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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1362)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Trying for your wings? GS-TESTIT will give you practice to pass the
Private Pilots' written examination administered by the FAA.

Using actual FAA questions, this quiz program lets you select from
several subject categories, including: the physical aircraft,
navigation, airports and air traffic control, FAA regulations, the
weather, and the environmental effects of aircraft. GS-TESTIT then
selects 40 multiple choice questions to quiz you on, tells you instantly
which questions you may have answered incorrectly, lets you review the
question and try again.

Included, also, is PASSING PASSAGES, an educational game where you are
lost in a maze and confronted by FAA examiners who ask you test
questions which you must answer correctly in order to move on! To
survive, you must also find cash, food, and places to sleep. The right
side of the screen shows a graphic representation of the hallways and
doors, while the left side of the screen shows a map which is made as
you explore the maze. May also be played without the questions.


Disk No: 1362
Disk Title: The Passing Passages and GS-Testit
PC-SIG Version: S1.1

Program Title: Passing Passages and GS-Testit
Author Version: 4.0
Author Registration: $30.00.
Special Requirements: CGA, hard disk drive recommended.

Trying for your wings?  GS-TESTIT will give you practice to pass the
Private Pilots' written examination administered by the FAA.

Using actual FAA questions, this quiz program lets you select from
several subject categories, including: the physical aircraft,
navigation, airports and air traffic control, FAA regulations, the
weather, and the environmental effects of aircraft.  GS-TESTIT then
selects 40 multiple choice questions to quiz you on, tells you instantly
which questions you may have answered incorrectly, lets you review the
question and try again.

Included, also, is PASSING PASSAGES, an educational game where you are
lost in a maze and confronted by FAA examiners who ask you test
questions which you must answer correctly in order to move on!  To
survive, you must also find cash, food, and places to sleep.  The right
side of the screen shows a graphic representation of the hallways and
doors, while the left side of the screen shows a map which is made as
you explore the maze.  May also be play without questions.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.


║   <<<<  Disk No 1362 THE PASSING PASSAGES & GS-TESTIT DATA DISK >>>>    ║
║ Copy all files to your hard drive, unarchive files will take up 800K    ║
║ To unarchive the program, type: FLYING (press enter)                    ║
║                                                                         ║
║ For info on the programs, type: TYPE README.DOC (press enter)           ║


               THE PASSING PASSAGES     &     GS-TESTIT

     This is the newest update for disks #1362 and #1363.  The programs
have been improved in many ways, particularly in speed, plus the fact the
questions have been updated to the newest FAA release (as of 3/1/1990).

     Unfortunately, in improving these fantastic programs, they no longer
fit on two 5 1/4" diskettes since a total of approximately 800k is required.
For your convenience (and mine) I have put these programs into a 
self-extracting EXE file of approximately 200k.  To extract this wonderful
software, simply type  FLYING  and press the Enter key.  Be sure that you
have at least 800k of free disk space available for the extraction.

     For those users who do not have 800k to use (ie: floppy disk users),
when you register your copy for the required fee of $30, write me a note
stating what size, type and quantity of disk drives you have, and I will
modify the program to fit your individual system.  NOTE: these glorious
programs will not work if you have only one disk drive and that disk drive
is a 360k 5 1/4" disk disk drive.  It can be made to work on a 2 drive system
or a 1 drive system if that drive will handle at least 720k.

     Obviously, to maximize your use of these heaven inspired programs, a
hard disk drive is recommended.  Also one of the programs require a CGA card
or greater.

     To register your program (please), send $30 to:
                             Gordon Griffin
                             P O Box 78618
                             Tucson, AZ  85703

     Please pass copies of this program to your local flight instructor,
flight school and FBO.


 	Gordon Griffin
	(602) 293-7436
	Compuserve Address:  76100,1542

PS: With these programs, I passed the written exam on the first attempt.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1362

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FILE1362 TXT      1408   3-23-90  11:24p
FLYING   EXE    205299   3-07-90   1:25p
GO       BAT        38   4-24-89   4:39p
GO       TXT       617   3-23-90  11:18p
README   DOC      1871   3-07-90   2:13p
        5 file(s)     209233 bytes
                      110592 bytes free