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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1518)

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Information about “PC-ARENA OTHELLO AND CHESS”

Want to play chess against a Russian in the Soviet Union?  Or how about
a game of Othello against an Italian in Nice?  Better yet, how would you
like to do it without even leaving home?

PC-ARENA OTHELLO and PC-ARENA CHESS let you go up against fellow gamers
with a PC and a modem anywhere in the world -- limited only by your
credit with the phone company!

PC-ARENA Chess play is governed by the International Chess
Federation Laws of Chess. The gaming system validates all moves
according to the rules of chess, supports castling, piece promotion,
and en passant capture.

Othello, invented around 1888 and popularized in the local pubs, is
played on a draughtsboard using sixty-four stone or wooden pieces. PC-
ARENA Othello, developed in 1985 and popularized on electronic bulletin
board systems and through user group libraries, is played on a PC
equipped with a modem.

Let the games begin!


Disk No: 1518
PC-SIG version 1

Want play chess against a Russian in the Soviet Union?  Or how about a
game of Othello against an Italian in Nice?  Better yet, how'd you like
to do it without even leaving home?

PC-ARENA OTHELLO(tm) and PC-ARENA CHESS(tm) let you go up against fellow
gamers with a PC and a modem anywhere in the world--limited only by your
credit with the phone company!

PC-ARENA(TM) Chess play is governed by the International Chess
Federation Laws of Chess.  The gaming system validates all moves
according to the rules of chess, supports castling, piece promotion and
en passant capture.

Othello, invented around 1888 and popularized in the local pubs, is
played on a draughtsboard using sixty-four stone or wooden pieces.
PC-ARENA(TM) Othello, developed in 1985 and popularized on electronic
bulletin board systems and thru user group libraries, is played on an
IBM compatible personal computer equipped with a modem.

Let the games begin!

Usage:  Games/Board/TeleGaming/Modem.

Special Requirements:  A modem.

How to Start:  Type GO (press enter)

Suggested Registration:  $9.95

Author: Mike Sunderman, James Bittner, Mike & Jim Co.

File Descriptions:

PCOTHELL PN1  Program file.
PCOTHELL PN2  Program file.
PCOTHELL DOC  Documentation.
PCCHESS  PN1  Program file.
PCCHESS  PN2  Program file.
PCCHESS  DOC  Documentation.
READ-ME  DOC  How to read the documentation.

The PC-SIG Library
1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.


║                  <<<<  Disk No 1518 PC-ARENA (TM)  >>>>                 ║
║ To start the PC-CHESS program, type PCCHESS (press enter)               ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start the PC-OTHELL program, type PCOTHELL (press enter)             ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To view infor about the programs, type VIEW (press enter)               ║


  Please use the DOS (2.0 or later) MORE command to display the instruction
  The format of the command is:  MORE <PCOTHELL.DOC
  If the MORE command is not available, use:   TYPE PCOTHELL.DOC

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1518

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

PCOTHELL EXE     49280  12-08-85   8:00a
PCOTHELL PN1      4096  12-08-85   8:00a
PCOTHELL PN2      4096  12-08-85   8:00a
PCOTHELL DOC     11770  12-08-85   8:00a
PCCHESS  EXE     53760  12-08-85   8:00a
PCCHESS  PN1      4096  12-08-85   8:00a
PCCHESS  PN2      4096  12-08-85   8:00a
PCCHESS  DOC     13563  12-08-85   8:00a
READ-ME  DOC       243  12-08-85   8:00a
FILE1518 TXT      1672   8-07-89  10:41a
GO       BAT        38   7-14-89   8:01a
GO       TXT       694   8-07-89  10:44a
VIEW     BAT        43   8-07-89  10:47a
PAGE     COM       325   1-06-87   4:21p
       14 file(s)     147772 bytes
                        9728 bytes free