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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1179)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “PROPMAN 1 OF 3 (ALSO 1180, 1452)”

PROPMAN will do property management accounting and record keeping for
individual owners with up to 50 rental units.  These may be 50
individual houses or one 50-unit building or any combination in between.
Financial records are kept individually for each building.  PROPMAN is
an on-line accounting system.  All data is updated throughout the system
each time new information is entered.  Displays and reports are always
current.  There are no transactions to post or trial balances to run.
PROPMAN maintains monthly and year-to-date data about properties.
Historical data is also kept about past tenants.

PROPMAN does move-in and move-out prorates, calculates mortgage
payments, schedules rent changes and can also print three-day notices
and rent change notices.

PROPMAN is completely menu-driven and has on-line help to guide you
through its operation.


   - residential property management software           309 S. Ynez Ave.
                                                        Monterey Park, CA
                                                        (818) 570-1071

  PropMan does everything you need to track and manage your rentals.

  * Capacity        - 1 to 50 buildings
                    - 50 total rental units
                    - upgrades for large owners or management companies

  * Tenant records  - rent collection
                    - deposit collection and balances
                    - move in/move out prorates
                    - automatic rent changes
                    - payment history
                    - personal information

  * Payables        - automatic mortgage invoices
                    - distribute invoices to multiple accounts
                    - vendor 1099 information

  * Reporting       - immeadiate posting of bills and income
                    - month-to-date and year-to-date
                    - individual records for each building
                    - on-screen or printed reports

  * Unit inventory  - individual addresses
                    - repair notes

  * Archives        - automatic month-end and year-end archives
                    - previous 11 months detail available
                    - all previous year-end available

  * and more        - Prints 3-day and rent change notices            
                    - built in calculator
                    - on-line reference manual
                    - and much more

           PropMan is distributed via the shareware concept. You may try a
      free, shareware version of PropMan with no obligation to buy the
      registered version. The free version is an operational property
      management system and contains virtually all of the features of the
      registered version.

           If you like the free version and intend to continue using PropMan
      then you should be willing to pay the registration fee. Registration
      cost $135.00 and includes the full featured version of PropMan, a
      detailed Reference Manual, a User Guide tutorial manual and 90 days
      telephone support.

           PropMan runs on IBM PC's and compatibles including PS/2's. It
      requires a hard disk, 512K memory and a printer. PropMan uses no
      internal tricks or gimmicks and, to date, we have had no conflicts
      whatsoever with any IBM compatible computer, with any printer or any
      RAM resident software package with which it has been tried.



                      Residential Property Management Systems
                                 309 S. Ynez Ave.
                           Monterey Park, CA 91754-3203
                                  (818) 570-1071

                PropMan is a line  of software for residential  property
           management.  The  features  and  capacities  of the different
           versions  of  PropMan  span  the  entire  range  of  property
           ownership and management.

                PropMan  was  designed  from  the  start  as  a property
           management system. It is  not a rehashed accounting  program.
           It collects  and displays  the data  that is  of interest  to
           property owners and managers.  The reports are organized  and
           labeled in property management terms.

                To introduce a new user to PropMan there is a  Shareware
           version. It is a minimal but useful system that will track up
           to 50 rental units. The shareware version is not intended  as
           the user's permanent property management system. It is a  low
           cost way for you to try PropMan for as long as desired to see
           if it satisfies your needs.

                The  Registered   version  of   PropMan  is   the  fully
           functional 50 unit system.

                For  larger  owners  there  is  an  Owner's  version  of
           PropMan. It will handle up  to 200 rental units. In  addition
           it will do  check writing, tenant billing,  mass mailings and
           other operations of use to larger owners.

                The  Professional  version  of  PropMan  is designed for 
           property management companies. The  capacity is in excess  of
           10,000 units  and is  limited by  the size  of the  hard disk
           available.  The  accounting  includes  calculating management
           fees and records for multiple owners per building.  

                All  PropMan  systems  can  be  upgraded with no loss of
           data. The  accounting operations  and reports  are consistent
           throughout all versions. The Professional version is as  easy
           to use  as the  Shareware version.  The common  features from
           version to version operate in the same way. When you  upgrade
           there is  no need  to change  office procedures  or learn  to
           operate a new  computer system. The  old features operate  as
           before; the new features are added on. 

                The Shareware version has introductory documentation  on
           the disks and on-line help in PropMan.

