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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1328)

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Information about “GAMES GALORE”

Put your pedal to the metal!  BIG-RIG is a text game which puts you
behind the wheel of an 18 wheeler long-haul truck, where you must face
various conditions pertaining to the road, your rig, and the weather.
To make your deadline and make more money, you can skip sleep, drive
faster, or increase your payload at the risk of getting into an accident
or paying a fine.  10-4, good buddy!

GEMINI-2 is a tank war game which you may play against the computer's
tank or that of another player remotely by modem.  Colorful graphics put
you inside your tank.  The screen is divided into a radar map and a
three-dimensional view showing the landscape and your opponent's tank.

NUKEWAR is a text game that lets you launch deadly nuclear weapons and
wipe out whole cities.  Choose sides.  You can be the United States or
the U.S.S.R.  This is a game where no one wins.

In the colorful graphics game, SOPWITH, you pilot a World War I biplane.
Your mission: bomb all the enemy outposts while using your machine guns
against the computer's biplanes.


Disk No: 1328
PC-SIG version: 1

Put your pedal to the metal!  BIG-RIG is a text game which puts you
behind the wheel of an 18 wheeler long-haul truck, where you must face
various conditions pertaining to the road, your rig, and the weather.
To make your deadline and make more money, you can skip sleep, drive
faster, or increase your payload at the risk of getting into an accident
or paying a fine.  Ten four, good buddy!

GEMINI-2 is a tank war game which you may play against the computer's
tank or that of another player remotely by modem.  Colorful graphics put
you inside your tank.  The screen is divided into a radar map and a
three-dimensional view showing the landscape and your opponent's tank.

NUKEWAR is a text game that lets your launch deadly nuclear weapons and
wipe out whole cities.  Choose sides.  You can be the United States or
the U.S.S.R.  This is a game where no one wins.

In the colorful graphics game, SOPWITH, you pilot a World War I biplane.
Your mission: bomb all the enemy outposts while using your machine guns
against the computer's biplanes.

Usage:  Entertainment.

Special Requirements:  GEMINI-2 requires a modem to play against another
player and all the programs require CGA graphics.

How to Start:  Type GO (press enter).

Suggested Registration:  $15.00 for GEMINI-2.

File Descriptions:

BIGRIG   EXE  BIG-RIG, main program.
GEMINI2  DOC  Documentation for GEMINI-2.
GEMINI2  EXE  GEMINI-2, main program.
NUKEWAR  COM  NUKEWAR, main program.
SOPWITH  COM  SOPWITH, main program.
SOPWITH  DOC  Documentation for SOPWITH.

1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale CA 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.



  You have at your command the remote
  controlled GEMINI tank.  You have a
  variety of instruments on your
  command console including a TV screen
  showing the forward view from the

  In practice mode you play a computer
  simulator in order to sharpen your
  skills. In telegamming mode your
  opponent is live ... it is someone
  else at their command console viewing
  your tank! They may be next door or
  across the country as long as they
  can be reached by phone.

  Objective: Destroy 3 of your
  opponent's squads before yours
  are destroyed.

  Your controls are straightforward.
  When using the cursor keys the up
  arrow increases your forward speed
  while the down arrow puts you into
  reverse. The right arrow key turns
  your tank to the right while the left
  arrow turns your tank to the left.

  The 0 key on the keypad brings you to
  a dead halt. The 1, 3, 7, and 9 keys
  are speed and turning combinations.
  Press the space bar to fire.  If it
  appears your shell will miss, you may
  fire again after a brief pause for
  reloading. With practice you will
  learn how the momentum of the tank
  affects its movements.

  Pressing the ESC key stops the
  current game and returns you to the
  menu.  Pressing Ctrl-S turns the
  sound on/off.  Press < to slow the
  game down if you are using a PC-AT
  (press > to speed back up again).

  Now for the instruments.  The large
  TV screen shows a 3D image of your
  opponent whenever he is in view. A
  a mountain range is always visible in
  the background.

  The radar screen at the lower left
  shows your tank at the center and
  your opponent's current relative
  location as a white blip. A trail of
  blue blips shows relative motion. The
  map at the lower right shows absolute
  locations as well as tank shells. A
  speed indicator at the bottom shows
  your forward or reverse speed.  The
  heading display at the bottom shows
  the direction your tank is facing.

  If you learn the shapes of the
  mountain range you can also tell your
  heading from the TV screen in the
  event your heading indicator is
  destroyed.  You can never reach the
  mountain range for you and your
  opponent's tanks are trapped in the
  valley by invisible force shields.
  You cannot travel beyond the range
  displayed on the map.  You will no
  longer know the boundaries if your
  map display is ever destroyed.

  To the left and right of your TV
  screen are damage indicators.  Your
  opponent's damage is shown at the
  left and your damage is shown on the
  right.  The top indicators show your
  current tank's damage level.  The
  tank display indicates how many tanks
  have been destroyed.  The squad
  counter shows how many squads are
  gone.  You lose if you have 3 squads
  When a tank is destroyed a new one is
  deployed at the opposite corner.
  There are 4 tanks in a squad. You
  will notice that shells are vaporized
  if they come near a force shield.

  You can lock in on your opponent
  easier if you are not moving.
  However sometimes it is best to move
  and turn your tank at the same time.
  In fact you may wish to move in
  reverse and turn at the same time
  while watching the radar until your
  opponent appears on the TV screen.
  Learn to use your various instruments
  ... you may have to depend on each
  one of them at different times.

  Use the basic play practice mode to
  learn the controls and instruments
  and then move up as you increase your
  skill. The practice mode is fun as an
  arcade game by itself ... until you
  can call up a live opponent!

