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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1345)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “SELECT-A-COLLEGE”

SELECT-A-COLLEGE sorts through over 1000 accredited two-year and
four-year colleges and universities based on criteria you select, and
tells you the 25 schools that come closest to meeting your requirements.
Factors you can select include: major field of study or degree, specific
courses, maximum tuition, maximum room and board costs, desired
geography, Masters or undergrad programs, and more.

Processing takes around six minutes, and can save you hours of research.
Includes an automatic letter-writing feature for contacting the schools
to request further information and application materials.  Surprisingly,
some of the best rated schools in the nation have some of the lowest
tuitions.  Good news for parents!


Disk No: 1345                                                           
Disk Title: Select-A-College                                            
PC-SIG Version: S1.2                                                    
Program Title: Select-A-College                                         
Author Version: 10/89                                                   
Author Registration: None.                                              
Special Requirements: None.                                             
SELECT-A-COLLEGE sorts through over 1000 accredited two-year and        
four-year colleges and universities based on criteria you select, and   
tells you the 25 schools that come closest to meeting your requirements.
Factors you can select include: major field of study or degree, specific
courses, maximum tuition, maximum room and board costs, desired         
geography, Masters or undergrad programs, and more.                     
Processing takes around six minutes, and can save you hours of research.
Includes an automatic letter-writing feature for contacting the schools 
to request further information and application materials.  Surprisingly,
some of the best rated schools in the nation have some of the lowest    
tuitions.  Good news for parents!                                       
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║             <<<<  Disk No: 1345  SELECT-A-COLLEGE  >>>>                 ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To start the program, type:  BEGIN (press enter)                      ║
║                                                                         ║
(c) Copyright 1990, PC-SIG Inc.



Press any key to continue.

                             RATING SCALE
                       0                      1
                  Unimportant             Important


                         RATING SCALE
          0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
         No                                          Extreme
     Importance                                     Importance


Type one of the following Command Codes and press ENTER

     P = Print the list of schools
     W = Write a letter to this school requesting applications materials and
     Q = Quit viewing schools

or just press ENTER to continue.



                        (C) Copyright Von Otto Leirer 1989


     While a great effort was spent verifying the accuracy of this program and
the school information it contains, we can not guarantee the correctness of
Select-A-College.  So, be sure to verify that the schools to which you apply
have the features you need.
                        Who pays for Select-A-College

     You receive Select-A-College free of charge because universities,
colleges, community colleges, and trade/technical schools paid a small
fee to be included in the database.  Thus, if you are searching for a
particular school and cannot find it, it is because that school is not one
of the 1700 or so who paid for entry into this year's Select-A-College.  You
may purchase a version of Select-A-College that includes all of the 3,200
universities, colleges and community colleges or all 8,000+ trade/technical
schools in the United States.  There is also a version of Select-A-College
for Masters and Doctoral Programs.  See the User's Guide for details or write
to the following address.

     Select-A-College is updated yearly.  The version that you are using
is current for 1989-1990.  If this version is out-of-date, we will provide a
current version for a nominal fee.  See the User's Guide for details or
write to:
          P.O. Box 6489
          Stanford, CA 94305

          Phone: (415) 323-1105
Select-A-College needs your name and address.  Select-A-College uses
this to write letters for you. Simply follow the directions given and
notice that you may have to abbreviate some things to stay within the
line length limitations of the program (e.g., "Street" may have to be
changed to "St.").

     You will be asked for information in the following order:
         a) Today's Date
         b) Your First Name
         c) Your Last Name 
         d) Street Address
         e) Apartment No. (if any)
         f) City
         g) State
         h) Zip Code

     Next you will enter your home state.  This is needed to print your
address information and to determine in-state and out-of-state tuition fees.
                          WELCOME TO SELECT-A-COLLEGE

     Select-A-College is designed to help you select schools in two ways.
First, you tell Select-A-College what features you are looking for and
Select-A-College will examine all the schools in its database and list the
ones that most closely match your needs.  Second, if you already know the
names of schools that you are interested in, Select-A-College will give you
a complete listing of all the information it has about those schools.

     Choose any one of the following options by typing 1, 2, 3, or Q and then 
pressing the ENTER key.

     1 - Search for schools meeting my needs
     2 - List complete information about a set of schools
     3 - Letter writing for the guidance counselor
     Q - Quit Select-A-College

     There are only two steps to using Select-A-College.  In Step One, you
rate the importance of different categories of school features.  The
categories include such things as School Location, Student Body Composition,
Tuition Costs, and Types of Degrees Offered.  You rate each category on a 
scale from 0 (no importance to you) to 9 (extremely important to you.)

     In Step Two, the elements of every category you rated as 1 (slightly
important) or higher will be presented in detail. In Step Two, you will
have the opportunity to indicate which elements within a category are
important.  For example if you give the category School Location a 1 or
higher rating in Step One, then in Step Two you will be asked to indicate
which states you consider important.  If you give School Location a 0 rating
in Step One, then the states will not be presented in Step Two.

