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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1166)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “POETRY GENERATOR”

POETRY GENERATOR produces original poetry effortlessly: thousands of
phrases, words, and several formats can be combined by random selection
to form thousands of different poems.  After the poem has been created,
you can save it.

The program has a vocabulary of about 20,000 words.  The words are
organized into short phrases and combined into poems of four to 12
lines.  There is very little punctuation inserted, so you can punctuate
in whatever way yields individual interpretation.  The poems do not
always make sense, but such is sometimes the nature of poetry.  In any
case, the original poetry created is entertaining.
File Descriptions:

ARCE     COM  Unarchiving program.
INSTALL  BAT  Batch file to install program to your hard disk.
POETRY   ARC  Archived file containing program files.
POETRY   BAT  Batch file starts program after installation completes.
README   1ST  Information about installing program.


                              UNUSUAL SOFTWARE

BY THE NUMBERS: Uses the philosophy of Numerology to analyze your name and
birthdate for their symbolic meaning and metaphysical vibrations. Uses Py-
thagorean system, takes name changes into account, analyzes 10 separate per-
sonality elements, provides forecast for coming year, saves readings in a
data base for future reference. Advanced version includes screen color op-
tions, file saving option, separate "Quicknum" program for short interpre-
tations using Chaldean system. Documentation included. This has been our most
popular program for over two years! (Program is ARCed.) Requires: DOS 2.0 or
later, 360K RAM, hard disk OR dual-floppy system.

CLICHE FINDER: Helps avoid the use of trite and overused words and phrases.
Checks a document for the presence of any of several hundred cliches and
produces a report. Comes with a utility program which allows you to edit the
cliche list. A must for writers! Instructions included. (Program is ARCed.)
Requires: DOS 2.0 or later, 360K.

CREATIVITY PACKAGE: A three-disk set. Disk #1 contains Thomas A. Easton's
complete book, "Think Thunder! And Unleash Your Creativity", a straight-
forward explanation of the nature of creativity and how to develop it. Disk
#2 contains the program "Thunder Thought", a proven tool for computer-aided
brainstorming, developing and refining ideas, particularly in the fields of
creative writing and inventing. (Registration includes source code for this
program in Clipper and BASIC.) Disk #3 contains "Versifier", Rosemary West's
amazing poetry writing program that works with the user's word selection to
create fascinating free-verse or haiku poetry. (Source code is not available
for VERSIFIER.) Complete documentation is included. This program was featured
in Scientific American, Analog, Pulpsmith and Factsheet Five. (Not ARCed.)
Requires: DOS 2.0 or later, 400K RAM.

CRYSTAL BALL: Based on Thomas A. Easton's article, "Psychics, Computers, and
Psychic Computers" in The Skeptical Inquirer, this program makes predictions
and answers questions, with a sometimes enigmatic style reminiscent of the
ancient Greek oracles. Subject matter may be selected by the user for predic-
tions of personal interest. Complete documentation included. (Program is
ARCed.) Version 2.1 requires: DOS 2.0 or newer, 360K RAM.

CURSES!: A humorous and creative "insult generator" with a different twist. A
single keystroke switches from insults to compliments! Phrases are randomly
generated based on your vivid vocabulary! You control the contents, so the
program can be used to generate descriptive phrases on any subject. (Program
is not ARCed.) Registration is $10.00 and includes a free copy of Bonus Disk
#2. Version 1.0 requires: DOS 2.0 or later, 360K RAM.

FORTUNE TELLER: A potpourri of divination and fortune telling techniques. Of-
fers three separate playing-card methods, dice method, short Numerology rea-
ding, and Runes. A history and explanation of each method is provided. Ad-
vanced version includes ESP test, color options. Complete documentation in-
cluded. (Program is ARCed.) Version 2.6 requires: DOS 2.0 or later, 400K RAM,
hard disk OR dual-floppy system.

GEOMANCY: An ancient system of divination, sometimes associated with black
magic, creates Astro-Geomantic chart based on user's area of inquiry. Rea-
dings can be printed or saved for later study. Provides explanation of Geo-
mantic figures and chart. Advanced version creates files which may be edited,
controls screen colors, has "boss" button. Documentation included. (Program
may be ARCed.)  Version 2.2 requires: DOS 2.0 or later, 360K RAM.