  There are three levels of play
  whether you are in practice mode or
  telegamming mode.  The basic play
  level allows three hits on a tank
  before your tank is destroyed. The
  damage indicators show how many hits
  you have had.  In intermediate play
  mode a single hit destroys your tank.
  This mode is good for sharpening up
  your evasion techniques.  In advanced
  mode three hits are required to
  destroy a tank, but each hit also
  destroys one of your instruments.
  This is why it is important to learn
  how to use each of your instruments.

  When you are in telegamming mode you
  do not have to play at the same level
  as your opponent.  If one of you is
  more experienced, they can play at
  level 3 while the other plays at
  level 1 to equalize the combat.

  In order to play a "live" opponent
  you must first establish
  communications with another computer
  that is also running GEMINI-2.
  Pre-arrange with your opponent who
  will originate and who will answer
  the call if you are using a

  After selecting telegamming you will
  be in talk mode.  If you are using a
  modem you can enter commands to your
  modem to place the call or answer the
  call.  For example for a hayes
  compatable modem type ATD123-4567 and
  press enter to call 123-4567 or type
  ATA and press enter when the phone
  rings to answer a call.  You may need
  to turn off echo if you see all your
  keystrokes apearing twice (e.g. enter
  ATE0 for hayes type modems).

  You can also use your favorite
  communications software to establish
  communications first. Then exit it
  and start up GEMINI2 and select

  When communications has been
  established and you are in talk mode
  you can then interact with your
  opponent by typing sentences and
  pressing enter. When you are ready to
  begin play one of you (not both)
  should press the dollar sign ($) key.

  After a short initialization period
  you will begin "live" combat.  At the
  beginning you each will see one
  another's tank on the TV display, so
  be ready to move quickly!

  To momentarily return to talk mode
  during a game, press the "?" key.
  After conversing, you can resume play
  by pressing the "$" key.
  If you have two computers in the same
  room you can connect them direclty
  together using a null modem and
  appropriate cables. You may be able
  to use higher baud rates using this
  technique. Once in talk mode you will
  be ready to begin since no dialing is

         GEMINI2 FILES

  The 4 optional files that may be used
  with GEMINI2 are described below:

  GEMINI2.DOC - This is where these
  instructions are stored.

  GEMINI2.SCN - This is a detailed
  screen image of your command console.
  You may need to delete this file to
  use the simplified display if your PC
  is not fully IBM compatible.

  GEMINI2.KEY - If you wish to use keys
  other than the cursor keys, create
  this file with one record in it (you
  can use EDLIN). The record should
  consist of 9 characters for
  left/reverse, reverse, right/reverse,
  left, dead stop, right, left/forward,
  forward, and right/forward. A sample
  record might be:
  GEMINI2.PRM - If you will always be
  using the same baud rate, you may
  wish to create this file with one
  record in it. You may need to create
  this file if you use COM2 or have
  problems getting your modem to work.
  The format of this record is
  identical to the parameters within
  quotes described for the OPEN "COM...
  Statement in the Microsoft Basic
  Manual (be sure to include the
  quotes).  A sample record could be as


  If this file is not present, you are
  prompted for the baud rate prior to
  entering talk mode. The parameters
  shown above are the program default


You are encouraged to copy GEMINI-2
and pass it on to others as long as:

1. You do not charge anyone for the
2. The software is not modified.

This distribution method eliminates
advertising costs and copy protection
schemes. Users obtain quality software
at reduced cost. They can try it out
before buying in the comfort of their
own home or office.

If you like GEMINI-2, please send $15
to PARAGON SOFTWARE. The invoice on the
next screen is provided for those
who wish to have one for their records.
   (press Shift-PrtSc to print it)

product distributed in this manner.

Purchased from:       Purchased by:

 Paragon Software     ----------------
 P.O. Box 79069       ----------------
 Jackson, MS 39236    ----------------

Date:   /    /          Invoice #860901

PRODUCT           QTY  EACH      TOTAL
----------------- --- ------     -----

GEMINI-2 program   1   $15        $15

         Please pay this amount...$15
Make check payable to: Paragon Software
Check number:


║    <<<<  Disk No 1328  BIG RIG, GEMINI-2, NUKEWAR, SOPWITH  >>>>        ║
║   To print the documentation on this disk, type:                        ║
║             MANUAL (press enter)                                        ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To run the program Big Rig, type:                                     ║
║             BIGRIG (press enter)                                        ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To run the program Gemini-2, type:                                    ║
║             GEMINI2 (press enter)                                       ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To run the program Nukewar, type:                                     ║
║             NUKEWAR (press enter)                                       ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To run the program SOPWITH, type:                                     ║
║             SOPWITH (press enter)                                       ║


THE UNDERW0RLD BBS @ (408)-997-3486
X          -> Throttle Control (Speed Up by pressing multiple times)
B          -> Bomb Purple Bases, Tanks, Fuel Depoits, and Planes on Ground
,          -> Pull Up (Reversed when . is pressed)
.          -> Reverse Controls of Plane
/          -> Dive Down
Space-Bar  -> Fire Guns
NOTE: "M"ultiple Players does not work since program expects game to read
from disk

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1328

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BIGRIG   EXE     77824   1-27-86   6:35p
FILE1328 TXT      1764   2-22-89   9:40a
GEMINI2  DOC      9216   9-10-86   8:45p
GEMINI2  EXE     98656   9-09-86  12:16a
GO       BAT        38  10-19-87   3:56p
GO       TXT      1387   2-22-89   9:39a
MANUAL   BAT       147   1-19-89   9:21a
NUKEWAR  COM     31232   1-01-80   1:07a
SOPWITH  COM     59100  10-20-85  10:26a
SOPWITH  DOC       455   1-01-80  12:18a
       10 file(s)     279819 bytes
                       37888 bytes free