     After you complete these steps, Select-A-College examines and scores
each school in its database to determine how closely it meets your needs.
You are then presented with a list of the 25 top scoring schools.

     Select-A-College is easy to use.  Each step of the way you receive
detailed instructions and the opportunity to correct mistakes or change
your mind.  Use Select-A-College as many times as you wish.  The more
times you use it, the better your school selection will be.

     Now you will begin ranking the categories. Each category begins with an 
initial rating of 0.  If you press ENTER without first typing a number, the 
rating of that category will remain unchanged.  If you leave a category rated 
as 0, then the program will know the feature has no importance to you.

     After you rate the categories, you will have the opportunity to go
back and change any of your ratings.  You won't have to retype all of
your ratings, just press the ENTER key until you come to a rating you
wish to change.  Remember, a zero rating is completely unimportant, and
a 9 rating is extremely important.

     The following is an overview of the categories you will soon rate.
Preview this list and then proceed to the next step.

Press any key to see the list of categories.
     Next, you will indicate which of the features within each category (you
rated as 1 or higher) are important to you.  Each feature begins with a 0
rating.  If the feature is important to you, give it a 1 rating.
     You may preview all the features by pressing the ENTER key repeatedly.
Once you have reached the end of the list, you will be able to review your
choices and enter new ratings.  If you press ENTER without typing a new
rating, the rating will remain the same.
                     Please stand by.

   Select-A-College is now searching through every school in its database
to find the 25 schools that most closely match your needs. This search will
require no more than eight minutes.

   Once the search is complete, a list of the 25 top scoring schools will
be displayed on the screen.  For each school the list will include the
school's name, its score, address, phone number, and a list of all those
features you requested which the school in fact has.

   The school score is much like a percentage score, where a score of 100
means that the school meets all of your needs.  A score of 50 means that
the school meets one half of your needs.  If all of the schools in your
list have a score of 100, then you need to be more selective.

   You may obtain a printed copy of the list of schools anytime during or
after viewing them on the screen.

     If you want to print the list of schools, type P and press ENTER.  If you
wish to write a letter to each school in the list, requesting applications
materials and information, type W and press ENTER.  If you want to return to 
the main menu and change one or more of your selections or ratings, type R and
press ENTER.  Type Q and press ENTER to quit.
     P = Printout the complete list of schools
     W = Write letters to the complete list of schools
     R = Return to the Main Menu
     Q = Quit Select-A-College

     Please turn on your printer, put it "on line", and make sure that the
printer paper is positioned at the start of a new page ("top of form").

Press any key when ready
Your printout has been started.  If you wish to cancel it, press any key.

     Your letter has been printed.  The final step is for you to copy the
school's address (printed at the top of the letter) to an envelope and mail
it.  You should receive a response from the school within 3 weeks.
     Your list of letters has been completed.  The final step is for you to
copy each school's address (printed at the top of the letter) to an envelope
and mail it.  You should receive a response from the school within 3 weeks.
     To obtain a listing of one or more school's features you simply enter
each school ID number and then press the ENTER key.  You may enter a
maximum of 25 school ID numbers.

     If you do not already have the school's ID numbers, ask your counselor
for a list or have Select-A-College generate a list of the schools and their
ID numbers for you.

     Do you need a new list of the schools and ID numbers generated by

     You may now obtain an alphabetical listing of all of the schools and
their ID numbers.  Make sure your printer is turned on and the SELECT light
is lit.  Next type "P" and press the ENTER key to start your printout.

     P = Start printout of ID numbers
     C = Cancel your printout and begin entering ID numbers

     Now begin entering ID numbers. Type "Q" and press ENTER to quit entering
numbers and display information on each college you have indicated.

                  Please Stand By...

Select-A-College is now gathering data on all of the schools you have
selected.  This should not take longer than 2 minutes.
     I'm sorry, but none of the identification numbers you entered belong
to any of the schools currently accessed by this program. Please check your
list of ID numbers carefully for errors, or ask your counselor for help.

     I'm sorry, but Select-A-College has found no schools that match your
needs.  You were probably too selective in your ratings.


If you want to return to the main menu and change one or more of your
selections or ratings to create a new list, then type "R" and press ENTER.

If you want to quit then type "Q" and press ENTER.

          R = Return to the main menu
          Q = Quit

     Dear Admissions Officer:

          While using Select-A-College, the computerized college and
     trade/tech school directory, I found that your school meets many
     of my needs and interests.

          Please send me application materials and further information
     about your school as soon as possible.  My mailing address is listed
     below.  Thank you.


