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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1581)

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Information about “SIMPLICITY”

SIMPLICITY is an easy-to-use record-keeping database system that also
prints mailing labels and Rolodex cards. It is fully menu-driven, so
there is no need to read lengthy documentation in order to begin and no
prior experience with database programs is necessary. SIMPLICITY is
perfect for organizations, small businesses, and home use.

SIMPLICITY supports a 500 record database, with each record having the
following format: last name, first name, work phone, birthday, spouse
name, work phone, up to six children's names and birthdays, street
address, city, state, nine digit zip code, mailing zone, anniversary,
personal note field, extended personal note card, and join date. All
fields, except the first two, are optional. You can add, delete, or
edit any record in the database using simple menu option selections.
Search the database for matching records based on specific key fields.

SIMPLICITY provides nine reports, three Rolodex options, and eight
mailing label options. Printing reports, cards and labels may be by
date range, zip code, alphabetic by letter, mailing code, or by
selected fields. A comprehensive record directory can be printed that
is a complete list of the database content sorted alphabetically.  A
birthday report can be printed that will print a list of names who have
a birthday on a given date or within a date range.

Mailing labels can be printed by first name, spouse name, or both
names. Mailing labels can be sorted by zip code and up to six copies
can be printed.


Disk No: 1581                                                           
Disk Title: Simplicity                                                  
PC-SIG Version: S1.1                                                      
Program Title: Simplicity                                               
Author Version: 2.1                                                     
Author Registration: $12.00                                             
Special Requirements: Hard Drive and ANSI.SYS from MS-DOS.              
SIMPLICITY is an easy-to-use record keeping database system that also   
prints mailing labels.  SIMPLICITY is fully menu-driven with all options
selected from a series of menus.  There is no need to read through      
lengthy documentation in order to begin using SIMPLICITY.  No prior     
experience with database programs is needed to become productive with   
SIMPLICITY.  SIMPLICITY is perfect for organizations, small businesses, 
and home use.                                                           
SIMPLICITY supports a 500 record database with each record having the   
following format; Last Name, First Name, Birthday, Spouse Name,         
Birthday Street Address, City, State, Zip Code, Phone Number, and       
Personal Notes. All fields, except the first two, are optional.  You    
can add, delete, or edit any record in the database using simple menu   
option selections. You can also search the database for matching        
records based on specific key fields.                                   
SIMPLICITY provides two reporting functions.  A Comprehensive Record    
Directory can be printed that is a complete list of the database        
content sorted alphabetically.  A Birthday report can be printed that   
will print list of names who have a birthday in a given month.          
Mailing labels can be printed by first name, spouse name, or both       
names. Mailing labels can be sorted by zip code and up to six copies    
can be printed.                                                         
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                 <<<<  Disk #1581  SIMPLICITY  >>>>                      ║
║ To install program on hard drive, type:  INSTALL (press ente)           ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type:  COPY SIMPLE.DOC PRN                      ║


                                SIMPLICITY V.2.1

                        Copyright 1989  John M. Phillips

                                  Version 2.0

     SIMPLICITY V.2.1  is an easy-to-use computer software system designed

     to run on IBM Personal Computer family. SIMPLICITY V.2.1 is designed

     to increase productivity by keeping relevant information about

     people!  This information can then be used to print mailing labels,

     Rolodex (tm) cards, and a variety of reports.

     SIMPLICITY V.2.1 is menu-driven, meaning that all available options

     are selected from a series of menus. No prior experience with

     database programs is needed to become productive with SIMPLICITY

     V.2.1. SIMPLICITY V.2.1 was programmed by John M. Phillips for the

     First United Methodist Church of Allen, Texas. SIMPLICITY V.2.1 is

     capable of storing 500 records.

     SIMPLICITY V.2.1 has many available options including:


             * Add a member

             * Change a member

             * Delete a member

             * Inquire a member

             * Print labels or Rolodex cards

             * Print reports

             * Exit SIMPLICITY V.2.1 (SAVE DATABASE)

     SIMPLICITY V.2.1 requires and IBM PC or compatible, and at least 384K

     of available memory. SIMPLICITY V.2.1 must be executed from a hard

     disk system and you must have 500,000 bytes of hard disk space

     available to install SIMPLICITY V.2.1. If a color graphics card and

     monitor are used, SIMPLICITY V.2.1 chooses to display titles,

     prompts, and informative messages in aesthetically pleasing colors.

     Monochrome systems may use SIMPLICITY V.2.1 and no text distortion

     will occur due to color conflicts. A printer attached to the PRN: OR

     LPT1: port of the PC completes the functionality of SIMPLICITY V.2.1.

