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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1293)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


GAMESCAPE is the fantastic program that allows you to design and
distribute your own adventure games!  GAMESCAPE is a powerful "adventure
engine" that allows you to describe locations and rooms, objects,
recognizable words, messages, and occurrences that happen within the
game.  You can also include sound, music, and any of the standard IBM
special graphics characters!  GAMESCAPE encodes information so your game
secrets cannot be deciphered by end users, and allows games to be
"linked" so your adventures can be of any length.

Once the game is finished, registered users are allowed to distribute
the games without worrying about any kind of distribution fee--the
initial registration is all that's required!

RINGWIELDER is an incredible non-computer role-playing game that
features the worlds of both fantasy and science fiction!  The full set
of rules is included on this disk in text form.

In a "role-playing game," you take on the characteristics of someone (or
something) from the realm of fantasy or science fiction and play the
game as if you are that character.  While RINGWIELDER uses both the
worlds of fantasy and science, the occult and extreme violence so
prevalent in other games are ommitted.  This provides a viable
alternative to those who are offended by such things.

RINGWIELDER is easy to play and fast-moving.  The rules are easy to
understand, but interesting enough to hold the interest of even the most
advanced gamer.  The entire rule section is contained within this disk,
along with an offer to obtain the official, hard-bound collectors-item
book and club membership!

MAROONED AGAIN is not your standard text adventure.  It's logical.  It
tells you this every time you try to do something illogical.  The basic
plot:  You are marooned on an alien planet with a broken spaceship and a
bunch of retarded clones who can only respond to two-word commands.
There is hope however!  Also on this planet is an alien spaceship that
can be made to work with some minor repairs.  All you have to do is use
the clones to fix the alien ship, and take off.

MAROONED AGAIN is lots of fun, and does not bear the irritating
"irrational" nature found in so many adventure games.  This game has
been highly acclaimed by our users, so much so that it even has a

The classical game of WORMS with nothing special added--except blinding
speed. The speed level is adjustable from very easy to absolutely
impossible. This makes it more fun to play than previously existing
games which typically offered only one speed level. This game uses
joystick or keyboard input.

GIANT SPACE SLUG is excellent for building eye-hand coordination,
especially among children. It utilizes all four directions of the
screen, not just the typical back-and-forth motion of most arcade-type
games. This game has been most popular among parents wanting good games
for their children. It works on monochrome as well as color monitors.


Disk No: 1293
Disk Title: GameScape, Space Slug, Marooned & Ring
PC-SIG Version: S1.3

Program Title: GameScape, Space Slug, Marooned & Ringwielder
Author Version: 3.2
Author Registration: Your choice
Special Requirements: None.

MAROONED AGAIN is a logical text adventure game.  The basic plot: You
are marooned on an alien planet with a broken spaceship and a bunch of
retarded clones who can only respond to two-word commands.  There is
hope however!  Also on this planet is an alien spaceship that can be
made to work with some minor repairs.  All you have to do is use the
clones to fix the alien ship and take off.  Simple.

GIANT SPACE SLUG is the classic arcade game of WORMS with nothing
special added -- except blinding speed.  The speed level is adjustable
from very easy to absolutely impossible.  Excellent for building
eye-hand coordination, especially among children, it uses all four
directions of the screen and allows for either joystick or keyboard

RINGWIELDER is a role-playing adventure game much the same as Dungeons
and Dragons.  You are aboard the starship Orion, designed to transport
millions of people to planets across the universe.  The Orion was built
using the principles of science and of Psycho-Manipulative Energy (PME),
a force that works like the magic of legends.  An accident occurred
during its launch and all animal and plant life was mutated.  The
colonists and crew were turned into characters from literature and
imagination.  They awaken with their old memories erased and new ones in
their place, facing a starship defense system that is definitely not

You, a survivor, will use science and the incredible ``magical'' forces
of PME to defend yourself and the people who rely on you to protect
them.  You must use logic, wits, and courage just to survive from day to

GAMESCAPE is an adventure interpreter that turns an adventure database
that you create into a ready-to-run game.  While the disk access takes a
tiny bit longer than a totally memory-resident system, it allows you to
write adventure games limited only by the size of your disk!

