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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1214)

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Information about “IT’S ALL IN THE BABY’S NAME”

Planning to have a baby? Then you will certainly want this program
which helps you choose the right name to insure your offspring's future
success! Great gift for your friends who are about to become parents!

Tell the computer the baby's last name and it will provide you with an
almost endless list of combinations of first and middle names that you
can view or print. Names are drawn from a large variety of ethnic
backgrounds and sources and provide a great starting point for naming
the next generation. Some combinations can be quite startling, some
quite plain, and some will be recognized as relatives.

Another option allows Mom and Dad to scan prospective first names and
choose likely candidates. Your trusty computer then mixes and matches
them and lists them out with your last name for comparison shopping. The
result allows the proud parents-to-be to mull over the combinations
which look and sound best and try to pick something even the child will

NUMBER MAGIC teaches preschool children number recognition and
counting skills. Favorite childhood songs reward success and the game
encourages older siblings to share in the learning. After a parent
gets things started, counting, matching, and maze games help your
children learn, while making the learning a more rewarding experience
for all.


                                 Version 1.00

                         IT'S ALL IN THE BABY'S NAME!

              This program is a light-hearted look at choosing a
          baby's name.  It is a limited database, drawn from a large
          variety of ethnic backgrounds.  Some of the combinations
          can be quite startling, some quite plain, and some will be
          recognized as relatives!

              For best results, use a color monitor.  At least 64k
          is required to run this compiled BASIC program.  A printer
          is useful.  No special printer codes or graphics are used.

              The opening screen asks for the baby's surname.  After
          entering the surname, the menu of options is displayed.
          The active options are shown in red.

                   F1 = View a random combination of names.
                        Choosing this option will activate the
                        option of viewing (F5) girls names or (F6)
                        boys names.  Also activated is the option to
                        return to the main menu, or quitting the

                F5/F6 = View Girls/Boys names will display two
                        columns of First name, Middle Name and the
                        chosen surname, picked by random selection.

          MEGAN KIT JONES                      JOANN JOY JONES
          VIOLA JOLENE JONES                   BRIDGET VIOLA JONES
          MARIE LEE JONES                      JANICE ELEANOR JONES

              Again, the option of returning to the main menu or
          quitting is offered.  The selection of F10 will display
          another random list of names.

                   F2 = Print a random combination of names.  The
                        same options as F1 are offered, only the
                        list of names is sent to a printer. The
                        program will ask if the printer is READY.
                        If you answer no, you will be returned to
                        the main menu, other wise the GIRL/BOY
                        selection will become active again.  The
                        list will print onto 8 1/2 by 11 size paper.
                        Printing begins immediately, so be sure the
                        paper is positioned properly and is ready to
                        accept data before answering.

          BABY.EXE      (c) Copyright 1987, GREENLINE Computing Co.
          --------      -------------------------------------------

                   F3 = View a select combination of names.  After
                        choosing whether to utilize girl or boy
                        names, a numbered list of all the names
                        available in the database are presented.
                        At each screen the number associated with
                        the desired name is entered.  If you wish
                        to go to the next page, type "DONE". If you
                        wish to end your selections, type "END".  A
                        list of random combinations of the names
                        you have selected will then be shown.  (If
                        you have a favorite, entering that name
                        number will "weight" the combinations in
                        favor of that name.)

                        When this function is first chosen, you are
                        given an option to sent the results to the
                        printer.  If you wish to have the list
                        printed, be sure to have the printer on and
                        ready, BEFORE making your selections.

                  F4 = Change the last name used.  Use this option,
                       if after arguing about the choice of names,
                       you decide to marry someone else.

              CAUTION: Anyone utilizing F1 (View a random
                       combination of names), and cannot find
                       anything to smile about should seek
                       professional help.

          REGISTRATION: If you enjoy this program, please
                        consider registering with us.  The
                        fee is $12.00, Which entitles you
                        to a free copy of the next update.
                             GREENLINE Computing Co.
                             31 S. Buckboard Lane
                             Marlborough, Ct.  06447
                     This program was written originally on a
                     TRS-80, Model 1 with an amazing 4k of memory.
                     Updates and additions  were added with the
                     advent of my children, and the children of my

                                   Page (2)


Disk No: 1214
PC-SIG version 1

Planning to have a baby?  Then you will certainly want this program
that helps you choose the right name to insure your offspring's future
success!  Great gift for your friends who are about to become parents!

After perspective parents use IT'S ALL IN THE BABY'S NAME, they will
wonder how parents ever named babies before the advent of this fun
and useful program.  It's so easy.  Tell the computer the baby's last
name, and it provides you an almost endless list of combinations of
first and middle names that you can view or print out!

Names are drawn from a large variety of ethnic backgrounds and sources
and provide a great starting point for naming Junior or Miss. Some
combinations can be quite startling, some quite plain and some will
be recognized as relatives.

Another option allows Mom and Dad to scan prospective first names
and choose likely candidates.  Your trusty computer then mixes and
matches them and lists them out with your last name for comparison
shopping. The result allows the proud parents-to-be to mull over the
combinations which look and sound best and pick something even the
child will like.

The second program, NUMBER MAGIC, teaches pre-school kids number recognition
and counting skills.  Favorite childhood songs reward success.  The
game encourages older siblings to share in the learning experience
with the pre-school child.  Counting, matching and maze games help
your children learn.  A reading adult gets things started and
makes the experience a more rewarding one for all.

