
reading, you will usually understand it better than when you read little
chunks at a time because of slow reading habits.  And when you read faster,
your mind has less tendency to wander...if you have that problem!

     Now hit the ESC key.


                            FIRST PACED READING

     Most of us can learn to read much faster than we do now, and with
better comprehension.  (If you want to compare your reading speed in the
previous exercise with other people's speed:  most people read about 100 to
300 words per minute before giving special attention to improving their
reading speed.)

     Slow reading is a result of the way we were taught to read--word by
word.  We can think, and get information from a printed page, much faster
than we can put those thoughts into words.  Reading word by word is almost
as slow as speaking.

     To make this clearer, look at a picture for 15 seconds.  Then see how
long it takes you to put into words the description that was stored in your
mind as you viewed the picture.  This little experiment shows that we can
take ideas into our minds much faster than we can form words, even mental
unspoken words.

     Maybe you move your lips as you read silently.  Many people do.  Or
maybe the rest of your speaking machinery is trying to form words even if
your lips don't move.

     To increase reading speed, we need to stop "thinking" the sounds of
words while reading.  Of course, if you are reading poetry or certain other
kinds of literature, you want to think the sounds.  But for many kinds of
reading, the aim is to get the most information in the least time.

     Here's one way to stop thinking the sounds of words while reading:
force yourself to read faster than you can think the sounds of the words
you read.  We will do this by pacing you while you read.

     Another cause of inefficient reading is looking at text word by word.
This is obviously related to thinking the sounds word by word.  Look at a
word in the middle of a line of text.  Without moving your eyes, you should
be able to read one or two words, or more, on each side of the "target"
word.  So you can read a whole line of text with just two or three "looks"!
This is important, because it takes time to move your eyes and focus them.

     So you can see from three to seven words, or more, with one "look"
(also called "eye fixation").  Thus it makes no sense to focus on the first
or last word of a line.  You would be wasting half of your eye span on blank
paper, reading the margins!

     Now we are ready to begin SPEED READING!

     Choose a book that has about ten or twelve words per line (maybe a few
more, if there are lots of small words).  Then select about five pages to
read.  On each page, draw three vertical lines from top to bottom down the
page, as described previously.  Now let's see why you mark up your
book this way!

     As you read, you will focus your eyes only in the middle of the spaces
between vertical lines--three places on each line.  You will see several
words at each eye fixation.  Don't look at each word!  That's one of the
habits we are trying to break.


     You will hit the space bar in just a moment (you will be told when to
hit it) to begin the timing and pacing of your reading.  The computer will
produce clicks to pace you.  At each click, move your eyes to the next
focus point, in the middle of a space between vertical lines.

     It's okay to get ahead of the clicks, but don't get behind!  Have your
finger ready to turn the right-hand page when you get to the bottom, so
that you won't lose time fumbling.  You will hit the space bar again the
instant you finish reading.

     After you finish reading, write a summary and check it as before.
Remember to record your results in your notebook.

     Be sure your book is marked with vertical lines as instructed above,
and get ready for speedy reading!  Now hit the ESC key.


     Be sure to record in your notebook the date, the name of the book you
were reading, the first page and last page you read, and your reading
speed.  You may also want to record your evaluation of your summary of the
reading, perhaps as Good, Fair, or Poor.

     Remember to write a summary and record the results of your reading
after each exercise.  In this way, you will be able to see your progress.
For maximum benefit, you should practice regularly, several times per week.

     At first, it will require a conscious effort on your part to keep from
going back to your old "bad" habits of looking at each word and thinking
the sounds of the words.  With continued regular practice, good reading
habits will become automatic.

     From now on, you will probably use choice 4 from the menu for all your
exercises.  It gives you various pacing options.

     Keep up the good work!  Hit ESC and choose 4 from the menu.


                           MAIN READING PROGRAM

     In this part of the program, you will choose the reading rate for
pacing, or you can read without the clicks if you so desire.  The computer
will calculate your speed with or without the clicks.  You can choose three
clicks per line, as in the previous exercise, or some other number.

     Draw vertical lines to match the number of clicks per line, if you
wish to have this aid in pacing.  After a few sessions, you won't need the
vertical lines.  You will develop the habit of two or three eye fixations
per line, or even just one.