     SIMPLICITY V.2.1 was designed and programmed by John M. Phillips

     entirely in Utah COBOL version 5.0 on an IBM PC XT compatible

     computer. Many, many hours of work went into this product. If you

     intend to use the SIMPLICITY V.2.1 system for your organization,

     please register your copy by completing the registration form at the

     back of this manual and sending in your registration fee. Should any

     updates occur, registered users will receive automatic updates.

                                     PAGE 1


     It is not necessary to press "RETURN" or "ENTER" after any menu

     selection or prompt. Simply press the requested key(s) and you will

     automatically move to that option. For example, the SIMPLICITY V.2.1

     main menu asks you to choose between Seven options (1-7). To go to

     option 1, press the "1" key and you will be immediately taken to the

     ADD MEMBER screen.

     It is STRONGLY recommended that you type all names in UPPER CASE.

     SIMPLICITY V.2.1 uses a case-sensitive algorithm to search the index

     when locating records. For example if you typed the last name as

     'PHILLIPS' and the first name as 'John' and then did an inquiry on

     last name as 'PHILLIPS' and first name as 'JOHN', SIMPLICITY V.2.1

     would tell you that the requested member does not exist. You may feel

     free to type all other fields in upper or lower case, but, as a rule

     of thumb, put all NAME fields in UPPER CASE. SIMPLICITY V.2.1 will

     require you to type the last name in all caps.

                              AUTOMATIC FIELD SKIP

     When entering input fields, such as birthday or phone number, the

     cursor will automatically skip to the next available field when you

     have completely filled the previous field. For instance, if you typed

     "214" in the area code input field, the cursor would move over to the

     prefix field as soon as you typed the "4" in the area code. This

     feature is called "AUTOSKIP".

                             DOS SORT REQUIREMENTS

     SIMPLICITY V.2.1 utilizes the DOS SORT.EXE routine to perform the

     sort routines while reports, labels and rolodex cards are being

     printed. In order for SIMPLICITY V.2.1 to operate properly, you must

     have SORT.EXE (included on your original DOS disk) located on your

     hard disk. In addition, the subdirectory that SORT.EXE is located

     must be on the PATH specified when your computer is booted up.

     Most hard disk users place all the DOS utilities in a subdirectory

     named C:\DOS. The PATH command placed in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file

     (located in the root directory of C:\) usually reads: PATH


     Consult your system manuals for a complete description of

     subdirectories and paths. The main points to remember are:

             o  SORT.EXE is on your hard disk

             o  your PATH points to that subdirectory

                                     PAGE 2

                                CURSOR MOVEMENT

     There are several keys available which allow you to move the "cursor"

     around the screen. These keys are listed below.

                     Moves the cursor to the first available input field

                     Moves the cursor to the last available input field

                     Accepts information and moves to the next field


       PG UP,

                     Moves the cursor to the previous field


       PG DN,

                     Moves the cursor to the next available field

     When entering information, there are several keys which control the

     "cursor" within the input field. These keys are listed below.

                     Move the cursor back one character and erase that

                     character (called "destructive backspace")

                     Move the cursor back one character and leave all

                     other characters intact ("nondestructive backspace")

                     Move the cursor forward one character and leave all

                     other characters intact

     Other miscellaneous keys that are available are listed below:

                     Help key (available on most screens)

                     Last name search/Personal notes

                     Accept all input information (available on most

                     input screens)

                     Escape key to cancel most transactions and return

                     to the previous menu (available on most screens)

     Any other key pressed will generally result in the computer "beeping"

     at you to signal an invalid key press.

                                     PAGE 3


     Installing SIMPLICITY V.2.1 is a simple process. Insert the

     SIMPLICITY V.2.1 master disk into drive A: or B:. From your DOS

     prompt, change to that drive by typing either A: or B:. Once you have

     changed the drive, type INSTALL. The rest of the install procedure is

     automatic and will take about 5 minutes. When complete, the install

     procedure will have placed all the required files on your hard disk

     under the directory C:\SIMPLE21.

     To start the SIMPLICITY V.2.1 system, change to your hard disk by

     typing C: from the DOS prompt. Enter the SIMPLICITY V.2.1

     subdirectory by typing CD\SIMPLE21. Once in the SIMPLICITY V.2.1

     subdirectory, type SIMPLE21 and the SIMPLICITY V.2.1 main menu will


                            UPGRADE FROM VERSION 2.0

     If you are currently using SIMPLICITY version 2.0, you do not have to

     enter all your data into SIMPLICITY version 2.1! A transfer mechanism

     has been provided for you.

