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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1463)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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SOFT FONTS AND UTILITIES is a boon to laser printer owners.  Imagine a
great font downloader, handy utilities, and a wealth of incredibly
useful soft fonts -- all in one package!

For headlines, you get 21 point Broadway font with a Ventura width table
and matching EGA screen font.  To complicate things, try a set of 24
point symbols such as copyrights, bullets and circled numbers.

Next, drop down to 10 or 12 point typefaces.  You get proportionally
spaced Roman Times in bold, italic and medium.  Likewise, you get
proportionally spaced Helvetica fonts in bold, italic and medium.  If
that's not enough, try Garamond in medium, bold and italic.  For
headlines try the 18 point Helvetica and Roman fonts.

An elegant Century Legal is buttressed by an extended character set with
a number of useful symbols.  It includes printer drivers for MS Word and
WordPerfect.  The proportionally spaced Script soft font and the Greek
font will give your documents variety.  Programmers can document
routines with the font filled with keyboard characters.

The download program is as elegant as the typefaces.  You can use it to
download any HP compatible font.  If you prefer, it will assign an ID
number of your choice and designate primary or secondary and permanent
or temporary status for a font.  The utility can download directly from
archived files.

Print a sample sheet of any particular font -- a handy utility if you've
come across a disk full of fonts.  Another utility will print out the
sort of technical information on typefaces graphic artists delight in.
A final program gives you information on LaserJet and DeskJet font


Disk No: 1463                                                           
Disk Title: HP LaserJet Soft Fonts & Utilities                          
PC-SIG Version: S1.1                                                    
Program Title: LaserJet Soft Fonts and Utilities                        
Author Version: 1.1                                                     
Author Registration: $25.00                                             
Special Requirements: HP LaserJet or compatible.                        
SOFT FONTS AND UTILITIES is a boon to laser printer owners.  Imagine a  
great font downloader, handy utilities, and a wealth of incredibly      
useful soft fonts -- all in one package!                                
For headlines, you get 21 point Broadway font with a Ventura width table
and matching EGA screen font.  To complicate things, try a set of 24    
point symbols such as copyrights, bullets and circled numbers.          
Next, drop down to 10 or 12 point typefaces.  You get proportionally    
spaced Roman Times in bold, italic and medium.  Likewise, you get       
proportionally spaced Helvetica fonts in bold, italic and medium.  If   
that's not enough, try Garamond in medium, bold and italic.  For        
headlines try the 18 point Helvetica and Roman fonts.                   
An elegant Century Legal is buttressed by an extended character set with
a number of useful symbols.  It includes printer drivers for MS Word and
WordPerfect.  The proportionally spaced Script soft font and the Greek  
font will give your documents variety.  Programmers can document        
routines with the font filled with keyboard characters.                 
The download program is as elegant as the typefaces.  You can use it to 
download any HP compatible font.  If you prefer, it will assign an ID   
number of your choice and designate primary or secondary and permanent  
or temporary status for a font.  The utility can download directly from 
archived files.                                                         
Print a sample sheet of any particular font -- a handy utility if you've
come across a disk full of fonts.  Another utility will print out the   
sort of technical information on typefaces graphic artists delight in.  
A final program gives you information on LaserJet and DeskJet font      
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