MAILLIST: Easy-to-use mailing list manager for business or personal use. Cre-
ates merge files for WordPerfect, prints labels (1-across or 3-across) and
lists, includes automatic duplicate checking, context-sensitive help, manages
up to 99 separate lists. User can change default drive for data, control
screen colors, compare two lists for similar entries, add records from one
list to another. Has context sensitive help, fields for user coding, Quick
Find feature, pop-up notepad for each record, and more. Great for small bu-
sinesses. Documentation included. Registration also includes Clipper source
code. (Program is not ARCed.) Version 4.03 requires: DOS 2.0 or later, 400K
RAM. Hard disk strongly recommended.

M-LABEL: Designed to work with the mailing lists created with MAILLIST, this
program allows complete customization of your mailing labels. You can choose
one, two, or three across, from 1 to 100 lines per label, label width from 5
to 250 characters, left margin padding, distance between labels horizontally
and vertically. You can pick exactly which information will be placed on
which line of the label. Available starting in December 1989. (Program is not
ARCed.) Registration is $10.00 to registered MAILLIST users, $39.00 to all
others. Version 1.0 requires: MAILLIST, DOS 2.0 or later, 360K RAM. Hard disk
very strongly recommended.

MAYAN CALENDAR: Uses the astrological system of the ancient Mayans to convert
a modern calendar date to its Mayan equivalent and then gives an astrological
interpretation. Easy-to-understand documentation and a history of the Mayan
calendar are included on the disk. Also allows use of Julian period dates.
Has chart of Mayan and Aztec day and month names. Advanced version includes
color options, other special features. Documentation included. (Program is
not ARCed.) Version 3.3 requires: DOS 2.0 or later, 360K RAM.

ORACLE: Offers both Tarot card and I Ching readings. I Ching uses coin-toss
or yarrow-stick method, draws hexagrams on screen. Tarot uses 10-card layout,
provides brief description and interpretation of each card. Allows user to
edit Tarot card descriptions and interpretations, select faster version of
yarrow stick technique. I Ching includes second hexagram for "moving" lines.
Documentation included. (Program is ARCed.) Version 4.3 requires: DOS 2.1 or
later, 340K RAM, hard disk OR dual-floppy system.

POETRY GENERATOR: Turn your computer into a poet! Using a 15,000-word vocabu-
lary, this program creates free-verse poems at the touch of a button. Using
the structure of actual poems as models, the program randomly combines word
and short phrases into verses four to nine lines long. The results are fas-
cinating. Some of these poems have actually been published in a national ma-
gazine! Advanced version has larger vocabulary, creates poems up to 12 lines,
includes haikus, and has options for personalized poems and printouts. In-
structions included. This program has been featured in the Los Angeles Times,
Scientific American and Writer's Digest. (Program is ARCed.) Version 2.1
requires: DOS 2.1 or later, 256K RAM, HARD DISK.

on the work and research of internationally-known psychic entertainer Richard
Webster, WAURA helps the user learn what to look for when attempting to see
the human aura. WQUICK uses a special method of Numerology, popular in Aus-
tralia and New Zealand, to give a quick but pointed personality profile. Com-
plete documentation included. Available starting in December 1989. (Program
is ARCed.) Registration is $29.00. Version 1.0 requires: DOS 2.0 or later,
360K RAM, hard disk OR dual-floppy system.

** COMING SOON **  SIMPLE MONTHLY BILLING: This is a billing program spe-
cifically designed for the small business with customers who are billed for
the same amount every month, such as gardeners, piano teachers, pool ser-
vices, membership organizations, etc. The program keeps track of the monthly
charge for each client, for up to three separate services, and also allows
insertion of "extra" charges outside the normal monthly fees. Designed for
the non-accountant, this simple, single-entry system posts the charges each
month, keeps track of each client's balance, prints statements and simple
reports. We expect to release this program in summer 1990. Registration fee
and system requirements not yet determined.

WORKBASE: Designed specifically with the professional dBase or Clipper pro-
grammer/consultant in mind, WORKBASE provides an interactive environment for
dBase/Clipper commands. Allows you to create a DBF; append, edit and browse
records; restore from and save to MEM files; display structure, and many
other commands necessary for troubleshooting sessions and customer support.
Unlike other "dot prompt" programs, this one works! Registered users may link
the OBJ file with their applications to simplify debugging and support.
(Program is not ARCed.) Registration is $49.00. Version 1.0 requires: DOS 2.0
or later, 400K RAM.

