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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1269)

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Information about “HOGBEAR ADVENTURE GAME”

The next time you are walking, hear laughter, and notice a nearby
mansion, run for your life.  If the HOGBEAR lures you in, you have to
face him, a vampire, blue devils, killer bees, an ogre, a bear, pecking
falcons and other perils.

If you are swift, wiser than most, and persistent, you might even
overcome the snake and spider as you roam about the huge mansion.  As in
life, some games are unwinnable.  But there's hope.  This text
adventure/graphics game moves quickly when you learn the knack of
searching and gathering the tools and weapons you need.  Otherwise, you
lurch about from room to darkened room, stumbling toward certain doom in
an obscure mansion filled with deadly surprises.

An update of the classic game Castle, HOGBEAR is fun for all ages.  It
runs on both color and monochrome systems.


Disk No: 1269                                                           
Disk Title: Hogbear Adventure Game                                      
PC-SIG Version: S1.3                                                    
Program Title: Hogbear Adventure Game                                   
Author Version: 2.00                                                    
Author Registration: $10.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
The next time you are walking, hear laughter, and notice a nearby       
mansion, run for your life.  If the HOGBEAR lures you in, you have to   
face him, a vampire, blue devils, killer bees, an ogre, a bear, pecking 
falcons and other perils.                                               
If you are swift, wiser than most, and persistent, you might even       
overcome the snake and spider as you roam about the huge mansion.  As in
life, some games are unwinnable.  But there's hope.  This text          
adventure/graphics game moves quickly when you learn the knack of       
searching and gathering the tools and weapons you need.  Otherwise, you 
lurch about from room to darken room, stumbling toward certain doom in  
an obscure mansion filled with deadly surprises.                        
An update of the classic game CASTLE, HOGBEAR is fun for all ages.  It  
runs on both color and monochrome systems.                              
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989, 1990 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


         Files on HOGBEAR.EXE:
         HOGBEAR.PIC : only picture ever taken of dreaded 
                       HOGBEAR: used by game
         END.PIC : Your reward for winning the game (suitable for 
         HOGBEAR.EXE : The game itself. Be sure all files (except 
                       ARTICLE.EXE )are in directory with game.
         HOGBRARC.EXE : The entire set of files in self-extracting
                        archive form for placement on a bulliten
         READBEAR.1ST : Short documentation for game, and more
                        detailed description of files.
         MANUAL.DOC:	Instructions for play. 
         H1-SB2-SB3.SCR : A Short commercial from the authors
         HF-HH.SCR    : Your pictorial introduction to HOGBEAR
         NAM.SCR      : Enter and sign in please
         NP-OP.SCR    : The welcome mat for old or new players
         HA.SCR       : The HOGBEAR gets the last laugh

              Hogbear is an adventure game fashioned after the 
         game of CASTLE.  We have added what we feel are 
         interesting twists to the game.  The monsters can be 
         reincarneted at random.  If you quit the game without 
         saving it, when you restart the game all the treasures 
         and weapons needed to kill the monsters are relocated in 
         the rooms (the furniture is left, just the ARTICALS are 
         moved).  This can lead to an unwinnable game (Maybe), if 
         the weapon and monster end up in the same room.  If you 
         are fast enough you might win.  Then again you might 
                Hogbear creates and destroys a file on the disk with 
         the extension of <.FIL> ie-<FILENAME.FIL>. Be sure to 
         install Hogbear on its own disk or sub-directory as any 
         files with the extension of .FIL on Hogbear's disk or 
         directory will be destroyed also. 

              We have tested the game for several months using 
         many testors.  We realize that try as we might we may 
         have left some unforseen anomolies in the game.  If you 
         find a strange or unusual occurence (BUG!!!) while 
         playing the game leave a message on COMPUSERV  
         73377,1345 or GENIE k.seal.  

         Please feel free to place this game , The file HOGBEAR.ARC, 
         on any bulletin board where you feel others will copy it 
         and enjoy it.  

