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Information about “UTILITIES GALORE”

Make your printer serve you better with this collection of utilities.
There's even a game thrown in for fun!

DIRPRN prints a disk directory sorted in various ways to make it easy to
find a file.  ENVPRN turns your computer into an electric typewriter for
quickly dashing off addresses on an envelope in a variety of fonts.
LABPRN works similarly but is specifically formatted to handle labels,
such as for binders/drawers.  MERPRN merges several separate text files
into one formatted printed text.  SETPRN sets the printer parameters
prior to using a print spooler.  XTRPRN extracts and prints call
declarations and comments from Turbo Pascal source files.

All the programs let you select the print quality, text style, margin
width, page numbering, printer port, and line spacing.  They can be
added as batch files to run whenever needed.

COLORE lets you choose the colors your monitor will display when
your system first boots-up.  You can select from 16 different colors for
the foreground, background, and border of your monitor.

SURVIVAL is a game that requires quick reflexes.  With a boxing glove
you must punch monsters before they descend to the bottom of the screen,
sending them back to the top.

LABEL computerizes your personal address/telephone directory for easy
reference and printing of reports and labels.  Menu options let you
print: address labels (using standard 15/16" x 3-1/2" wide labels),
list of all records (done with two entries side-by-side on 8-1/2" x 11"
paper), telephone list (only those records with a telephone number are
printed), and individual records you select.  Handles both three and
four line addresses, automatically suppressing blank lines.

DOCFORM lets you add printing instructions to any text file to
specify boldface print, underlined print, margins, double or triple
spacing, headers, and footers -- which then print correctly on
almost every printer.


     DOCFORM Comment Form
                                                                Scott Pakin

                              DOCFORM COMMENT FORM



     This form is provided to make it easy for you to voice your thoughts

     about DOCFORM.  Please feel free to attach additional pages or write

     a letter on a separate sheet of paper.



     Your city and state: _________________________________________________


     What type of system do you use?


             Computer:       PC     XT     AT    jr.    PS/2 (model? _____)


             Manufacturer:      _______________________________________


             Operating system:  _______________________________________


             Video board:    MDA     CGA     EGA     VGA    Other: ________



     Where did you receive your copy of DOCFORM?  Be as specific as

     possible (e.g.  The Joe Bloggs BBS, (123) 456-7890)





     Rate DOCFORM's documentation:


             Clarity:      ()Excellent  ()Very Good  ()Good  ()Fair  ()Poor

             Completeness: ()Excellent  ()Very Good  ()Good  ()Fair  ()Poor


     What, if anything, would you do to improve the documentation?





     Rate the DOCFORM program itself:


             Usefulness:   ()Excellent  ()Very Good  ()Good  ()Fair  ()Poor

             Ease of use:  ()Excellent  ()Very Good  ()Good  ()Fair  ()Poor

             Power:        ()Excellent  ()Very Good  ()Good  ()Fair  ()Poor

             Look & feel:  ()Excellent  ()Very Good  ()Good  ()Fair  ()Poor



     What, if anything, would you do to improve DOCFORM?






                                     - 1 -
     DOCFORM Comment Form
                                                                Scott Pakin

     Additional comments:







     Would you like a reply to this letter?    Yes    No



     Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form.  I will consider

     all user comments in future releases of DOCFORM and, where

     applicable, in other programs I write.





     Scott Pakin

     6007 N. Sheridan Rd.

     Chicago, IL   60660

                                     - 2 -


                              DirPRN by JJO


     DirPRN may be invoked from the DOS prompt or from within a batch
     file (see below) to secure disk or directory files listings, sort
     them (optional) and print them (always).

     If no printer options are selected, DirPRN defaults to Epson and
     should be compatible with most printers.


     Syntax: DIRPRN [?][pathspec] [options]

     Parameters: [] optional and <> required, where a parameter is a
     character or a string (no spaces). Parameter sets must be separated
     by one or more spaces where so shown above.

                              Parameter List

     ? means display this file (/? is also acceptable).

     Pathspec is the disk or directory to search; e. g: a:\ or c:\DOS.
        If pathspec is omitted, the current directory is used.