     After installing version 2.1 on your hard disk, you must copy your

     data and index files from version 2.0 to the SIMPLE21 subdirectory.

     If your data is currently stored on floppy disk, type the following

     commands from your DOS prompt:

             COPY A:\ANSI.IDX  C:\SIMPLE21\A.IDX

             COPY A:\ANSI.RND  C:\SIMPLE21\A.RND

     If you already have SIMPLICITY version 2.0 on your hard disk, type

     the following commands from your DOS prompt:

             COPY C:\pathname\ANSI.IDX  C:\SIMPLE21\A.IDX

             COPY C:\pathname\ANSI.RND  C:\SIMPLE21\A.RND

     Be sure to replace "pathname" with the subdirectory that SIMPLICITY

     version 2.0 resides.

     Once the data and index have been copied in the above format, change

     to the SIMPLCITY 2.1 subdirectory (from DOS type: CD\SIMPLE21), and

     type the following command:

             RUN5 TRANSFER

     Your old data will be transformed to the new format. You may now feel

     free to remove A.IDX and A.RND from the SIMPLE21 subdirectory.

                                     PAGE 4

                           SIMPLICITY V.2.1 MAIN MENU

     The main menu has seven options on it (as previously mentioned

     above). To select an option, enter the number corresponding to the

     menu item you desire at the "Your choice?" prompt. You will be taken

     to that option. The SIMPLICITY V.2.1 color system uses BLUE for

     titles and headings, GREEN for informative messages, and RED for

     choice prompts. Choice prompts are usually 1-key responses, like Y

     for yes or N for no. All prompts DO NOT require that you press ENTER

     after the choice.

     In addition to the seven options, the main menu also displays

     pertinent information at the top of the screen including the number

     of records stored in the database.

     Listed below is a description of each option available in SIMPLICITY


                                     PAGE 5

                                  ADD A MEMBER

     This menu option allows you to add information to your database. When

     ADD A MEMBER is chosen from the main menu, a new screen appears and

     awaits your input. You will see the information that is to be entered

     in a nice, formatted fashion on the screen. The fields to be entered


     FIELD NAME     
                                                     LENGTH    OTHER

                                                     ------    -----

                     LAST NAME                 
                                                     15      REQUIRED

     HM #      
                     AREA CODE, PREFIX, SUFFIX  
                                                     3-3-4  AREA-EXCH-#

                     DATE THE MEMBER JOINED     
                                                     6      MONTH/DAY/YEAR

                     FIRST NAME                
                                                     15      REQUIRED

     WK #      
                     AREA CODE, PREFIX, SUFFIX  

                     FIRST'S BIRTHDAY           

                     SPOUSE NAME               

     WK #      
                     AREA CODE, PREFIX, SUFFIX  

                     SPOUSE'S BIRTHDAY          

     MOD CHLD? 
                     MODIFY CHILDREN INFO?      
                                                     1      Y/N

     # CHILD?  
                     NUMBER OF CHILDREN         
                                                     1      0-6 (0=ERASE


     ------ REPEATS 6 TIMES

                     CHILD NAME                

                     CHILD'S BIRTHDATE          


                     STREET ADDRESS            


                                                     2      ABBREVIATED

                     ZIP CODE                   
                                                     5-4    9-DIGIT ZIP

                     MAILING ZONE
                                                     6      LETTERS OR #S

                     PERSONAL NOTES            

                     ANNIVERSARY DATE           

     Any field may be left blank EXCEPT for the LAST name and the FIRST

     name. If there is an error in a field (i.e. typing letters in a phone

     number), you will hear a beep and the cursor will not move to the

     next field. Correct your error and you may go on.

     Your cursor should be sitting on the LAST name field. Type the last

     name (preferably in UPPER CASE). Be sure to follow the editing

     suggestions in the IMPORTANT NOTES ABOUT ENTERING DATA section above.

     When you have typed the entire last name, press ENTER (or TAB or PG

     DN or DOWN-ARROW). Your cursor will move to the HM # field.

     Type in the area code. Notice how the cursor automatically moves to

     the prefix field when you have filled in the area code (remember the

     autoskip feature?). Your cursor will be positioned on the prefix

     portion of the field. Type the three-digit prefix. Your cursor will

     move to the suffix portion of the field. Type the four-digit suffix.

     Your cursor will now be on the JOIN field.

                                     PAGE 6

     Type the month that the member joined. You may enter a single digit

     (for example, '7' as opposed to '07'). SIMPLICITY V.2.1 will

     automatically fill in the leading zero for you when you move to the

     join day field. When you have entered the month, your cursor will

     move to the day field. Do the same here. When you are finished

     entering the day field, your cursor will move to the year field.

