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Information about “MANAGING PEOPLE”

MANAGING PEOPLE is a set of questionnaires designed to help you assess
and improve your management skills.  The program is designed as a
management course which should be used periodically, not just once.
Areas covered are decision making, employee evaluation, communication
skills, planning improvement, motivating employees, time management,
getting projects done, and other areas.  Additional documentation is
provided for each area of management.  A sample job interview file is
included, as well.


************ DOCUMENTATION FOR PROGRAMS "EVALUE  .EXE" **********************
                                        "MANAGER .EXE"
                                        "MY-BOSS .EXE"
Here is an overview of the series of programs mentioned above.
This is a set designed for management and supervisors, but with the
exception of "EVALUE.EXE", all can be extremely helpful for anyone
in both their personal and business lives. 

I have been in management for 25 years and a Management Seminar
Instructor for 11 years. What follows in these programs is a 
computerized summary of some of the most important areas (the ones
with the most problems) for supervisors. My experience has been that
as a manager improves in these areas, either one at a time or 
all at once, he will be far more EFFECTIVE in what he or she
gets done.

What is contained on disk is in reality, a complete computerized
management course. It is informative and educational. 
I have tried to make it entertaining. In the "message" sections at
the end of most of the programs, you will find humorous quotes,
jokes or famous quotations along with a brief exlanation of how
it applies to the subject in the program. They are for you to 
enjoy and learn from at the same time.

You should certainly read and/or print out the .DOC file that
applies to the program you plan to run. It will give you some
additional insight about what the purpose of the program is and
what it does. The only one that is not a program is INTERVEW.QES.
This is designed to print out to paper for a hard-copy of 
questions you might consider asking anyone in a job interview,
before you would hire that person. If you are in the position of
looking for a job, it might help you think about what to say in
the interview.

These programs should not be run once and put away. To get full value
of the material contained within each, you should make a yearly 
planning calendar and go through each one at least quarterly. Also,
the hard-copy that each produces can and should be referred to even
more frequently. 

My department heads find these programs useful and beneficial....I hope
you will too. 

Your comments would be appreciated. Send them to:

               M.D. Smith
               C/O WAAY-TV
               1000 Monte Sano Blvd., S.E.
               Huntsville, AL  35801
               (205) 533-3131
************ DOCUMENTATION FOR PROGRAM "ATTITUDE.EXE" ***********************

This program, which is one of the set, is designed to help a person
improve his/her attitude or of a subordinate. The purpose is to help
make attitudes MORE POSITIVE than they are. Mostly, it is just making
up one's mind to be more positive. If one does not WANT to be more
positive, then they won't. But if they want do, and just need a little
help achieving it....this this program is for them.

When this program runs, it will present 30 statements and you decide
if they apply to you, 1=NEVER through 5=ALWAYS. After you have run the
program, you will see how you/they did. You will learn better methods
for a more positive attitude as you answer the questions. If you scored
lower than 80%, you can certainly be a more positive person by working
on the items that you rated yourself 3 or lower. If you print out a
copy of the 30 items, work on them, and can increase your score by 20 or
more points, you will be a FAR MORE POSITIVE ATTITUDE PERSON. 

This program has six closing inspirational messages picked at random.
I suggest you read 2 or 3 of them at the end of the session. If you
get the same one, just ask for another until you get a different one.
These messages following an evaluation session are especially helpful
at this time. 

************ DOCUMENTATION FOR PROGRAM "DECISION.EXE" **********************

This program is part of a series for managers. This is to help 
managers (or anyone for that matter) become better decision-makers.

As you run this program on decision making, you will be presented
with 25 questions that you should answer with a "Y" or "N" input.

This program may not be what you expect the first time you run it. However,
it is designed to give you a big "plus" in your decision making abilities.
Of all the  programs in this series, this one is the most deceptively
simple. Do not believe that quickly running it once and putting it aside
is all it is worth. You should run it a number of times....read several of
the valuable inspirational messages at the end and then work on the items
that you see you need to improve.

No program can actually make decisions for you. Each job is usually too
complex and only you have all the variables to make the proper decision.
This program focuses on the universal areas of decision making to help
you improve your "BATTING AVERAGE."

There are 5 different inspirational messages at the end of the program
and they are picked at random. If you get the same message, ask for 
another one. I would suggest that you end each run of this program with
2 or 3 of the messages to reinforce what you have learned from the session.