   Users of this package must accept this disclaimer of warranty: "These 
   programs and fonts are supplied as is.  The author disclaims all war-
   ranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the 
   warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The 
   author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which 
   may result from the use of these software programs and fonts."
   This package is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to 
   the user for evaluation.  Feel free to share it with your friends, but 
   please do not give it away altered or as part of another system.  The 
   essence of "user-supported" software is to provide personal computer 
   users with quality software without high prices, and yet to provide in-
   centive for programmers to continue to develop new products.  If you 
   find this program useful and you continue to use these fonts or util-
   ities after a trial period of 20 days, you must make a registration 
   payment of $25.00 to Elfring Soft Fonts.  The $25.00 registration fee 
   will license one copy for use on any one computer at any one time.  You 
   must treat this software just like a book.  An example is that this 
   software may be used by any number of people and may be freely moved 
   from one computer location to another, so long as there is no possibil-
   ity of it being used at one location while it's being used at another. 
   Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the same time.
   Commercial or business users of this package must register and pay for 
   their copies of this package within 10 days of first use or their 
   license is withdrawn.  Site-License arrangements may be made by contact-
   ing Elfring Soft Fonts. Please distribute this package intact! This 
   program and all documentation are Copyright 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 by 
   Elfring Soft Fonts.  All rights are reserved.  
   Anyone distributing this package for any kind of remuneration must first 
   contact Elfring Soft Fonts at the address below for authorization.  This 
   authorization will be automatically granted to distributors recognized 
   by the (ASP) as adhering to its guidelines for shareware distributors, 
   and such distributors may begin offering this package immediately, 
   (however Elfring Soft Fonts must still be advised so that the distributor 
   can be kept up-to-date with the latest version of this package).
   You are encouraged to pass a copy of this package along to your friends 
   for evaluation.  Please encourage them to register their copy if they 
   find that they can use it.  We will also send them an information
   packet that describes other software available from Gary Elfring
   and Elfring Soft Fonts.
          Member ASP (Association of Shareware Professionals)
   Gary Elfring is a Member of The Association of Shareware Professionals 
   (ASP).  ASP has established stringent standards for its members.  ASP 
   wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you.  If you 
   are unable to resolve a problem with an ASP member (other than technical 
   support), ASP may be able to help.  Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 
   P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or send a Compuserve message via 
   easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.

   If you like these LaserJet fonts & Utilities tell your friends!  If you 
   don't like them tell us why!  To keep prices on products like this as 
   low as they are we cannot afford to advertise.  You are our form of 
   advertisement!  Tell your friends.  If you have the opportunity to 
   write an article in a newsletter or a trade magazine and like this pack-
   age spread the word!  We need all of the help we can get to put quality 
   software into the users hands without charging inflated prices!
   If you do write an article about this package we would appreciate hearing 
   from you.
   Other collections of fonts are available.  I offer a large number of 
   different downloadable fonts including Roman, Helv, Century, Century 
   Legal, Rockford, Broadway, Script, Square, Flourish, Old English, Univer-
   sity, Courier, Line Draw, Prestige, Letter Gothic, Dot Matrix, Spread-
   sheet fonts, Symbol Sets, Park Ave, Basker, & Palatine for both laser 
   printers and the DeskJet or DeskJet Plus.  If you don't see the font you 
   are looking for, call or write me.  I am always creating new fonts.  I 
   also do inexpensive custom fonts.  In addition I have a number of soft 
   font utility programs including: download- send and select fonts to a 
   LaserJet or DeskJet, dispfont- display a sample sheet of a soft font, and 
   TSR DOWNLOAD- memory resident soft font downloader + more! An interactive 
   easy to use soft font management program.  For more information on these 
   inexpensive downloadable soft fonts for your LaserJet or DeskJet contact 
   me at the address listed below. Fianally- special instalation kits are 
   available for DeskJet soft fonts and WordStar 5.5C.

                           Elfring Soft Fonts
                              P.O. Box 61
                            Wasco, IL  60183
                            CIS: 72417,3437
                         SHAREWARE REGISTRATION FORM

    To register this copy of Elfring Soft Font's LaserJet fonts, to be eligible
    for support, and to receive a copy of our LaserJet font brochure, please 
    fill out the following form, and mail it along with a check for $25.00 to:

                           Elfring Soft Fonts
                               P.O. Box 61
                         Wasco, Illinois  60183
                         (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST)
                            CIS: 72417,3437

    Make all checks payable to: Elfring Soft Fonts.  Payment must be made
    in US dollars drawn on a US bank, VISA, or MC.

    Please register my copy of Elfring Soft Fonts LaserJet package.