     Options, one or more of (any order and case);
        /B    forces black & white display.
        /C    centers header and date.
        /D    inserts date.
        /H:c  sets header style (c = (S)tandard, (H)igh or (W)ide).
        /L:n  sets line spacing (n = 6, 4 or 8 lpi).
        /M:n  sets margin (n = 0..10).
        /N    insert page numbers.
        /P:n  chooses printer port (n = 1..2).
        /Q:c  sets print quality (c = (D)raft, (E)mphasized or (L)etter).
        /S:c  sort criteria (c = (N)ame, (E)xtension, (D)ate or (S)ize).
        /S:pc p is optional prefix for c (p = (A)ll directory entries)
              where default (no prefix) is files, only.
        /T:c  sets text style (c = (P)ica, (E)lite or (C)ompressed).
        /U:c  selects printer (c = (E)pson, (D)ataproducts or (I)BM).
              The defaults are listed first.
              If H, L, Q or T are specified for other than an Epson (or
              clone), then enter a printer code.


     If there are command line errors or the specified printer is
     unavailable, DirPRN halts with an error message. Error messages are
     beeped and left on the screen when DirPRN terminates.

     If a header style is specified, it only affects printing of the
     directory name (header). If centering is specified, only the header
     and date are centered.

     This file may be printed via MerPRN or by typing at the DOS prompt


     DirPRN is designed for execution from within a batch file. When so
     used, test for an error code returned by DirPRN and, if found, stop
     batch execution until the problem is cleared. This can be done by
     inserting a line like this after each call to DirPRN:

                          IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO Error

     where "Error" can be any line(s) which cause the batch process to
     terminate. See the sample batch file DirEx.Bat.



     DOCFORM Documentation
                                                                Scott Pakin



                                 by Scott Pakin



     DOCFORM is a formatter program that makes it easy to generate well

     formatted program documentation with boldface print, underlined print,

     margins, double or triple spacing, headers, and footers.

     Documentation formatted with DOCFORM will print correctly on almost

     every printer.



     How to use these instructions


     <Enter> refers to the <Enter> or <Return> key on your keyboard.

     "Enter" means type the underlined text that follows and press <Enter>.

     "Ctrl-some letter" means hold down the <Ctrl> key and tap the letter

     that follows.



     How to use DOCFORM


     First, use a text editor or a word processor that can save files in

     ASCII format to create the text file you would like formatted.  Enter

     no more than 80 characters per line, or less if you are going to have

     a left margin.  For example, this document was written with 70

     characters per line and formatted with a left margin of 5, which gives

     it a right margin of 5, for a total of 80 characters.


     To have a word printed in boldface, insert a Ctrl-B before the first

     and after the last character to appear in boldface.  To have a word

     underlined, do the same thing, but replace Ctrl-B with Ctrl-U.


     The way to enter control characters varies from editor to editor.  For

     example, with some editors, you can enter control codes directly.  In

     others, such as Borland's SideKick, you have to enter Ctrl-P before

     entering the control character.


     After you have created the text file, use DOCFORM to format it.

     Enter DOCFORM at the DOS prompt.  You should see a screen with a

     column of choices on the left side:



     |                                                                    |

     | >Files                                                             |

     |  Format                                                            |

     |  Headers                                                           |

     |  Footers                                                           |

     |  Execute                                                           |

     |                                                                    |


                                     - 1 -
     DOCFORM Documentation
                                                                Scott Pakin


            Files lets you specify the input and output files.

            Format lets you set the left margin and the line spacing.

            Headers lets you set one or two headers.

            Footers lets you set one or two footers.

            Execute formats the input file into the output file.


     The instructions at the bottom of the screen tell you how to move the

     cursor:  the up and down arrow keys move the cursor up and down;  the

     <Enter> key selects an option;  the <Esc> key moves back to the

     previous menu or exits the program from the main menu.



     DOCFORM tutorial


     Practice using DOCFORM with the document DOCFORM.ASC.  Enter

     DOCFORM at the DOS prompt.  DOCFORM starts with the cursor already

     on the Files line, so just press <Enter>.  A submenu appears beneath

     the word "Files."  Press <Enter> again.  The cursor goes to the end of

     the line "Input file name:."  Enter DOCFORM.ASC.  Now, press the

     down arrow key and <Enter>.  For the output filename, enter

     DOCFORM.TST.  Your screen should look something like the following:



     |                                                                    |

     |  Files                                                             |

     |      Input file name:  DOCFORM.ASC                                 |

     |     >Output file name: DOCFORM.TST                                 |

     |  Format                                                            |

     |  Headers                                                           |

     |  Footers                                                           |

     |  Execute                                                           |

     |                                                                    |



     Press <Esc> to close the Files submenu.  Move the cursor down to the

     Format line.  Press <Enter>.  The submenu that appears lets you change

     the left margin and the spacing.  Press <Enter>.  Enter 0 (zero) to

     choose no left margin.  Your screen should look like this:



     |                                                                    |

     |  Files                                                             |

     |  Format                                                            |

     |     >Left margin: 0                                                |

     |      Spacing:     1                                                |

     |  Headers                                                           |

     |  Footers                                                           |

     |  Execute                                                           |

     |                                                                    |


                                     - 2 -
     DOCFORM Documentation
                                                                Scott Pakin


     Press <Esc> to go back to the main menu.  Move the cursor down to the

     Headers line.  Press <Enter>.  The Headers submenu lets you enter one

     or two headers that will appear on the top of every page.  Move the

     cursor down to the line that says "Message #1" and press <Enter>.

     Enter DOCFORM test by (your name here).  You needn't enter a second

     header, so just press <Esc>.



     |                                                                    |

     |  Files                                                             |

     |  Format                                                            |

     |  Headers                                                           |

     |      Location #1: [Left]                                           |

     |     >Message #1:  DOCFORM test by Scott Pakin                      |

     |      Location #2: [Right]                                          |

     |      Message #2:                                                   |

     |  Footers                                                           |

     |  Execute                                                           |

     |                                                                    |



     Move the cursor down to the Footers line and press <Enter>.  The

     Footers submenu works just like the Headers submenu.  First, change

     the location of the first footer from "Center" to "Left."  Press

     <Enter>.  The cursor is already on "Left," so just press <Enter>.



     |                                                                    |

     |  Files                                                             |

     |  Format                                                            |

     |  Headers                                                           |

     |  Footers                                                           |

     |      Location #1: [Center]                                         |

     |          >Left                                                     |

     |           Right                                                    |

     |           Center                                                   |

     |      Message #1:                                                   |

     |      Location #2: [Right]                                          |

     |      Message #2:                                                   |

     |  Execute                                                           |

     |                                                                    |



     Move the cursor down to "Message #1" and press <Enter>.  Enter the

     date.  Move the cursor down to "Message #2" and press <Enter>.  Enter

     Page #@.  (The "@" represents the current page number.)  Press



                                     - 3 -
     DOCFORM Documentation
                                                                Scott Pakin


     |                                                                    |

     |  Files                                                             |

     |  Format                                                            |

     |  Headers                                                           |

     |  Footers                                                           |

     |      Location #1: [Left]                                           |

     |      Message #1:  December 28, 1987                                |

     |      Location #2: [Right]                                          |

     |     >Message #2:  Page #@                                          |

     |  Execute                                                           |

     |                                                                    |



     The Execute line has no submenus.  When you press <Enter> on it, the

     computer begins formatting the document.  Move the cursor to the word

     "Execute" and press <Enter>.  A window containing the file being

     formatted appears and shows which line the computer is currently




     |                                                                    |

     |  Files                            +----------------------------+   |

     |  Format                           | DOCFORM is a formatter pro |   |

     |  Headers                          | formatted program document |   |

     |  Footers                          | margins, double or triple  |   |

     |  Execute                          +----------------------------+   |

     |                                                                    |



     When the file is formatted, press <Esc> to return to the main menu.

     To exit DOCFORM, press <Esc> one final time.


     You should have a file called DOCFORM.TST on your disk.  This file

     contains the printable boldface, underline, etc.  To print

     DOCFORM.TST, enter a print command such as COPY DOCFORM.TST LPT1: or

     PRINT DOCFORM.TST at the DOS prompt.



                                     - 4 -
     DOCFORM Documentation
                                                                Scott Pakin

     Menu structure


     Here are all the lines with their submenus opened:


                 Input file name:

                 Output file name:


                 Left margin: 5

                 Spacing:     1


                 Location #1: [Left]




                 Message #1:

                 Location #2: [Right]




                 Message #2:


                 Location #1: [Center]




                 Message #1:

                 Location #2: [Right]




                 Message #2:




     Other things you should know


     For "Output file name," you can enter LPT1: to have the output go

     directly to a printer instead of a file.


     Boldface and underlining can stretch across lines.  That is, an ending

     Ctrl-B, for example, can appear a few lines after a starting Ctrl-B.


