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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1153)

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Information about “MARKETPLUS DISK 1 OF 2 (ALSO 2005)”

MARKETEGA/CGA is a full-featured stock/mutual fund tracking package with
strong graphics capabilities.  It is written especially for the
individual investor to display the price action of individual stocks or
mutual funds of a portfolio with ease.  With MARKETEGA/CGA you can
easily create a database for up to 50 individual stocks or funds, and up
to 130 trading days (26 weeks) of data can be readily displayed.  You
can develop several different database files, and each file can be used
to store, print, and plot an additional 50 stocks or funds.  In
addition, historic information for your assets can be saved covering 26
weeks at a time.

MARKETEGA/CGA is completely menu-driven and fully documented.  A
powerful zoom feature allows you to concentrate on the critical days for
detailed analysis.  Easy-to-use indicators help you separate real trends
from the zig-zags.  Multiple moving averages, overbought/oversold,
universal indexes, convergence/divergence, relative strength Williams
Oscillator, trend lines, and trading bands are all supported.

MARKETEGA/CGA is an outstanding program that performs sophisticated
technical analysis on stocks, mutual funds, and commodities.


Disk No: 1153                                                           
Disk Title: MarketPLUS disk 1 of 2 (2005 also)                          
PC-SIG Version: S2                                                      
Program Title: MarketPLUS                                               
Author Version: 4.2S                                                    
Author Registration: $45.00                                             
Special Requirements: 640K RAM, and CGA or EGA.                         
MARKETEGA/CGA is a full-featured stock/mutual fund tracking package with
strong graphics capabilities.  It is written especially for the         
individual investor to display the price action of individual stocks or 
mutual funds of a portfolio with ease.  With MARKETEGA/CGA you can      
easily create a database for up to 50 individual stocks or funds, and up
to 130 trading days (26 weeks) of data can be readily displayed.  You   
can develop several different database files, and each file can be used 
to store, print, and plot an additional 50 stocks or funds.  In         
addition, historic information for your assets can be saved covering 26 
weeks at a time.                                                        
MARKETEGA/CGA is completely menu-driven and fully documented.  A        
powerful zoom feature allows you to concentrate on the critical days for
detailed analysis.  Easy-to-use indicators help you separate real trends
from the zig-zags.  Multiple moving averages, overbought/oversold,      
universal indexes, convergence/divergence, relative strength Williams   
Oscillator, trend lines, and trading bands are all supported.           
MARKETEGA/CGA is an outstanding program that performs sophisticated     
technical analysis on stocks, mutual funds, and commodities.            
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║      <<<<  Disk No 1153 MarketPLUS Disk 1 of 2 (2005 also)  >>>>        ║
║ To install MarketPlus, type INSTALL (press enter)                       ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To view information on the program, type README (press enter)           ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print the documentation, type PRINTDOC (press enter)                 ║


         ORDER  FORM  (For  credit  card orders call (713) 471 - 7998)
         (Please  check  each  item  ordered  and fill out information

         MarketPLUS (50/130 database) $85.00...................: _____
         Includes Manual, Reference card, author support, and possible

         MarketPLUS (50/540 extended database) $145.00.........: _____
         (requires   512K   min.    available  RAM)  Includes  Manual,
         Reference card, author support, and possible commissions:

         MarketTOOLS  $19.95...................................: _____
         includes documentation on disk, author support

         MarketFON  $24.95.....................................: _____
         includes documentation on disk, author support

         Subtotal of all items selected:.................... $ ____.__
         (Texas residents add 8% sales tax)................. $ ____.__
         Std. Shipping & Handling (U.S.A.).................. $    3.00
         Overseas orders add $5.00 ......................... $ ____.__

         T O T A L ......................................... $ ____.__

         Send to




         City:__________________________ State:____ Zip:_____________

         Phone #:____________________________________________________

         (If  you  are  ordering MarketPLUS 50/130 or 50/540, were you
         introduced to MarketPLUS by a registered user?  If so, please
         write  his/her  name  and  registration  number  below.   F2S
         Enterprises will send him/her a $10  check  for  making  this

         _____________________________     ____________________
               (Registered user)           (reg. no., if known)

         Please make Checks or Money order payable to:

                                F2S Enterprises
                                 P.O. Box 1011
                           La Porte, TX. 77571-1011

         If paying by credit card:

         MC ___ VISA___ Card Number__________________________________

         Name on card:_______________________________________________

         Card's expiration date: ____________________________________


                 -- Quick Documentation for MarketPLUS (tm) --

                                ( Version 1.1 )

                             FOR EVALUATION ONLY!

                               November 17, 1989

                                F2S Enterprises
                                 P.O. Box 1011
                            La Porte, Tx 77572-1011

                               (713) 471 - 7998

         Copyright  (C) 1988-89 by Mike Fox & Roy Cone with All Rights

                                C O N T E N T S

         Copyright............................................ i
         Limited Warranty..................................... i
         Acknowledgements.................................... ii
         Thanks.............................................. ii
         SHAREWARE ......................................... iii
            What is Shareware............................... iii
            Shareware Documentation......................... iii
            Shareware Program............................... iii
            Two registered versions.........................  iv
            Why Should I Register...........................  iv

         CHAPTER 1: WHAT IS MarketPLUS?..................... 1-1
            What is MarketPLUS?............................. 1-1
            A. Background / History......................... 1-2
            B. Features and Capabilities.................... 1-2
            C. System Requirements For MarketPLUS........... 1-4
                  Important considerations.................. 1-5
            D. Recommendations for Easy Use................. 1-5
                  A Few Tips................................ 1-6
            E. Usage Conventions............................ 1-6

         CHAPTER 2: INSTALLATION & SETUP.................... 2-1
            A: Installation................................. 2-1
                  Single disk drive systems................. 2-1
                  Dual floppy disk drive systems............ 2-1
                  Fixed disk systems........................ 2-2
                  A Word for Mouse Users.................... 2-3
            B: Disk Contents................................ 2-3
            C: Installation ERROR codes..................... 2-4
            D: Getting Started.............................. 2-5

         APPENDIX A: A QUICK TOUR OF MarketPLUS............. A-1
            A Quick Tour of MarketPLUS...................... A-1
            1. Main Menu.................................... A-2
            2. Tabulate / Print / Sort Prices............... A-2
            3. View / Print Graphs (or Adjust Indicators)... A-3
            4. Secondary indicator screen................... A-5
            5. The other main menu and data file maintenance
               menu options................................. A-6

         Quick Tour - Data File Maintenance
            1. Create a New File for Investment Data........ A-6
            2. Correct Prices............................... A-7
            3. Backup a File of Data........................ A-7
            4. Adjustment For Dividend, Splits or Capital
               Gains........................................ A-7
            5. Add New Investments to an Existing File...... A-7
            6. Delete an Investment From an Existing File... A-7
            7. Change Default Drive......................... A-8
            8. Return to Main Menu.......................... A-8

            Back to the Tour................................ A-8

         APPENDIX D: COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS............... D-1

         APPENDIX F: COMPANION PRODUCTS..................... F-1
            MarketPLUS (standard vers.).................... F-1
            MarketPLUS (extended vers.).................... F-1
            MarketFON...................................... F-2
            MarketTOOLS.................................... F-3

         ORDER FORM


         MarketPLUS  is  copyrighted 1988-89 by Mike Fox and Roy Cone.
         The entire contents of this  program  and  documentation  are
         included in this copyright.

         You  are  granted  a  limited  license  to make copies of the
         program  distribution  diskettes  for  the  sole  purpose  of
         evaluation.  If, after ninety (90) days, you find the program
         of value, you are expected to pay the  registration  fee  for
         either  MarketPLUS (standard version) or MarketPLUS (extended
         version). If do not find  the  program  of  value,  you  must
         discontinue using the product after the trial period. You may
         make  only  complete  copies  of  the  original  distribution
         diskettes for others, so long as no compensation is  retained
         for  this  service. Shareware librarians and diskette vendors
         must receive written permission from F2S Enterprises prior to
         charging a "distribution fee". In any case  the  fee  allowed
         will is not to exceed $6.00 per diskette.