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.


║  Disk No: 1293 Gamescape, Giant Space Slug, Marooned Again, Ringwielder ║
║ To print the documentation for Gamescape, type:                         ║
║                    COPY SCAPE.DOC PRN (press enter)                     ║
║ Gamescape is archived, the documentation includes instructions for      ║
║     using the self-extracting program SCAPE.EXE.                        ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print the documentation for Giant Space Slug, type:                  ║
║                    COPY SLUG.DOC PRN (press enter)                      ║
║ To start Giant Space Slug, type: SLUG (press enter)                     ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print the documentation for Marooned Again, type:                    ║
║                    COPY MAROONED.DOC PRN (press enter)                  ║
║ To start Marooned Again, type: MAROONED (press enter)                   ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print the documentation for RingWielder, type:                       ║
║                    COPY RINGARC.DOC PRN (press enter)                   ║
║ RingWielder is archived, the documentation includes instructions for    ║
║     using the self-extracting program RINGARC.EXE.                      ║


                        MAROONED AGAIN ver 4.1
                  Copyright 1985,6,7,8,9 Dennis Drew. 

Marooned Again is a "user-supported" program.  Please feel free to copy it 
and give copies to your friends.  We feel this is one of the finest 
adventure games ever written.  If you like it, we ask that you send us 
whatever donation you feel is fair. You will then be a REGISTERED user, and 
we will send you a catalog of our other programs.  As a registered user, 
you may also call in for help if you get stuck.  You will also help us to 
have shoes for this winter... it's supposed to be really cold.  

If you do not wish to make a donation, please pass this program on to a 
friend.  We don't want you to even think about the shadowy form around here 
that seems to have taken a liking to us, or the terrible things it does to 
people who continue to use this program without making a donation; they 
don't even print that kind of thing in the newspaper.  Our company is 
supported entirely by your generosity.  Your donations help us to produce 
additional software.  Please send your donation to: Dennis Drew PO Box 101, 
Joplin, MO 64802. (417)781-4248 

                                  THE PLOT

You have crashed your ship on a hostile alien planet.  All is not lost, 
however. Your scanners have located a deserted alien ship!  Scanners show 
no life aboard. You figure the crew must have been killed by hostile native 
life forms.  But the ship is in perfect condition.  

You are acquainted with this particular type of vessel and know you must 
find several components to get it to blast off.  Because of your injuries 
you also know you would never survive the takeoff.  Fortunately, your ship 
has an extensive cloning section, and you are able to make several clones 
of yourself to search through the alien ship.  The clones, of course, have 
no thoughts of their own and must be controlled through telepathic link.  

Unfortunately, the telepatic link section was also damaged in the crash.  
The clones are all functioning, but your link with them is shaky at best.  
Upon testing them you discover a few commands in one or two words such as 
LOOK, GET CHAIR, GO DOOR, N,S,E,W,U,D (directions of travel) and you figure 
you'll discover the rest by trial and error.  

The clones must go aboard the alien vessel and find the components needed 
to lift off and go for help.  If they fail, you will die a slow and 
agonizing death aboard your own ship.  With hope in your heart, you send 
the first one out.  

                       HOW TO PLAY AN ADVENTURE GAME

This game is actually an intricate puzzle.  Get a piece of paper and a 
pencil.  It is ESSENTIAL you map your travels. This is an alien ship; 
corridors may twist and turn and you may find areas that teleport you to 
differnt locations without even telling you they have done so.  Remember: 
alien architects do not think like we do.  

The word INVENTORY (or I) will show you the components and items you have 
collected thus far.  There are many other commands available.  The object 
is to find out exactly what the others are!  