     Enter the year (2 digits). Your cursor will move to the FIRST name


     Enter the first name. Your cursor will move to the WK # field. Enter

     the WK PHONE field just as you did the HM phone field. When you are

     finished with the WK PHONE field, your cursor will move to the BDAY

     field. Enter the birthday for the first name just as you did the JOIN

     field. When you are finished with the BDAY field, your cursor will

     advance to the SPOUSE name field.

     Entering the spouse's name is entirely optional. If you choose not to

     enter a spouse (just press ENTER on the SPOUSE name field), the

     cursor will blank the WK #, BDAY, and ANNV fields fields

     automatically. If you do decide to enter the spouse information,

     follow the same guidelines as the FIRST name field (including WK #,

     and BDAY fields for the SPOUSE).

     Your cursor will now be at the MOD CHILD? prompt. If there are

     children to add, answer 'Y' to this prompt. Your cursor will now be

     at the #  CHILDREN field. Enter the number of children (from 0 to 6).

     Your cursor will advance to the top NAME field. If you enter 0 in the

     # CHILDREN field, SIMPLICITY V.2.1 will erase all information about

     every child. You will then move to the ADDR field.

     From here, enter the name of each child. When you press ENTER, the

     cursor will advance to that child's  BDAY field. Likewise, enter the

     BDAY field as you did the first BDAY field. You will repeat this

     procedure for each child. Once the cursor has gone past the last

     child indicated in the # OF CHILDREN field, it will move to the ADDR


     Continue to enter the ADDRESS, CITY, ST, ZIP, and ZONE fields. The

     ZIP field is divided into prefix and suffix to accomodate the new

     9-digit zip codes. You do not have to enter the 4-digit suffix.

     The next field is the NOTES. This is a 45-character free-form field

     where you can keep personal notes about someone. You don't have to

     enter any notes if you feel none are necessary.

     An extended feature is available when the cursor is placed on the

     NOTES field. A new function key prompt will appear at the bottom of

     the screen which reads F2="PERSONAL NOTES". When you press F2, a

     3-line notecard will appear near the bottom of the screen. This will

     allow you to keep additional notes about any member. Type whatever

     notes you feel are relevant or important. Press ESC on the notecard

     to cancel any notes you have just typed, or press F10 to accept the

     notecard. Your cursor will return to the NOTES field.

                                     PAGE 7

     The last field is the ANNV field. This is where a wedding anniversary

     is stored. If no spouse is entered, the cursor will not move to this

     field at all. If a spouse is entered, you may enter the month, day

     and year of the anniversay. Follow the same guidelines and the JOIN


     When you press ENTER after the NOTES field (if no spouse is entered)

     or after the ANNV field (if a spouse is entered), the cursor will

     return to the LAST field. You may continue to move from field to

     field, correcting any information you may have overlooked. When all

     the information you have is complete, press F10 to accept the member.

     A prompt will appear asking you if the information is correct (a

     default 'N' for no also appears). Study the screen carefully. If you

     see any information which needs correction, type 'N' in the prompt

     (or just press ENTER due to the default 'N'). Your cursor will move

     the the LAST field and you may use your cursor movement keys to

     change any fields in error.

     Please note that you cannot correct the spouse WK #, BDAY or ANNV

     fields if no spouse is entered.

     If all the information is correct, press 'Y' at the prompt. If the

     member does not exist, the record will be added to the database. If

     the member list is full or the member already exists on the database,

     an error message will appear indicating so.

     A new prompt will now appear asking you if you wish to add any more

     members. If you do, just press ENTER (a default of 'Y' is given). The

     fields will clear and you will be ready to enter another member. If

     you have no more to add, type 'N' in the prompt field and you will be

     returned to the main menu.

                                     PAGE 8

                                CHANGE A MEMBER

     If you have chosen this option by accident, you may press the ESC

     key, or you may simply type MENU (all caps) in the LAST field and you

     will be returned to the MAIN MENU.

     This menu option allows you to change information on your database.

     When CHANGE A MEMBER is chosen from the main menu, a new screen

     appears and awaits your input. In order to change a member, you must

     tell SIMPLICITY V.2.1 what member you want to change. You can

     accomplish this by entering the LAST name field, and either the FIRST

     name field, the SPOUSE name field, or both the FIRST and SPOUSE name

     field. Remember, you must type the LAST, FIRST, or SPOUSE name field

     in the same case as originally entered (UPPER, lower, or Mixed case).