                The Registered,  Owner's and  Professional versions  all
           come  with  a  Reference  Manual,  a  step by step User Guide
           tutorial and  telephone support  in addition  to the  on-line
           help in PropMan.


                      Residential Property Management Systems
                                 309 S. Ynez Ave.
                           Monterey Park, CA 91754-3203
                                  (818) 570-1071

                The  chart  below  outlines  the differences between the
           various  versions  of  PropMan.  Any  of  the  systems can be
           upgraded with no loss of data.

                All  PropMan  systems  do  complete  property  mangement
           including individual  accounting records  for each  building,
           tenant  tracking  and  payment  history, automatic posting of
           invoices, mortgage amortization, automatic archiving of data,
           month-to-date  and  year-to-date  reporting,  and  many other

                             Professional       Owner        Registered

           Cost                 $395.00        $255.00        $135.00

           Max Units/Bldg         200            200             50
           Max Bldgs              900            200             50
           Max Total Units     10,000 +          200             50

           Phone support        1 Year         1 Year         90 days

           Building owners      5/Bldg         1/System       1/System

           Chart of Accts      Common or        Common         Common

           Check writer           Yes            Yes

           Rent Bills &           Yes            Yes
           Mass Mailings

           Payroll *              Yes            Yes

           Auto Rent Changes      Yes            Yes

           Mgmnt Fee Calcs        Yes

                A  Shareware  version  of  PropMan  is  available  for a
           duplicating charge  of $12.00.  It is  a functioning property
           management system with most of the features of the Registered
           PropMan  system.  You  may  test  the  Shareware  version  to
           determine if PropMan meets your needs before buying  the full
           feature version.

                The  Owner and Professional  systems are sold  with a 30
           day return privilege. There is a 15% restocking charge.  If a
           system is upgraded within  6 months of purchase, we will take
           the old system in trade for full price credit. After 6 months
           we will allow a 50% credit. Call for details.

           * PropMan does not do payroll calculations. Payroll costs may
             be entered for inclusion on financial statements.


Disk No: 1179
Program Title:  PROPMAN version 2.6 (Disk 1 of 3)
PC-SIG version: 1.2

PROPMAN will do property management accounting and record keeping for
individual owners with up to 50 rental units.  These may be 50
individual houses or one 50-unit building or any combination in between.
Financial records are kept individually for each building.  PROPMAN is
an on-line accounting system.  All data is updated throughout the system
each time new information is entered.  Displays and reports are always
current.  There are no transactions to post or trial balances to run.
PROPMAN maintains monthly and year-to-date data about properties.
Historical data is also kept about past tenants.

PROPMAN does move-in and move-out prorates, calculates mortgage
payments, schedules rent changes and can also print three-day notices
and rent change notices.

PROPMAN is completely menu driven and has on-line help to guide you
through its operation.

PROPMAN comes on a three disk set, #1179, #1180 and #1452.  All disks
are needed to run the program.

Usage:  Business.

Special Requirements:  512K and a hard disk.

How to Start:  Type GO (press enter).

Suggested Registration:  $135.00

File Descriptions:

AB       CMP  Data files.
CF       SYS  Configuration file.
INSTALL  DOC  Installation instructions.
PM       BAT  Starts the program.
PM       EXE  Main program.
PMINS2   BAT  Install batch file.
PMINSTAL BAT  Install batch file.
README   ONE  Small text file.
REGISTER DOC  Registration form.
REPORTS  DOC  File used by demo.

1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1988,89 PC-SIG, Inc.


║             <<<<  Disk No 1179 PROPMAN (Disk 1 of 3)  >>>>              ║
║ To install the program to your hard drive, type PMINSTAL (press enter)  ║



                      Residential Property Management Software

                             Installation Instructions


                                Shareware Version

                        PropMan Installation Instructions
                               (C) Copyright 1988
                         G. Curtis Feger/Jeffrey G. Gobel

                                PropMan Software
                            (C) Copyright 1986,1988
                         G. Curtis Feger/Jeffrey G. Gobel
                                 309 S. Ynez Ave.
                           Monterey Park, CA 91754-3203
                                  (818) 570-1071


                           Disclaimer of Warranties

              The Shareware version, the Registered version and all
         other versions of PropMan software and documentation are
         provided "as is". There are no warranties of any kind either
         expressed or implied. We expressly disclaim any warranty as
         to the performance of the software, the accuracy of the
         documentation or the results you may obtain from them. We
         also expressly disclaim all other warranties, including, but
         not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and
         fitness for a particular purpose. 

