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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1266)

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Information about “HOME MOVIE LIBRARIAN”

HOME MOVIE LIBRARIAN provides you with a database and catalog of your
home movies which can include movie titles, movie starting and ending
positions, and quality of the recording.  Another valuable feature is
the ability to list movies that have a certain cast character.  For
example, you could list all the movies that Eddie Murphy is in.  It
will print several types of reports sorted by title or tape number.

The program includes a partial listing of home video movies from A-AN
which can be browsed through, added to or printed out by type, such as
drama, comedy, etc.


Disk No: 1266
Program Title:  HOME MOVIE LIBRARIAN version 1.0
PC-SIG version: 1

HOME MOVIE LIBRARIAN provides you with a database and catalog of your
home movies which can include movie titles, movie starting and ending
positions, and quality of the recording.  Another valuable feature is
the ability to list movies that have a certain cast character.  For
example, you could list all the movies that Eddie Murphy is in.  It will
print several types of reports sorted by title or tape number.

The program includes a partial listing of home video movies from A-AN
which can be browsed through, added to or printed out by type, such as
Drama, Comedy, etc.

Usage:  Home Movie Inventory.

Special Requirements:  Hard disk.

How to Start:  Type GO (press enter).

Suggested Registration:  $20.00

File Descriptions:

HML      ARC  Archived file.
READ     ME   Introductory text file.
PKXARC   COM  Unarchiving utility.
HARD     BAT  Installation batch file.

1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.


║      <<<<  Disk No 1266  HOME MOVIE LIBRARIAN version 1.0  >>>>         ║
║ To install the program to your hard drive, type HARD (press enter)      ║


                           Home Movie Librarian v1.0
                                  Written by:
                                 Jeff Thorness

(C)opyright 1988 All right Reserved                                 10/25/88

    Being the movie fanatic that I am, I recently noticed that there really 
isn't much out there to help keep track of the movies that are currently 
filling my library of tapes.  There are a few programs out there, but many are 
lacking in features or are bug-ridden.  My solution for the problem was to 
develop what I think will be the ultimate program for handling movies: The Home 
Movie Librarian.

    When designing the program I wanted it to be as attractive as possible 
(since I was going to be using it quite alot), so to do this I made use of a 
very attractive user-interface with windows and selector bars.  All menu items 
can be selected via the arrow keys, and the user can abort any process simply 
by pressing the `ESC'ape key.  Other keys that can be used throughout are the 
INSERT key (to add something) the DELETE key (to eliminate something) the 
page-up key (to move up a page) and the page-down key (to move down a page).

From the main menu you have the following options:

Master Movie Listing
  - This is a vast listing of many of the popular movies that are currently
    available on tape.  Currently only a small portion of the list is
    included with HML, but the entire list will be sent to donators of $20.00
    or more.

Movie Types
  - This is a list of the different types of movies such as: Drama, Comedy,      

Tape Contents
  - This is the actual tape contents of your personal library.  It includes
    information such as movie starting position, ending position, and quality    
    of the recording.

Movie listing by Cast
  - This option allows you to list movies that have a certain cast member, for
    example you could list all the movies that Eddie Murphy is in.

  - This brings up a menu with various reports that you can print with your
    printer including:  Personal Library List sorted by Title, Personal Library
    List sorted by Tape#, & Master Movie List sorted by Title.

Exit Program
  - Duh, quit the program George.

Home Movie Librarian v1.0                                               Page 1

                           Home Movie Librarian v1.0
                                  Written by:
                                 Jeff Thorness

(C)opyright 1988 All right Reserved                                 10/25/88

Future options:
There are a variety of options that I have considered for future releases of 
the program.   Some of the ideas that I have had are:

  - Online help screens

  - Have a report print in a label format so that you could attach the label     
    to your tape.  Information on the label would probably be: Movie Title,      
    Rating, Starting Position, Ending, & Recording Quality.

  - Pop-up window for Media Type (Similar to MOVIE TYPE & COUNTRY windows)
    This would allow for the addition of future media types as well as the
    elimination of obsolete types.

  - Pop-up window for movie rating to allow a more flexible rating other
    than the current standard: G PG PG-13 R X NR

Other enhancements are open for discussion and I encourage you to write to me 
and give your suggestions.

Although this program is copyrighted, you are encouraged to copy and distribute 
this program so long as there is no fee charged other than a nominal 
distribution fee not to exceed $3.00.  If you find this program useful, you are 
encouraged to send a donation to:

Jeff Thorness - HML v1.0
81-875 Ave 48 #148
Indio, CA 92201

Donations of $20.00 or greater will entitle you to a printed user's manual, the 
newest revision of the program, and an extensive master movie listing.

Home Movie Librarian v1.0                                               Page 2

                           Home Movie Librarian v1.0
                                  Written by:
                                 Jeff Thorness

(C)opyright 1988 All right Reserved                                 10/25/88

Software Registration

Product Name:__Home Movie Librarian v1.0__________________________________

Company Name:_____________________________________________________________


Ship Address:_____________________________________________________________


Mail Address:_____________________________________________________________


     Phone #:_____________________________________________________________





Computer Brand:___________________________________________________________

Ideas you'd like to see implemented into a computer program:





Home Movie Librarian v1.0                                               Page 3

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1266

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FILE1266 TXT      1093   1-16-89  11:31a
GO       BAT        38  10-19-87   3:56p
GO       TXT       386   1-16-89  11:53a
HARD     BAT        75  12-14-88  11:52a
HML      ARC    224850  10-28-88  12:05p
PKXARC   COM     11482  12-15-86
READ     ME       2368  10-28-88  12:00p
        7 file(s)     240292 bytes
                       76800 bytes free