     EXAMPLES: If there is no spouse on a member, you would fill in the

     LAST name field and the FIRST name field. If there is a spouse on a

     record, you could  (a) fill in the LAST name field and the FIRST name

     field  (b) fill in the LAST name field and the SPOUSE name field  (c)

     fill in the LAST name field and both the FIRST/SPOUSE name fields.

     HINT: As a shortcut, you only need to enter the first six (6)

     characters of the LAST name and the first four (4) characters of the

     FIRST/SPOUSE name fields.

     A function key option is available on the change screen that may help

     you to locate a member if you cannot remember the "key" information

     (last name, first name or spouse name). This option appears at the

     bottom of the screen as F2=LAST NAME SEARCH.

     To use this function, type in the last name (or the first six letters

     of the last name) and, while the cursor is still on the LAST field,

     press F2. A new screen will appear and list the LAST name, FIRST name

     and SPOUSE name of every member matching the first six letters of the

     LAST name you typed in. When the search is complete, you will be

     returned to your previous screen.

     When you have filled in this "key" information, press F10. SIMPLICITY

     V.2.1 will attempt to find the member you are looking for. If it

     cannot find it, a message will be displayed indicating this. If it

     does find the member, all the fields will be filled in and you will

     then be able to change any information on any field (similar to the

     add process).

     You may type a zero in the # OF CHILDREN field. However, please note

     that this will erase all the information for all the children you may

     have entered. This is a quick way of deleting all children from a

     member (i.e. in the case of divorce).

     To erase a single child, move your cursor to the MOD CHILD? field and

     type 'Y'. Your cursor will move to the # CHILDREN? field. DO NOT

     change the number of children!! The system will do that for you. Move

                                     PAGE 9

     your cursor to the NAME field of the child to delete. Blank out the

     child's NAME by using the spacebar, then press ENTER. Once blank, all

     remaining information for the child is removed. Now use your TAB or

     ENTER or PG DN or DOWN-ARROW key to move through the rest of the


     Once the cursor leaves the last child, the children will be ordered

     sequentially and the # CHILDREN field will be recalculated.

     To erase a SPOUSE, move the cursor to the SPOUSE field and blank out

     the name. The WK #, BDAY, and ANNV fields will immediately be

     cleared. Please note that you cannot correct the spouse WK #, BDAY or

     ANNV fields if no spouse is entered.

     When you move your cursor to the NOTES field, the PERSONAL NOTES

     function key will appear at the bottom of the screen. If you wish to

     change personal notes, press F2 and you may edit the notecard as you

     did on the ADD screen.

     When you have changed all the information you need, press F10 to

     accept the changes. You will again be prompted for correctness and

     for additional changes (similar to the add process).

                                    PAGE 10

                                DELETE A MEMBER

     If you have chosen this option by accident, you may press the ESC

     key, or you may simply type MENU (all caps) in the LAST field and you

     will be returned to the MAIN MENU.

     This menu option allows you to delete a member from your database.

     When DELETE A MEMBER is chosen from the main menu, a new screen

     appears and awaits your input. In order to delete a member, you must

     tell SIMPLICITY V.2.1 what member you want to delete. You can

     accomplish this by entering the LAST name field, and either the FIRST

     name field, the SPOUSE name field, or both the FIRST and SPOUSE name

     field. Remember, you must type the LAST, FIRST, or SPOUSE name field

     in the same case as originally entered (UPPER, lower, or Mixed case).

     A function key option is available on the delete screen that may help

     you to locate a member if you cannot remember the "key" information

     (last name, first name or spouse name). This option appears at the

     bottom of the screen as F2=LAST NAME SEARCH.

     To use this function, type in the last name (or the first six letters

     of the last name) and, while the cursor is still on the LAST field,

     press F2. A new screen will appear and list the LAST name, FIRST name

     and SPOUSE name of every member matching the first six letters of the

     LAST name you typed in. When the search is complete, you will be

     returned to your previous screen.

     Follow the same procedures as CHANGE A MEMBER. When the member is

     displayed, a prompt will appear asking you if you really want to

     delete this member. The default is 'N' to prevent accidental

     erasures. If you do want to delete that member, type 'Y' in the

     prompt field. Your member is deleted (along with the personal notes)

     and cannot be recovered. If you do not want to delete the member

     displayed, just press ENTER or press 'N'.

     You will again be prompted for additional deletions (similar to the

     add process).

                                    PAGE 11

                                INQUIRE A MEMBER

     If you have chosen this option by accident, you may press the ESC

     key, or you may simply type MENU (all caps) in the LAST field and you

     will be returned to the MAIN MENU.