     Words can be both boldface and underlined.  Example:

                     This is bold 
                     This is bold.

                     This is underlined.

                     This is both bold and underlined 
                     This is both bold and underlined.


     You can terminate document formatting prematurely by pressing <Esc>.

     You will probably have to press <Esc> a number of times in quick

     succession before it works.  The message "Execution cancelled" will

                                     - 5 -
     DOCFORM Documentation
                                                                Scott Pakin

     appear when the computer recognizes the <Esc> and stops formatting.

     Your output file will be formatted up to the point you pressed <Esc>.


     Hard (forced) page breaks can be entered by placing a Ctrl-L on its

     own line or at the end of another line.


     Boldprint doesn't work on the HP LaserJet printers, and I suspect it

     doesn't work on most other non-impact printers, either.


     To make your documents as universally printable as possible, follow

     these rules:

          * Don't use tabs (ASCII code 9) because some printers, such as

            the HP LaserJet, ignore them.  Instead, space over to the

            desired position.

          * Don't use the PC's graphics characters (ASCII codes 127-255) or

            unprintable characters (ASCII codes 0-31) because most printers

            are unable to print them.  However, the following unprintable

            characters are legal:  Ctrl-B (bold), Ctrl-U (underline),

            Ctrl-M (carriage return), Ctrl-L (form feed), and Ctrl-H


          * Don't put more than 80 characters on a line.  Most printers

            default to 80 characters per line (10-pitch pica).



     How DOCFORM works


     DOCFORM is able to function properly on so many different printers

     because it uses a generic formatting technique instead of sending

     printer escape codes, which are specific to a particular printer.  To

     accomplish underlining, DOCFORM backspaces the printer and prints

     the underline character (ASCII code 95) over the words to be

     underlined.  Boldface is accomplished similarly.  Instead of printing

     underlines, the printer backspaces and overstrikes the original

     characters.  In short, DOCFORM prints boldface and underlining the

     same way a typewriter does.



                                     - 6 -
     DOCFORM Documentation
                                                                Scott Pakin

     Does it cost anything to use DOCFORM?


     No.  DOCFORM is in the Public Domain.  However, I would greatly

     appreciate it if you gave me credit for DOCFORM in any documents you

     produce using it.  Also, if you do use DOCFORM for your documents --

     and I hope you do -- please send me a friendly letter to tell me that

     my programs are being put to good use (see below).




     Scott Pakin

     6007 N. Sheridan Rd.

     Chicago, IL  60660


     (Don't hesitate to write; I like to know that people are actually

     using my programs.)

                                     - 7 -


Disk No: 1299
PC-SIG version: 1

Make your printer serve you better with this collection of utilities.
There's even a game thrown in for fun!

DIRPRN prints a disk directory sorted in various ways to make it easy to
find a file.  ENVPRN turns your computer into an electric typewriter for
quickly dashing off addresses on an envelope in a variety of fonts.
LABPRN works similarly but is specifically formatted to handle labels,
such as for binders/drawers.  MERPRN merges several separate text files
into one formatted printed text.  SETPRN sets the printer parameters
prior to using a print spooler.  XTRPRN extracts and prints call
declarations and comments from Turbo Pascal source files.

All the programs let you select the print quality, text style, margin
width, page numbering, printer port, and line spacing.  They can be
added as batch files to run whenever needed.

COLORE lets you choose the colors your monitor will display when
your system first boots-up.  You can select from 16 different colors for
the foreground, background, and border of your monitor.

SURVIVAL is a game that requires quick reflexes.  With a boxing glove
you must punch monsters before they descend to the bottom of the screen,
sending them back to the top.

LABEL computerizes your personal address/telephone directory for easy
reference and printing of reports and labels.  Menu options let you
print: address labels (using standard 15/16" by 3-1/2" wide labels),
list of all records (done with two entries side-by-side on 8-1/2" by 11"
paper), telephone list (only those records with a telephone number are
printed), and individual records you select.  Handles both three and
four line addresses, automatically suppressing blank lines.

DOCFORM lets you add printing instructions to any text file to
specify boldface print, underlined print, margins, double or triple
spacing, headers, and footers--which then print correctly on
almost every printer.

Usage:  DOS Utilities/Entertainment.

