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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1627)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (EIS) is an electronic bulletin board and
more. You get more than a way for people to call and put up
messages and read those posted by others. EIS is a complete
information retrieval system. It is an invaluable electronic mail and
communication tool for small businesses and BBS operators with a
complete security system to prevent intrusion.

EIS offers compatibility with many of the utilities and games written
for a slew of other BBS systems. EIS offers support for the PCRelay BBS
networking software, and offers support for a multi-node system.
Supported file transfer protocols include Xmodem, Xmodem-CRC, Xmodem-1K,
True Ymodem Batch, and Zmodem CRC-32 with MobyTurbo and Crash Recovery.
EIS operates at baud rates from 300 to 38,400 bps on any com port that
you have available. The ANSI Message editor will allow your user to do
full-screen message entry and editing. EIS can run up to 10,000 nodes
on a local area network.

EIS will manage an unlimited number of message bases and file areas and
can hold about two billion messages in each message base. EIS is 100%
compatible with the MegaMail Off-line reader, and with the PCRelay BBS
networking system. EIS will run doors designed to run with about 30
different BBS systems.

Installation is a breeze, there is no complicated copying or editing
necessary to get a fully-functional system on-line. Installation
involves putting the disk in the A: drive and typing INSTALL. Before
you know it, you will be logging into your own BBS.

EIS is perfect for your small business, too. There is a secure E-Mail
system and support for general message bases. You can display catalogs
and take orders. You can keep secure and public file directories of
files for your customers and staff to download. Your customers will
love having BBS support, and your staff will love to be able to call in
and grab that file they forgot at the office or send secure E-Mail.

If you want, you can emulate a traditional BBS. Or you can configure
your system to be unique from every other information system on the
market today and to match your own specific needs. If you are looking
into BBS or information retrieval systems for any reason, EIS is exactly
what you are looking for.


Disk No: 1627                                                           
Disk Title: Electronic Information Systems                              
PC-SIG Version: S2                                                      
Program Title: Electronic Information System                            
Author Version: 3.0                                                     
Author Registration: $119.00                                            
Special Requirements: 512K RAM, hard drive, and modem. At least 8 mhz co
ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (EIS) is an electronic bulletin board and 
more.  You get more than a way for people to call and put up            
messages and read those posted by others.  EIS is a complete            
information retrieval system. It is an invaluable electronic mail and   
communication tool for small businesses and BBS operators with a        
complete security system to prevent intrusion.                          
EIS offers compatibility with many of the utilities and games written   
for a slew of other BBS systems.  EIS offers support for the PCRelay BBS
networking software, and offers support for a multi-node system.        
Supported file transfer protocols include Xmodem, Xmodem-CRC, Xmodem-1K,
True Ymodem Batch, and Zmodem CRC-32 with MobyTurbo and Crash Recovery. 
EIS operates at baud rates from 300 to 38,400 bps on any comm port that 
you have available.  The ANSI Message editor will allow your user to do 
full-screen message entry and editing.  EIS can be run up to 10,000 node
on a local area network.                                                
EIS will manage an unlimited number of message bases and file areas.    
EIS can hold about two billion messages in each message base.  EIS is   
100% compatible with the MegaMail Off-line reader, and with the PCRelay 
BBS networking system.  EIS will run doors designed to run with about   
30 different BBS systems.                                               
Installation is a breeze with EIS.  There is no complicated copying     
or editing necessary to get a fully-functional system on-line.          
Installation involves putting the EIS Disk in the A: drive and typing   
INSTALL.  Before you know it, you will be logging into your own BBS.    
EIS is perfect for your small business, too.  There is a secure E-Mail  
system and support for general message bases.  You can display catalogs 
and take orders.  You can keep secure and public file directories of    
files for your customers and staff to download.  Your customers will    
love having BBS support, and your staff will love to be able to call in 
and grab that file they forgot at the office or send secure E-Mail.     
If you want, you can emulate a traditional BBS.  Or you can configure   
your system to be unique from every other information system on the     
market today and to match your own specific needs.  If you are looking  
into BBS or information retrieval systems for any reason, EIS is exactly
what you are looking for.                                               
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║      <<<<  Disk #1627  ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SYSTEM   >>>>             ║
║ To print installation instructions, type:  COPY README.1ST PRN (Enter)  ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To self extract documentation files, type:  MAKEDOCS (press Enter)      ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation files, type:  COPY [filename.DOC] PRN (Enter)    ║
(c) Copyright 1990, PC-SIG Inc.


                   Electronic Information System v3.00


    You are authorized to distribute the shareware version of EIS v3.00
and change a small fee for mailing/duplication/materials/testing.  This
fee should not be any more than $6 per disk, excluding shipping.  You
must make it clear that you are not selling shareware programs and that
continued use requires registration in your advertisements and newsletters.