    Name:             _________________________________________

    Address:          _________________________________________

    Address:          _________________________________________

    City, State, Zip: _________________________________________

    Comments:         _________________________________________


    Source of software:  ______________________________________

		[ ] Please send me my free CompuServe membership and $15 access credit

    Word Processor:  [ ] Word Perfect,  [ ] Word,  [ ] PC Write  [ ] WS5.5
    Printer:  [ ] LaserJet+,  [ ] LaserJet II, [ ] LaserJet IIP, [ ] Compatible


                    VENDOR.DOC file for TSR Download

The copying restrictions listed in this file apply to any individual, organ-
ization, user group, or business that charges ANY fee for the distribution of 
the Shareware program TSR Download produced by Elfring Soft Fonts. TSR Down-
load along with its associated files and documentation is NOT in the public 
domain. All programs and data files are Copyright 1988, 1989, 1990 by Elfring 
Soft Fonts. All rights are reserved. Distribution restriction rights are
claimed under that copyright and are outlined below.

  * No organization may sell the Shareware version of TSR Download without
  prior written permission from Elfring Soft Fonts, the copyright holder. ASP
  approved vendors may start distribution without prior approval, but must
  still notify us in writing that they are distributing our product. To apply
  for such permission send a written request to:

  Elfring Soft Fonts
  P.O. Box 61
  Wasco, IL 60183

  * No organization may bundle the shareware version of TSR Download with any
  other hardware or software product without the prior written permission of
  Elfring Soft Fonts.

  * Vendor standards expected of distributors are summarized in this file. 
  Under no condition will permission to distribute be given to any organ-
  ization who does not agree to follow the standards. The vendor standards 
  are based on those established for vendor associate members of the Assoc-
  iation of Shareware Professionals. ASP vendor members will be granted 
  permission to distribute TSR Download; if you are already a member of ASP, 
  please mention it in your request for distribution.

  * TSR Download, when listed in vendors' catalogs, advertisements, brochures,
  mailers, etc. must be named "TSR Download" and not some other pseudonym like 
  "Downloader", "font manager", or just "Download".  Use of any other name 
  than "TSR Download" will constitute cause for revocation of distribution 

  * The TSR Download program and files may not be sold as part of some other
  more inclusive package without the express permission of Elfring Soft Fonts.

  * TSR Download must not be distributed with other Shareware or public domain
  programs on the same disk.  However, TSR Download may be included in librar-
  ies sold on CD-ROM disks.

  * Under no conditions will TSR Download be "rented" or leased to others.

  * Any distribution of TSR Download over bulletin boards and/or national tel-
  ecommunication services will be limited to distributing a single archived 
  file containing the contents of the entire distribution disk.

The shareware registration fee for TSR Download is $45.00. All payments must
be made in U.S. Funds. Shipping and Handling is an additional $4.00 for 
domestic customers, $5.50 for Canada & Mexico, and $8.00 for all other cus-
tomers. Payment may be with VISA or MASTERCARD, postal money order, and 
checks, in which the amount must be expressed in U.S. Funds and drawn on a 
U.S. Bank.


The following is a summary of ASP vendor standards. This summary is just that, 
a summary, and is not to be taken as a statement of the entire set of ASP 


All vendor advertisements and brochures must state that "Shareware programs 
require separate payment to authors if found useful."  This statement must 
immediately follow the price or be tied to the price via an asterisk.


Vendors will attempt to educate users on the nature of Shareware. The 
following points must be covered in any catalog of disks:

  * The fee paid to the vendor is a copying and distribution charge and
  does not cover the cost of the program itself.

  * If the user finds a Shareware program to be of use, he/she is expected 
  to send the registration fee to the author.

  * Registration entitles the user to various rights and benefits (depending
  on the author). These range from the legal right to continue using the 
  software, to printed documentation and/or higher levels of service.


  * Vendors will respect the copyright and all distribution restrictions made 
  by individual authors, usually found in the file VENDOR.DOC [this file] on 
  the disk.

  * Vendors will provide a written notice covering the three concepts above 
  with all Shareware programs shipped. If disks are prepackaged, the notice 
  must be on a visible part of the package.

