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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1243)

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Information about “TREEVIEW”

Getting lost in your hard disk forest of files?  Climb a tree, with
TREEVIEW, to easily find your way about and make file operations a

Called up by a hot key, TREEVIEW displays disk and directory contents
in up to six windows. Perform operations, such as deleting, on
several files in several directories at once and select files by time,
date, or extension. A simple tree display graphically shows your
directory structure, allowing you to zip about your files in ways you
never thought possible. On-line help is available from anywhere in the
program and an on-disk user guide provides in-depth instruction.

A "show-all" and "show-sub" display lets you access all files on the
current disk as if they were in one directory. A file-viewing function
displays files as ASCII text or hexadecimal format to permit use of
listing and editing programs. Offering full mouse support, TREEVIEW
exploits DOS command line macros to let users access complete file and
directory pathnames using just one or two characters. Screen colors are


                THE AGREEMENT.  
                               LICENSE AGREEMENT  
The TREEVIEW(TM) Software product ("Product") is NOT "Public Domain" and it is
NOT "Freeware".  TREEVIEW(TM) is a copyrighted software Product developed and
owned by Magee Enterprises, Inc. located in Norcross, Georgia, U.S.A. Copyright
1988, 1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.  
1.      LICENSE.  You may:  (i) use this Shareware version of the TREEVIEW(TM)
software Product on a single computer or on a computer network for an
evaluation period not to exceed 30 days.  After 30 days you are required by law
to either register your copy by sending the payment as listed in the
documentation of this product (You can also purchase a registered version of
TREEVIEW(TM) from a software dealer) or cease using the product. Registered
users benefit from ehanced technical support, notice of new products, and
bulletin board access.  Also, please feel free to contribute your ideas
regarding desired additional product features and functionality; (ii) without
charge reproduce and distribute copies of the Shareware version of the
Automenu(R) software Product, subject to the limitations specified below, and
on the express condition that you do not receive any payment (even a nominal
disk charge), commercial benefit, or other consideration for such reproduction
or distribution, or change this license agreement or the following copyright
notice which appears in the software, documentation, user interface, menus and
magnetic media.  The person(s) to whom you distribute this Product must agree
to the terms of this License. If you wish to distribute, and charge a disk fee,
any Magee Enterprises, Inc. Shareware Product, you must sign a Magee Shareware
Distribution Agreement and receive your master disks directly from us. 
2.      RESTRICTIONS.  TREEVIEW(TM) must NOT be sold or otherwise provided as
part of a larger system, or as a part of a more inclusive product or service,
without express written consent and licensing from Magee Enterprises, Inc.  The
rights to receive any such financial or other benefit, and to modify the
product or employ its components in any kind of derivative work, are reserved
exclusively by Magee Enterprises, Inc.  You may not reverse-engineer,
disassemble, modify, decompile or create derivative works of the Product.  
EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED.  Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied
warranties, so the above limitation may not apply to you.  
allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential
damages, so this exclusion may not apply to you.  
5.      PROPRIETARY RIGHTS.  This License is not a sale of the original Product
or any copies thereof.  Magee Enterprises retains ownership of the Product and
all subsequent copies of the Product, regardless of the form in which the
copies may exist.  TREEVIEW(TM) is a registered trademark of Magee Enterprises,
Inc and the Magee Enterprises Logo are trademarks of Magee Enterprises, Inc. 
6.      U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS.  Use, duplication or disclosure by
the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1)
(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
252.227-7013 (if DOD) or 52.227-19 (a) through (d) and restrictions in this
License Agreement (if  civilian agency).  Contractor/manufacturer is Magee
Enterprises, Inc., Post Office Box 1587, Norcross, Georgia 30091  U.S.A.  
7.      ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  You acknowledge that you have read this License
Agreement, understand it, and that it is the complete and exclusive statement
of your agreement with Magee Enterprises, Inc.  which supersedes any prior
agreement, oral or written, and any other communications between Magee
Enterprises, Inc. and you relating to the subject matter of this License
8.      GOVERNING LAW.  This License Agreement will be governed and interpreted
in accordance with the substantive laws of the State of Georgia.  
                            Magee Enterprises, Inc.  
                             Post Office Box 1587  
                           Norcross, Georgia 30091 USA  



Users of the Compuserve Information Service (CIS) can obtain support and
provide direct feedback on all products from Magee Enterprises, Inc.  From
the CIS Top Menu type GO PCVEN, then select Message Section 6.  Our Technical
Support Group retrieves and posts messages in this area every day. 
Additional product information can be found in Library 6.  The Technical
Support Group user ID's on CompuServe are 76004,1541 or 70167,2200.

In most cities you can make a local telephone call to access CompuServe.  For
more information on joining CompuServe, call them directly at 800-848-8199. 
From Ohio or Canada call 614-457-0802.


Disk No: 1243                                                           
Disk Title: TreeView                                                    
PC-SIG Version: S1.2                                                    
Program Title: Treeview                                                 
Author Version: 1.1                                                     
Author Registration: $25.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
Getting lost in your hard disk forest of files?  Climb a tree, with     
TREEVIEW, to easily find your way about and make file operations a      
Called up by a hot key, TREEVIEW displays disk and directory contents   
in up to six windows. Perform operations, such as deleting, on          
several files in several directories at once and select files by time,  
date, or extension. A simple tree display graphically shows your        
directory structure, allowing you to zip about your files in ways you   
never thought possible. On-line help is available from anywhere in the  
program and an on-disk user guide provides in-depth instruction.        
A "show-all" and "show-sub" display lets you access all files on the    
current disk as if they were in one directory. A file-viewing function  
displays files as ASCII text or hexadecimal format to permit use of     
listing and editing programs. Offering full mouse support, TREEVIEW     
exploits DOS command line macros to let users access complete file and  
directory pathnames using just one or two characters. Screen colors are 
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║            <<<<  Disk No 1243  TREE VIEW version 1.2  >>>>              ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To print the documentation, type:                                     ║
║                                                                         ║
║             PRINTDOC (press manual)                                     ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To run the program, type:                                             ║
║                                                                         ║
║             TV (press enter)                                            ║
║                                                                         ║


                THE AGREEMENT.  
                               LICENSE AGREEMENT  
The TREEVIEW(TM) Software product ("Product") is NOT "Public Domain" and it is
NOT "Freeware".  TREEVIEW(TM) is a copyrighted software Product developed and
owned by Magee Enterprises, Inc. located in Norcross, Georgia, U.S.A. Copyright
1988, 1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.  
1.      LICENSE.  You may:  (i) use this Shareware version of the TREEVIEW(TM)
software Product on a single computer or on a computer network for an
evaluation period not to exceed 30 days.  After 30 days you are required by law
to either register your copy by sending the payment as listed in the
documentation of this product (You can also purchase a registered version of
TREEVIEW(TM) from a software dealer) or cease using the product. Registered
users benefit from ehanced technical support, notice of new products, and
bulletin board access.  Also, please feel free to contribute your ideas
regarding desired additional product features and functionality; (ii) without
charge reproduce and distribute copies of the Shareware version of the
Automenu(R) software Product, subject to the limitations specified below, and
on the express condition that you do not receive any payment (even a nominal
disk charge), commercial benefit, or other consideration for such reproduction
or distribution, or change this license agreement or the following copyright
notice which appears in the software, documentation, user interface, menus and
magnetic media.  The person(s) to whom you distribute this Product must agree
to the terms of this License. If you wish to distribute, and charge a disk fee,
any Magee Enterprises, Inc. Shareware Product, you must sign a Magee Shareware
Distribution Agreement and receive your master disks directly from us. 
2.      RESTRICTIONS.  TREEVIEW(TM) must NOT be sold or otherwise provided as
part of a larger system, or as a part of a more inclusive product or service,
without express written consent and licensing from Magee Enterprises, Inc.  The
rights to receive any such financial or other benefit, and to modify the
product or employ its components in any kind of derivative work, are reserved
exclusively by Magee Enterprises, Inc.  You may not reverse-engineer,
disassemble, modify, decompile or create derivative works of the Product.  
EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED.  Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied
warranties, so the above limitation may not apply to you.  
allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential
damages, so this exclusion may not apply to you.  
5.      PROPRIETARY RIGHTS.  This License is not a sale of the original Product
or any copies thereof.  Magee Enterprises retains ownership of the Product and
all subsequent copies of the Product, regardless of the form in which the
copies may exist.  TREEVIEW(TM) is a registered trademark of Magee Enterprises,
Inc and the Magee Enterprises Logo are trademarks of Magee Enterprises, Inc. 
6.      U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS.  Use, duplication or disclosure by
the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1)
(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
252.227-7013 (if DOD) or 52.227-19 (a) through (d) and restrictions in this
License Agreement (if  civilian agency).  Contractor/manufacturer is Magee
Enterprises, Inc., Post Office Box 1587, Norcross, Georgia 30091  U.S.A.  
7.      ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  You acknowledge that you have read this License
Agreement, understand it, and that it is the complete and exclusive statement
of your agreement with Magee Enterprises, Inc.  which supersedes any prior
agreement, oral or written, and any other communications between Magee
Enterprises, Inc. and you relating to the subject matter of this License
8.      GOVERNING LAW.  This License Agreement will be governed and interpreted
in accordance with the substantive laws of the State of Georgia.  
                            Magee Enterprises, Inc.  
                             Post Office Box 1587  
                           Norcross, Georgia 30091 USA  


                                  TREEVIEW (TM)

                    The Ultimate File Management Utility (TM)

                                   Version 1.1

                                May, 1989 Release

                   Copyright 1988, 1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
ISBN 0-938167-01-4

Copyright 1988, 1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
A product of the United States of America.

Treeview(TM) is a trademark of Magee Enterprises, Inc. All trademarks and
registered trademarks referenced within this document are the property of
their respective owners.


Sales:                  Monday - Friday
      404-446-6611      Voice 9 AM - 5 PM Eastern Time
      800-662-4330      Orders Only
      404-368-0719      FAX (24 Hours/7 Days)

Technical Support Group:      Monday - Friday

      404-662-5387      Voice 9 AM - 4 PM Eastern Time
      404-446-6650      Big Peach BBS (24 Hours/7 Days)
      76004,1541 or 
      70167,2200        CompuServe (24 Hours/7 Days)

Documentation by Mark Strelecki, Swati Mahajan, Randal DePriest, and Marshall
Magee. Artwork by Neisha L. Keith. Based on "Overview Too", an original work
by James Mathews.

This manual was developed using WordPerfect 5.0.

May 1989 Release

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.

Section           Title

                  License Agreement 

1                 Introduction

1-1               Features of Treeview
1-2               Documentation Conventions

2                 Installation

2-1               System Requirements
2-2               Installing Treeview

3                 Getting Started

3-1               Command Line Parameters
3-2               Menu Bar
3-3               The Header Area
3-4               The File Name Area
3-5               The Status Line
3-6               The Help System

4                 Important Keys Within Treeview

4-1               Alternate Key Usage
4-2               Control Key Usage
4-3               Function Key Usage
4-4               The Escape Key
4-5               Other Important Keys
4-6               The Mouse
4-6.1             Mice - Generally Speaking
4-6.2             Executing Files With the Mouse
4-6.3             Tagging Files With the Mouse
4-6.4             Scrolling Around With the Mouse
4-6.5             Viewing Files With the Mouse
4-6.6             Dragging the Mouse

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
Section           Title

5                 Elements of Treeview

5-1               The Directory Tree      
5-1.1             File Masks
5-2               Extra File Information
5-2.1             File Sorting
5-3               File Selection Attributes
5-4               Find File Name
5-5               Show-All and Show-Sub Modes
5-6               Subdirectories
5-7               Terminate and Stay Resident Utilities
5-8               Update Target Directory
5-9               Window Commands
5-10              Interrupting Tagged File Operations
5-11              DOS Command Recall
5-12              External Functions of Treeview
5-13              File Oriented Operations
5-13.1            Copying Files
5-13.2            Renaming and Moving Files
5-13.3            Viewing Files
5-13.4            Editing Files
5-13.5            Resetting File Date and Time
5-14              Command Prototypes
5-15              Displaying and Resetting File Attributes

6                 Customizing Treeview

6-1               Screen Colors
6-2               DOS Command Macros
6-3               Setting File Limits
6-4               Point-and-Go
6-5               User Defined Keys
6-6               Using EMS Memory
6-7               Video Snow Checking
6-8               Defining the Editor and Viewer
6-9               DOS Volume Labels
6-10              DOS Verify

7                 Shareware Considerations

7-1               What is Shareware?
7-2               How to Register

APPENDIX A        Treeview Menu Structure

APPENDIX B        Treeview Help Structure

APPENDIX C        Treeview Keystroke Commands

APPENDIX D        DOS Command Macros

APPENDIX E        Customer Support Information

APPENDIX F        Treeview and the Disk Operating System

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.