************ DOCUMENTATION FOR PROGRAM  "DELEGATE.EXE" **********************

This program, like others in the series, is designed to help a 
person improve their delegation abilities. Many people do not do
as much delegating as they should, because they have had bad
experiences with it, or do not REALLY know how. 

In my 25 years in management and 11 years as a Management Seminar
Instructor, I have found that lack of ability to Delegate
EFFECTIVELY hold both the manager and the subordinates back.
When done well, delegation builds the manager and the delegatee.

As you run the program and truthfully answer the questions about
yourself, you will learn as you go. You will find helpful 
messages in the program and especially at the end. When you are
asked if you want a closing message, always get at least one.
This is a random message section presenting one of six different
closes. If you want another message, you might even get the 
same one as before, since they are picked totally at random.
Then, just ask for another one until you get a different one.

Making a hard copy of the questionnaire and working with it is
another way to maximize the benefits of the programs. The
programs are self-prompting.

************ DOCUMENTATION FOR PROGRAM "EVALUE.EXE" *************************

This program is designed to aid supervisors in Evaluating employees.
At our business, we arrived on a 20 point form that covers most of the
important employee categories for almost any job. Of course, a super-
visor would add another sheet of specific, duty-related areas to 
complete the evaluation. However, an employee who scores high in these
20 areas, is likely to be a far superior employee from one who does not.
Also, it gives various departments a universal yard-stick to measure their
employees regardless of the job performed. This is important in EEOC and
Union Shop situations. 

If the evaluation program is run on an employee at regular intervals, such 
as quarterly, semi-annually or annually, it provides a good growth record of
each one. 

This program allows a manager to display the results on a screen, print
out a hard copy for personnel records file, or print to a file to keep.


************ DOCUMENTATION FOR PROGRAM  "GET-DONE.EXE" **********************

This program, similar to the others, is to help you get more 
things done in a day, week, or year. 

The recent "buzz-word" of MFR stands for Managing For Results.
It is also the title of a good management book. The idea is that
we certainly must get results or we can not be good managers.
Just getting results, at the expense of morale and turnover, is not
very desirable. The other programs in this series cover many good 
employee management methods. This program focuses on getting results.

You will see, as you answer the 20 questions with a 1 through 5, that
ACTION does play a large part in getting better results, but must be
tempered with other good management principles. Just select the program
from the main menu screen and it will prompt you from there.

As with the other programs, the close lets you select one or
more of the random messages. Ask for several, even if you get
duplicates, since this is a random selection from six 

Making a hard copy of the questionnaire and working with it is
another way to maximize the benefits of the programs. The
programs are self-prompting.

*******************  DOCUMENTATION ON INTERVEW.QES *************************

This is a text file of 20 interview questions that manager's should
use in interviewing prospective employees. It also contains instructions
for the interviewer. Print out this file and you will have a nice,
justified document to be used whenever you are interviewing prospective

Type the command   COPY INTERVEW.QES LPT1:  and press <ENTER> and
you are directing the file to your printer. Be sure to set the perf
in the paper just at the top of the print head so that everything
will be lined up on each page correctly. If this command does not
work for your system/printer, see your DOS manual for help. 


************ DOCUMENTATION FOR PROGRAM  "MANAGER.EXE" ***********************

This program, like others in the series, is designed to help a 
person improve their overall management abilities.

This program is a little bit different from the others in that
it points out all the things a manager can do wrong in their job.
With the other programs, the best score is 5=Always. With THIS
program, the best score is 5=Never. So many managers are not
very good simply because of so many things that they do wrong
or that they do that they should not do at all.

The idea is to help you or the people you supervise, become 
better managers by avoiding doing these things. Nobody is
perfect, and we all do a few of these things from time to time.
So the idea is to get better in each one of these areas by
identifying things we should never do, if we can help it.
As with the other programs, the close lets you select one or
more of the random messages. Ask for several, even if you get
duplicates, since this is a random selection from six 

Making a hard copy of the questionnaire and working with it is
another way to maximize the benefits of the programs. The
programs are self-prompting.

************ DOCUMENTATION FOR PROGRAM  "MOTIVATE.EXE" **********************

This program, like others in the series, is designed to help a 
person improve their motivation abilities.

Some supervisors are surprised to find out that what they 
thought would motivate their workers, was far down the list of
actual motivational items. The number one motivator, without
WORK DONE."  One of Dale Carnegie's Most important principles 
"Show Honest, Sincere Appreciation." A manager who knows and
practices this principle regularly, is a far more motivational
manager than one who doesn't.