     You can also choose just one click per PAGE.  In this case, you will
get ahead on pages that are not full, such as the first or last page of a
chapter.  Just don't stay on the same page for more than one click, or you
will fall behind.!

     Ready -- Set -- READ for SPEED!  Hit ESC.


                              This exercise will
                                  help you to
                              increase the number
                               of words that you
                                can see at each
                                 eye fixation
                                 as you read.
                             When you read a line
                              of print, you don't
                             need to look at each
                               word on the line.
                          You can develop the ability
                         to see half a line, or maybe
                  even the entire line, with just one "look."
                                (That last line
                              was a little long!)
                             Remember, don't look
                               at the first word
                                or the last one
                                  on a line.
                                  If you do,
                              you are just seeing
                            empty space with about
                              half your eye span.
                              Look at the second
                             or third word at the
                            beginning of the line,
                              and when you get to
                              the second or third
                              word from the end,
                             go to the next line.
                         Of course, increased eye span
                              is just one factor
                               in improving your
                              reading speed, but
                              it is a big factor.
                                If you look at
                            each word as you read,
                               you won't be able
                               to read much more
                                than about 200
                               words per minute.
                              By learning to read
                             several words at each
                                 eye fixation,
                              breaking the habit
                                of looking back
                               at lines you have
                               already read, and
                               moving your eyes
                              faster as you read,
                               you can probably
                               read four or five
                               times faster than
                             your beginning rate--
                               maybe even more!
                             (One of my students,
                           after the reading course,
                            could read a paperback
                               book of about 120
                                 pages in just
                               10 or 12 minutes,
                        with excellent comprehension.)
                              We know that speed
                           is not the only important
                           thing in better reading,
                             but it is important.
                             When you read faster,
                               you will be able
                             to preview, read, and
                          review a reading selection
                               in the same time
                              it previously took
                               to read it once.
                                You can create
                                files like this
                             for reading practice
                            with a word processor.
                             It's especially easy
                             with a word processor
                              that centers lines,
                              as most of them do.
                                I used Galaxy,
                             a shareware program,
                                  to do this.


                                  Our Sun is
                                 a star and is
                                 the center of
                               the Solar System.
                               The Solar System
                              consists of the Sun
                              and several planets.
                            Five planets were known
                           to ancient heaven-gazers;
                              now we know eight
                             in addition to Earth.
                                (This does not
                              include the "minor
                           planets," or asteroids.)
                                  In order of
                              increasing distance
                                 from the Sun,
                                the planets are
                            Mercury, Venus, Earth,
                            Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
                          Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
                               Pluto is 40 times
                              as far from the Sun
                                 as Earth is.
                             Jupiter, the largest
                                of the planets,
                              is 40 times larger
                            than Earth in diameter.
                                Venus is almost
                            the same size as Earth.
                              When viewed through
                              good binoculars or
                              a small telescope,
                                 Venus at her
                               brightest shows a
                             crescent shape, like
                             that of the crescent
                              phase of the moon.
                               The reddish color
                            of Mars is well known.
                            With a small telescope,
                             it is possible to see
                            details on the surface.
                              Some observers have
                            called these "canals,"
                             and some have guessed
                             that they were built
                            by intelligent beings.
                             Mars, like Earth and
                              some other planets,
                              has moons--two for
                               the planet Mars.
                           Jupiter has colored bands
                               that can be seen
                            with a small telescope,
                           and the famous Red Spot.
                             Jupiter has 11 moons,
                             of which four can be
                           observed with binoculars
                             or a small telescope.
                            The best-known feature
                               of Saturn is its
                            beautiful set of rings.
                            Both Jupiter and Saturn
                           rotate around their axes
                              in about 10 hours--
                                 a short day!
                          Uranus, Neptune and Pluto,
                           the most distant planets,
                              were all discovered
                              after the invention
                               of the telescope.
                              In addition to its
                            great distance from us,
                             Pluto's small size--
                          about one-half the diameter
                                of the earth--
                           makes it beyond the range
                             of small telescopes.
                             The planets have been
                              of intense interest
                               to mankind since
                            earliest times, and now
                           the exploration of space
                          by rocket-launched vehicles
                             promises more answers
                              to more questions.
                                In May of 1989,
                              the month when this
                           was written, the Atlantis
                              spacecraft sent an
                            exploratory vehicle to
                             the farthest reaches
                           of the planetary system.
                            It will be fascinating
                            to see what new wonders
                              will be revealed in
                             the heavens to which
                            man has turned his eyes
                             since earliest times.