The Treeview(TM) product is NOT "Public Domain" and it is NOT "Freeware".
Treeview is a copyrighted software product developed and owned by Magee
Enterprises, Inc. located in Norcross, Georgia, U. S. A. Magee Enterprises,
Inc. grants you without charge the right to reproduce, distribute and use
copies of this version of our Treeview shareware software product, subject to
the limitations specified below, and on the express condition that you do not
receive any payment, commercial benefit, or other consideration for such
reproduction or distribution, or change this license agreement or the
following copyright notice which appears in the software, documentation, user
interface, menus, and magnetic media: Copyright 1988, 1989 Magee Enterprises,
Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Limitations: You may make and keep one (1)back-up copy of the software for
your personal use, provided that (i) you copy all the copyright, trademark,
and other information indicated on the initial screen display (or on the
diskette label, for the registered version disk) onto your backup diskette
label, and (ii) you have registered. Also you may distribute copies to other
persons, but solely for their evaluation (i.e., to decide whether to continue
using the product and therefore register) and solely for evaluation by such
other persons during that thirty (30) day period. Treeview must NOT be sold or
otherwise provided as part of a larger system, or as a part of a more
inclusive product or service, without express written consent and licensing
from Magee Enterprises, Inc.

The rights to receive any such financial or other benefit, and to modify the
product or employ its components in any kind of derivative work, are reserved
exclusively by Magee Enterprises, Inc. Support from users enables us to
develop additional features and future versions of the Treeview product.
Registered users benefit from enhanced technical support, notice of new
products, and increased bulletin board access. Contact us at:

Magee Enterprises, Inc.
Post Office Box 1587
Norcross, Georgia 30091 USA

Also, please feel free to contribute your ideas regarding desired additional
product features and functionality.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.

You may not reverse-engineer, disassemble, modify, decompile, or create
derivative works of the product. You acknowledge that the product includes
certain trade secrets and confidential information, all of which is the
copyrighted intellectual property of Magee Enterprises, Inc. Treeview is a
trademark of Magee Enterprises Inc. and the Magee Enterprises logo is a
trademark of Magee Enterprises, Inc. All rights are reserved worldwide. IBM,
PS/2 and Personal System/2 are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation.

Restricted Rights Legend

Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
as set forth in sub paragraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and
Computer Software clause of DFARS 252.227-7013. Magee Enterprises, Inc., Post
Office Box 1587, Norcross, Georgia 30091 USA.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.

Thank you for your interest in Treeview(TM). Treeview is a hard disk and file
management utility for IBM(TM) Personal Computers, Personal System/2(TM), and
other PC compatible computers.

Treeview is a powerful hard disk and file management system. It gives you the
ability to execute DOS commands, but it does not pretend to be a full featured
DOS shell that simplifies (and sometimes hinders) all DOS functions. Treeview
is NOT a memory resident program that can be called up via "hot" keys. Both of
these constraints were designed into Treeview to keep it as direct and
unencumbering as possible.

Treeview gives you simple, straightforward commands to accomplish everyday
operations such as copying, renaming, erasing and backing up files, and much
more. Treeview removes the guesswork from file management tasks by displaying
the files on your disk in a tabular format that is continually updated in
response to your commands. Treeview speeds up time consuming disk cleanup and
maintenance sessions.

You'll find that Treeview is most useful on computer systems that have a hard
disk for data storage. Treeview works just fine on floppy disk based systems,
but the file maintenance needs of floppy-only systems are not as great as hard
disk systems. Few people have multiple directories and hundreds or thousands
of files on floppy-only systems.

This document describes the installation and usage of Treeview. It also
describes many features and functions of the program. Once you begin using
Treeview, you'll discover more about how it works from the on-line help
facility and by experimenting with the various commands.

1-1 Features of Treeview

In addition to the standard file and disk maintenance functions (copy, rename,
erase, etc.), Treeview has many other useful features including:

*     Supports from 1 to 6 windows allowing as many as 6 disks (or            
      directories) to be displayed on screen at the same time

*     A directory tree display that shows your disk's directory structure in  
      an easy-to-understand graphical layout

*     A powerful "Show-All" and "Show-Sub" function that allows all files     
      on the current disk or under the current directory to be displayed and  
      accessed as if they were all in one subdirectory

*     A "Find File" function permits you to find any file on any disk in      

*     A file viewing function that displays files as ASCII text or in hexa-   
      decimal format, and permits the use of any listing or editing program   
      at the user's option

*     A full screen windowed interface with user selectable colors and        

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
*     Extensive on-line, menu-driven help available at any time with one      

*     DOS Command Macros that give the user the ability to access complete    
      file and pathnames with just one or two characters and perform          
      multiple DOS commands on a series of tagged files

*     Automatic recall of previously entered DOS commands

*     Full mouse support, network compatible

*     EGA/VGA video support for 25/43/50 line modes

*     Easily modify these file attributes: Hidden, Read-Only, System or       

*     Easily alter file time/date stamp, disk volume label, and verify status

*     Update file directories quickly and easily

*     Runs under DOS 2.X, 3.X, or 4.X

1-2 Documentation Conventions

Throughout this document, references to Treeview menu selections are
surrounded by brackets ([ ]) and some have vertical bars (|) separating
entries from different menus. For example,

[Other | Setup Parameters | Screen Colors]

represents selecting the "Other" entry from the top level menu, the "Setup
Parameters" entry from the Other submenu, and the "Screen Colors" entry from
the Setup Parameters submenu.


Due to the nature of some of the commands available under DOS version 3.3 and
higher, we recommend that you DO NOT USE Treeview within a system where
APPEND, SUBST or JOIN commands are in effect. These commands can create
confusion for Treeview when copying, moving or renaming files, and the best
procedure is simply not to use them. Please consult your DOS manual for
further explanation regarding these commands and their use.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.

2-1 System Requirements

Treeview requires an IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or compatible computer with 256K RAM
(or more) to work properly. In addition, version 2.0 or greater of PC-DOS or
MS-DOS is required.

Treeview requires approximately 158K of computer memory to contain the
program's executable code and common data. Additional memory is allocated as
required to contain the file information for each open directory window and a
copy buffer when copying files. The file information memory can either be
allocated in conventional RAM or in EMS RAM if available on your system.

You can change Treeview's total memory requirements by changing the number of
files allowed per directory window. The largest setting, 2515 files per
window, requires 64K of additional memory (conventional or EMS) per window.
The default value of 1000 files per window requires approximately 26K (32K if
EMS) per window.

Since Treeview is NOT a Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) program, the memory
it uses is only required when you are actually running the program. The
advantage to using EMS memory is to allow any programs executed from Treeview
to use as much conventional DOS memory as possible for their own purposes.

To improve display speed, Treeview normally writes directly to the video
screen memory of your computer. Treeview works well with the IBM Monochrome
Display Adapter (MDA), Color Graphics Adapter (CGA), Enhanced Graphics Adapter
(EGA), Video Graphics Array (VGA), and compatibles. Other video adapters that
can emulate either the MDA or CGA should work properly.

Treeview is also "DESQview aware," meaning it can run in a small window under
Quarterdeck Office Systems' DESQview(TM) multitasking program.

2-2 Installing Treeview

Installing Treeview is a very simple process--there are only three files
required to run the program. They are TV.EXE (the program itself), TV.HLP (the
help file), and TV.CFG (the configuration file). Default values will be used
if Treeview can't locate TV.CFG when it starts up. If you change any of the
default aspects of Treeview operations and answer YES when prompted to "Save
changes to Disk? y/N", a TV.CFG file will be created (or updated).

If your system has a DOS PATH command set up, simply copy these three files
into one of the directories identified in the PATH command. If you have a hard
disk system, but have not set up a PATH command, you should read about it in
your DOS manual or get someone knowledgeable to help you set one up.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
Copy the TV.CFG and TV.HLP files into a separate directory, and tell Treeview
where they reside by setting the environment variable TVFILES to the name of
the directory. This has an advantage over using a PATH directory, because only
the single TVFILES directory needs to be searched when accessing the TV.CFG or
TV.HLP files. The following command in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file informs Treeview
to look for its files in the directory C:\TV:

                           SET TVFILES=C:\TV

When Treeview is started, it tries to find and read the TV.CFG configuration
data file. This file contains the configuration options that you've defined
(for example, the display colors, the User Defined Key values, and the
Point-and-Go values, and more). If the "TVFILES=" environment variable is
defined, Treeview expects to find the TV.CFG file there. 

If TVFILES isn't defined in the environment, Treeview looks in the current
directory; if TV.CFG isn't found there, the directories specified by the PATH
command are searched. In case the file still can't be located, a set of
default parameters will be used.

Treeview must be able to locate the TV.HLP file when you ask for on-line help.
If TVFILES is defined, Treeview looks for the TV.HLP file in that directory.
If TVFILES isn't defined, Treeview looks in the current directory and then the
directories specified by the PATH command. In the event  the help file still
can't be located, you'll be asked to supply the location of TV.HLP.

For those who are running a system with only floppy disks, it's recommended
that you copy TV.EXE, TV.CFG and TV.HLP to your system disk. The TV.HLP file
is not accessed unless you actually request help, so it can be left off if you
are short on disk space.

                               PLEASE NOTE!

There may be important information on this release of Treeview that did not
make it into this manual. Please check the READ.ME file on your distribution
diskette for the most current data. Thank you!

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.

3-1 Command Line Parameters

The usual way to start up Treeview is to simply type TV and press Enter at the
DOS command prompt. However, the following optional parameters can be
specified on the command line to modify Treeview's behavior during a given
run. The typical command line syntax to execute Treeview is:

                     TV [parm] ... [parm] d:\subdir

where [parm] is as follows:

/C or -C          Instructs Treeview to only use conventional memory,
                  even if LIM/EMS memory is available and the [Use EMS
                  (if available)] option is enabled

/E or -E          Allows use of LIM/EMS memory even if [Use EMS (if
                  available)] option is disabled

/F or -F          Do not perform video snow checking even if the
                  [Video Snow Checking] option is set

/S or -S          Perform video snow checking even if the [Video Snow
                  Checking] option is disabled

/M or -M          Indicates that the following parameter is a file name
                  mask. See below for an example of a file name mask

/4 or -4          Uses EGA 43/VGA 50 line mode if available

/2 or -2          Uses "normal" 25 line mode even if default is different

d:\subdir         Use this as the initial drive and subdirectory

A file name mask to display specific file names can also be entered on the
command line, but only after a /M parameter. Supplying a file name mask on the
command line works just as if the mask was specified with the [Other |
Selection Criteria | File Name Mask] command. For example, the command line:

                            TV /M   *.MDF

invokes Treeview and tells it to only display files that have an extension of

The file name mask must follow the /M parameter on the command line.  Several
parameters can be entered on the same command line. For example:

                      TV /S /C /M  *.COM   D:\BIN

starts Treeview with video snow checking enabled (/S), EMS usage disabled
(/C), and only files with the extension .COM in the directory D:\BIN

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
Refer to Section 6-6, USING EMS MEMORY, and Section 6-7, VIDEO SNOW CHECKING
for more information on EMS memory and video snow checking.

You can access Treeview's on-line help system (any time Treeview is "Ready!"
for input) by pressing the F1 function key.

There are four areas on the main file display - the menu bar, the header area,
the file name area, and the status line. The contents and usage of the
different screen areas are described below.

3-2 The Menu Bar

The menu bar across the top line of the screen shows the top level functions
which Treeview can perform. You select a function from the menu bar by
pressing the key that is the first letter of the desired function. Depending
on your computer's video equipment and your video attribute/color setup, the
first letter of the menu bar choices may be displayed in a different color or
otherwise highlighted to make them stand out visually.

In most cases, selecting a function from the menu bar results in a "pull-down"
submenu being opened. Submenus are a set of choices that appear in a box under
the corresponding top level option. You select a submenu entry by either
pressing the letter that is highlighted in the submenu entry (not always the
first letter), or by using the up and down arrow keys (or mouse) to highlight
the desired entry and then pressing Enter (or clicking the mouse button). The
ESC key can be used to exit a submenu without selecting any of the choices.
Please refer to the APPENDIX A for a "map" of the keystrokes to navigate the
commands available within Treeview's menu bar.