Usage:  Database/Educational.

Special Requirements:  Color graphics for NUMBER MAGIC.

How to Start:  Type GO (press enter).

Suggested Registration:  $12.00

File Description:

BABY     EXE  Main Program.
BABY     DOC  Main Program Documentation Text.
NUMBER   DOC  Number Program Documentation Text.
NUMBER   EXE  Main Number Program.
FILES    TXT  Author's Message to Users.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(c) Copyright 1988 PC-SIG, Inc.



BABY.EXE             It's All in the Baby's Name               Version  1.00

BABY    .EXE   A light-hearted look at choosing a baby's name.
BABY    .DOC   Documentation for BABY.EXE

NUMBER.EXE                 NUMBER MAGIC                        Version  2.10

NUMBER  .EXE   Pre-School number recognition and counting.
NUMBER  .DOC   Documentation for NUMBER.EXE


║           <<<<  Disk No 1214 IT'S ALL IN THE BABY'S NAME  >>>>          ║
║ To start the program, BABY (press enter)                                ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print the documentation to your printer, type BABDOC (press enter)   ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start the game NUMBER, type NUMBER (press enter)                     ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print the documentation for NUMBER, type NUMDOC (press enter)        ║


                                 NUMBER  .EXE
                                 Version 2.10

                          N U M B E R     M A G I C
                             Copyright (c), 1987

              These games were designed for pre-school children, at
          several levels of development and skill.  Number
          recognition is stressed, with some emphasis on counting
          skills.  Familiar children's songs are used throughout the
          program to reward success.  Numeric scores are also given.
          We have found these useful for encouraging older siblings
          to share in the learning experience with the pre-school
          child.  These games are not solitaire games.  A reading
          adult is needed to get things started, and to make the
          experience a more rewarding one.


              The opening screen gives you an option of turning the
          songs and other aural signals off.  If you decide to leave
          the sound on, an opening song will begin to play.  In
          either event, press enter to begin.

              A smiling face appears and asks for the childs' name.
          The first letter in the name will be capitalized
          automatically.  If there is more than one word in the name
          entered, only the first name entered will be used.  A
          greeting is given, and the menu of games are presented.

          Four options are on the menu;

                             1). Number Matching.
                             2). A Maze Adventure.
                             3). The Counting Game.
                             4). I am dome playing.

          Other than at this menu, entering the letter "Q" at any
          prompt will end play.

          THE GAMES:

          Number Matching :
                             Three colored blocks are presented,
          each with a number inside them.  Underneath these blocks
          is a matching blank block.  The smiling face will appear
          under the numbered block. The objective is to type in the
          same number.  A score is given by adding together the
          correct answers for each of the three blocks. A correct

          NUMBER.EXE    (c) Copyright, 1988, GREENLINE Computing Co.
          ----------    --------------------------------------------

          answer is accompanied by a rising tone, an incorrect
          answer by a falling tone.  After playing five games of
          three blocks each, a good score is rewarded with a song.
          There is also a complementary statement made.  The
          opportunity to play again is presented.  Enter "Y" to
          restart the game, or "N" to return to the opening menu.

          A Maze adventure :
                             A maze is drawn onto the screen.
          Inside the maze are 6 red "MUSIC BOXES" and 2 brown
          "EXITS".  To move around inside the maze, enter the number
          of the location where you wish to move the smiling face
          to.  Moving to a number changes the number of the location
          where you were.  Where there is the same number in two
          adjoining locations, the smiling face will move to the
          number most clockwise.  Landing on the red "MUSIC BOX"
          will play a song.  Going to a brown "EXIT" will end the
          game and also play a song.  Scoring is done by adding the
          number you move to the total so far, as long as it is NOT
          a location visited before.  The final score is presented,
          with a statement of congratulation. Again, an option to
          play again is presented. Choosing "N" will return you to
          the menu.

          The Counting Game :
                              Up to ten colorful boxes are placed on
          the screen at random locations.  Enter the number of boxes
          on the screen.  If the answer is correct, the next group
          of boxes is presented for counting.  The number of boxes
          is added to the total score.  If the answer is incorrect,
          the computer will beep, and another opportunity to enter
          the number is given.  Should the answer still be
          incorrect, the computer will count off the number of
          correct boxes at the bottom of the screen.  The cycle will
          continue until the correct number is entered.  When 10
          correct answers are given, a song is played.  Scoring
          continues to accumulate until the player ends the game
          with a "Q".

          I am done playing :
                              When you are done playing, a final
          song is played.  The smiling face thanks you for playing.

          REGISTRATION: If you enjoy this program, please
                        consider registering with us.  The
                        fee is $12.00, Which entitles you
                        to a free copy of the next update.
                           GREENLINE Computing Co.
                             31 S. Buckboard Lane
                           Marlborough, Ct.   06447

                                   Page (2)

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1214

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BABDOC   BAT       150  11-04-88   2:31p
BABY     DOC      5397   5-26-88   9:17p
BABY     EXE     58769   4-10-88  11:05p
FILE1214 TXT      2138  11-23-88   8:53a
FILES    TXT       736   6-07-88   9:05p
GO       BAT        38   1-18-88   1:38p
GO       TXT       848  11-04-88   2:30p
NUMBER   DOC      5683   5-27-88  10:47p
NUMBER   EXE     55526   6-07-88   8:05p
NUMDOC   BAT       152  11-04-88   2:31p
       10 file(s)     129437 bytes
                       27648 bytes free