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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1274)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “SHOWLOG”

SHOWLOG is for all of us who record movies and soaps off the air, but
then go crazy trying to keep track of them all!

Here is a complete system that not only prints out labels for your
collection of nameless black boxes but also helps you catalog them in a
database for easy retrieval.

Reports can be printed in a number of different sort orders containing
information such as title, speed, show time, tape address, star of
show, rating, category, producer, and more.  All information is
maintained in database format with an index for each sort order, thus
providing quick and easy retrieval.


Disk No: 1274                                                           
Disk Title: ShowLog                                                     
PC-SIG Version: S1.5                                                    
Program Title: ShowLog                                                  
Author Version: 3.3                                                     
Author Registration: $22.00                                             
Special Requirements: 360K RAM and CGA.                                 
SHOWLOG is for all of us who record movies and soaps off the air, but   
then go crazy trying to keep track of them all!                         
At last, here is a complete system that not only prints out labels for  
your collection of nameless black boxes but also helps you catalog them 
in a database so you can find them again!                               
SHOWLOG holds up to 9,999 entries.  You can print a catalog that shows  
everything in your collection, its location, the recording time left on 
each tape and the taping speed.                                         
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1274

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

SHOWLOG  DOC     61200   5-28-90   4:17p
SL       BAT       138   5-28-90   4:17p
HINSTAL  BAT      1184   5-28-90   4:17p
SHOWS    CFG     13385   5-28-90   4:17p
SHOWLOG  DBF       481   5-28-90   4:17p
TIMDAT   DBF       162   5-28-90   4:17p
SHOWLOG  DBT       512   5-28-90   4:17p
SHOWLOG  EXE    238352   5-28-90   4:17p
CATAG    FRM      1990   5-28-90   4:17p
CATALL   FRM      1990   5-28-90   4:17p
CATRPT   FRM      1990   5-28-90   4:17p
NUMORD   FRM      1990   5-28-90   4:17p
PRODORD  FRM      1990   5-28-90   4:17p
SHOWS    FRM      1990   5-28-90   4:17p
STARORD  FRM      1990   5-28-90   4:17p
TAPSUM   FRM      1990   5-28-90   4:17p
TITORD   FRM      1990   5-28-90   4:17p
SHOWS    LBL      1034   5-28-90   4:17p
CATNDX   NTX      2048   5-28-90   4:17p
IDNUM    NTX      2048   5-28-90   4:17p
PRODNDX  NTX      2048   5-28-90   4:17p
STARNDX  NTX      2048   5-28-90   4:17p
TITLE    NTX      2048   5-28-90   4:17p
FILE1274 TXT      1851   7-10-90   2:01p
GO       BAT       544   1-01-80   1:20a
       25 file(s)     346993 bytes
                        8192 bytes free