In addition to the menus, many of Treeview's most common functions can be
performed by the function and control keys and Alt key combinations. Function,
control, and Alt key usage is described in Section 4, Appendix A, and in
Treeview's on-line help system. Here is an example of the menu bar and an open
submenu (in this case, the Files submenu):

Dir   Files   Help   Other    Sort  Tag/Untag   Windows  Xecute  Quit
    |       |-----------------------|
    | Set File Attributes           |
    | Copy File(s)                  |
    | Set File Date/Time            |
    | Edit File               Alt-F |
    | Erase File(s)                 |
    | Extra File Info         Alt-I |
    | Rename/Move File(s)           |
    | View File               Alt-V |
    | Xecute File             Alt-X |

3-3 The Header Area

The header area at the top of the screen contains information about the
current disk drive, the current directory, and Treeview options. The header
section entitled "Volume" displays the volume label of the current disk, the
total storage capacity of the disk in bytes, and the size of the remaining
free space on the disk, also in bytes. If the current disk does not have a
volume label, the label area is blank.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
The header section entitled "Path" normally displays the complete pathname of
the current disk drive and directory. In either the show-all or show-sub
modes, the Path area displays the pathname of the current file.

The header section labeled "Files" displays the number of files listed in the
file name area, the total space used by those files (in bytes), the number of
files tagged for group operations, and the space used by those tagged files
(in bytes).

The final header section, "Selection", displays the selection criteria (mask)
used to pick which files are displayed in the file name area. If no mask is
shown, it means that ALL files will be displayed. If *.MDF is the mask, only
files with an MDF extension will be shown.

Following is an example of the header area:

|  AUTOMENU   |   C:\COMM                                               |
|  21309440 TOTAL  |    SELECTED: 7 FILES       768 BYTES   MSK:        |
|  11669504 FREE   |    TAGGED:   0 FILES         0 BYTES   ATR:N...A   |

3-4 The File Name Area

The file name area usually displays a sorted list of the file names in the
current directory. If there are more file names to be shown than will fit on
the screen at one time, you can use the arrow keys or the PgUp, PgDn, Home,
and End keys to display the other file names.

You can select the manner in which the files are sorted for display with the
[Sort] command, and you can specify that they be sorted by Name, Extension,
Date, Size, or Unsorted, in Ascending or Descending order. More details on
using the [Sort] command are in Section 5 as well as Appendix A.

Many of the Treeview commands operate on the current file. The current file is
identified by being the only highlighted name in the file name area. The four
arrow keys and the PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End keys can be used to select a
different current file. The highlighted bar over the file name is called the
"current file pointer" or sometimes just the "file pointer".

The file name area can be split into multiple windows to display different
disk drives and/or directories on the screen at the same time. Only one window
is current at a time (also called the current window). The current window is
defined as the window where the current file (pointer) is located.

3-5 The Status Line

The status line appears along the bottom of your computer's screen. It is
divided into three segments. The first segment tells you what Treeview is
doing and when it is ready for your input. The second segment simply reminds
you that you can press the F1 function key for on-line help. The third segment
shows whether or not the DOS verify mode is set on or off. The following is an
example of the file name area (with two file windows displayed) and the status

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
C:\   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
AUTO\             BRATEMM.SYS       JDISK.SYS         QEXT.SYS              |
AUTOMENU          DV\               LIB\              SRC\                  |
BATCH\            DV.BAT            MOUSE.SYS         WRITE\                |
BIN\              COMM\             FC\                                     |
BRATDISK          COMMAND.COM       GRAPHIC\                                |
                                                             (Window #1)    |
C:\SRC\TV  -----------------------------------------------------------------| 
CVTHLP.C          GRAPHIC.H         TVFMOVE.C         TVVBUF.C              |
CVTHLP.EXE        KEYS.H            TVMOVE.FN         TVVIEW.BAK            |
DATE.ASM          LOGO.ASM          TVFUN.BAK         TVVIEW.C              |
DIALOG.C          LOGO.BAK          TVFUN.H                                 |
                                                             (Window #2)    |
| Ready!    |      Press F1 for Help        |       Verify: OFF             |
                                                             (Status Line) 

3-6 The Help System

Treeview has an extensive on-line help system available at the press of the
"H" key. Help is broken up into six major areas:

Treeview Commands

Input (Keyboard and Mouse)

Treeview Menus

Program Parameters

Registering Treeview

Treeview Screens

Within the [Help | Commands] option, further help is available on these
subjects: Directories, Files, Viewing and Executing files, and Sorting and
Tagging files. Help is also given on customizing Treeview's screen colors,
default settings, User Defined keys, "Point-and-Go" keys, video options and
more. Please refer to Appendix B for a more detailed "map" of the entire
Treeview help system.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.

The on-line Help facility should be used to supplement the information
presented in this section. You can get help at most any time by hitting the F1

4-1 ALT Key Usage

Treeview has a number of Alt-key combinations that are shortcuts to many of
the most common functions. Entering one of the following Alt-key combinations
executes the corresponding menu entry, without traveling through the menus.
Menu entries that have Alt-key shortcuts will display the shortcut at the
right edge of the menu line. Alt-key combinations are performed by pressing
and holding down the ALTernate key while tapping the second key, then
releasing the alternate key. For example, "Alt-A" means to hold the ALTernate
key down and tap the "A" key, then release the Alt key. 

Some of these special key combinations available within Treeview are as

Alt-A       Files       Set File Attributes     Current File
Alt-B       Files       Set File Attributes     Tagged Files

Alt-C       Files       Copy file(s)            Current File
Alt-K       Files       Copy file(s)            Tagged Files

Alt-F       Files       Edit File

Alt-E       Files       Erase file(s)           Current File
Alt-Y       Files       Erase file(s)           Tagged Files

Alt-R       Files       Rename/Move File(s)     Current File
Alt-M       Files       Rename/Move File(s)     Tagged Files

Alt-I       Files       Extra File Information
Alt-V       Files       View File

Alt-G       Dir         Login New Drive
Alt-L       Dir         Login New Directory
Alt-N       Dir         Reread Current Directory
Alt-T       Dir         Show Dir Tree

Alt-S       Other       Setup Parameters
Alt-P       Other       Setup Parameters        Point and Go Setup

Alt-U       Other       Setup Parameters        User Defined Keys

Alt-D       Xecute      DOS Command
Alt-X       Xecute      Current File
Alt-Q       Quit

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
4-2 Control Key Usage

Treeview allows several Control-key combinations to be used in addition to the
arrow and keypad keys. The Control-keys add a WordStar(TM)-like interface to
Treeview. The sequence ^R means to hold down the Control key and
simultaneously press the 'R' key, then release the Control key.

^R  -       Same as PgUp                        ^G     -    Same as Del
^C  -       Same as PgDn                        ^V     -    Same as Ins
                                                ^H     -    Same as backspace
^W, ^E -    Same as up arrow                    ^M     -    Same as Enter
^Z, ^X -    Same as down arrow
                                                ^T     -    Tag/untag current
^A, ^S -    Same as left arrow                              file
^D, ^F -    Same as right arrow

4-3 Function Key Usage

Treeview uses the function keys on the keyboard to execute several common
functions with a single key. The function key usage is:

F1  -       Get Help
F2  -       Tag/Untag the current file (toggles current tag state)

F3  -       Login to the parent directory
F4  -       Login to the subdirectory under the file pointer (same as ENTER)

F5  -       Goto the next tagged file (next find in VIEW)
F6  -       Goto the previous tagged file (prev find in VIEW)

F7  -       Open another file name display window
F8  -       Close the current file name display window

F9  -       Goto the next file name display window
F10 -       Goto the previous file name display window

The Alt-Fn, Shift-Fn and Ctrl-Fn (function key) combinations are called User
Defined Keys and are described in Section 6-5.

4-4 The ESC Key

The ESCape key quits or aborts whatever operation Treeview is currently
performing. The exact effect of pressing ESC depends on the operation being

At the highest level, the Escape key returns to the normal file name display
from viewing a file, viewing the directory tree, setting color selections, and
the on-line help facility.

Many of Treeview's submenus do not have a selection to quit or exit without
performing a function. The Escape key does this by closing the last opened
submenu. When multiple submenus are open, they can be closed in reverse order
by pressing the Escape key once for each submenu. The Escape key also escapes
from most pop-up window prompts. For example, selecting the [Dir | Login New
Directory] command pops up a window asking which directory to log in. If you
decide not to switch to another directory, just press the Escape key and the
window will disappear.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
4-5 Other Important Keys

While Treeview's file windows are displayed, you may press the grey "plus" key
to tag files or the grey "minus" key to untag files. These keys are
functionally the same as the F2 function key and can be used to tag files the
same way.

When using the grey plus and minus keys [+ -], you will notice that after
tagging or untagging a file, the highlight bar moves down to the next filename
in the display window. If you have your files sorted in the proper order, you
will be able to mark an entire block of filenames simply by repeatedly
depressing the grey plus key. Please note that the F2 key works in the same
way - after you press it, the highlight bar will move down one file.

The equals key [=] is also very important in Treeview. Whenever you press the
equals key, followed by a letter or number, Treeview will immediately move the
highlight bar to the first occurrence of a filename that matches that letter
or number. You can use this feature to rapidly locate a file anywhere on the
disk. More details on the "find file" feature of Treeview can be found in
Section 5-4.

Pressing the asterisk key [*] will access the user's prior menu selection. If
no selection was previously made, the first (Directories) menu will drop down.

4-6 The Mouse

This section deals with the mouse capabilities built into Treeview. You must
make certain that you have enabled mouse support in Treeview. This is done
from the [Other | Setup Parameters | Other Options | Mouse Support] menu.
After selecting mouse support, save your changes to disk when prompted, then
quit Treeview and restart it. Your mouse will now function throughout

4-6.1 Mice - Generally Speaking

Throughout Treeview, the left mouse button selects an operation, the right
mouse button untags files and escapes out of menus, and pressing both mouse
buttons at once tags files.

4-6.2 Executing Files With the Mouse

While the main file window is shown on the screen, the mouse can select a file
by pressing the left button while highlighting it. A rapid double-click of the
left mouse button will attempt to execute the highlighted file (same as
Alt-X). If the file does not have an extension of .COM, .EXE, or .BAT,
Treeview will check to see if a Point-and-Go key has been set up and attempt
to perform that action on the file. If none of these are true, the file will
be viewed.

While looking at the directory tree, a single click of the left mouse button
will move the highlight bar to that directory. A rapid double-click on that
entry will log in to that directory (same as using the cursor keys to
highlight a directory and then pressing enter to log into it).

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
When multiple file windows are open, clicking the left mouse button on any
file in a window will make that window the current one and also highlight the

4-6.3 Tagging Files With the Mouse

To tag a file, point at the desired file and press both mouse buttons. To
untag a file, point to it and press the right mouse button. When the file has
been tagged, an arrow will appear to the left of the filename.

4-6.4 Scrolling Around With the Mouse

In each open file window, you will notice a set of four arrows and the words
"Root" and "Parent" in the upper right corner. These items are also displayed
when looking at the directory tree screen. Clicking the left mouse button on
one of these arrows will move the file or directory pointer in the indicated
direction, similar to pressing the corresponding cursor control key.

By pointing at the word "Parent" with the mouse and clicking on it, you will
move up the subdirectory structure one level, similar to pressing the F3 key.
If you click on the word "Root", you will log into the root directory of the
current drive.

4-6.5 Viewing Files With the Mouse

While viewing a file, the left mouse button can be used to select any of the
commands on the menu bar. The Up and Down, Left and Right commands are
implemented by pointing at them and pressing the left mouse button.

If you have defined your own choice of file viewing programs, this mouse
support may not be the same, so check your listing program's documentation for
mouse support.
4-6.6 Dragging the Mouse

Another concept of the mouse is called "dragging", and it is usually done by
holding down one or both mouse buttons while moving the mouse. In Treeview,
you can select a series of files from a window simply by holding down both
mouse buttons while moving your mouse over the files to be tagged.

Using a mouse with Treeview is not mandatory, but it can simplify moving
around and selecting files to operate on. A mouse is a more "friendly" way of
dealing with the drop down menus and pop-up windows that Treeview provides,
and while there is a keyboard equivalent to almost all mouse operations, we
feel that using a mouse can definitely help the learning curve of this
program. We recommend the use of a Microsoft mouse-compatible device because
it is fully supported by Treeview.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.

Treeview is a hard disk file management utility. Its strengths lie in the
ability to copy, move, rename and delete files, change file attributes, sort
filenames, and perform operations on one or more of these files.

Here in Section 5 we will discuss what Treeview is and exactly what it does.
First, we will discuss the most important feature of Treeview: the ability to
display a graphic directory "tree" of the files on your system.