         Thanx a bunch for all your help and GET THE HOGBEAR !!!
               KEN and DAVE  The original HOGBEARS

                      HOGBEAR Software Inc.
                           P.O. Box 152
                      Lumberton, NC 28359-0152



The next time you are walking, hear laughter, and notice a nearby
mansion, flee for your life.  If the HOGBEAR lures you in, you have to
face him, a vampire, blue devils, killer bees, an oger, a bear, pecking
falcons and other perils.

If you are swift, wiser than most, and persistent, you might even
overcome the snake and spider as you roam about the huge mansion.  As in
life, some games are unwinnable.  But there's hope.  This text
adventure/graphics game moves quickly when you learn the knack of
searching and gathering the tools and weapons you need.  Otherwise, you
lurch about from room to darkling room, stumbling toward certain doom in
an obscure mansion filled with deadly surprises.

An update of the classic game CASTLE, HOGBEAR-2 is fun for all ages.  It
runs on both color and monochrome systems.

Usage:  Adventure Text/Graphics Game.

Special Requirements:  None.

Suggested Registration:  $10.00

File Descriptions:

END      PIC  Your reward if you win, suitable for framing.
HOGBEAR2 EXE  Main program.
HOGBEAR  PIC  Only picture ever taken of dreaded HOGBEAR.
READBEAR 1ST  Brief game description.
HOGBRARC EXE  Self-extracting Archived file of package.
FILEDESC TXT  Describes files.
*.SCR   (9 FILES) Screens used by HOGBEAR to get things started.


║                <<<<  Disk #1269 HOGBEAR ADVENTURE  >>>>                 ║
║  To start the program, type: HOGBEAR2  (press enter)                    ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To print the documenation, type: COPY MANUAL.DOC PRN (press enter)     ║


         Files on HOGBEAR.EXE:
         HOGBEAR.PIC : only picture ever taken of dreaded 
                       HOGBEAR: used by game
         END.PIC : Your reward for winning the game (suitable for 
         HOGBEAR.EXE : The game itself. Be sure all files (except 
                       ARTICLE.EXE )are in directory with game.
         HOGBRARC.EXE : The entire set of files in self-extracting
                        archive form for placement on a bulliten
         READBEAR.1ST : Short documentation for game, and more
                        detailed description of files.
         MANUAL.DOC:	Instructions for play. 
         H1-SB2-SB3.SCR : A Short commercial from the authors
         HF-HH.SCR    : Your pictorial introduction to HOGBEAR
         NAM.SCR      : Enter and sign in please
         NP-OP.SCR    : The welcome mat for old or new players
         HA.SCR       : The HOGBEAR gets the last laugh

              Hogbear is an adventure game fashioned after the 
         game of CASTLE.  We have added what we feel are 
         interesting twists to the game.  The monsters can be 
         reincarneted at random.  If you quit the game without 
         saving it, when you restart the game all the treasures 
         and weapons needed to kill the monsters are relocated in 
         the rooms (the furniture is left, just the ARTICALS are 
         moved).  This can lead to an unwinnable game (Maybe), if 
         the weapon and monster end up in the same room.  If you 
         are fast enough you might win.  Then again you might 
                Hogbear creates and destroys a file on the disk with 
         the extension of <.FIL> ie-<FILENAME.FIL>. Be sure to 
         install Hogbear on its own disk or sub-directory as any 
         files with the extension of .FIL on Hogbear's disk or 
         directory will be destroyed also. 

              We have tested the game for several months using 
         many testors.  We realize that try as we might we may 
         have left some unforseen anomolies in the game.  If you 
         find a strange or unusual occurence (BUG!!!) while 
         playing the game leave a message on COMPUSERV  
         73377,1345 or GENIE k.seal.  

         Please feel free to place this game , The file HOGBEAR.ARC, 
         on any bulletin board where you feel others will copy it 
         and enjoy it.  

         Thanx a bunch for all your help and GET THE HOGBEAR !!!
               KEN and DAVE  The original HOGBEARS

                      HOGBEAR Software Inc.
                           P.O. Box 152
                      Lumberton, NC 28359-0152



The next time you are walking, hear laughter, and notice a nearby
mansion, flee for your life.  If the HOGBEAR lures you in, you have to
face him, a vampire, blue devils, killer bees, an oger, a bear, pecking
falcons and other perils.

