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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1245)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “THESAUR/THESAUR PLUS”

Searching for the right word to say what you really mean?  This
computerized thesaurus should help you become both more stylish and
concise (make that succinct!) in all your writing and prepared speeches.

Add panache to your letters, eloquence to your term papers, and a Phi
Beta Kappa impact to your speaking endeavors by spending just few
minutes with THESAUR.  When you call up a word, you are provided an
array of synonyms and related words.  Set the pointer over your synonym
of choice and you get a definition to confirm its aptness.

There are over 10,000 main words and close to 50,000 synomyms in THESAUR
The program also allows you to add your own words as synomyms, and even
delete words that you think are inappropriate.

THESAUR PLUS is a pop-up thesaurus, whenever you need a different word
or a different shade of meaning than the word that comes to mind, pop-up
THESAUR PLUS and get the word you wanted, but couldn't quite remember!

THESAUR PLUS was designed with simplicity in mind.  You only need to
remember your Hot-key (the key combination you use to pop THESAUR PLUS
up over what you are doing now) to use the program!

You can look up the word at your cursor, or call the thesaurus and type
a word to reference.  With the registered version, if you don't like the
synonyms THESAUR PLUS comes with, you can easily change them; allows
full style editing with insert, overstrike, and delete.


                       Thesaur Plus Important Information
                             Released April 1990
                     Copyright (C) 1989 By Derrick Burgess

     Thesaur Plus is a memory resident thesaurus, it resides in memory
     until you hit a hot-key (user definable) and then Thesaur Plus pops
     up over the program you are currently running, it automatically
     looks up the word the cursor is under (if not it asks for a word to
     look for) and displays the synonyms (if the word is located).
     There are over 10,000 main words and close to 50,000 synonyms in
     this version (this is 20,000 words greater than v 1.x).  There is
     also a program that allows you to add your own words as synomyms,
     and even delete words that you think are inappropriate.

Minimum requirements for running Thesaur Plus.

     DOS 3.0 OR greater to run all the programs.
        Thesaur will run on DOS 2.0
     Hard drive with 300k free
     69k of RAM, or 10K of RAM and an additional 120k disk space

    If you do not have a Hard Drive or DOS 3.0, you can still use
    part of this disk - while you won't be able to run THESPLUS.EXE
    you will be able to run THESAUR.EXE which is the stand alone
    version of Thesaur Plus with extra features added (add and edit
    synonyms)  (Note: ThesPlus.Exe must still reside on the disk for
    the program to work)

Files on this disk:

ATENTION.TXT   3917 04-10-90 5:00p  ATENTION.DOC   This File
THESPLUS.TXT   2123 04-10-90 5:00p  Thesaur Plus Registration form
THESPLUS.DOC  17866 04-10-90 5:00p  Documentation for Thesaur Plus
THESPLUS.NEW  10276 04-10-90 5:00p  What's new with Thesaur Plus? file
  CONFIG.EXE   7038 04-10-90 5:00p  Thesaur Plus Configuration of Colors/HotKey
                                       also changing of colors and HotKey later
THESPLUS.EXE  11477 04-10-90 5:00p  Thesaur Plus Memory Resident thesaurus v2.0
 THESAUR.EXE   9377 04-10-90 5:00p  Thesaur (Non TSR) Thesaurus + Data editor
THESPLUS.CFG     77 04-10-90 5:00p  Configuration File (Modified by config.exe)
THESPLUS.DAT 150308 04-10-90 5:00p  Thesaur Plus Data file
THESPLUS.NDX  52990 04-10-90 5:00p  Thesaur Plus Data Index File
THESPLUS.SRT  21198 04-10-90 5:00p  Thesaur Plus Data - Sorted Order
 REINDEX.EXE   4619 04-10-90 5:00p  Thesaur Plus Data Re-Indexer
  ADDMOD.EXE   4881 04-10-90 5:00p  Thesaur Plus - Add's THESPLUS.MOD to data
                                       file - for use in upgrading from
                                       previous versions.
THESPLUS.MOD    Not Included, but created when you Add or Delete
                   a synonym via Thesaur.

How to Install Thesaur Plus

    Thesaur Plus should reside on your Hard Drive, so you
    will need to copy all the files from this disk to the
    subdirectory of your choice on the Hard drive.
       (Thesaur Plus does not care what drive or directory it is on,
        but all the files MUST stay together in the same directory!)