In the questionnaire section of this program, you will see this
and a host of other motivational items mentioned. Depending on
how you score yourself, you can see what kind of a motivator
you are on a regular basis. 

As with the other programs, the close lets you select one or
more of the random messages. Ask for several, even if you get
duplicates, since this is a random selection from six 

Making a hard copy of the questionnaire and working with it is
another way to maximize the benefits of the programs. The
programs are self-prompting.


************ DOCUMENTATION FOR PROGRAM  "MY-BOSS.EXE" ***********************

This is one of the more unusual programs in the series. It is
a 30-point questionnaire designed to be filled out by 
subordinates in evaluating their BOSS. You could print out one
of the questionnaires and make copies for employees to use to 
evaluate you, or whomever their boss might be.

Or, you could simply use the 30-areas to work on for yourself to
try to become a better boss. These items have come from many
sources. Many of them have come directly from employee gripes and
complaints about their supervisor. It takes a strong person to
let  each employee evaluate him/her as a boss. An even stronger
one to show the results to THEIR BOSS. So, depending where you 
are on the totem pole, use it for yourself in private, or let
your employees evaluate you. 

I suggest you run this program for yourself a number of times and
each time try to improve your self-evaluation score. Just
remember, that how you see yourself may be entirely different
from the way your employees see you. Even if you are sure you
are a good listener....if your employees think otherwise....
who is right? Your employees are the ones that matter and you
need to reconcile the differences. 

An additional value of this program is that employees find
themselves evaluated often, but they wish they could return
the favor for their boss. Here, they can. If you did nothing
with the resultant forms, morale can easily improve, just
because you care enough to be interested in what they think of
you. If the forms are turned in to YOUR BOSS, a signature can 
be optionally included.  If they are to come back to you, they
should be anonymous and deposited in the suggestion box, under
your door, or something like that. It's the only way to get a
meaningful, unbiased report. Otherwise, they will likely only
report things they believe you will like to hear. 

WARNING!  This is potentially powerful medicine. 



************ DOCUMENTATION FOR PROGRAM  "PLANNING.EXE" *********************

This program, similar to the others, is designed to help a 
person improve their skills as a planner. 

Everyone assumes that they plan and are fairly good at it.
The truth is that most of us don't plan as often as we should 
or we plan poorly and run into major problems right away.   
This program on planning is designed to make us more aware of 
the steps in planning, which begin with clear, well defined results
to be achieved (goals).

More important than our ability to make good plans, is our 
remembering to involve others in the planning stage if they are
going to be a part of the plan. Both the questionnaire and the 
inspirational screens that follow illustrate this principle.

As with the other programs, the close lets you select one or
more of the random messages. Ask for several, even if you get
duplicates, since this is a random selection from six 

Making a hard copy of the questionnaire and working with it is
another way to maximize the benefits of the programs. The
programs are self-prompting.

************ DOCUMENTATION FOR PROGRAM "TIMEFIND.EXE" ***********************

This program is designed to help a manager or employee find extra hours
in a given workday, by becoming better organized and more efficient at
what he/she does. There is no real "MAGIC" here, but it really works.

As a person runs this program, it asks you to evaluate yourself on a scale
of 1 to 5....where 1 is NEVER and 5 is ALWAYS. As you answer each question,
you will see the areas that are a problem for you and cause you to not 
always feel that you did what you wanted to do each day at work. By self-
analysis of the completed 20 items from the program, you will immediately
see where you need to help yourself and what needs to be done. 

Having been a manager for 25 years and a Management Seminar instructor
for 11 years, I have seen that these 20 items comprise about 90% of the
average person's problems with EFFECTIVE Time Management. 

Again, this program, like the others in this series, is self-prompting.
You have the option of directing the completed questionnaire to a 
printer for hard-copy.

The program ends by asking if you want an inspirational message. I think
you should always ask for it. There are six nice closing screens and 
they are designed to be motivational in nature. The message is picked
at random, so if it is one you have already seen, ask for another one
and you should get a different message.