     This menu option allows you to simply view information on your

     database. Common uses are to get a phone number or an address from

     the screen as opposed to printing a record. When INQUIRE A MEMBER is

     chosen from the main menu, a new screen appears and awaits your

     input. In order to inquire a member, you must tell SIMPLICITY V.2.1

     what member you want to inquire. You can accomplish this by entering

     the LAST name field, and either the FIRST name field, the SPOUSE name

     field, or both the FIRST and SPOUSE name field. Remember, you must

     type the LAST, FIRST, or SPOUSE name field in the same case as

     originally entered (UPPER, lower, or Mixed case).

     A function key option is available on the inquire screen that may

     help you to locate a member if you cannot remember the "key"

     information (last name, first name or spouse name). This option

     appears at the bottom of the screen as F2=LAST NAME SEARCH.

     To use this function, type in the last name (or the first six letters

     of the last name) and, while the cursor is still on the LAST field,

     press F2. A new screen will appear and list the LAST name, FIRST name

     and SPOUSE name of every member matching the first six letters of the

     LAST name you typed in. When the search is complete, you will be

     returned to your previous screen.

     Follow the same procedures as CHANGE A MEMBER. The member will be

     displayed. A prompt will appear asking you if you want to inquire

     more members. The default is 'Y'. If you do not want to inquire any

     more members, type 'N' in the prompt field. You will be returned to

     the main menu. If you do want to inquire more members, just press

     ENTER or press 'Y'.

                                    PAGE 12

                         PRINT LABELS AND ROLODEX CARDS

     Mailing labels may be printed with SIMPLICITY V.2.1. The labels must

     be  one-inch high (actually, 7/8") and single-column. They can be

     purchased at most computer or stationery stores. Rolodex cards can

     also be printed with SIMPLICITY V.2.1. Tractor-feed Rolodex cards

     must be three-inches high by five-inches wide. They may also be

     purchased at most computer or stationery stores.

     When this option is chosen from the main menu, another menu is

     presented listing the available print label options. They are:

             1) LABEL   - ONE MEMBER


             3) LABEL   - ALL MEMBERS BY ZIP CODE

             4) LABEL   - ALL BY ZONE




             8) ROLODEX - ONE MEMBER


             0) RETURN TO MAIN MENU

     * LABEL   -  ONE MEMBER allows you to print a single mailing label.

     Fill in the "key" information. When the member is displayed, a prompt

     appears asking you if you want to print the displayed member. Respond

     to the prompt. Another prompt appears asking you how many copies of

     the label you want to print (from 1 to 9). Respond to this prompt.

     Finally, a prompt will appear asking you if you wish to print the

     mailing label with the FIRST name only (F), the SPOUSE name only (S),

     or BOTH names on the label (B). If the member has children, an

     additional option is offered which allows a mailing label to be

     addressed to a child (C).The default is 'B' (for both).

     This option is useful in that it allows you to store the FIRST name

     and SPOUSE name on the same record, but gives you the flexibility to

     print either name. It also allows individual mailing labels to be

     printed for children. For example, you would not want to send a

     birthday card addressed to JOHN and JEAN PHILLIPS if it was John's


     If you responded 'C' to this prompt, another prompt appears asking

     which child is to be printed. The very top name on the screen is

     child 1, the very bottom name is child 6. Enter the appropriate child


     After responding to this last prompt, the labels will be printed. You

     will be returned to the PRINT LABELS MENU.

     * LABEL   - ALL ALPHABETICALLY allows you to print an entire set of

     labels sorted alphabetically. This is useful if you wish to send

     labels to all members of your organization.

                                    PAGE 13

     A prompt appears asking you if you are sure you want to continue.

     Respond 'Y' if you are sure. Responding 'N' returns you to the PRINT

     LABELS MENU. The prompt for the number of copies is also displayed.

     The labels will then begin printing in alphabetical order.

     You may experience some delay from time to time. This is only time

     the computer is taking to sort the labels. Do not be worried about

     any pauses in the printing.

     * LABEL   -  ALL MEMBERS BY ZIP CODE allows you to print a complete

     set of mailing labels sorted by the 9-digit ZIP CODE field. Names are

     sorted alphabetically within zip code.

     A prompt appears asking you if you are sure you want to continue.

     Respond 'Y' if you are sure. Responding 'N' returns you to the PRINT

     LABELS MENU. The prompt for the number of copies is also displayed.

     The labels will then begin printing in zip code order.