NEWSLETTER: New registration includes a four-issue subscription to our news-
letter. Unregistered users may subscribe for $5.00/four issues. Published
at irregular intervals, includes information of interest to the home computer
user, with an emphasis on assistance for beginners.

                            IMPORTANT INFORMATION

All our "Unusual Software" products are sold as shareware. This means you may
use the trial version of a program for a limited period of time to see if you
like it. If you do like the program, then you should register your use by
paying the registration fee. When you become a registered user, you receive
the most advanced version of the program, and your name is placed on a mai-
ling list to receive notices of future upgrades. Trial versions of our pro-
grams are distributed by most shareware distributors, who generally charge
between $1 and $8 per disk. (This fee is for the distribution service only;
it is not paid to us, and is not part of the registration fee.) You may also
obtain the trial version of any product by sending a double-sided, double-
density 5 1/4" diskette in a sturdy, reusable mailer with sufficient return
postage (enough postage for a four-ounce, first-class letter). (Send three
disks for Creativity Package, two for Poetry Generator; an extra stamp for
these programs.) If you don't want to bother with disks and postage, send
$5.00 for the trial version of one disk, $7.00 for two, $8.00 for three, and
$1.00 for each additional disk. The trial version is a fully-functioning
program, but in some cases may lack some of the extra features of the re-
gistered version. If you don't like the program, you are free to erase it,
throw it away, or pass it on to someone else to try. If you do like the pro-
gram and want to keep using it, send in the registration fee to get the
REGISTERED version. Of course, you are always more than welcome to order the
registered version without going through the trial version first. In a few
cases, there is no advanced version yet available, but you still must regi-
ster if you like the program. Registered users receive support by mail, a
newsletter, and future upgrade notification, as well as special discount and
bonus offers.

We also act as a distributor for a limited selection of shareware and public
domain programs from other authors. The fee paid to us for these "Bonus
Disks" is for the copying and distribution service we are providing. It is
not paid to the authors and is not part of the registration fee. See the
Bonus Disk section for details.

Before ordering any software, please read the description carefully, and pay
special attention to the system requirements. Some programs require a hard
disk, graphics capability, or additional memory that you may not have. As far
as we know, our software will run on most standard "IBM compatible" personal
computers (with the possible exception of some Tandy models). However, since
equipment options and configurations vary so greatly, we cannot guarantee
correct results for everyone. If you have a problem, please let us know. 

                               HOW TO ORDER:

REGISTRATION is $6.00 for Penname, $10.00 for Cliche Finder and Curses,
$19.00 for Crystal Ball. Registration for M-LABEL is $10 if you are a
registered MAILLIST user, $39.00 if you are not. WORKBASE registration is
$49.00, $29.00 for all others.

Take $5.00 off your registration if you send a double-sided, double-density
5 1/4" diskette in a sturdy, reusable mailer with sufficient return postage.
(For POETRY GENERATOR, send 2 disks). Postage should be the same amount
needed for a four-ounce, first-class letter. This discount does NOT apply to
CREATIVITY PACKAGE, MAILLIST, or programs with reigstration fee less than
$20.00.If you want the discount, please don't skimp on the stamps! Remember,
the mailer you use to send your disk is the same one we will use to return it
to you. If you are already a registered user of one or more products from our
"Unusual Software" catalog (not Bonus Disks), take $5.00 off your registra-
tion of any new program. This discount may not be combined with any other
discount, and does not apply TO MAILLIST, CREATIVITY PACKAGE, or programs
with registration under $20.00.)

MAILLIST and THUNDER THOUGHT (part of Creativity Package) registrations
include source code if requested. Source code is NOT provided for any other
programs. OBJ file is provided with WOKBASE registrtation. CURSES!
registration includes a free bonus disk.

BONUS DISKS: $3.00 for each disk. Add a $3.00 shipping fee to your total
order. (Shipping fee applies only when Bonus Disks are ordered.) This is not
a registration, just a copying fee. Registration goes to the individual
authors of the programs.

FOREIGN ORDERS: Please add $3.00 for special postage and handling. Unfortu-
nately, we are unable to handle foreign funds. Payment must be in U.S. dol-
lars, payable through a U.S. bank. Canadian postal money orders in U.S. funds
are acceptable. 