Your comments would be appreciated. Send them to:

               M.D. Smith,        C/O WAAY-TV
                                  1000 Monte Sano Blvd., S.E.
                                  Huntsville, AL  35801
                                  (205) 533-3131



Your comments would be appreciated. Send them to:

               M.D. Smith
               C/O WAAY-TV
               1000 Monte Sano Blvd., S.E.
               Huntsville, AL  35801
               (205) 533-3131

This program, which is one of the set, is designed to help a person
improve his/her attitude or that of a subordinate. The purpose is to help
make attitudes MORE POSITIVE than they are. Mostly, it is just making
up one's mind to be more positive. If one does not WANT to be more
positive, then they won't. But if they want to, and just need a little
help achieving it....then this program is for them.

When this program runs, it will present 30 statements and you decide
if they apply to you, 1=NEVER through 5=ALWAYS. After you have run the
program, you will see how you/they did. You will learn better methods
for a more positive attitude as you answer the questions. If you scored
lower than 80%, you can certainly be a more positive person by working
on the items that you rated yourself 3 or lower. If you print out a
copy of the 30 items, work on them, and can increase your score by 20 or
more points, you will be a FAR MORE POSITIVE ATTITUDE PERSON. 

This program has six closing inspirational messages picked at random.
I suggest you read 2 or 3 of them at the end of the session. If you
get the same one, just ask for another until you get a different one.
These messages following an evaluation session are especially helpful
at this time. 

You can print these messages, if you desire, by pressing <Shift> plus
the <Prt Scrn> keys, and it will put it on the printer as you are 
looking at it.

I would appreciate any comments for suggestions for improvement.

                              - 30 -



Your comments would be appreciated. Send them to:

               M.D. Smith
               C/O WAAY-TV
               1000 Monte Sano Blvd., S.E.
               Huntsville, AL  35801
               (205) 533-3131

This program, which is one of the set, is designed to help a person
improve their communication effectiveness.  We all have problems from
time to time with communications gone sour....and are sometimes not sure
why.  We may think we know, but are not really seeing the REAL problem.

When this program runs, it will present 20 statements and you decide
if they apply to you, 1=NEVER through 5=ALWAYS. After you have run the
program, it will tell you how you did. You will already have a feeling for
how you can improve communications.  Then you can view the results of this
program or get a hard-copy from a printer.  I suggest you get a hard-copy 
and refer to it often.  If you can run the program again at a future date
and significantly improve your score, you will be a better person at 
EFFECTIVE communications.

This program has six closing inspirational messages picked at random.
I suggest you read 2 or 3 of them at the end of the session. If you
get the same one, just ask for another until you get a different one.
These messages following an evaluation session are especially helpful
at this time.   You can print these messages by using the <SHIFT> and
<PRT SCRN> keys on your computer. 

I would appreciate any comments for suggestions for improvement.

                              - 30 -



         Your comments would be appreciated. Send them to:

               M.D. Smith
               C/O WAAY-TV
               1000 Monte Sano Blvd., S.E.
               Huntsville, AL  35801
               (205) 533-3131

         Creativity  is  a management tool, but it  is  sometimes  the 
         least used.  We are all more creative than we give  ourselves 
         credit  for.  The biggest problem is our "MENTAL  HANDCUFFS".  
         Most people usually operate with their "cuffs" on their  mind 
         and  find it difficult to be creative in this state.  If  you 
         allow  yourself to unlock the "cuffs" and free your  mind  to 
         think crazy thoughts, unusual thoughts, impossible  thoughts, 
         idiotic thoughts, and completely FOOLISH thoughts...then  you 
         will  be  using creativity.  You may throw away  hundreds  of 
         these thoughts and ideas, but you only need ONE BRILLIANT one 
         to be terribly successful. 

         When you run this program, it will present 20 statements  and 
         you  decide if they apply to you, 1=NEVER  through  5=ALWAYS. 
         After you have run the program, you will see how you did. You 
         will  learn better ways to be creative. If you  scored  lower 
         than  80%,  you can certainly be a more  creative  person  by 
         working on the items that you scored 3 or lower. If you print 
         out  a copy of the 20 items, work on them, and  can  increase 
         your  score  by  20 or more points, you will be  a  FAR  MORE 

         This program has six closing inspirational messages picked at 
         random.  I suggest you read 2 or 3 of them at the end of  the 
         session. If you get the same one, just ask for another  until 
         you  get  a  different  one.   These  messages  following  an 
         evaluation session are especially helpful at this time. 

         You  can  print these messages, if you  desire,  by  pressing 
         <Shift>  plus he <Prt Scrn> keys, and it will put it  on  the 
         printer as you are looking at it.