              The entire risk as to the quality and performance of
         PropMan is with you. You alone are responsible for the
         decision as to the suitablity of PropMan for your particular
         needs. If PropMan proves defective or unsuitable, you assume
         the entire cost of all service, repair or correction;
         including, but not limited to, all incidential or
         consequential costs or damages. 



              PropMan software was designed specifically for propery
         management. The Registered version of PropMan will track up
         to 50 units. These may be 50 individual houses or one 50 unit
         building or any combination inbetween. Financial records are
         kept individually for each building.

              PropMan is an on-line accounting system. All data is
         updated through-out the system each time new information is
         entered. Displays and reports are always current. There are no
         transactions to post or trial balances to run. It maintains
         monthly and year-to-date data about properties. Historical
         data is kept about current and past tenants.

              There are a lot of convience features that are difficult
         to do with databases or spreadsheets. PropMan does move-in
         and move-out prorates, calculates mortgage payments, schedules
         rent changes. It prints 3-Day and rent change notices. And
         there are several others.

              The Shareware version of PropMan is a functional property
         management system. It has the same capacity as the Registered
         version but some features have been removed. It has been
         trimmed so that it and documentation will fit on two disks.
         The shareware version collects and maintains all needed data.
         Nothing will be lost when you upgrade to the Registered version.

              PropMan is also available in versions that will handle
         more units, multiple owners per building, payroll expenses,
         management fees, checkwriting and more. Call or write for
         information if you need these capabilities.


              The Registered version of PropMan costs $135.00. It is
         delivered on four diskettes.  Registration includes 90 days
         phone support, a Reference Manual that tells how PropMan works
         and a User Guide that tells how to work it.

              PropMan is NOT free software. The Shareware version is
         freely distributed so that users may have a chance to try
         PropMan before purchasing it. If you use PropMan you owe us
         the registration fee and should be willing to pay it.

              If you don't want to register now but want to be notified
         of future releases of PropMan, send us your name and address
         for our mailing list.


                           Hardware Requirements

               PropMan runs on IBM PCs and compatibles. Minimum
           hardware is 512K memory, a hard disk and 80 column printer.
           The CONFIG.SYS file must contain a FILES parameter with a
           minimum of FILES=20.It will use a color monitor but does
           not require one. (The self-running demo on disk 3 does
           require color.) The Shareware version of PropMan will use
           about 500K of disk space plus 150-300K per building. The
           Registered PropMan uses almost 1 meg plus building data.

               PropMan avoids all non-standard operating techniques
           and interfaces. As a result it has run properly on every
           PC compatible it has been installed on and has worked with
           every printer tried.


               PropMan is self-installing. After powering up your
           computer, put disk 1 in drive A. Type the command
           A:PMINSTAL. PropMan will be loaded onto your system. As
           the load progresses you will be asked for disk 2. Disk 3
           is not needed for the load. It contains documentation
           and a self-running demo.

               PropMan requires a FILES=20 parameter (larger is OK)
           in the CONFIG.SYS file. If there is no CONFIG.SYS, PropMan
           will make one. If one exists it is left alone and you must
           check the FILES parameter yourself. PropMan creates a
           sub-directory called PROPMAN and loads itself into the
           sub-directory. Within this PROPMAN sub-directory an
           additional sub-directory named PMDATA is created. 

               After installing PropMan or changing the CONFIG.SYS
           file, re-boot the system before running  PropMan for the
           first time.

               When you run PropMan if you get errors:

               Severe I/O error 1007
               Severe I/O error 1009
               Disk not ready 

               You most likely do not have the correct FILES=
           parameter or the PMDATA sub-directory is missing or

          Files on the disks

               Disks 1 and 2 contain the PropMan software and batch
          (.BAT) files to load it on your hard disk. Disk 1 also
          contains; REGISTER.DOC, an order form for PropMan;
          FEATURES.DOC which lists some of PropMan's features and;
          REPORTS.DOC, several sample reports.

               Disk 3 three contains documentation files and a 
          self-running demo of PropMan. MANUAL.DOC is excerpts from
          the PropMan reference manual. USRGUIDE.DOC is excerpts from
          the PropMan User Guide, a step by step tutorial manual. We
          selected the portions that would be of immediate use to a
          new user. The full manuals run close to 100 pages each.