         F2S   Enterprises   will  prosecute  any  violation  of  this
         copyright to the fullest extent of the law.

         For special requirements such as multi-user stations or  site
         licenses,  please  inquire  about our attractive site license


         F2S  Enterprises  and/or  the authors make no warranty of any
         kind, expressed or implied, for the programs supplied in this
         package, including the usefulness or fitness for a particular
         purpose or application.  F2S Enterprises and/or  the  authors
         will  not  be held liable for any damage or loss arising from
         the  use  or  misuse  of  the  program.   In  addition,   F2S
         Enterprises  and/or  the  authors will not be held liable for
         any damage to data, property, or other material assets  which
         may be caused directly or indirectly by use of the program.

         F2S Enterprises does not warrant that the functions contained
         in  the  programs  will  meet  your  requirements or that the
         operation of the programs  will  be  uninterrupted  or  error

         Neither  F2S  Enterprises  nor  the authors of MarketPLUS are
         registered  investment   advisors.    The   user   is   fully
         responsible  for  the use and interpretations of the programs
         in their investment decisions.  Gains  and  losses  can  (and
         will) possibly occur when investing in the market, using this
         or any other investment program.



         Trademarks,  such  as IBM, MICROSOFT, LOGITECH and others are
         hereby  recognized  as   trademarks   of   their   respective

         MarketPLUS   uses  QuickWindows  Advanced  window  management
         library for Microsoft QuickBASIC.  QuickWindows  Advanced  is
         copyrighted by Software Interphase, Inc.

         MarketPLUS was developed using MICROSOFT's QuickBASIC 4.0.


         We  at  F2S Enterprises would like to extend our appreciation
         to the following:

         ...   To  Don  Lambert  of  Software   Interphase   for   his
         willingness  to  help  (always seems to have a solution), and
         support for a great product - QuickWindows Advanced

         ...   To  Microsoft  for  developing  one   of   the   finest
         programming  languages  around  -  QuickBASIC  (give  us more

         ...  To Robert Navarette for helping out wherever needed  and
         keeping our spirits up all the time!

         ...   To  all  of  our  friends,  collegues  and  the Houston
         Computer Investors Association for their encouragement.

         ...  and of course, to all the users of our products who give
         us the sincerest form of compliment: supporting our  products
         and providing a wealth of new ideas!



                              WHAT IS SHAREWARE?

         Shareware is not a type of program or type of software. It is
         a method  of  marketing  commercial  software.   By  reducing
         advertising costs through this method of marketing, shareware
         is  normally much more inexpensive than software found on the
         store shelf.  As with any type of commercial software,  there
         are programs that will suit a given application and there are
         programs  that  do not. By "TRYING - BEFORE - YOU - BUY", you
         are able to determine if a program suits your needs prior  to
         purchase.  Please  remember,  by  paying  a  disk  vendor  or
         librarian a duplication fee (not to exceed $6.00 per disk  in
         this  case),you  have  paid  for the opportunity to "try" the
         program, you have not paid for continued use.   If  you  find
         that  the  program  meets  your  needs,  you  are expected to
         register for the program with F2S Enterprises. Naturally,  if
         you  are  dissatisfied  with  the  product,  you are under no
         obligation to pay for the program.  In this case, you are  to
         discontinue using the program.

                            Shareware Documentation

         While the SHAREWARE version of MarketPLUS is a complete,  and
         fully-functional  program,  this  document includes condensed
         instructions. We did not include, on disk, the chapters which
         include  illustrations.   However,  registered   users   will
         receive the complete manual,"Easy Investing With MarketPLUS",
         which includes over 110 illustrations (charts, plots, etc.).

         This  document,  however, contains all the information needed
         to get you started in using the program.   Most  all  of  the
         features of MarketPLUS are self-explanatory once installation
         is   complete.   Be  sure  to  try  out  the  QUICK  TOUR  in

                               Shareware Program

         The  shareware  version  of  MarketPLUS is identical in every
         aspect to the version that registered users receive with  the
         following exceptions:

         1.)  The  shareware  version  contains  initial   advertising
         screens  (how  else can we remind you that the program hasn't
         been paid for yet?).

         2.)  The shareware version  entitles  the  user  to  try  the
         program  for  a  period  not to exceed ninety (90)  days.

         We feel that this is a fair time period for an individual  or
         company  to  evaluate all features of the program completely.
         Once again, if one continues to use the  program  beyond  the
         ninety  day  trial period, he/she is expected to pay the full
         registration fee to F2S Enterprises.



         If  you  decide  to  register,  there  are  two  versions  of
         MarketPLUS that you may select from.   The  standard  version
         requires  only 384K of available RAM and works with most pcs.
         The standard version will allow you  to  maintain  up  to  50
         investments  and  130  data points (days,weeks,or months) per
         file. The registration fee is $85.

         For investors who have at least 512K  of  available  RAM  and
         want  to  store  more data per investment (over four times as
         much  as  the  standard  version),  an  extended  version  of
         MarketPLUS  is available. The extended version will allow one
         to maintain up to 50 investments  and  540  data  points  per
         file.  The registration fee for the extended version is $145.
         While not required, a math co-processor is highly recommended
         for use with large data files.


         Since Shareware is founded on the concept of "try before  you
         buy"  and  a product standing on its own merit, we must first
         remind you that you are absolutely under no obligation to pay
         us for the program if it does not fit your needs, or  if  you
         do  not  continue  using it beyond the trial period specified

         However, should you find the program  useful  and  decide  to
         continue  using  it,  there are a number of BENEFITS you will
         receive when paying the registration fee. These are:

         1.)  You  will  receive your own copy of MarketPLUS, granting
              you a license to use it on a continuous basis.

         2.)  At  NO  EXTRA  COST, you will AUTOMATICALLY  receive the
              version of  MarketPLUS  that  will  maintain  up  to  50
              investments PER FILE!

         3.)  You will receive your very own copy of, "EASY  INVESTING
              WITH  MarketPLUS",  the user's manual on making the most
              of using MarketPLUS.  It is a  beautifully  printed  and
              bound  190  page  manual  containing  117   step-by-step
              charts  and  illustrations.  We  even  include   a  full
              description of our data file format, should you want  to
              write your own application programs.

         4.)  You will receive a handy "Quick Reference" card.

         5.)  You  will  be  notified  of  any future versions, or new
              products  we develop.  Registered users always receive a
              discount on new versions!

         6.)  You  will  receive  a  $10  commission for EACH referred


         7.)  You will receive one year of technical support (via mail
              or telephone) on questions regarding use of the program.

         8.)  You will have a direct  line  of  input,  regarding  the
              future  of  MarketPLUS!  Suggestions  and   ideas   from
              registered  users  receive  PRIORITY  consideration when
              planning new features or improvements in our products.

         9.)  By registering, you will know that you  are  doing  your
              part  in  keeping  the  SHAREWARE  method  of  marketing
              software alive.

         10.)  You will know in your own heart that you have been fair
               with the independent  programmers  who  count  on  your
               financial  support.   You  also   encourage   continued
               development and improvement in the products we create.

         11.)  You   will  be  able  to  purchase  MarketFON  and/or
               MarketTOOLS to use with  MarketPLUS.  MarketFON  allows
               you  do  download  quotes  from  "DIAL/DATA" and update
               MarketPLUS files. MarketTOOLS provides general OFF-LINE
               utilities to manipulate MarketPLUS files easily without
               a having to use a word processor or text editor.


                        CHAPTER 1:  What is MarketPLUS?

         What is MarketPLUS?

         Welcome to MarketPLUS(tm), the complete  investment  tracking
         system,  written  for  use  with  the  IBM  PC/XT/AT/PS2  and
         compatible computers.  This software provides  versatile  and
         extremely powerful tools, enabling the individual investor to
         make  timely  investment decisions.  While MarketPLUS appears
         to be a sophisticated database for investments and prices, it
         is really quite easy to master  rapidly.   A  mouse  is  also
         supported, should you plug one in!