    Once you have all the files where you would like, you can then
    run CONFIG.EXE to change the Default Colors and Hot Key.

    Once you have copied the files (If you wish) and changed the
    Default Colors and HotKey (Again, If you wish) - to Load Thesaur 
    Plus into memory just run the file THESPLUS.EXE, or if you are not 
    in the current drive or directory you will have to add those too.

    If you run THESPLUS.EXE from a floppy drive, do not remove the
    disk unless Thesaur Plus is first removed from memory.  A floppy 
    system is NOT recommended for use with THESPLUS.EXE.

                         Thesaur /  Thesaur Plus 
                Copyright (C) 1989, 1990 By Derrick Burgess
              Member, Association of Shareware Professionals.


Disk No: 1245                                                           
Disk Title: Thesaur/Thesaur Plus                                        
PC-SIG Version: S2.1                                                    
Program Title: Thesaur -- A Thesaurus program                           
Author Version: 4.2                                                     
Author Registration: $20.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
Searching for the right word to say what you really mean?  This         
computerized thesaurus should help you become both more stylish and     
concise (make that succinct!) in all your writing and prepared speeches.
Add panache to your letters, eloquence to your term papers, and a Phi   
Beta Kappa impact to your speaking endeavors by spending just few       
minutes with THESAUR.  When you call up a word, you are provided an     
array of synonyms and related words.  Set the pointer over your synonym 
of choice and you get a definition to confirm its aptness.              
There are over 10,000 main words and close to 50,000 synomyms in THESAUR
The program also allows you to add your own words as synomyms, and even 
delete words that you think are inappropriate.                          

Program Title: Thesaur Plus                                             
Author Version: 2.2                                                     
Author Registration: $20.00                                             
Special Requirements: Hard Drive.                                       
THESAUR PLUS is a pop-up thesaurus, whenever you need a different word  
or a different shade of meaning than the word that comes to mind, pop-up
THESAUR PLUS and get the word you wanted, but couldn't quite remember!  
THESAUR PLUS was designed with simplicity in mind.  You only need to    
remember your Hot-key (the key combination you use to pop THESAUR PLUS  
up over what you are doing now) to use the program!                     
You can look up the word at your cursor, or call the thesaurus and type 
a word to reference.  With the registered version, if you don't like the
synonyms THESAUR PLUS comes with, you can easily change them; allows    
full style editing with insert, overstrike, and delete.                 
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989, 1990 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║            <<<<  Disk No 1245 THESAUR / THESAUR PLUS  >>>>              ║
║ To start THESAUR, type: THESAUR (press enter)                           ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start THESAUR PLUS, type: THESPLUS (press enter)                     ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print documentation, type: COPY THESPLUS.DOC PRN (press enter)       ║


                             Thesaur Plus  Version 2.2


                               Thesaur  Version 4.2

                            Copyright  (C) 1989, 1990
                               By  Derrick Burgess
                               All Rights Reserved

                                 Derrick Burgess
                              23311 Schoolcraft St.
                              West Hills, CA  91307

                         ____|__     |               (tm)
                      --|       |    |-------------------
                        |   ____|__  |  Association of
                        |  |       |_|  Shareware
                        |__|   o   |    Professionals
                      -----|   |   |---------------------
                           |___|___|    MEMBER

                         Member of the ASP Since 1988

                                                 Thesaur/Plus - Page 2

                 --    Table of Contents  --

       ASP Ombudsman statement                               Page  2
       Opening Questions and Answers                         Page  3
       How to Set Up Thesaur Plus                            Page  4
       How to Change the Colors                              Page  5
       How to Remove from Memory                             Page  5
       Hot to Change the Hot Key                             Page  5
       How to use Thesaur Plus and Your Hot-key combination  Page  6
       Discussion of Options available from the Menu         Page  7
       Use of Leading Edge Word Processor with Thesaur Plus  Page  8
       More info on THESAUR and THESPLUS.MOD                 Page  9
       Acknowledgements, Address information.                Page 10
       Bug Report form                                       Page 11
       Registration form                                     Page 12


       The following information is provided by the Association of
       Shareware Professionals regarding problems with authors

       "This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
       Professionals (ASP).  ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
       principle works for you.  If you are unable to resolve a shareware-
       related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly,
       ASP may be able to help.  The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a
       dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical
       support for members' products.  Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at
       P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or send a Compuserve message via
       easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536"

       Plus one simple reminder:
          Not all synonyms have the same meaning or shade of intent.
       If the proper definition of a word or term is not known or
       not understood - LOOK IT UP.  It is very easy to use the wrong
       term instead of the proper one.