Special Requirements:  DataProducts DP8070, Epson MX/FX, IBM Proprinter
or compatible printer, a color monitor (except DOCFORM), and a second
printer connected to the first printer port (PRN).

How to Start:  Type GO (press enter).

Suggested Registration: $20.00 for LABEL

File Descriptions:

DIREX    BAT  Sample batch file for DIRPRN.
DIRPRN   EXE  DIRPRN, main program.
DIRPRN   TXT  Documentation for DIRPRN.
ENVPRN   EXE  ENVPRN, main program.
LABPRN   EXE  LABPRN, main program.
PRNSUITE DOC  File descriptions.
MEREX    BAT  Sample batch file for MERPRN.
MERPRN   EXE  MERPRN, main program.
MERPRN   TXT  Documentation for MERPRN.
SETEX    BAT  Sample batch file for SETPRN.
SETPRN   EXE  SETPRN, main program.
SETPRN   TXT  Documentation for SETPRN.
XTREX    BAT  Sample batch file for XTRPRN.
XTRPRN   EXE  XTRPRN, main program.
XTRPRN   TXT  Documentation for XTRPRN.
COLOR    BAT  Batch file to start up colors.
COLOR    DOS  Sample color file.
COLORE   EXE  Color menu.
CONFIG   SYS  Sample configuration file.
PCGREF   EXE  Run-time routines.
READ     ME   Documentation.
LABEL    EXE  Program file.
LABEL    FLE  Data File.
READ     ME2  Manual.
READ     ME3  Short description.
DOCFORM  DOC  Documentation, formatted by DOCFORM.
COMMENT  DOC  User comment form.
DOCFORM  COM  Main program.
DOCFORM  ASC  Documentation, unformatted.

1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale CA 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.


║                <<<<  Disk No 1299 Utilties Galore  >>>>                 ║
║ To print the documentation for the programs, type:                      ║
║                                                                         ║
║             MANUAL (press enter)                                        ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To run any of the programs on this disk, simply type in the name      ║
║   of the program you wish to run then press the ENTER key. For          ║
║   example, to run LABEL you would type:                                 ║
║                                                                         ║
║             LABEL (press enter)                                         ║
║                                                                         ║


                              MerPRN by JJO


     MerPRN may be invoked from the DOS prompt or from within a batch
     file (see below) to merge and print an unformatted text file pair: a
     base (target) file and its associated header. The header file
     typically contains descriptive text which complements the base and
     must have the same filename, with .Hdr as its extension.

     If no printer options are selected, MerPRN defaults to Epson and
     should be compatible with most printers.


     Syntax: MERPRN [?] <filespec> [options]

     Parameters: [] optional and <> required, where a parameter is a
     character or a string (no spaces). Parameter sets must be separated
     by one or more spaces where so shown above.

                              Parameter List

     ? means display this file (/? is also acceptable).

     Filespec is the target file (and its path); e. g: c:\Any\File.Ext.
        If a file with the same name and extension of .Hdr exists, it
        will be printed first as the header for the target file. If not
        present, the target file title is used as the header.

     Options, one or more of (any order and case);
        /B    forces black & white display.
        /C    centers header and date.
        /D    inserts date after the header.
        /H:c  sets header style (c = (S)tandard, (H)igh or (W)ide).
        /L:n  sets line spacing (n = 6, 4 or 8 lpi).
        /M:n  sets margin (n = 0..10).
        /N    causes pages to be numbered.
        /P:n  chooses printer port (n = 1..2).
        /Q:c  sets print quality (c = (D)raft, (E)mphasized or (L)etter).
        /T:c  sets type style (c = (P)ica, (E)lite or (C)ompressed).
        /U:c  selects printer (c = (E)pson, (D)ataproducts or (I)BM).
              The defaults are listed first.
              If H, L, Q or T are specified for other than an Epson (or
                 clone), then enter a printer code.


     If there are command line errors or the specified target file and/or
     printer is/are unavailable, MerPRN halts with an error message.
     Error messages are beeped and left on the screen when MerPRN

     If a header style is specified, it only affects printing of the
     header file or default header. If centering is specified, only the
     header and date are centered.

     This file may be printed with MerPRN or by typing at the DOS prompt


     MerPRN is designed for execution from within a batch file. When so
     used, test for an error code returned by MerPRN and, if found, stop
     batch execution until the problem is cleared. This can be done by
     inserting a line like this after each call to MerPRN:

                          IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO Error

     where "Error" can be any line(s) which cause the batch process to
     terminate. See the sample batch file MerEx.Bat.