               PropMan - residential property management software
                               309 S. Ynez Ave.
                         Monterey Park, CA 91754-3203
                                (818) 570-1071


     I am currently using PropMan:
     Serial Number              and Release      2.6     .
                   ------------              ----------

     These are shown on the PropMan System Parameters screen.

                I am not ordering at this time, but please
     -------    put me on your mailing list.

                                         Quantity       Price       Amount

     PropMan  Shareware version                     @   $12.00
                                         --------                  ---------
     Includes: Shareware version
               PropMan       (2 disks)
                       /Demo (1 disk)

     PropMan  Registered version                    @  $135.00
                                         --------                  ---------
     Includes: Registered version
               PropMan       (4 disks)
               Reference Manual
               User Guide
               90 day phone support

     California residents add  6.5% sales tax
                                  (.78, 8.78)                      ---------

                                          Total enclosed


                              PropMan Demo System  
                               309 S. Ynez Ave.
                               Monterey Park, CA

                         Sample Building(456) - Recap                6/27/88
                                 June 1988

               Income                               Disbursements
     Rents                   7,280         Operating expense        1,197
     Apt. Allowance              0         Replacements               112
     Rent Credit                 0         Deposit refunds              0
     L-M-R Used                  0         Mortgages                2,740
     Other                     135
     Deposit coll              380
                     -------------                           ------------
  Total Collections          7,795       Total Disbursements        4,049

   Total collections             7,795
   Total disbursements                        4,049
                                                         3,746 Operating Income
   Cash from reserves                0
   Cash to reserves                             570
                                                           570 To reserves
   Cash from owners                  0
   Cash to owners                             3,176
                                                         3,176 To owners
                        --------------  -----------
   Total cash available          7,795
   Total cash used                            7,795


         Deposits                  Reserves                     Mortgages
Security            8,185    General          940     1st T.D.       537,445
Pet                 1,450    Taxes          2,678     2nd T.D.        74,672
                             Insurance      3,900

L-M-R               4,850    


                              PropMan Demo System  
                               309 S. Ynez Ave.
                               Monterey Park, CA

                             Sample Building(456)                     6/27/88
                          Income by Unit  June 1988

                   <    Amounts  Due   ><   Amounts  Paid  >
                     Other     Monthly    Other      Rent     Balance   Paid
Unit ID   In/ Out                Rent                           Due      To

 Prev Bal           135.00                 135.00
                              1,560.00             1,560.00              6/30

 Deposit                                   380.00
          22                  1,610.00             1,610.00              7/21

    103                       1,500.00             1,400.00     100.00   5/31

    104                       1,410.00             1,410.00              6/30

    105                       1,500.00             1,270.00     230.00   5/31

     Scheduled rent            7,580.00
     Rent collections          7,250.00    95.6% of scheduled rent
     Apartment allowances          0.00
     Rent credit                   0.00
     Deposit collections         380.00
     Other unit collections      135.00
     Delinquent rent             330.00


                              PropMan Demo System  
                               309 S. Ynez Ave.
                               Monterey Park, CA

                       Sample Building(456) - June 1988                6/27/88
                    Income / Expense Percentage Analysis

                                               Current Month       Year to Date
      Account Name(Number)                    Amount   Prcnt      Amount   Prcnt
Gross scheduled rent                           7,580   100.0     45,480   100.0

  Rents(2510)                                  7,250    95.6     44,870    98.7
  Other(2550)                                    135     1.8        540     1.2
        Total Income                           7,385    97.4     45,410    99.8

  Water(1220)                                    240     3.2      1,112     2.4
  Rubbish removal(1310)                           80     1.1        480     1.1
  Gardening(1320                                 110     1.5        735     1.6
  Plumbing(1410)                                   0     0.0      1,487     3.3
  Electrical(1430)                               380     5.0        678     1.5
  Painting(1460)                                 286     3.8        502     1.1
  Windows/ Screens(1470)                          43     0.6        189     0.4
  Yard supplies(1480)                             58     0.7        305     0.7
  Real Estate Taxes(1610)                          0     0.0      1,883     4.1
  Building(1840)                                   0     0.0        761     1.7
  Tools(1880)                                      0     0.0        285     0.6
  Miscellaneous(1890)                            112     1.5        556     1.2
        Total expense                          1,309    17.3      8,973    19.7

