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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1587)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “VGACAD 1 OF 3 (ALSO 1588, 2122)”

VGACAD is an all-purpose graphics editor, image processor and paint
program to create, enhance, or colorize digitized images.

VGACAD provides 21 brush shapes with 5 different brush modes, normal,
spray, air#1, air#2, and eraser. There are 256 color fills, border
tracing, and pattern/gradient fills. Three modes of zoom editing are
also available. Air#1 (airbrush) adds a color mixture as you paint
over your picture, just like a real air brush. Air#2 mixes colors in
more gradually. Spray, when used with the Mask feature, has the
effect of placing a stencil over the painted area. Colorize grey
images in the same way old movies are reborn in color. Cut and Paste
functions are also fully supported.

VGACAD provides several ways of altering the size and orientation of an
image. Rotate the entire screen 90x or continue to 180x to turn it
upside-down. Create a mirror image, or an upside-down mirror image, of
any defined area.

VGACAD supports .BLD, .PLT, .GIF and .CLP file formats. Utilities are
provided to convert pictures to VGA from CGA and EGA, and from VGA to
EGA. Also available is a VGA print utility that prints any viewable
color picture in 7 user-selected grey shades. Shrink large-sized
pictures. Edit large .GIF files (up tp 32K x 32K x 256).

VGACAD has been used by such institutions as Lawrence Livermore Labs,
the University of Pittsburgh, Warner Brothers, and the New York Times.


Disk No: 1587
Disk Title: VGACAD 1 of 3 (also 1588, 2122)
PC-SIG Version: S1.1

Program Title: VGACAD
Author Version: 1.60
Author Registration: $27.95
Special Requirements: VGA or EGA, and a hard drive.

VGACAD is an all-purpose graphics editor, image processor and paint
program to create, enhance, or colorize digitized images.  VGACAD
provides 21 brush shapes with 5 different brush modes, normal, spray,
air#1, air#2, and eraser.  Air#1 (airbrush) adds a color mixture as you
paint over your picture, like a real air brush.  Air#2 mixes colors in
more gradually.  Spray, when used with the MASK feature, will have the
effect of placing a stencil over the painted area.  There are 256 color
fills, border tracing, and pattern/gradient fills.  You can colorize
grey images in the same way old movies are reborn in color.  Three modes
of zoom editing are available.  Cut and Paste functions are also fully

VGACAD provides several ways of altering the size and image orientation.
Portrait will rotate the entire screen 90 degrees. Horizontal will
create a mirrow image of any defined area.  180 degrees will make any
defined area upside-down.  Vertical will create an upside-down mirror

Four different file types are supported by VGACAD.  .BLD, or BLoaDable,
pictures supported by BASIC.  .PLT, or PaLeTte, also in a bloadable
format.  .GIF, CompuServe's Graphic Interchange Format.  .CLP are CLiP
art files.

VGACAD also provides utilities to convert pictures from CGA to VGA, from
EGA to VGA, and from VGA to EGA.  A VGA print utility is available that
prints any viewable color picture in 7 user selected grey shades.  You
can also shrink large size pictures.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.


|  GIFDOT & GIFPUB v2.0 Registration Form      DATE TODAY:               |
|  TO: Marvin Gozum                 | [  ]  $27.95 US  BASIC             |
|      2 Independence Pl. #303-2    |                  REGISTRATION FEE  |
|      Philadelphia, PA 19106       |                                    |
|      U.S.A.                       | [  ]  $15.00 US  OUTSIDE USA/CANADA|
|-----------------------------------|                  HANDLING FEE      |
|  FULL NAME    (PLEASE PRINT)      |                                    |
|  & ADDRESS                        | [  ]  $10.00 US  OPTIONAL 3.5"     |
|                                   |                  DISK UPDATE FEE   |
|                                   |       ______                       |
|                                   |                                    |
|                                   |                                    |
|                                   |       ______ TOTAL ENCLOSED        |
|  How         [  ] COMPUSERVE Forum:                                    |
|  Acquired ?  [  ] LOCAL BBS   Name:                                    |
|                         City/State:                                    |
|                               Tel#:                                    |
|              [  ] DISTRIBUTOR Name:                                    |
|              [  ] FRIEND/ASSOCIATE                                     |
|  Computer    [  ] PS/2             Manufacturer/Model/CPU/Speed(Mhz)   |
|              [  ] PC/XT/AT ------->                                    |
|                                                                        |
|  Memory      [  ] 512 KB RAM                                           |
|              [  ] 640 KB RAM       Manufacturer/Model/RAM on Board     |
|              [  ] Other ---------->                                    |
|                                                                        |
|  Monitor     [  ] PS/2             Manufacturer/Model/Max. Resolution  |
|              [  ] Other ---------->                                    |
|                                                                        |
|  Mouse or    [  ] NONE             Manufacturer/Model/(Serial or Bus)  |
|  Pointing    [  ] MOUSE ---------->                                    |
|  Device      [  ] Other ---------->                                    |
|                                                                        |
|  Video Card  [  ] MCGA/VGA (PS/2)                                      |
|              [  ] 8514/A   (PS/2)  Manufacturer/Model/Video RAM        |
|            * [  ] VGA  (Other) --->                                    |
|            * [  ] SVGA (Other) --->                                    |
|                                                                        |
|  * Do you have a 256 color Video Mode you want to see in future VGACAD |
|    updates/utilities ?  If so, please specify resolution and calling   |
|    "number" (code); refer to your manual for "hex" or decimal codes.   |
|                                                                        |
|    _____ x ____ x 256 colors       _____ (HEX)  or     _____  (DEC)    |
|                                                                        |
|  OTHER EQUIPMENT                                                       |
|  (Scanner,Video Grabber, etc)                                          |
|                                                                        |
|                                                                        |
|  (use back for comments)                         Signature             |