         MarketPLUS  is  a  full  featured  stock/mutual fund tracking
         package with strong graphics  capabilities.   It  is  written
         especially  for  the individual investor to display the price
         action of individual stocks or mutual funds  of  a  portfolio
         with ease.  With MarketPLUS, you can easily create a database
         for  up  to 5 individual stocks or funds (50 in either of the
         registered versions), and up to 130 closing prices (130 days,
         weeks, or  months  if  you  wish)  of  data  can  be  readily
         displayed.   If  you  purchase  the  50/540 extended database
         version, the maximum closing prices  is  540.  The  user  can
         develop  several  different  data files for which each can be
         used to store, print, and plot  an  additional  5  stocks  or
         funds.   In  the  same  manner, historic information for your
         assets can be saved for reference at a later date.

         MarketPLUS is easy  to  learn  and  use,  and  is  completely
         menu-driven  so  that  you  do  not have to learn complicated
         instructions, or syntax,  in  order  to  run  and  enjoy  the
         program.   At each step in the program, you will be given the
         options on how the data is to be presented.  After you choose
         how YOU want the data to be plotted, MarketPLUS will remember
         the setup mode YOU want, so to save you time at  each  review

         The program allows for easy updating of prices, adjusting for
         stock  splits  or  dividend  payments,  correction of prices,
         sorting by performance  for  tabular  reports  and  charting.
         Utilities are built in to the program to add new investments,
         delete others, and back up data files.

         While   it  is  not  required  that the user have a wealth of
         knowledge in using a computer, it  is  recommended  that  the
         user  learn  the  applications  of  the  indicators  and data
         summaries before making investment  decisions  based  on  the
         interpretations  of  the  data  provided  as  output  in this
         program. Some  of  this  information  can  be  found  in  the
         manual,"Easy Investing with MarketPLUS".

         Contrary  to  the  bold  advertising  claims  of  some  other
         programs, we guarantee this program has no "magic formula" to
         make you rich.  Yet, extremely profitable trades can and have
         been made by careful study of historic investment data.

                                     1 - 1

         We  want  to  thank the hundreds of individual investors that
         have used our previous  programs,  MarketEGA  and  MarketCGA.
         Many  of them have encouraged continuation of our work in the
         further development of this program.  We are  astonished  and
         pleased  to have users of our program from literally all over
         the world.

         A.  Background/History

         The authors developed  MarketPLUS  as  an  outgrowth  of  the
         program  "Market", written by Michael F.  Fox.  Next followed
         MarketCGA and MarketEGA.  The beginning SHAREWARE versions of
         the program are popular and found in  the  download  sections
         of  many  bulletin  boards across the country.  Now there are
         many licensed users across the country, as well as in Canada,
         Europe and Asia.

         Enhancements to the program have been suggested  by  many  of
         our  customers  and  fellow  investors.   Current coding is a
         joint effort of Michael F. Fox working with Roy T. Cone.  The
         original work has been expanded with many additional features
         in the current release.

         MarketPLUS provides a simple means of daily tracking of up to
         50  (registered  version)  mutual funds or stocks, covering a
         period of time up to 130 data points.  On a daily basis, this
         is 1/2 a year, and on a weekly basis this covers 2 1/2  years
         of  data.  With any of these programs, it is possible to keep
         up with a wide variety of equity, international,  and  sector
         funds.   Currency  or  other  investment vehicles can also be
         plotted and compared.  It  is  easy  to  compare  the  recent
         performance of any of these funds to help determine where the
         best opportunities for profit exist.

         The  simplicity  of  MarketPLUS comes from the fact that only
         one piece of data information (the closing price) is required
         for each stock or fund in the file.  While MarketPLUS is  not
         intended  to  provide  professional  forecasting of the stock
         markets, it will enable the individual investor  to  track  a
         number  of  mutual  funds  or  stocks,  so  as to help in the
         decision-making process of choosing and  switching  funds  or

         B.  Features and Capabilities (Shareware version)

         Major Features of MarketPLUS, (version 1.1) include:

         * Performs sophisticated technical analysis on stocks, mutual
           funds,   commodities,   etc.   Plots  up  to  5  individual
           investments   per   file.   Fully  menu  driven  and  fully

         * Easy to create new files that can store up to 5  individual
           investments.  New add an investment or delete an investment
           features included.

                                     1 - 2

         * Each file can maintain 130 data points of days,  weeks,  or
           months closing prices for each individual stock  or  mutual
           fund.  Easy to keep your data current.

         * Powerful  ZOOM  feature  allows  you to concentrate on the
           critical  days for detailed analysis.  Automatic scaling of
           all visual data.

         * Easy-to-use indicators help you separate real  trends  from
           the "zig-zags."  Multiple  moving  averages,  Overbought  /
           Oversold,  Universal  Indexes,  Convergence  /  Divergence,
           Relative   Strength,   Williams  Oscillator,  Trend  Lines,
           Trading Bands, Bollinger Bands and our own CGPCI Index.

         * Special "CAD-LIKE" line drawing features  let  you  quickly
           draw horizontal, vertical, sloping, or  extended  lines  to
           show support, and resistance,  etc.   You  can  even  place
           "buy" and "sell" symbols prior to making a hard copy plot.

         * Easily and quickly update the daily closing prices for each
           fund in your file.  Any price(s) input made incorrectly can
           be easily changed prior to saving the data.

         * All  stored  data  loads  at once for fast graphing and fast
           price comparisons.

         * Any file, once  loaded,  will  remain  in  memory  for  use
           continuously  with  any  option  until  another   file   is
           specified or until one exits the program.

         * Easily  correct and modify prices of stocks and funds that
           have been previously saved, make allowances for dividends /
           splits / capital gains distribution, add or delete funds or
           stocks at any time, make regular backup copies of your data
           files - ALL from the Data File Maintenance Menu.

         * Lightning-fast sorts of tabular information  available  for
           monitoring  performance on a percentage basis.  Data can be
           grouped  by  "your"  logical  order  for quick analysis and

         * Print a visual summary of the data on your screen and  your
           printer.    Daily,  weekly,  bi-weekly  and  total  percent
           changes  in  price  action  can be displayed for all stocks
           (funds) at once, and together for any comparison.

         * Easily correct or modify prices of  stocks  or  funds  that
           have been previously saved.

         * Adjust an entire stock or fund's data to reflect changes in
           capital  gains  or  dividend  payments.  This is especially
           helpful  when  analyzing  graphs,  and  is  mandatory  when
           analyzing actual price changes.

                                     1 - 3

         * Graph data by setting any  number  of  available  technical
           indicators to customize your own personal  market  tracking
           strategy.   The  graphing  features  are  the most powerful
           aspect of the MarketPLUS package.

         * Automatic vertical scaling and horizontal scaling of graphs
           to enable "zooming in" on a specific data range.

         * Backup your files of data to  save  for  future  reference.
           This  can be done as often as desired (recommended at least
           every  130  days),  to  maintain complete data libraries of
           your stock/fund histories.

         * Plot graphs on your IBM, HP Laserjet, or  Epson  (or  Epson
           compatible) printer.

         * Add  new  stocks  or funds to an existing file.  Or delete
           stocks or funds in which you no longer have an interest.

         * An outstanding investment program that  compares  favorably
           to programs  costing  several  hundreds  and  thousands  of

         C.  System Requirements for MarketPLUS

         MarketPLUS  can  be used on any IBM-PC or compatible computer
         having 640K memory installed,  including:  PC,  XT,  AT,  all
         Personal  System/2  models,  plus  any  of the other machines
         operating on MS-DOS 2.1 or later  versions.   A  minimum  CGA
         graphics  card  is all that is required (the program provides
         excellent resolution and full color brilliance to EGA or  VGA
         equipped  systems)!  CGA  systems display graphs in 640 X 200
         resolution (high resolution black  &  white).   Hercules  and
         compatible  monochrome  systems  are  not directly supported.
         However, some CGA emulation programs may allow use of the CGA
         mode.  F2S Enterprises can not make recommendations  for  CGA
         emulated applications.