Net Income                                     6,076    80.2     36,437    80.1

Other activity
  1st T.D.(2010,2110)                          2,206    29.1     13,236    29.1
  2nd T.D.(2020,2120)                            534     7.0      3,204     7.0
  Deposits, Net Received                         380     5.8        548     1.2

Net cash flow                                  3,716    49.0     20,545    45.2


                              PropMan Demo System  
                               309 S. Ynez Ave.
                               Monterey Park, CA

Prcssng Mth                Tenant Reference Listing                     6/27/88
   June                      Sample Building(456) 

Unit: 101
Tenant: Doe,          Jane

Status: Current                                      Deposit Balances
                               Date in:  9/22/82  General     :   800.00
Sched rent: 1,560.00         Lease exp:  9/30/88  Pet         :   250.00
   Due day: 1               Pay / Quit:   /  /                :     0.00
   Paid to:  6/30/88          Date out:   /  /                :     0.00
                                 Close: No        L-M-R       :     0.00

                                   Rent     Date               Phone
 Rent due:      0.00   Last:    1,420.00   6/30/87      (123) 456-7890 
Other due:      0.00   Next:        0.00    /  /

                                                    Other Occupants

Garage: A-21, A-22                             Doe,      William Jr.
Locker: A-21
   Car: 1987 Blue Chrysler, ABC-123  
      : 1984 Red Chev,  DEF-456

         < - - Tenant's Employer - - >            < - - Spouse's Employer - - >
   Name: Nice Guy,s Inc.                    Name:
Address: 1234 Main St.                   Address:
       : Somewherein, CA                        :
       :              91234                     :
       :                                        :
  Phone: (714) 555-6677                    Phone:

                               Financial History
   01/03/87   1,420.00 Rent Payment       09/01/87  1,560.00 Rent Payment 
   02/02/87   1,420.00 Rent Payment       10/05/87  1,560.00 Rent Payment 
   03/03/87   1,420.00 Rent Payment       11/03/87  1,560.00 Rent Payment 
   04/03/87   1,420.00 Rent Payment       11/03/87    250.00 Pet Deposit  
   05/01/87   1,420.00 Rent Payment       12/03/87  1,560.00 Rent Payment 
   06/03/87   1,420.00 Rent Payment       01/01/88  1,560.00 Rent Payment 
   07/01/87   1,560.00 Rent Payment       01/30/88  1,560.00 Rent Payment 
   08/03/87   1,560.00 Rent Payment       03/01/88  1,560.00 Rent Payment 
   08/06/87   1,560.00 Rent NSF           04/01/88  1,000.00 Rent Payment 
   08/06/87      50.00 Othr Assmnt        04/10/88    560.00 Rent Payment 
   08/17/87   1,560.00 Rent Payment       05/02/88  1,560.00 Rent Payment 
   08/17/87      50.00 Othr Payment       06/03/88  1,560.00 Rent Payment 


                              PropMan Demo System  
                               309 S. Ynez Ave.
                               Monterey Park, CA

Prcssng Mth                 Unit Reference Listing                     6/27/88
   June                      Sample Building(456) 

    Unit            Current Tenant            Scheduled Rent       Last Change
      101       Doe,          Jane               1,560.00            06/30/87


    Carpet  : 6/86                        Carpet tan/brown
    Disposal: 3/84                        Bath and kitch,  yellow/brown
    Dsh wshr: 3/85                        Tile entry hall
    Drapes  : Cleaned 8/87                New bath tile in 7/86
    Heater  : Wall unit
    Paint   : New 8/87                    Yard, redwood fence
    Refrig  : Tenant                      Tenant pays gardener
    Roof    : 2/82
    Stove   : Original
    Wtr Htr : Original


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1179

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

README   ONE      1137   3-18-89  12:20p
REGISTER DOC      1537   3-18-89  12:16p
INSTALL  DOC      7637   3-18-89  12:25p
FEATURES DOC      8395   2-25-89  12:25p
REPORTS  DOC      9336  11-13-88  12:03a
AB       CMP    113610   3-17-89   3:33p
CF       SYS        17   4-30-87   9:50p
PM       BAT        40   5-29-88   6:57p
PM       EXE    200272   3-06-89   1:56p
PMINS2   BAT       648   7-11-88   3:42p
PMINSTAL BAT        41   7-07-88   6:23p
FILE1179 TXT      1721   5-09-89   9:06a
GO       BAT        38   5-08-89   4:06p
GO       TXT       386   5-08-89   4:09p
       14 file(s)     344815 bytes
                        8192 bytes free