         I   would  appreciate  any  comments  for   suggestions   for 

                                     - 30 -



Your comments would be appreciated. Send them to:

               M.D. Smith
               C/O WAAY-TV
               1000 Monte Sano Blvd., S.E.
               Huntsville, AL  35801
               (205) 533-3131

This program is part of a series for managers. This is to help 
managers (or anyone for that matter) become better decision-makers.

As you run this program on decision making, you will be presented
with 25 questions that you should answer with a "Y" or "N" input.

This program may not be what you expect the first time you run it. However,
it is designed to give you a big "plus" in your decision making abilities.
Of all the  programs in this series, this one is the most deceptively
simple.  Do not believe that quickly running it once and putting it aside
is all it is worth.  You should run it a number of times....read several of
the valuable inspirational messages at the end and then work on the items
that you see you need to improve.

No program can actually make decisions for you. Each job is usually too
complex and only you have all the variables to make the proper decision.
This program focuses on the universal areas of decision making to help
you improve your "BATTING AVERAGE."

As you learn how to make better and more effective decisions, you also
learn how to help others make better decisions, instead of always
coming to you for a decision.

There are 5 different inspirational messages at the end of the program
and they are picked at random. If you get the same message, ask for 
another one. I would suggest that you end each run of this program with
2 or 3 of the messages to reinforce what you have learned from the session.

                              - 30 -



Your comments would be appreciated. Send them to:

                     M. D. Smith
                     c/o WAAY-TV
                     1000 Monte Sano Blvd., S.E.
                     Huntsville, AL  35801
                     (205) 533-3131

This program, like others in the series, is designed to help a 
person improve their delegation abilities. Many people do not do
as much delegating as they should, because they have had bad
experiences with it, or do not REALLY know how. 

In my 27 years in management and 13 years as a Management Seminar
Instructor, I have found that lack of ability to Delegate
EFFECTIVELY hold both the manager and the subordinates back.
When done well, delegation builds the manager and the delegatee.

As you run the program and truthfully answer the questions about
yourself, you will learn as you go. You will find helpful 
messages in the program and especially at the end. When you are
asked if you want a closing message, always get at least one.
This is a random message section presenting one of six different
closes. If you want another message, you might even get the 
same one as before, since they are picked totally at random.
Then, just ask for another one until you get a different one.

Making a hard copy of the questionnaire and working with it is
another way to maximize the benefits of the programs. The
programs are self-prompting.

                             - 30 -


                                        "MANAGER .EXE"
                                        "MY-BOSS .EXE"

Your comments would be appreciated. Send them to:

               M.D. Smith
               C/O WAAY-TV
               1000 Monte Sano Blvd., S.E.
               Huntsville, AL  35801
               (205) 533-3131

Here is an overview of the series of programs mentioned above.
This is a set designed for management and supervisors, but with the
exception of "EVALUE.EXE", all can be extremely helpful for anyone
in both their personal and business lives. 

I have been in management for 27 years and a Management Seminar
Instructor for 13 years.  What follows in these programs is a 
computerized summary of some of the most important areas (the ones
with the most problems) for supervisors.  My experience has been that
as a manager improves in these areas, either one at a time or 
all at once, he will be far more EFFECTIVE in what he or she
gets done.

What is contained on disk is in reality, a complete computerized
management course.   It is informative and educational. 
I have tried to make it entertaining. In the "message" sections at
the end of most of the programs, you will find humorous quotes,
jokes or famous quotations along with a brief explanation of how
it applies to the subject in the program. They are for you to 
enjoy and learn from at the same time.

You should certainly read and/or print out the .DOC file that
applies to the program you plan to run. It will give you some
additional insight about what the purpose of the program is and
what it does. The only one that is not a program is INTERVEW.QES.
This is designed to print out to paper for a hard-copy of 
questions you might consider asking anyone in a job interview,
before you would hire that person. If you are in the position of
looking for a job, it might help you think about what to say in
the interview.

These programs should not be run once and put away. To get full value
of the material contained within each, you should make a yearly 
planning calendar and go through each one at least quarterly. Also,
the hard-copy that each produces can and should be referred to even
more frequently. 

My department heads find these programs useful and beneficial....I hope
you will too. 