                           PRNSuite by JJO Software

                                   Release 1


     PRNSuite is a set of related print utilities with a common user
     interface. It consists of the following programs (.Exe), related
     information (.Txt) and sample batch files (.Bat):

     DirPRN (v1.2) - prints directory contents sorted (optional) in
     various ways. See DirPRN.Txt and DirEx.Bat. Type DIRPRN ? for syntax.

     EnvPRN (v1.5) - prints various type styles for addressing envelopes.
     Interactive, type ENVPRN to run.

     LabPRN (v1.3) - prints various type styles for binder/drawer labels.
     Interactive, type LABPRN to run.

     MerPRN (v1.3) - prints a merged set of related text files. See
     MerPRN.Txt and MerEx.Bat. Type MERPRN ? for syntax.

     SetPRN (v1.3) - sets a printer for print spooling. See SetPRN.Txt and
     SetEx.Bat. Type SETPRN ? for syntax.

     XtrPRN (v1.7) - extracts and prints call declarations and comments
     (optional) from Turbo Pascal source files. See XtrPRN.Txt and
     XtrEx.Bat. Type XTRPRN ? for syntax.

     The information (.Txt) files must be in the current directory or a
     \Print directory to be viewed (via ?) from within the programs. The
     interactive programs are self-contained; i.e., have no information
     files. The information files may be printed via MerPRN or by typing
     at the DOS prompt TYPE Filename.Ext > PRN.

     For best results on CGA systems with monochrome monitors, use the /B
     parameter with all of the programs to force black and white operation.


     System: Any member of the IBM PC or PS/2 family, or compatible.

     Memory: 64 kb over and above DOS and any resident programs should be

     Video: XWord does not require graphics and has been run in both color
     and monochrome on IBM and Tandy VGA, EGA, CGA and MDA systems.

     Printer: DataProducts DP8070, Epson MX/FX and IBM Pro, or equivalents,
     are supported in all respects. The printer defaults are compatible
     with most Epson-like printers so no parameters need be supplied.


     Refer to documentation for the individual programs. What is to be
     implemented, if anything, will be determined via feedback from
     registered users.


     Written communications from all users will be accepted and answered.
     However, registered users will be given a daytime phone number which
     may be used for discussing upgrades and for technical support.
     Registered users are to receive at least one upgrade, not including
     bug fixes (if needed). To register, send a $20 check or money order

                                  JJO Software
                               174 Westover Court
                                Delran, NJ 08075



                              SetPRN by JJO


     SetPRN is intended to be called from a batch file (see below) to
     set printer parameters prior to calling a print spooler. SetPRN
     always sets the printer's perforation skip function to 5 lines.

     If no printer options are selected, SetPRN defaults to Epson and
     should be compatible with most printers.


     Syntax: SETPRN [?][options]

     Parameters: [] optional and <> required, where a parameter is a
     character or a string (no spaces). Parameters must be separated
     by one or more spaces where so shown above.

                              Parameter List

     ? means display this file (/? is also acceptable).

     Options, one or more of (any order and case);
        /B    forces black & white display.
        /L:n  sets line spacing (n = 6, 4 or 8 lpi).
        /M:n  sets margin (n = 0..10).
        /P:n  chooses printer port (n = 1..2).
        /Q:c  sets print quality (c = (D)raft, (E)mphasized or (L)etter).
        /T:c  sets type style (c = (P)ica, (E)lite or (C)ompressed).
        /U:c  selects printer (c = (E)pson, (D)ataproducts or (I)BM.
              The defaults are listed first.
              If M, Q or T are used for other than an Epson (or clone)
                 then enter printer code.


     If there are command line errors or the specified printer is
     unavailable, SetPRN will halt with an error message. Error messages
     are beeped and left on the screen when SetPRN terminates.

     Planned upgrades include automatic generation of the print spooler
     command line from file and option parameters supplied to SetPRN.

     This file amy be printed via MerPRN or by typing at the DOS prompt


     SetPRN is designed for execution from within a batch file; hence,
     test for an error code returned by SetPRN and, if found, stop batch
     execution until the problem is cleared. This can be done by
     inserting a line like this after each call to SetPRN:

                          IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO Error

     where "Error" can be any line(s) which cause the batch process to
     terminate. See the sample batch file SetEx.Bat.



