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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1207)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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PROCHALLENGE BASEBALL is a one- or two-player strategy game of computer
baseball that has a variety of player options for every pitch of the

In this version the game simulates the 1987 World Series game between
St. Louis and Minnesota, but in the registered version of the program
you may choose between 26 Major League baseball teams.  PROCHALLENGE
BASEBALL is set up for you to be the manager giving signals to the
players.  The pitching team has the option to change its defensive
formation, pick off a runner, and decide what pitches to throw.  When a
pitch is thrown, you can specify where the ball should be placed over
the plate.  The options for the team at bat include the choice to swing
at the ball, bunt, steal a base, lead off a runner, hit and run, run and
hit, and call the pitch.

PROCHALLENGE BASEBALL does everything to simulate the actual game, even
to the point of using the statistics for each player of the team.
Baseball fans will be pleased that the program allows them to play based
upon the skill and strategy of the real game of baseball.  PROCHALLENGE
BASEBALL has graphic screens for the entire field with its players and
the view from the pitcher's mound, not to mention the many colorful game
menus to aid in game play.  At any time you may let the computer make
the signal, so that one player may play against the computer or even the
computer against itself.


Disk No: 1207
PC-SIG version 1

PROCHALLENGE BASEBALL is a one or two player strategy game of computer
baseball that has a variety of player options for every pitch of the

In this version the game simulates the 1987 World Series game between
St.  Louis and Minnesota, but in the registered version of the program
you may choose between 26 Major League baseball teams.  PROCHALLENGE
BASEBALL is set up where you are the manager giving signals to the
players.  The pitching team has the options to change its defensive
formation, pick off a runner, and decide what pitches to throw.  When a
pitch is thrown, you can specify where the ball should be placed over
the home plate.  The options for the team at bat include the choice to
swing at the ball, bunt, steal a base, lead off a runner, hit and run,
run and hit, and call the pitch.

PROCHALLENGE BASEBALL does everything to simulate the actual game, even
to the point of using the statistics for each player of the team.
Baseball fans will be pleased that the program allows them to play based
upon the skill and strategy of the real game of baseball.  PROCHALLENGE
BASEBALL has graphic screens for the entire field with its players and
the view from the pitcher's mound, not to mention the many colorful game
menus to aid in game play.  At any time you may let the computer make
the signal, so that one player may play against the computer or even the
computer against itself.

Usage:  Baseball Game/Entertainment.

System Requirements:  CGA grapics.

How to Start:  Type GO (press enter).

Suggested Registration:  $24.95

File Descriptions:

MINNESOT TM   Team data file.
BBHELP   PIC  Graphic picture files.
BBLOGO   PIC  Graphic picture files.
DEFENSE  PIC  Graphic picture files.
FIELD    PIC  Graphic picture files.
OFFENSE  PIC  Graphic picture files.
SCOREBD  PIC  Graphic picture files.
???????? TAB  Program files (16 files).
STLOUIS  TM   Team data file.
GUIDE         Documentation.
PC104E2  EXE  Main program.
GO       BAT  Batch file to print documentation.
READ     ME   Ordering information.
BASEBALL BAT  Batch file for starting game.
BBPLAYER DTA  Data file.
SLOWDOWN COM  Program for a 286 computer.

1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1988 PC-SIG, Inc.


║             <<<<  Disk No 1207 PROCHALLENGE BASEBALL  >>>>              ║
║ To start the program, type BASEBALL (press enter)                       ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To copy the documentation to your printer, type MANUAL (press enter)    ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1207

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BASEBALL BAT        11   8-19-88   1:19p
BBHELP   PIC      3004  10-30-87   9:23a
BBLOGO   PIC      3444  10-14-87   3:46p
BBPLAYER DTA      5638  11-08-87  10:01p
CALL     TAB       512   2-22-84   2:30p
CPBATTER TAB      1536  11-18-83  12:52p
CPPITCH  TAB      3584  11-18-83  12:36p
DEFENSE  PIC      7015  10-14-87   3:47p
FIELD    PIC     12804  10-14-87   3:47p
FILE1207 TXT      2425  10-31-88   4:31p
GO       BAT        38   1-18-88   1:38p
GO       TXT       540  10-31-88   4:39p
GUIDE            74467   1-01-80  12:30a
MANUAL   BAT       147  10-31-88   4:41p
MINNESOT TM       2112   1-01-80   2:11a
MSG010   TAB      1924  10-07-87  10:03a
MSG100   TAB       936  10-04-87   1:34a
MSG300   TAB      2808  10-07-87  10:03a
MSG400   TAB      2236  10-07-87  10:03a
MSG450   TAB      4472   9-11-87   2:13p
OFFENSE  PIC      7015  10-14-87   3:46p
PC104E2  EXE    162313  11-09-87   1:09p
READ     ME       1712   1-01-80   5:18a
SCOREBD  PIC     12804  10-14-87   3:47p
SLOWDOWN COM      1024   5-27-87  11:45p
SLOWDOWN DOC      1029   7-27-88  11:04a
STLOUIS  TM       2112   1-01-80   2:24a
T008     TAB       216   9-26-83  11:43a
T009     TAB      1024   5-16-84   8:58a
T010     TAB       512   2-22-84  11:35a
T046     TAB      3888   9-26-83  11:33a
T378     TAB       512  12-08-83   7:40a
T380     TAB       512  11-15-83  12:45p
TEAMFILE TAB       229   1-01-80  12:33a
TEAMNAME TAB       289   1-01-80  12:18a
       35 file(s)     324844 bytes
                       19456 bytes free