Best Regards, 

M.D. Smith
General Manager, WAAY-TV

                              - 30 -



Your comments would be appreciated. Send them to:

               M.D. Smith
               C/O WAAY-TV
               1000 Monte Sano Blvd., S.E.
               Huntsville, AL  35801
               (205) 533-3131

This program is designed to aid supervisors in Evaluating employees.
At our business, we arrived on a 20 point form that covers most of the
important employee categories for almost any job. Of course, a super-
visor would add another sheet of specific, duty-related areas to 
complete the evaluation. However, an employee who scores high in these
20 areas, is likely to be a far superior employee from one who does not.
Also, it gives various departments a universal yard-stick to measure their
employees regardless of the job performed.  This is important in EEOC and
Union Shop situations. 

If the evaluation program is run on an employee at regular intervals, such 
as quarterly, semi-annually or annually, it provides a good growth record of
each one. 

This program allows a manager to display the results on a screen or print
out a hard copy for personnel records file.

                              - 30 -


Disk No: 1316                                                           
Disk Title: Managing People                                             
PC-SIG Version: S1.4                                                    
Program Title: Managing People                                          
Author Version: 9.004                                                   
Author Registration: $25.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
MANAGING PEOPLE is a set of questionnaires designed to help you assess  
and improve your management skills.  The program is designed as a       
management course which should be used periodically, not just once.     
Areas covered are decision making, employee evaluation, communication   
skills, planning improvement, motivating employees, time management,    
getting projects done, and other areas.  Additional documentation is    
provided for each area of management.  A sample job interview file is   
included, as well.                                                      
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989, 1990 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


Description of Files on This Disk of MANAGING PEOPLE  by M.D. Smith

Filename.Ext    BYTES       Description         V  9.00425

ATTITUDE EXE    17569     Build and Maintain POSITIVE ATTITUDES
CREATE   EXE    20865     You can me much more CREATIVE than you think
DELEGATE EXE    15649     You and others gain with EFFECTIVE DELEGATION
GETDONE  EXE    15841     Get MORE DONE in a set period of Time
INTERVEW QES    10624     Interview Questions for EMPLOYEES
MANAGER  EXE    17665     BE BETTER MANAGER at home and office
MOTIVATE EXE    16673     Improvement in Your and Others MOTIVATION
MYBOSS   EXE     9553     BOSS EVALUATION program, helps you too
PLANNING EXE    17537     Better PLANNING gets better results
BRUN10   LIB     3072     Run-time library needed for programs
BRUN10   EXE    59117     Run-time library needed for programs
DOC      DOC     3072     Overall Documentation File for all Programs
ALLDOC   TXT    17328     Each DOC file combined in this single file
PRINTDOC BAT      390     Batch file that will PRINT DOC's to printer
ATTITUDE DOC     1792          +-------------------------------+
MANAGER  DOC     1536          | These are the documentation   |
MOTIVATE DOC     1664          | files for each of the above   |
MYBOSS   DOC     2432          | programs. They can be read    |
TIMEFIND DOC     1792          | from the main menu by asking  |
COMMUNIC DOC     1536          | for the DOC menu from the     |
DECISION DOC     1664          | main menu selection screen.   |
DELEGATE DOC     1536          | They can also be printed from |
EVALUE   DOC     1280          | the program on your printer.  |
PLANNING DOC     1536          | Or you can run the PRINTDOC   |
INTERVEW DOC     1024          | batch file listed above.      |
GETDONE  DOC     1536          +-------------------------------+
CREATE   DOC     2390     --------------------------------------------
VERSION  DTA       16     Version of Software and a REQUIRED file.
FILES    TXT     2176     *** This TEXT file you are reading now ***



Your comments would be appreciated. Send them to:

                     M. D. Smith
                     c/o WAAY-TV
                     1000 Monte Sano Blvd., S.E.
                     Huntsville, AL  35801
                     (205) 533-3131

This program, similar to the others, is to help you get more 
things done in a day, week, or year. 

The recent "buzz-word" of MFR stands for Managing For Results.
It is also the title of a good management book. The idea is that
we certainly must get results or we can not be good managers.
Just getting results, at the expense of morale and turnover, is not
very desirable. The other programs in this series cover many good 
employee management methods. This program focuses on getting results.

You will see, as you answer the 20 questions with a 1 through 5, that
ACTION does play a large part in getting better results, but must be
tempered with other good management principles. Just select the program
from the main menu screen and it will prompt you from there.