5-1 The Directory Tree

When the directory tree is displayed by Alt-T or the [Dir | Show Dir Tree]
command, a graphic tree somewhat like the following is shown:

              +   AUTO  
              +   CATDISK
              +   COMM --------+    AQUARIUS
              |                +    MERCURY
              +   GRAPHIC -----+    DRAW
              |                +    PAINT
              +   INCLUDE -----+    SYS
              +   MAGEE -------+    AUTOMENU
              +   SRC ---------+    TV
              +   WRITE -------+    ARTICLES
                               +    WS

The tree represents the structure of the directories on the current disk
drive. Each column to the right indicates another subdirectory. The
directories described by the tree above are:

...and so on.

The current directory is shown under a highlighted bar (called the directory
pointer). You can switch to another directory by using the up, down, PgUp,
PgDn, right and left arrow keys to highlight the new directory. In addition,
the Home key moves to the top level or "root" directory and the End key moves
to the lowest rightmost directory. PgUp and PgDn will also move the pointer
quickly through a series of entries. Treeview does not actually switch (or
"login") to the new directory until you press the Enter key or select the
[Login] option from the directory tree menu bar.

As you move the directory pointer around the tree, the current directory
remains displayed in a different color/video attribute. This is the directory
to which Treeview returns if you press the Escape key or select the [Quit]
option from the directory tree menu bar, regardless of the directory pointer

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
With the directory tree [Write] command, you can save the directory tree
information in a single disk file (named TV.DIR in the top level directory of
the current disk). When you bring up the directory tree display, Treeview
checks for this disk file--if it exists, the directory tree information is
read from the file instead of searching the disk for directories. This results
in a much faster tree display.

If you change your disk's directory structure outside of Treeview, you can
force a rescan of the entire disk for directories (instead of just reading the
TV.DIR file) by using the directory tree [New] command. This informs Treeview
of the changes you've made to directories since the last time the disk was

The directory tree [Mkdir] command (similar to the DOS command of the same
name) "makes" a new subdirectory "under" the directory pointer. For example,
if you select the [Mkdir] command while the directory pointer is on the
directory C:\123\SALES, and you enter "JOURNAL" as the new subdirectory name, 
Treeview creates the directory C:\123\SALES\JOURNAL. New directories created
by [Mkdir] immediately appear in the graphic tree display.

The directory tree [Rmdir] command (also similar to the DOS command of the
same name) deletes or "removes" the subdirectory under the directory pointer.
Selecting [Rmdir] when the directory pointer was on the directory
D:\FORMS\LETTERS\SUPPORT will delete the SUPPORT directory, provided the
following conditions are met:

You can't delete the directory you're currently logged in to (the current

You can't delete the top level (root) directory of a disk.

You can't delete a directory that contains any files and/or other directories.
If you want to delete a directory that contains files, delete the files first
by using the [Files | Erase File(s)] command.

There are two directory tree options that are useful in conjunction with the
[Write] command. Both options are related to writing the directory tree file
to disk whenever changes are made in the disk's directory structure. Keeping
the file synchronized with the actual directory structure is important since
Treeview does not scan the disk for directories if the TV.DIR file exits
(unless you use the [New] command as noted above).

The first option, [Other | Setup Parameters | Directory Tree Options | Select
Drives to Always Write] allows you to specify a set of disk drives which are
to automatically have the TV.DIR file rewritten whenever you exit the
directory tree and there were directories created or deleted. A useful
application of this option is to specify all of your computer's hard disks.
The drives should be specified as single letters, with or without colons (:)
and spaces.

The second option, [Other | Setup Parameters | Directory Tree Options | Prompt
to Write when changes] will ask you if the TV.DIR file should be written when
changes have been made in the directory structure. This option is useful when
you may or may not want to write to the disk.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
If neither option is specified, Treeview does not write the directory tree
file to disk unless you explicitly use the [Write] command to do so. If you
want Treeview to reread the current drive/subdirectory, use the [New] command
first, then the [Write] command to save the new information.

5-1.1 File Masks

Normally, Treeview displays all files in the current directory whenever you
run it, however you also have the option of forcing Treeview to only show the
files you are interested in processing at the time. This is where the concept
of "file masks" comes in.

Think of a file mask as an easy way to "filter" the types of files that are
displayed. By default, Treeview will display files that match the mask of
"*.*". In other words, ALL FILES. If you set the file mask to "*.MDF" for
example, Treeview will only show files with an extension matching "*.MDF". A
File Mask of "TV.*" will only show files named "TV" with any extension. A File
Mask of "AUTO*.*" will show all files whose names start with the letters
"AUTO". The File Mask is a fast way to select the types of files Treeview will

Another way to control the files that are shown is to TAG the files you want
BY NAME. Then do another TAG operation and SELECT the files tagged. This
performs the same function as specifying a File Mask in that only certain
files in the current directory will be shown.

5-2 Extra File Information

Treeview can display three levels of detail about files stored on a disk. The
level of detail displayed is changed with the Alt-I or [Files | Extra File
Info] command. Each time you select this option, Treeview will "toggle" to
another "level" of detail, from highest detail level to lowest. 
A default level of detail can be set with the [Other | Setup Parameters |
Startup Defaults | Extra File Info] options. The lowest level shows only file
names, and is illustrated below:

BATCH\            CONFIG.OLD        DV\

At the lowest level of detail, Treeview is able to show five columns of file
names per window. The second level displays full information on each file. In
addition to the file's name, its size, creation or last modification date and
time are shown. 

An example of the highest level of detail (full file information display) is
shown below:
NAME              USED        ALLOC       DATE        TIME        R H S A
ANSI.SYS          4963        6144        7/20/87     1:00:00pm   . . . .
AUTOEXEC.BAT      1135        2048        11/27/87    8:01:26pm   . . . .
BATCH\            <DIR>       <DIR>       11/21/87    5:31:55pm   . . . .DIR

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
Each file entry (except for directories) shows two file sizes, USED and
ALLOCATED. Due to the manner in which DOS stores files on disk, a file often
requires more space than it actually uses. The file size reported in the USED
column is the amount of useful data actually in the file. The size reported in
the ALLOCATED column is the amount of space allocated by DOS or reserved for
the file's use. The allocated (but unused) space is not available for other
files to use, and is a good indicator of those files which may be wasting
space. These files frequently include small batch files and text files.

A file's attributes are shown as a single character if the attribute is on, or
a period if the attribute is off (R - Read/Only, H - Hidden, S - System, and A
- Archive). The Directory attribute is shown by the characters DIR.

When full file information is being displayed, only one column of file names
can be shown per window.

The medium level of detail displays some, but not all, of the information per
file. The fields shown are: name, file size, and creation or modification date
and time. The allocated size and file attributes are not shown, thus allowing
two columns of file names to be shown per window. An example is shown below
(only one file per row will fit on the printed page):

ANSI.SYS          4963        7/20/87     1:00pm
AUTOEXEC.BAT      1209        3/25/89     1:45pm
BATCH\            <DIR>       2/14/88     11:03pm

5-2.1 File Sorting

Treeview can sort the files for display in a variety of formats. The choices
you have for sorting files are as follows: by filename, extension, date, size,
or unsorted. You can also specify ascending or descending order. Please note
that when sorting files for display, no files are actually relocated, just
shown onscreen in the manner you have specified. The DOS directory is NOT
modified in any event.

From the Treeview main screen, you can sort the files in the current window by
typing the following keystrokes:

            S D  [Sort | by Date]  (sorts by date) or 
            S N  [Sort | by Extension]  (sorts by extension) or 
            S S  [Sort | by Size]  (sorts by size)

One of the benefits of sorting files is to logically group similar ones
together. When sorting by extension, all your batch files (.BAT) will be
listed together, all the program files (.EXE and .COM) and text files (.TXT
and .DOC, for example) will be grouped together, and so on. For example, this
would be a nice way to use Treeview if you needed to know about only a certain
type of file.

If you sort the files by size, the smallest files will be listed first, and
the largest will be listed last because this is considered ascending order. If
you tell Treeview to sort in descending sequence, the largest files would be
shown first, followed by successively smaller files.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
Sorting the files by date will display the oldest files first, followed by
newer ones, again because this is ascending order. Unless otherwise selected,
ascending order is used by default when performing sorts within Treeview.

5-3 File Selection Attributes

The File Selection Attributes function will allow you to work with a select
group of disk files, based on the DOS file attributes that the files
themselves have. Attributes are qualities that DOS maintains about each file
to tell it whether a particular file should or should not be displayed
(Hidden), used by the operating system (System), unchangeable (Read-Only), has
been copied (Archive), or is a directory entry (Directory). Check your DOS
manual for more information on file attributes.

The following attributes can be used for file selection:

Normal            Selects files which have none of the following
                  attributes set. This is not really a DOS file
                  attribute, but it's useful to treat it as one.

Archive           Selects files which have the Archive attribute
                  set. DOS sets the Archive attribute when a file
                  is created or modified.

Dir               Selects files which are subdirectories.

Hidden            Selects files which have the Hidden attribute set.

Read/Only         Selects files which have the Read/Only attribute

System            Selects files which have the System attribute set.

As distributed, Treeview's default file selection attributes are N (Normal), R
(Read/Only), A (Archive), and D (Dir). This means that only files with the
Normal attribute (that is, no attributes at all), the Read/Only attribute, the
Archive attribute, or the Directory attribute will be displayed.

Selection attributes work by only displaying files that have one or more
matching attributes. A file which does not have any matching attributes is not
displayed. The current file selection attributes are shown in the header
"Selection" area. The displayed attributes are abbreviated to their first

There are two commands that set file selection attributes -  [Other |
Selection Criteria | by Attribute] and [Other | Setup Parameters | Startup
Defaults | Selection Attribs].

The [Other | Selection Criteria | by Attribute] command sets the selection
attributes for the current file name window. This command allows different
windows to be given different selection attributes, thereby displaying
different collections of files. When this command is used, Treeview rereads
the current window's directory (or directories if Show-All or Show-Sub mode is
active) and only displays those files which match the new attributes.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
As an example, you can display all modified files on your disk (and only the
modified files) by using [Other | Selection Criteria | by Attribute] to turn
off all attributes except Archive. Then use [Dir | Show All Dirs] to read all
directories on the disk. Only the modified files (those with the Archive
attribute set) will be displayed.

The other selection attribute command, [Other | Setup Parameters | Startup
Defaults | Selection Attribs] sets Treeview's default selection attributes,
and are the initial values used every time you start the program. Treeview is
distributed with the Hidden and System attributes turned OFF since files with
these attributes are not typically manipulated by users. If you like to see
every file in any given directory, change the default attributes to include
Hidden and System files.

To change attributes of any file(s), please see Section 5-15.

5-4 Find File Name

The Find File Name command moves the file pointer to the first file name in
the current window that matches the characters you specify. To search for
(find) a given file name in the current window, first press the equals [=]
key. Each character typed after the "=" key further defines the file name to
find. For example, typing "=T" moves the file pointer to the first file in the
window that starts with the letter "T". If you then type the letter "V", the
file pointer will move to the first file name starting with "TV".

If you type a character for which there is no matching file name, a beep will
sound and the file pointer will not move. You can change the name to search
for by using the Backspace key, all the way back to the "=" key. The status
line at the bottom of the screen contains the current file name search string
and brief instructions after typing "=".

The Find File Name command can be terminated by the ESC key and most other non
alpha-numeric keys and commands. The sequence

                               =TV [Ctrl-T] 

moves the file pointer to the first file name starting with TV and tags that

It's important to realize that the Find File Name command does not search the
disk for a given file, it only searches the list of names in the CURRENT
DIRECTORY WINDOW. If the file name is not in the window, Find File Name will
not find it. To use this command to search for a specific file somewhere on
disk, use it in conjunction with the [Dir | Show All Dirs] command to search
all file names on the disk.

5-5 Show-All and Show-Sub Modes

Normally Treeview displays the contents of a single directory in each file
name window. This mode of operation matches the way most people organize their
data on disk - related files are put together in the same directory. At times
however, it's more convenient to see all the files in a given set of
directories, or even all the files on a disk.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
The [Dir | Show All Dirs] and [Dir | Show Sub Dirs] commands do just that.
[Show All Dirs] displays all files on the current disk (called Show-All mode)
and the [Show Sub Dirs] command displays all files in the current directory
and any directories under the current directory (called Show-Sub mode).

You may access this feature by typing the following:

D A  [Dir | Show All Dirs]  (to see ALL files on the disk) or
D S  [ Dir | Show Subdirs]  (files in the current directory and below)

This is a "toggle" switch, meaning that the first time the D A command is
used, all files will be displayed in the window. If you issue a second D A
command, only the files in the current subdirectory will be shown.

The Path section of the header displays the directory name of the current file
so that you can tell which directory a given file resides in when the Show-All
or Show-Sub mode is active. As you move the file pointer through the displayed
file names, the Path changes to show the location of the current file.
Normally, all file names displayed in a window would be in the same directory,
so the Path section would not change from file to file.

