PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1574)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “THE EDITING KEYPADS”

THE EDITING KEYPADS provides an organized collection of macros, which
can be used individually or interactively, to augment PC-Write.
PC-Write itself is unchanged.  The basic idea here, which is quite
simple, is to designate a variety of new access keys, with each access
key reaching a keypad of new macros.  This provides a quick
two-key sequence for starting and running a host of spatially oriented
macros.  EKP uses 8 access keys to reach 30 new keypads and 1,234

A good example of the many macros found in THE EDITING KEYPADS is the
"phrase keypad."  This macro provides cursor motion, phrase by phrase.
These "phrase" macros can move the cursor left or right through the
text to the next punctuation mark or to successive punctuation marks.

There are lots of macros here.  Select a few favorites and enjoy them.
You will soon see from the documentation that the macros are organized
in groups and laid out similarly on all keypads so that one can readily
use lots of them, without having to remember too much.  And, there are
plenty of help screens.


║            <<<<  Disk #1574  THE EDITING KEYPADS  >>>>                  ║
║ To print documentation, type:  COPY READ.ME PRN (press enter)           ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1574

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ALT038   QQQ      2955   6-08-89  12:59p
ALTMINUS QXQ       410   6-08-89  12:57p
ALTPLUS  QX1       755   6-08-89  12:57p
ALTPLUS  QX2       731   6-08-89  12:57p
BANG     QH1      1023   6-09-89  10:22a
BANG     QH2      1020   6-09-89  10:23a
BANG     QV1      1017   6-14-89   4:52p
BANG     QV2      1007   6-14-89   4:50p
BANGB    QQQ      2038   6-08-89  12:54p
BANGC    QQQ      2035   6-20-89   1:01p
BANGD    QQQ      3063   6-14-89   8:13p
BANGE    QQQ      3071   6-20-89   9:07a
BRACL    AF1      8139   6-20-89  11:40a
BRACL    QQQ      8175   6-14-89   5:26p
BRACR    AF1      9210   6-20-89  11:40a
BRACR    QQQ      7993   6-20-89   7:03p
C0       QOC      1023   6-10-89   6:25p
CONTENTS TUT      1652   6-21-89   2:42p
CTRL     AF1     19416   6-20-89  11:41a
CTRL     QQQ     13308   6-20-89  12:55p
DNSERIES TF1      7163   6-20-89  11:47a
EDITPADS TF1      6134   6-21-89   2:47p
EIGHTARC COM     51968   6-21-89   3:14p
EKP      DIR      5110   6-22-89  11:18a
EQUAL    AF1      7145   6-20-89  11:36a
EQUAL    QQQ      4094   6-08-89  12:57p
FILES    TF1      5119   6-20-89  11:49a
GO       BAT        38   1-01-80   1:56a
GO       TXT       386  10-18-89   6:54p
HELP     DOC     13771   6-21-89   3:29p
HELP     QQQ      2998   6-20-89  11:34a
HOLD     QQ1      1760   6-20-89   1:31p
HOLD     QQ2      1912   6-20-89  11:24a
LEFTCSC  LHQ       993   6-14-89   8:21p
LEFTCSC  LVQ       988   6-14-89   8:35p
LIST     DOC     46557   6-21-89   3:36p
QUICK    TF1      4074   6-13-89   6:52p
QUICK    UP       2034   6-19-89   9:06a
READ     ME      20453   7-06-89  10:56a
RTN      QHQ      1000   6-08-89  12:56p
SCR      AF1      7162   6-20-89  11:43a
SCR      QQQ      2555   6-08-89  12:58p
SHIFT    QQQ       826   6-08-89  12:59p
SLASHB   AF1     12284   6-20-89  11:44a
SLASHB   QQQ      9205   6-20-89   7:06p
SLASHF   AF1      8189   6-20-89  11:47a
SLASHF   QQQ     12261   6-11-89   9:11a
STAR     AF1     12286   6-20-89  11:44a
STAR     QQQ      8174   6-20-89   6:47p
STARTUP  DOC      7160   6-13-89   8:57a
       50 file(s)     351840 bytes
                        4096 bytes free