As with the other programs, the close lets you select one or
more of the random messages. Ask for several, even if you get
duplicates, since this is a random selection from six 

Making a hard copy of the questionnaire and working with it is
another way to maximize the benefits of the programs. The
programs are self-prompting.

                             - 30 -


║              <<<<  Disk No 1316  MANAGING PEOPLE  >>>>                  ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To print the documentation, type:                                     ║
║                                                                         ║
║             PRINTDOC (press enter)                                      ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To start the program, type:                                           ║
║                                                                         ║
║             MENU (press enter)                                          ║
║                                                                         ║



This is a text file of 20 interview questions that managers should
use in interviewing prospective employees.  It also contains instructions
for the interviewer.   Print out this file and you will have a nice,
justified document to be used whenever you are interviewing prospective

Study the questions carefully.  I suggest you discuss them with
other managers in positions to hire personnel.  It is particularly
important to ask the same questions of each candidate, so that the
answers can be fairly compared to each other.  Some managers fail
to do this important step.

Type the command   COPY INTERVEW.QES LPT1:  and press <ENTER> and
you are directing the file to your printer. Be sure to set the perf
in the paper just at the top of the print head so that everything
will be lined up on each page correctly. If this command does not
work for your system/printer, see your DOS manual for help. 

If you should have any further questions or comments about this or
other programs, you can contact me:

                 M. D. Smith
                 c/o WAAY-TV
                 1000 Monte Sano Blvd., S.E.
                 Huntsville, AL   35801
                 205/ 533-3131

                                  - 30 -



Your comments would be appreciated. Send them to:

                     M. D. Smith
                     c/o WAAY-TV
                     1000 Monte Sano Blvd., S.E.
                     Huntsville, AL  35801
                     (205) 533-3131

This program, like others in the series, is designed to help a 
person improve their overall management abilities.

This program is a little bit different from the others in that
it points out all the things a manager can do wrong in their job.
With the other programs, the best score is 5=Always. With THIS
program, the best score is 5=Never. So many managers are not
very good simply because of so many things that they do wrong
or that they do that they should not do at all.

The idea is to help you or the people you supervise, become 
better managers by avoiding doing these things. Nobody is
perfect, and we all do a few of these things from time to time.
So the idea is to get better in each one of these areas by
identifying things we should never do, if we can help it.
As with the other programs, the conclusion lets you select one or
more of the random messages. Ask for several, even if you get
duplicates, since this is a random selection from six 

Making a hard copy of the questionnaire and working with it is
another way to maximize the benefits of the programs. The
programs are self-prompting.

                             - 30 -



Your comments would be appreciated. Send them to:

                     M. D. Smith
                     c/o WAAY-TV
                     1000 Monte Sano Blvd., S.E.
                     Huntsville, AL  35801
                     (205) 533-3131

This program, like others in the series, is designed to help a 
person improve their motivation abilities.

Some supervisors are surprised to find out that what they 
thought would motivate their workers, was far down the list of
actual motivational items. The number one motivator, without
WORK DONE."  One of Dale Carnegie's Most important principles 
"Show Honest, Sincere Appreciation." A manager who knows and
practices this principle regularly, is a far more motivational
manager than one who doesn't.

Employee motivation is one of the most fragile elements in
business.  It can be quenced in many ways.  So knowing what
NOT to do can be just as important as what TO DO.  However, you
still need to know the difference.  Sometimes firing a poor
employee can be a motivator if the staff believed it was needed.
If the staff felt it was unjust, it will have a negative effect.

In the questionnaire section of this program, you will see this
and a host of other motivational items mentioned. Depending on
how you score yourself, you can see what kind of a motivator
you are on a regular basis. 

As with the other programs, the close lets you select one or
more of the random messages. Ask for several, even if you get
duplicates, since this is a random selection from six 

Making a hard copy of the questionnaire and working with it is
another way to maximize the benefits of the programs. The
programs are self-prompting.

                             - 30 -



Your comments would be appreciated. Send them to:

                     M. D. Smith
                     c/o WAAY-TV
                     1000 Monte Sano Blvd., S.E.
                     Huntsville, AL  35801
                     (205) 533-3131

This is one of the more unusual programs in the series. It is
a 30-point questionnaire designed to be filled out by 
subordinates in evaluating their BOSS. You could print out one
of the questionnaires and make copies for employees to use to 
evaluate you, or whomever their boss might be.