Selecting [Dir | Show All Dirs] or [Dir | Show Sub Dirs] a second time turns
off the corresponding mode and restores the display of the files in the
current directory.

You can use these commands in conjunction with the selection mask and/or
selection attributes to limit the files displayed. For example, a selection
mask of *.EXE combined with [Show All Dirs] displays all .EXE files on the
current disk.

Show-All and Show-Sub modes are just two of Treeview's most powerful features.
In these modes, you can work with all the files on any disk (or in a given
directory tree) just as easily as you could with the files in any single

Some examples of Show-All/Show-Sub uses are:

1) Erase all the .BAK files on drive C.

- Select all files on drive C [Dir | Show All Dirs].
- Tag all files with the extension .BAK [Tag/Untag | by Name].
- Erase all tagged files [Files | Erase File(s) | Tagged Files
  or Alt-Y].

Keystrokes used to perform this operation would be:

                   D  A  T  N    *.BAK(enter)  F  E  T  Y

(Directory Show-All, Tag by Name all ".BAK" files, File Erase Tagged YES)

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
2) Turn off the Archive attribute of selected files so the DOS
   BACKUP program will not copy them to disk.

- Select all files                  [Dir | Show All Dirs].
- Tag all modified files            [Tag/Untag | Modified].
- Display only the tagged files     [Tag/Untag | Select Tagged].
- Untag (F2 key) the files which are to be backed up - leaving
  only modified files not to backed up still tagged.
- Turn off the Archive attribute of the tagged files [Files |
  Set File Attributes | Tagged Files or Alt-B].

5-6 Subdirectories

DOS allows subdirectories to be given names just like any other type of file.
When looking at a list of file names, it's easy to forget which names
represent files and which names are actually subdirectories. To make the
distinction clear, Treeview displays directory names with a backslash
character (\) following the name. The following list shows several file and
directory names as they would be displayed by Treeview:

ANSI.SYS      COMMAND.COM           DRIVER.SYS              JDISK        
AUTOMENU\     CONFIG.SYS            DUET\                   LIB\         
BATCH\        CONFIG.OLD            DV\                     NOTES         

In addition to the [Dir | Login New Drive] and [Dir | Login New Directory]
commands, the F3 and F4 function keys can also be used to change directories.
The F3 key will login to the parent of the current directory, up to the top
level root directory on the current disk. The F4 key will login to the
subdirectory under the file pointer.

5-7 Terminate and Stay Resident Utilities and Treeview

Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) programs load into memory and remain there
when executed. You should avoid loading TSR routines from Treeview since the
TSRs would be placed above Treeview in memory. When you exit Treeview, an
unused "hole" would be left in memory where Treeview used to reside. This hole
in the computer's memory would generally cut down on the amount of memory
available to other programs executed after quitting Treeview. This is true not
only of Treeview, but of many other programs that also give you access to DOS.

One common DOS command, the PRINT command, is a TSR utility that remains in
memory after being loaded the first time. If you're going to use the PRINT
command from within Treeview, make sure that PRINT is used at least once
before starting Treeview. The following command could be added to your
AUTOEXEC.BAT startup file to load the resident portion of the PRINT command
whenever the computer is turned on or restarted.

                          PRINT /D:PRN >NUL:

The ">NUL:" on the command line simply keeps a couple of messages from the
PRINT program from appearing on the screen. This command should work in most
DOS versions. Refer to your DOS manual for more information on the PRINT /D
command option.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
5-8 Update Target Directory

When maintaining backup copies of files, or working with the same set of files
on multiple computers, it's often necessary to update your files so that all
copies of the same file are indeed the same version. Programmers (or anyone)
who use multiple subdirectories for source files will appreciate the ease of
updating files in their choice of target directory.

Treeview's [Dir | Update Target Directory] command provides a convenient way
to synchronize the files in different directories or disk drives. Two
directories are used by the [Update Target Directory] command - the source and
the target. Treeview selectively copies files from the source to the target,
so that the target directory contains the same files as the source.

What makes this command more convenient than a simple copy is that it only
copies the files in the source directory that were created or modified more
recently than the corresponding files in the target directory.

The source directory is always the current directory when the [Update Target
Directory] command is executed. Treeview prompts you to enter the name of the
target directory before copying any files. If you have opened a window into
the target directory, just pressing the PgUp or PgDn keys will automatically
fill in the information needed for the update.

The [Dir | Update existing files only] option modifies the behavior of the
[Update Target Directory] command. When this option is off, all files in the
source directory are checked against the target, and are copied if they are
more recent or if they don't exist in the target directory. When the [Update
existing files only] option is on, only files already in the target directory
will be updated, providing they are more recent versions. Files in the source
directory but not in the target will NOT be copied if this option is turned
on. Please note: Because Treeview uses the creation/modification date and
timestamp to determine if the files are the same or not, it's important that
your computer's date and time be accurately set for this command to work
properly. If your system doesn't have a real time clock, make sure the date
and time are set correctly whenever the computer is turned on or rebooted.

5-9 Window Commands

Treeview can display from 1 to 6 file windows on the screen at a time. Each
window is independent of the others and can display the same or a different
drive and/or directory. File name windows are opened, closed, and switched
with the [Windows] command. When you start Treeview, it initially has one file
name window open, displaying the contents of the current directory. As you
open and close additional windows with the [Windows | Open] and [Windows |
Close] commands, the size of the windows will be adjusted so that all open
windows have an equal amount of screen space. The F7 and F8 keys are
short-cuts for opening and closing windows, respectively.

Only one of the open windows can contain the file pointer at a time; this is
called the current window. The Path, Files, and Selection sections of the
header area at the top of the screen always display information about the
current window. As you move the file pointer from window to window with the
[Window | Next] and [Window | Prev] commands, the header area updates to
reflect the current window status. The F9 and F10 keys are short-cuts for
moving to the next or previous window, respectively.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
A newly opened file name window displays the same directory as the current
window, and it also inherits the current window's sort options, tagged files,
and selection criteria. If you want the new window to display a different
directory or disk drive, use the [Dir | Login New Directory] or [Dir | Login
New Drive] command to switch to the desired directory or drive.

Commands that operate on files only effect the directory shown in the current
window. For example, when you erase all tagged files with the [Files | Erase
File(s) | Tagged Files] command, only the tagged files in the current window's
directory are erased. [Erase File(s)] does not effect any tagged files in
other directories.

To close a file name window, just place the file pointer in the window to be
closed and press F8 or W C [Window | Close]. Closing a file name window
removes the window from the screen display. It has no effect on the files
themselves, it simply removes the window from the screen.

Windows are very useful when working with two or more directories or drives at
the same time (for example, when copying a set of files from a hard disk to a
floppy, or when moving files from one directory to another).

5-10 Interrupting Tagged File Operations

When performing an operation on all tagged files (copy tagged, rename tagged,
erase tagged, etc.), the ESC, Ctrl-U, Ctrl-C, or Ctrl-Break keys can be used
to interrupt the process. Striking one of these keys during a tagged file
operation causes the message "Interrupt?" to be displayed. Respond Y to stop
the operation, N to continue.

Interrupting a tagged file operation does not restore files that have already
been processed, but it can keep further files from being modified. If another
DOS command is named in the operation, Treeview will attempt to continue
processing with that command, so the following note is placed here to suggest

WARNING: We recommend that you do NOT interrupt tagged file operations that
involve more than one DOS command (i.e., COPY $T $T.BAK^DEL $T^ECHO ALL DONE).
Treeview may continue processing files with the following command if there are
more than one in the prototype. Please check Section 6-2 for more on DOS
Command Macros.

5-11 DOS Command Recall

When you are prompted for a response in a pop-up window (for example, when
logging in to a new directory or when entering a DOS command to execute), the
response can be edited with the Home, End, Ins, Del, backspace, left arrow,
and right arrow keys up until the time you press the Enter key to end the

The Home and End keys move the cursor to the left and right ends of the
response, respectively. The Ins key turns the insert mode on and off, allowing
existing data to be typed over (when off) or new data to be inserted (when
on). The cursor is made larger when the insert mode is turned on. The Del key
deletes the character at the cursor position, while the backspace key deletes
the character just to the left of the cursor. The left and right arrow keys
simply move the cursor in the corresponding direction.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
The up and down arrow keys can also be used when entering a response. Treeview
keeps track of the last 10 responses entered, and recalls the next oldest
response each time the up arrow key is pressed. The recalled response can be
edited or accepted (by pressing Enter) just as if it had been typed in again.
If you go past the response you wanted with the up arrow key, the down arrow
can be used to recall the more recent responses.

Finally, the PgUp and PgDn keys also effect the entry and editing of
responses. Pressing the PgUp or PgDn key when entering a response inserts the
name of the directory displayed in the file name window above or below the
current window, respectively. Each time the PgUp or PgDn key is pressed, the
next higher or next lower window's directory name is inserted. This is useful
when performing operations such as copying files or logging in to another

5-12 External Functions of Treeview

Treeview can perform several "external" procedures - running any DOS program,
calling a user defined file editor or listing utility, and more. This ability
is usually referred to as a "shell", meaning that Treeview can provide an
alternate user interface to the computer instead of the standard DOS prompt

By using a shell, users can normally be more productive with less
understanding of the commands available from the normal DOS prompt. A shell is
an environment that provides on-line help, colorful screen displays, easy
performance of repetitive tasks, and a common place of reference for the user.
A task is performed from the shell and then control is returned to the shell
program. In Treeview's case, this means that you can just point to a program
or executable file, hit the Enter key, X C, or Alt-X key [eXecute | Current
File] to run it. When the program is finished, you are returned to Treeview.

Treeview can be configured to either run its own internal file viewer or one
of your own selection. Similarly, you can set up an external editor to be
called with a single keystroke from within Treeview that will allow the user
to perform quick revisions to text files, batch procedures, or other ASCII

Magee Enterprises, Inc. has another product that can be considered a "shell"
program, and it is called Automenu(R). Where Treeview is file oriented (point
at a file and perform an action on it), Automenu is application oriented
(point at an option on a menu and perform it). Both are examples of shell
programs because both allow you to perform complex tasks more easily with them
than without them. More details on the external functions of Treeview are
outlined in Appendix A.

5-13 File Oriented Operations

With many of Treeview's file oriented operations, you must first tag (mark)
the files to be processed and then perform some type of command with those
tagged files. This is done by several means. You can move the highlight bar to
a file and then either press the grey "plus" key (on the numeric keypad) or
the F2 function key. This will mark the file as "tagged" and then proceed down
to the next filename that is displayed in the window.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
You can also use the menu bar option at the top of the screen called
Tag/Untag. Do this by pressing the letter "T". You are given the option of
tagging files by name by specifying a file mask that fits the files you want
to process. You can specify "*.BAK" to tag all files with the extension .BAK,
or "STAR.*" to tag all files with the name STAR.

There are other options under the Tag/Untag function that will allow you to
select files by date and time, all files not already tagged, files with
today's date, and files with the archive attribute set (Modified). Check
Appendix A for the logic map on using the Tag/Untag menu option.

5-13.1 Copying Files

After tagging the selected files you wish to copy, you will return to the main
display screen. From here you must press "F" to access the Files menu bar
option, and then "C" to copy files. You will be asked if you want to copy the
Current file or all Tagged files. Press "T" to copy a series of tagged files,
and then answer the prompt about the destination for the files to be copied

When prompted for the destination, you can use the PgUp and PgDn keys to
access the names of the directories into which windows are currently open, or
you can point at the small letter "T" on the top of the destination window.
This will bring up a graphic directory tree that you can point to your
destination and double-click the mouse button. The same will happen if you use
the Alt-T command. 

To copy tagged files to another drive, just input the name of the drive to be
copied to (A:, etc.). If there is a special subdirectory that you wish the
files to be copied into, specify the subdirectory name when Treeview asks for
the destination (D:\FileDirectory, etc.). An easy way to copy files is to open
one window into the source directory and one into the target directory. Then
after tagging the files to be copied, give the F C T command, and when
prompted for the destination, press PgDn, then Return. Treeview will copy all
tagged files quickly and easily!

5-13.2 Renaming and Moving Files

Treeview has a rather simple approach to moving files - it merely renames the
path associated with the filename so that DOS will keep track of it in another
subdirectory. Instead of making a copy in another subdirectory (with the
inherent space taken by duplicating files) and then deleting the original as
so many file products do, Treeview just renames the path specification to the
file you are renaming or moving. For example:


can be "moved" to another subdirectory by renaming it to


There is no reason to duplicate the file when DOS will accept the renamed path
specification as part of the new filename. This effectively "moves" a file
LOGICALLY without moving it PHYSICALLY, and does not require additional space
be available on disk for the newly named file.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
5-13.3 Viewing Files

Treeview has a built-in file listing utility that will automatically switch
between ASCII and hexadecimal modes, depending on the format of the file you
wish to view. By just placing the highlight bar over a file and pressing Enter
you will see the contents of the file displayed on the screen. This is
important if you need to look at several files before deciding which one you
might wish to edit.