                         READTACH Reading Accelerator
                      (c) Copyright 1989 by Larry O'Rear

     This program helps to develop rapid eye movement and increased eye span by
flashing lines of text on the screen, one at a time.  You will be asked to
enter the name of the text file that you want to read.  Be sure to enter the
DOS path if the text file is not in the same directory as this program.  (The
lines must not be over 79 characters long.)

     If you don't have another text file handy, you can use the READFAST.DOC
file that comes with the READFAST program.  If you have other shareware
programs, they probably have .DOC or .TXT files that you could use.  The Bible
is available on shareware disks--that will provide plenty of reading practice!

     One use of READTACH is to do the eye-span exercises READCISE.TXT and
READSOLR.TXT.  Enter READTACH NO to start the program if you don't want
automatic speed increase, and choose a speed of about 600 words per minute at
first (the lines are short--you're not really reading that fast!).  Look only
at the middle of each line.  You might want to use a different speed later.


     The lines will appear on the screen beginning at the top.  Each new line
will be on the next line down until you get near the bottom of the screen. Then
you will see a message telling you to look at the top of the screen for the
next line.

     If you get blank lines or lines that look weird, your text file probably
has more than 79 characters per line.

     The reading rate is approximate, assuming 12 words per line (the eye-span
exercises don't have that many).  The aim is not to provide an exact rate, but
to provide exercise in eye movement. Choose a rate a little faster than you can
read comfortably.  The speed will increase gradually from screen to screen.  If
you don't want this automatic speedup, enter READTACH NO to start the program.
If you want to skip the opening screen, start by typing READTACH Q.  You may
use both the NO and the Q, in any order.

     Remember that continued and lasting improvement requires continued
practice.  Good Luck!

     Now hit the ESC key to continue.


Disk No
Program Title:   READFAST!
PC-SIG version:  1.4

Don't believe in "speed reading"?  READFAST! is here to prove you wrong.

READFAST! will give reasons for slow reading and then insight into how
reading and comprehension can be improved.  In addition to theory,
READFAST! will measure a user's reading speed and then introduce exercises
that will help improve upon that benchmark.

READFAST! can be used with any book; for some of the exercises, you will
need to mark up the book.  Anyone who reads should investigate this
educational bonanza.

Usage:  Self-improvement.

Special Requirements:  None.

How to Start:  Type GO (press ENTER).

Suggested Registration:  $12 individual, $25 professional.

File Descriptions:

READFAST.EXE   The main reading program.
READFAST.DOC   Instructions for READFAST.EXE, and reading tips.
READMARK.SHO   Instructions for marking a book for use in paced reading.
READTACH.EXE   Flashes lines from text files on the screen to force faster
READSYLL.BUS   Suggested plan for reading improvement.

READSOLR.TXT   Eye-span exercises to use with READTACH.

1030D E. Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA  94806
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG Inc.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1630

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

DESCRIPT ION      4554   6-16-89  10:03p
FILE1630 TXT      1777  12-01-89   9:34a
FILES    LST      1002   6-16-89   9:56p
GO       BAT        14   5-15-89  10:10p
GO       TXT       540  12-01-89   1:11p
GO1      BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
READ0    TXT      3603   5-14-89  12:58p
READ1    TXT      1013   5-07-89  10:54p
READ2    TXT      1065   3-31-89   6:36p
READ3    TXT      3899   5-14-89   2:34p
READ4    TXT       958   3-31-89   6:43p
READ5    TXT       910   4-03-89   9:26p
READCHAN GES       454   6-16-89   9:15p
READCISE TXT      4385   5-07-89   1:48p
READFAST DOC     19818   6-16-89   8:42p
READFAST EXE     24528   5-25-89  12:18a
READMARK SHO      1571   5-12-89  10:54p
READSOLR TXT      5118   5-05-89  10:50p
READSYLL BUS      7874   6-16-89   9:41p
READTACH DOC      2255   5-23-89  11:04p
READTACH EXE     13648   5-23-89  11:52p
REVIEW   TXT      1326  10-20-89  11:49a
       22 file(s)     100350 bytes
                       54784 bytes free