Or, you could simply use the 30-areas to work on for yourself to
try to become a better boss. These items have come from many
sources. Many of them have come directly from employee gripes and
complaints about their supervisor. It takes a strong person to
let  each employee evaluate him/her as a boss. An even stronger
one to show the results to THEIR BOSS. So, depending where you 
are on the totem pole, use it for yourself in private, or let
your employees evaluate you. 

I suggest you run this program for yourself a number of times and
each time try to improve your self-evaluation score. Just
remember, that how you see yourself may be entirely different
from the way your employees see you. Even if you are sure you
are a good listener....if your employees think otherwise....
who is right?   Your employees are the ones that matter and you
need to reconcile the differences.  Perception is 99% of reality
in this case.

An additional value of this program is that employees find
themselves evaluated often, but they wish they could return
the favor for their boss. Here, they can. If you did nothing
with the resultant forms, morale can easily improve, just
because you care enough to be interested in what they think of
you. If the forms are turned in to YOUR BOSS, a signature can 
be optionally included.  If the forms are to come back to you, they
should be anonymous and deposited in the suggestion box, under
your door, or something like that. It's the only way to get a
meaningful, unbiased report. Otherwise, they will likely only
report things they believe you will like to hear. 

WARNING!  This is potentially powerful medicine. 


                             - 30 -



Your comments would be appreciated. Send them to:

                     M. D. Smith
                     c/o WAAY-TV
                     1000 Monte Sano Blvd., S.E.
                     Huntsville, AL  35801
                     (205) 533-3131

This program, similar to the others, is designed to help a 
person improve their skills as a planner. 

Everyone assumes that they plan and are fairly good at it.
The truth is that most of us don't plan as often as we should 
or we plan poorly and run into major problems right away.   
This program on planning is designed to make us more aware of 
the steps in planning, which begin with clear, well defined results
to be achieved (goals).

More important than our ability to make good plans, is our 
remembering to involve others in the planning stage if they are
going to be a part of the plan. Both the questionnaire and the 
inspirational screens that follow illustrate this principle.

As with the other programs, the close lets you select one or
more of the random messages. Ask for several, even if you get
duplicates, since this is a random selection from six 

Making a hard copy of the questionnaire and working with it is
another way to maximize the benefits of the programs. The
programs are self-prompting.

                             - 30 -



Your comments would be appreciated. Send them to:

               M.D. Smith
               C/O WAAY-TV
               1000 Monte Sano Blvd., S.E.
               Huntsville, AL  35801
               (205) 533-3131

This program is designed to help a manager or employee find extra hours
in a given workday, by becoming better organized and more efficient at
what he/she does. There is no real "MAGIC" here, but it really works.

As a person runs this program, it asks you to evaluate yourself on a scale
of 1 to 5....where 1 is NEVER and 5 is ALWAYS. As you answer each question,
you will see the areas that are a problem for you and cause you to not 
always feel that you did what you wanted to do each day at work. By self-
analysis of the completed 20 items from the program, you will immediately
see where you need to help yourself and what needs to be done. 

Having been a manager for 27 years and a Management Seminar instructor
for 13 years, I have seen that these 20 items comprise about 90% of the
average person's problems with EFFECTIVE Time Management.  If you started
doing each of the 20 items on a regular basis,  you would find an increase
in productivity from 25% to 50% each day of the week.  

Again, this program, like the others in this series, is self-prompting.
You have the option of directing the completed questionnaire to a 
printer for hard-copy.

The program ends by asking if you want an inspirational message. I think
you should always ask for it. There are six nice closing screens and 
they are designed to be motivational in nature. The message is picked
at random, so if it is one you have already seen, ask for another one
and you should get a different message.

                              - 30 -

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1316

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VERSION  DTA        16   4-25-90   8:02p
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MOTIVATE EXE     19601   4-03-90   1:57p
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DOC      DOC      2957   4-03-90   7:48p
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TIMEFIND DOC      1844   4-03-90   7:51p
CREATE   EXE     20865   4-25-90   8:25p
COMMUNIC DOC      1628   4-03-90   7:46p
DECISION DOC      1815   4-03-90   7:47p
DELEGATE DOC      1524   4-03-90   7:48p
EVALUE   DOC      1224   4-03-90   7:48p
PLANNING DOC      1427   4-03-90   7:50p
INTERVEW QES     10511   4-03-90   7:50p
INTERVEW DOC      1324   4-03-90   7:49p
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