         Memory  requirements  for MarketPLUS in handling 50 stocks or
         funds with the 130  points  of  data  will  require  384K  of
         available  memory.   The  program  is  fully operational with
         either fixed  or  diskette  drives.   While  one  disk  drive
         (minimum   720K   capacity)   is  required,  it  is  strongly
         recommended to utilize either two floppy  disk  drives  (360K
         minimum) or a hard disk drive due to storage requirements.

         MarketPLUS uses only standard DOS and BIOS system calls.

         The  data  printing and graphics printing modes of MarketPLUS
         requires  an  80  column  dot-matrix   printer   with   Epson
         compatible  graphics  capability or an HP Laserjet printer. A
         graphics driver is included with the program.

                                     1 - 4

         MarketPLUS can make good use of a math co-processor,  if  one
         is  installed  in  your  system.   This greatly speeds up the
         hundreds of calculations being done.  A math co-processor  is
         recommended  when  using the Bollinger Bands on the indicator

         MarketPLUS will work on any  of  the  aforementioned  systems
         equipped with the following:

             640  X  200  CGA   (Color  Graphics  Adapter)  in
                          black and white
             640  X  200  mode EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter)
             640  X  350  mode EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter)
                     or VGA  (Video Graphics Array Color Sys.)

         Important Considerations:

         While every effort has been taken by the authors  to  provide
         basic  error  handling  throughout  the  program, there could
         certainly be some areas not  included  during  beta  testing.
         Therefore, take your time when first using the program to get
         accustomed to using the various options available.

         When you first create a new data file of your stock or mutual
         funds,  you  will not be able to use the printing or graphing
         options until you have acquired at least  ten  (10)  days  of
         closing prices.  This limitation was included to avoid errors
         in calculating percentages and moving average lines.

         Always make backup copies of your data files.

         D.  Recommendations for Easy Use

         This   manual   describes   the  features  and  functions  of
         MarketPLUS.  You do  not  need  a  great  deal  of  technical
         knowledge to understand and operate MarketPLUS.  The tutorial
         section  of  this manual (Appendix-"A") walks you through the
         basic aspects of the program, from  creating  your  own  data
         base  for  your stock and mutual funds holdings, to graphing,
         printing and even editing.  All users  will  find  MarketPLUS
         easy  to understand and operate.  As a registered user of the
         program, you have the privilege of calling or writing us  for
         help  if  you  get  "stuck"  using  the  program  or have any
         questions, suggestions or comments.

         While many of our users feel that MarketPLUS does not require
         documentation to use or help  screens,  the  mere  fact  that
         MarketPLUS  is  a complete, self-contained investment package
         (complete  graphics  tools,   report   generating,   database
         management,  editing  features,  and its own database format)
         lends us to believe that this manual might come in handy!

                                     1 - 5

         A few tips:

         1.) Follow the instructions in CHAPTER  2  for  an  easy  and
         custom  installation.  It helps to know what type of graphics
         card/display combination and type  of  printer  you  will  be

         2.) Read the Appendix-"A" and try out the Quick Tour.

         3.)  Read  the  entire  manual  to  better understand how the
         program works.  You may run across a few  features  that  you
         did not expect!

         4.)  When  in  doubt, refer to the appropriate section in the
         manual for a detailed explanation.

         5.) If you have a mouse installed, be sure the  mouse  driver
         is loaded prior to running MarketPLUS.

         6.) If you want to add several days (weeks/months) of data at
         once,  especially  if  you are just beginning a data file and
         want to add data you have already collected, try  adding  the
         new  investment  using option #5 of the Data File Maintenance
         Menu  "ADD  NEW  INVESTMENTS  TO  AN  EXISTING  FILE",   then
         replacing  the  "filler"  data by using Option #2 of the Data
         File Maintenance Menu "CORRECT PRICES" until all your  prices
         are  entered.  Be certain to add the actual price variations,
         not constants, as this may cause the program to "crash".

         E.  Usage Conventions

         Certain  conventions are used in this documentation to insure
         consistency and  understanding  of  instructions.  These  are
         listed here:

         --Command symbols used in running MarketPLUS are always shown
         in  brackets < >; example: <P>.  When you use these commands,
         you do not type the brackets, only the symbol itself.

         --Phrases, numbers and words you type  in  making  files  and
         creating  a  data base for your stocks and funds are shown in
         quotes " "; example: "SP500".  Do not  type  in  the  quotes,
         only the data they enclose. Avoid using delimiters in names.

         --DOS  commands, prompts and similar on-screen information is
         shown exactly as they appear;  example:  the  DOS  prompt  is
         shown as C> or C:\>.

         --When  you  must  enter  data  you  have  typed, you will be
         instructed, Press <ENTER>.  The <ENTER> key is the large  key
         with  the  hooked arrow pointing left.  This key is sometimes
         called RETURN.

                                     1 - 6

                        CHAPTER 2: Installation & Setup

         A. Installation

         IMPORTANT: Be sure to eliminate any memory resident  programs
         prior to installation!

         The MarketPLUS installation program will allow you to perform
         the following:

         * Select a  VIDEO  DISPLAY  for  your  computer  monitor  and
         graphics card.

         * Select a PRINTER DRIVER for your computer.

         * Install MarketPLUS PROGRAM, DOCS, and SAMPLE DATA.

         * Automatically create a BATCH file for MarketPLUS.


         If  you have only one floppy disk drive, without a hard disk,
         you will not be able to use MarketPLUS as received.   If  you
         have  a  single floppy disk drive with less than 720K storage
         you will need at least a two floppy drive system.  Because of
         the size of MarketPLUS, and the required  files  to  run  the
         package, we recommend installation with systems equipped with
         two floppy drives (360K minimum) and a hard (fixed) disk.

         Should  your  system be equipped with only one disk drive and
         it's storage capacity is at least 720K,  please  contact  F2S
         Enterprises,  and  we  will be more then willing to prepare a
         custom disk for you.


         Before running the installation program,  prepare  two  blank
         formatted diskettes.  Label one "PROGRAM DISK", and the other
         "DOC/DATA DISK".

         To  format  a  disk,  first turn on your computer and boot up
         with DOS as you normally would.  Next, type  "FORMAT  A:"  at
         the DOS prompt A>, and press <ENTER>.

         Now  remove the DOS disk and place one of the blank diskettes
         into drive -A- and press <ENTER>.

                                     2 - 1

         Repeat by formatting the remaining disk, and set  both  aside
         for now.

         At  this  time,  insert "INSTALL/DOC DISK" into drive -A-. At
         the DOS prompt A> type "INSTALL" and press <ENTER>.

         The  Installation  program  will  allow  you   to   configure
         MarketPLUS   to   take  full  advantage  of  your  computer's
         hardware.   Simply  follow  the  programs  prompts,  and  the
         installation will set up the program files on one floppy disk
         and data & docs on the other floppy disk.


         Should  you  make  hardware  changes to your computer (higher
         resolution color graphics or printer), or  you  want  to  try
         another  configuration,  simply run the installation program.
         Select the "RECONFIGURE" option and select "NO" when asked to
         search for MarketCGA/EGA files.  Next, when  asked  to  place
         "PROGRAM"  disk and "INSTALL/DOC" disk in installation drive,
         select "SKIP" from the menu.  This will skip the  copying  of
         the  files,  but  will  create  a  NEW BATCH FILE in the root
         directory of the specified installation drive.

         FIXED DISK SYSTEMS (With at least One Floppy Drive):

         First insert "INSTALL/DOC" disk in drive  -A-.   At  the  DOS
         prompt A>, type "INSTALL" and press <ENTER>.

         The   installation   program  will  allow  you  to  configure
         MarketPLUS  to  take  full  advantage  of   your   computer's
         hardware.   Simply  select  the type of installation that you

         1> Install MarketPLUS Files for first time

         2> Update from MarketCGA/EGA to MarketPLUS or Reconfigure

         1 - will search drives C-F for a  "MARKET"  directory.  Then,
         prompt  you  to check for MarketCGA/EGA files and delete them
         or place  MarketPLUS  files  along  with  them  in  the  same

         2  -  will  search  Hard drives C-F for \MARKET directory and
         place the new files there.