This game is not easy to solve.  In fact, you can expect to lose a number 
of clones while traveling through the ship.  It should take you between 10 
to 30 hours to complete the game.  When you do so, do not tell anyone how 
to do it. Any such clues spoil the game for the next one playing.  Don't 
let anyone give you clues either; once the game is completed, it's 
finished. The fun after that comes from watching your friends go nuts 
playing it.  

The main thing to remember is this: nearly everything you see has a 
purpose.  Subtle clues are placed all over. Even so, it will take you days 
to complete it.  The first person who tried it took two weeks.  When he was 
finished, he emerged from his room with a grin on his face and said, "Gaaa 
urk bleh...." 
He's still recuperating.

Despite any possible bias on my part, I feel that Marooned Again is the 
finest adventure game I have seen.  Many adventure games have you perform 
completely illogical or silly actions in order to complete the game, 
forcing you to become illogical and silly to win.  

Marooned Again is completely logical.  Everything you do and everything you 
see has a logical and understandable purpose behind it.  Of course, there 
are a couple of things thrown in to confuse you... but at least it's 
LOGICAL confusion.  
Enjoy, and remember: be PATIENT.  If you cannot solve it today, you may 
wake up with the answer tomorrow.  

TO RUN THE PROGRAM: Enter DOS in your usual manner.  Insert the program in 
the active disk drive.  Enter: MAROONED 


Yes!  I am sending you a really large and generous donation for your
program MAROONED AGAIN. Please file me as a registered user and send 
me a catalog (I'm enclosing a Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope). 

    On a scale of 1-10, I'd rate MAROONED a:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

NAME: _______________________________________________________________


CITY, ST ZIP:________________________________________________________

PHONE: (_______)________-_________________________

A TERRIFIC PLACE FOR PIZZA: _________________________________________
    (ya never know when ya need such information...)

I acquired this program from: _______________________________________

                          end of instructions


RINGARC.EXE            RINGWIELDER ver 1.1
    This is a SELF-EXTRACTING program.  In order to extract it, place 
RINGWLDR.EXE in drive A.  
    Even if you have only one floppy, the computer should prompt you to 
insert your destination diskette when required.  Make sure that if you are 
floppy based, your destination diskette is preformatted.  
                          HARD DRIVE USERS ENTER:   
         MD \RINGWLDR

RINGWIELDER is an incredible non-computer role playing game rule set.
It is the first (to our knowledge) TRY-THEN-BUY book.  See the manual 
itself for registration information.  To print out the rules, enter:
              COPY RINGWLDR.TXT PRN   after unarcing.


SCAPE.EXE            GAMESCAPE ver 3.2

                         ALL USERS!!! IMPORTANT!!!
    The following two lines (with the minimum configurations shown) must 
be in your CONFIG.SYS file on your DOS BOOT disk.  


    If you do not have a CONFIG.SYS file on your DOS BOOT disk, or if it 
does not contain at least the above specs, then you must update your 
CONFIG.SYS file so that it does. 
    If you are unsure about how to do this, contact your computer dealer.  
This computer file is a STANDARD requirement of most modern computer 
programs and should be present on every computer system.   If you don't 
have a computer dealer then send us a nice donation and we can help you 
with this.

    This is a SELF-EXTRACTING program.  In order to extract it, place 
SCAPE.EXE in drive A.  
    Even if you have only one floppy, the computer should prompt you to 
insert your destination diskette when required.  Make sure that if you are 
floppy based, your destination diskette is preformatted.  
                          HARD DRIVE USERS ENTER:   
         MD \GSCAPE
         SCAPE C:\GSCAPE

GAMESCAPE is an Adventure Engine that will let you write and distribute 
adventure games!  It is a shareware program; to register, send $59 to:
                Dennis Drew   PO Box 101   Joplin, MO  64802
    For more information, unarc and then enter  COPY FILENOTE.TXT PRN
then    COPY GSCAPE.DOC PRN     Enjoy!