3 1/5" DISKS: We normally provide 5 1/4" disks. If you must have 3 /15"
disks, please include an extra $1.00 per disk. Under no circumstances will we
ship unregistered versions on 3 1/5" disks.

NOTE: Some programs are "ARCed". This means that in order to fit several
large files on a single disk, a special archiving and compressing process has
been used. The files must be un-arced before use. We provide the un-arcing
program. Some users have occasionally reported compatibility problems with
the utility used to un-arc our large files (this is rare). If you would
prefer to receive un-arced versions of the programs, enclose an extra $5.00
to cover special handling and materials.                               BONUS DISKS

We are not the authors of these programs, nor are we associated with the
authors in any way other than as a distributor of the programs in accordance
with the authors' terms of distribution. Some of these programs require a
shareware registration fee from satisfied users. Our $3.00 fee per disk is a
payment for copying and distributing the disks; it is not the registration
fee. Please direct shareware registration payments and specific questions
about these programs to the authors whose names appear in the documentation.

Most of the files on these disks have been archived in order to fit more
files on a single disk. Archiving creates a file with the extension ARC. The
ARC file may contain several related files. To use these files, you must
un-arc them. An un-archiving utility is included on each disk for your

These programs have been tested, but due to the many possible hardware and
software configurations, we cannot guarantee that any program will run on any
particular system. We do not warrant these programs in any way. If we provide
you with an unreadable disk, you may return it for a replacement copy of the
same disk. Read the file descriptions carefully; some of these programs have
special requirements.


BIORYTHM  Excellent biorhythm program
HAIKU     Offbeat "haiku" creation
JCAL7     Calculate Jewish calendar dates
PALMREAD  Cute palm reading program, requires BASIC and graphics
STONES    Teach yourself to read runes   
TVSHOW6   Very offbeat "performance art" program, requires CGA 


CRUMBLE   When you try to clear screen with CLS, it crumbles to bottom
CRYHELP   Someone is trapped inside
DAZZLER   Colorful patterns, requires EGA
DRIP      Harmless, frightening, causes words to fall apart on screen
SPLAT     Creates splash patterns, requires EGA
HIT       Duck with hammer smashes computer, requires CGA
LOVEDOS   Lovestruck computer is very uncooperative
RUDEDOS   Computer gets mean and rude
SLOD      When you press Ctrl-Alt-Del, computer goes though a "slow death"
          before reboot


CITIZEN   Set pitch and print envelopes from DOS with Citizen MSP-10/15 or
DMP140    A printer controller and spooler with many excellent features
PENNAME   Assists authors in creating character names or nom de plume
QUICK     Send Print-Screen to a file instead of the printer
SILENCER  Gets rid of those annoying beeps and toots in many applications
TELEPORT  Capture whatever appears on screen in an editable file


PCMAG    36 great hard disk utilities from PC Magazine
BAKERS   "Bakers Dozen", more than 13 excellent utilities from Buttonware


DULCIMER Electronic tuning for lap dulcimer with sheet music for several
         songs, Requires CGA
GUITAR   Learn fingering and scales on the guitar
ORIGAMI  Excellent program teaches the art of paper folding, requires CGA


Contains over 30 different sets of vocabulary lists for use with the "Thunder
Thought" portion of our "Creativity Package". Vocabularies are classified by


Great fun! Includes almanac, astronomy tables, lunar calendar, hunting &
fishing tables, metric conversion, astrology, action graphs, predictions,
assorted oracles, lotto numbers.

All prices and discounts listed in this bulletin expire 6/30/90.
                                        ORDER FORM

To: R.K. West Consulting        Your Name: ______________________________
    P.O. Box 8059
    Mission Hills, CA 91346     Address: ________________________________

    Please include your phone            ________________________________
    number in case we have a
    question about your order.  Phone:   ________________________________


______________________________  _____________   _____________   _____________

______________________________  _____________   _____________   _____________

______________________________  _____________   _____________   _____________

______________________________  _____________   _____________   _____________

______________________________  _____________   _____________   _____________

______________________________  _____________   _____________   _____________

______________________________  _____________   _____________   _____________

______________________________  _____________   _____________   _____________

______________________________  _____________   _____________   _____________

______________________________  _____________   _____________   _____________

______________________________  _____________   _____________   _____________

______________________________  _____________   _____________   _____________

Please pay by check or money order. We               SUBTOTAL:  _____________
do not recommend sending cash in the
mail. For your convenience, you may       Bonus Disk Shipping:  _____________
register by credit card through the                     $3.00
Public (Software) Library. Call 1-800-
242-4775. (This does not include Bonus       Foreign Shipping:  _____________
Disks, may involve an extra shipping fee.)              $3.00  
All prices are in U.S. Dollars.
                                                 3 1/2" Disks:  _____________
                                               $1.00 per disk