║                <<<<  Disk #1587 VGACAD Disk 1 of 3  >>>>                ║
║                                                                         ║
║ The programs on this three disk set have been archived.  You will first ║
║ need to unarchive the files with PKUNZIP                                ║
║                      To unarchive, type in the following:               ║
║       PKUNZIP filename.zip  c:\(path)   (press enter)                   ║
║                                                                         ║


|  SQZGIF v2.0  Registration Form      DATE TODAY:                       |
|  TO: Dr. Marvin Gozum              | [  ]  $27.95 BASIC REGISTRATION   |
|      2 Independence Place - #303-2 |                                   |
|      6th and Locust Street         | [  ]  $15.00 HANDLING FOR OUTSIDE |
|      Philadelphia, PA 19106        |              OF USA/CANADA ORDERS |
|------------------------------------|                                   |
|  FULL NAME    (PLEASE PRINT)       | [  ]  $10.00 FOR 3.5" UPDATES     |
|  & ADDRESS                         |              (optional)           |
|                                    | ============                      |
|                                    |                                   |
|                                    |              TOTAL ENCLOSED       |
|                                    | ============                      |
|                                    |                                   |
|  Where/How   [  ] COMPUSERVE Forum:                                    |
|  Acquired ?  [  ] LOCAL BBS   Name:                                    |
|                         City/State:                                    |
|                               Tel#:                                    |
|              [  ] DISTRIBUTOR Name:                                    |
|              [  ] FRIEND/ASSOCIATE                                     |
|  Computer    [  ] PS/2             Manufacturer/Model/CPU/Speed(Mhz)   |
|              [  ] PC/XT/AT ------->                                    |
|                                                                        |
|  Memory      [  ] 512 KB RAM                                           |
|              [  ] 640 KB RAM       Manufacturer/Model/RAM on Board     |
|              [  ] Other ---------->                                    |
|                                                                        |
|  Monitor     [  ] PS/2             Manufacturer/Model/Max. Resolution  |
|              [  ] Other ---------->                                    |
|                                                                        |
|  Mouse or    [  ] NONE             Manufacturer/Model/(Serial or Bus)  |
|  Pointing    [  ] MOUSE ---------->                                    |
|  Device      [  ] Other ---------->                                    |
|                                                                        |
|  Video Card  [  ] MCGA/VGA (PS/2)                                      |
|              [  ] 8514/A   (PS/2)  Manufacturer/Model/Video RAM        |
|            * [  ] VGA  (Other) --->                                    |
|            * [  ] SVGA (Other) --->                                    |
|                                                                        |
|  * Do you have a 256 color Video Mode you want to see in future VGACAD |
|    updates/utilities ?  If so, please specify resolution and calling   |
|    "number" (code); refer to your manual for "hex" or decimal codes.   |
|                                                                        |
|    _____ x ____ x 256 colors       _____ (HEX)  or     _____  (DEC)    |
|                                                                        |
|  OTHER EQUIPMENT                                                       |
|  (Scanner,Video Grabber, etc)                                          |
|                                                                        |
|                                                                        |
|  (use back for comments)                         Signature             |