Here are the Post Office state codes:

AL Alabama        AK Alaska         AZ Arizona
AR Arkansas       CA California     CO Colorado
CT Connecticut    DE Deleware       DC District of Columbia
FL Florida        GA Georgia        HI Hawaii
ID Idaho          IL Illinois       IN Indiana
IA Iowa           KS Kansas         KY Kentucky
LA Louisiana      ME Maine          MD Maryland
MA Massachusetts  MI Michigan       MN Minnesota
MS Mississippi    MO Missouri       MT Montana
NE Nebraska       NV Nevada         NH New Hampshire
NJ New Jersey     NM New Mexico     NY New York
NC North Carolina ND North Dakota   OH Ohio
OK Oklahoma       OR Oregon         PA Pennsylvania
RI Rhode Island   SC South Carolina SD South Dakota
TN Tennessee      TX Texas          UT Utah
VT Vermont        VA Virginia       WA Washington
WV West Virginia  WI Wisconsin      WY Wyoming
AO American Samoa CZ Canal Zone     GU Guam
PR Puerto Rico    VI Virgin Islands TO Trustee Territories
Or XX for none of the above.
     You will now be asked for your address information in the following
order :
        a) Today's Date
        b) Your First Name
        c) Your Last Name
        d) Your Title
        e) Your Department or Office
        f) Your School Name
        g) Street Address
        h) City
        i) State
        j) Zip Code
     Press any key to return to the main menu.
     Your letters have been printed.  Now remove the paper from the printer
and feed it back in so that the printer prints on the backside of the letters.
Begin with the first letter printed and adjust it so that the printer is
positioned  at the top of the page.

     The addresses have been printed on the backs of the letters.  Simply
fold the letters in thirds, staple or tape the letters closed, add postage,
and mail.

     Select-A-College is now creating a list of all the schools in the 
states you selected.  This will take up to five minutes.
Select-A-College makes it easy to build and maintain a current library of
college and trade/tech school information for your counseling center.

display a complete list of two letter state codes.  Select-A-College will ask
you the codes for each state from which you want university, college, and
trade/tech school information.  After selecting the states, Select-A-College
will print letters for you requesting literature for your counseling center.

STEP TWO:  ADDRESSING YOUR LETTERS.  Select-A-College makes it inexpensive and
easy for you to address and mail your letters.  Once the letters are printed,
you will be asked to remove the letters from the printer and feed them back
into the printer so that the printer prints on the backside of the letters.
Begin with the first letter printed and adjust the letter so that the printer
is positioned at the top of the page.  Select-A-College will print the correct
addresses half way down the back of each letter.

STEP THREE:  FOLDING YOUR LETTERS.  After the addresses are printed, simply
separate the letters and fold each one in thirds so that the address appears
on the outside.  Finally, either staple or tape the letter closed and add
postage and mail.  You should receive responses within three weeks.

     Dear Admissions Officer:

          While using Select-A-College, the computerized college and
     trade/tech school directory, I discovered that your school meets many
     of my students' needs.  Please send me more detailed information
     about your school and its programs.

          Please send these materials to my address listed below.  Thank You.


     There are no schools in the database from the states you selected.



      Many colleges and trade/tech schools are searching for students with
specific educational interests, racial/ethnic backgrounds, or grade point
averages.  Select-A-College distributes a database of student information
to nationally accredited colleges and state certified trade/tech schools.
Would you like to be included in the High School Student Database free of

Select-A-College will now print out a questionnaire.  To be included in
the database, complete the questionnaire and mail it to Select-A-College.

Please turn on your printer, put it "on line", and make sure that the 
printer paper is positioned at the start of a new page ("top of form"):

Press RETURN when you are ready.

To complete the questionnaire:

   1)  Enter your grade point average.

   2)  Circle the number next to your racial/ethnic background.

   3)  Circle the number next to each educational area that interests you.

   4)  Sign the questionnaire.

   5)  Fold the questionnaire with Select-A-College's address on the outside
       and staple or tape it closed.

   6)  Put a 25 cent stamp on the questionnaire and mail it.

Press return when you have finished filling out the questionnaire.

                                 P. O. Box 6489
                                 Stanford, CA 94309

________________________________ Fold Here __________________________________

      ________ My Grade Point Average

      My Racial/Ethnic background is :

      1.___ American Indian or Alaskan Native
      2.___ Asian or Pacific Islander
      3.___ Black
      4.___ Hispanic
      5.___ Non-resident Alien
      6.___ White
      7.___ Other ______________________________________

Please circle the number of each area in which you are interested.


      Optional Additional Information:


      Please include my name and the above information in the Select-A-
      College High School Student Database.



Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1345

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BEGIN    COM     12238   3-06-89   3:33p
FOUR     000     31232  10-18-89  11:23a
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FOUR     COM     23287  10-18-89  11:23a
MESSAGE  BAK     17302  10-17-89   2:21p
MESSAGE  TXT     17301   1-20-90   1:28p
TWO      000     29952  10-18-89  11:44a
TWO      BIN     12513  10-21-89   4:47p
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