If you are swift, wiser than most, and persistent, you might even
overcome the snake and spider as you roam about the huge mansion.  As in
life, some games are unwinnable.  But there's hope.  This text
adventure/graphics game moves quickly when you learn the knack of
searching and gathering the tools and weapons you need.  Otherwise, you
lurch about from room to darkling room, stumbling toward certain doom in
an obscure mansion filled with deadly surprises.

An update of the classic game CASTLE, HOGBEAR-2 is fun for all ages.  It
runs on both color and monochrome systems.

Usage:  Adventure Text/Graphics Game.

Special Requirements:  None.

Suggested Registration:  $10.00

File Descriptions:

END      PIC  Your reward if you win, suitable for framing.
HOGBEAR2 EXE  Main program.
HOGBEAR  PIC  Only picture ever taken of dreaded HOGBEAR.
READBEAR 1ST  Brief game description.
HOGBRARC EXE  Self-extracting Archived file of package.
FILEDESC TXT  Describes files.
*.SCR   (9 FILES) Screens used by HOGBEAR to get things started.


                 A Game by Hogbear Software Inc

                           WARNING !!!

                          DESTROYED ALSO !!!!!                    

        The object of HOGBEAR is to find the "HOGBEAR", learn his secret, 
        and  discover  the secret of leaving the HOUSE of  HOGBEAR.   The 
        numeric  keypad is used to move throughout the house.  The  arrow 
        keys will move you in the direction they point (right, left,  up, 
        down).   The HOME, END, PgUp, PgDn keys will move you  diagonally 
        within the rooms.  As you progress through the various rooms  (38 
        at  last  reckoning) you need to look all around.  There  may  be 
        treasures, articals, or weapons hidden anywhere as well as hints, 
        which  are scattered around the house.  The function keys can  be 
        used  to collect the things you find in the house.   Be  careful, 
        you  are limited in how much you can carry.  If you  leave  
        something  in the house you may lose it. The F1 key will give  you  
        a reminder  of  the purpose of the keys, if you  forget.  Find  the 
        right object and you can easily carry twice as much.  

        F-1  HELP                                       
        F-2  INVENTORY                                                     
        F-3  GET                                        
        F-4  DROP                               
        F-5  LOOK                                       
        F-6  WALLS                                
        F-7  RESERVED                   
        F-8  RESERVED               
        F-9  SAVE                                       
        F-10 QUIT                               

        Some very nasty creatures have taken residence in HOGBEAR  MANOR.  
        They  can kill or maim you if you do not have the weapon to  
        dispatch  them.  If  you don't have any weapons, and  you  are  
        very quick,  you  can sometimes escape their clutches.  Some  of  
        them have  concocted  a vile potion which   allows them to  return  
        to life (and stop you dead in your tracks).  The only problem is  
        we don't know which ones or when they will reincarnate. 

        You can "SAVE" yourself, but if you "QUIT" and return things  may 
        not be as you remember them.  Not all games can be won, but  then 
        that's life.  Some parts of the manor may not be available to you 
        if  you  have  not registered with the HOGBEAR.   This  will  not 
        prevent  you from winning with the SHAREWARE VERSION.   Your  fun 
        will be greater if the HOGBEAR knows who you are.  

        A new feature we have added to HOGBEAR-2 is a SAVE as you play 
        mode.  With this feature you can save your status and continue 
        playing.  If you are killed at a later time, you do not have to 
        start at the beginning, but rather you start at the same place in 
        the game where you saved it.  If you restart the game after dying, 
        using this feature, and you are killed without saving the game 
        again, you will start at the beginning.  We feel it is a good idea 
        is to save your status periodically. 

        A second new feature is "SOUND OFF/ON".  With this feature you 
        can turn the sound off or on as you wish.  You simply type 
        SOUND OFF or SOUND ON, and it will mute or restore the game 
        The HOGBEAR has decided to take a more active role in your progress 
        through the manor.  From time to time he has the ability to take 
        away a weapon, or some other device, which could kill a monster.  
        He does not give any warning, and is totally unpredictable.  Good 
        luck, and save as you play.


                 A Game by Hogbear Software Inc

                           WARNING !!!

