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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1220)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “DRACULA IN LONDON”

DRACULA IN LONDON is a spell-binding adventure game with outstanding
graphics for one to six players.

The plot of DRACULA IN LONDON is to track down the blood-thirsty vampire
and put an end to his evil menace. Each player assumes the role of one
of six vampire hunters: Van Helsing -- renowned metaphysician, Mina
Harker -- school mistress, Jonathan Harker -- solicitor's clerk, Dr.
Seward -- head of a lunatic asylum, Arthur Holmwood -- son of Lord
Godalming, and Quincy Morris -- wealthy young Texan. Provisions include
sacred weapons, equipment, and animals.

Full of surprises and fast moving, DRACULA will provide you hours of
excitement. Be sure to wear your garlic and bring your own stake.


Disk No: 1220
Disk Title: Dracula In London
PC-SIG Version: S1.2

Program Title: DRACULA In London
Author Version: 1.05
Author Registration: $9.00
Special Requirements: CGA.

DRACULA IN LONDON is a spell-binding adventure game with outstanding
graphics for one to six players.

The plot of DRACULA IN LONDON is to track down the blood-thirsty vampire
and put an end to his evil menace.  Each player assumes the role of one
of six vampire hunters: Van Helsing -- renowned metaphysician, Mina
Harker -- school mistress, Jonathan Harker -- solicitor's clerk, Dr.
Seward -- head of a lunatic asylum, Arthur Holmwood -- son of Lord
Godalming, and Quincy Morris -- wealthy young Texan.  Provisions include
sacred weapons, equipment, and animals.

Full of surprises and fast moving, DRACULA will provide you
hours of excitement.  Be sure to wear your garlic and bring your own

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.


║                  <<<< Disk No. 1220  Dracula In London >>>                  ║
║                                                                             ║
║  To start the program, type:  DRACULA (press enter)                         ║
║                                                                             ║


	  DRACULA In London (c) Copyright 1988 by SDJ Enterprises, Inc.

				Version 1.05


	     1) Boot up DOS 2.0 or higher.
	     2) Put disk in default drive.
	     3) Type DRACULA. Hit [Enter].


	     IBM(tm) PC and 100% Compatibles
	     CGA, EGA or VGA graphics card
	     256K memory


	     For your convenience, a blank registration form is included
	     in the file REGISTER.DOC.    It is in standard ASCII format
	     and may be printed out using any word processing program or
	     with the following directions:

	     1) Boot up DOS version 2.0 or higher.
	     2) Put Start-Up Disk into default drive.
	     3) Turn On Printer.  Align paper.
	     4) Press the Ctrl and Print Screen keys simultaneously
		to activate printer.
	     5) Key in TYPE REGISTER.DOC at the DOS prompt.
	     6) Press Enter.

	     Your generous contributions help insure  a  steady flow of
	     new shareware products into the marketplace.


	     We appreciate your help in tracking down unsightly bugs in
	     this program.   Please send a complete description  of the
	     error and how it occurred to:

			     SDJ Enterprises, Inc.
			     1551 Fawn Valley Dr.
			     St. Louis, MO  63131

			  or call (314) 966-5602.


	     File Name     Description
	     -----------   ---------------
	     REGISTER.DOC  Blank registration form.
	     README  .DOC  Documentation file

	     DRACULA. EXE  INITIAL program.
	     DRACULA1.EXE  MAIN program.
	     LAIR1.   EXE  GO TO lair program.
	     LAIR2.   EXE  MOVE ABOUT lair program.
	     ROOMSUB. EXE  DRAW ROOM program.
	     ENDGAME. EXE  FINAL program.
	     BRUN20.  EXE  Microsoft (tm) LIBRARY file.

	     FINDATA1.TXT  Binary PICTURE file.
	     FINDATA2.TXT  Binary PICTURE file.
	     BOARD1.  BAS  Binary PICTURE file.
	     BOARD2.  BAS  Binary PICTURE file.
	     1             Binary PICTURE file.
	     2             Binary PICTURE file.
	     3             Binary PICTURE file.
	     4             Binary PICTURE file.
	     5             Binary PICTURE file.
	     7             Binary PICTURE file.


		      R E G I S T R A T I O N   F O R M
     Mail to:

     SDJ Enterprises, Inc.                                        v1.05
     1551 Fawn Valley Dr.
     St. Louis, MO  63131                                (314) 966-5602

     I wish to become a registered user  of DRACULA In London. Enclosed
     is a check,  cash or money order for $9.  As a registered user,  I
     will receive:

     - Six Hunter Cards
     - A Provisions Reference Card
     - An Official DRACULA In London Sticker
     - An author's note.



     City, State, Zip _________________________________________________

     Phone (optional) __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ __

     Comments: (Product improvements, questions, bugs and errors, etc.)

   Signature__________________________________  Date ________________

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1220

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

1                  144   5-07-88   3:16p
2                  238   5-07-88   2:57p
3                  246   5-07-88   2:57p
4                  286   5-07-88   2:52p
5                   96   5-07-88   2:52p
7                  180   5-07-88   2:52p
BOARD1   BAS      4806   4-09-88   8:23a
BOARD2   BAS      4806   4-09-88   8:23a
BRUN20   EXE     69454   1-16-87  11:44a
DRACULA  EXE     41953  10-28-89  12:48p
DRACULA1 EXE     69761   9-30-89   9:18a
ENDGAME  EXE      8497   2-20-88   4:00p
FILE1220 TXT      1007  11-29-89   1:49p
FINDATA1 TXT      3754   4-23-88  10:44a
FINDATA2 TXT      3824   4-23-88  10:44a
GO       BAT        37  11-29-89   1:40p
GO       TXT       568  11-29-89   1:39p
HUNTER1  EXE     22513   5-28-88   3:16p
LAIR1    EXE     26385   9-30-89   9:20a
LAIR2    EXE     61489   5-28-88   3:52p
README   DOC      2293  10-28-89  10:16a
REGISTER DOC      1055  10-28-89  12:42p
ROOMSUB  EXE     25793   2-13-88   3:59p
       23 file(s)     349185 bytes
                           0 bytes free