         In addition, the file "MARKET.BAT" will be created and copied
         to the root destination drive selected. Market.bat will allow
         you to load MarketPLUS with the configuration  you  specified
         each  time  with ease.  Should you make hardware changes then
         see "Changes".

                                     2 - 2

         A Word for Mouse Users:

         EEEK  -  a  mouse! You're in luck!  MarketPLUS was written to
         take full advantage  of  a  Microsoft(tm),  Logitech(tm),  or
         compatible  mouse.  Just be sure your mouse driver is loaded
         prior to running "MARKET.BAT".  If you wish, you  may  add  a
         line  at  the  top  of "MARKET.BAT" to load your mouse driver
         automatically.  Once, again if you need help, please  do  not
         hesitate  to  contact  us.   If  you  do not own a mouse, you
         should try one out on MarketPLUS, it really peps things up!

         B: Disk Contents

         The following files are provided on your original  disks  for
         use by MarketPLUS:

                                <PROGRAM DISK>

         Name             Usage
         ----             -----

         MP.EXE           This is the main program, MarketPLUS

         MKTSETUP.50B     This file is essential to tell the
                          computer how you wish the graphical
                          information presented.  The values you
                          select of all of the indicators are
                          stored in this file.

         GRAPH.HLP        This is the help information that the
                          program calls in when you access the
                          graphing help menu.

                              <INSTALL/DOCS DISK>

         Name             Usage
         ----             -----

         SAMPLE.DAT       This is the sample data file that is
                          provided with the program for you to
                          quickly understand the operation of
                          the program. When you actually use the
                          program with your personal data, you
                          would do well to keep the data on a
                          separate floppy disk, or on your hard
                          drive, if available.

                                     2 - 3

         INSTALL.EXE      This is the MArketPLUS installation

         README.BAT       This is a batch file that presents the
                          "README.DOC" file that is included on
                          the disk. This file will outline any
                          recent changes to the program and the
                          initial instructions to get started.

         README.DOC       This file contains changes, and initial

         MANUAL.DOC       MarketPLUS documentation on disk (this file).

         PRINTDOC.BAT     Prints the MarketPLUS documentation.

         INVOICE.DOC      Order form

         ORDER-ME.BAT     Prints the order form on your printer.


         *  53  "File  Not  Found" - The installation program uses two
         Files  named  "MPFILES1.LST"  on   the   Program   disk   and
         "MPFILES2.LST"  on  the  Install/Doc  disk.  These files must
         reside on their disk in order for the  installation  to  work

         * 61 "Disk Full" - If you are installing MarketPLUS to a 360K
         Floppy  disk  then make sure there is enough space to put the
         Program Files and Docs/Sample Data on another disk!

         * 71 "Disk Not Ready" - If the Disk drive door is open, or no
         disk is in drive.

         * 72 "Disk Media Error" - If a Disk is not  formatted  or  is

         *  75  "Path/File  Access  Error"  -  If  You try to create a
         directory that already exist!

         * 76 "Path Not Found" - Trying to Install  to  a  drive  that
         does not exist.


         Now  that you have installed MarketPLUS, you are ready to get
         started. The first thing you should do at this  point  is  go
         through the QUICK TOUR located in Appendix-"A".

         After  becoming  familiar with a few of MarketPLUS's features
         during your QUICK TOUR, you are no doubt ready to create your
         own data file(s) and begin using the package  to  track  your
         own investments.

         After  you have accumulated 10 or more days (or weeks/months)
         of data for each investment or index, you  will  be  able  to
         make good use of the other features MarketPLUS has to offer.

                   APPENDIX - A: A Quick Tour of MarketPLUS

         A QUICK TOUR OF MarketPLUS

         NOTE:  - Just a quick reminder! If you have not made a backup
         copy  of  your  original  diskettes,  please  do  so   before

         Certainly  you  are  anxious  to  quickly  see some graphical
         results on your computer so to get an idea of what MarketPLUS
         can do. If you installed the MarketPLUS files on a two floppy
         disk drive system, then place the PROGRAM WORK DISK in  drive
         -A-  and  the  DATA WORK DISK in drive -B-.  If you installed
         the MarketPLUS files on a hard disk system,  place  the  DATA
         WORK  DISK  in  drive  -A-.  This  tour  will assume you have
         installed the MarketPLUS files on a hard disk, and your  DATA
         WORK DISK is drive -A-.

         At  the  DOS  prompt,  type  "MARKET"(without the quotes) and
         press  <ENTER>.   This  will  load  up  MarketPLUS  with  the
         configuration  settings you specified during the installation

         (NOTE:"MARKET.BAT" will reside in the root directory  of  the
         hard  disk  drive  partition you specified.  If you installed
         the program as a two floppy drive system,  "MARKET.BAT"  will
         reside on your PROGRAM WORK DISK.)

         After  MarketPLUS  is  loaded you will be asked to select the
         drive that stores the data.

                         Which DRIVE will store DATA?
                        Select drive with <TAB>, then..

                          A    B    C    D    E    F

                         Press <SPACEBAR> when DONE...

         Press the <TAB> key  until  the  tiny  arrow  points  to  the
         dialogue  box  labeled  "A"  ("B"  if you're using two floppy
         drives).  Now press the <SPACEBAR> to make the selection  and
         proceed  to  the  MAIN MENU (if you are using a mouse, simply
         locate the cursor in the dialogue  box  and  press  the  left
         mouse button).

         Wasn't that easy ?

                                     A - 1

         1.  MAIN MENU

         The  MAIN  MENU screen will now appear. This screen lists the
         name and version number of the program, shows  the  copyright
         notice  retained  by  the  authors,  gives the following menu

                               M A I N * M E N U

                  2.) TABULATE / PRINT / SORT PRICES
                  4.) DATA FILE MAINTENANCE
                  5.) EXIT TO DOS

         At this time pick Option #2, either by entering  a  2  or  by
         moving  the  arrow keys until Option #2 is highlighted in the
         menu.  Now press <ENTER>...  (once again. if you're  using  a
         mouse,  place  the  cursor  over Option #2 and press the left
         mouse button).


         The next  screen  gives  you  a  listing  of  all  the  files
         available on drive A:

         If  necessary,  move  the  highlight bar with the cursor keys
         until the file "SAMPLE.DAT" is highlighted.  Press <ENTER>.

         At this point the program will open the file and read in  the
         data.   After  the  file  is  loaded,  you  will see a window
         advising you that you have 130 as the last day of  data.  You
         will  have  to enter the number of the day (prior to 130) for
         the "Custom" percent change column. This feature  allows  you
         to  enter  your  own  time  frame  for  evaluating investment
         performance rankings.  Once you enter the  number  you  want,
         press <ENTER>.  You will now see a vertical column of fund or
         stock names to the left, and six more columns of numbers. The
         first column lists the individual stocks or funds in the file
         (these  happen to include mutual funds in the Fidelity family
         of funds).   The  second  through  fourth  columns  show  the
         various percent changes for the previous two weeks, while the
         fifth  column  shows  the  total percent gain or loss for the
         entire data file (the last 130 days of closing prices).   The
         sixth  column  is a "custom" sort that will allow you to view
         the percent change in performance from  the  last  day  (130)
         back  whatever  number  of  days  you  indicated  on the last

         As you can immediately see, this can be quite a valuable tool
         in comparing the recent performance of  drawing  capabilities
         for further technical analysis.

                                     A - 2

         At the bottom of the screen is the message:

                  <S>ort   <V>iew again   <P>rinter   <Q>uit

         As  you can see, the file will hold up to 50 stocks or funds.
         For longer listings, the second and third screens continue to
         show all the data.

         Well, let's sort the funds in order of the  "%  CHANGE  IN  1
         DAY."  Touch  the <S> key.  The heading "SORT" will appear at
         the top of the column.  Now touch the  <SPACEBAR>  until  the
         word "SORT" is in the "1 DAY" column, and press <ENTER>.  The
         sorting is done quickly. Now you should have a listing of the
         fund that did the best (or had the highest percent gain) over
         that  one day, down to the fund that did the worst. The names
         of the funds in descending  performance  are  listed  at  the

         Now  is the time to experiment with the sort, and move around
         and sort each of the columns and review the results.