                                                 Thesaur/Plus - Page 3

     A couple of notes:
          Thesaur/Plus  refers to BOTH Thesaur Plus AND Thesaur
          Thesaur Plus  refers to ONLY Thesaur Plus
          Thesaur       refers to ONLY Thesaur

  Q>    What is Thesaur Plus?

  A>         Thesaur Plus is a pop-up Thesaurus, whenever you need
        a different word or a different shade of meaning than the
        word that comes to mind, pop-up Thesaur Plus and get just
        the word you wanted, but couldn't quite remember!

  Q>    Well then what is Thesaur? and how are they different?

  A>         Thesaur is also a thesaurus, but it is not a memory resident
        program - and you can't pop it up whenever you want.  Other than
        that Thesaur uses the same commands, and only needs DOS 2.0 and one
        floppy drive to work compared to the Plus requirements of DOS 3.0 and
        a Hard Drive.  Thesaur also adds a couple of features not found
        in Thesaur Plus.

  Q>    Are both Thesaur and Thesaur Plus easy to use?

  A>        Most Definitely!  Thesaur/Plus was designed with simplicity
        in mind.  You only need to remember your Hot-key (the key
        combination you use to pop Thesaur Plus up over what you are
        doing now) to use the Thesaur Plus, and you only need to start
        Thesaur - All available commands are shown in a menu after you
        get started!  And both programs use the same commands to make it 
        even easier! 


                                                 Thesaur/Plus - Page 4

How to Install Thesaur/Plus

    Thesaur/Plus should reside on your Hard Drive for best performance, 
    so you will need to copy all the files from this disk to the 
    subdirectory of your choice on the Hard drive. (Thesaur/Plus do not 
    care what drive or directory they are on, but all the files MUST 
    stay together in the same directory!)

     ---> Also, do not move the files around if Thesaur Plus is in memory 
           - First remove it from memory before moving the data files.)

    Once you have all the files where you would like, you can then
    run CONFIG.EXE to change the Default Colors, and Hot Key.

    Once you have copied the files (If you wish) and changed the Default 
    Colors and HotKey (Again, If you wish) - to Load Thesaur Plus into 
    memory just run the file THESPLUS.EXE, or if you are not in the 
    current drive or directory you will have to add those too. To run 
    Thesaur just run the file THESAUR.EXE.

    Once again the installation instructions are..
      1)  Copy all files on this disk to a subdirectory on your Hard
      2)  Make that Subdirectory the Default (ex. CD C:\THESPLUS)
      3)  Run CONFIG.EXE  (Not Required)


                                                  Thesaur/Plus - Page 5

HOW TO CHANGE COLORS (If using a Color Monitor)

        If you want to change the colors that Thesaur/Plus use
        then enter this command from the DOS prompt:

                   CONFIG COLORS

        Colors are changed the next time you Pop Up Thesaur Plus or
        run Thesaur.

      ->The files Config.Exe and ThesPlus.Cfg must be in the current


        To change the Hot Key for Thesaur Plus you must
             enter this command from the DOS prompt:

                   CONFIG HOTKEY

        The Hot Key is changed the next time you load Thesaur Plus
        into memory.  

      ->The files Config.Exe and ThesPlus.Cfg must be in the current


       To remove Thesaur Plus from memory you must enter
       this command from the DOS prompt:

                   THESPLUS /U

                                                 Thesaur/Plus - Page 6


         To Load Thesaur Plus into memory, just run the THESPLUS.EXE file.
         you may need to add the proper drive and directory that the .EXE
         is in so DOS can find the program.

   NOTE: Your personal Hot Key is shown when Thesaur Plus is
         first loaded into memory, and also if you try to
         re-load Thesaur Plus into memory.

         After you hit the Hot Key, Thesaur Plus will automatically
         look for the word that the cursor is on, or the word that
         was immediately to the left of the cursor.  If the cursor
         was not on or next to a word, then you are asked for the
         word that you would like looked up.

         Now you are given a Menu of Options of what you can do next.
         These Options are discussed in detail on the following pages.