                       GIANT SPACE SLUG ver 2.1
                   Copyright 1986,7,8,9 Dennis Drew

    GIANT SPACE SLUG is a "user-supported" program.  Please feel free to 
copy it and give copies to your friends.  If you like this game, we ask 
that you send us whatever donation you feel is proper.  You will then be a 
REGISTERED user, and we will send you a catalog of our other programs.  As 
a registered user, you may also call in for help and additional game hints 
that aren't in the instructions.  You will also help us avoid a case of 
frostbite and the black plague this winter.  
    Our company is supported entirely by your generosity.  Your donations 
help us to produce additional software.  Please send your donation to: 

       Dennis Drew   PO Box  101,  Joplin,  MO  64802.  (417)781-4248

Thank you.  
                                  THE PLOT 
    Hello.  I am a space slug.  I am an unabashed remake of the classic 
game Worms. Now I know everyone already has a Worms of his own out there, 
right?  You keep it beside your copies of Wumpus and Star Trek.  Then why 
am I included here?  Because the programmer is a fiend, that's why.  
    He wasn't satisfied with typical Worms.  He added sound in convenient 
places (big deal, right?).  Well, he also made me somewhat faster. In fact, 
I am so fast, so fast (how fast are you?) that if you play me at top level, 
you don't stand a chance (of course, we recommend playing on a lower level.  
The top level is there for masochists only).  That's how fast. That's why 
I'm here. You are about to play one of the fastest games you've ever seen 
    Oh, one little thing: You are me.  That's right.  You are now a 
gruesome, ugly, slimy, putrescent slug roving about the universe looking 
for space ships to eat.  Use your four cursor (arrow) keys to guide your 
direction.  The screen will first of all show two shapes: the solid one is 
you, the other one is the ship you are to eat.  Two numbers will appear at 
the bottom of the screen.  The one on the left is your score.  The one on 
the right shows the time left remaining before the ship shifts position.  
    Try to eat the ship without hitting the deadly radiation belt or biting 
yourself.  You must not reverse your direction at any time.  Instead, you 
must make U-TURNS.  If you try to suddenly reverse your direction you will 
bite yourself and die.  
    Now, move your gross body out into the star field. You won't get to eat 
if you don't go to work.  
    Note from the author: I am truly sorry about the spaceships that get 
eaten by this game.  However, they were warned; this area was inhabited by 
space slugs.  It's their own fault.  Don't feel guilty; you're just 
appeasing your appetite.  

TO  RUN  THE PROGRAM:   Place the program diskette in the  active 
drive.  Enter:   SLUG


Yes!  I am sending you a really large and generous donation for your
program GIANT SPACE SLUG.  Please file me as a registered user and 
send me a catalog (I'm enclosing a Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope). 

       On a scale of 1-10, I'd rate SLUG a:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

NAME: _______________________________________________________________


CITY, ST ZIP:________________________________________________________

PHONE: (_______)________-_________________________

HOW TO GROW MONEY ON TREES: _________________________________________
             (hey, I figure that MAYBE somone knows!)

I acquired this program from: _______________________________________

                          end of instructions

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1293

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FILE1293 TXT      2265   3-22-90  12:58p
GO       BAT        38  10-19-88   9:17a
GO       TXT      1618   3-22-90  12:52p
MAROONED DOC      5730   1-04-90   4:34p
MAROONED EXE     49853   1-04-90   4:33p
RINGARC  DOC       817   2-25-89  12:58p
RINGARC  EXE     84235  12-29-89   3:36p
SCAPE    DOC      1608   2-05-90   6:29p
SCAPE    EXE    131170   2-05-90   6:34p
SCAPE    SIG      3275   3-22-90  12:05p
SLUG     DOC      3840   1-04-90   4:34p
SLUG     EXE     46788   1-04-90   4:35p
       12 file(s)     331237 bytes
                       24576 bytes free