     * LABEL   -  ALL BY ZONE allows you to print an entire set of labels

     sorted by the zone field. Names are printed alphabetically within

     zone. Often times the Post Office requires that organizational

     mailers be sorted by zone code in order to receive "bulk rate"

     postage fees. This option was added to facilitate this need.

     A prompt appears asking you if you are sure you want to continue.

     Respond 'Y' if you are sure. Responding 'N' returns you to the PRINT

     LABELS MENU. The prompt for the number of copies is also displayed.

     The labels will then begin printing in zone order.

     * LABEL   -  MEMBERS BY BIRTHDATE RANGE allows you to print a set of

     labels sorted alphabetically, contingent on a beginning and ending

     birthdate, including years. This would allow you to print a set of

     mailing labels to all persons, for instance, born between 1/1/88 and

     12/31/89. The effect would be to print mailing labels for all babies

     born the past two years.

     When you choose this option, a screen appears asking you to enter a

     beginning date and an ending date. Enter the dates as you did before

     and press F10 to accept them. Press ESC to cancel the request. The

     prompts for number of copies is also displayed.

     * LABEL   -  MEMBERS BY JOIN DATE RANGE allows you to print a set of

     labels sorted alphabetically, contingent on a beginning and ending

     joined date. This process is similar to the birthdate range.

     * LABEL   -  MEMBERS BY ANNIVERSARY RANGE allows you to print a set

     of labels sorted alphabetically, contingent on a beginning and ending

     anniversary date. This process is similar to the birthdate range.

                                    PAGE 14

     * ROLODEX -  ONE MEMBER is identical to LABEL - ONE MEMBER, but no

     prompt is given for which name to print.

     * ROLODEX -  ALL ALPHABETICALLY is identical to LABEL - ALL

     ALPHABETICALLY but no prompt is given for which name to print.

     * RETURN TO MAIN MENU returns you from the PRINT LABELS MENU to the


                                    PAGE 15

                                 PRINT REPORTS

     Reports may be printed with SIMPLICITY V.2.1. The reports are printed

     on standard 8.5" by 11" tractor-feed paper.

     When this option is chosen from the main menu, another menu is

     presented listing the available print report options. They are:


             2) BIRTHDAY REPORT

             3) ANNIVERSARY REPORT

             4) DATE JOINED REPORT


             6) JOIN DATE RANGE REPORT


             8) RETURN TO MAIN MENU

     * COMPREHENSIVE MEMBER DIRECTORY allows you to print a complete list

     of your database, sorted alphabetically, page-broken by letter,

     complete with headings, page numbers and the date printed.

     A prompt appears asking you if you are sure you want to continue.

     Respond 'Y' if you are sure. Responding 'N' returns you to the PRINT

     REPORTS MENU. Another prompt will appear asking you if you wish to

     print notes. If you respond 'Y', the NOTES field (not the personal

     notecard) will be printed on the report along with the other member

     information. The reports will begin printing in alphabetical order.

     You may experience some delay from time to time. This is only time

     the computer is taking to sort the members. Do not be worried about

     any pauses in the printing.

     * BIRTHDAY REPORT is a useful report that provides a list of names

     who have a birthday in a given timeframe. The report prints the name

     and birth date of all members and is not sorted in any manner.

     A prompt appears requesting you type in the beginning month you wish

     the report for. If you do not wish to print a report, press ESC. You

     will be returned to the PRINT REPORTS MENU.

     After you enter the desired month, a prompt appears asking for the

     beginning day. After entering the day, another set of prompts appear

     asking for the ending month and day. Once you have entered both

     months and both days, press F10. the report will begin printing.

     A separate line will appear for each person, including children, who

     has a birthday in that month-day date range. For example if both a

     FIRST name and SPOUSE name have a birthday in the same month-day date

     range, a separate report line will be generated for each party.

                                    PAGE 16

     If an output line is for a child, one parent's name will also be

     printed to help you locate that record on the database, if needed.

     * ANNIVERSARY REPORT is a useful report that provides a list of names

     who have an anniversay in a given timeframe. The report prints the

     name and anniversary date of all members and is not sorted in any

     manner. Follow the same input guidelines as the BIRTHDAY REPORT.

     * JOINED DATE REPORT is a useful report that provides a list of names

     who have a join date within a given timeframe. The report prints the

     name and date joined for all members and is not sorted in any manner.

     Follow the same input guidelines as the BIRTHDAY REPORT.

     * BIRTHDATE RANGE REPORT allows you to print a report sorted

     alphabetically, contingent on a beginning and ending birthdate. This

     would allow you to print a report for all members, for instance, born

     between 1/1/88 and 12/31/89. The effect would be to print a report of

     all babies born the past two years.