|  VGA2CGA v2.1 Registration Form      DATE TODAY:                       |
|  TO: Marvin Gozum                 | [  ]  $27.95 US  BASIC             |
|      2 Independence Pl. #303-2    |                  REGISTRATION FEE  |
|      Philadelphia, PA 19106       |                                    |
|      U.S.A.                       | [  ]  $15.00 US  OUTSIDE USA/CANADA|
|-----------------------------------|                  HANDLING FEE      |
|  FULL NAME    (PLEASE PRINT)      |                                    |
|  & ADDRESS                        | [  ]  $10.00 US  OPTIONAL 3.5"     |
|                                   |                  DISK UPDATE FEE   |
|                                   |       ______                       |
|                                   |                                    |
|                                   |                                    |
|                                   |       ______ TOTAL ENCLOSED        |
|  How         [  ] COMPUSERVE Forum:                                    |
|  Acquired ?  [  ] LOCAL BBS   Name:                                    |
|                         City/State:                                    |
|                               Tel#:                                    |
|              [  ] DISTRIBUTOR Name:                                    |
|              [  ] FRIEND/ASSOCIATE                                     |
|  Computer    [  ] PS/2             Manufacturer/Model/CPU/Speed(Mhz)   |
|              [  ] PC/XT/AT ------->                                    |
|                                                                        |
|  Memory      [  ] 512 KB RAM                                           |
|              [  ] 640 KB RAM       Manufacturer/Model/RAM on Board     |
|              [  ] Other ---------->                                    |
|                                                                        |
|  Monitor     [  ] PS/2             Manufacturer/Model/Max. Resolution  |
|              [  ] Other ---------->                                    |
|                                                                        |
|  Mouse or    [  ] NONE             Manufacturer/Model/(Serial or Bus)  |
|  Pointing    [  ] MOUSE ---------->                                    |
|  Device      [  ] Other ---------->                                    |
|                                                                        |
|  Video Card  [  ] MCGA/VGA (PS/2)                                      |
|              [  ] 8514/A   (PS/2)  Manufacturer/Model/Video RAM        |
|            * [  ] VGA  (Other) --->                                    |
|            * [  ] SVGA (Other) --->                                    |
|                                                                        |
|  * Do you have a 256 color Video Mode you want to see in future VGACAD |
|    updates/utilities ?  If so, please specify resolution and calling   |
|    "number" (code); refer to your manual for "hex" or decimal codes.   |
|                                                                        |
|    _____ x ____ x 256 colors       _____ (HEX)  or     _____  (DEC)    |
|                                                                        |
|  OTHER EQUIPMENT                                                       |
|  (Scanner,Video Grabber, etc)                                          |
|                                                                        |
|                                                                        |
|  (use back for comments)                         Signature             |


CGXNAME$ = COMMAND$:                    'get name from Command line

OPEN CGXNAME$ + ".CGX" FOR INPUT AS 1:  'make sure it exists

GOSUB SetXCGA                           'trigger 160x100x16 mode
DEF SEG = &HB800                        'change DSEG to screen
BLOAD CGXNAME$ + ".CGX", 0              'dump picture to screen
a$ = INPUT$(1)
SCREEN 2: SCREEN 0: END                 'restore text mode and exit

NoFile: BEEP:
        PRINT "Cannot find " + CGXNAME$


'WARNING: Changing these registers settings may cause a CRASH !

POKE &H465, 0: OUT &H3D8, 0:
POKE &H466, 0: OUT &H3D9, 0
OUT &H3D4, 0: OUT &H3D5, 113
OUT &H3D4, 1: OUT &H3D5, 80
OUT &H3D4, 2: OUT &H3D5, 90
OUT &H3D4, 3: OUT &H3D5, 10
OUT &H3D4, 4: OUT &H3D5, 127
OUT &H3D4, 5: OUT &H3D5, 6
OUT &H3D4, 6: OUT &H3D5, 100
OUT &H3D4, 7: OUT &H3D5, 112
OUT &H3D4, 8: OUT &H3D5, 2
OUT &H3D4, 9: OUT &H3D5, 1
OUT &H3D4, 10: OUT &H3D5, 32
OUT &H3D4, 11: OUT &H3D5, 0
POKE &H465, 9: OUT &H3D8, 9

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1587

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

PKUNZIP  EXE     21440   7-21-89   1:01a
GIFDTP20 ZIP    147791   1-28-90   7:38p
VGA2CGA2 ZIP     31201  12-17-89  10:09p
SQZGIF20 ZIP    102871  12-17-89   3:19p
GO       BAT        40  10-18-89   5:11p
GO       TXT       771   4-15-90   4:00a
FILE1587 TXT      1826   4-15-90   4:10a
        7 file(s)     305940 bytes
                       13312 bytes free