         The <V>iew Again allows you to re-list the file's investments
         based on the last sort (if a sort was performed).

         The <Q>uit allows you to return back to the MAIN MENU if  you
         are done viewing the screen report.

         The  <P>rinter  will  print this sorted data, along with some
         other information to your printer.

         Make sure your printer is on at this  time  and  loaded  with
         some paper. When ready, press <P>...

         Almost  immediately  you  will  see the same funds printed on
         paper in compressed mode that you viewed on the  screen.   As
         you  can see, not only do all of the funds and percent values
         fit on a single sheet, but they include  the  actual  closing
         prices of each fund for the past ten trading days.

         Now you are returned to the "MAIN MENU".

         (HINT:  If  you desire several "CUSTOM" sorts, you can select
         Option #2 from the MAIN MENU again and view  this  file  over
         and  over, selecting any number of values for the custom sort


         (NOTE:  Appendix-"B"  of  the  printed  manual  includes more
         detailed  information  on   using   the   various   technical

         When ready, select Option #3 "VIEW / PRINT GRAPHS (OR  ADJUST
         INDICATORS)", and press <ENTER>.

                                     A - 3

         If you have been on this tour since the start, a small window
         will  appear  in the middle of the display and ask you if you
         wish to GRAPH / VIEW the data in the file (SAMPLE.DAT).  This
         feature allows you to continuously re-use the data in  memory
         (the current data file loaded at any given time) for all MAIN
         MENU  and all DATA FILE MAINTENANCE options if you so desire.
         For right now press <ENTER> as the default  response  is  "Y"
         for  YES. (By responding with "N" for NO, you will be able to
         load any other data file on the default drive.)

         Initially, the program will calculate the "CONE INDEX" (short
         for the Cone Group Performance Comparison  Index).  Refer  to
         Appendix-"B" for a discussion on this and other indicators.

         If  you  sorted  the current data using Option #2 of the MAIN
         MENU, you will now be asked:

                     VIEW GRAPHS BASED ON LAST SORT? <Y/N>

         Press the "N" key for NO.

         At this time, you will be asked:

                    View current graph settings <Y/N> ? (N)

         As the default response is NO by pressing <ENTER>, press  "Y"
         to  view  the  CURRENT SETTING FOR GRAPHS screen.  This tells
         you how the authors or the previous person  has  set  up  the
         graphical presentation and technical indicator configuration.
         The  purpose of this screen is to give you the full status of
         each of the features for the primary and secondary  indicator
         screens  at  a  glance. You can easily make changes from this
         screen for any or all settings.  The status of each item  can
         be  turned  "on" or "off", and changed to fit your individual
         needs.   More  on  customizing  the  output   to   fit   your
         requirements later.

         At  this  time you are probably in a hurry so simply press...

         This will accept all of the previous settings because of  the
         fact that the default setting is NO CHANGE to the setup mode.

         If the setting of COMPARE A STOCK INDEX (OR FUND) IN DISPLAY:
         was set to <YES>, then the next screen you will see will be a
         list of the funds or stocks in the file A:SAMPLE.DAT.  Select
         any  one  of  these funds to be used as an index for constant
         reference on all funds.

         After you set these to your liking, you will be asked to  set
         the starting and ending days for the graphs.

         The defaults on the starting day is day 1, so simply pressing
         <ENTER> will do the same thing as shown above.

                                     A - 4

         In  like  manner,  the default for the ending day is the last
         day for which data is available.

         (NOTE: You can select any range of data to be displayed.  The
         maximum  range being the from the first to last data point of
         data available in the file, while the minimum range being any
         ten day span.)

         You will now be asked to select the security  to  graph.  You
         can  choose  from among the stocks listed by moving the arrow
         keys up and down.  Once you settle  on  the  stock  you  want
         graphed, you can press <ENTER>.

         EUREKA!   The  graph  of the selected security appears on the
         screen (by the way, this is the PRIMARY graphing screen).

         To see the next graph in the file, press the <F5> key, or you
         can go to the first options screen by pressing the <ALT>  and
         <S>  keys at the same time.  This will bring up the screen in
         the left corner, from which you can select the Automatic Next
         screen <F5>.

         If you would like to go back to the listing of investments to
         decide which one you want graphed next,  you  can  press  the
         <F4> key.

         This  will take you back to the securities or funds listed in
         the file, which  you  may  choose  from  by  highlighting  by
         pressing  the  cursor  keys  (or mouse cursor) to move to the
         desired stock.  If you would like to exit the graphing option
         instead at this point, press the <ESC> key.  This will return
         you to the MAIN MENU.

         To exit the graph screen option normally, press <F10> or  you
         can  press  the  <ALT>  key  and <U> key to go to the utility
         screen, move the cursor key to highlight the exit option  and
         press <ENTER>.

         However, if you want to do more now...

         If  you  feel  a bit adventurous at this point, press <F1> to
         bring up the HELP screen for the pull-down menus.  After  you
         get  through  reading  any  of  the  help items, press <Q> to
         return immediately to the graph you left previously.  Try any
         of the commands you have immediate interest in.

         4.  Secondary Indicator Screen:

         In addition, MarketPLUS provides a  second  indicator  screen
         with  4 fully-adjustable indicators. If you are still viewing
         a graph, press <F3>  to  display  this  screen.   As  in  the
         primary  screen,  you will be able to access all the features
         of the pulldown menus.  For example, you can draw  lines  and
         place  points  anywhere on the graphs, print out a hard copy,
         change graph settings, etc. Because this is a test drive,  it
         is suggested that you first refer to Appendix-"B" and CHAPTER
         3 prior to using these features.

                                     A - 5

         Now press <F10> to exit back to the MAIN MENU.

         5.  The Other  MAIN  MENU  and  DATA  FILE  MAINTENANCE  MENU

         As  you have seen so far in this QUICK TOUR, there is quite a
         bit  of  performance  in  using  this  program  to  aid   the
         individual investor.

         Of  course,  you  will  want to utilize this program fully by
         creating your own DATA files (MAIN MENU Option #1 , then DATA
         FILE MAINTENANCE MENU Option #4).

         QUICK TOUR - Data File Maintenance

         Below is what the Data File Maintenance Menu looks like:

                        DATA FILE MAINTENANCE MENU

              2.) CORRECT PRICES
              3.) BACKUP A FILE OF DATA
              8.) RETURN TO MAIN MENU


         To make a new file, select Option #1.  You will  be  given  a
         list of all the files on the default drive you selected. Pick
         out a NEW file name OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON THE SCREEN. You
         can have up to eight characters as the file name.  We like to
         use the name


         so that you know that this is your very first data file.

         Once  a  new file has been entered it is immediately created.
         You will then be asked how often this file will  be  updated:
         <D>aily,  <W>eekly,  or <M>onthly.  Once you answer, you will
         be asked to select the screen title  to  BEST  describe  your

           <F> = Fund
           <S> = Stock
           <I> = Index
           <C> = Commodity
           <O> = Option

         Once  you  enter  your  choice,  the screen will ask how many
         funds you want to track (up to a maximum of 50).

                                     A - 6

         Be prepared to enter the names of all the funds you mentioned
         that you want to track (1 to 50).  Please remember that up to
         12 characters can be used as a  name  for  an  investment  or
         security.  By  creating  longer  length  names, the remaining
         characters (beyond 13) will be dropped when saving this file.
         IMPORTANT: Since MarketPLUS doesn't  include  an  editor  for
         names,  be  sure to enter your investment names correctly (as
         you want them).

         Option #2: CORRECT PRICES

         This feature on the utility menu is useful when you  discover
         that  you saved an incorrect quote on a stock or mutual fund,
         or a change in price was made (after you saved the data). You
         can use Option #2 to easily correct the price easily.