     When you choose this option, a screen appears asking you to enter a

     beginning date and an ending date. Enter the dates as you did before

     and press F10 to accept them. Press ESC to cancel the request.

     If an output line is for a child, one parent's name will also be

     printed to help you locate that record on the database, if needed.


     joined dates are used.


     except anniversaries are used.

     * RETURN TO MAIN MENU returns you from the PRINT REPORTS MENU to the


                                    PAGE 17

                     EXIT SIMPLICITY V.2.1 (SAVE DATABASE)

     The EXIT SIMPLICITY V.2.1 option is very important. If you have

     added, changed, or deleted any members, you MUST exit the system

     through this option in order for your members to be properly saved.

     DO NOT reboot your computer or turn off your computer if you have

     added, changed or deleted members unless you have properly terminated

     the program!

     If you have only printed or inquired members, you may warmboot your

     computer or turn it off. No information will be lost.

     When you do choose to quit, a prompt appears asking you if you are

     sure you want to quit. Press 'Y' to exit out of SIMPLICITY V.2.1.

     Press 'N' to return to the main menu.

     After you press 'Y', an information screen is displayed which lists

     how many members you inquired, added, changed, or deleted and also

     how many members are on your database. This is called a "session

     log". If you would like a printout of the session log, press your

     SHIFT-PRTSCN key on your keyboard.

                                OTHER UTILITIES

     There may be a time when you wish to erase all the data in the

     SIMPLICITY V.2.1  database. A facility has been provided for you in

     this case.

     To completely erase your MEMBERS database, change to the C:\SIMPLE21

     subdirectory from your DOS prompt (C:> CD\SIMPLE21) and type the

     command WIPEOUT. Follow the onscreen directions. If you do not want

     to continue with the procedure, press CTRL-C and your SIMPLICITY

     V.2.1 database will not be erased. Otherwise, press any key and your

     SIMPLICITY V.2.1 database will be erased (along with the PERSONAL


                                    PAGE 18


     I think you will find SIMPLICITY V.2.1 to be a very professional and

     useful product for your organization. The registration fee for

     SIMPLICITY V.2.1 is eighteen ($18) dollars. The registration fee, in

     addition to helping the author justify the reason for creating

     SIMPLICITY V.2.1, will entitle you to free upgrades and revisions as

     they become available.

     SIMPLICITY V.2.1 is an evolving product. As you register, please be

     sure to give feedback on how you think this product could be

     improved. Your suggestions may very well be incorporated in the next


     Thank you for registering your copy of SIMPLICITY V.2.1 . . . John



     |                      SIMPLICITY V.2.1 REGISTRATION FORM           |

     |                                                                   |

     | NAME    : ______________________________________________________  |

     |                                                                   |

     | COMPANY : ______________________________________________________  |

     |                                                                   |

     | ADDRESS : ______________________________________________________  |

     |                                                                   |

     | CITY    : ________________________  ST: ____  ZIP: _____________  |

     |                                                                   |

     | PHONE   : (______) ______ - ________                              |

     |                                                                   |


     |                                                                   |

     | _____________________________________________  VERSION: ________  |

     |                                                                   |


     |                                                                   |

     |        1100 TIMBERBEND TRAIL                                      |

     |        ALLEN, TX  75002                                           |

     |        (214) 727-8668                                             |

     |                                                                   |

     | SUGGESTIONS:                                                      |

     |                                                                   |

     | _________________________________________________________________ |

     | _________________________________________________________________ |

     | _________________________________________________________________ |

     | _________________________________________________________________ |

     | _________________________________________________________________ |

     | _________________________________________________________________ |

     | _________________________________________________________________ |

     | _________________________________________________________________ |

     | _________________________________________________________________ |


                                    PAGE 19

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1581

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BOX      EXE       689   2-06-89   3:42p
CREATE   OBJ       650   2-18-90   9:42a
DATABASE OBJ     86979   2-18-90  10:10a
FILE1581 TXT      2963   1-01-80   4:43a
GO       BAT        38  10-12-89   9:53a
GO       TXT       694   1-01-80   4:40a
INSTALL  BAT      2868   2-18-90   2:07p
RUN5     EXE     22817   8-24-89   2:10p
SIMPLE21 BAT       116   2-18-90  10:21a
SIMPLE21 DOC     45192   2-18-90   2:42p
TRANSFER OBJ      1413   2-18-90  10:15a
WIPEOUT  BAT       389   2-18-90   1:39p
       12 file(s)     164808 bytes
                      151552 bytes free