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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1568)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “NAMES & DATES (ALSO 1566)”

Do you ever find yourself switching back and forth between
your address manager and your calendar program?  Why not integrate both
programs into one tidy application.  NAMES AND DATES keeps
track of addresses and dates, and allows you to print mailing
labels, envelopes, address books, and rolodex cards as well as wall
calendars, and full page reports -- all from the same print menu.  With
this one program you can set up a meeting, then generate a mailing label
for a confirmation letter.

The address records have extra large entry fields for a person's title,
first name, last name or business name, address, two phone numbers,
category, salutation, and eight lines of notes.  Data may be
imported or exported from the program, and mail merge files can be
created for letters.

NAMES AND DATES also has a date reminder system, where you may
enter the month, day and year of important events or appointments.  A
monthly calendar will flash the important days that you have
entered, or you can print these dates on a wall type calendar.
Printing can be done on either conventional or laser printers.
Complete documentation is included on the disk, as well as context
sensitive help screens.

NAMES AND DATES can handle an unlimited number of records.


Disk No: 1568                                                           
Disk Title: Names & Dates (also 1566)                                   
PC-SIG Version: S4.0                                                    
Program Title: Names & Dates                                            
Author Version: 4.0                                                     
Author Registration: $25.00                                             
Special Requirements: 512K RAM.                                         
Do you ever find yourself switching back and forth between              
your address manager and your calendar program?  Why not integrate both 
programs into one tidy application.  NAMES AND DATES keeps              
track of addresses and dates, and allows you to print mailing           
labels, envelopes, address books, and rolodex cards as well as wall     
calendars, and full page reports -- all from the same print menu.  With 
this one program you can set up a meeting, then generate a mailing label
for a confirmation letter.                                              
The address records have extra large entry fields for a person's title, 
first name, last name or business name, address, two phone numbers,     
category, salutation, and eight lines of notes.  Data may be            
imported or exported from the program, and mail merge files can be      
created for letters.                                                    
NAMES AND DATES also has a date reminder system, where you may          
enter the month, day and year of important events or appointments.  A   
monthly calendar will flash the important days that you have            
entered, or you can print these dates on a wall type calendar.          
Printing can be done on either conventional or laser printers.          
Complete documentation is included on the disk, as well as context      
sensitive help screens.                                                 
NAMES AND DATES can handle an unlimited number of records.              
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


     List of files on NAMES & DATES diskettes

READ.ME       Introduction, how to start using the program
INSTALL.BAT   Loads both diskettes to C: hard drive, creates \ND directory
OVERVIEW.DOC  Short summary of program features, requirements, etc.
MANUAL.DOC    Detailed documentation for the program
GO.BAT        Displays the READ.ME file on your monitor (type GO)
ORDER.FRM     An Order Form you can use to register the program
ORDER.BAT     Prints the Order Form on your printer (type ORDER)
ND.EXE        The NAMES & DATES program, type ND to start
*.OVL         Overlay programs needed by ND.EXE
NAMES.HLP     Help file while using the program, press F1 for Help messages
NAMES.*       Several files that hold your names and indexs to them
CATS.*        Several files that hold your "categories" and indexs to them
DATES.*       Several files that hold your "event dates" and their indexs
SETUP.DAT     Holds the setup data defining how to print reports, labels, etc.
TRAN.EXE      Transfers name & address data from NamePal software files
CONFIG.SYS    Needed on hard disk root or DOS diskette (FILES=20, BUFFERS=16)
    *Warning: see READ.ME about CONFIG.SYS (special installation required)
UPGRADE.BAT   Replaces prior version with new version on hard drives only
BACKUP.BAT    Copies data files to A: drive for backup purposes
FILES.TXT     Description of the files on the NAMES & DATES diskettes

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1568

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

GO       BAT        14   1-08-86   1:59p
ORDER    BAT        21   2-26-89   7:22p
INSTALL  BAT      1594   1-14-90  11:50a
UPGRADE  BAT      1708   2-06-90   5:58p
BACKUP   BAT       470   3-01-90   4:52p
FILES    TXT      1433   3-02-90   8:40a
READ     ME       1328  10-13-90   9:21a
ORDER    FRM      1113  10-05-90   2:17p
CONFIG   SYS        22   7-28-89  11:14a
TRAN     EXE     49098   2-26-89  11:46a
CATS     DAT       200   2-27-89   6:59p
NAMES    DAT      1536  10-05-90   3:04p
DATES    DAT      1001  10-05-90   3:04p
SETUP    DAT       346  10-05-90   3:04p
NAMES    MEM      1286  10-05-90   3:04p
DATES    MEM      2310  10-05-90   3:04p
NAMES    K01      1024  10-05-90   3:04p
NAMES    K02      1024  10-05-90   3:04p
CATS     K01      1024   2-27-89   6:59p
DATES    K01      1024  10-05-90   3:04p
DATES    K02      1024  10-05-90   3:04p
NAMES    HLP     51640  10-05-90  12:55p
MODULES  OVL    130384  10-05-90   1:15p
MANUAL   DOC     69382  10-11-90  11:44a
FILE1568 TXT      2887  11-14-90   9:28a
       25 file(s)     322893 bytes
                       27648 bytes free