                          DESTROYED ALSO !!!!!                    

        The object of HOGBEAR is to find the "HOGBEAR", learn his secret, 
        and  discover  the secret of leaving the HOUSE of  HOGBEAR.   The 
        numeric  keypad is used to move throughout the house.  The  arrow 
        keys will move you in the direction they point (right, left,  up, 
        down).   The HOME, END, PgUp, PgDn keys will move you  diagonally 
        within the rooms.  As you progress through the various rooms  (38 
        at  last  reckoning) you need to look all around.  There  may  be 
        treasures, articals, or weapons hidden anywhere as well as hints, 
        which  are scattered around the house.  The function keys can  be 
        used  to collect the things you find in the house.   Be  careful, 
        you  are limited in how much you can carry.  If you  leave  
        something  in the house you may lose it. The F1 key will give  you  
        a reminder  of  the purpose of the keys, if you  forget.  Find  the 
        right object and you can easily carry twice as much.  

        F-1  HELP                                       
        F-2  INVENTORY                                                     
        F-3  GET                                        
        F-4  DROP                               
        F-5  LOOK                                       
        F-6  WALLS                                
        F-7  RESERVED                   
        F-8  RESERVED               
        F-9  SAVE                                       
        F-10 QUIT                               

        Some very nasty creatures have taken residence in HOGBEAR  MANOR.  
        They  can kill or maim you if you do not have the weapon to  
        dispatch  them.  If  you don't have any weapons, and  you  are  
        very quick,  you  can sometimes escape their clutches.  Some  of  
        them have  concocted  a vile potion which   allows them to  return  
        to life (and stop you dead in your tracks).  The only problem is  
        we don't know which ones or when they will reincarnate. 

        You can "SAVE" yourself, but if you "QUIT" and return things  may 
        not be as you remember them.  Not all games can be won, but  then 
        that's life.  Some parts of the manor may not be available to you 
        if  you  have  not registered with the HOGBEAR.   This  will  not 
        prevent  you from winning with the SHAREWARE VERSION.   Your  fun 
        will be greater if the HOGBEAR knows who you are.  

        A new feature we have added to HOGBEAR-2 is a SAVE as you play 
        mode.  With this feature you can save your status and continue 
        playing.  If you are killed at a later time, you do not have to 
        start at the beginning, but rather you start at the same place in 
        the game where you saved it.  If you restart the game after dying, 
        using this feature, and you are killed without saving the game 
        again, you will start at the beginning.  We feel it is a good idea 
        is to save your status periodically. 

        A second new feature is "SOUND OFF/ON".  With this feature you 
        can turn the sound off or on as you wish.  You simply type 
        SOUND OFF or SOUND ON, and it will mute or restore the game 
        The HOGBEAR has decided to take a more active role in your progress 
        through the manor.  From time to time he has the ability to take 
        away a weapon, or some other device, which could kill a monster.  
        He does not give any warning, and is totally unpredictable.  Good 
        luck, and save as you play.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1269

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

END      PIC     18008   2-14-89  10:58p
FILEDESC TXT      2808   4-18-90  10:37a
GAMEDESC TXT      1368   4-18-90   9:09a
H1       SCR      4007   4-18-90   8:43a
HA       SCR      4007   2-19-89   9:36p
HF       SCR      4007   4-18-90   7:51a
HH       SCR      4007   4-17-90   7:44p
HOGBEAR  ARC    127048   4-28-90  12:03p
HOGBEAR  PIC     16128   2-19-89   9:36p
HOGBEAR2 EXE    117454   4-18-90  10:32a
MANUAL   DOC      4207   2-16-90   9:22a
NAM      SCR      4007   2-19-89   9:36p
NP       SCR      4007   2-13-90   8:13a
OP       SCR      4007   2-13-90   8:08a
READBEAR 1ST      2790   4-18-90  10:41a
SB2      SCR      4007   4-28-90  11:53a
SB3      SCR      4007   2-14-90   8:36a
GO       BAT        38   5-15-90  11:21p
GO       TXT       540   5-15-90  11:20p
FILE1269 TXT      2227   5-18-90   3:16p
       20 file(s)     328679 bytes
                       26624 bytes free