                                               TOTAL ENCLOSED:  _____________


                              IMPORTANT NOTICE

The method of providing documentation and instructions for this program has

Instead of a text file which can be displayed and printed using DOS commands
or a word processor, the documentation is now in a special program file.

You can recognize the documentation program by its name, which includes the
extension COM. For example, if you have the program BY THE NUMBERS, the
documentation program is named NUMDOC.COM. To read the manual, you would
simply enter the command:    NUMDOC

When you are reading the documentation on screen, you can scroll through the
text using the up and down arrows or the page up and page down keys. You can
search for a word or phrase by pressing F and then entering the text you want
to find. You can print the document press pressing ALT-H.


Disk No: 1166                                                           
Disk Title: Poetry Generator                                            
PC-SIG Version: S1.3                                                    
Program Title: Poetry Generator                                         
Author Version: 1.1                                                     
Author Registration: $29.00                                             
Special Requirements: Hard drive.                                       
POETRY GENERATOR produces original poetry effortlessly: thousands of    
phrases, words, and several formats can be combined by random selection 
to form thousands of different poems.  After the poem has been created, 
you can save it.                                                        
The program has a vocabulary of about 20,000 words.  The words are      
organized into short phrases and combined into poems of four to 12      
lines.  There is very little punctuation inserted, so you can punctuate 
in whatever way yields individual interpretation.  The poems do not     
always make sense, but such is sometimes the nature of poetry.  In any  
case, the original poetry created is entertaining.                      
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                <<<<  Disk No 1166 POETRY GENERATOR  >>>>                ║
║ To install the program to your hard disk, type INSTALL (press enter)    ║