    In exchange for the right to distribute our shareware, all we ask
is that you send us copies of the catalogs and/or newsletters that contain
the EIS disks se we can add you to our list of EIS distributors.  You
must remove EIS from your disk library at our request at any time.  We
will send you upgrades to EIS as they are available, which we ask that
you imediately include in your catalog.


    You are welcome to distribute EIS on your BBS.  Please distribute EIS
in the following archives:

   EIS30D1.ZIP:              EIS30D2.ZIP:              EIS30D3.ZIP
   ------------------        ------------------        ------------------
        EIS.EXE                   UTIL.EXE                  SYSOP.DOC
        TEXTINST.COM                                        UTIL.DOC
        FOSSIL.COM                                          EBOOK.DOC

You are welcome to use other compression systems besides ZIP.

Program Description

      EIS is a remote information management system.  Like a Bulletin Board
System, people can call the system running EIS with their modems from their
computer.  Once they connect to the EIS System, they are able to retrieve
information in the form of text files, downloads, and electronic mail.  The
way that the information is stored and presented is designed by the Sysop,
who runs the EIS system.  Using the powerfull "E" Language, the sysop can
make their EIS system do exactly what they want.

      Because of this flexability, EIS can be used for a variety of purposes
from a traditional BBS system, a catalog and order entry system, an information
database, or a communications center for a busy organization.  You can even
run your own mini-Compuserve!

      EIS Supports many file transfer protocols including Xmodem, Xmodem-CRC,
Xmodem-1K, True Ymodem Batch, and Zmodem CRC-32 with MobyTurbo and Crash
Recovery.  EIS operates at baud rates from 300 to 38,400 bps on any comm
port that you have available.  The ANSI Message editor will allow your
user to do full-screen message entry and editing.  EIS can be run up to
ten thousand nodes on a local area network.

      EIS will manage an unlimited number of message bases and file areas.
EIS can hold about two billion messages in each message base.  EIS is 100%
compatible with the MegaMail Off-line reader, and with the PCRelay BBS
Networking system.  EIS will run doors designed to run with about thirty
different BBS systems.

Unique Features of EIS

      Not only is EIS a full-featured BBS system, but it is unique from
any other BBS system in one respect.  You can make EIS do and look like
whatever you want.  You decide how you want your BBS organized, what
the menus look like, and what functions are available from any menu.  You
can define your own new user questionaire.  Basically everything can be
changed to suit the needs of the sysop.

      Because of this unbelieveable configurability, you can set up your
system exactly the way you want it.  EIS can be a private email system,
a public BBS system, a catalog and order entry system, an on-line testing
system, a private BBS, or anything else that requires remote interaction
over a modem.  Because of the power of EIS along with the configurability
you can even set up a system that could rival CompuServe.  Anything is
possible with EIS.

Improvements From v2.0

      EIS is a complete rewrite of EIS.  It is now written in efficient
Turbo C.  EIS is now even more configurable, and is much more powerful.
A new ANSI Editor has been added, and support for additional file transfer
protocols have been added.


      Will hold up to 2,000,000,000 users and messages per message base.
      Unlimited number of message bases and file areas.
      Not "crippled," provided with complete documentation
      Registration removes Shareware notice at login
      Supports baud rates 300-38,400

System Requirements

      100% IBM Compatible (8mhz or better recommended)
      At least 512K system memory
      Hard disk drive (EIS takes up about .5-1MB)
      Hayes Compatible Modem

How to Start Program

      Read README.1ST for installation instructions.

Registration Fee

      Basic registration: $119
      Extra node options and developer's toolkit available.
      Personal Customization Service available.

File Descriptions

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of  A:\

VENDOR   DOC      1429 08-22-90  10:30a  This File (please include on disks)
FOSSIL   COM      2443 05-26-87   7:51p  Standard FOSSIL Driver for EIS
EIS      EXE    125813 08-23-90   8:41a  Executable File (install EIS first)
TEXTINST EXE     31699 08-22-90   8:20p  Installs default text files
UTIL     EXE     99639 08-22-90   8:32p  EIS Utilities for v3.00
MAKEDOCS COM     63077 08-23-90   6:05p  Self extracting documentation files
README   1ST      3649 08-23-90   6:21p  Basic Installation Instrutions
        7 File(s)      27648 bytes free

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1627

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

EIS      EXE    123641   8-23-90  10:56a
UTIL     EXE     99639   8-24-90   9:58p
FOSSIL   COM      2443   5-26-87   7:51p
TEXTINST EXE     31699   8-22-90   8:20p
MAKEDOCS EXE     70965   8-25-90  11:31a
README   1ST      3649   8-24-90   9:55p
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:37a
FILE1627 TXT      4071   9-10-90  12:33p
VENDOR   DOC      5829   8-23-90   7:13p
GO       TXT       729   9-10-90   2:32a
       10 file(s)     342703 bytes
                       15360 bytes free