                              XtrPRN by JJO


     XtrPRN may be invoked from the DOS prompt or from within a batch
     file (see below) to extract and print subroutine calls and comments
     (optional) from Turbo Pascal source files.

     If no printer options are selected, XtrPRN defaults to Epson and
     should be compatible with most printers.


     Syntax: XTRPRN [?] <filespec> [options]

     Parameters: [] optional and <> required, where a parameter is a
     character or a string (no spaces). Parameter sets must be separated
     by one or more spaces where so shown above.

                              Parameter List

     ? means display this file (/? is also acceptable).

     Filespec is the target file (and its path); e. g: c:\Pascal\Test.Pas.

     Options, one or more of (any order and case);
        /B    forces black & white display.
        /C    centers header and date.
        /D    inserts date after header.
        /H:c  sets header style (c = (S)tandard, (H)igh or (W)ide).
        /L:n  sets line spacing (n = 6, 4 or 8 lpi).
        /M:n  sets margin (n = 0..10).
        /N    insert page numbers.
        /P:n  chooses printer port (n = 1..2).
        /Q:c  sets print quality (c = (D)raft, (E)mphasized or (L)etter).
        /T:c  sets type style (c = (P)ica, (E)lite or (C)ompressed).
        /U:c  selects printer (c = (E)pson, (D)ataproducts or (I)BM).
        /V    include compiler directives and comments.
              The defaults are listed first.
              If H, L, Q or T are specified for other than an Epson (or
                 clone), then enter a printer code.


     If there are command line errors or the specified target file and/or
     printer is/are unavailable, XtrPRN halts with an error message.
     Error messages are beeped and left on the screen when XtrPRN

     If a header style is specified, it only affects printing of the
     file name (header). If centering is specified, only the header and
     date are centered.

     This file may be printed via MerPRN or by typing at the DOS prompt


     XtrPRN is designed for execution from within a batch file. When so
     used, test for an error code returned by XtrPRN and, if found, stop
     batch execution until the problem is cleared. This can be done by
     inserting a line like this after each call to XtrPRN:

                          IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO Error

     where "Error" can be any line(s) which cause the batch process to
     terminate. See the sample batch file XtrEx.Bat.


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1299

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

COLOR    BAT        44   2-02-88   8:15a
COLOR    DOS       128   2-02-88   4:00p
COLORE   EXE      3869   2-02-88   3:57p
COMMENT  DOC      3534  12-12-87   4:36p
CONFIG   SYS        17   2-02-88   8:10a
DIREX    BAT       520   2-13-88   7:07p
DIRPRN   EXE     25072   2-13-88   7:07p
DIRPRN   TXT      2921   2-13-88   7:07p
DOCFORM  ASC     14309  12-29-87   8:29p
DOCFORM  COM     21419  12-12-87   4:10p
DOCFORM  DOC     20489  12-12-87   4:12p
ENVPRN   EXE     14768   2-13-88   7:07p
FILE1299 TXT      3620   2-23-89  12:55p
GO       BAT        38  10-19-87   3:56p
GO       TXT      1079   2-21-89   9:54a
LABEL    EXE     32296   1-14-88  10:34p
LABEL    FLE       528   1-14-88  10:34p
LABPRN   EXE     13248   2-13-88   7:07p
MANUAL   BAT       179   1-12-89  10:03a
MEREX    BAT       505   2-13-88   7:07p
MERPRN   EXE     19488   2-13-88   7:07p
MERPRN   TXT      3087   2-13-88   7:07p
PCGREF   EXE     31744   5-07-82  12:00p
PRNSUITE BAT       198   2-13-88   7:07p
PRNSUITE DOC      2994   2-13-88   7:07p
READ     ME       1846   2-02-88   4:34p
READ     ME2     12285   1-14-88  10:35p
READ     ME3       971  12-12-87   5:02p
SETEX    BAT      1015   2-13-88   7:07p
SETPRN   EXE     18160   2-13-88   7:07p
SETPRN   TXT      2368   2-13-88   7:07p
SURVIVAL EXE      3629  12-05-87   4:46p
XTREX    BAT       509   2-13-88   7:07p
XTRPRN   EXE     20896   2-13-88   7:07p
XTRPRN   TXT      2760   2-13-88   7:07p
       35 file(s)     280533 bytes
                       24576 bytes free