View any current file by pressing "F" for Files and then "V" for View. The
highlighted file will then be displayed on the screen. A shortcut would be to
highlight a file and then press Alt-V. If the current (highlighted) file is in
ASCII (text) format, it will be displayed in full screen format. If it is not
ASCII, it will be displayed in hex format - the left two thirds of the screen
will show the hexadecimal representation of each byte in the file, with the
printable equivalents shown on the right one third of the screen.

Treeview allows you to use either the native file lister included with the
product, or configure one of your own. Please refer to Section 6 for tips on
"Customizing Treeview" for details on configuring your own external functions.

5-13.4 Editing Files

There is no editor built into Treeview, so this is what we call an "external"
function. It is something that you can set up, but will not operate if you do
not do so. From the main display you can press [Other | Setup Parameters |
External Program Hooks | File Editor] to access a screen that will ask you for
the "command prototype" of the editor you wish to use.

The command prototype is in the same form as those that will be discussed in
Section 5-14, and makes use of the DOS macros that are explained in Section
6-2. Typically you would tell Treeview to use a command prototype that looks
like this:

                               EDITOR $F

where "EDITOR" is the command to start your choice of editing programs, and
"$F", a DOS macro which will be substituted by the full path and filename of
the current file. This will allow you to highlight a file from the main screen
and then press Alt-F ([Files | Edit File]) to start your editor and pass to it
the name of the highlighted file. 

Using the example above, if the highlight bar is placed over a file called
MYFILE.TXT on the C: drive in the \TEXT subdirectory, the command passed to
DOS would be

                       EDITOR C:\TEXT\MYFILE.TXT

5-13.5 Resetting File Date and Time

The date and time attributes of any file(s) can be changed by using the [Files
| Set File Date/Time] command. Treeview will ask if you want to change the
current file or all tagged files, and then present a pop up window displaying
today's date and time. You can press the enter key to use this data, or input
your own data and then press enter. 

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
You can also use the up and down cursor keys to "recall" a previously entered
date or time, so if you are changing these attributes on many files, this
"automatic command recall" feature can save you quite a few keystrokes.
In any event, changing file dates and times can be a convenience for those who
must track files by their vintage, such as a software librarian or programmer.

5-14 Command Prototypes

Treeview allows you to build your own series of DOS commands to be executed at
a variety of points in the program. There are User Defined Keys (UDK), DOS
Command Macros (DCM) and the Point-and-Go (P&G) commands, all of which are
made up of what are called "Command Prototypes".

A Command Prototype is nothing more than a string of characters that includes
one or more DOS commands and one or more Treeview macro characters ($T, $F,
etc.). To Treeview, this represents a "prototype" (working example) of the
command that you want carried out, and usually takes the following form:

            DOS_Command [TV_Macro]...^DOS_Command [TV_Macro]...

where DOS_Command is a valid program or instruction, and TV_Macro is one of
the Treeview macro characters as discussed in Section 6-2. This Command
Prototype is the instruction that tells Treeview what actions to take whenever
the user invokes the command. Here is an example of a Command Prototype:


This prototype has three parts, each separated by the "^" (caret) symbol. The
three parts break down as follows:

1. ECHO $T >> DIRS

This instruction tells Treeview to ECHO (write) the name of every TAGGED file
($T) to another (temporary) file called DIRS. This will create a file (DIRS)
with the names of all tagged files in it.


This command calls Phil Katz's fine file compression utility program PKZIP and
instructs it to create a single compressed file called ZIPFILE and to place in
it all the files listed in the file DIRS. This means that you can tag a series
of files, press a User Defined Key and perform this operation on all the files
at the same time with a single keystroke.


This will delete the temporary list file named DIRS, as it was only needed for
the execution of this particular prototype.


This last directive will ECHO (write) a message on the screen to tell the user
that this operation is "DONE". Command Prototypes are used throughout
Treeview, and more discussion on this and related subjects will be found in
the next section.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
5-15 Displaying and Resetting File Attributes

Treeview can easily display and/or modify the attributes of any DOS file.
There are two ways to display the attribute of any file. First, you can elect
the most detail from the file window with the ALT-I command. This will show
you not only the file attributes, but also the file size and the last date it
was modified. The other way is to place the file pointer over the filename and
use the ALT-A command. This will bring up a window that will not only show you
the current attributes of the file, but also give you a chance to change them.

To change a single file's attributes, place the file pointer over the filename
and press ALT-A. Press the letter(s) of the attribute(s) to be changed, then
press C to write the change to disk. Treeview will then return to the main
file display and await your next command.

To change the attributes of multiple files, tag the files desired and then
press ALT-B. Press the letter(s) of the attribute(s) to be changed, then press
C to write the changes to disk. Treeview will then return to the main file
display and await your next command. Attributes that can be displayed and/or
modified with this version of Treeview are detailed in Section 5-3, File
Selection Attributes.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.

6-1 Screen Colors

The [Other | Setup Parameters | Screen Colors] command allows you to customize
the video attributes Treeview uses to display various types of information. On
a color display monitor, the video attributes determine which colors are
displayed. On a monochrome monitor, the attributes select display options such
as underlined, inverse video, and intensity.

You can specify video attributes for ten different types of displayed text.
They are: Normal text, Highlighted text, Window text, Highlighted window text,
Heading text, Background text, Tagged file name text, Menu text, Highlighted
menu text, and Selected menu text. The easiest way to determine the different
types of text is to change the colors and observe the results.

When you select the [Other | Setup Parameters | Screen Colors] command, the
display shows the types of text that can be selected, and the color
combinations allowed. The PgUp and PgDn keys on the numeric keypad select the
type of text to define, while the arrow keys select the particular display
attribute for that type of text. The current type of text and the current
attribute are always indicated by  >TEXT<  characters.

When changing video attributes, three choices are available from the menu bar
-  Accept, Reset, and Quit. Use the [Accept] option to save the color
combination you've selected. If you've selected a set of attributes you don't
like, you can use the [Quit] command to return to the previous attribute
settings. With the [Reset] command, you can restore the default (permanent)
settings even if you've accepted other attributes. [Reset] restores the last
settings that were written to the TV.CFG file.

6-2 DOS Command Macros

A set of command "macros" are available for use wherever Treeview accepts
input of a DOS command ([Xecute | Current File], [Xecute | DOS Command], User
Defined Keys, and Point-and-Go commands). Before executing the DOS command,
Treeview replaces the macro with its value. The supported macros are:

$C    The current file name, with extension.
$D    The current drive letter, without a trailing colon (:).
$F    The full pathname of the current file, including drive,
      directory, and file name (with extension).
$P    The directory pathname for the current or tagged file,
      without a trailing backslash (unless the current directory
      is the root and a \ does not follow the $P macro).
$T    The first or next tagged file name, with extension.  When
      $T appears in a command line, Treeview executes the
      command once for each tagged file name.
$XC   The current file name, without its extension or trailing
$XT   The first or next tagged file name, without its extension
      or trailing period. Like $T, $XT causes the command to
      be run once for each tagged file name.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
Macro examples:

                                  TYPE $C

Runs the DOS TYPE command on the current file. If the file pointer was on the
file TV.DOC, the command is executed as:

                                TYPE TV.DOC

which will type (display) the text file to the screen. The command

                               COPY $T A: /V

runs the COPY command once for each tagged file. If the files TV.CFG, TV.DOC,
TV.EXE, and TV.HLP were tagged, the following commands are executed:

                             COPY TV.CFG A: /V
                             COPY TV.DOC A: /V
                             COPY TV.EXE A: /V
                             COPY TV.HLP A: /V

When executing a DOS command in the Show-All or Show-Sub modes (multiple
directories displayed in a single file name window), use the $F or $P macros
to ensure the command looks for the file in the proper directory. Without the
$F or $P, the command will most likely assume the file is in the current
directory, while it may in fact be in a different directory. The command 

                              FIND "silver" $T

tries to find the string "silver" in all tagged files, but will not be able to
search those files that are not in the current directory. The command

                             FIND "silver" $P\$T

searches all tagged files using the file's complete pathname (including files
not in the current directory). To pass a macro name to DOS without being
expanded, use two $ signs. The command

                                COPY *.C $$D /V

is executed as:

                                COPY *.C $D /V

The macro names can be entered in upper or lower case, thus $C is the same as

Entering a $T or $XT macro on a command line causes Treeview to execute the
command once for each tagged file in the current window. If you have a RAM
disk on your computer system, you can speed up such operations by putting a
copy of the DOS COMMAND.COM file on the RAM disk and pointing the COMSPEC
environment variable to it. For example, if your system has a RAM disk as
drive D, the following commands in the AUTOEXEC.BAT would copy the COMMAND.COM
file and setup the COMSPEC environment variable:

                          COPY C:\COMMAND.COM D:\
                          SET COMSPEC=D:\COMMAND.COM

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
6-3 Setting File Limits

Treeview allows you to select the maximum number of files that can be
displayed in a file name window. The number of files per window directly
corresponds to the amount of your computer's memory required to hold file
information. The smallest number allowed is 100, while the maximum is 2515.
Approximately 64K of memory is used to hold file information when the maximum
value of 2515 is selected. Having four maximum sized windows open at once
would require 256K of memory just to hold file information.

If you want to minimize the amount of memory that Treeview itself uses, select
a value for the number of files per window that is just large enough to hold
all the files in one of your typical directories. Minimizing Treeview's memory
usage allows more memory for any programs executed from within Treeview.

The number of files per window is set with the [Other | Setup Parameters |
#Files per Window] command. Changing this value does not effect any file name
windows that are already open, only windows opened afterwards (via F7 or the
[Window | Open] command), will have the new value.

The number of files per window can be increased on a temporary basis by
selecting the new value and then responding with an N to the "Write Changed
Parameters to Disk (y/N):" prompt.

Treeview's conventional memory requirement can be greatly reduced if your
computer has LIM/EMS memory available to hold file information. See Section
6-6, USING EMS MEMORY, for more information.

6-4 Point-and-Go

Treeview's Point-and-Go facility provides the ability to operate on files with
DOS commands or other programs simply by pointing at the file name and
"executing" the file. Whenever Treeview "executes" a file, it looks at the
file's extension to determine what processing is required. If the extension is
.COM, .EXE, or .BAT, the file is treated as a normal DOS executable program
(.COM or .EXE) or as a batch file command (.BAT). If the file has an extension
other than .COM, .EXE, or .BAT, Treeview searches a table of user-defined file
extensions and commands to determine how to process the file. Instead of
executing the file itself, Treeview performs one or more DOS commands defined
for files with matching extensions.

The Point-and-Go commands are most useful when combined with Treeview's
command macros. These macros allow information such as the current drive,
directory, and/or file name to be added to the command before it's executed.
See Section 6-2 "DOS Command Macros" for a complete description of the
available macros.

As with User Defined Keys and the [Xecute] commands, you can specify multiple
DOS commands to be executed in a Point-and-Go entry by separating the commands
with "^" characters. The following example shows three DOS commands that could
be given in a Point-and-Go entry. All three commands would be executed, in
left to right order, when a file with a matching extension is "executed":

               del $xc.old^rename $xc.bak $xc.old^ws $xc.old

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
As an example of how to setup the Point-and-Go entries, consider an entry with
an extension of .DOC and a command of

                                 WS $C

Whenever you enter Alt-X (short-cut for [Xecute | Current File]) with the file
pointer over a .DOC file, Treeview executes the WS program with the current
file name as a parameter. Alt-X with the file pointer on the file TV.DOC would
execute the command

                               WS TV.DOC

while Alt-X on the file DC_TRIP.DOC would execute the command "WS

The Point-and-Go table can hold up to 10 extension/command entries. You can
create and modify the entries with the [Other | Setup Parameters | Point and
Go Setup] command. Each entry can specify from 1 to 3 different extensions.
When entering multiple extensions, make sure to separate them with a single
space. The following example shows how several Point-and-Go entries might


      1     doc         ws $c                   N     N
      2     c asm txt   edlin $f                N     N
      3     ltr         del $xc.bak^ws $c       N     N
      4     mdf         automake $f             N     N

Entry number 1 is the WS $C example presented previously. Entry number 2 shows
a command that edits files with three different extensions (.C, .ASM, and
.TXT). Entry 3 shows two commands being executed for LTR files, while entry 4
edits AUTOMENU Menu Definition Files by running the AUTOMAKE program.