                                                 Thesaur/Plus - Page 7


       (Documented Options on the Menu)

       F    Find Another Word
            If you want to start a new search for a different a word

       B    Back Track
            If you use <RET> to go to alternate word, you can use this
            command to go back to the previous word

       I    Information
            My Address for correspondence, and registration
            information.  If you are not registered to use this program
            there is a 14% chance that this screen will be shown
            upon pop-up of Thesaur Plus.

       Q    Quit
            Pop back down to underlying application

      ESC   Quit
            Pop back down to underlying application

     <RET>  Return or Enter - Display Alternate word
            The alternate word that is looked up is the word pointed
            to by the arrow key in the middle of the screen.

                To move the arrow key to the word you are interested
                in, use the Up and Down arrow keys.

       Up and Down Arrows are used for scrolling through the synonyms
       for each word.

       PgUp and PgDn keys are used to scroll to the previous/next word
       in the thesaurus.

       THESAUR includes the following commands

       A    Add a Synonym
               Add any Synonym to the main word (Synonym does not need
               to be in the database already)
      INS   Add a new word to the database - No Synonyms yet

       D    Delete Synonym
               Delete one of the synonyms shown (To either make room
               for a more appropriate word (max 30 syn's per word) or
               to just remove a poor choice of words on my part.

            There is no Information screen in Thesaur.

                                                 Thesaur/Plus - Page 8

          Use of the Leading Edge Word Processor with Thesuar Plus
          This Applies to the 1.3 and 1.5 (at least) versions of the 
             Load Thesaur Plus as instructed in this manual.
             To access Thesaur Plus, instead of just using the Hot Key,
             you must.
                1.   Press Control-Escape
                2.   Enter your HotKey
                3.   Use the program and exit.
                4.   Press Control-Escape again.
          Not all version of the LEWP require these steps, but some do!

                                                 Thesaur/Plus - Page 9


        THESAUR.EXE is a standalone thesaurus - it is very similar
        to Thesuar Plus, but does not become memory resident, only
        requires DOS 2.0, can be run off of a floppy system, and is
        faster than Thesaur Plus.

        The commands to use ThesEdit are the very same as Thesaur Plus,
        but there are a couple of added instructions which are:
              A)  Add a Synonym
              D)  Delete Synonym
        With these two commands you can add or delete any synonym you
        want from the database of synonyms.


        Whenever you use the commands A or D the actions that are done
        are added to a file called THESPLUS.MOD - DO NOT DELETE this file.
        This information will be used whenever you either upgrade to a
        newer version of Thesaur Plus where I provide a substantially
        better database (This way you will not have to lose all the work
        you did to customize your list), or you can send the list to me
        and I will include your changes in the next release (Preferred by
        me - that way everyone can benefit by your effort).

       | Because I would really like to get ahold of your THESPLUS.MOD  |
       | file if you make many additions to the database, I will        |
       | consider that as partial registration ($1 for every 20 words   |
       | to add to the database - up to $17 of the $20 registration if  |
       | you provide me with 340 new and accurate synonyms!)            |

        Also when you add a new synonym there is a certain amount of
        wasted space (noted in brackets in THESPLUS.MOD) in the database
        this is only on the order of 25 or so bytes for each synonym
        added, but it is using unneeded space - To reclaim this space 
        use REINDEX.EXE

                                                 Thesaur/Plus - Page 10


       I would like to give the names of the books that I used for reference
       when compiling this thesaurus.

          The New American Roget's College Thesaurus (in dictionary form)
          Revised by Philip D. Moorehead
          Signet Books, 1985, New York, New York

          Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus
          G. & C. Merrill
          1976-First Edition

          Webster's New World Thesaurus (Funk & Wagnalls edition)
          Prepared by Charlton G. Laird and updated by William D. Lutz
          Simon & Schuster Inc., 1985, New York, New York

       Plus a special thank you to all who helped make this program a


       If you have any suggestions or recommendations to add to this
       program - I want to hear them.  My best suggestions have come from
       users themselves.

       How you can reach me:                            Preference

                         Derrick Burgess
         Address:        23311 Schoolcraft St.              #1
                         West Hills, CA  91307

         Phone #:          (818)  347 - 2910                #3

         CIS:           Compuserve ID: 71750,2560           #2 - fast reply!