         Option #3: BACKUP A FILE OF DATA

         Keep in mind that the emphasis of MarketPLUS is to track data
         of short to medium term (130 days  or  less).  Therefore  you
         will  want  to backup your file at least every 130 days (DATA
         FILE MAINTENANCE Option #3) to review previous  trends  of  a
         given stock or mutual fund.


         Whenever  a  capital  gains  distribution or dividend payment
         will drop the listed price of the stock  or  fund,  you  will
         want   to  adjust  all  the  data  in  the  file  (DATA  FILE
         MAINTENANCE  Option  #4)  to  maintain  accurate  changes  in
         percentages,  or  strengths  /  weaknesses  indicated  on the


         When you desire to add a new stock or fund to your  file  (so
         long  as  there are under 50 stocks or funds in it), you will
         want to use DATA FILE MAINTENANCE Option #5 to add it to your
         file.  Then go back to DATA FILE MAINTENANCE Option #2 to add
         previously missed data, and it will work as if you always had
         it in  the  file.   The  program  generates  "housetop"  data
         between  1  and 1.5 to fill the file until the actual data is


         Any fund or stock in which you are no longer  interested  can
         be   removed   from  the  data  simply  by  using  DATA  FILE
         MAINTENANCE  Option  #6.   This  is  quick  and  simple   and
         instantly accomplished.

                                     A - 7

         One  word  of  caution  is  that once the data is gone, it is
         gone... FOREVER!  So be sure  that  you  really  do  want  to
         delete a stock or fund.

         Option #7: CHANGE DEFAULT DRIVE

         Option #7 allows you to change your data drive by designating
         a  new  data drive to store your information. Once a drive is
         selected, you will return to the MAIN MENU.

         Option #8: RETURN TO MAIN MENU

         Finally, if you can leave the keyboard for  awhile,  you  can
         select Option #8 to exit to DOS.  Now finish reading the rest
         of  this  book,  and  then go tell all your friends about the
         wonders of MarketPLUS!!!

         Back to the Tour...
         Let's try a couple of the Data File Maintenance options:

         First select Option #3 from the Data File  Maintenance  Menu,
         "BACKUP  A  FILE OF DATA". After pressing <ENTER> you will be
         asked if you want to backup the data  currently  loaded.   If
         the  file you have loaded is still "SAMPLE.DAT", respond with
         YES. If not, respond  with  NO  and  select  "SAMPLE.DAT"  to

         When  the  input  box  is displayed in front of you, you will
         need to enter a filename for the backup.  You must use a name
         that does not currently exist on the disk.

         Enter the name "TOUR" with  no  extension  (and  without  the

         Immediately  the  file  "TOUR.DAT" will be created and saved.
         Now you have an identical clone file to "SAMPLE.DAT"

         After returning to the Data  File  Maintenance  Menu,  select
         Option #2 "CORRECT PRICES" and press <ENTER>.

         As you will immediately see,"TOUR.DAT" is the file in memory.
         Respond with YES to the following question:

         Do you wish to EDIT the data in this file?

         Now  you  will be prompted to select a stock or fund to edit.
         Highlight the FIDELITY fund and press <ENTER>.

         The next screen displays three columns of dates and prices.

         Using any of the  cursor  movement  keys  identified  in  the
         "COMMANDS" window, select any date/price combination to edit.

                                     A - 8

         Then  press  <ENTER>.  A  small  window  in the center of the
         screen will appear and ask you to enter the correct price for
         the date specified.  After entering the  correct  price,  you
         will   have   a   chance   to  change  it  through  immediate
         verification. If the new price is correct, respond with  "Y",
         otherwise  you  can re-enter the price.  You can correct more
         prices in the file loaded, prior to saving  it.  By  pressing
         the  <ESC> key you can back out of each screen and ultimately
         abandon any changes, or you can save the file.

         Now after you return to the Data File Maintenance  Menu,  you
         can  freely  try out any of the other options (i.e., DELETE a
         file, ADJUSTMENT for stock splits, etc.).

         If  you  use  the  file "TOUR.DAT" which you have created (by
         backing up "SAMPLE.DAT") you will always have "SAMPLE.DAT" to
         make more backup files to experiment with.

         However,  if  you  are  ready to create and use your own data
         files, get started...

                                     A - 9

                   APPENDIX - "D": Commonly Asked Questions


         Some of our users  and  potential  users  of  MarketPLUS  ask
         questions  about the program and related products. Here are a
         few of them with our responses.

         Q: Why is it that MarketPLUS is so affordable?

         A:  MarketPLUS  began  as  a  Public  Domain  program  called
         "Market"  in  1986. The original program began as a "Labor of
         Love", and has been developed to its current state  with  the
         same  labor-of-love  attitude.   Since MarketPLUS is owned by
         and under the development of INDEPENDENT  programmers,  there
         is  very  little  overhead to pay (no LEAR jets or cruises to
         the Bahamas). MarketPLUS is popular on its own merits:

         * A unique database (allowing several investments in a single
           data file)

         * Low cost (well under the $300 to $2500 norm for  this  type
           of product).

         * Very easy to learn to use and maintain.

         * FAST and powerful features within the program.

         * Friendly and personalized service for our customers.

         * Doesn't require EXTERNAL programs to support (spreadsheets,
           templates, or databases)

         * Customer input is well received (and welcomed!).

         * Satisfied customers all over the world!

         Q:  How  long  will  it  take  me  to master the commands and
         features of MarketPLUS?

         A: Unlike most investment program of  this  type,  MarketPLUS
         does not require several weeks to learn to use. After reading
         this  manual  and  taking a "test-drive" using the Quick Tour
         (Appendix-"A"), you'll  be  ready  to  go.   Because  of  the
         easy-to-use  menus  and  simple commands, most users learn to
         move through the program and use most of the features  within
         a few hours after installation.

         Q:  Will I need to buy other programs to maintain and support

                                     D - 1

         A: No, MarketPLUS does not require you to purchase a separate
         database or spreadsheet program to take full advantage of the
         program.  While MarketPLUS is a self-contained program, there
         are  some  add-on  programs  you  can   purchase   from   F2S
         Enterprises,   to   simplify   the   use   of   MarketPLUS   (see
         Appendix-"F"), specifically MarketFON  and  MarketTOOLS.   An
         extended  version  of MarketPLUS (50 / 540) is also available
         for purchase as well (for  systems  with  512K  of  AVAILABLE

         Q:  Why  don't  you  include  the  ADD-ON programs within the
         MarketPLUS program?

         A: MarketPLUS, like many programs  of  its  size  uses  large
         amounts  of  the  computer's memory to speed up its functions
         and provide fast output on your display. Since  most  of  the
         utilities provided in MarketTOOLS or MarketFON do not require
         immediate  output,  we  maintain  them  as  separate programs
         (available at VERY low cost) in order to keep MarketPLUS fast
         and easy to use!

         Q: Do I need to use a mouse and printer to use the program?

         A: No, you do not need to own a mouse. While  a  mouse  is  a
         very  worthwhile  investment, and it makes using MarketPLUS a
         SNAP!, all commands are easily activated with your keyboard.

         No, you do not absolutely have to use a printer either to get
         great  benefit  from  using  MarketPLUS.  However,  making  a
         hardcopy  of  an  investment's  graph or generating a tabular
         report on paper will serve you well when referring to why you
         bought or sold a security.

         Q: Can I download data for MarketPLUS via a modem?

         A: Yes, MarketPLUS has a companion  product,  MarketFON  (see
         Appendix-"F")  which  allows  the  use of a modem to download
         quotes from a very cost effective data supply service - "DIAL
         DATA" , a division of Track Data Corp. (you must establish an
         account with Track Data Corp before using MarketFON.)

         Q: I already have some historical data that I have used  with
         another  investment program. Will you convert the data for me
         to MarketPLUS's format?

         A: No, since there are a number of data formats  around,  and
         most  require other entries (high,low,volume,etc.), we do not
         provide any conversion programs.  However , should you decide
         to write your own conversion routine, we provide you  with  a
         complete  description  and example of MarketPLUS' data format
         in Appendix-"C", as a guide for your use.