  * Vendors will not change or delete ANY files supplied with the program 
  unless authorized by the author. Small additions designed to assist the 
  user may be added if the author does not specifically prohibit such action.

  * Vendors agree to stop distributing a program, including earlier versions, 
  if requested by the author.

Again, the above is a SUMMARY of the ASP vendor standards. In order to dis-
tribute TSR Download you must agree to abide by these standards whether you 
are an ASP member or not. If you are interested in becoming an ASP-approved 
vendor, please contact:

   Association of Shareware Professionals
   Vendor Certification Committee
   P.O. Box 5786
   Bellevue, WA 98006

We strongly recommend that you consider becoming an ASP approved vendor if you 
have not already done so. The ASP vendor member program reduces the workload 
for both authors and vendors alike, and helps give customers confidence that 
reasonable standards are met in the distribution of Shareware products.


                          USING ESF FONTS WITH VENTURA

All LaserJet fonts on this disk are compatible with Ventura Publisher. To
use these fonts in Ventura they must first be converted into Ventura format.
To convert these fonts you need your Ventura Disk #11.

Step 1) Build new VFM files. (Ventura Font Metric width tables) Find the 
Ventura program HPLTOVFM.EXE. Run this program for each soft font found in
this set.


Where /F= is the typeface name which MUST start with a capitol letter
      /N= is the typeface number (look these up in you Ventura manual)
      /P= is the point size of the font
      /W= weight of the font, N=normal, I=italic, B=bold, T=bold italic

Step 2) Make an ASCII text file that lists the name of each VFM file created 
in step 1. (Must end in ".LST".) One file name per line. The file names must
be listed in point size order smallest to largest, with styles listed in:
normal, italic, bold, bold italic order.

Step 3) Use the Ventura VFMTOWID.EXE program and the LST file from step 2
plus the VFM files to create a width table.


Where ESFSHARE.LST is the list file created in step 2,
      /N= the device switch for your printer (look up Operations - Set Printer
          Info menu in Ventura. The portion before the comma is all that 

Step 4) Convert the HP format fonts to Ventura B30 format using the Ventura
utility HPLTOFNT.

HPLTOFNT TR120RPN.USP /F=Roman /N=5 /P=12 /W=N

Step 5) Merge the width tables and clean up. Run Ventura and select Options -
Add Remove Fonts - Merge Width Table. Then go back and delete the ".USP" fonts
since they are not used by Ventura.



Step 1) You must build "PFM" files for Windows before you can actually
install the soft fonts. Both Windows and PageMaker come with a utility
called PCLPFM.EXE that creates these "PFM" files. Run the program:


where: SM180RPN.USP is a font file name
       SM180RPN.PFM is the name to be used for the PFM file
       Symbols is the typeface name
       D= W for Swiss screen font
          R for Roman screen font
          M for Modern screen font
          S for Script screen font
          D for decorative screen font

Step 2) Use the APPNDWIN.INI file produced from step 1 above to modify
you Windows WIN.INI file. This tells Windows what soft fonts you want

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1463

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

INSTALL  EXE     33809   9-11-90   4:13p
INSTALL  CTL       147   9-11-90   4:08p
CATALOG           5369   9-05-90   9:00a
FONTS    EXE    120697   9-05-90   9:00a
READ     ME       1230  10-18-90   6:42p
REGISTER DOC      6960   9-05-90   9:00a
UTILITY  COM     64021   9-05-90   9:00a
MSWORD50 COM      6331   9-05-90   9:00a
WORDPF50 COM     28299   9-05-90   9:00a
WORDPF51 COM     16155   9-11-90   5:22p
SPECIAL  OFF      1210   9-05-90   9:00a
VENTURA  DOC      1760   9-05-90   9:00a
VENDOR   DOC      5634   9-05-90   9:00a
WINDOWS  DOC       797   9-05-90   9:00a
FILE1463 TXT      3405  10-18-90   6:25p
GO       BAT        30  10-18-90   6:35p
FILES             2595  10-18-90   6:42p
       17 file(s)     298449 bytes
                       14336 bytes free