ARCE Command                                          Version 3.1c
------------                                          Feb 06, 1988
Purpose:  Use ARCE to extract files from an ARC archive file.
      ARCE  [d:][path]filename.ext  [filespecs...] [d:outpath]
      The drive and path names are optional. If omitted, the  current
      drive and path name is used.
      The filename must be  supplied. The extension defaults  to ARC.
      All files matching the supplied filename are processed. The ARC
      filename may contain the * and ? wildcard characters.
      If  no  filespecs  are   supplied,  all  files  are   extracted.
      Otherwise, only those ARC members  which match one of the  up to
      16 filespecs are extracted.
      The extracted files  may be placed  on another drive,  and/or in
      another subdirectory by following the optional filespecs with  a
      drive designator and/or path name.
      If  the  file  being  extracted  already  exists,  you are asked
      whether or not you want to over-write it. You may use the |  /R
      option to bypass this prompt. Use a Y followed by the |  return
      key to over-write the file.
      Use the /Q option to suppress alarm sounds, beeps, and bells.
      Use  the  /P  option  to  write  the  extracted files to the DOS
      standard output  file. With  /P, you  may pipe  or redirect the
      output. An initial line feed  is added to the beginning  of the
      output file.
      Use the /T option to test the archive's integrity. No files will
      be extracted.
      If the file was encrypted, use the /G option to supply the  same
      password as was used to create the file, e.g. /GSECRET.
      ARCE 3.1c, Copyright (c) 1986-88, Wayne Chin and Vernon D. Buerg.
      o  Extract all file from TEST.ARC onto the current drive:
            ARCE TEST
      o  Extract only file with  an extension of .ASM from the archive
         SOURCE.ARC on drive B and in subdirectory SAVE:
            ARCE B:\SAVE\SOURCE *.ASM
      o  Extract  all  files  from  all  ARC files in the subdirectory
         called TEST on drive C:
            ARCE C:\TEST\*
      o  Extract  all  files  from  PROGA.ARC  and  place the files in
         subdirectory OLD on drive B:
            ARCE PROGA.ARC B:\OLD
      o  Extract all files with an extension of .COM and .EXE from the
         archive PROGS.ARC in directory NEW\WORK on drive B, and place
         the  them  in  subdirectory  SAVE\TEST  on  drive  A; replace
         existing file:
      o  Extract  the  file  READ.ME  from  the  archive GIZMO.ARC and
         display it on the console instead of writing it to a file:
            ARCE GIZMO READ.ME /P
      o  Same as above, except  pass the extracted READ.ME file to the
         LIST file viewer:
            ARCE GIZMO READ.ME /P | LIST /S
                      Error Messages
    'filename - premature EOF reading '
      Data  is  missing  from  the  archive  file.  The  program   is
    'filename - unable to set file datestamp'
      The file datestamp is set to the current date and time, and  the
      next archive member is processed.
    'filename - WARNING: file CRC does not match!'
      The extracted member  is left on  the output disk,  and the next
      archive member is processed.  The file is probably  invalid but
      is left on the disk for your examination.
    'Invalid filespec(s)'
      The filespec syntax is incorrect. The filename part may be from
      1  to  eight  characters,  and  may  include the ? or * wildcard
      characters. The extension may be none to three characters,  and
      may  include  wildcards.  There  is  a  maximum of 16 filespecs
      allowed. The program terminates.
    'filename - file already exists. Overwrite it? (y/N) '
      The member being extracted already  exists. If you are using  a
      data  path  utility,  the  file  may  not  actually  be  in  the
      subdirectory be used for output.  Respond with the letter Y  to
      over-write the existing  file, or respond  with the letter  N to
      skip this member and continue to the next.
    'Abort: Stack overflow'
      The member  being extracted  has invalid  data. The  program is
    'filename - invalid decode tree count'
      The member  being extracted  has invalid  data. The  program is
    'filename - new archive format 7 not yet supported'
      Format 7 is a special file compression method used internally by
      SEA,  the  authors  of  ARC. Processing continues with the next
      archive member.
    'Unable to open archive > arcname'
      The  specified  ARC   archive  file  was   not  found,  or   was
      inaccessible. The program terminates.
    'CREATE failed > filename'
      There was insufficient directory  space, or a failure  accessing
      the output disk. The program terminates.
      'Invalid archive format!'
      The archive file data is invalid. The program terminates.
    'Incorrect DOS version'
      Version  2.0  or  later  of  PC  DOS  must be used. The program
    'Not enough memory.'
      A minimum  of 112k  bytes of  memory is  required. The  program
    'I/O error reading from arcname'
      An incorrectable error occurred attempting to read data from the
      archive file. The program terminates.
    'I/O error writing or disk full > filename'
      There was not  enough disk space  to write the  complete archive
      member.  The  partially  extracted  file  is  scratched and the
      program terminates.
    'No matching file(s) found'
      No archive files were  found that matched the  supplied filename
      specifications. The program terminates.
    'filename - ERROR: invalid file codes'
      An error was detected while attempting to decode a crunched
      file. Either some data bytes are invalid, there are extra
      bytes, or there are bytes missing. The archive is invalid.
      ARCE (c) Copyright 1986-1988 by Wayne Chin and Vernon D. Buerg
      ARCE is free, but it is a copyrighted work and may be distributed
      only pursuant to this license.
      Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and disseminate ARCE so
      long as:
         (1)  No remuneration of any kind is received in exchange; and
         (2)  Distribution is without ANY modification to the contents of
              ARCE.COM and all accompanying documentation and/or support
              files, including the copyright notice and this license.
      No copy of ARCE may be distributed without including a copy of this
      Any other use is prohibited without express, written permission in
              Vernon D. Buerg
              139 White Oak Circle
              Petaluma, CA  94952
              CompuServe: 70007,1212
              Data/BBS:   707-778-8944
      For use by corporations, institutions, or for profit, contact
      System Enhancement Associates for licensing information.
                 System Enhancement Associates
                 21 New Street
                 Wayne, NJ 07470

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1166

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ARCE     COM      7128   2-06-88   1:06p
CATALOG  DOC     20518  11-17-89   9:26a
DOC      DOC       853  11-09-89  12:24p
FILE1166 TXT      1925  12-14-89   3:41p
GO       BAT        38   1-18-88   1:38p
GO       TXT       386  10-12-88   1:02p
INSTALL  BAT       380   4-28-89  10:11a
POETRY   ARC    273952  10-29-89  10:58p
README   1ST      1404  10-29-89  10:57p
        9 file(s)     306584 bytes
                       11264 bytes free