         Q: What should I do if I  get  an  error  message  using  the

                                     D - 2

         A:   MarketPLUS  is  equipped  with  a  number  of  automatic
         error-handling routines to make life easier  when  using  the
         program.   If  the  error  message  asks  you to do something
         (i.e.,  insert  the  data  disk,etc.),  simply  perform   the
         operation  and  continue.   Most  errors are due to incorrect
         installation, so take your time when starting out!

         If you can not find out why you received  an  error,  do  the

         Send  us  a  hard-copy print of the error (or error message),
         the graph settings screen, and send us the following:

         1. Version of MarketPLUS you are using.

         2. Your name and registration number.

         3. Some general information:

           a) Make & model of computer
           b) Amount of memory available (run the DOS  CHKDSK  command
              to  list  available  memory)
           c) type  of  memory  resident programs, if any, and memory
              they use.
           d) type of graphics card and  monitor
           e) type of  printer  you  are  using.
           f) description  of  problem (how it happened).
           g) can you duplicate the error?

         Q: How will I know about any future versions of MarketPLUS or
         any new companion products?

         A: By sending in your registration form, you will  be  listed
         on  our  mailing  list.  We will contact you immediately when
         new versions or new products become available.

                                     D - 3

                       APPENDIX - F:  Companion Products

                              M a r k e t P L U S

         The  complete  investment  tracking  system  for   individual
         investors.  Provides  easy  updating,  editting,  adjustment,
         printing, sorting, graphing and technical analysis tools  for
         most  any  investment application. Extremely easy to learn to
         use and maintain.  Maintain daily, weekly or monnthly closing
         prices.  Many powerful graphics tools for  zooming,  drawing,
         comparisons.    Extremely   FAST!   Includes  optional  mouse
         support, printer  support  (EPSON  /IBM  dot  matrix  and  HP

         Pick the version that's BEST for you:

         MarketPLUS (vers.1.1) - Standard Version:
         Registration fee: $ 85

         Allows the investor to maintain a database of 50  investments
         per  file  with  130 closing prices per investment.  Limit of
         data files is determined only by disk space available!

         This version requires 384K of AVAILABLE  RAM.  Comes  on  two
         disks.  Includes  technical  support, complete printed manual
         with over 100 illustrations, quick reference card.  Works  on
         CGA/EGA/VGA equipped color systems.

         MarketPLUS (vers.1.1) - Extended Version:
         Registration fee: $145

         Same as standard version, except:

         Allows  the investor to maintain a database of 50 investments
         per file  with  540  closing  prices  per  investment.   This
         extended  version  requires  512K of AVAILABLE RAM.  Includes
         same features and benefits as standard version.  NOTE: A math
         co-processor and 8 MHZ. min.  speed is highly recommended for
         making use of the larger data files.

                                     F - 1

                             M a r k e t  F  O  N

         Price: $ 24.95

         MarketFON (Version 1.0) was written to be a data  downloading
         and   conversion   program   to  be  used  specifically  with
         MarketPLUS  investment  graphics  program,  and  Track   Data
         Corporation's  Dial/Data  system  for  obtaining quotes.  You
         must have an account established with Track Data  Corporation
         to  use  this  program  at all.  Dial/Data systems was chosen
         because it is one of the least expensive quotation data bases
         available. Their data service is very good!


         * Create TICKER.TXT symbol file for data conversion.

         * Ability to EDIT the TICKER.TXT symbol file.

         * Capability to DELETE a symbol From TICKER.TXT file.

         * Download and automatically CONVERT & UPDATE data.

         * CONVERSION of Dial Data into MarketPLUS Format!

         * HISTORIC DOWNLOAD (Data for any specified number of days)

         * Make a SINGLE HISTORIC FILE for Stock, Fund, or Index.

         * APPEND Historic download information to  an  existing  .DAT

         * Configuration for Communication ports, baud rate, etc.

         * Pop-up Windows & Mouse support! (Microsoft & Logitech)

                                     F - 2

                             M a r k e t T O O L S

         Price: $ 19.95

         MarketTOOLS  (Version  1.0)  is  a  "MarketPLUS  *.DAT"  file
         utility program which gives MarketPLUS users several features
         to customize their data for specific tracking.


         * CONVERSION of MarketEGA/CGA  '*.DAT'  files  to  MarketPLUS

         * Capability to EDIT the name of a Stock/Fund.

         * CORRECT MarketPLUS heading information.

         * SHORTEN MarketPLUS files to any length!

         * REARRANGE Stocks/Funds in a MarketPLUS file.

         * SEPARATE a "Free" file for 1 Stock/Fund!

         * APPEND a "Free" file to a similar MarketPLUS file.

         * PRINT data & make data worksheets.

         * CONVERT a daily file to weekly or monthly file!

         * FILE SORT (Rearrange Stocks/Funds in MarketPLUS file)

         * Pop-up windows and Mouse support (Microsoft & Logitech)

         Now,  you - the investor are able to alter your data files to
         meet particular needs, or upgrade your old  MarketEGA/CGA  to
         MarketPLUS Format to continue tracking!

                                     F - 3

         ORDER  FORM  (For  credit  card orders call (713) 471 - 7998)
         (Please  check  each  item  ordered  and fill out information

         MarketPLUS (50/130 database) $85.00...................: _____
         Includes Manual, Reference card, author support, and possible

         MarketPLUS (50/540 extended database) $145.00.........: _____
         (requires   512K   min.    available  RAM)  Includes  Manual,
         Reference card, author support, and possible commissions:

         MarketTOOLS  $19.95...................................: _____
         includes documentation on disk, author support

         MarketFON  $24.95.....................................: _____
         includes documentation on disk, author support

         Subtotal of all items selected:.................... $ ____.__
         (Texas residents add 8% sales tax)................. $ ____.__
         Std. Shipping & Handling (U.S.A.).................. $    3.00
         Overseas orders add $5.00 ......................... $ ____.__

         T O T A L ......................................... $ ____.__

         Send to




         City:__________________________ State:____ Zip:_____________

         Phone #:____________________________________________________

         (If  you  are  ordering MarketPLUS 50/130 or 50/540, were you
         introduced to MarketPLUS by a registered user?  If so, please
         write  his/her  name  and  registration  number  below.   F2S
         Enterprises will send him/her a $10  check  for  making  this

         _____________________________     ____________________
               (Registered user)           (reg. no., if known)

         Please make Checks or Money order payable to:

                                F2S Enterprises
                                 P.O. Box 1011
                           La Porte, TX. 77571-1011

         If paying by credit card:

         MC ___ VISA___ Card Number__________________________________

         Name on card:_______________________________________________

         Card's expiration date: ____________________________________


    Thank you for trying MarketPLUS(tm), the finest investment tracking
    system available at any price. Enter one of the following to start:

    Place the disk labeled "INSTALL / DOCS" into drive -A-, then:

         1. Type "PRINTDOC" (without the quotes) and press <ENTER> to
            print the program documentation, or

         2. Type "INSTALL" (without the quotes) and press <ENTER> to
            install the MarketPLUS program files. Follow the prompts.
            (if you are not installing to a hard disk, format 2 floppy
            disks prior to installation!)

         3. If you are ready to order, type "ORDER-ME" and press <ENTER>
            to print the order form.


                             F2S Enterprises
                              P.O. Box 1011
                         La Porte, TX 77571-1011
                             (713) 471-7998

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1153

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ORDER-ME BAT       418  11-22-89   1:31a
PRINTDOC BAT       489  11-22-89   1:26a
README   BAT        32   5-21-89   2:56a
SAMPLE   DAT      5135  12-04-89  12:36a
INVOICE  DOC      2569  11-21-89   4:54p
MANUAL   DOC     78692  12-03-89  10:42p
README   DOC      1049  12-03-89  11:10p
INSTALL  EXE    104209  12-03-89   1:16a
MPFILES2 LST       108  11-22-89   1:46a
MPKILL   LST       426  11-14-89   3:07a
GO       BAT        38   1-18-88   1:38p
GO       TXT       694   1-02-90   6:43p
FILE1153 TXT      2591   1-02-90   6:03p
       13 file(s)     196450 bytes
                      117760 bytes free