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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1600)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “SEEDMASTER 10 OF 10 (1591-1600)”

SEEDMASTER allows you to find specific words and phrases in the
King James Bible (included). Unlike traditional concordances
(which provide verse references for a single word), SeedMaster can
search for combinations of words with options to test for specific word
order and case sensitivity. Logic searches (AND, OR, XOR, and NOT) are
also available.

For Bible study, SeedMaster can display and scroll up to three Bible
text windows side by side. The text can be scrolled one verse at a
time, or the user can jump directly to a specific verse locations.
Selected Bible verses can be printed or saved to a disk file. All Bible
books can be selected from a menu (you don't have to remember book

Additional features include:

~ Commentary function to enter and recall your comments verse by verse

~ Pop-up notepad to develop lessons within the program

~ Copy and paste text

~ Output can be viewed or sent to disk or printer


Disk No: 1592
Disk Title: SeedMaster 1 of 10 (1591-1600)
PC-SIG Version: S2

Program Title: SeedMaster
Author Version: 2.0
Author Registration: $25.00 or $35.00.
Special Requirements: 384K RAM and a hard drive.

SEEDMASTER allows you to find specific words and phrases
in the King James Version Bible.  Unlike traditional concordances
(which provide verse references for a single word), SeedMaster can
search for combinations of words with options to test for specific
word order and case sensitivity.  Logic searches (AND or OR) are also

For Bible study, SeedMaster can display and scroll up to three Bible
text windows side by side.  The text can be scrolled one verse at a
time, or the user can jump directly to a specific verse locations.
Selected Bible verses can be printed or saved to a disk file.

File Listings:

The first disk contains:
DISTRIB  EXE     89171  10-09-89  22:16
DISTRIB  MAN     10335  10-09-89  18:48
INSTALL  BAT       530  10-19-89  23:09
KJV      1      180000  10-09-89  22:28
LHARC    EXE     27498   3-04-89  18:07

The second disk contains:
KJV      2      360000  10-09-89  22:29

The third disk contains:
KJV      3      360000  10-09-89  22:30

The fourth disk contains:
KJV      4      360000  10-09-89  22:31

The fifth disk contains:
KJV      LZH     78850  10-09-89  22:31
VERSES   1      240000  10-09-89  22:31

The sixth disk contains:
VERSES   2      360000  10-09-89  22:32

The seventh disk contains:
VERSES   3      360000  10-09-89  22:33

The eighth disk contains:
VERSES   KJV    273612  10-09-89  22:34

The ninth disk contains:
MISC     LZH    238557  10-09-89  22:35

The tenth disk contains:
DEMO     BAT        24  10-10-88  16:28
INTRO    DBD     39516  10-17-88  12:45
OPTIONS  DBD     51839  10-17-88  12:49
RDEMO2   EXE     88319   7-15-88   2:01
REG_FORM DOC      2011  10-17-88  11:46
REGFORM  EXE     57977  10-17-88  11:49
SEEDMAST DBD    103322  10-17-88  12:48

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1988,89 PC-SIG, Inc.


     Includes: Documentation manual, KJV database, Latest program version.
               Notification of updates/enhancements.
     For:      Those who wish to register and do not have a copy of the KJV
               database or just want a new copy for themselves or a friend.
     Includes: Documentation manual, Latest program version.  Notification 
               of updates/enhancements.
     For:      Those who wish to register their copy of SeedMaster.  The
               KJV database is NOT included since it will rarely change.
     Includes: KJV Database, Latest program version.
     For:      Those who want a copy of SeedMaster direct from White 
               Harvest Software for their own evaluation or for a friend.

  * UPS ground shipping in the U.S. is included free in OPTIONS A thru C.
    Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.  Extra time may be required if payment 
    is by check.
  * Prices subject to change.

CHOOSE DISK SIZE:    ___ 5 1/4"   OR    ___ 3 1/2"

CHOOSE OPTIONS:  (See Description of Options above)
   ___ A) Please send me a new, REGISTERED SeedMaster copy.  $   35.00
   ___ B) Please register my copy of SeedMaster. 	         25.00
   ___ C) Please send me an UNREGISTERED copy of SeedMaster.     20.00
   ___ D) Please ship via overnight service.                     10.00
   ___ E) Other: _________________________________________.
   Total Order  (Total A thru E)                             $_____.00   
   Sales Tax    (5% - NC residents only)                      _____.__

TOTAL PAYMENT:                                               $_____.__
   ___ Check Enclosed (Allow extra delivery time.)
   ___ Visa ___ MasterCard
       Card #:    __ __ __ __  __ __ __ __  __ __ __ __  __ __ __ __
       Expiration Date: ___/___
       Card Signature:  ____________________________________________


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1600

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

DEMO     BAT        24  10-10-88   4:28p
FILE1600 TXT      2111   1-01-80   1:41a
GO       BAT      1034   1-01-80   1:11a
INTRO    DBD     39516  10-17-88  12:45p
OPTIONS  DBD     51839  10-17-88  12:49p
RDEMO2   EXE     88319   7-15-88   2:01a
REGFORM  EXE     57977  10-17-88  11:49a
REG_FORM DOC      2011  10-17-88  11:46a
SEEDMAST DBD    103322  10-17-88  12:48p
        9 file(s)     346153 bytes
                       11264 bytes free