For each Point-and-Go entry, you can define whether or not Treeview pauses
and/or rereads the current directory after executing the DOS commands. If you
enter "Y" (for YES) in a entry's PAUSE column, Treeview waits for you to press
a key after running the command(s). An "N" (for NO) in the PAUSE column causes
Treeview's screen to be redisplayed as soon as the commands finish. Entering
"Y" for PAUSE allows you to view any output the commands leave on the screen
before Treeview redisplays its own screen.

Entering "Y" in the READ column of an entry tells Treeview to reread the
current directory when the command(s) finish. A value of "N" will not reread
the directory. "Y" should most likely be specified if the commands create or
delete files, or if they change the current directory. Note that rereading the
directory will result in "untagging" any files tagged before the commands were
executed. There is a limit of 50 characters to any one Point-and-Go key.

6-5 User Defined Keys

Treeview provides the ability to execute user defined commands at the touch of
a key. There are 30 User Defined Keys available. A particular User Defined Key
is executed by pressing an Alt-Function key sequence, a Control-Function key
sequence, or a Shift-Function key sequence. Alt-F1 executes User Defined Key
number 1, Alt-F2 executes User Defined Key number 2, and so forth.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
User Defined Keys are created and modified with the [Other | Setup Parameters
| User Defined Keys] command. The following sample entries show how User
Defined Keys are entered.

      NUM   KEY   COMMAND PROTOTYPE           PAUSE       READ

      1     A-F1  edlin $f                      N           N
      2     A-F2  pkzip -v $f                   Y           N
      3     A-F3  chkdsk $d:                    Y           N

The first entry (invoked by the Alt-F1 sequence) runs the program EDLIN with
the name of the current file as a parameter. Assuming EDLIN is a text editor,
you could edit any text file by moving the file pointer to the file's name and
pressing Alt-F1.

The second entry shown above runs the program PKZIP with two parameters; the
letter V and the name of the current file. PKZIP is a popular program for
maintaining compressed files. Moving the file pointer to a .ZIP file and
pressing Alt-F2 would list (view) the contents of the .ZIP file.

The third entry shown above runs the DOS CHKDSK command with the current drive
letter as a parameter.

As with Point-and-Go entries and the [Xecute] commands, you can specify
multiple DOS commands to be executed by a User Defined Key. Each command must
be separated from the others by the '^' character. The following example shows
two DOS commands that can be executed by a User Defined Key:

                         del $xc.bak^edlin $c

For each User Defined Key, you can specify whether or not Treeview pauses
and/or rereads the current directory after executing the commands. If you
enter "Y" (for YES) in a command's PAUSE column, Treeview waits for you to
press a key after running the command(s). An "N" (for NO) in the PAUSE column
causes Treeview's screen to be redisplayed as soon as the commands finish.
Entering "Y" for PAUSE allows you to view any output the commands leave on the
screen before Treeview redisplays its own screen.

Entering "Y" in the READ column of an entry tells Treeview to reread the
current directory when the commands finish. A value of "N" will not reread the
directory. "Y" should most likely be specified if the commands create or
delete files, or if they change the current directory. Note however that
rereading the directory will "un-tag" all files which were tagged before the
commands were executed. There is a limit of 50 characters in any one User
Defined Key.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
6-6 Using EMS Memory

Treeview can make use of two different types of memory in your computer system
- conventional and expanded. Conventional memory is that part of memory used
and controlled by DOS. Normally there is somewhere between 128K and 640K of
conventional memory available in an IBM PC or compatible system. The
Lotus/Intel/Microsoft (LIM) Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) is a hardware
and software system that provides extra (expanded) memory to programs that are
able to access it. If your computer system has EMS compatible memory
installed, Treeview can use this memory to store file names and other file
data. Allowing Treeview to utilize EMS memory is advantageous because it
leaves additional conventional memory available to execute DOS commands and
other programs from Treeview.

The [Other | Setup Parameters | Other Options | Use EMS (if available)] option
enables or disables Treeview's use of LIM/EMS memory. If your computer system
does not have LIM/EMS memory installed, this option has no effect since
Treeview will then use conventional memory. The [Other | Setup Parameters |
Other Options | Use EMS (if available)] option is turned on when a check mark
is displayed in front of the option; it's off when a "not sign" (-) precedes
the option.

You can also enable or disable Treeview's use of EMS memory with the /C and /E
command line parameters. Refer to Section 3-1, Command Line Parameters, for
more information.

Remember: if you want the changes you make to become permanent, be certain to
save the new values to disk when prompted. By default, Treeview considers all
changes made to be temporary, so if you wish the changes to become the new
defaults, you MUST save them.

As distributed, the [Use EMS (if available)] option is on to allow Treeview's
use of EMS memory - if EMS memory isn't available, conventional memory will be
used anyway.

6-7 Video Snow Checking

Video "snow" is best described as little flashes of light on your monitor
screen. Sometimes caused by clone CGA video cards, snow is a distracting
nuisance that can be avoided by setting Treeview to write to the screen
through the BIOS, instead of directly to video memory.

The [Other | Setup Parameters | Other Options | Video Snow Checking] option
allows for faster screen updates on computer systems that do not make "snow"
when writing directly to video memory. This option is only useful for some
systems with color displays--monochrome displays do not make "snow" and
Treeview will NOT check for snow when using a monochrome adapter.

Disabling "snow" checking can significantly speed up screen updates. If you
are not sure if your color display adapter makes snow or not, try disabling
Treeview's snow checking. It will quickly be obvious if you need to re-enable
the snow checking.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
Snow checking is enabled when a check mark is displayed before the [Other |
Setup Parameters | Other Options | Video Snow Checking] option. Snow checking
is disabled when a "not sign" (-) is displayed. You can also enable or disable
snow checking with the /F and /S command line parameters. Refer to Section
3-1, COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS, for more information. As distributed, video snow
checking is disabled.

6-8 Defining the Editor and Viewer

Treeview permits you to specify your own file listing (viewing) utility as
well as an editor. Even though a native file viewer is included, you might
wish to use the famous LIST program to view your files. To do this from the
main Treeview screen you would press Alt-S (for Setup), "H" for External
Program Hooks, and "V" to specify that you want to change the File Viewer.

You will be asked for a "command prototype". This is the specification to tell
Treeview what listing program to run and what form of filename to use with it
in the form of a DOS Command Macro. For example:

                                 LIST $F

will instruct Treeview to use Vern Buerg's fine LIST program and pass to it
the current file including pathname ($F) and display it on the screen. More
details on the concept of DOS Macros are in Section 6-2. Available macros are
listed in Appendix D. A user defined editor would be defined in exactly the
same way, except you would specify "E" for File Editor and input the "command
prototype" for the editor.

6-9 DOS Volume Labels

You can change the name of the DOS volume label on your disk drive with this
special capability of Treeview. From the main display screen, type "O" for
Other and "L" for Set Volume Label. Input the new name and press Enter. The
new volume name will be displayed on the main screen.

6-10 DOS Verify

Treeview can control the DOS verify function by turning it on or off. The
Verify function performs a check every time a file is copied to make certain
(verify) that the operation occurred successfully. Copying files will take a
bit longer with verify turned on because of the checks that must be performed,
however it is almost certain that many file related problems will not be
noticed if the verify function is left on.

If you use an exceptionally slow disk drive or CPU, you might be forced to
leave verify OFF due to the length of time required to copy files. We
recommend, however, that the DOS verify function be left ON at all times.
Think of it as a little piece of insurance - a little peace of mind.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.

Treeview is distributed under the shareware marketing concept - it is NOT free
software and it HAS NOT been released to the public domain. The documentation,
executable images, and all other files distributed with Treeview are
copyrighted by Magee Enterprises, Inc.

7-1 What is Shareware?

Shareware is a way of distributing computer software that allows you to try
out a program before you purchase it. Programs distributed as Shareware
typically give you some period of time to use the program and evaluate its
usefulness to you. If the program doesn't meet your needs, you're under no
obligation to pay for it. If you do find the program useful and wish to
continue using it, the Shareware program's author will request that you pay
for the program by sending him or her a completed registration form and

If you find Treeview to be a useful addition to your software library, please
become a registered user by completing the enclosed registration form and
returning it along with the indicated license/registration fee. We hope that
you will agree that the registration fee is a small price to pay for the
continued use of the program. It requires a large investment to develop,
market, and support a product of this complexity. Your support in the form of
a registration payment will help us to continue to make good software
available at very reasonable prices. Treeview is also available at very
special rates to organizations who wish to use it in promotional campaigns, or
to educational institutions. Call or write to Magee Enterprises, Inc. for more

7-2 How to Register

If you use Treeview on a regular basis, you should print out and complete the
file REGISTER.FRM and return it along with the indicated license/registration
fee. Registration gives you the right to use the software as documented in
the license. There are two types of registrations available:  1) regular, and
2) quantity. 

The reasonable registration fee establishes you as a registered user of
Treeview and upon our receipt , you will be mailed a diskette containing the
most recent Treeview version, a printed manual, extended technical support,
notice of product updates, and our multiple line, 24 hour networked bulletin
board service (The Big Peach BBS). Note that the version mailed to you may be
the same version you already have, although updated versions will be released
from time to time. 

Registered users will also receive the current release of TV286, a version of
Treeview specifically made for computers with the Intel 80286 and 80386
microprocessors, as well as all the above mentioned materials.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.

Main Menu Line
Dir  Files  Help  Other  Sort  Tag/Untag  Windows  Xecute  Quit


      L     Login New Directory                             Alt-L
      D     Login New Drive                                 Alt-G
      R     Reread Current Dir                              Alt-N
      T     Show Directory Tree                             Alt-T
      A     Show All Dirs
      S     Show Sub Dirs
      U     Update Target Directory
      X     Update Existing Files Only


      A     Set File Attributes
                  C     Current File                        Alt-A
                  T     Tagged Files                        Alt-B

      C     Copy Files
                  C     Current File                        Alt-C
                  T     Tagged Files                        Alt-K
                  R     Use DOS Verify
                  I     Overwrite Check

      D     Set File Date/Time
                  C     Current File
                  T     Tagged Files

      F     Edit File                                       Alt-F

      E     Erase Files
                  C     Current Files                       Alt-E
                  T     Tagged Files                        Alt-Y

      I     Extra File Info                                 Alt-I

      R     Rename/Move Files
                  C     Current File                        Alt-R
                  T     Tagged Files                        Alt-M

      V     View File                                       Alt-V

      X     Execute File                                    Alt-X

HELP (See Appendix B)

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.

      C     Selection Criteria
                  A     by Attribute
                  R     Reset to Defaults
                  M     File Name Mask
                  C     Clear Mask
                  I     Invert Mask

      I     Treeview Information

      L     Set Volume Label

      S     Setup Parameters                                Alt-S
                  C     Screen Colors
                  F     # Files per Window
                  P     Point and Go Setup                  Alt-P
                  U     User Defined Keys                   Alt-U
                  S     Startup Defaults
                  A     Selection Attributes
                  S     Sort Options
                        B     Bypass Startup Screen Wait
                        1     Extra File Info (1 column)
                        2     Extra File Info (2 columns)

                  T     Copy Options
                        D     Use DOS Verify
                        O     Overwrite Check

                  D     Dir Tree Options
                        D     Select Drives to Always Write
                        P     Prompt to Write when changes

                  H     External Program Hooks
                  E     File Editor
                  V     File Viewer

                  V     View Options
                  7     Display 7 Bit Char
                  M     Require Case Match
                  A     Default to ASCII
                  H     Default to Hex
                  O     Other Options
                        D     Display as NAME     EXT
                        E     Use EMS Memory
                        F     Sound Effects
                        M     Use Mouse (if available)
                        S     Video Snow Checking
                        4     Use EGA 43/VGA 50 Line Mode
                        X     Esc Exits at Top Level

                  W     Write Setup to Disk

      V     Toggle DOS Verify

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.

      N     by Name
      E     by Extension
      D     by Date
      S     by Size
      U     Unsorted
      A     Ascending
      C     Descending


      C     Current File
      D     Date/Time
      I     Invert
      M     Modified
      N     by Name
      T     Today
      U     Untag All
      S     Select Tagged


      O     Open                                            F7
      C     Close                                           F8
      E     Expand
      N     Next                                            F9
      P     Previous                                        F10


      C     Current File                                    Alt-X
      D     DOS Command                                     Alt-D
      S     DOS Shell

QUIT                                                        Alt-Q

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.