        InterLink:   InterLink, Shareware Conference        #4
                            Derrick Burgess

         PC-RELAY:   PC-Relay, Shareware Conference         #5
                            Derrick Burgess
                              R/O Capable

        Canada Remote Systems:   Main Conf, IBM Conf        #2b 
                      As Derrick Burgess

                                             Thesaur Plus  v2.0 - Page 11

                                Bug Report

       If you encounter a Bug in Thesaur/Plus, or incompatibility of
       certain files when using Thesaur Plus, please fill in this form
       and mail it to me along with a SASE if you would like a reply.


       Can You Duplicate it? How?

     What type of Computer do you use?

     Dos Version:

       Name :_____________________________

    Address :__________________________________________


    Phone # :_____________________________

       Please put any additional information that you think
       is needed on the back.

            Send to:

                             Derrick Burgess
                           23311 Schoolcraft St.
                           West Hills, CA  91307

                            (818) 347 - 2910

                    Thesaur Plus Registration/Shareware Form      Page - 12
                      Version 2.2 - Released April 1990


     Your Address:   _____________________________________________


                             Country (if not U.S.A) ______________

   Online Addresses: CIS:_______________Other:____________________

     Phone Number:   ____________________          Date __________

                  Thesaur Plus Registration:             [   ]  $20.00
                  Latest Version of Thesaur Plus
                     Complete support via:
                        U.S. Mail, BBS, PC-Relay and
                        Compuserve, Phone

                  Thesaur Plus Latest Shareware Version  [   ]  $ 6.00
                    Unregistered Shareware Version for
                    you to try out - May be newer than
                    this one.  ($5 applied to registration)

                  Credit for Thesplus.Mod file (If you
                     send on disk)   ______ Words @ $.05      - $

                          Outside U.S. + Canada       $       + $ 5.00

                                        Total         $       _________

            Where did you hear about Thesaur Plus? ____________________
              (If BBS - Which one?)

            What reasons prompted you to register? ____________________

            What type of machine do you use? __________________________

              Include any comments and problems if any on the back

            Please send check to:
                                     Derrick Burgess
                                       Thesaur Plus 
                                  23311 Schoolcraft St.
                                  West Hills, CA  91307
                Thank You!


                    Thesaur Plus Registration/Shareware Form
                      Version 2.2 - Released April 1990


     Your Address:   _____________________________________________


                             Country (if not U.S.A) ______________

   Online Addresses: CIS:_______________Other:____________________

     Phone Number:   ____________________          Date __________

                  Thesaur/Plus Registration:             [   ]  $20.00
                     Latest Version of Thesaur/Plus
                     Complete support via:
                        U.S. Mail, PC-Relay and
                        Compuserve, Phone

                  Thesaur/Plus Latest Shareware Version  [   ]  $ 6.00
                    Unregistered Shareware Version for
                    you to try out - May be newer than
                    this one.  ($5 applied to registration)
                     - Upgrades occur about bimonthly -

                  Credit for Thesplus.Mod file (If you
                     send on disk)   ______ Words @ $.05      - $

                          Outside U.S. + Canada       $       + $ 5.00

                                        Total         $       _________

            Where did you hear about Thesaur/Plus? ____________________
              (If BBS - Which one?)

            What reasons prompted you to register? ____________________


            How long did it take you to decide to register? ___________
                Include any comments and problems if any on the back

            Please send check to:
                                     Derrick Burgess
                                  23311 Schoolcraft St.
                                  West Hills, CA  91307
               Thank You!

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1245

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ATENTION TXT      3916   4-10-90   5:00p
THESPLUS NEW     10276   4-10-90   5:00p
THESPLUS DOC     17866   4-10-90   5:00p
THESPLUS TXT      2123   4-10-90   5:00p
CONFIG   EXE      7002   4-10-90   5:00p
THESPLUS EXE     11477   4-10-90   5:00p
THESAUR  EXE      9377   4-10-90   5:00p
REINDEX  EXE      4619   4-10-90   5:00p
ADDMOD   EXE      4881   4-10-90   5:00p
THESPLUS CFG        77   4-10-90   5:00p
THESPLUS DAT    150308   4-10-90   5:00p
THESPLUS NDX     52990   4-10-90   5:00p
THESPLUS SRT     21198   4-10-90   5:00p
GO       BAT        38   1-11-89   1:55p
GO       TXT       694   3-02-90   8:17p
FILE1245 TXT      3339   5-29-90   3:46a
       16 file(s)     300181 bytes
                       13312 bytes free