      C     Commands
                  D     Directories
                        D     Dir-Tree
                        S     Show All/Sub
                        U     Update

                  F     Files
                        A     Attributes
                        C     Copy
                        D     Date/Time
                        I     Info
                        V     View
                              F     Find

                        X     Execute

                  O     Other
                        C     Criteria
                        S     Setup
                              C     Colors
                              D     Defaults
                                    A     Attributes
                        F     Files
                        G     Go
                        U     User Defined Keys
                        S     Snow Checking
                        O     Options

                  S     Sort
                  T     Tag
                  W     Windows
                              O     Open/Close

                  X     Execute
                              G     Go
                              M     Macros
      I     Input
                  K     Keyboard
                              A     Alt
                              C     Control
                              F     Function
                              O     Other
                  M     Mouse

      M     Menus
      P     Parameters
      R     Registration
      S     Screen
      Q     Quit

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.

      Function Key Usage

F1    Help

F2    Tag/Untag current file (toggle)

F3    Login to parent directory

F4    Login to subdirectory under pointer

F5    Goto next tagged file (find NEXT in View)

F6    Goto previous tagged file (find PREVIOUS in View)

F7    Open another file display window

F8    Close current file display window

F9    Goto next filename display window

F10   Goto previous filename display window

                                    Control Key Usage

    [Note: "^R" means to hold down the Control key and press the letter R.]

^R          PageUp
^C          PageDown
^W, ^E      Up Arrow
^Z, ^X      Down Arrow
^A, ^S      Left Arrow
^D, ^F      Right Arrow
^G          Delete
^V          Insert
^H          Backspace
^M          Enter
^T          Tag, Untag current file

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
            Other Keys Used in Treeview

=           Find File in current window

+           Tag Current File in window

-           Untag Current File in window

*           Access last used menu item

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.

Macro Substitution

 $C   Filename with extension

 $D   Drive letter, no trailing colon (:)

 $F   Full pathname (drive, directory, filename and extension)

 $P   Directory pathname, no trailing colon (:)

 $T   First or next tagged filename (executes once per file)

 $XC  Filename, no extension or trailing period

 $XT  First or next tagged filename, no extension or trailing period
      (like $T, executes once per file)

              Examples of Command Prototypes using DOS Macros

                     (50 Characters maximum length)

del $xc.old^ren $xc.bak $xc.old^ws $xc.old
(Delete a file, then rename the backup file and edit it)

echo $t >> dirs^pkzip -a zipfile @dirs^del dirs
(Copy each tagged filename into a file called DIRS, then create a compressed
file from that list and then delete the list)

command [parameter(s)]^command [parameter(s)]^command ...
(Generic implementation of multiple DOS commands )

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.

If you have problems with Treeview, please read this manual first to make sure
you do understand everything. We have tried to provide a bug-free product but
sometimes we make mistakes. If you think you have found something please take
the time to contact us and explain it to us. Make sure that you include the
following information to help us evaluate your situation:

1.          Your product SERIAL NUMBER (Registered Users have serial numbers)
2.          Version of DOS you are using
3.          Machine type, memory, monitor type, hardware description
4.          Any application executed before Treeview
5.          Your address and telephone number (when corresponding)
6.          Where, when and how you obtained Treeview
7.          Which version of Treeview you are using
8.          Printouts of your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files

We also provide a networked electronic Bulletin Board System (BBS) for anyone
interested in Treeview, Automenu(R), or Shareware in general. This board
currently supports 1200, 2400, and 9600 baud (Hayes) speeds and is available
24 hours a day, seven days a week. Multiple lines are now available, however
in the future we will offer some lines that are limited to registered users

We maintain the most current releases of our products and many other helpful
files concerning Treeview and Automenu, as well as a large selection of other
Shareware products provided to us directly from the authors. The BBS can be
reached by calling 404-446-6650. We also can be reached through a CompuServe
ID: 76004,1541. Our Technical Support Group is open between the hours of 9am
and 4pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, and their direct line is
404-662-5387. We also have a 24 hour FAX line available at 404-368-0719.

Users will always receive a response to their questions. Non-registered users
will receive a written response if they enclose a self-addressed, stamped
envelope with their inquiry.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.

Treeview is a sophisticated, powerful software tool, and as such requires a
bit of knowledge on the part of the user. In fact, the more you understand
about the DOS, the better you will be able to use Treeview.


DOS is really SOFTWARE for the computer that allows it to deal with disk
drives, both floppy and fixed (hard drives). The computer is actually a very
"dumb" appliance, and can only function in the manner prescribed by the user.
By starting up the PC, DOS will load automatically, and then tell you that it
is ready for further instructions. Typically, most garden-variety computers
show a "prompt" (ready to do something) such as this one:


Let's face it - it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that this prompt is
anything but friendly. How can you know what to do next when the computer
won't show you your choices?

DOS is really a collection of programs, and that's why we refer to it as a
"system" - there is more than one element to it. DOS starts to work each time
you "boot" (power up) your machine, loading a pair of hidden files (they are
not shown in a DIRectory listing) and then checking for a couple of more
(CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT), and if they exist, they are loaded into memory
and we are off and running!

Of course, DOS is of no use whatsoever without a computer that can run it. You
might say that there is a very close relationship between DOS and the computer
- without each, the other would be useless. That's why you usually receive a
copy of DOS whenever you purchase a new PC. In a real sense, DOS is THE most
important program your computer can run!


We can classify the general operations of any computer in four simple steps:





This is what we are going to call the "IPSO Facto". All computer operations
can be broken down into one of the above, and if we try to categorize all the
things we do with our PCs, we will find that they fall into one of these
areas. For instance, when we turn on our computer, and it sits there waiting
for us to do something, we could say that it is ready to accept INPUT. When we
type a command that the computer recognizes, we say that it is PROCESSing that
request. If we save a file, STORAGE comes into play, and whenever we print
something, or display anything on the monitor, we are using the computer's
OUTPUT function.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
Most everything that the PC can do will be able to be classified under one (or
more) of the above headings. Even programmers can make life much easier for
themselves by organizing their particular language into this kind of


Treeview was designed to help in the process of dealing with all the files
that can be generated by the OUTPUT process mentioned above. When you run
programs, files are usually created (or changed). Take your word processor
(WP), for example. When you run it, it asks for the name of the file to be
edited and opens it. If you wish to create a new file, then the word processor
creates (OUTPUTs) a new one. If you change a file, some WP programs will leave
the original file on the disk and simply rename it. When you save the file, it
is written (OUTPUT) to the disk drive.

After a while, we could have a serious number of files on our hands - and
that's just from the word processor! If you use a spreadsheet program, or a
graphics program, or a database program, the same might be true. Files, files,
files. What are we going to do with all of them? Well, for starters, we need
to organize them!


Because the typical hard drive is capable of storing so much data, we need
some easy method of sorting and organizing the files that are there. DOS has
an important capability to create "logical" divisions on the disk called
directories, and to keep track of what is called the "current directory". The
current directory is very simply the one you are in at any given moment.

If you can imagine a file cabinet that has only one drawer, you begin to see
what we are talking about. One large drawer in a cabinet really has no way to
separate the mass of materials that will be STOREd there, so we use more than
one drawer to keep logically similar data in the same place. Think of these
"drawers" as directories, and the entire hard drive as a filing cabinet. If we
then further break down each drawer into file folders, we begin to simulate
the same structure that DOS uses to keep track of all the files on the disk.

If you ran a business, you would file similar paperwork together and create a
filing system that allowed you (or anybody else) to access any of that
paperwork in a fast and efficient manner. Similarly, the DOS filing structure
employs directories (and SUBdirectories) to keep apart different files, and to
keep together related ones. When we speak about DOS directories, we should
envision a kind of "tree" structure that begins at the "root" and branches out
into a variety of directories (and SUBdirectories, which are directories
underneath other directories). This is how Treeview got it's name - it helps
manage the tree structure of your disk and keeps all the "leaves" (files)
swept up and in neat order.

Your hard disk may be organized, and it may not be, however one thing is
certain: the more order you keep on your computer's disk, the easier it is to
make BACKUPS (copies) that can be a real life saver if there is a hardware
problem (disk crash, for example). The benefits of proper disk organization
are many and great. Take some time and use Treeview to display the structure
of your disk drive. Is there a "tree" there? Are similar files grouped into
individual areas (directories)?

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
We cannot begin to explain all the intricacies and inner workings of DOS here,
so we must advise you to take a look at your DOS manual or one of the books
listed below. The time you invest in learning about your computer's most
important software will be worth it many times over. Also check into your
local computer club or user's group - they are a tremendous resource for
getting answers to questions you might have. In fact, there are answers
waiting for questions at the next meeting of many, many computer groups, so
take advantage of the situation, and learn more about DOS.


There are many good books on using the hidden powers of the Disk Operating
System, and if you want additional background on using and learning DOS, try
one or more of these fine volumes:

RUNNING MS-DOS (3rd Ed.), Van Wolverton, Microsoft Press

This is probably the very best of the "aftermarket" DOS books, not just
because it's published by Microsoft, but because Van has taken an easy going,
almost casual approach to teaching the fundamentals of DOS. He begins by
explaining what DOS is, how it gets the computer started, and how it organizes
files and disks (hence it's name: Disk Operating System). He then goes into a
very understandable explanation of managing files and devices, hard disk
organization, system controls and tailoring, local area networks and more.
Several appendices are included, one that tells how to prepare a hard disk and
another that details the syntax of every DOS command. This is the best book
for the first time DOS user. Highly Recommended!

SUPERCHARGING MS-DOS, Van Wolverton, Microsoft Press

As a follow-up to the title above, Van takes the DOS user deeper into the
system functionality with chapters on things like printer "languages", using
the DOS DEBUG utility, controlling the environment with CONFIG.SYS, system
customizations, care and feeding of the computer, and much more. A Quick
Reference section is set up to answer questions about ANSI.SYS drivers and
hexadecimal codes. Definitely NOT for the beginner, SUPERCHARGING is still one
of the "must-have" books in any DOS user's library. Also Highly Recommended!

MS-DOS BIBLE, Steven Simrin, The Waite Group

Also geared for the beginners, this volume stretches the technical side a bit
more than RUNNING MS-DOS, and even includes a tutorial on booting DOS,
formatting diskettes, installing and changing drives, filenames and
extensions, copying files, batch files, redirection and piping, EDLIN (the DOS
line or text editor), and much, much more! This one is definitely for those
who have a foundation of knowledge in DOS, and will take you even further than
the SUPERCHARGING MS-DOS mentioned above. A fine reference work for daily use,
this book will provide many hours of ready information on all aspects of DOS.


For users with a previous knowledge of DOS, TRICKS will show you insight and
techniques not published anywhere else. According to the authors (four of
them!), this volume is for serious business and personal users, software
developers and consultants, and "power users". This book will open your eyes
to some of the more arcane tips and practices for stretching DOS to the max.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc.
MS-DOS BATCH FILE PROGRAMMING, Ronny Richardson, Tab Books

This is a definitive reference to those who wish additional insight into the
mysteries of programming directly within the operating system (DOS).
Everything from simple batch files to replaceable parameters, looping and
control flow, and the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files are covered. A
reference to DOS commands is included, and many examples are used throughout.
If you are DOS-literate, this volume will certainly assist in creating more
imaginative and powerful batch procedures that will be easily controlled from
within TREEVIEW or AUTOMENU. Recommended.

This is definitely NOT intended as any kind of complete resource listing of
available DOS publications. You should refer to a local PC Users Group for the
best advice. And keep checking the Magee Enterprises BBS (The Big Peach) for
updated information and tips and tricks on using DOS and Treeview.

MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Treeview is a
trademark of Magee Enterprises, Inc. Automenu is a registered trademark of
Magee Enterprises, Inc. All rights are reserved worldwide.

The above listing is only provided as a public service, and Magee Enterprises
Inc. is in no way connected or involved with any of the above companies,
authors or publications. We do, however, feel that in the interests of
furthering knowledge about computers and DOS in general, it is necessary to
provide some kind of reference listing for our user's further investigation
and comprehension.

        Treeview 1.1    Copyright 1988,1989 Magee Enterprises, Inc..End of Treeview Documentation.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1243

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

(C)1989  DOC      5335   5-31-89   1:10a
CIS_HELP DOC       676   5-31-89   1:10a
LICENSE  DOC      5335   5-31-89   1:10a
PRINTDOC BAT      1255   5-31-89   1:10a
READ     ME       5695   5-31-89   1:10a
REGISTER FRM      3080   5-31-89   1:10a
TV       DOC    126538   5-31-89   1:10a
TV       EXE     77986   5-31-89   1:10a
TV       HLP     53618   5-31-89   1:10a
FILE1243 TXT      2517  11-26-90  10:08a
GO       BAT        38  10-19-87   3:56p
GO       TXT      1002  11-26-90  10:25p
       12 file(s)     283075 bytes
                       31744 bytes free